International summer school of design dessau handbook 2019

Page created by Sidney Russell
International summer school of design dessau handbook 2019
summer school
of design dessau
handbook 2019
allgemeines                                                       what is included in the ticket?
what is schaubau?
                                                                  The ticket includes material for the workshop (arduino,
schaubau is an international summer school which takes            LEDs, microelectronics), the workshop leader, breakfast and
place once a year in the heart of Dessau – the city of the        lunch, drinks, entrance to the Bauhaus and a guided tour,
Bauhaus. A design camp, which is intended for all creative        rental fee for bikes, insurances, the goodie bag and the final
students, craftsmen and -women, creators of value of all de-      party.
signing disciplines like design, architecture, fashion and art.
This year the schaubau summer school is dedicated to a            registration
typographic, technically and fashionable approach to the
100th years anniversary of the Bauhaus.                           how can i take part?
The design of signs / typography for your own jacket in com-
bination with electronic handicrafts and programming is the       On the website you can be transferred
main part of the workshop week. At night the Bitmob with          to by the ‘Book now! Button’. Here you can
the LED coats spread out into the city.                           choose between ‘student’ and ‘business’ and then book
                                                                  your ticket. If you study or work in Dessau and if you don’t
A framework programme supplies a chequered and producti-          need an accommodation you have the opportunities to
ve summer week with balmy nights in Dessau.                       choose between ‘local student’ or ‘local business’ to book
                                                                  your ticket.
topic                                                             You can also find the link to in the event on
                                                                  our Facebook-Page
what ist he topic of the schaubau
summer school?
                                                                  who can take part?
The design of signs / typography for your own jacket in com-
bination with electronic handicrafts and programming is the       Primarily, the schaubau summer school is addressed to
main part of the workshop week.                                   apprentices and students, designers, craftsmen and –wo-
                                                                  men, freelancer and employees of all creative disciplines
Due to the spread out of the Bitmob with the LED coats into
                                                                  like design, architecture, arts, music, film and urban or
the nocturnal city, community will be experienced physically
                                                                  street art.
und visually.
With bulb exposure the holographic messages of the self-de-
signed LED-jackets become visible at the first tram in the
early morning. For the workshop you‘ll need a jacket and
                                                                  how old do i need to be?
your Laptop.                                                      You need to be at least 16 years old.
design city                                                      workshop
where does the schaubau                                          which languages will we speak?
takes place?                                                     To meet the needs of all the international participants, mainly
                                                                 English will be spoken. Though language should not be exclu-
schaubau takes place in Dessau, in the VorOrt-Haus, only         sion criteria to take part at ‘schaubau’. Every languages and
five walking minutes from Dessau main railway station.           nationalities are cordially welcomed.
Dessau is located in the land of Saxony-Anhalt, in the east
of Germany.
                                                                 are there fixed times for
wie how do i get to dessau?                                      the workshop?
There is a direct train connection from the main railway         The workshop will last 3 to 5 hours every day. The starting and
stations of Berlin and of Leipzig to Dessau every hour.          finishing time will be arranged by the schaubauers considering
The trip takes about 1 hour from Leipzig and 1 and ½ hours       the expectations and team dynamics.
from Berlin.
The airports of Leipzig / Halle, Berlin-Tegel and Berlin-Schö-
nefeld can be reached from almost anywhere in the world.         what should i bring with me?
                                                                 As indicated above, you need a laptop and a jacket where you
are there parking spaces available?                              can apply your design for the workshop. If you do have a power
                                                                 bank and micro-USB wire, please bring it with you to the work-
                                                                 shop. All the other material will be available for you.
There is a limited number of parking spaces at the Vor-
Ort-Haus available. Though parking spaces can be found           So bring suitable clothes for days and nights, solid shoes,
easily in the closer environment, where cars can be parked       swimwear, a sleeping bag, hygiene products, towels and
for free for several days.                                       whatever else you’ll need. No liability will be accepted for
                                                                 loss or damages.

how will the weather be like?
                                                                 how am i insured?
In the time between the 4th and the 10th of august in 2017
and 2018 there was no rain and the temperatures were             For any kind of insurance claims the insurance of the VorOrt
inbetween 21 and 29 degrees.                                     e.V. will be liable. The insurance is included in the price of the
For this week in 2019 no rain and temperatures inbetween
23 and 27 degrees are forecasted.
is internet / wifi available?                                  what can i do after the workshops?
Free WiFi is available in the VorOrt-Haus and                  In the evenings, you can have spontaneous garden parties.
the city-center of Dessau.                                     The garden and the mobile bar (with drinks to pay by trust)
                                                               are as well as a grill and a small selection of alternative
                                                               films with a projector and a boombox available for the
leisure time                                                   schaubauers.
board and lodging                                              Smaller and bigger restaurants with regional and interna-
                                                               tional kitchen can be found in the closer environment in
The guest apartments for the schaubauers are in the            Dessau. You can finish the evenings in the nature, in bars
Kavalierstraße in the centre of Dessau with a view on the      or in the cinema.
Bauhaus museum.
                                                               The schaubau-supporter can answer further questions,
The accomodations are provided with WC and shower /            even after 6 p.m.
bathtub and rooms. Sleeping bag and towels need to be
                                                               In the goodie-bag will be also other event tips and
brought along. The accommodation is included in the price
                                                               suggestions for your leisure time.
of the ticket.
Breakfast and lunch will be offered in the VorOrt-Haus for
free. The participants can have breakfast together between
9 and 10 a.m. in the garden of the VorOrt-Haus. Free water
                                                               how much pocket money do i need?
is always available at the schaubau summer school.             You should budget with at least 8 to 10 € for one day
Breakfast, lunch and water are included in the ticket price.   in average, that can be spent on a dinner or a laid-back
                                                               evening in a bar, but that depends on your consumer
schaubau        international summer school
                of design dessau                                                                                4. — 10.8.’19
                4. august              5. august     6. august    7. august    8. august        9. august         10. august
                sunday                 monday        tuesday      wednesday    thursday         friday            saturday
9.00 – 10.00                             Breakfast    Breakfast    Breakfast    Breakfast        Breakfast         Breakfast

10.00 – 11.00                            Opening      Workshop     Workshop     Workshop         Workshop          Check–out

11.00 – 12.00

12.00 – 13.00                            Lunch        Lunch        Lunch        Lunch            Lunch

13.00 – 14.00                            Excursion    Workshop     Bauhaus      Workshop         Preperation

14.00 – 15.00

15.00 – 16.00                                                                                    Presentation

16.00 – 17.00    Check–in                Freetime     Freetime     Swim

17.00 – 18.00

18.00 – 19.00                                                                                    Party

19.00 – 20.00                                                                   Photoshooting

20.00 – 21.00

21.00 – 22.00

22.00 – 23.00


schaubau ist eine Kooperation zwischen BÜROHALLO,
dem VorOrt e.V. und der Hochschule Anhalt
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