Freezing Week Programme - 3-7 Feb 2020 School of Entrepreneurship and Business, HAMK, Finland

Page created by Marcus Gardner
Freezing Week Programme - 3-7 Feb 2020 School of Entrepreneurship and Business, HAMK, Finland
Freezing Week

        3-7 Feb 2020
        School of Entrepreneurship and
        Business, HAMK, Finland

Updated 30.1.2020/RK-A
MONDAY 3.2.2020                   TUESDAY 4.2.2020                                    WEDNESDAY 5.2.2020                     THURSDAY 6.2.2020                                               FRIDAY 7.2.2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                     SHARING & PRESENTATION ///
                   ARRIVAL DAY                      OPENING DAY                                          WORKSHOP DAY                          WORKSHOP DAY
                                                                                                                                                                                                            CLOSING DAY
                                           Registration and Info for Guests

                 Degree Programme in                                               Helping
                                         OFFICIAL OPENING of Freezing Week                         An empiric al study on                                        I m p lic at io n s o f
                  Business Information                                       businesses to find human resourc es'                                         r esp o n sib le b u sin ess fo r
                                                         2020                                                             New Trends in E-                                                         Concept approval and evaluation
                 Technology hosting on                                             out how            attitude towards                                   o p er at io n s m an agem en t
                                                                                                       manufac turing       Recruiting                   o f en t it ies in t h e c o n t ex t       Sharing our findings, concepting &
                        Monday.                                               responsible they
                                                                                                        digitalization                                     o f d ev elo p in g ec o n o m y        collecting feedback from other teams.
                                           Keynote Presentation: Consumers                                                                                                                       Reflecting the experiment and the learning
                  IT teaching in the           and responsible business                                                                                                                           experience. Rewarding the best concept

                   future: A freeform                                             Emotional
                                                                                                       Data Science                                          A workshop on
                    discussion of the                                            intelligence
                                                                                                                                                            Corporate Social
                teachers to share ideas              Coffee Break
                                                                                                                          Working with the                 Responsibility (CSR)
               and opinions of future IT                                                                                                                      for company
                                                                                    Workshop: Setting up the                 challenge
                 teaching and learning.   Keynote Presentation: “USE-LESS”                                                                                  representatives,
                                                                              assignment. Multidisciplinary Business                                                                             Closing of the Freezing Week 2020…
                                         Slow Fashion against waste and ugly                                                                                 Freezing week
                                                                               Design Workshop. Business case to be                                        guests, HAMK staff                          see you again next year!
                                                                                      released on a later date.                                               and students

                 LUNCHBREAK and                                                                                                       LUNCHBREAK and
                                             LUNCHBREAK and NETWORKING                            LUNCHBREAK and NETWORKING                                                                           LUNCHBREAK and NETWORKING

                   NETWORKING                                                                                                           NETWORKING
                                                               C o m p ar iso n o f d igit al
                  Beyond Testing -                                    lifest y le an d
                Automatically proving                       su st ain ab ilit y aw ar en ess
                programs to be correct       leadership
                                                               in d iffer en t c o u n t r ies
                                                                (fo c u ssin g o n y o u n g                                                                           Opportunity
                                                            c o n su m er s, age 1 8 u p t o                                                                              for ice
                  ARCMAP - ARCGIS                                        3 0 y ear s)
                 software workshop                           Trick or Treat:                                                                                             on Lake
                                           Responsible                                                                  Tour at the                                     Ahvenisto

                                           investment -                                                                 University                                     (guests and
                                                             Assymmetry in                       Working with the                     Working with the
                 User Story Mapping:      profit or loss?                                                                 Centre                                           staff)
                                                            Online Marketing                       Challenge             (guests)       Challenge
                Overview and Exercise
                                                     Coffee Break

                  Business Analytics,    Team building for the Freezing Week
                   Data Warehouse

                                                                                                                                      Guided tour in Häme Castle 17:00 for
                                                                                                                                                 guests & staff
               Get together 18:00 in
                                                                                                                                       Informal farewell party in Häme
 Evening       Wisahovi for guests &
                                                                                                                                                 Castle 18:00
Monday 3.2.2020
Degree Programme in Business Information Technology hosting on Monday.
9:00-12:00        IT teaching in the future: A freeform discussion of the teachers to share ideas and opinions of future IT
                  teaching and learning.
                  Building C, room 222

12:00-13:00       Lunch break

13:00-13:40       Beyond Testing - Automatically proving programs to be correct, Andreas Schäfer, Technische Hochschule
                  Building C, room 338

13:40-14:20       ARCMAP - ARCGIS software workshop, Helmuth Arias Goméz, Professor, University The College of Business
                  Building C, room 338

14:20-14:30       Break

14:30-15:15       User Story Mapping: Overview and Exercise, André Schekelmann, Niederrhein University of Applied Science
                  Building C, room 338

15:15-16:00       Business Analytics, Data Warehouse, Tobias Hagen, Offenburg University of Applied Sciences
                  Building C, room 338
Tuesday 4.2.2020
8:30-9:00     Registration and info for Guests
              University Centre, Vankanlähde 9, Hämeenlinna, Building C, lobby

9:00-9:30     OFFICIAL OPENING of Freezing Week 2020
              Kati Heikkinen, Head of International Affairs, HAMK International, Building C, Auditorium A+B+C

9:30-10:30    Consumers and responsible business, Jack Tillotson, Senior Lecturer, HAMK, DP International

              Building C, Auditorium A+B+C

10:30-11:00   Coffee break

11:00-12:00   “USE-LESS” Slow Fashion against waste and ugly clothes, Prof. Martina Glomb, Studiengang
              Modedesign, Hochschule Hannover, Germany
              Building C, Auditorium A+B+C

12:00-13:00   Lunch break
Tuesday 4.2.2020
13:00-14:00   Responsible leadership, Juraj Cheben, Assistant professor and business manager, University college of
              Business in Prague
              Building C, Auditorium A

13:00-14:00   Comparison of digital lifestyle and sustainability awareness in different countries (focussing on young
              consumers, age 18 up to 30 years). Doris Kortus-Schultes, Professor, Niederrhein University of Applied
              Building C, Auditorium B+C

14:10-15:10   Responsible investment - profit or loss? Anja Wittstock, Professor, University of Applied Sciences Mainz

              Building C, Auditorium A

14:10-15:10   Trick or Treat: Information Assymmetry in Online Marketing, Katarzyna Sanak-Kosmowska,
              Assistant Professor, Cracow University of Economics
              Building C, Auditorium B+C

15:10-15:30   Coffee break

15:30-16:30   Team building for the Freezing Week challenge, Sarah Keeler, Lecturer, Niederrhein University of
              Applied Sciences and Jack Tillotson, Senior Lecturer, HAMK
              Building C, Auditorium B+C
Wednesday 5.2.2020
9:00-10:00    Helping businesses to find out how responsible they are, Gabrijela Velickovic, Head of Marketing and Management
              Department, Lecturer in Economics and Jelena Stanojevic, Lecturer of Economics, International Business College
              Building C, Auditorium B+C

9:00-10:00    An empirical study on human resources' attitude towards manufacturing digitalization, Nataliya Koleva, PhD, Technical
              University of Sofia
              Building C, Auditorium A

10:05-11:05   Emotional intelligence, Dr. Ben Palmer, BAppSci (Hons) PhD, Chief Executive Officer, Genos International
              Building C, Auditorium B+C

10:05-11:05   Data Science, Kristof Nuyts, Lecturer, Thomas More Kempen
              Building C, Auditorium A

11:20-12:20   Workshop, Freezing Week Challenge: Setting up assignment
              Building C, Auditorium B+C

12:20-13:15   Lunch break

13:15-17:00   Working with Freezing Week Challenge
              Building C + N + D + E
Thursday 6.2.2020
9:00-10:00    New Trends in E-Recruiting, Wilhelm Muelder, Assosciate Professor, Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences
              Building C, Auditorium B+C

9:00-10:00    Implications of responsible business for operations management of entities in the context of developing
              economy, Aibek Sagynayev, Senior Lecturer, M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University
              Building C, Auditorium A

10:00-13:00   A workshop on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for company representatives, Freezing week guests,
              HAMK staff and students (please find the description on the next page), Martin Wenke, Senior Lecturer,
              Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, Sabine Hoffmann, Marie Peskova Brechbühler,

              Iris Humala, HAMK
              Building D, room 217-218

10:00-12:15   Working with Freezing Week Challenge
              Building C + N + D + E

12:15-13:15   Lunch break

13:15-15:30   Working with Freezing Week Challenge
              Building C + N + D + E

15:30-17:00   Freezing Week Challenge: Pitching of the concepts, selection of finalists of the challenge
              Building C + N + D + E
Thursday 6.2.2020
A workshop on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for company representatives, Freezing week guests, HAMK staff and students

Thursday, February 6, 2020 at 10:00-13:00

Facilitator of the workshop: Professor Martin Wenke, Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, NUAS (Germany)

•   The target of the workshop is to get the participants familiar with the CSR topic and change their thoughts together with other participants of the workshop

•   The workshop is based on the common CSR online teaching module together with three Universities of Applied Sciences - Bern University of Applied Sciences,
    BUAS (Switzerland), Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, NUAS (Germany), and Häme University of Applied Sciences, HAMK (Finland)

•   The workshop starts with four introductions on the key themes in the CSR module:
       •   Strategic CSR/ PhD Iris Humala (HAMK)

       •   CSR Management/Professor Martin Wenke (NUAS)
       •   Consumer Behavior/Professor Marie Brechbühler Peskova (BUAS)
       •   Collaboration and communication in the digital age/Expert in media didactics Sabine Hoffmann (NUAS)

After the introductions, the workshop continues with discussions in small groups.
Contents to be discussed in groups: CSR pushed by businesses or pulled by customers/consumer, and what might be nudges/incentives/regulations?
…best in mixed groups of lecturers/students/business representatives

To cluster the results of the groups in a digital format, the participants should bring their own devices (laptop, tablets etc.). A digital tool called Padlet will be used to visualize
the group results. Padlet is an Internet board in the form of a pin board, where posts can be collected and distributed online (a video on Padlet for more information:

Finally, the groups will introduce their contributions followed by a common discussion on the CSR topic.
Friday 7.2.2020

9:00-11:00         Freezing Week Challenge: Presentations of finalists, collecting feedback. Rewarding the best concept

                   Building C, Auditorium B

         Closing of the Freezing Week 2020… see you again next year!

12:00-13:00        Lunch
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