St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL

Page created by Phillip Tate
St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL
St. Thomas of Villanova
A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL
St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL
Parish Information
                                                                                  PARISH OFFICE
             MASS SCHEDULE
                                                                  1201 E Anderson Drive, Pala ne, IL 60074
   Visit for registra on.
                                                            Phone: 847-358-6999; Fax: 847-934-4919;
           By appointment only.                                                  Parish Office Hours:
                                                                            CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE
                                                         Rev. Kris Janczak, Pastor              
                                                         Rev. Marcin Zasada, Associate Pastor   
NEW PARISHIONERS: All are welcome!                       Deacon John Breit, Business Manager    
Visit our website to download               Deacon Tom Dunne, Minister of Care     
our registra on form or call the Parish Office             Jeff Walczynski, High School Youth Dir. 
for more informa on about our Parish.                    Jeanne Slatkay, Music Director         
                                                         Suzie Walczynski, Bulle n Editor/Outreach
BAPTISM: Visit our website                  Sheila O’Shea, Admin. Assistant        
to fill out a request form for a bap sm or call
the Parish Office for more informa on.
                                                         Ann Duffey, Admin. Assistant            

MARRIAGE: Arrangements for the                                                      STV SCHOOL
celebra on of marriage should be made at                             1141 E Anderson Drive, Pala ne, IL 60074
least six (6) months prior to your planned                  Phone: 847-358-2110; FAX: 847-776-1435;
wedding date. Call Deacon Tom Dunne for
more informa on.                                 Mary Brinkman, Principal                       
                                                 Stephanie Hardy, Assistant Principal           
BECOMING A CATHOLIC: Our RCIA (Rite              Alice Scardina, Admin. Assistant               
of Chris an Ini a on of Adults) Process is for
adults who were never bap zed in any faith,                                 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION
who were bap zed in another Chris an faith                               1141 E Anderson Drive, Pala ne, IL 60074
but wish to become Catholic or who were
                                                                          Phone: 847-358-2386;
bap zed Catholics but never received the
Sacraments of Confirma on and Eucharist.          Owen Walsh, Religious Ed Director              
Contact the Parish Office for more info.
                                                 Lisa Lechowicz, Religious Ed Asst. Director    
COMMUNION FOR HOMEBOUND:                                  __________________________________________________
No ministers are allowed to bring communion
to the homebound at this me.
                                                                     Priests                                  Pastoral Council
Parish Office to add your name to the sick list.             Rev. Kris Janczak, Pastor                     Pam Maloney, Co-Chairperson
Due to pa ent privacy (HIPAA Law,) only the           Rev. Marcin Zasada, Assoc. Pastor                   Barb Howell, Co-Chairperson
ailing person, or in case of their incapacita-       Msgr. John Canary, Weekend Assoc.                        Deacon John Breit
 on, the person delegated for the medical            Rev. Tom Rzepiela, Pastor Emeritus                         Lexine Cramm
care, can add their name to the sick list.            Rev. Ray Yadron, Pastor Emeritus                           Ann Johnson
                                                                                                              Norbert Krogstad
PRAYERS FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL:                             Permanent Deacons                                   Steve Lundell
Contact the Parish Office to add a name of                      Deacon John Breit                                   Gay Sladky
someone serving in the military, so our faith                                                                Rev. Marcin Zasada
                                                             Deacon Mark Duffey
community can pray for their safety and
service.                                                     Deacon Tom Dunne
                                                            Deacon Bill Karstenson
FUNERALS: Please contact our Parish Office                    Deacon Len Marturano
for more informa on to plan a funeral service.                Deacon Rich Willer

                                                 Bulle n deadlines: Ar cles for the bulle n are due on Fridays—9 days before publica on date.

St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL
Worship at STV
     All who wish to a end Weekend Mass will be required to sign-up.
                             NO WALK-INS, PLEASE!
Signup to a end weekend Mass will open on Thursday mornings at
9:00am. Look for a Flocknote with the link to signup for Mass or signup on
our website:—under the Reopening tab.                                        We are aware of the concern with the
• Each individual person wishing to a end Mass must be registered.                        cases of COVID-19, especially in the
• If you (or if you know someone) are not able to register online due to a                states that are currently on a
    lack of computer / internet access, please call the parish by 5pm on                  quaran ne list for our area.
    Friday at 847-358-6999 . Someone will get back to you and help you
    register, if spots are available.                                                         STATES NOT ON QUARANTINE
• Pre-Mass registra on is needed for contact tracing if someone gets sick.                    Arkansas             Missouri
    A endance records will be destroyed every 14 days.                                          Hawaii             Nebraska
                                                                                                Idaho               Nevada
• Seats will be sani zed before each Mass.                                                     Indiana           North Dakota
• Masks must be worn and social distancing will be observed at all mes in                     Louisiana            Oregon
                                                                                                Maine             Puerto Rico
    the Church and building.                                                                  Maryland               Texas
 NOTE: While we are excited to resume public Mass, the Archdiocesan dispensa on               Michigan           Washington
 for Spiritual Communion remains. There is no Sunday Mass a endance requirement               Minnesota         Washington D.C.
 at this me. If you feel sick, State and Archdiocese guidelines ask that you remain at        Mississippi          Wisconsin
 home. If you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, please do not feel an obliga on to join
 us physically in the church. If you are considered part of the 'vulnerable popula on',      ALL other states are currently on
 we welcome you to join us IF you are comfortable to do so. We desire to be reunited             quaran ne for our area.
 with you, but we understand the seriousness of COVID-19.
                                                                                          We ask that if you have traveled for
WEEKDAY MASS                                                                              more than 24 hours in any quaran ned
                                                                                          state, please refrain from a ending any
Every Tuesday & Thursday - 8:00am
                                                                                          liturgies at St. Thomas of Villanova for
Come celebrate Mass and receive the Eucharist with us! No pre-registra on
                                                                                          10 days out of cau on and compassion
is required for weekday Mass. However, you will need to sign in upon arrival.             for your fellow parishioners.
PLEASE arrive early to allow enough me. Doors will open at 7:40am. The
doors will be closed once Mass begins, so please don't be late.                           We want to reiterate that we con nue
                                                                                          to do all that we can to follow the
ADORATION                                                                                 guidelines provided by the Archdiocese
Join us each Wednesday from 6pm - 7pm in church for silent prayer before                  of Chicago to keep you as healthy as we
                                                                                          can when you come to St. Thomas of
the Holy Eucharist. Just like daily Mass, no pre-registra on will be required.
                                                                                          Villanova to worship. Adhering to these
However, you will need to sign-in when you arrive. You are invited to come
                                                                                          prac ces has been extremely helpful
pray for the en re hour or just a li le while - whatever fits your schedule.               thus far. We have worked so hard to
                                                                                          make our Church a safe place to pray in
OTHER SERVICES                                                                            the midst of this pandemic.
Reconcilia on is available by appointment. Leave a voicemail message at the
Parish Office - 847-358-6999 and one of the priests will return your call. We               Remember, too, that the Archdiocesan
con nue to celebrate Bap sms, wedding and funeral Masses.                                 dispensa on for Spiritual Communion
                                                                                          remains. There is no Sunday Mass
                                                                                          a endance requirement at this me.
If you would like to have a Mass celebrated in honor or memory of someone,                Together, let us pray for a swi end to
please either call 847-358-6999 or email Dona ons                    the coronavirus pandemic that afflicts
can be mailed to our Parish (1201 E. Anderson Dr, Pala ne, IL 60074) or                   our world, that our God and Father will
dropped in the offertory box, if you a end Mass. If you are reques ng a                    heal the sick, strengthen those who care
par cular date, please contact us at least 2 weeks prior to the date of the               for them, and help us all to persevere in
inten on. Thank you.                                                                      faith. Amen.

St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL
Parish News & Events

Want the latest news from
St. Thomas of Villanova?

  Looking for the link to
   register for Masses?

Sign up for Flocknotes!
 It's our way to stay connected
  during these changing mes.

For ques ons or more informa on about
 Flocknote, email

    Please visit our
    for reopening
  informa on and
registra on for Mass
 and other services.

                                        VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO KEEP OUR CHURCH OPEN
                                        The number of Masses and services we can offer and the number of people
                                        allowed in church will be directly ed to how many volunteers will be availa-
        Like us on                      ble to set-up, greet/usher and clean-up before and a er each service.

        Facebook!                       Currently, our greatest need is for volunteers on the Gree ng team: Must
    Saint Thomas of                     be 18 -65 years old OR fully vaccinated, if over age 65.
Villanova Parish- STOV                          To volunteer or receive more informa on about volunteering, email:
St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL
Parish News & Events
Derek Oliver, a parishioner of St. Thomas of Villanova Parish, is scheduled to be
ordained to the Order of Deacon on May 8, 2021. This is a public announcement of
the upcoming ordina on and fulfills the canonical requirement. Catholics are obliged
to reveal any concerns, impediments or circumstances that could prevent Derek
Oliver from receiving Sacred Orders and should contact the pastor or the Cardinal
with such informa on as soon as possible if there is a serious ques on about the
candidate’s suitability for ordained ministry.

       The Institute for Diaconal Studies (IDS) invites all men who feel the gentle nudge of the Holy
     Spirit to attend an Exploring the Diaconate session. It is a time to pray, discuss, and learn more
     about the discernment process and the formation program that aspirants and candidates pursue.
      Please join us, with your wives, if married, as we explore the potential of a vocation, engage in
        dialogue and pray in search of the next step. All are welcome to attend any of the sessions.

                         Thursday Evenings: March 4, 11, 18, 25; April 8, 15, 22, 29
                                7:30-8:30 pm via Zoom—RSVP REQUIRED
                    Contact S. Caroline Onuoha, DMMM 847-837-4563 or

                  For more information contact Deacon Bob Puhala, or 847.837.4564 or visit
                  us at Application Deadline for the 2021–2022 Aspirancy Path is June 1, 2021.

St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL
Parish News & Events
This Easter, our Parish will be providing gi cards to local families in need (based on the number of
people per household). These families will then be able to shop for their own Easter meal plus other
necessi es they may need.

How can you help?
If you would like to donate money to STV Ministry of Care to help fund this program, we will
graciously accept your dona on through 3/30/2021. Please do not purchase gi cards. We have specific cards
designated for these families from our ShopWithScript program. You can donate:
        1. On-line at on/418/event/29598
        2. In person, if you a end Mass
        3. By mail to STV at 1201 E Anderson Drive, Pala ne, IL 60074
Please be sure to mark your envelope and check with "Easter Blessings Program." THANK YOU for your generosity!

As Easter approaches, we invite you to help decorate our Worship area with a dona on using your
EASTER FLOWER ENVELOPE found in your sacrificial giving packet. If you wish to remember loved ones,
living or deceased, you MUST write the names of your loved ones on your Easter Flower envelope
and either drop the envelope in the collec on bins, if you a end Mass or mail the envelope to
our Parish Office: 1201 E Anderson Drive, Pala ne, IL 60074.

For some, dona ng through GiveCentral may be an easier and faster
means to share your Easter Flower remembrance. Just visit which has
an Easter Flower fund already set up. There is even a field labeled “In Memory of or in Honor of” for you to list the
names of those you wish to donate the flowers for.
Dona ons due: Wednesday, March 31 to be printed in the April 11th—Divine Mercy Sunday bulle n.

Thank you for sharing your treasure to pay our Parish Family’s bills. Your generous Easter dona on will
help us meet our financial obliga ons for this financial year, allowing us to provide our Parish Families
with Ministries and other essen al services. We respec ully ask you, if at all possible, to give a gi of
 $175.00 as your 2021 Easter Gi to your Parish Family. If you can give more in the “name” of
Parishioners who can’t, thank you! Whatever you give, please do so in praise and in thanks to God for
the gi of our Savior, Jesus Christ! Thank you, Parish Stewards!
- Parish Finance Committee

To meet our publisher's deadlines, bulle n submissions are due as follows:
    •   All bulle n submissions for the MARCH 28 issue need to be submi ed on or before Monday, MARCH 15.
    •   All bulle n submissions for the ARPIL 4 issue need to be submi ed on or before Monday, MARCH 22.

St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL
                       (7/1/2020—6/30/2021)                                       2020 TAX DONATION
  Date   Weekend             On-Line        Weekly          Over / Under                STATEMENTS
         Collec on           Giving          Total      Budget: $19,230.00   Thank you for your generous dona ons
                                                                             during 2020! To help you prepare for
Feb 7    $ 13,650.00     $ 4,276.00       $ 17,926.00        ($ 1,304.00)    your taxes, 2020 dona on statements are
Feb 14   $ 11,713.00     $ 3,721.00       $ 15,434.00        ($ 3,796.00)    now available. To receive your statement,
                                                                             please either call the Parish Office at 847-
Feb 21   $ 12,884.00     $ 5,441.00       $ 18,325.00        ($ 905.00)      358-6999 and leave a message or email
Feb 28   $ 13,658.00     $ 3,641.00       $ 17,299.00        ($ 1,931.00)    your request to: and
                                                                             put "2020 Statement" in the subject line.
                                                                             Thank you again for your con nued
                   YTD Totals                                                support to St. Thomas of Villanova Parish
                YTD Budget             $ 673,050.00                               _________________________

                YTD Actual             $ 677,159.66
                                                                               SACRIFICIAL GIVING
                Over / (Under)           $ 4,109.66
                                                                             DURING OUR REOPENING
                                                                              PLEASE CONTINUE YOUR
                                                                             SUPPORT FOR OUR CHURCH!
                                                                             Our weekend collec ons are vital to pro-
                                                                             vide the income which pays our Parish
                                                                             Family’s opera onal expenses and the
                                                                             salaries of our STV staff. We definitely
                                                                             need and appreciate your sacrificial offer-
                                                                             ings. Here are various ways to contribute:

                                                                             1.   If you a end Mass, place your
                                                                                  dona on in the offertory basket or
                                                                                  box at the church entrance or exit.
                                                                             2.   Sign up online using GiveCentral.
                                                                                  • Click “FIND YOUR CHARITY”
                                                                                  • Type St. Thomas of Villanova in the
                                                                                     search box and click on our picture.
                                                                                  • Choose a fund to donate, and
                                                                                     follow the steps to donate.
                                                                                  • Look for a confirma on email from
                                                                             3.   Use the Archdiocese of Chicago
                                                                                  Universal Offertory Program online.
                                                                                  Visit our website: and
                                                                                  click on the GIVING PAGE to find this
                                                                                  link. If you do choose to donate
                                                                                  through this universal program,
                                                                                  please be sure to select "St. Thomas
                                                                                  of Villanova" to credit your gi .
                                                                             4.   Mail your sacrificial offering envelope
                                                                                  directly to our Parish Office:
                                                                                          1201 E Anderson Dr
                                                                                           Pala ne, IL 60074
                                                                                             THANK YOU!

St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL
Lent 2021

We celebrate our 3rd Sunday of Lent and are almost midway through Lent. It is a reminder to persist in our penance,
sacrifice and good works in prepara on of the promise of Easter and the resurrec on of our Lord, Jesus Christ. May we
con nue to spend our Lenten days growing closer and walking with our Savior.

         ♦ FASTING: On Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, those who are 18 but not yet 60 are allowed only
           one full meal. Two smaller meals are allowed as needed, but ea ng solid foods between meals is
           not permi ed.
         ♦ ABSTINENCE FROM MEAT: Those who are 14 years of age or older are to abstain from meat on
           Ash Wednesday and all the Fridays of Lent.

     •   2021 LENTEN ALMSGIVING Please see page 11 for this year's Lenten Almsgiving informa             on.

     •   THE LITTLE BLACK BOOK This Lenten book is available OUTSIDE our church's circular drive under
         the canopy. Just drive up or walk to pick up a book for your family. The book has been carefully cra -
         ed to help you explore the depths of Scripture and deepen your rela onship with Christ. Perfect for
         personal devo onal me. Spend some quiet me with the Lord this Lent. Free will offering.

     •   STATIONS OF THE CROSS We will be offering bilingual Sta ons of the Cross on Friday evenings in
         March at 6:00 pm in Church. (March 12, 19 and 26.) Registra on is required. We will post the signup
         for the each Sta ons of the Cross in our usual Thursday Flocknotes.

          ♦ 8:00am Weekday Mass Tuesdays & Thursdays. No registra on required.
          ♦ Eucharis c Adora on Every Wednesday, 6pm—7pm. No registra on required.

     •   LENTEN MISSION Msgr. Canary's three night Lenten Mission starts Sunday, March 7—Tuesday,
         March 9 at 7:00 pm in church. Registra on is required if you are a ending in-person. The mission will
         also be live-streamed for those unable to a end in person. (See flyer on page 9 for more informa on!)

     •   LENTEN CONFESSIONS            During Lent, many wish to receive the Sacrament of Reconcilia on. On
         Sunday, March 21 from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm, we will be offering the opportunity for you to receive this
         healing Sacrament. Registra on will be required. See page 10 for more informa on on this event. If
         you would like to schedule a private confession, please call the parish office at 847-358-6999 or send an
         email to asking for a priest to call or email you back to arrange a me for your

St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL
Lent 2021

                     7:00 pm

The livestream link is also available on our website.

St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL
Lent 2021

During Lent, we have the opportunity to reconcile with the Lord and our neighbor and be ready to celebrate the
pascal mystery with renewed hearts. We are offering the opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconcilia on on:

                          SUNDAY, MARCH 21, 2021
                  BY RESERVATION ONLY! No walk-ins allowed.
                                  Visit our website (
                          to sign up star ng Tuesday, March 9 at 9:00am.
       We are trying to accommodate as many people as possible, while s ll following the COVID-19 guidelines.
    Please respect the following process which has been carefully laid out for you to receive this healing Sacrament.

General Informa on
•    Everyone must wear a mask at all mes over the mouth and nose and maintain proper social distancing. Face shields are
     not allowed.
•    Each penitent must sign up for a 10 minute slot. (Signup at
•    There will be 12 bilingual (English & Polish speaking) priests available to hear confessions.
•    You will not be able to request a par cular priest.
•    We will be u lizing both the church and the Rowley Ac vity Center (gym) for confession sta ons.
•    Please be on me. We will not be able to accommodate late arrivals.
•    If you arrive early, please wait in your car un l your appointed me. We do not have space inside for wai ng.
•    Enter through the Gathering Area doors.
•    Please wait pa ently for the volunteer to greet you and verify that you:
          have a reserva on, are wearing a mask, are not ill and haven't been exposed to COVID-19 in 14 days.
•    A er you check-in, another volunteer will ask you to sani ze your hands and direct you to the next available priest.

•    We ask you to simply state your sins. The priest will not be able to provide spiritual direc on at this me.
•    When you are finished confessing, you will be directed to the nearest exit. Unfortunately, there will be no me or place
     for penance or addi onal prayer. Please take care of your penance a er you leave the building.

      Remember, you can s ll call the Parish Office at 847-358-6999, or send an e-mail to
                        asking for a priest to call or email you back to arrange confession.
Lent 2021

Our Weekly Prayers
                                                                                 FOR OUR SICK
                                              MaryAnn Acton               Judy Gott              Harold Lewis             Dick Samojla
                                               Barbara Amato         Edward Grygowski             Alan Loden              Jane Samojla
       MASS INTENTIONS                          Lisa Antonelli          Janet Hedrick           Ron Magnuson             Shirley Serena
Monday, March 8                                 Baby Aubrey              David Hicks           Alexa Rae Mang             Virgilio So o
                                              Helene Behrman           Barbara Kerlin          Elayne Maruska           Kris na Sromek
8:00am All Who Are Sick                         Alex Bingham              Mary King         Baby Benjamin Mauro        Richard Steelman
Tuesday, March 9                            Catherine Brodnam           Roswitha Kist         Brunilda Melendez        Joseph Suchowski
                                                Carmen Cline         Mary Alice Kobler          Joanne Moser            JoAnn Swanson
8:00am  Evelyn Clark                            Jason Dean             Susan Kordell             Paul Moser              Robert Szo
Wednesday, March 10                             Dan DeGroot               Frank Koss             Jeff Moskala             Sharon Tadsen
                                                   Nona Dix             Don Krawzak              Lana Murley              Jack Treanor
8:00am All Military Personnel
                                             Jeanne Formanski          James LaCapra            Earl F. Nicholas      Alfreda Wasilewska
Thursday, March 11                             Jaime Forseth            Louis LaCapra        Baby David Paprocki        Luke Wilberding
                                              Steve Fortunski          Sue Langowski              Amie Parisi          Susan Wilberding
8:00am  James Garofalo                            Bill Gerl             Gene Lazich            Larry Peterson        Deacon Rich Willer
         Angelo & Madeline Garofalo            Phil Gerould        Mary Margaret Lazich        Emily Piscitelli         Fr. Ray Yadron
         Bernard & Florence Bi ner            Tommy Glaser             Robert C. Lee             Jean Pope            Charmaine Zuchel
                                                Grace Gorska              John Lenz             Brad Rohrssen             Erin Zwadoo
Friday, March 12
8:00am Inten on for Pamela Hope
Saturday, March 13                                                    IN SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY
5:00pm  Diane Leo                         Lord, bless the men and women of our military as they answer the call to serve our na on and
                                           defend our freedom. Protect and heal them-- body, soul, mind and spirit--especially those in
Sunday, March 14                           harm's way. Most of all let them know your love; that you are with them, and that you will
7:30am Mass—POLISH                         never forsake or abandon them. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen.
9:00am  David Sladky
                                           U.S. Air Force                   •   MAJ Jon Meier
         Sally Hake                       • A1C Arick Duffey                •   CWO2 Timothy O’Cain          U.S. Navy
         Bea Garvin                       • MSGT Dan Fialek                •   CPT James Ruetsche, Ranger   •  LT Jeremy Adams
                                           • MSGT Ma hew Grelck                                              •  LCDR Kevin Brandwein
         Isabel del Mar
                                           • Lt Col Ross A. Mol             U.S. Coast Guard                 •  CMDR John-Paul Falardeau
         Magdaleno del Mar, Sr.           • SrA Joshua Olszak              •  CPO Nick Gaines               •  CAPT Jason Haen
         Rev. Bob Palen                   • MAJ Ma hew Walz                •  LT Kevin O’Brien              •  PO3 Caleb Harrington
                                                                                                             •  PO2 David Holley
         Caroline Sullivan                U.S. Army                        U.S. Marine Corps                •  PO1 Konrad Otachel
11:00am Mass—POLISH                        •  Lt. Col Bernade e O'Shea      •  LCpl Nicholas G. Dean         •  AP James Steininger
                                              Bland                         •  WO2 Thomas Grygowski
                                           • SFC Brian J. Dankowski         •  SGT Cameron Miller            And all those serving in the
                                           • SPC Jack Davis                 •  SGT Kyle Rich                 Middle East.
                                           • SSG Christopher M. Fedrick     •  CAPT Jake Schlenbecker


Mon: 2 Kgs 5:1-15b; Ps 42:2, 3; 43:3, 4;                            FOR ALL CLERGY IN FORMATION
     Lk 4:24-30
                                           •   Pray for all Transi onal Deacons and Seminarians as they con nue their priestly
Tue: Dn 3:25, 34-43; Ps 25:4-5ab, 6-7bc,
                                               forma on, especially: Deacon Andy Ma jevic and AJ Sales.
     8-9; Mt. 18:21-35
                                           •   Pray for Derek Oliver and his wife Jola during his 4th and final year of forma on
Wed: Dt 4:1, 5-9; Ps 147:12-13, 15-16,
                                               to become a Permanent Deacon.
     19-20; Mt 5:17-19
Thu: Jer 7:23-28; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9;
     Lk 11:14-23                                         Don't Forget...
Fri: Hos 14:2-10; Ps 81:6c-11ab, 14, 17;
     Mk 12:28-34
Sat: Hos 6:1-6; Ps 51:3-4, 18-21ab;
     Lk 18:9-14                                                                        SUNDAY, MARCH 14
Sun: 2 Chr 36:14-16, 19-23; Ps 137:1-6;
     Eph 2:4-10; Jn 3:14-21

Informacje po polsku
                                          III NIEDZIELA WIELKIEGO POSTU – Świątynia, a nie targowisko
Świątynia oznacza miejsce spotkania człowieka z Bogiem. Powinna być wolna od wszelkich ludzkich interesów. Jezus wskazuje w ten sposób, jak
ważna jest czystość wiary. Tymczasem dramatem współczesnego człowieka jest to, że bardzo często czyni targowiskiem własne serce i sumienie.
Człowiek gubi się, żyjąc jedynie własnymi interesami. Gubi się, kiedy w jego życiu wszystko staje się ważniejsze od Boga. Jezus pokazuje nam ró-
wnież, że On sam jest nową świątynią. Prowadzi nas w ten sposób do tajemnicy zmartwychwstania. Dlatego praca nad własnym sumieniem jest
ciągłą drogą paschalną, drogą do nawrócenia i życia…

                                                 STACJA II – Jezus przyjmuje krzyż                 cierpieniem – nie przestaje pocieszać.
                                                 Jezus dobrowolnie przyjmuje na siebie ciężar      Przyszedł na ziemię, by więźniów wypuścić
                                                 win całej ludzkości, by każdy człowiek mógł w     wolno, a niewidomym przynieść przejrzenie.
                                                 Nim odnaleźć wybawiciela w ucisku. On stał się
                                                 sługą dla nas – niewdzięcznych i złych. Z         STACJA IX – Trzeci upadek Jezusa
                                                 miłością obejmuje drzewo hańby, które uczyni      Trzeci upadek Jezusa na krzyżowej drodze jest
                                                 drzewem życia.                                    najcięższy ze wszystkich. Król nieba i ziemi
                                                                                                   doświadcza ciemności, opuszczenia,
                                                STACJA III – Pierwszy upadek Jezusa                bezsilności… Jednak znając cel swojego cier-
                                                Syn Boży zdruzgotany cierpieniem i uderzenia-      pienia, pozostaje niezachwiany – pragnie ra-
                                                mi, wycieńczony, upada na samym początku           tować człowieka.
                                                drogi, by każdy człowiek mógł znaleźć w Nim
                                                pokrzepienie w przeciwnościach losu. On ‘leczy STACJA X – Obnażenie Jezusa
                                                złamanych na duchu i przewiązuje ich rany’ (Ps Brutalnie zrywają z Jezusa przyschnięte szaty,
                                                147, 3).                                           zadając Mu nowe cierpienia. Znosi je w
                                                                                                   milczeniu, gdyż miłuje. Doświadcza bolesnego
                                                STACJA IV – Spotkanie Jezusa z Matką               wstydu obnażenia na oczach wielu, by nas
                                                Matka spotyka swego umiłowanego Syna w             wyzwolić od zamiaru ukrywania przed Nim
                                                drodze na Golgotę. Wymieniają jedynie              naszych win.
                                                spojrzenia pełne bólu i miłości – słowa są za
                                                małe… Matka koi twój ból. Wnosi w twoje            STACJA XI – Ukrzyżowanie Jezusa
  Wejdź z Nim w dialog serca. Rozważania do                                                        Cichy Baranek przybity do drzewa krzyża to
                                                serce światło nadziei, abyś nie rozpaczał, lecz
                 drogi krzyżowej                                                                   twój Odkupiciel, w którym zawsze zaznasz
                                                wierzył, że Pan cię przeprowadzi zwycięsko
                                                przez ciemności krzyża.                            ratunku i miłosierdzia. Składaj w Jego ranach
By zrozumieć miłość, którą rozlała się przez
                                                                                                   wszystko, czego się wstydzisz, co chciałbyś
krzyż, idź śladami Mistrza. Droga krzyżowa to
                                                STACJA V – Pomoc Cyrenejczyka                      wykreślić ze swojej historii. W nich szukaj uko-
droga nadziei. Przejdź ją z Nim, a staniesz się
                                                Zbawiciel, skrajnie wyczerpany, potrzebował        jenia w trudzie ziemskiej wędrówki.
mocny[a] wiarą, nadzieją i miłością.
                                                pomocy w niesieniu krzyża. On jest blisko nas,
                                                gotowy stale nam pomagać. Zna nasze                STACJA XII – Śmierć Jezusa
Droga krzyżowa to droga nadziei. Ten, kto
                                                słabości, wie  o naszym   poniżeniu  przez grzech, Niewinny Jezus oddaje życie na drzewie krzyża,
przechodzi śladami Mistrza, odzyskuje ufność.
                                                zna rany, które   nas osłabiają…  Jezus jest przy  by zrodzić do życia wielu.Umarł za ciebie na
Odkrywa, że w każdym jego połamaniu to-
                                                tobie.                                             krzyżu, gdy byłeś jeszcze daleko od Niego.
warzyszy mu Pan, który pierwszy pozwolił
                                                                                                   Wciąż zazdrośnie cię broni, wyrywa z mocy
zmiażdżyć się cierpieniem. Jezus stał się
                                                STACJA VI – Weronika ociera twarz Jezusa           Szatana. Daje ci siłę do życia w łasce.
niepodobny do człowieka, by człowiek odzyskał
                                                Weronika dostrzegła Jezusa, który nie
podobieństwo do Boga utracone przez grzech.
                                                zachwycał wyglądem. Poruszona Jego cierpie- STACJA XIII – Zdjęcie Jezusa z krzyża
                                                                                                   Oto Boży Baranek zdjęty z krzyża zostaje
Kontempluj Jego rany, bolesne upadki, wchodź niem z odwagą wybiegła Mu naprzeciw.
                                                                                                   złożony w ramionach Matki. Ta łzami boleści
w dialog serca z Tym, który ze względu na cie- Przyniosła Mu ulgę, ocierając Jego twarz. Kiedy
                                                nie uciekamy    przed bliźnimi, lecz wychodzimy    opłakuje swojego Jedynaka. Dopełnia ofiarę
bie stał się niepodobny do człowieka.
                                                im naprzeciw i okazujemy miłosierdzie, przyno- krzyża swoim cierpieniem. Zdruzgotany cierpie-
Przejdź z Nim drogę krzyżową, a staniesz się    simy ulgę samemu Jezusowi.                         niem Jezus – wraz ze swoją Matką Maryją –
mocny wiarą, nadzieją i miłością. W ranach                                                         jest blisko ciebie, gdy doświadczasz bólu, sam-
Jezusa jest twoje zdrowie i życie. On cię nie   STACJA VII – Drugi upadek Jezusa                   otności, życiowych utrapień.
zostawi. Do końca będzie o ciebie walczył, by   Jezus upada po raz drugi na swojej krzyżowej
                                                                                                   STACJA XIV – Złożenie Jezusa do grobu
cię przekonać, kim dla Niego jesteś, i wprowa- drodze. Nie tylko rozumie, ale i dźwiga tych,
                                                których dotyka ból upadku. Jest nadzieją dla       Jezu, dziękuję, że stałeś się jednym z nas, bo
dzić w bramy swego królestwa.
                                                pozbawionych nadziei, przekreślonych. On z         zapragnąłeś przemienić nas w siebie.
STACJA I – Sąd nad Jezusem                      nikogo nie rezygnuje. Nikomu nie mówi: Nic z       Pochowano Cię między bezbożnymi, byśmy w
Jezus zostaje niesprawiedliwie osądzony, by     ciebie nie będzie.                                 Tobie mogli powstać do życia w obfitości.
człowiek mógł znaleźć w Nim obrońcę przed                                                          Wyzwalasz nas z więzów śmierci.
jedynym oskarżycielem – diabłem. Dotkliwie      STACJA   VIII – Jezus pociesza  płaczące
cierpi, stojąc przed tłumem krzyczącym na       niewiasty
dziedzińcu Piłata: ‘Ukrzyżuj! Uwolnij Baraba-   Niewiasty jerozolimskie na widok Jezusa wy-
sza!’. Osłania nas pokornym milczeniem.         buchają płaczem. On – chociaż zmiażdżony

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