Page created by Dave Vasquez
Philosophica Vol 4 No. 1, Juni 2021

                             HANGGRAI DIFLAS DIAGA
                              Universitas PGRI Semarang

                              First received: 1 October 2020
                           Final proof received: 12 Maret 2021

This study focuses on figurative found in popular songs of Secondhand Serenade, they
are "Broken", "A twist in my story" and "I hate this song". The data were taken from the
three songs of Secondhand Serenade which consist of many types of figurative language
by using Perrine’s (1992) theory. The descriptive method was applied in this research,
the data source from the research is song lyrics from the three songs of Secondhand
Serenade. The writer found 17 sentences containing figurative languages in Secondhand
Serenade's songs. All of these terms are divided into six categories, They are, hyperbole,
personification, metonymy, simile, apostrophe, and symbol. The writer more often found
types of figurative language that contain hyperbole. Nine sentences are almost found
in every song from the three songs of Secondhand Serenade. By reading this study, the
writer hopes this research could give more understanding in the analysis of figurative
language to the reader. The writer hopes this paper inspires all students who want to
research in the same field. This study shows to the reader types of figurative language
found in popular songs of Secondhand Serenade.

Keywords: Figurative language, Song, Secondhand Serenade
INTRODUCTION                                    fect to the listeners or readers. Mahmood
      The song is a kind of art, either in      (2014) stated that each figure of speech
the form of poetry or song lyric that ex-       has its significance in making and descri-
presses many aspects of life. Song lyrics are   bing ideas. Also, the song is sometimes
the same as poetry in terms of arranging        used by the listeners or the readers to tell
the words of the lines, and song lyrics have    the feeling or the messages to someone,
stanzas and lines like poems do. Songs are      because some people are difficult to con-
appreciated for their linguistic, pedagogi-     vey their feeling or willingness directly and
cal, cultural, and entertaining features and    it becomes easier after they sing a song to
they are precious language learning materi-     convey them.
als. They can be used to teach and develop            Figurative language can be found in
every aspect of a language.                     written and spoken language. In written
      The song is generally used figurative     language, it can be found in the book, no-
language in the lyrics. The usage of figu-      vel, short story, and advertisement while
rative language in a song is very important     in spoken language, it can be found in the
as a tool to convey the messages as well as     song, speech, and tv program. Because of
beauty and to give color and particular ef-     that, Hamzah (2012:41) states that good
                             Philosophica Vol 4 No. 1, Juni 2021

language users are supposed to be able to           to analyze 3 songs “Broken, A Twist in My
express themselves in both written and              Story, and I Hate This Song”, the songs
spoken language.                                    which are written by Secondhad Serenade.
       Creating song lyrics is not an easy job      The very important reason is the writer
to do. The creator needs imagination and            found many figurative languages in the ly-
figurative sense to create the lyrics of the        ric of the song. By this research, the writer
song to make somebody listens to it, feel           expects that this research has an important
interested in it. Therefore, very important         role and could give some information for
for the listeners or readers to learn about         the readers in learning a literary work es-
figurative languages because some people            pecially a song. The writer also hoped that
are difficult to interpret the meaning of           this research could be a reference for tho-
songs. It will be useless if just listening to      se who will do similar research, especially
the song without understanding what the             about figurative languages.
song wants to convey to us as the listeners.
Analyzing figurative language in song ly-           Figurative Language
rics is important for some reasons. First,                 Figurative languages refer to words
singing a song and knowing the meaning              and groups of words that exaggerate or al-
of the lyrics is better than singing without        ter the usual meanings of the component
understanding the lyrics. We can also gain          words. The most commonly used types of
some lesson learning and fruitful informa-          figurative language are metaphor, simile,
tion when we understand the nonliteral              personification, and hyperbole. In each of
meaning contained in song lyrics. Second,           those types of language, the author imp-
analyzing figurative language provides us           licitly or explicitly compares something to
more practice be better to understand the           something else (Rhody & Lisa, 2012) figu-
non-literal expression.                             rative language means allowing for a similar
       The writer found many songs espe-            beautiful failure – not a failure of language,
cially love songs using figurative languages        but a necessary inclination toward a form
in the lyric, One song that is recognized to        that involves a diminishing of language’s
have used very much using figurative is Se-         possible meanings.
condhand Serenade, almost in all of their                  The figurative language provides new
songs lyrics figurative language could be           ways of looking at the world, it always ma-
found. Since Secondhand Serenade’s songs            kes a comparison between different things.
are very interesting to listen to, it is conside-   Figurative language affect attitudes positi-
red important to know what the meaning is           vely across context (Kronrod, A., & Dan-
implied within the songs. That is the reason        ziger, S. 2013) Figurative language compa-
for the study to analyze it more deeply. The        res two things that are different in enough
writer wants to analyze the figurative mea-         ways so that the similarities are interesting,
ning in Secondhand Serenade’s song lyrics.          unique, and surprising.
Figurative languages make the songs inter-                 Masters of figurative language can
esting and many listeners enjoy the songs           change an audience’s experience of a word
because they use so many kinds of figura-           or an idea by comparing it with something
tive languages to express their feelings and        else. Figurative language can improve so-
ideas.                                              cial communication skills (Kalandadze, T.,
       Based on the explanations and                Norbury, C., Nærland, T., & Næss, K. A.
reasons stated above the writer is interested       B. 2018).
Philosophica Vol 4 No. 1, Juni 2021                             37

       They can also deepen the mood, tone,      Secondhand Serenade, Awake in 2007 and
and complexity of their work by choosing         A Twist in My Story in 2008. The debut
relevant comparisons.                            album used multitrack recording to create
       Figurative languages sometimes can-       the sound of a band using technology, whi-
not be translated literally, to translate them   le the second album took a different path,
into different languages may cause misin-        using a proper band and an orchestra to es-
terpretation. If it is translated word-for-      tablish a more accomplished sound.
word, it will often be completely misun-                In 2005, Vesely released his debut
derstood. Often linguistic devices such as       album titled Awake. It was recorded as a
irony are used (Farías, D. I. H., Sulis, E.,     demo, after booking a few days at a San
Patti, V., Ruffo, G., & Bosco, C. 2015). Alt-    Francisco studio earlier in 2005, “using just
hough, there are always possibilities for the    an acoustic guitar and his multi-tracked vo-
readers to analyze, understand and transla-      cals.” The album experienced tremendous
te it correctly.                                 online support, and by the end of 2006 Se-
       As an example, the sentence “The          condhand Serenade had received millions
ground is thirsty”, this sentence is using       of plays on Myspace and had been the
figurative language but to recognize the fi-     social-networking site’s No. 1 Independent
gurative language in this sentences we need      Artist for months. Financially, he was said
to know that the “ground” word has a lite-       to be bringing in up to $20,000 a month
ral meaning because the ground is not alive      from downloads and merchandise sales out
and therefore neither needs to drink nor         of his home. He sold over 15,000 copies of
feel thirsty. For the people who understand      the album on his own, and on the strength
the figurative languages, they will interpret    of these sales and the support, naturally, the
this sentence that the ground is dry and         labels came knocking. Secondhand Serena-
need water.                                      de was signed by longtime label executive
       Using figurative language is not only     Daniel Glass, on his new label Glassnote
needs an interpretation but also familiarity     Records, which is distributed through War-
between the speaker and listener or bet-         ners Independent Label Group. In 2006,
ween the author and the reader because           Rolling Stone announced Secondhand Se-
an example in the statement “When I first        renade as #3 in the magazine’s reader’s poll
saw her, my soul began to quiver” this sen-      for Best Myspace Artist.
tence could present some interpretations                In early 2007, Awake was reissued by
to the reader or the listener, because these     Glassnote Records with an additional two
sentences may describe infatuation, panic,       songs. It was released on February 6 and
or something else. So, if the listener and       gave Vesely his first chartings, debuting at
reader have a familiarity with the speakers’     #16 on Billboard’s Top Heatseekers chart.
feelings, they will get what the speakers or     Added success lead to it peaking at #164
authors mean easily.                             on the Billboard 200, #3 on the Top Heat-
                                                 seekers, and #19 on the Top Independent
Secondhand Serenade                              Albums chart.
        Secondhand Serenade is an Ameri-                Secondhand Serenade released only
can acoustic rock solo project fronted by        one song as a single from the debut album,
vocalist and guitarist John Vesely. The solo     “Vulnerable”. The song spawned a music
project began in 2004. Vesely has released       video, which was created by Frank Borin
two studio albums to date under the name         who was responsible for the Red Hot Chili
                           Philosophica Vol 4 No. 1, Juni 2021

Peppers’ video for the hit single “Dani Ca-    some technique of collecting data:
lifornia”. “Vulnerable” peaked at #83 on       1. The writer opened the website https://
the Billboard Hot 100, #64 on the Pop 100,
and #56 on the Hot Digital Songs charts.       html. The writer thinks that the lyric web-
      A Twist in My Story was released         site is having complete lyrics.
on February 19, 2008, and features songs       2. The writer will choose the Secondhand
from Awake such as “Maybe” and “Your           Serenade’s song lyrics from the website.
Call,” but reproduced with a full band. The    3. The writer downloaded popular songs
bulk of the album however is a list of new     of Secondhand Serenade and listened on
songs written by John Vesely and recorded      the digital platform.
with a full band. Two tracks on A Twist In     4. The writer chose sentences that contain
My Story were produced by famed produ-         figurative language.
cer Butch Walker, while the others were
produced by former Nine Inch Nails mem-        Method of Data Analysis
ber. (Wikipedia)                                      After getting and collecting the data,
                                               the writer took the next step which is to
METHODOLOGY                                    analyze the data. The steps that the writer
       In this study, the writer used desc-    took in analyzing the data are as follows:
riptive qualitative. Qualitative research is a Identifying data from the song lyrics
research procedure that produces descrip-             In this part, the writer identified
tive data in the form of written or spoken     which utterances can be categories as the
text of the people and behaviors that can      figurative language with neon-colored song
be observed. In this study, the writer will    lyrics. After that, the writer gave a number
employ descriptive qualitative. Descriptive    on song lyrics. The number is number one
research study concern with describing the     until three on each song lyrics to facilitate
characteristics of a particular individual o   the writer to identify. Then the writer made
a group whereas diagnostic research stu-       the table to identify the data that contains
dies determine the frequency with which        figurative language.
something occurs or its association with
something else (Kothari, 2004).                Classifying the data from the song lyr-
Method of Data Collection                              The writer classified the song lyrics
       The method of data collection is that contained figurative language based on
an important step in the research becau- Perrine’s theory (1992). And then, the wri-
se the main goal of the research is to get ter used the table to make it easier for the
the data. There are two ways to collect the reader to understand.
data. Those are interactive way and non-
interactive ways. The interactive way con- Explaining the data from the song lyr-
sists of interviews, observation, and focus ics
group discussion. Whereas, non-interactive           After the writer identifying and clas-
way consists of a questionnaire, document, sifying the types of figurative language, the
and non-participant. Based on the source next step is the writer explained the result
of data in this study, the writer used a non- of the identification and classification by
interactive way to collect the data.           analyzing the meaning of figurative langu-
       In this research, the writer displays age in Secondhand Serenade’s songs based
Philosophica Vol 4 No. 1, Juni 2021                             39

on Perrine’s theory of figurative language when we are waiting for a city bus for an
(1992). The classifications of data put into hour and after a long wait for the bus and
the table of frequency to make the pie chart finally, the bus came, we often scream “I
                                             have been waiting for this bus like forever”.
DISCUSSION                                   The two examples show that the speaker is
      After analyzing the data and classi- the person who impatient.
fying figurative language on Secondhand             The classification of figurative langu-
Serenade song lyrics, in this chapter, the age use in the Broken song by Secondhand
writer discusses the findings of data analy- Serenade. It explained which position the
sis. The writer found out six types of figu- figurative language occurs in the song. The
rative language they are hyperbole, meton- figurative languages found are 2 similes, 1
ymy, personification, simile, apostrophe, hyperbole, 2 metonymies, 1 apostrophe,
and symbol. From the analysis above, the and 1 personification. For example:
writer found that hyperbole is the most of-         In the moonlight, your face it glows like a
ten apparent, figurative language that oc- thousand diamonds
curs 9 times in the three of Secondhand             The example of a simile is found
Serenade’s songs. It is used to express so- in “Broken” song line 1, 2, 3. The lyric is
mething or state of condition in a bigger “In the moonlight Your face it glows like a
way than the real condition.                 thousand diamonds”. This song describes
      The songwriter from the three songs the listeners about the feeling of the sin-
was broken, a twist in my story, and I hate ger that amazed about his girlfriend’s face.
this song wants to express all of his fee- He praises his girlfriend’s face because his
lings in the songs that he wrote, and also girlfriend is beautiful, he said “Your face
he wants everyone to knows about the hy- it glows like a thousand diamond”, it con-
perbole that he wrote at every song in the tains figurative language, that is, simile be-
three of songs. The feeling of happiness, cause the singer uses a comparison “In the
sadness, and disappointed feelings are all moonlight Your face it glows like a thou-
the feelings that exist in the mind of the sand diamonds” and uses “like” as part of
songwriter when he created the song lyrics. simile as a comparison.
As the three songs mostly are themed about          And your hair flows like the ocean breeze
love songs and sacrifice for love, there are        The example of a simile is found in
so many hyperboles expressed on the three “Broken” song lines 5, 6. This song desc-
songs to add the beauty of the expressions. ribes the listeners about the feeling of the
      Hyperbole is a device that we emp- singer that amazed about his girlfriend’s
loy in our day-to-day speech. For instance, hair. The sentence “Your hair flows like the
when we meet a friend after a long time, ocean breeze” contains figurative langu-
we say, “Ages have passed since I last saw age, that is, simile because the singer uses a
you”. We may not have met him for three comparison “Your hair flows like the ocean
or four hours or a day, but the use of the breeze” and uses “like” as part of simile as
word “ages” exaggerates this statement to a comparison.
add emphasis to your waiting. Therefore,            Not a Million Fights could make me hate
a hyperbole is an unreal exaggeration to you
emphasize the real situation to put a high          This symbol is found in “Broken”
effect on the listeners. (http://literaryde- song. Line 7, 8 “Not a million fights could Another example is make me hate you” This sentence contains
                             Philosophica Vol 4 No. 1, Juni 2021

a symbol because the singer symbolized             guage use in A Twist My Story song by a
the “fights” as a problem in this lyric. And       Secondhand Serenade. It explained which
the meaning is the singer will never hate          position the figurative language occurs in
his girlfriend, even though there are many         the song. The figurative languages found
problems in their relationship.                    are 3 hyperboles, 1 personification, and 1
       It’s in your eyes where I find peace        metonymy. For example:
       The writer found hyperbole in the                   Slow down, the world isn’t watching us bre-
eleventh and twelfth sentence in the song          ak down
“Broken” and the lyric is “It’s in your eyes,              This sentence is found in “A twist
where I find peace”. This lyric exaggerates        in my story” song line 9. “Slow down, the
words and makes the readers imagine that           world isn’t watching us break down”. The-
the singer can find peacefulness by just see       se lyrics categorized into personification
his girlfriend’s eyes, but in the reality, it is   because the songwriter makes the senten-
impossible. The writer interprets that the-        ce “the world isn’t watching us” a human
se lyrics describe that the singer feels very      characteristic. This sentence said that the
happy when he sees his girlfriend’s eyes.          world is not watching, it means anytime the
Let’s light up the town, scream out loud           world can watch them, whereas the world
       The next figurative language is found       can not watch, but a human can. The sin-
in “Broken” song. Line 15 “Let’s light up          ger wants to entertain his girlfriend with
the town, scream out loud”. This senten-           the words.
ce contains metonymy because the singer                    I can’t take my eyes off of you
change “surrounding the town” into “let’s                  The next figurative language that the
light up the town”. And the meaning is,            writer finds in “A twist in my story” song
the singer invites his girlfriend to surround      is hyperbole, the lyric “I can’t take my eyes
the town to entertain themselves or forget         off of you”. This lyric exaggerates words
about problems.                                    because life is not just our couple, and our
       Time, I just need one more day              life is just not to see our girlfriend.
       The writer finds apostrophe in “Bro-                I’ll give up all I had just to breathe the
ken” song that can be found in lines 34,           same air as you till the day that I die
35. “Time, I just need one more day”. It                   The next figurative language is found
contains apostrophe because the songwri-           in the “A twist in my story” song. Line 11,
ter talks to time, whereas time is something       12 “I’ll give up all I had just to breathe the
that can not understand.                           same air as you till the day that I die” This
       And time you’ve been crying too long time   sentence contains metonymy because the
       This sentence is found in the “Bro-         singer change “our live” into “the same air
ken” song line 36, 37, 38. The sentence            as you”. And the meaning is, the songwriter
“And time, You’ve been crying too long             wants to give everything that the songwri-
time” contains personification because the         ter had to their togetherness.
sentence personified like a human. Time
cannot cry, but humans can. It has a mes-                 The classification of figurative lan-
sage about the feeling of the singer that he       guage use in I Hate This Song song by
is waiting for someone too long. This ma-          Secondhand Serenade. It explained which
kes his heart hurt so badly and he expresses       position the figurative language occur in
this like that.                                    the song. The figurative language found is
       The classification of figurative lan-       5 hyperboles. For example:
Philosophica Vol 4 No. 1, Juni 2021                            41

      Your tears come from inside              theory of Perrine (1992) gives support for
      The writer also finds hyperbole in the   analyzing the data and there was a connec-
“I hate this song” song and the lyric “Your    tion between the song and figurative langu-
tears come from inside ”. This includes hy-    age used in popular songs of Secondhand
perbole because it exaggerates words. The      Serenade. So this theory has its function to
best meaning according to the writer is that   analyze the data. Perrine explains kinds of
the tears of the singer’s girlfriend come      figurative language of personification, me-
from the heart. The tears come from the        taphor, symbol, irony, simile, and hyperbo-
eyes. This lyric is found in line 8.           le.
      The most types of figurative langu-
age that found in Lestari (2015) thesis that   REFERENCES
is from Maria Claire, she found three me-      Hernández Farías, D. I., Sulis, E., Patti, V.,
tonymies and from Gentlemen’s of the                 Ruffo, G. F., & Bosco, C. (2015). Va-
Quartery Advertisements, she found three             lento: Sentiment analysis of figura-
metonymies and three hyperbole as the                tive language tweets with irony and
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                                                     2015) (pp. 694-698). Association for
CONCLUSION                                           Computational Linguistics.
       From the finding and analysis that      Hamzah, H. (2012). An analysis of the writ-
has been done, the writer finds that 19 sen-         ten grammatical errors produced by
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and simile. Based on the theory of Perrine.          language comprehension in individu-
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are reading something. The songwriter also     Lestari, M. (2015). Figurative Meanings in
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                        Philosophica Vol 4 No. 1, Juni 2021

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