Steve Jobs FBAUL seminário mestrado design de equipamento Outubro 2013

Page created by Irene Caldwell
Steve Jobs
FBAUL seminário mestrado design de equipamento
                Outubro 2013
Porquê uma aula sobre Steve
     Jobs Morreu – viva Jobs
Como soube eu que ele tinha
morrido? fui acordada por uma
repórter da TSF nessa manhã: id=2038068&page=-1 2038068&page 1
De qualquer forma a imprensa
 e o público em geral sempre
     falaram de Jobs: Há
  850.000.000 entradas no
Mas porquê dar uma aula de
        g sobre Jobs?
Vamos falar sobre o potencial Steve Jobs que
             todos temos em nós.

É a altura oportuna para falar sobre este "americano
  p     que foi adoptado
        q          p     em criançaç e cresceu em
Silicon Valley e que presseguio os seus sonhos e
acreditou sempre na sua visão: Jobs recusou-se a
encarar a tecnologia do ponto de vista dos membros do
board, dos engenheiros, dos merketiers ou sequer dos
designers, sempre soube olhar de fora, como utilizador.
Inovar implica ser-se verdadeiro consigo próprio
                                            ó     e
abraçar o desconhecido, o imprefeito, o incorrecto, o
inoportuno, e depois torna
                            lo próximo, perfeito,
correcto, oportuno... Mr. Jobs foi mais além e tornou-o
também desejado.
Passo a palavra a Jobs:
1º razão para gostarmos de Jobs

“Again, you can't connect the dots looking
forward; you can only connect them looking
backwards. SoS you have to trust that the dots
will somehow connect in your future. You
have to trust in something - your gut
                                  gut, destiny,
life, karma, whatever. This approach has
never let me down, and it has made all the
difference in my life.”
                                    Steve Jobs
1955: Jobs is born on Feb.
                           Feb 24
•   1976: Apple Computer is formed on April Fool's Day, shortly after
    Wozniak and Jobs create a new computer circuit board in a Silicon
    Valley garage. A third co-founder, Ron Wayne, leaves the company after
    less than two weeks. The Apple I computer goes on sale by the summer
    for $666.66.
•   1977: Apple is incorporated by its founders and a group of venture
    capitalists. It unveils Apple II, the first personal computer to generate
    color graphics. Revenue reaches $1 million.
•   1979 JJobs
    1979:     b visits
                   i i Xerox
                       X      P l Alto
                              Palo  Al Research
                                         R         h Center,
                                                     C       or PARC,
                                                                PARC and
                                                                       d is
    inspired by a computer with a graphical user interface.
•   1983: The Lisa computerp    ggoes on sale with much fanfare,, onlyy to be
    pulled two years later. Jobs lures John Sculley away from Pepsico Inc. to
    serve as Apple's CEO.
•   1985: Jobs and Sculley clash,
                              clash leading to JobsJobs' resignation.
                                                         resignation Wozniak also
    resigns from Apple this year.
2010 Apple sells 15 million iPad
•   1986: Jobs starts Next Inc., a new computer company making high-end
    machines for universities. He also buys Pixar from "Star Wars" creator
         g Lucas for $10 million.
•   1998: Apple returns to profitability. It shakes up personal computer
    industry in 1998 with the candy-colored, all-in-one iMac desktop, the
    original models shaped like a futuristic TV.
                                               TV Apple discontinues the
•   2001: The first iPod goes on sale, as do computers with OS X, the
    modern Mac operating system based on Next software. Apple also
    releases iTunes software.
•   2007: Apple releases its first smartphone, the iPhone. Crowds camp
    overnight at stores to be one of the first to own the new device.
2º razão para gostarmos de Jobs
Substituiu a fé nos gestores pela fé no design:
permite, por dar o exemplo, que o papel do design
se altere dentro da estrutura das empresas:
• Jonathan Ive _Senior
                  Senior Vice President of
  Industrial Design at Apple Inc.
• Mark
  M kP  Parker
            k _CEO
                 CEO da
                     d Nike
                         Nik Brand
                              B d
• Chief Bangle ex- BMW Design chief (2009)
• Mauro Porcini – IBM Conglomerate($ 27 biliões)
3º razão para gostarmos de Jobs
Sabe instrumentalizar a realidade:
A 4 regras
      g     básicas p
                    para combinar diferentes tipos
(typefaces) são:
• A família vem primeiro (The family comes first)
• Abraçar a diversidade (Embrace diversity)
• Combinar proporções similares (Combine
   similar proportions)
           p p        )
• Limitar as combinações (Limit combinations)
3º razão para gostarmos de Jobs
Sabe instrumentalizar a realidade:
A 4 regras
      g            para o sucesso do design
           básicas p                     g na
Apple são:
• A família vem primeiro (The family comes first)
• Abraçar a diversidade (Embrace diversity)
• Combinar proporções similares (Combine
  similar proportions)
          p p        )
• Limitar as combinações (Limit combinations)
4º razão para gostarmos de Jobs
Sabe o que é necessário para inovar:
“And it comes from saying
                       y g no to 1,000
                                   ,    things
                                            g to
make sure we don't get on the wrong track or try
to do too much
           much. We
                     re always thinking about new
markets we could enter, but it's only by saying no
that you can concentrate on the things that are
really important.” “And no, we don't know where it
will lead.
     lead We just know there's something much
bigger than any of us here.”
6º razão
        ã para gostarmos
                  t      de
                         d Jobs
                            J b
Faz design para as pessoas, não para utilizadores
ou comsumidores ou targets:
“As individuals, people are inherently good. I have
a somewhat more pessimistic view of people in
groups. And I remain extremely concerned when I
see what's
     what s happening in our country
                              country, which is in
many ways the luckiest place in the world. We
don't seem to be excited about making our
country a better place for our kids.”
7º razão
         ã para gostarmos
                   t      de
                          d Jobs
                             J b
Leva o design atéé à ultima consequencia:
“Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren't
used to an environment where excellence is

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