St. Simon the Apostle Parish - 2 Taylors Lane, Rowville 3178 - St Simon's Parish

Page created by Frank Cobb
St. Simon the Apostle Parish - 2 Taylors Lane, Rowville 3178 - St Simon's Parish
St. Simon the Apostle Parish
                                                    2 Taylors Lane, Rowville 3178
                                         Office Hours: Monday to Friday 10.00am - 4.00pm
                                        (03) 9764 4058 

Parish Personnel                               June 13, 2021 - 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr Kevin Dillon                        A total of 161,073 AusNet
Mobile: 0421 777 360                   customers were without power
Email:      at 5.30am on Thursday as well as
PASTORAL ASSOCIATE                     11,792 customers with United
Mrs Abbie Ferdinands (Mon, Wed, Fri)   Energy, 458 with Powercor and 810
                                       with Jemena.
BUSINESS & OFFICE MANAGER              An AusNet spokesperson said they
Mr Peter Evans (Mon - Thu)             did not expect power to be restored
SAFETY OFFICER                         in some homes until much later
Mrs Julie Ashman (Mon, Wed, Fri)       on Thursday.
CHILD SAFEGUARDING                     “Severe weather has caused power
Ms Delisa Gonsalves                    outages across the state. A large
                                       number of our customers are             It happens again… and again… and again. It
(by appointment)
                                       without power and are unlikely          might be a bushfire. It might be a flood.
SECRETARY                              to have power restored until late       It might be a storm. It might be a major road
Mrs Felicia Ahumada (Mon - Wed)
Mrs Anabel Acosta-Harvey (Thu - Fri)   tomorrow,” they said. “Keep away        accident.
                                       from fallen power lines and assume
ST. SIMON’S SCHOOL PRINCIPAL           any wires are live.”                    But whatever it is, you can be sure that the
Mr Tom Wursthorn: 9755 4222            In the past 12 hours there have been    ever-reliable “ambos”, “fireys”, police and
NAZARETH COLLEGE PRINCIPAL             2915 SES call outs across Victoria,     a great variety of skilled and wonderful
Mr Sam Cosentino: 9795 8100            with 2376 of those for fallen trees     people will be there to make things safe,
AFTER SCHOOL REL. PROGRAM              and 393 for building damage.            clear the roads, bind the wounds and look
Mrs. Rosetta Scheepers:                At 1am the Lilydale SES unit in         after the damaged people and property.
0408 884 867                           Melbourne’s east was forced
                                       to “cease all non urgent operations”    Many of them are “professionals”. They are
MASS TIMES                             due to high demand for help. The
Sun: 7.30am, 9.00am & 11.00am                                                  highly-trained, and do what they do for
Mon & Public Holidays: 10.00am
                                       unit has responded to 463 call-outs     a living. That they are remunerated (they
Tues - Fri: 9.15am                     overnight.                              certainly deserve to be!) in no way detracts
Sat: 9.15am, 6.00pm                    Mount William in the Grampians
                                       recorded the strongest wind gust
                                                                               from their commitment, their dedication, and,
(See page 2 for full details)                                                  always there when it’s needed, their courage.
                                       in the state at 115km/h, while
RECONCILIATION                         111km/h gusts lashed the coast
Sat: 9.45am
                                       at Wilsons Promontory and
                                                                               Standing and working along side them
ONLINE MASS TIMES                      Puckapunyal, and 104km/h winds          hundreds, thousands of equally dedicated
Sun live from Sat 6.00pm               hit Kilmore Gap.                        and committed volunteers. They sacrifice
Mon & Public Holidays from 10am        In Melbourne, 91km/h gusts caused       their holidays, time with their families, wages
Tues - Fri from 9:15am                 massive waves to hit St Kilda           from their “usual” job, and will set off, day or
MASS ON RADIO                          harbour, with 87km/h and 85km/h         night, to help people who may well be total
Mass from St. Simon’s is broadcast     winds howling through Moorabbin         strangers and whom they will never see
on: 89.9 FM The Light                  and Melbourne airports.                 again.
at: 7am Sundays                        The Department of Transport urged
                                       Victorian drivers not to travel         Both groups, the “professionals” and the
Contact Parish Office                  unless it was absolutely necessary      volunteers, are on the job again following
                                       after hundreds of roads were            the    high   winds    and       pelting  rain
ANOINTING OF THE SICK                  affected by flooding and fallen trees
By private arrangement with
                                                                               of Wednesday and Thursday. Out of bed in
                                       overnight.                              the middle of the night, calling the boss to
Fr Kevin (0421 777 360)                Motorists were especially advised       say they wouldn't be in today, taking a
PARISH COUNCIL                         to avoid the Yarra Ranges and
                                                                               second or even third shift - all because they
parishcouncil                          Dandenong Ranges, with multiple                 trees down across roads and power       were needed and they’re putting others first.
Currently due to COVID                                                         Hopefully we really do appreciate these
Restrictions PARISH HALL                   “Nine News”, Thurs. June 10         extraordinary people who consistently put
is not available for Hire.                                                     our needs and our safety before their own.
HIRE                                                                           Over the next few days (or maybe weeks), as
Please Contact Parish Office                                                   we watch the clean-up on TV newscasts,
ST VINCENT DE PAUL HELPLINE                                                    a “Thank You” prayer for them all would be
1800 305 330                                                                   well-deserved.
St. Simon the Apostle Parish - 2 Taylors Lane, Rowville 3178 - St Simon's Parish
Rosters for weekend of 19th & 20th June 2021
Mass Recorder                   1) Alden D'Couto | 2) Fiona Gonsalvez                   Homily Typist:            Sonya Rose’meyer

          All other Roster duties will be noticed as COVID-19 Restrictions are lifted.

MASS THIS WEEK AT ST. SIMON’S                                           MAY THEY REST IN PEACE
Within the current COVID regulations, it is essential to :              We pray for the repose of the souls of:
1. Book in via the Parish Website for Friday and Weekend                Recent Deaths: Malcom Austin
Masses. (
                                                                        Anniversaries: Rita Mayadunne, Daniel Lylak,
2. Wear a mask at all times, indoors and outdoors.                                     Meredith Family.
3. Register your attendance via QR code upon arrival.                   ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……

                                                                        THIS WEEK’S REFLECTION
                  MASS TIMES:
                                                                        WISDOM FOR LIVING (Faith Development Team)
Sat., June 12: 9.15am (Sunday liturgy will be used
at the Sat. 9.15am Mass until numbers greater than                      We pray "Thy Kingdom come..." Yes God's kingdom is
                                                                        gently evolving, emerging, it's among us. it's within us.
50 can be accommodated in the church),                                  It takes time, patience and trust. Prob 3:5 says "Trust
and also 4.30pm, 6.00pm (Sat. Vigil Masses).                            in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your
                                                                        own understanding."
Sun., June 13: 7.30am, 9.00am, 11.,00am
                                                                        The famous passage by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J.
Mon. June 14:          10.00am (Public Holiday)                         (1881-1955) a Jesuit Priest is food for thought:
Tues. June 15:         9.15am                                           "Trust in the Slow Work of God.
Wed. June16:           9.15am                                           Above all, trust in the slow work of God.
Thurs. June 17:        9.15am                                           We are quite naturally impatient in everything to reach the
                                                                        end without delay.
Fri.   June18:         9.15am
                                                                        We should like to skip the intermediate stages.
PLEASE NOTE - IMPORTANT:                                                We are impatient of being on the way to something
                                                                        unknown, something new. And yet it is the law of all
Weekday Masses, and the 6pm Sat. Vigil Mass will                        progress that it is made by passing through some stages
be live-streamed and available on the website                           of instability - and that it may take a very long time.
for later viewing.                                                      And so I think it is with you. Your ideas mature gradually
The 6pm Sat. Vigil Mass and the 11am Sunday Mass                        – let them grow, let them shape themselves, without undue
will be live-streamed to the Parish Centre, where                       haste. Don’t try to force them on, as though you could be
30 people can be accommodated, and where                                today what time (that is to say, grace and circumstances
Holy Communion will be distributed.                                     acting on your own good will) will make of you tomorrow.
The above regulations and restrictions need to be                       Only God could say what this new spirit gradually forming
strictly applied i.e. 50 means “50”), not “51” etc.                     within you will be. Give Our Lord the benefit of believing
                                                                        that his hand is leading you, and accept the anxiety
No booking is required for Monday to Thursday                           of feeling yourself in suspense and incomplete."
Weekday Masses, but a maximum attendance                                ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

of 50 attendees still applies. QR code must be
registered at entry.
                                                                        Congratulations Anne and Cedric Gomez
We thank you for your ongoing cooperation, patience and
                                                                        on your 50th Golden Anniversary.
                                                                        We congratulate you both on achieving this
                                                                        golden milestone and pray that you will enjoy
PARISH DIARY                                                            many more years of good health and happiness together.
Monday 14th June                                                        …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……….….……

7.30pm: Gospel Reflection via Zoom                                      HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES
……                                                                      Margie Barcial, Trudy Viney, Peter-Julian Tanti,
                                                                        Cory Santos, Nancy Collins, Nicholas Watson,
GOSPEL REFLECTION / PRAYER GROUP                                        Paul Debono, Kimberley Gomez, Michael Ng,
Evening meetings will be held fortnightly every 2nd and 4th             Gabriel Danlag, Miguel Danlag, Julie Giulieri,
Monday of the month at 7.30pm via zoom during the winter                Carolyn Ciampoli, David Koroknai, Wayne Gillman,
months. Day time Prayer Group to be held once a month                   Olivia Rodrigues, James Rushton, Jack Balakas,
1st Tuesday of the month at 10am after Mass.                            Reg Emons, Jazz Deol, Olivia Giuliano,
                                ……                                      Ashley Marasco.
SLOGAN OF THE WEEK                                                          May you enjoy your celebration
        A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear.
St. Simon the Apostle Parish - 2 Taylors Lane, Rowville 3178 - St Simon's Parish
IF YOU HAVE REQUESTED A SPECIAL                                         CARERS GROUP
INTENTION OR REMEMBRANCE AT MASS,                                       A sub-Committee of the Pastoral Committee.
                                                                        We plan to start a group soon for families and carers.
It is most important that you mention this to Fr. Kevin
at the Sacristy before Mass begins.                                     Family members and friends often find themselves in the
…………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………..…….   role of a carer when a loved one is living with dementia
                                                                        and other care needs. While caring for your loved one
ST. SIMON’S COMMUNITY FETE - 20/11/21                                   can be rewarding, it can also have its tougher days.
A heart warming thank you in advance to our parishioners                Please contact Brian Crowley 0429 090 770 if you wish
who have taken on the role of Stall Captain at our Fete this            to join the group.
year. Everyone is looking forward to the Fete, and we need              ………………………………………………………..……………………..……………………..……………………..……………………..…………………...…..

all hands on deck to make the day a success. Wonderful                  VOLUNTEERS
events like the Fete don’t just happen - it takes teamwork              Church Cleaning: If you are interested in joining
and community spirit.                                                   one of our teams on a roster basis.
We are asking families and individuals to set aside some                CovidSafe Team Members: We require parishioners
time on Fete Day itself (Nov. 20), especially for the                   to be rostered as Welcomers, QR Assistants and for
clean-up) and on the day before (Nov. 19) to set up the                 Sanitisation before and after weekend Masses.
stalls and other attractions. Perhaps you could plan this               Mass recording for 89.9 The Light: We are needing
in your diary/ calendar. Your valuable time and help is                 some assistance to cover the Mass recording roster.
greatly appreciated, and it all contributes to a successful             Training will be provided.
Fete for our community. Please contact the parish office
( if you can help,                         Gardening Group: We are seeking parishioners
and stay tuned for regular updates in the bulletin.                     interested in joining the Gardening Team.
…………………………………………………………………….…………………..………………………………………………………………………………..…   (Thursday and Saturday mornings)
ST. SIMON’S FETE RAFFLE PRIZES                                          Flowers: We are seeking parishioners interested
                                                                        in joining the Flowers Team. Training will be provided.
We are looking to again offer attractive prizes for the Fete
Raffle this year. We are seeking donations of prizes with               To express your interest, please leave your name and
a value of over $500 from our local business community.                 contact details at the Help Desk or contact the Parish
If you are not “the boss”, perhaps you could ask the person             Office:
at work who could make such a contribution.
                                                                        CONGRATULIONS TO ALL THE WINNERS!
In return for such a generous donation, we will promote
                                                                        Thank you for all your support in the 2021 Combined Catholic Parishes
those businesses on the tickets, in the Fete flyer, bulletin,
                                                                        Raffle. St Simon’s have raised a total of $8,693 nett this year. Tremendous
online and on the day. If you own a business, or know                   result for another challenging year! We have a couple of winners from
a business that could help us, please contact the parish.               St Simon’s this year and they are: Thuy Pham and Ray Thomas.

     rize No        Prizes                                     Ticket No         Originating Parish, Location
        1           Suzuki Baleno                               067629           Holy Trinity, East Bentleigh
        2           $5,000 Gift Cards                           076169           St Simon's, Rowville
        3           $2,000 Gift Cards                           032504           Good Shepherd, Mulgrave
        4           $1,000 Gift Cards                           049130           St Michael's, Ashburton
        5           $1,000 Gift Cards                           051855           St Thomas, Clyde Nth
        6           $1,000 Gift Cards                           032099           Good Shepherd, Mulgrave
        7           $500 Gift Cards                             047457           Resurrection, Keysborough
        8           $500 Gift Cards                             034273           Good Shepherd, Mulgrave
        9           $500 Gift Cards                             030396           St John Evangelist, Epping
        10          $500 Gift Cards                             053783           Sts Peter & Paul, Doncaster East
        11          $500 Gift Cards                             063650           St Paul’s, Endeavour Hills
        12          $500 Gift Cards                             044181           Resurrection, Keysborough
        13          $500 Gift Cards                             044752           Resurrection, Keysborough
        14          $500 Gift Cards                             050482           St Michael's, Ashburton
        15          $500 Gift Cards                             048859           Resurrection, Keysborough
        16          $500 Gift Cards                             067768           Holy Trinity, East Bentleigh
        17          $500 Gift Cards                             076793           St Simon's, Rowville
        18          $500 Gift Cards                             067736           Holy Trinity, East Bentleigh
        19          $500 Gift Cards                             041340           Nazareth, Ricketts Point
        20          $500 Gift Cards                             040880           Nazareth, Ricketts Point
June 13, 2021 - The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
First reading                                                              Gospel
                                                  Ezekiel 17:22-24                                  Mark 4:26-34
From the top of the cedar, from the highest            Jesus said to the crowds: ‘This is what the
branch I will take a shoot and plant it myself on      kingdom of God is like. A man throws seed on
a very high mountain. I will plant it on the high      the land. Night and day, while he sleeps, when
mountain of Israel. It will sprout branches and        he is awake, the seed is sprouting and growing;
bear fruit, and become a noble cedar. Every kind how, he does not know. Of its own accord the
of bird will live beneath it, every winged creature land produces first the shoot, then the ear, then
rest in the shade of its branches. And every tree the full grain in the ear. And when the crop is
of the field will learn that I, the Lord, am the one ready, he loses no time: he starts to reap
who stunts tall trees and makes the low ones           because the harvest has come.’ He also said,
grow, who withers green trees and makes the            ‘What can we say the kingdom of God is like?
withered green. I, the Lord, have spoken,              What parable can we find for it? It is like a
and I will do it.                                      mustard seed which at the time of its sowing in
                                                       the soil is the smallest of all the seeds on earth;
                                                       yet once it is sown it grows into the biggest shrub
Responsorial Psalm                                     of them all and puts out big branches so that the
                              Psalm 91(92):2-3,13-16 birds of the air can shelter in its shade. ’Using
Lord, it is good to give thanks to you.                many parables like these, he spoke the word
                                                       to them, so far as they were capable
Second reading                                         of understanding it. He would not speak to them
                                  2 Corinthians 5:6-10 except in parables, but he explained everything
                                                       to his disciples when they were alone.
We are always full of confidence when we
remember that to live in the body means to be
exiled from the Lord, going as we do by faith
and not by sight - we are full of confidence, I say,
and actually want to be exiled from the body                            Next Week’s Readings:
and make our home with the Lord. Whether we                         Job 38:1,8-11; 2 Corinthians 5:14-17;
are living in the body or exiled from it, we are                                Mark 4:35-41
intent on pleasing him. For all the truth about us
will be brought out in the law court of Christ,
and each of us will get what he deserves for the
things he did in the body, good or bad.

                                                                            Appliance Repairs
      Super Steve’s Cleaning Team                                          & Installation Service
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            call Steve: 0423 496 516                                       Contact: Ash (0413 913 619)
                                                                                                                   Registered Cabler T08011
                                                                                                                   Security Reg. 936-086-80S

 Piano Lessons                                   We come to you
                                                                                     Please call the                     Please call the

     Private or Group Lessons on:                                                     Parish Office                       Parish Office
Piano, Keyboard, Guitar, Singing, Theory              Law
                                            Family law, wills & estates,          Home      Loans,
                                                                                        if you      Investment Loans, Commercial
                                                                                                would                                   Loans.
                                                                                                                             if you would
  5 years old to adults, for all levels    commercial law, employment,              Interest rates have never been lower. If you haven't
                                              contracts & disputes.
 Preparation for A.M.E.B and V.C.E                                             reviewed    your
                                                                                     like to     lending recently, give our
                                                                                              advertise                      team
                                                                                                                          like      who are based
                                                                                                                                to advertise
 Exams, vocal performances and just              Conveyancing                                right here in Rowville a call to find out
          for your pleasure!                Buying and selling property.              your business                        your business
                                                                                                    how much you could save!
       Book a free trial class:                    Home loans
        Phone: 0407 816 197                                                     Learn more  at find us
                                                                                        in our                               on Facebook
                                                                                                                          in our
                                                                                       or call           0407 739 123 | 0452 615 780              weekly bulletin
                                                                                            (03) 8761 9024 | 0404 065weekly
                                                                                                                        396 bulletin
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