Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Nursery & Primary School - Geography Policy Date: September 2017 Review Date: October 2019

Page created by Anita Sullivan
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic
       Nursery & Primary

                Geography Policy

Date: September 2017
Review Date: October 2019

This subject policy is one in a series that makes up the ‘Whole Curriculum’ Statement for the
school. This policy states the school’s philosophy on how Geography will make a contribution
towards our pupil’s education.

Our Geography curriculum actively contributes to many of the aims specified in the school’s
Mission Statement. Our Lady of Lourdes (O.L.O.L) provides a broad and varied Geography
curriculum, through a variety of teaching approaches and learning situations, to meet the needs
of all our pupils. We seek to provide this for all, irrespective of gender, in accordance with our
school policies on Equal Opportunities and Inclusion and in accordance with our statutory
responsibilities under the SEN Disability Act 2001.


At O.L.O.L we recognise our responsibility to provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all
our pupils. All aspects of the curriculum reflect the three principles essential to developing a
more inclusive curriculum:

        -   Setting suitable learning challenges;
        -   Responding to pupils’ diverse learning needs;
        -   Overcoming potential barriers to learning and assessment for individuals and groups
            of pupils.


At O. L.O.L, we believe that a high-quality Geography curriculum should inspire in pupils a
curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of
their lives. Teaching should equip pupils with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources
and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key
physical and human processes. As pupils progress, their growing knowledge about the world
should help them to deepen their understanding of the interaction between physical and human
processes, and of the formation and use of landscapes and environments. Geographical
knowledge, understanding and skills provide the framework and approaches that explain how the
Earth’s features at different scales are shaped, interconnected and change over time.

In accordance with the statutory orders for Geography, O.L.O.L is committed to the following


The National Curriculum for Geography aims to ensure that all pupils:

    •   Develop contextual knowledge of the location of globally significant places – both
        terrestrial and marine – including their defining physical and human characteristics and
        how these provide a geographical context for understanding the actions of processes;

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Nursery & Primary School                      Geography Policy Statement
•   Understand the processes that give rise to key physical and human geographical features
        of the world, how these are interdependent and how they bring about spatial variation and
        change over time;
    •   Are competent in the geographical skills needed to:

            -   Collect, analyse and communicate with a range of data gathered through
                experiences of fieldwork that deepen their understanding of geographical
            -   Interpret a range of sources of geographical information, including maps,
                diagrams, globes, aerial photographs and Geographical Information Systems
            -   Communicate geographical information in a variety of ways, including through
                maps, numerical and quantitative skills and writing at length.

Foundation Stage

In the Foundation Stage, Geography is taught through a range of topics throughout the year. It
makes up part of the specific curriculum area called ‘Understanding of The World’ which relates
to the children’s everyday lives, their homes, families, other people, the local environment, the
local community and the wider world. In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), teaching
and learning is practical and “hands on” and takes place both inside and outside the classroom.
This learning forms the foundations for later work in Geography.

Key Stage 1

Pupils should develop knowledge about the world, the United Kingdom and their locality. They
should understand basic subject-specific vocabulary relating to Human and Physical Geography
and begin to use geographical skills, including first-hand observation, to enhance their locational

Pupils should be taught to:

Locational Knowledge

    •   Name and locate the world’s 7 continents and 5 oceans.
    •   Name, locate and identify characteristics of the 4 countries and capital cities of the
        United Kingdom and its surrounding seas.

Place Knowledge

    •   Understand geographical similarities and differences through studying the human and
        physical geography of a small area of the United Kingdom, and of a small area in a
        contrasting non-European country.

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Nursery & Primary School                       Geography Policy Statement
Human and Physical Geography

    •   Identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the United Kingdom and the location of
        hot and cold areas of the world in relation to the Equator and the North and South Poles.
    •   Use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to:

        -   Key physical features, including: beach, cliff, coast, forest, hill, mountain, sea, ocean,
            river, soil, valley, vegetation, season and weather;
        -   Key human features, including: city, town, village, factory, farm, house, office,
            port, harbour and shop.

Geographical Skills and Fieldwork

    •   Use world maps, atlases and globes to identify the United Kingdom and its countries, as
        well as the countries, continents and oceans studied at this key stage.
    •   Use simple compass directions (north, south, east and west) and locational and directional
        language [for example, near and far, left and right], to describe the location of features
        and routes on a map.
    •   Use aerial photographs and plan perspectives to recognise landmarks and basic human
        and physical features; devise a simple map; and use and construct basic symbols in a key.
    •   Use simple fieldwork and observational skills to study the geography of their school and
        its grounds and the key human and physical features of its surrounding environment.

Key Stage 2

Pupils should extend their knowledge and understanding beyond the local area to include the
United Kingdom and Europe, North and South America. This will include the location and
characteristics of a range of the world’s most significant human and physical features. They
should develop their use of geographical knowledge, understanding and skills to enhance their
locational and place knowledge.

Pupils should be taught to:

Locational Knowledge

    •   Locate the world’s countries, using maps to focus on Europe (including the location of
        Russia) and North and South America, concentrating on their environmental regions, key
        physical and human characteristics, countries, and major cities.
    •   Name and locate counties and cities of the United Kingdom, geographical regions and
        their identifying human and physical characteristics, key topographical features
        (including hills, mountains, coasts and rivers), and land-use patterns; and understand how
        some of these aspects have changed over time.
    •   Identify the position and significance of latitude, longitude, Equator, Northern
        Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, Arctic and
        Antarctic Circle, the Prime/Greenwich Meridian and time zones (including day and

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Nursery & Primary School                        Geography Policy Statement
Place Knowledge

    •   Understand geographical similarities and differences through the study of human and
        physical geography of a region of the United Kingdom, a region in a European country,
        and a region in North or South America.

Human and Physical Geography

    •   Describe and understand key aspects of:
           - Physical geography, including: climate zones, biomes and vegetation belts, rivers,
               mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes, and the water cycle;
           - Human geography, including: types of settlement and land use, economic activity
               including trade links, and the distribution of natural resources including energy,
               food, minerals and water.

Geographical Skills and Fieldwork

    •   Use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries and describe
        features studied.
    •   Use the 8 points of a compass, 4- and 6-figure grid references, symbols and key
        (including the use of Ordnance Survey maps) to build their knowledge of the United
        Kingdom and the wider world.
    •   Use fieldwork to observe, measure record and present the human and physical features in
        the local area using a range of methods, including sketch maps, plans and graphs, and
        digital technologies.



The National Curriculum objectives for Geography in Key Stage 1 and 2 have been incorporated
into a 'topic based' approach which incorporates key skills. Each year group has an allocated
topic to cover, within which the key skills for Geography are taught. Our mapping sheet gives an
overview of each key stage. (Appendix A) The subject leader is responsible for taking the lead in
the planning and development of the geography curriculum.

In organising our curriculum for this subject we realise that Geography has an important role in
our pupil's moral and social development. We need to prepare our children for the life in the
world where they live and will work with other people of different cultures and ethnic origins.
The majority of pupils at O.L.O.L are from the same ethnic background and it is therefore,
important that the skills acquired in this subject help our pupils to build an informed and
balanced view of the world and their place in it. Geography is about the making of informed
judgements. Without a geographical perspective, we lack crucial skills in examining and
understanding human society. Our children's effectiveness as citizens will depend on the
historical skills of assessing and evaluating human behaviour.

Cross Curricular Links

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Nursery & Primary School                    Geography Policy Statement
We recognise that there is a great deal of scope for cross-curricular work and integration with
other subjects and will endeavour to seek opportunities to develop learning across the curriculum
through geography wherever opportunities arise.

Cross curricular links are made in the following curriculum areas:


Geography makes a significant contribution to the teaching of English in our school, because it
actively promotes the skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening. We ensure that a
selection of the texts that we use in English lessons are geographical in nature. At Key Stage 2
we organise debates on environmental issues, because we believe that these develop speaking
and listening skills. Reports, letters and recording information will all develop children's writing
ability. We also use environmental issues as a way of developing the children's writing by asking
them to record information and write reports and letters.


Geography in our school contributes to the teaching of Mathematics in a variety of ways. We
teach the children how to represent objects with maps. The children study space, scale and
distance and they learn how to use four- and six- figure grid references. They also use graphs to
explore, analyse and illustrate a variety of data.

Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE)

Geography contributes significantly to the teaching of Personal, Social, Health and Economic
Education. The subject matter lends itself to raising matters of economic and social welfare in
the UK and around the world. For example, children study the ways in which different materials
can be recycled and how the environments change for better or for worse. The children will also
look at how money effects the way people live in different countries. In addition, the nature of
the subject means that the children have the opportunities to take part in debates and discussions.


Computing opportunities will be made available throughout the school in the Geography
curriculum. Specific applications are available to allow individuals, groups and classes to
maximise their learning and development. The network and hardware in place within the school
provides excellent opportunity to use computing freely and is evident in the planning of

Teaching and Learning

Good practice in teaching and learning supports children with special needs and those who are
gifted and talented. In Geography, as in other subjects, our teachers recognise the need to
differentiate how they teach and plan activities for children across the spectrum of ability. Key
features of classroom practice in Geography will include opportunities to engage our children in
well planned tasks, which make use of a range of resources.
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Nursery & Primary School                      Geography Policy Statement
Specific trips are planned to enhance our geography studies. On all trips, teachers follow the
safety and supervision procedures outlined by Sefton Education Authority.


There is a range of age appropriate resources to support the teaching of Geography across the
school. In Key Stage 2, each classroom has wall maps of The World and The United Kingdom.
The Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 have material floor maps which enable interactive
learning to occur. Each year group has a globe, age appropriate atlases and a range of text books
and other teaching materials including DVD’s and practical resources that support the curriculum
topics being studied. These are being added to on a continual basis, as the school has introduced
new topics since September 2014.

The school now has access to ‘Digimap for schools’ which is digital map referencing software
that the teachers and children can access via the internet both in school and at home. This is an
invaluable resource, as it supports teachers and children in interpreting a range of sources of
geographical information, including maps, diagrams, aerial photographs and Geographical
Information Systems (GIS).


In accordance with our school guidance on display, Geography is displayed within the classroom
representing the geography focus and/or cross-curricular approach. Clear headings, explanations
and questions are an integral part of Geography display. Work is mounted well and attractively
presented in order to enhance the classroom environment and to recognise good quality work
produced by the children.


Children are not provided with formal homework for Geography, however they can be asked to
carry out research on a particular location or geographical phenomenon (that is occurring
somewhere in the world) to promote further understanding based on work in class.

Parental Involvement

Parents play an important and valuable role in supporting educational visits that enhance cross-
curricular topics, which are geographically based, e.g the Year 3 trip to Birkdale Village; the
Year 4 visit to the Eco-Centre to learn about how our local coastline is protected against the sea;
the Year 5 visit to Liverpool to study rivers and other local community visits.



Our school mapping sheet indicates what aspects of study are being covered and where. This is
the means by which we monitor progression and continuity in this subject across the key stages.
Monitoring and evaluation of coverage, planning, children’s work and display is carried out by
the subject leader.
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Nursery & Primary School                      Geography Policy Statement
Assessment, Recording and Reporting

Assessment is an integral part of the teaching and learning process as emphasised in our school
Assessment policy. In the teaching of geography, its purpose is to enable teachers to:

    •   Identify what has been taught and learnt;
    •   Recognise the ability, achievement and progress of individual pupils;
    •   Provide children with tasks appropriate to their needs;
    •   Establish pupil’s needs as a basis for future planning / teaching.

Evidence of pupil’s attainment will occur in a variety of ways:

- Observing pupils working
- Listening to and questioning pupils
- Discussing pupil’s work
- Our Lady of Lourdes Whole School Assessment Tracker is used to monitor progress and

At the beginning of the school year, parents are invited to attend a year group curriculum
meeting in which information regarding all subjects is provided including Geography. Parents
also receive half termly newsletters with information regarding areas their children will be
studying during the half term. At academic review meetings (Autumn, Spring and Summer
terms) they are informed of their child’s progress in this subject in relation to National
Curriculum subjects and work is shown and discussed. An annual report to parents includes an
appropriate section to record progression.


This policy is reviewed biennually in consultation with staff. Following this review
recommendations are made for the development of the subject.

To monitor the teaching of Geography in each year group by looking at planning, children’s
work and meeting with children to discuss what they have learnt.

    -   To ensure the Geography Curriculum Map continues to reflect the new national
        curriculum and the topics being taught by each year group.

    -   To continue to provide updates to the school website, including any changes to the
        curriculum overview.

    -   To carry out an audit of Geography resources and carry out purchases to support teaching
        of Geography topics.

    -   To provide an informal drop-in session after school for new staff and staff who are not
        yet confident with the Geographical ICT package called ‘Digimap’. This package is
        designed to support teachers and children in interpreting a range of sources of
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Nursery & Primary School                     Geography Policy Statement
geographical information, including maps, diagrams, aerial photographs and
        Geographical Information Systems (GIS). The objective is that all teachers can
        confidently add Digimap to their planning, ensuring that children are given opportunities
        to use it the classroom and the ICT suite. This will enrich both teaching and learning in

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Nursery & Primary School                     Geography Policy Statement
Appendix A
                          GEOGRAPHY CURRICULUM OVERVIEW

Year Group     Autumn 1           Autumn 2           Spring 1         Spring 2        Summer 1          Summer 2

  Nursery       All About         Christmas        Percy’s Park      The Garden         Creepy           Under the
                   Me!            Countdown                                             Crawlies           Sea

 Reception     Our Voices        Celebrations         Save the       Spring into      Once upon a       Around the
                                                       Planet         Action!            time           World in 80
              Children learn     Children learn                                                            days
              the name of        about             Children learn    Children
              their own          Bethlehem         about the solar   learn about                       We focus on
              town and find      and Nazareth      system and        different                         a new
              out about          through the       planet earth.     habitats and                      country each
              where they         Christmas         We talk about     find out                          week and
              live. They         story.            the               about the                         travel to that
              describe their                       geographical      different                         destination
              own house and                        features e.g      crops grown                       for a special
              who lives                            mountains,        by farmers.                       'wow' day
              there. They                          hills, rivers
              also learn their                     and desert etc
              address.                             and how to
                                                   look after the
     1            Come           What’s in the      From snail to     Planes,        Footprints in      Victorian
                 Outside         Dressing-up            whale        Trains and        the sand         Southport
                                    Box                              Automobile
              Children will                        Children will         s                             Children will
              use simple         Children will     use maps,                         They will         use aerial
              fieldwork and      compare the       atlases, globes   Children        identify          photographs
              observational      Christmas         and digital       will locate     seasonal and      and digital
              skills to study    traditions in     mapping to        and identify    daily weather     mapping to
              the geography      England to        locate            the             patterns in the   aid their
              of their           those in          countries and     characteristi   UK and of a       study of their
              school. They       Germany.          describe          cs of the       location in a     local area -
              will make                            features          four            hot part of the   Southport.
              simple plans                         studied.          countries       world near to
              and maps of                                            and capitals    the Equator.
              their school                                           of the United
              environment                                            Kingdom.
              and will
              construct basic                                       They will
              symbols in a                                          use aerial
              key.                                                  photographs
                                                                    to aid their
     2        Flour Power!         Around the                 Lego City                        Let it Grow!
                                  World in 80
              Children will      Children will     Children will use simple          Children will use simple
              use maps/          investigate the   compass directions (North,        fieldwork and observational
              atlas and          world's oceans    South, East and West) and         skills to study the geography of
              digital            and continents    locational and directional        their school and its grounds and
              mapping to         and explore       language [for example, near       the key human and physical
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Nursery & Primary School                                   Geography Policy Statement
locate            the weather        and far; left and right], to      features of its surrounding
              countries and     and climate in     describe the location of          environment.
              describe          the United         features and routes on a map.
              features          Kingdom and        They will also use aerial
              studied. They     around the         photographs and plan
              will start by     world.             perspectives to recognise
              studying the                         landmarks and basic human
              British Isles.                       and physical features; devise a
                                                   simple map; and use and
                                                   construct basic symbols in a

     3          Birkdale        Birkdale and          Food,         Bloomin'             Tomb           Let's Rock!
                Beckons...        Beyond!            Glorious       Marvellous          Raiders
                                                      Food!                                            Stonehenge
              Children will     Children will                                        Children will
              use maps,         use maps,                                            use maps,         Children will
              atlases and       atlases and                                          atlases, globes   use maps,
              globes to         globes to                                            and digital       atlases, globes
              locate counties   locate and                                           mapping to        and digital
              and cities in     describe                                             locate Egypt      mapping to
              the U.K. They     counties and                                         and the River     locate
              will visit        cities in the                                        Nile.             Stonehenge.
              Birkdale          U.K. They
              Village to        will use digital
              complete          mapping
              fieldwork on      sources such
              the human and     as Digimap
              physical          and Google
              features of the   Earth to
              locality. They    examine the
              will use their    land use in
              findings in       and around
              addition to       Liverpool,
              other sources,    looking at the
              such as digital   changes in
              mapping, to       landscape.
              draw their        Once back at
              own maps.         school they
              They will use     will use their
              the 8 points of   findings to
              a compass and     draw their
              write             own maps.
              directions to     They will use
              locate various    this
              features of the   information to
              local area.       create their
                                own maps.
                                Children will
                                use the 8
                                points of a
                                compass to
                                help them

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Nursery & Primary School                                   Geography Policy Statement
4          Attack and                        Frozen         Smashing         Wondrous
                 Defend                         A Study of        Saxons            Waters
                                                 the Arctic        British        A European
              Children will                        Circle      settlement by      study of the
              locate the                       Children        Anglo Saxons       Netherlands
              world’s                          will identify     and Scots
              countries, with                  the position     (3 WEEKS)        Children will
              a focus on                       and                               learn about
              Europe and                       significance    Children will     geographical
              countries of                     of latitude,    study the key     similarities
              particular                       longitude,      human and         and
              interest, such                   Equator,        physical          differences
              as England,                      Northern        geographical      through the
              France and                       Hemisphere,     features of the   study of the
              Italy.                           Southern        countries of      human and
              They will                        Hemisphere,     the United        physical
              focus on the                     Arctic and      Kingdom, and      geography of
              human aspect                     Antarctic       develop an        the Uk and the
              of the Roman                     Circle.         understanding     Netherlands.
              invasion;                                        of how some
              including:                       Children        of these
              settlements,                     will learn      aspects           Children will
              land use,                        about           changed as a      use maps,
              economic                         geographical    result of the     atlases, globes
              activity                         similarities    Saxon             and digital
              including                        and             invasion.         mapping to
              trade links and                  differences                       locate the
              the                              through the                       Netherlands
              distribution of                  study of                          within Europe.
              natural                          human and
              resources.                       physical                          Children will
                                               geography                         use the eight
                                               of a region                       points of a
                                               within North                      compass, four
                                               America.                          figure grid
                                               Children                          symbols and
                                               will study                        key (including
                                               the Human                         the use of
                                               Geography                         Ordnance
                                               of the Arctic                     Survey maps)
                                               Circle,                           to build their
                                               including:                        knowledge of
                                               settlements,                      the
                                               land use,                         Netherlands
                                               economic                          within Europe.
                                               trade links
                                               and the
                                               of natural
                                               minerals and
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Nursery & Primary School                               Geography Policy Statement
5        Ferry Across        Out of this           Our          The Vicious      The Library      Viva Espana!
               the Mersey          World              Precious        Vikings          of Secrets
                                                       Planet                                          Children will
              Children will                                         Children will                      use maps,
              look at the        Children will      Children        study the key                      atlases, globes
              River Mersey,      look at            will study      human                              and digital
              find its source    countries and      the key         geographical                       mapping to
              and look at the    continents of      geographical    features of the                    locate Spain
              features of a      the world and      features of     countries of                       and learn
              river system.      take a look at     our planet,     the United                         about its
              They will use      how these          and develop     Kingdom, and                       physical and
              mapping skills     look from          an              develop an                         human
              to locate          space using        understandin    understanding                      geographical
              Liverpool          online maps        g of how        of how some                        features.
              within the         such as            some of         of these
              wider world.       Google Earth.      these aspects   aspects
              They will use      They will also     have            changed as a
              the eight          locate these       changed         result of the
              points of a        areas using        over time.      Viking
              compass,           maps and                           invasion.
              focusing on        globes.
              the use of an
              survey map of
              They will also
              use four figure
              symbols and

     6          Keep Calm and Carry On                  Run for your Lives!              The Amazing Americas

              Children will look at WW2             Children will study a variety     To locate the world’s countries,
              Invasion Maps to locate the           of aspects of physical            using maps to focus on South
              world’s countries. Then they          Geography, including:             America, concentrating on their
              will focus in on Europe and           volcanoes and earthquakes         environmental regions, key
              countries of particular interest to   (looking at the volcano at        physical and human
              this topic.                           Yosemite and earthquakes in       characteristics, countries, and
                                                    San Francisco to ensure N.        major cities
              They will use maps, atlases,          America is covered)
              globes and digital mapping to                                           Understand geographical
              locate countries and describe         They will learn about the         similarities and differences
              features studied.                     significance of the               through the study of human
                                                    geographical zones of the         and physical geography of a
                                                    world including: climate          region within
                                                    zones, biomes and vegetation      South America.
                                                    belts and mountains.
                                                                                      Locate famous landmarks
                                                                                      throughout South America.

                                                                                      Use maps, atlases, globes and
                                                                                      digital/computer mapping to
                                                                                      locate countries and describe
                                                                                      features studied.

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Nursery & Primary School                                    Geography Policy Statement
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