DragonNEWS - Dragon School

Page created by Kristen Reid
DragonNEWS - Dragon School
Week of 10.3.2020

DragonNEWS                            News and Events for Dragon Parents

Dear Parents
T  he Dragon is always a hive of activity but this week seems to have been even busier than usual
   outside of the classrooms, with sport, International Women’s Day, events in the Music department,
and drama performances all taking place.
After an assembly in which we learned about      represent the Dragon at next week’s Team         Over in the Pre-Prep, the children greatly
the New York Exchange trip which happened        Maths Challenge at Oxford University.            enjoyed the visit of poet James Carter who
last term, we also marked International                                                           entertained them in assembly on Wednesday.
Women’s Day by reflecting on the changing        In lessons, D Block children have been writing   Year 2 are working hard in preparation for
roles of women and their place in society        biographies about family members, including      their School play next week, which is always a
since the first IWD over a hundred years ago.    details of their grandparents’ professional      cheerful event. In a surprising ‘change of
The famous prayer of St Francis was revised      lives and recollections of the past. In Maths    Headship’, Ma McNeile is very much looking
for the occasion to include prayers for the      they are converting improper fractions and in    forward to a more relaxed morning on Friday
comfort, help and empowerment of women           Science they are studying the solar system,      when one of our Reception class takes the
who still live in oppression or fear.            including the composition of the rings of        reins as Head for the day!
                                                 Saturn. B Block Geography lessons are            On Tuesday the Music department hosted
We are continuing to celebrate some              looking at coastal erosion and the               one of our annual Music Outreach events,
tremendous 13+ successes amongst our A           phenomenon of longshore drift; in History        ‘DragonPhil Orchestral Workshops’, in
Block pupils, with 40 scholarships and awards    they are considering the independence of         conjunction with Oxford Philharmonic
achieved to date, and several more               India, and in Latin they are wrestling with      Orchestra. 50 children from 7 Oxford primary
assessments still to come. These awards have     second declensions.                              schools and their accompanying staff joined
been achieved at a wide range of senior                                                           together with 40 Middle School musicians in
schools including Harrow, Eton, Wellington,      As well as impressing academically, Dragon       a day of Jazz and Blues workshops led by
Cheltenham Ladies’ College, Stowe, Radley,       children continue to shine in the sporting       Oxford Phil players and Dragon staff.
Marlborough, Rugby, St Edward’s Oxford,          world. Last weekend we sent our judo             Workshops ran all day in Lynam Hall, The Rink
and Magdalen College School. Even more           representatives to the IAPS Judo Nationals at    and Music School and culminated in a brief
impressively, they cover a wide variety of       High Wycombe, returning home with a              Showcase Concert at 3pm. On Thursday we
areas across the curriculum, including sport,    collection of Gold and Bronze medals. The        will enjoy a Strings informal concert, and next
drama, academic and music.                       1st VII Boys’ hockey team competed in the        week our music students will be taking their
                                                 National Finals in Cheltenham, where they        ABRSM exams; we wish them every success.
Last month around 80 A and B Block children      faced the top teams from across the country      The exeat weekend is upon us, and I wish you
entered the Intermediate Maths Challenge, a      and played some outstanding hockey. Our          all a restful time until we return to the Dragon
UK-wide maths competition. Over 200,000          netball teams have also played against a         ready for the final two weeks of term,
pupils entered from all over the country and I   range of schools in the U13 County Netball
am delighted to report that Dragon               Tournament where they gave a splendid            With all best wishes
participants gained 17 Bronze medals, 10         account of themselves.
Silver, and 10 Gold. Four children will also                                                      Crispin Hyde-Dunn

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For all sports fixtures please click here. For the full calendar of events, please see the main School Calendar.

   Drop off and pick up
   Please may we remind you to approach the
   school on Bardwell Road from the North/
                                                                                                                      O   AD
   East rather than from Banbury Road,                                                                             NR


   especially during busy periods at pick up

   and drop off. For the safety of all, please

   do not park over the zigzag or double


                                                                                                                                                                                                  R CH

   yellow lines, or make U-turns in front

                                                                                                                                               RY RO

   of the school at any time. Please turn off

   vehicle engines when parked.
                                                               R Y RO A

                                                                                      NORTHMOOR RO

                                                                                                                                                  D                    DRAGON
                                                                        A4 1 65

                                                                                                                                      ELL                              PREP SCHOOL

After-School Collection                                 Unfortunately, it remains the case that a number                                                  the following points:

Staff have been reminding the Day children              of vehicles continue to be parked on the double
regularly this past week to ensure that they are        yellow lines around the school at drop off and                                                    • All visiting parents must sign in at Reception
consistently waiting in the correct place to be         pick up times. Given the proximity to the School,                                                   with relevant ID and should then be escorted
picked up after school. A and B Block children          this parking raises a number of safety issues. The                                                  pitch side
must wait in the Library and C-E Block children         area that is a particular problem at present is on                                                • No dogs are allowed on site
must wait in E Block. We do not wish to have            the crossroads of Bardwell and Charlbury Road                                                     • There is no parking available on site at Oxford
any children waiting on the roadside for                at around 4.15pm – 4.45pm. Vehicles parked                                                          High School
collection after 4.30pm and, therefore, we have         here prevent the buses that collect a number of
provided supervised spaces where they may               our Day children, from turning into Charlbury                                                     We warmly welcome spectators and the more
relax or make a start on Prep. Tea is available in      Road on the approach to the passenger meeting                                                     the merrier!
the Dining Hall at 4.15pm and any Day children          point. This not only holds up our Dragons and
staying on after School are very welcome to             the children at our partner schools (OHS etc.)
attend.                                                 but can also lead to traffic congestion along the                                                 Anxieties
                                                        length of the Bardwell Road. As a matter of                                                       Dear Parents,
We would be grateful if all parents of Day              priority, parking should be avoided on double                                                     Tutors have been talking with their classes about
children might reinforce this message so that the       yellow lined marked areas to ensure the safe                                                      anxieties and how we manage these feelings.
children are waiting in safety and comfort until        and smooth access of school coaches.                                                              Coronavirus has been specifically mentioned,
parents are able to collect them from School.                                                                                                             and ways in which we can reassure and support
                                                                                                                                                          each other in the community. Further to this
                                                        Weekday Netball Matches                                                                           work in School, you may find this article from
Parking on Double Yellow Lines                          Please note there has been a change in policy of                                                  The Guardian helpful to facilitate conversations
Many thanks to all those parents who have been          having spectators down at Oxford High School                                                      at home.
making the extra effort to park legally at drop         to watch any Dragon matches. Parents are now                                                      Clare Strickland, Deputy Head Pastoral
off and collection at both Dragon School sites.         allowed to come and watch but must adhere to

Family Links Parenting Group                            challenging, how we communicate, and learn                                                        sense and is effective if there is commitment to
During the Summer Term we will be running a             lots of positive ideas and strategies for building a                                              attend each week’s 2-hour sessions.
Family Links Parenting Group here at the Prep           happy family life. The Parent Group will also link
School on Wednesday mornings (8.45-10.45am)             you in to the language, concepts and approach                                                     The groups are strictly confidential and limited to
led by Caroline Kerr and Bruce Anderson.                used by all Dragon staff in the Pre-Prep and Prep                                                 10 parents. The cost of the course is £100, which
                                                        School so will help establish consistency between                                                 includes all refreshments and a copy of “The
These groups, which are open to parents of              home and School. It also creates the opportunity                                                  Parenting Puzzle” which we will refer to each
children at both the Prep and Pre-Prep sites, give      to gain from other parents, to be supported and                                                   week during the course. The dates are:
us time to reflect on what it is like being a parent;   listened to, to meet others and be part of a
to look together at what is going well, and also        group.                                                                                            Wednesday 29th April
how we cope with challenges. It is a chance to                                                                                                            Wednesday 6th, 13th, 20th May
pause and consider our family relationships and         If you would like to join a Parent Group, we urge                                                 Wednesday 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th June
increase our confidence. The focus is on the            you to think carefully about the expected                                                         Wednesday 1st July
emotional health and wellbeing of parents and           commitment before signing up. Each week builds
children and is carefully designed into a 9-week        up the robust knowledge and understanding of                                                      To book a place on this course please ring 01865
course of 2-hour sessions. We will think about          the nurturing programmes, concepts and                                                            315478 or email Maxine McConville.
different ages and stages, behaviour we find            strategies as a whole approach and only makes

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Pre-Prep News
  Year 3 Football at Moulsford
  On a warm bright Friday afternoon Year 3 boys enjoyed a cheerful
  welcome from the boys at Moulsford. They were quickly
  assembled into their football named teams and showed skills
  learnt throughout the term. All the boys displayed Dragon
  Sports values of Discipline, Courage and Respect. Match tea was
  enjoyed by all, including the parents who had cheered the boys
  from the sidelines. Many thanks to Ma Timms, Ma Brooklyn and
  Mr Knapp for a successful football fixture.

   Prep News
Bridge Success                                    7 local primary schools joined together to play     Huge congratulations and many thanks must
At the Loughborough Schools Challenge, 19         with our Middle School Wind Band and                go to the Middle School musicians for their
teams of pupils attended from around the UK.      percussionists.                                     brilliant enthusiasm and hard work; to Mr
Schools such as Manchester Grammar, St                                                                Stuart for organising the day; and to Mr Smith
Paul’s, Westminster, Loughborough Grammar,        The children were led through the day by a          and his team for leading the workshops so
the Exeter Maths School and Haberdasher’s         team of experts from Oxford Phil and Dragon         expertly.
Aske all entered teams.                           staff and, as well as perfecting their own
                                                  group’s jazzy offering, they joined together in
Beaten only by the Young International Under      a special arrangement of Duke Ellington’s
20 team, containing former pupil Henry, who       C-Jam Blues in which all 80 children, alongside
also started his Bridge life at the Dragon in E   the Oxford Phil players, simultaneously raised
Block, our team of Jacob, Thomas, Zane and        the roof! A delighted audience of staff,
Freddie came second!                              parents, and guests were wowed by the
Our Dragon School team of Lawrence, Hilary,       exuberance of the children as they showed off
Toros and Zoe came 11th out of 19, which was      their new skills in a concert to round off the
a spectacular result for three eleven-year olds   day, after which all tucked in to a delicious tea
and one 12-year-old! Our pupils are far           in the Forum.
younger than the average pupil playing at
most schools, with the majority only teaching
Bridge from GCSE Year.

Congratulations to all!

                                                                                                      Judo National IAPS Judo
                                                                                                      A brilliant day at the IAPS Judo Nationals at
                                                                                                      High Wycombe Judo Centre for our Dragon
                                                                                                      Judo representatives and a significant medal
                                                                                                      haul in addition. The boys were an absolute
                                                                                                      credit to themselves and the School. Fighting
                                                                                                      through the rounds in their own weight
                                                                                                      categories the results were as follows; Gold -
                                                                                                      Xavier and Will, Bronze – Edwin and Merlin.
                                                                                                      Bertie fought valiantly in his rounds but no
                                                                                                      medals this time.
DragonPhil Wind and Brass
On Tuesday this week the walls of the Lynam
Hall, Rink and Music School resonated to the
swung melodies and off-beat blasts of 80
young Wind and Brass players who were
engaged in a full day of musical workshops on
the theme: ‘Jazz Café and Blues’. It was our
Music department’s annual collaboration with
Oxford Philharmonic Orchestra (now in its 8th
successful year) in which dozens of pupils from

DragonNEWS - Dragon School
Prep News continued
B Block Geography Field Trip –                      Frideswide Voices of Christ Church,                Premier Tennis Lessons
Friday 24th April                                   Oxford – Auditions                                 A number of Premier Tennis Lessons have
This is an advance warning that the whole of B      Auditions for Year 2 Girls are taking place on     become available. If you are interested please
Block will be out of School on a Geography          Saturday 2nd May. Please see the poster for        contact Mr James.
field trip on Friday 24th April 2020. The           more information.
children will spend the day collecting data for
their Common Entrance or Scholarship                                                                   Youth Cricket Training 2020
Geography fieldwork enquiry. The project that                                                          All abilities are welcome to join Wolvercote
they subsequently write up in school is worth                                                          Cricket Club (ages 9 –15). Winter indoor
20% of their final Geography result and                                                                sessions will be starting at the beginning of
therefore, it is important that all children                                                           February on Sundays and Tuesdays up until
attend. We would be grateful if parents could                                                          mid-April when we will then go outdoors.
ensure that any other commitments are                                                                  Please see the poster for more information or
avoided on that date. Many thanks.                                                                     contact Mr Knapp.

Classics / French courses for
Dragon Children
Any parents who might be interested in
sending their children on a Classics/French
course next year should contact Dr
Norton. The courses are held at his home in
SW France and are aimed at Scholarship/CE
revision (Easter holidays) or preparation for A
Block (Summer holidays). Please note this is
not an official Dragon School trip, so
arrangements should be made with Dr Norton

                                                    Easter Scholarship / Common
                                                    Entrance Revision Course
                                                    There are still some places available on the
                                                    Easter Scholarship/Common Entrance revision
                                                    course run by Dr Norton in SW France (April
                                                    14th – 19th). The Summer Scholarship/CE
                                                    preparation courses for this year’s B Block in
Governors’ Challenge 2020                           July are also now taking bookings. Please
B Block are busily preparing for their annual       contact Dr Norton directly for more
charity fundraiser, the Governors’ Challenge.       information. Please note these are NOT official
Each Tutor group is working together to create      Dragon trips.       
a product or service to raise funds for charity
and have a positive impact on the world
around them. Market Day, when products and
services will be available, is on Saturday 2nd      Extra Language Lessons Available
May. More information about this, including         at the Prep
how to pre-order, will be sent out soon, so         1:1 Mandarin, Japanese, and Spanish extra
please keep an eye on your inboxes and ask          language lessons are available during Activities
your children to listen out at School. There will   and after School. For more information please
be a huge variety of exciting offerings,            contact Mr James.
including a puppet show, handmade wooden
boards, Drego (Dragon LEGO), and the
opportunity to contribute towards a tranquility
garden and support children giving back to the
School community by, for example, washing

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Once a Dragon, Always a Dragon
National Schools U15 Cup Semi-Final
Last week William Plessis (OD 2018) played for Stowe U15s in their National Schools Cup Semi-Final against Oakham. Despite William breaking a
bone in his hand, he played the full 60 minutes and they won the game 15-5. They will be at Twickenham on March 19th in the U15 Cup Final
where they will face Ivybridge Community College, who beat Harrow in the other semi-final; that game finished a 22-22 draw but Ivybridge
progressed as first try scorers. Good luck William!

Future Schools Forum – Friday                         A Block Leavers’ Lunch, Saturday
22nd May, 10.00am                                     2nd May
                                                                                                                         Next Open Mornings
Parents of E, D and C Block children are              Invitations have now been sent to this year’s A
                                                                                                                         Saturday, 25th April – Day
invited to attend a Future Schools Forum with         Block Leavers’ Lunch. Please contact Mia
                                                                                                                         Saturday, 16th May – Boarding
Dr Hyde-Dunn and other members of staff, at           Suggitt in Development with any questions
                                                                                                                         Friday, 5th June – Pre-Prep
10.00am on Friday 22nd May, in the MCLT.              and dietary requirements. Please note,
This event is intended to give parents an             booking for this event is essential.
overview of the process and timescales to be
aware of when considering applications to
senior schools. More information will be
included in the end of term notices to parents
but please do save the date and contact the
Future Schools Office to register if you are
able to attend.

   Beyond the Dragon
     We are aware that we have many Dragons who also enjoy sport and other activities outside of school and achieve lots of wonderful
     things, either as individuals or part of clubs and representative teams. We would love to promote these achievements through our
     social media channels and within Dragon News in order to share your successes with the wider community. Please do let us know by
     sending us the details, and where possible, with the correct permissions in place, we will look to share. #DiscoverTheDragon

                            For more information about these, or any other events, please visit our website www.dragonschool.org
                            or contact Dragon School, Bardwell Road, Oxford OX2 6SS • Tel: 01865 315400

                            The Dragon School Trust Ltd is registered as a charity, no. 309676, and as a limited company, no. 524331 at the above address.

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