PLANNER 2017-2018 - Scholastic Canada
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lp You: LISTS o H e NDY CHECK T HA Plan Organize our Book Fair Run Y SUCCESS! FOR GREAT Book Fair PLANNER 2017–2018 Art copyright © 2017-2018 by Dav Pilkey. All rights reserved. Captain Underpants and related designs are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Dav Pilkey. TM & ©Scholastic Inc.
Welcome to BOOK FAIRS At Scholastic Book Fairs we are committed to support you at every step to ensure you have the most successful Book Fair ever! Here are some of the FREE services we provide: SUPPORT KEY PROGRAMS BOOK FAIR TOOLKIT #1 With Teachers! #1 With Kids! Your Book Fair Consultant is on hand Monday to Friday, to help To build maximum excitement you with every stage of your Fair. for literacy and your upcoming Sign on to the Book Fair toolkit to Fair, we offer two successful access the Online Tools options: programs to help you! Confirm your Fair dates Name of your Consultant: Talk to your Consultant to help you reach your Process your Student Reorders goals. Redeem Product Rewards Complete your Rewards Worksheet Toll-free #: Hurry, register for a Webinar Today! FREE GIFT! LIVE and INTERACTIVE $25 Certificate for Participating* Join us online from the comfort of your home or school. Get great tips on maximizing your sales, recruiting volunteers and creating Book Fair excitement. Plus, discover how new programs can help promote literacy at your school. Register at for a Webinar that is right for you. BEGINNER SESSION ADVANCED SESSION Webinar Beginner Webinar sessions Webinar Are you a dedicated, energetic 2O1 are open to all Chairpeople literacy enthusiast who wants to 1O1 and key Book Fair Volunteers! DID YOU KNOW? share your Book Fair expertise Duration: 55 minutes Attending a Webinar with everyone? Or, perhaps you’re can increase sales by looking for creative inspiration for Guided by dedicated professionals the Webinar $200 or more! your next Book Fair? Join us on an Advanced Webinar Session today! 101 will help you and your volunteers promote, Prerequisite: organize and run your Book Fair with great Webinar 101 or previously hosted 2 or more Book Fairs. success! Duration: 40 minutes. Bonus 10 minute product presentation (optional). 150601070 Photo © DrAfter123/iStockphoto * To qualify for the $25 Gift Certificate, you must attend a Webinar session a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to the start of your fair and submit a post Webinar evaluation. Certificate must be used at your upcoming Book Fair. Not transferable. One certificate per person, per fair. Must be used by the registered attendee. Registration is limited to three (3) attendees per school. Maximum three (3) certificates will be issued per school, per Fair. Not valid for Discount and Host Fairs.
CHECKLIST Use this checklist to conduct a G.R.E.A.T. Book Fair y FREE Online Webinar is on:____________________________________________________ M (date and time) M y GREAT call is scheduled with:__________________________________________________ (name of consultant) on:____________________________________________________________________________ (date and time) GOALS y Set your goals p4 GOALS are the ke for a ingredients RECRUITMENT successfu l Fair! Recruit volunteers p5 EXCITEMENT Use a theme to create Book Fair Excitement p6 Contests lead to a prize-winning Fair p6 t Plan fun Family Events p7 OOK FOR L your Grea ially Run a Classroom Wish List program p8 o urn ey e mails spec J u Host a Teacher Sneak Peek p8 d to h e lp suppor t yo customize ir. Booktalk! [In-a-Box] p9 ho u t yo ur Book Fa throug ADVERTISING Advertising generates traffic p10 • Send invitations home to parents • Hold special assemblies and reading events • Advertise in the wider community Explore the Books p11 TIP Go to /bookfairs o la sti c.c a www.sch n Organize a date for student previews p11 ur FR E E Countdow Get kids excited about reading p11 for yo Checklist! TOOLS Set up your Fair, cases and table displays p12 Set up your checkout area, school tools and poster display p13 Use “Order Me” stickers for any last copies p14 Online Tools just for you p14 Wrap-up Checklist p15 • Calculate your Rewards Worksheet online (Enter revenue & calculate rewards) • Take books from the Fair as reward • Pack up your cases and table displays • Rebook your Fair for next year. Talk to your Book Fair consultant. CHECKLIST 3
Set Your GOALS $5000 The cornerstone of running a great Book Fair is to set goals. Here are some goals schools have shared with us: SURPASS previous Fair goal $4000 PROMOTE literacy by making books and reading more fun SELL a specific number of books $3000 EARN free books for classrooms and library PUT a book in the hands of every student FREE Goal Chart in your BUILD more interest and participation in the school Planning Kit! among students, teachers and families $2500 TRACK hours of reading generated by number of books sold. RECORD YOUR GOALS HERE: $1000 ur TIP Involve yo setting Principal in $500 ving your and achie goal. SHARE YOUR GOALS! To help achieve your goal try some of these ideas: P OST the Goal Chart provided in the Planning Kit for everyone to see P LACE an article in your school newsletter to let families know Photo credit: Doug Scaletta P OST it on your website, or share, using social media A SK teachers to create or support class contests S END letter home to parents letting them know why their support is important in helping you reach your goal S ET UP a Principal or staff member wacky stunt challenge A NNOUNCE the goal and progress via morning PA announcements A LERT your local newspaper or media outlet with a press release 4 GOALS
RECRUIT Volunteers ERS CAN HELP WITH VOLUNTE decorating ons and – Promoti h List disp lay ro o m W is – Class ok Talks F a m il y Events/Bo – ke down Fa ir s e t up and ta – ut duties – Checko rs g custome – Assistin WHERE TO LOOK A nyone who loves books and reading P TA, PTO and PAC S tudents and library helpers P rincipals and teachers P arents and Grandparents Photo credit: Doug Scaletta P revious Book Fair volunteers Once you’ve set your goals, find people willing to share their time C ommunity sponsors and talents to help you achieve them. Volunteers are key to an exciting and successful Book Fair. Include adults and older students F amily and friends in helping to promote, set up and run your event. GETTING STARTED DOWNLOAD a Vo lunteer Tip Sheet Recruit volunteers about 4-5 weeks before the Fair. at www.scholastic .ca/bookfairs D ISPLAY volunteer recruitment posters at your front entrance and in the school office P LACE a recruitment notice in the school newsletter, on website GO ONLINE FOR THESE and your school noticeboard HANDY REPRODUCIBLES R ECRUIT a Student Crew. Student Crew Guide FREE online! - Volunteer schedule L IST jobs with which you require assistance - Volunteer recruitment poster LIST YOUR VOLUNTEERS HERE: - Volunteer Tip Sheet - Student Crew Guidebook - Recruitment letter for families - Classroom schedule - Name badges - Certificate of Appreciation RECRUITMENT 5
Use a Theme to Create Book Fair EXCITEMENT DECORATING CAN BE FUN FOR EVERYONE Your Fair can be a showcase for the creativity of your students. When they take charge of the décor, it gives parents and grandparents another reason to visit the Fair. Ask student volunteers or entire classes to give the school entrance, hallways, or classrooms a themed makeover. GO ONLINE The themed Prom otion Guide is available at ww okfairs Photo credit: Doug Scaletta Themes transform Book Fairs into special events and can kick-start everyone’s imagination. Use decorations to reinforce the theme and to keep your Book Fair fresh and exciting. CONTEST IDEAS Contests are a sure-fire way to build excitement. Try these ideas: Book covers contest – Have students draw the cover Shelfies – Have students bring in pictures of themselves of their favourite book. The Chairperson can use these in front of a bookshelf. Place pictures in a container. Do a as decorations at the Book Fair. Any student who random draw for prizes. participates has their name put into a draw as part of Classroom door decorating contest – The Principal the $60.00 promotional allowance. can select the winning class and reward students with a Design-a-cactus - Students can draw their most creative casual dress day or a special school privilege. cactus. Top 3 winners get a free book. Guess the number of oats – Fill a large clear bowl More great ideas in the online Promotion Guide! with whole-grain oat cereal. Kids can guess how many there are and win a prize! $ 60 PROMOTIONAL ALLOWANCE* Take $60 worth of product from your current Fair and use it to create excitement. Use it for: • Prizes for school decorating, reading challenges, classroom and student contests • Reading Incentives • Raffles during Book Fair or at Family Event * Not applicable to Discount Fairs PLAN YOUR DECORATIONS AND CONTESTS HERE: 6 EXCITEMENT
T Plan Fun FAMILY Events GRAND EVEN T Grandpare to b e nts welcom a part of th eir e u n it y the opport s hare time and o l li fe to ’s scho grandchild parents th e m . In vite grand h stories wit h o ur and to take lu n c h ring the to visit du iting the e s c h o o l before vis a tour of th s ion and sho pping. ry se s for a sto Book Fair Photo credit: Doug Scaletta $50 FAMILY EVENT By far the most successful way to build excitement is to DOOR PRIZE* host a fun Family Event, full of activities, contests, raffles, food and entertainment. ACTIVITIES AND IDEAS Literacy Event – Stop, Drop & Read Quality Time – Books ’n’ Blankets – and Family Literacy Day. students wear pajamas and enjoy School Activities – Meet the teacher, having stories read by teachers, Families attending your Family Event school BBQ, science, art or talent volunteers or students. can deposit a ballot at the Fair for a shows are great ways to get more Community Reading Day – Host a draw. The winning family gets to families to attend your Book Fair. read-aloud with local professionals choose $25 worth of books for their (firefighter, police officer, sports figure or dignitary). home library, plus the child’s teacher can choose another $25 worth of books for their classroom library! WRITE YOUR FAMILY EVENT PLANS HERE: The books MUST be chosen from the Fair before pick-up. e PLUS! Check out th lyers for the Highlights F t! t draw ballo Family Even * Not applicable to Discount Fairs EXCITEMENT 7
LOOK FOR THE CLASSROOM Classroom Wish List WISH LIST PACKAGE IN YOUR PLANNING KIT. INCLUDES: Program Instruction sheet The Classroom Wish List program is an effective way to get Poster families involved in your literacy goals. It increases excitement, sales and above all gives children greater A Gift of access to the books they want to read and instills a lifelong READING love of reading. A Gift For HOST A TEACHER PREVIEW From Year Bookplate INVITE staff members to a teacher Sneak Peek of the stickers Book Fair. TEACHERS identify books they wish to add to their classrooms. Teacher ISPLAY their wishes at the Book Fair for shoppers to see D Invitation (make a display or just display each teacher’s book list at reproducible the Fair). Book Wish List ARENTS can purchase a book for their child’s classroom P reproducible library and place a bookplate on the inside cover of the donated book. m ake it to POST the “Your Wish is Granted” reproducible on your TIP If a teacher cannot a ek, give them school’s website for easy parent access the Sneak Pe u can o o k W is h L ist to fill out. Yo For tips on how to make a display visit B ir. e list at the Fa then display th Remember to use your school newsletter to promote the program to parents. PLAN YOUR TEACHER SNEAK PEEK HERE: GO ONLINE! Parents who cannot attend the Fair can still donate a book! Encourage them to choose one of the featured books online and complete the “Your Wish is Granted” reproducible. Go to 8 EXCITEMENT
GREAT IDEA Booktalk! [In-a-Box] To get older students and reluctant readers excited about reading, invite them to a Book Talk session that’s geared specifically to middle school level. Statistics show older kids shop best by word-of-mouth! Nothing generates more enthusiasm for literacy than going beyond a good cover and talking about the great story that lies between the pages. GENERATE ENTHUSIASM FOR LITERACY As your community’s literacy leader, what better way to support your school’s reading efforts than by providing kids and their families, access and choice to books they want to read. How it works: Here are some ways you, your volunteers and students can use this program. HOLD Book Talks in the Library: request teachers bring their classes to the library at set times, to hear about, as well as preview these books. E NLIST Student Volunteers: ask students to give Book Talks to younger children, either during library time or in the classrooms. SCHOOL ANNOUNCEMENTS: use the reviews as well as the related Book Talk scripts (available FREE online at during daily announcements to promote the books and your upcoming Fair. C ONTACT your Book Fair Consultant to request actual book copies for display at least two weeks ahead of your Fair. Once your Book Fair arrives, you can place these books on your Fair and sell as needed. EXCITEMENT 9
ADVERTISING Generates Traffic PLANNING KIT Your kit conta ins the following prom otional items: • Booktalk! [In -a-Box] packag e • Classroom W ish List packag e • Promotional Posters • Directional A rrows • Goal Chart • Highlights Fl Book Fair yers Highlights Flyers Photo credit: Doug Scaletta Grab the attention of students and families with lots K–6 of advertising and promotion. 6 & up SPREAD THE WORD H ANG goal chart, posters and directional arrows throughout the STUDENT CREW school for the duration of your Fair. S END the Highlights flyers home to parents. Include a letter about the Family Event you have planned. Template available online under Printable Resources. A NNOUNCE activities at assemblies and on the PA before the Fair arrives. P LACE Fair information in your school’s newsletter. U PLOAD your Fair schedules and goals onto the school or classroom website, spread the word through social media. A DVERTISE your Fair dates on the school marquee. G IVE students colouring sheets or activities from the themed Promotion Guide to remind their parents about the Fair. Include Nothing gets kids more excited date and times. about reading than their peers. Your Student Crew volunteers can help you plan, promote and OUTLINE YOUR ADVERTISING PLANS HERE: even run the most successful Fair ever. They can decorate, make promotional signs and spread the word in the most fun and effective ways. Download your FREE Student Crew Guidebook online at 10 ADVERTISING
EXPLORE the Books TI P T h e Bo o k F a ir H ig hlights Vide o : y to fa s t, co n venient wa is a t kids ve rt is e y o ur fair. Ge ad rs, ite d w ith book traile ex c ore at th o r fe a tu res and m au / o la sti c.c a /bookfairs www.sch .php booktube Photo credit: Doug Scaletta The more students browse the books and delve into the stories, the more likely they are to find the perfect one for them! Online Highlights Video – Book trailers, author interviews and Planning Kit. Get your Student Crew involved. Call your other Fair Highlights are available FREE online. Share during consultant to order Book Samples library time, school assemblies, or during student previews. Download online reproducibles – Use colouring handouts Book Fair Preview – Organize a quiet time for children to and activities from the themed Promotion Guide to engage explore the books during the school day. Ask them to record children and get them excited about the Book Fair. the books they most want to read on the back of the Highlights flyer. GREAT IDEA: You can show the online video Run Book Talks – Book Talks are an effective way for highlights and give Book Talks to ravenous readers students to explore the books. Download Book Talk reviews during lunch time. and scripts online. Or use the Booktalk! [In-a-Box] package included in your READING CHALLENGES BOOKS I WANT TO READ Random Act of Reading – Catch kids reading and reward Students preview the books and write them with a ballot or gift certificate. down their favourite titles on the “Books I Reading Record – During the Fair, classes keep Want to Read” reproducible, downloaded track of their reading minutes and post the results. from Top classes win prizes such as a pizza party. School of Fish – After students read a book, write their name on a fish-shaped slip and tape it to the classroom door. Class with the most fish wins. YOUR READING CHALLENGE IDEAS: s prizes * Promotional Allowance a TIP Use the $6 0 nges. any of these Reading Challe for ot applicable *N to Discount Fa irs ADVERTISING 11
SET UP Your Fair Gather 3 to 5 volunteers and use these instructions as your guide to set up your Fair. Choose the largest space available so customers can shop in comfort. 1. POSITION YOUR CASES Cases – Organize cases in order of reading level. Merchandise left to right starting with Yellow, Red, Blue and end with Green (if applicable). Use the corresponding colour-coded shelf talkers on the front of the cases as a guide. Position cases in a horseshoe shape around the perimeter of the room. Open cases and align so they are slightly touching each other. Close each case if you need to move them. SET UP YOUR TABLES 2. Tables – Position tables in the centre of Fair area. Allow plenty of room around each table for shopping. Put boxes of product beside each table and near the appropriate case with a similar reading level. Creating table displays – Step 1. Place supplied table covers on tables. To create more display space, place the box that the books came in on the centre of the table, open side down. Cover the box with another table cover. Step 2. Stack larger books in the centre of the table with smaller stacks on either side. Use the supplied cardboard book easels to create a pyramid effect to the display. Vary book covers between light and dark. Step 3. Place smaller books toward the edge of the table. Since customers will approach 3. tables from all directions, display product so there is something to catch their eye from every direction. impression You can make a great plays too! with amazing table dis GO ONLINE for more merchandising tips at www.schol *Please note: The number of cases and/or boxes 12 TOOLS may vary due to sales and availability.
SET UP Your Checkout Area CHECKOUT TABLE Place the Checkout table near the entrance or exit doors. Handy supplies: - Cash box with $125 float - Credit card imprinter and sales slips (Read and display the Charge Card Tip Sheet) - Calculator, pens, paper, tape and sticky notes - Classroom Wish List bookplates - Volunteer schedule - Reorder receipt forms - Extra Family Event Ballots - Volunteer Tip Sheet CASH HANDLING - Start each day with a float - Ensure all cheques are made payable to your school TIP Look for the box - Balance cash at the end of with this label for easy each day - Deposit money daily in your CHECKOUT setup. school safe leted The checkout area is one of the busiest and most IMPORTANT! Keep all comp location ked in a secure important of your Book Fair. Use the display tips sales slips loc below for the school tools and poster program for with payment. ease of customer shopping. until remitted POSTERS Keep the poster box behind your cashier table to avoid poster damage. Hang one of each poster on a wall or on a clothes line near your cashier table. Number each poster with a sticky note; students can then purchase by number. Display the Poster Price sign nearby. These display posters are yours to keep after the Fair. S315647 18x24 Num Trends International Noms Printed in/Imprimé LLC, - Happy | Indianapolis, trendsinternation en/Impreso en Canada @IntlTrends IN 46268 TM & © MGA TM & © MGA Ent., Inc. Ent., Inc. U.S. TM & © MGAU.S. et dans & other countries. Ent., Inc. d’autres pays Used U.S. y otros Sont utilisésunder license países. Se sous by Trends usan bajo licence de Trends International. licencia de Trends International. International. TOOLS FOR SCHOOL Refer to the school tools price list to find the price for each item. Keep Cool Pens & Pencils! these items on or near the cashier table for last-minute purchases. TOOLS 13
ONLINE TOOLS Just For You Scholastic Book Fairs Scholasti Experience cBook Fair a everyo ne Literacy Event th s SIGN ON TOOLKIT excited ab at out readin gets Book Fa ir Reward g! s for Your School! 60% Earn Up To Sales Total* You Earn Over in Book Fa 3000 $ 60% in Produc Rewards! *ir t $ 3000 or 25% in cash 3 Ways To • Sele Red Your Rew eem ards*: ct books kids $ to 1500 50% in Produc right from WANT to read t STUDENT REORDERS your Fair! , or 20% in cash Less than 15% • Choose the very resources from best in educational • Or, selec a percenta Scholastic t cash rewa rds catalogues! ge of your based on 1500 $ net sales. PLUS in Produc *Book Fair Reward s based on net sales. * Earn Mo t 20 Ask your % re Reward More! rece Book Fair ive an addi Consultant s! tiona how you can Some condition s apply. l 20% in prod uct rewards. F OR best-selling books, use the ORDER ME stickers provided in the Planning Kit box when down to the last copy. Rewards Flyer in your Planning Kit! LACE these books near the Cashier table so students and volunteers P REWARDSSUCCESS F17 know which books have to be reordered. H AVE customer pay for the product in advance. Order Me C sticker OMPLETE Reorder Receipt form and give customer the yellow copy. Please do not tape to books To submit your Student Reorders access the Online Toolkit at and click Book Fair Online Tools Scott Harris 1 02 O ensure delivery of Reorders the day of Fair pick-up, submit your T Student Reorders online, by 2pm the day prior (not available in all Reorder Bunny Race! 4.75 Lost and Found 8.25 areas) Receipt 13.00 REWARD OPTIONS Product Rewards – Select great new books right from your Fair or BOOK FAIR BONUSES! place a Rewards Order using Online Tools! It’s easy to add more books to your library and classrooms! Catalogue Rewards – Order resources from catalogues like • 10% more in product bonus when Classroom Essentials found in your planning kit. For more go to you book during Special Months of the year. Cash Rewards – Select cash rewards based on a percentage of • Schedule a 2nd Fair in the same your net sales. Only available for net sales over $1500. school year and earn an additional 10% in product bonus. Speak to your Book Fair Consultant for Go to and click on details about the Special Month* & 2nd Book Fair Online Tools to redeem your Rewards online. Fair Bonuses*. * Not applicable to Discount Fairs. Books MUST be chosen from the Fair before pickup. Must be the same 14 TOOLS Fair type: Scholastic Book Fairs or Festival du Livre.
CHECKLIST CREATE PASSWORD Wrap-up Access the Book Fair Toolkit to create your password. Use it to access the Online Tools. Your Password is valid for the entire school year. My password is: You can use the same password for your Student Reorders, too! NEED HELP? Call Accounts Receivable toll-free for assistance on how to complete your Book Fair Reward Worksheet at: 1-888-220-9942 THANK YOU for Choosing WRAP IT UP Scholastic Bo ok Fairs as Partner! S UBMIT your Student Reorders Your Literacy CALCULATE how many Product Rewards you’ve earned with the online Rewards Worksheet Still have Rewards to redeem? Shop even more great product options by placing a Product Rewards Order online. FREE TUTORIALS ONLINE! R ATE your experience with us by completing the Online Evaluation. Newly updated, easy T AKE your earned Product Rewards (and product bonuses if step-by-step guides on applicable) from the actual Fair prior to pick-up. how to: W RITE ONE cheque to Scholastic Book Fairs for money due. Use the prepaid envelope provided to remit payment. • ProcessYour Student R ETURN all completed slips with payment. Reorders * $25 Webinar Certificate cannot be included in Total Sales on your Rewards worksheet. Please • Redeem Product enclose in envelope with payment. Rewards • Complete Your Rewards PACK IT UP Worksheet and Evaluation R EMEMBER to draw for the Family Event door prize. Winning Get started at student and teacher must select their prize from the Fair prior to pick-up! R EPACK unsold product into remaining boxes and cases. RETURN table signs, sign holders and credit card imprinters. Keep table covers and book easels to use at your next Fair. DON’T FORGET to reserve a K EEP this Book Fair Planner and any Scholastic catalogues you date for your n ext fair. Talk to received for the entire school year for easy reference. your Book Fa ir Consultant! TOOLS 15
Your Bo ok ThankFai Read more your is forCo miting hos ng!a about the Reading Report : TM Scholastic Book Fair! Kids & Family Jackman Avenue Public School, your dates are: Fair start date: dd-mm-yy Canadian Edition Fair end date: dd-mm-yy at © 2017 Scholastic Inc. All Rights Reserved. Illustrations by Mariana Martins My favourite books are the ones that I have picked out myself 94% OF KIDS AGES 6–17 AGREE * * Kids & Family Reading ReportTM: Canadian Edition #KFRR | NEED ASSISTANCE? Book Fair Rewards Worksheets & Scholastic Education, Trade Online Assistance & Classroom Essentials Order Services Call Toll-Free 1-888-220-9942 Call Toll-Free 1-800-268-3848 Book Fair Rewards Credit Certificate Balances (Credit Statement Inquiries) Follow ScholasticCda Scholastic Call Toll-Free 1-800-268-3848 Canada: ScholasticCanada ScholasticCda CONTACT US Scholastic Book Fair Consultants ScholasticCda Quebec, New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Saskatchewan, Northern Manitoba, Labrador Northwest Territories, Yukon, & Nunavut 1-800-579-4744 1-800-667-3247 Nova Scotia & P.E.I. Alberta (Edmonton) 1-866-353-3247 1-866-664-8186 Eastern Ontario & Western Quebec Alberta (Calgary) 1-800-710-5218 1-866-665-8186 Central Ontario (Aurora) Central Alberta 1-800-387-5750 1-800-663-8186 Central Ontario (Mississauga) British Columbia, Northern Alberta 1-888-317-7776 1-866-663-8186 Southwestern & Northern Ontario Festival du Livre 1-800-325-3258 1-877-340-0552 Manitoba (excluding Northern Manitoba) 1-800-325-3258 Art copyright © 2017-2018 by Dav Pilkey. All rights reserved. Captain Underpants and related designs are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Dav Pilkey. TM & ©Scholastic Inc. BFPLANNERF17
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