The Formeaning Response Approach: Poetry in the EFL Classroom
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Ha rl a n Ke ll e m The Formeaning Response Approach: Poetry in the EFL Classroom I n English as a Foreign Language rooms, see Paran 2006.) Although (EFL) classrooms, where acquisi- these two approaches are typically tion of English is the ultimate considered mutually exclusive, one goal, one of the main tasks for the way to marry the two when teach- teacher is to provide students with ing poetry is to use what I call the language input and activities that best Formeaning Response approach. This aid them in their learning process. As approach places equal importance on different researchers have reported, the study of language elements and including poetry-based activities in the on responding personally to poetry. EFL classroom is beneficial (Hanauer This article will first review the Stylis- 2001; Maley and Duff 1989). Among tic and Reader-Response approaches other reasons, poetry is a source of and their roles in second language content-rich reading material; a model acquisition, and will then demon- of creative language in use; a way to strate how to combine them to teach poetry in the EFL classroom with the introduce vocabulary in context; and Formeaning Response approach. a way to focus students’ attention on English pronunciation, rhythm, and Teaching poetry with the stress. Stylistic approach Two main pedagogical approach- According to Short (1996), stylis- es to teaching poetry and literature tics is the direct application of linguis- have their roots in literary criticism: tic evidence to interpret and analyze (1) Stylistics, an approach that analyz- literature, and is a general analytical es the language forms of the text, and tool that uses explanations of formal (2) Reader-Response, an approach aspects of a poem to discuss mean- that concerns itself with the reader’s ing; for instance, lexical repetition interaction with the text. (For a histo- can be used to strengthen the impact ry of using literature in language class- of a word, and the number of turns 12 2009 N u m b e r 4 | E n g l i s h T e a c h i n g F o r u m
a certain speaker has in relation to another poetry reading, Tomlinson (1998) emphasizes speaker in a poem indicates his or her relative the need to allow language learners to experi- impact or importance. ence reading in a risk-free environment. For Because language is the subject and focus example, when classroom tasks are involved, of instruction, stylistic analysis strongly repre- it is best to have students draw pictures or talk sents the EFL instructional perspective. EFL about how parts of a story relate to their own teaching activities in which students analyze lives. Tomlinson stresses that it is important poetry stylistically can provide opportunities that reading remain an experience, and that to explicate the formal features of English— students should not be asked questions they including the levels of phonology, vocabulary, might get wrong. grammar, and discourse—and relate them Martin and Laurie (1993), who surveyed to an understanding of the poem. Rosenkjar participants studying French as a foreign lan- (2006) gives examples of language-centered guage in Australia about their attitudes toward activities used for poetry teaching in a uni- literature, recommend that teachers permit versity EFL class in Japan, where students do students to integrate and relate what they are the following: reading to their own personal experiences. • highlight complete sentences in a poem Liaw (2001) studied the effects of Reader- with alternating colors Response theory in an EFL course taught in a • categorize words from a poem into logi- Taiwanese university. The students wrote per- cal groups sonal responses to short stories, and they were • circle personal pronouns and find a pat- most interested in the texts when they could tern personally relate and respond to the characters • underline the main verbs and themes of the stories. The students felt Buckledee (2002) offers similar activities from that taking their individual responses into a university EFL class in Italy, where students account clarified the relevance of literature to look at a poem and answer questions about their language learning goals. verb tenses, possessive adjectives, and singular There is also evidence that not including versus plural forms. students’ personal backgrounds with the study of literature has a negative effect on language Teaching poetry with the Reader- learning. In a survey of EFL students and Response approach teachers in private high schools in Istanbul, The Reader-Response approach moves the Akyel and Yalçin (1990) found that the stu- focus of reading from the author and text to dents did not see literature as a way to reach the reader. The approach treats the creation language learning goals because they were of meaning as inseparable from the act of often not called upon to respond person- reading. (For more on the Reader-Response ally to literature, nor were the language-based approach, see Schultz 2001, 6–10.) activities in the classroom communicatively A wide range of research extols the benefits useful. Likewise, Davis et al. (1992) found of the Reader-Response approach for second that although students in EFL contexts have language acquisition. One example is provid- favorable attitudes toward literature, language ed by Ali (1993), who incorporated the theory learning goals are not realized when the teach- while teaching EFL to engineering students at ing style does not allow for personal responses a university in Malaysia. Ali found that when that would make the literature relevant to students personally responded to a short story, learners. they became engaged in independent meaning making, which enhanced their reading experi- Transactional theory ence. Davis (1989) draws exclusively on Iser’s It is also important to mention Transac- (1978) Reader-Response theory and discusses tional theory, which is linked to the Reader- its potential applications to foreign language Response approach and clearly explains the pedagogy. Davis also calls for the experience of reciprocal reaction that occurs between the “what happens during reading” to be the foun- reader and the text. According to Fish (1980), dation of meaning (Davis 1989, 424; italics it is more accurate to consider what literature in the original). In what he calls experiential does as the reader encounters a literary text E n g l i s h TE a c h i n g F o r u m | Number 4 2009 13
than to try to describe what the text means, tion of meaning through focusing on formal because the meaning is an event that is gener- aspects is due to a procedural error that ated through the participation between the did not allow for the participants’ aesthetic reader and the text. According to Rosenblatt reading of the poem. And in Hall’s (2003) (1978), reading is also an event that involves response to Hanauer, he argues that pleasure a nonlinear transaction between the text and and understanding, not understanding alone, the reader; meaning is not created by a pre- are equally important in reading poetry. It is conceived interpretation of the text but by the task of the teacher, he writes, to “motivate, the unique individual, whose emotions, back- to contextualize and to individualize often ground, and ideas create meaning during a anxious and insecure readers’ experiences of particular time and setting. Rosenblatt (1978) texts to promote pleasure and understanding” places reading transactions on a scale from the (Hall 2003, 398; italics in the original). efferent stance, or reading to get information, While some researchers feel that an analy- to the aesthetic stance, or reading for the expe- sis of language forms and style is paramount rience or for pleasure. Tutas (2006), who con- to the study of poetry in the EFL context, ducted an empirical study about the effects on other researchers claim that it is the personal EFL learners exposed to Rosenblatt’s (1978) relationship with poetic themes that positively scales, found that responding aesthetically to affects learning English. This dichotomy does literature facilitates students’ enjoyment and not need to exist, and I am proposing to com- engagement with literature. Hirvela (1996) bine both approaches into one. also explores the way that Rosenblatt’s trans- actional approach is applied in the EFL The Formeaning Response approach to classroom. He argues that the meaning that teaching poetry in a language classroom is created during reading is produced through I have coined the term formeaning (form + a transaction between the learner and the meaning) to represent Stylistics, the language- text, which is key to the successful teaching centered approach to teaching poetry. Form of literature. and meaning are inseparable in a stylistic analysis, because to correctly describe and The tension between Stylistic and understand a language form—such as a lexi- Reader-Response approaches cal item or grammatical structure—one must It has often been argued that reading a consider the form in a meaningful context. poem is different from analyzing its linguistic Therefore, form and meaning are not two parts. Gower (1986) states that stylisticians separate aspects to consider when analyzing are concerned only with analyzing the lan- poetry—they must be considered one and the guage of a poem, and he recommends the same. EFL teachers know that learners must inclusion of personal responses in which stu- focus on language itself in any type of read- dents talk about whether they liked the poem ing, and especially poetry, which often has or thought it was any good, a practice that is uncommon usage issues and utilizes rhyming, likely “anathema” to academics involved in metaphor, and even format to create mean- stylistics (129). This observation is indicative ing. EFL students are primed to attend to of the sharp divide between the Stylistic and linguistic features because they aim to learn Reader-Response approaches in the context of a foreign language, and successful lessons and EFL instruction. activities must be relevant to this linguistic The process that learners go through in goal. When classroom activities include sty- understanding and discussing a poem was listic analysis, the language itself takes center empirically researched by Hanauer (2001), stage, and discussions of meaning must derive who reported that learners constructed mean- from and coincide with discussions of linguis- ing “95.94 per cent” of the time by focusing tic features. on and discussing the linguistic elements of a The Formeaning Response approach’s poem (316). His research about the primacy response component, which comes from Read- of language analysis to construct meaning did er-Response theory, is based on recognizing not go unchallenged. Mattix (2002) argues that when students personally relate to liter- that the learners’ 95.94 percent construc- ary themes, the subject matter becomes more 14 2009 Number 4 | E n g l i s h TE a c h i n g F o r u m
relevant—and that this relevance, in turn, Form and meaning activities assists the learning process. When students After the warm-up activities, stu- relate their own experiences and beliefs to dents are ready to look at the poem. But make sense of a poem and its language, there instead of reading the poem in its entirety, is often less direct focus on the linguistic they can participate in activities like the fol- forms. This is because students construct an lowing and focus on the form and meaning of overall meaning through a transactional pro- the poem’s essential linguistic elements. cess largely based on their own backgrounds, • Alternative words exercise. In this mul- memories, and ideas. tiple-choice exercise, individual words The combination of the Stylistics and throughout a poem are put in paren- Reader-Response approaches makes poetry theses. Then, two or three alternative learning motivational and personally rele- words are added to each original one vant to students. The Formeaning Response as choices, and students as a whole approach is designed to bridge the gap between class or in groups choose which word aesthetic and stylistic reading approaches, and they think is most suitable (see Maley to show how pleasure and understanding can and Duff 1989, 39). This activity gives coincide and feed off of each other. Following students a chance to look at individual are examples of activities that teachers can words in the context of the surrounding use to teach poetry by using the Formeaning lines, and to think about fine distinc- Response approach. tions in meaning and how vocabulary items work together in the poem. Classroom activities and the Formeaning • Listening cloze. Certain words are Response approach blanked out in a poem, and as the Teaching poetry or literature is similar to teacher reads the poem out loud, the implementing any EFL activity in that teach- students fill in the blanks with the miss- ers must consider the language level of the stu- ing words. This exercise offers students dents so that the material selected is not too another way to focus their attention on difficult. It is also important to stress that all individual words in context. students can and should freely express them- • Listing. Students make a list of words in selves when discussing poetry. This freedom a poem; this could be a list of pronouns of expression ensures a collaborative, learner- or verbs or concrete objects. Students centered classroom that takes into account the then manipulate the list by ranking the EFL students’ individual differences, learning words in order of importance or group- goals, and affective factors. ing them together into categories based A good way to ease students into a poetry on their characteristics or definitions. lesson is to give them a general feeling for The above exercises focus attention on the ideas presented in the poem by provid- individual linguistic items and push students ing a warm-up activity. Students should first to make choices based on a limited context brainstorm and express their opinions about rather than on the entire poem. This is a the themes of the poem. Initially, they may necessary first step in helping students realize not feel confident that they can simultane- how they can point to actual language and ously express their opinions and refer to the form in the poem when expressing their own linguistic aspects of a poem, so teachers might ideas as readers. want to choose warm-up activities that do not necessarily refer to the language in the poem, Response activities but to a theme or image. For example, teach- As students read the poem in its entirety, ers can show a picture of an item or character the following activities help them discover and let students answer questions about the and express what the poem means to them as picture, or have students interview each other individuals. about personal experiences related to the • Discussion questions. In pairs, small themes of the poem. In this way, students groups, or as a whole class, students activate the background knowledge that will discuss how they would feel if they were help them analyze and understand the poem. a character in the poem, or speculate E n g l i s h TE a c h i n g F o r u m | Number 4 2009 15
about what a character in a poem will develops statements that either relate to do next and why. the language of the poem or are associ- • Draw pictures. Students draw pictures ated with its main theme. Students depicting scenes or characters in a mark the statements as True or False, poem. This activity lets them move then discuss the reasons for their choic- from linguistic to pictorial representa- es. This exercise is more formeaning- tion of a poem; doing so requires an focused if the students have to make understanding of the poem’s language choices based on linguistic evidence and themes. (such True/False statements might be • Role play. Adopting the role of char- “The poem is written in the present acters in the poem forces students to tense” or “The narrator of the poem think about and act out their feelings is angry about the situation”), and is and ideas in relation to the themes of more response-focused if students have the poem. to personally relate to the ideas in the • Letter writing. Follow-up activities are poem (e.g., “The poem makes me feel an effective way for students to respond happy” or “If I were the narrator of the to poetry. For example, students can poem, I would react in the same way”). write a letter to a character in the poem, giving that character advice or offering Conclusion sympathy, or write a diary entry while The Stylistic and Reader-Response imagining that they are the character approaches are both useful for teaching poet- in the poem. By writing to a charac- ry in the EFL classroom. However, instead ter, or as a character, students must of strictly following one of the approaches, place themselves in the situation of the the teacher can develop activities that help poem. students work with the language and engage with and personally respond to the material. Formeaning Response activities By designing activities that allow students to When feasible, it is desirable to combine focus on linguistic aspects of a poem as well as the two types of activities mentioned above. personally relate to ideas represented in poet- Teachers can adjust lessons and activities to ry, teachers can motivate students to attend provide scaffolding where needed, based upon and respond to both the form and the overall whether students need assistance with the meaning. Combining both approaches in the language in the poem or are ready to apply same lesson, and in the same exercise when personal experiences and ideas. possible, anchors students in the language of • Discussion of the alternative words exer- a poem while inviting them to express their cise. Teachers can easily adapt this activ- own responses to the themes of the poem. ity to different classrooms and students. Some EFL teachers may approach the Each student explains to a partner why idea of using poetry in their classrooms with he or she chose certain words in the trepidation. That is understandable. Two previously mentioned alternative words researchers who express reservations about exercise. Students’ reasons can range using literature in the language classroom are from phonological (“I like the way it Edmondson (1997) and Horowitz (1990). sounds”) to discourse (“That’s what Horowitz’s argument is that the language used he’s supposed to say”) explanations. in literature may not be richer than language Although the students are responding used in some nonfiction genres (164), while to the language of the poem, this activ- Edmondson asserts that literature is not an ity deepens their understanding of the essential piece of the language learning puzzle. main themes and ideas, and it helps My stance, however, is that poetry can be them relate the poem to their lives. a useful type of input for EFL learners who, • True/False exercise. A True/False exercise by definition, need to understand linguistic can be formeaning-focused, response- aspects to reach meaning, and it also deepens focused, or both, depending on the their acquisition of English by giving them type of written statements. The teacher the opportunity to describe and interpret 16 2009 Number 4 | E n g l i s h Te a c h i n g F o r u m
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