DOLPHIN SCHOOL unlocking each child's full and unique potential
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welcome Welcome to Dolphin School. We see the school as a place of safety when life’s storms buffet us and a secure base from which to view the wonders of the world. Whilst your children are with us, we commit to look after them well and to teach them to look after themselves, each other, the wider community and the planet. We have seven years to prepare them for the intellectual and personal challenges of secondary school, and we hope and pray that their experiences here will shed light across their lives long after they have left us. In this prospectus, I hope to give you a snapshot of daily life in the school which the staff and I have come to love so much. Mrs Jo Glen Principal Note: You will see that I have sometimes avoided the cumbersome ‘he/ she’ by alternating ‘he’ and ‘she’ in different paragraphs. Please consider your son or daughter included in all that the school has to offer! Examples of activities and trips are indicative of the kind of opportunities on offer.
A school is an intricate web We can’t start to learn until we Now, from a place of peace, love learn leap of relationships with strands know and accept ourselves. within the context of love, running in all directions between One of our first jobs is to your child is ready to leap into the Governors, the Principal, encourage children to value Dolphin School life. He/she is staff, parents and pupils. themselves and their own gifts ready to dare to have a go, Dolphin School’s Christian so that they can, in turn, learn to to risk a wrong answer, to try ethos places these relationships value the gifts of others. This will ideas out. He/she is ready to at the heart of school life. We lead to a peaceful community, seize every chance to grow keep our classes small so that which forms the right context for and learn. He/she is ready to we can personalise your child’s learning. We are all different, and face the challenges of life in learning. Our starting point is we learn differently. Our job is a community, to grasp every knowing, and our aim is to get to try many keys as we seek to learning opportunity that he/she to know your child deeply: his/ unlock your child’s potential. is given, to ask questions and to her strengths and weaknesses, wrestle with answers. joys and triumphs, fears and concerns, gifts and talents. How does he/she learn best?
Your child is ready to learn Your child will be taught to Your child will have a chance to express examine explore to express herself. She will examine things carefully: the explore the complexities of life. be encouraged to grow her meaning of words in English What can I, as one individual, vocabulary and to manipulate comprehension, or in Spanish contribute to this school and to language so that she can or Latin; the meaning of shape, the world? What does it mean articulate her ideas and create number and symbol in Maths; to love my neighbour as myself? imaginary worlds with words. the meaning of the past in Or to look after the planet for She will be inspired to express History; of the world in Science future generations? What does her feelings through visual art and Geography; and of life in it take to be a team? She will be as she is taught how to turn times of class discussion. He given the chance to feel the air shapes, lines and colour into will take a magnifying glass to on her face, to get muddy, to images. She will be guided by the processes of language and sail or kayak, or build a raft or specialist teachers to express number, to the stories of the a shelter, to learn the names of herself through music, singing, Bible and to the wonder of the animals, plants and trees. drama and sport. natural world.
School is a training ground, Team sports require trust as So, as we trust each other train trust transform and we expect to train. If no different members of the team and as together we train your child ever made a mistake, we take up their position: the child, we start to see the wouldn’t have anything to do. defender defends, the attacker thing that excites us most – We must provide boundaries so attacks, the striker strikes and transformation. The mental that poor behaviour and other the goalie saves. As it is in the block your child had in Maths distractions do not detract from Dolphin football team, so it is in is broken down; the struggle to learning. We expect to train your school life: we all take up our learn to read is won; the child child as he becomes the best role and each is valued equally. who had to be first in line learns possible version of himself. We We ask you, the parents, to to be second; the pupil who expect to train him in every area trust us to treat your child with feared the exam wins an award; as he flies as high as he can – a fairness and dignity. We ask you the child with the impetuous different height for everyone. We to trust our professionalism as streak learns self-control; the expect him to make mistakes we work in partnership with you pupil who hated the stage finds sometimes – we all do. He will to educate your child. a voice. No child is labelled; all receive outstanding coaching of us can change. in a range of sports: football, hockey, tag rugby, cricket, rounders, athletics and so on.
We do not seek to mould Children’s gifts can be We all need rest, and we unlock unleash unwind your child into a pre-planned unleashed through love and therefore do not set homework somebody but to unlock what encouragement, through the on Fridays (except on is already there. Sometimes hard graft of practice and occasions in the final year), talents, qualities and attributes drilling, through the acquisition leaving the weekend free for are hidden beneath an outer of knowledge, through the families to enjoy together. No- shell (perhaps of anxiety, self- experience of inspiration one learns best under pressure. centredness or timidity) and or another’s belief in them: School should be a place of sometimes they are glistening mathematical wizardry, stage dynamic learning, of myriad on the surface. Whether the presence, a novelistic turn opportunity, but also of fun task is easy or hard, our job of phrase, a gift of kindness, and ease and laughter. There is to find these gifts and grow footballing flair, a beautiful voice, must be a moment for a joke, them. The teacher plants the scientific acumen, a talent for a chance to go off piste, to seed and the pupil must water invention, linguistic skill, athletic enjoy the unexpected tangent, it though concentration in class, ability… a place to unwind, time to toast through following the teacher’s marshmallows around the instructions, through careful camp fire… completion of homework.
sense savour see
Every sense helps us to We want children to savour There is so much to do and see sense savour see appreciate the wonders of the every experience of school in seven years at Dolphin. Every world – and the senses may life: singing their hearts out year, alongside the curriculum, easily be dulled by an over- in the school choir; abseiling we have a new theme inspiring scheduled life, too much cyber- on the rock face at Viney Hill; us to do new things, to watch reality or too short a childhood. tasting churros on Spanish chicks hatch, to release Let’s start with the ears and the Day; paddling in the stream at butterflies on the common, to dying art of listening which, St The Mill; smelling Spring in the change the life of an African James assures us, is better than blossom; learning flamenco or orphan, to decorate an Easter talking! If you want to do one Soca or Irish dancing; trying cross, to join Toad in his boat in thing to prepare your children for their hand at the violin or Wind in the Willows. Every year school, teach them to listen. In djembe drums; visiting the BBC we enjoy the rhythm of annual this world of multiple foci, help studios or the West London rituals: school plays, Sports them to focus on one thing at Synagogue or Hever Castle or Day, putting up the Christmas a time. Give instructions once. the River Thames in Henley or tree, playing in the Consortium Encourage them to listen to the Houses of Parliament or the Shield, saying good bye to our another’s view. Tower of London or the Norfolk leavers at Awards Assembly Broads… in July. They leave, having learnt, we hope, to see behind appearances, to see beyond the material world, to see from the perspective of another.
love learn leap express examine explore train trust transform unlock unleash unwind sense savour see take your child on a journey
Education is a journey, and each journey begins with a single steep climbs, rocky patches, peaceful glades, dense forests, The Dolphin journey step – in this case, the first step through the school door. One step must necessarily follow another as the pupil progresses, guided by his/her teachers, through a series of attainable open meadows, beautiful views – for each child these come at different moments, but the guide is always there, always ready to help and support. As each stepping stone is reached, targets over seven years. Then he/she leaves through that the child feels a great sense of achievement (‘I gave it my best same door, ready to face the challenges of secondary school and look where I got!’), greeting the completed target with and life beyond. satisfaction and straining forward with ambition and aspiration. What sort of a journey is this? It is a steady journey of seven Certain conditions make travelling enjoyable and achievable. stepping stones. The journey is safe because the child always Children need enough sleep to travel well each day. They need has a guide, a teacher whose face is turned both towards the times of rest and relaxation, time to enjoy the view. They cannot child (in concern and care) and towards the destination (the travel hard all day, all evening and all weekend. Children need end of each academic year, the end of primary school and life applauding as they travel, however far they get. beyond). Though safe, it is necessarily challenging. There are The journey should look like this: SECONDARY SCHOOL 11+ AND LIFE BEYOND YEAR 6 YEAR 5 YEAR 4 YEAR 3 YEAR 2 YEAR 1 RECEPTION
We don’t believe in cramming. What we don’t believe 1 We start preparing for the 11+ in Reception, because the first step leads to the second, the second to the third, and so on. We don’t believe any child 2 is too young to be challenged. The challenge must just be appropriate for his/her age. Potty training is an appropriate challenge for a young child, for example. Challenge should never be avoided, just designed especially for the individual. 3 We don’t believe parents should have to choose between happiness or academic challenge. We believe that an appropriate challenge, within an atmosphere of love, leads to satisfaction, fulfilled potential and the discovery of gifts, which in turn lead to happiness. So challenge leads to happiness and high self-esteem, and avoidance of challenge the reverse. We don’t believe children 4 should be pushed, like a broken- down car. The broken child finds it difficult to learn; he/she needs ideally to be mended first, although mending and learning can occur at the same time in an atmosphere of love and encouragement. Indeed, learning can be healing. The teacher puts the right key in the ignition, and the car starts. We know that each car (child) proceeds at a different pace, but we don’t believe in keeping any car in the inside lane with
the brakes on. Nor do we believe in provide every club. Opportunities weekend (except sometimes in Year 6) encouraging cars to spin out of control. are multitudinous, and we would kill for rest and family time. ourselves and your child trying to We don’t believe we can 11 We don’t believe in over- 5 provide all of them. Instead, we can teach your child everything in examining children. provide a selection of extra-curricular seven years. Knowledge is infinite. We provide the tools to unlock knowledge. clubs and opportunities from different 12 We don’t believe parents areas to ignite artistic, dramatic, musical, should have to do children’s Different methods of reasoning are linguistic and sporting passion. homework – it’s designed for the child. passports to future learning. Maths and We do believe parents have a key role in English are foundational. For example, We don’t believe that rushing, 7 providing an ordered routine and a quiet until you can read fluently and unlock exhausted, from one thing to space for homework – and that parental the meaning of complex words, most another is healthy. We believe that calm interest in academic progress has a subject disciplines are closed to you. and order are the right conditions for hugely beneficial effect. So we cannot teach your child the learning, and that repeated daily routines whole of History, but we can give him/ are very helpful for children’s personal 13 We don’t believe that we her the tools to begin a lifelong interest and academic progress. educate alone. We educate in History. First, he/she must learn to in partnership with parents. This is We don’t believe there is read, to listen, to decipher, to uncover 8 definitely not a ‘singles’ match, where anything shameful in going facts, to understand the difference the school is pitted against the parents. wrong. School is a training ground, and between objectivity and subjectivity, It is a ‘doubles’ match, where you, the we expect to train. Training includes to see that different people in different parents, and we, the school form one sanctions, which are designed to refine places at different times were valuable, team. We look over the net together at behaviour. Refined behaviour leads to that their experiences of life differed, your child’s future. growth of character, which gives the that this affected their choices and conditions for maximum progress. self-understanding, that we should not generalise or stereotype, that we We don’t believe every second 9 cannot assume that we (or our era) has of every day need be either fun or everything right. We cannot teach your easy. Some things need drilling: times child the whole of History, but we can tables, for example. Drilling can be dull give him/her a hunger to learn more but is very important at primary school. about the past and the sensitivity to Some things are hard – that’s ok. approach the past well. And thus with 10 We don’t believe that Geography, Science and so on. children should feel anxious or We don’t believe we can pressurised. That’s why the journey 6 provide your child with every proceeds in graduated attainable steps, single opportunity there is. We cannot not in a big rush at the end. Homework visit every museum, nor can we is, therefore, done in small ‘portions’ play every single sport, nor can we from Monday to Thursday, with the
»» At the back of the prospectus, you »» Children who join a class other (who are by far our best advert) to Dolphin information will find information about term dates, current school fees and extra-curricular activities as well than Reception are invited to join their prospective class for a Trial Day to see if they would fit with represent the school with pride in the local community. »» Homework starts with plenty of as the range of secondary schools ease into the existing community. reading practice, and gradually typically attended by Dolphin More details are available from the expands to include spelling, leavers. Registrar. Maths, English and other subjects. »» If you think Dolphin School might »» The school doors open each Our aim is that children complete suit your child and your family, morning between 08.30 and 08.45. homework daily as early in the please phone the Registrar on There are staggered departure evening as possible, spending 020 7924 3472 or email her at times between 15.25 and 15.45 about 10 minutes each day in Year according to age. After-school 1, 20 minutes in Year 2, 30 minutes to arrange a visit. Visits take place clubs are available for older in Year 3 and so on. at fixed times during the week and children on Monday to Thursday »» Detailed information about the include a chat with the Principal between 16.00 and 17.00. Children minutiae of school life is available and a tour of the school on a in Reception are dismissed at in the Parents’ Handbook. normal working morning. 12.25 on Fridays during their first year, and at 12.25 on Wednesdays »» If you would like to read the »» The next step (before or after your school’s most recent Ofsted in the Autumn Term in order to visit) is to register your child, and effect a happy transition and to report, please visit www. the registration form may be found preserve energy levels! at the back of the prospectus. »» If you are interested in Dolphin »» You are invited to join us for Friday Assembly – a service where the School, you are encouraged to whole school comes together to register as early as you possibly celebrate our relationships and can, as your registration date will achievements. inform your position on the list. Siblings of Dolphin pupils are »» Dolphin children wear a school given priority and a proportion of uniform, and the Uniform Policy places are reserved for children is upheld robustly. This relieves attending Noah’s Ark Nursery pupils of anxieties over wardrobe Schools (prioritised in order of and image, builds a strong school registration date). identity and enables the children
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