Waikari School Charter 2021 - Strategic Plan Reporting and Planning Targets 2021 -2023

Page created by Willie Owen
Waikari School Charter 2021 - Strategic Plan Reporting and Planning Targets 2021 -2023
Waikari School
             Charter 2021
     Strategic Plan Reporting and Planning Targets
                      2021 –2023

               Ko te manu e kai ana i te miro nōnā te ngahere
              Ko te manu e kai ana i te mātauranga nōnā te ao

   Confident, Respectful, Curious Kids
                          Mission Statement
To provide an education where all children are able to develop into, well-rounded and
  resilient young people who are capable of dealing with an ever changing world.

                                 MOE No. 3569
Waikari School

 Introductory: Index
                Strategic Diagram
                Community and School Description
                Recognising NZ’s Cultural Diversity
                Tipu Maia Community of Learning
                Principles, Values and Key
                Student Organisation
 Strategic:    Strategic Plan 2021 - 2023
                Annual Aims and Targets
 Self Review: Triennial Self Review
 Procedural:   Timelines for Consultation
Consultation    Vision,
               Mission and


  OUR           section 3
CHARTER        years broad

                 Section       Management
                 Current         with board
                years aim         sign-off

               Targets for


               Annual Report
Community and School
General Description of the School

Waikari School with a current roll of 38 students, caters for students in Years 1-8 and has a warm and
positive character. It presently has two small multi-level classes (years 1-3 and years 4-8) with a
teaching principal, and two classroom teachers. Each class has a teacher aide (Learning Assistant)
The students enjoy a positive learning environment that acknowledges their success, effort and
achievement. The teachers have created an environment for students that focuses on promoting their
achievement and learning. Teaching staff use positive approaches for managing student behaviour and
promote a culture of respect within the classrooms through the use of our unique values (P R I D E).
Needs-based learning programmes accommodate the diverse learning needs of all students. Students
learn in contexts that are relevant to their everyday lives. Teachers share learning outcomes with
students, and routines within the classrooms are well established and focussed on learning and

Description of School Community

The school derives its pupils from the Waikari village urban area as well as the surrounding rural
farming sector. There is a wide socio-economic range in the community - ranging from families with
young children to retired persons who have lived in the district all of their lives.

Parents are very supportive in school: class programmes, sports programmes, grounds maintenance,
transporting children, camps, class trips and fundraising.

Facilities available to residents in Waikari include the school pool, school playground, a community
centre, medical centre, shops and a playground in the village. Close activities include swimming,
fishing, horse trekking and many other popular outdoor activities.

Amberley the closest town, offers a medical centre, district library, covered swimming pool, bowling
green, supermarket and other shops, hotels, restaurants and cafes. The school is close to the Waipara
wine growing district and the Hanmer Springs Thermal resort and ski fields are about 1 - 1.5 hours’
distance. Waikari is renowned for its Maori cave artwork and the Waikari Walkway provides access
to the Maori rock drawings in the Weka Pass Reserve and of course enhances the views of the local
mountain ranges as well as passing through an area rich in natural beauty and history.

The school contributes to Hurunui College some 8 kms away.
Recognising New Zealand’s Cultural Diversity
In recognising the unique position of the Maori culture, Waikari School provides instruction in tikanga (Maori
culture) and Te Reo Maori (Maori language) for all students.

        Aspects of te reo Maori are taught on a weekly basis as well as informally throughout the class
        programme. Integration into topic / inquiry units is made when relevant. Continued professional
        development occurs when available and in staff meetings.
        Teaching includes daily whole school whakatauki, thanks for kai, whole school waiatas and mihimihi.
        Whole school phrases are taught, used and displayed in the school environment. Mihimihi begin simply
        with visual pictures, progressing to a simple written mihi and then a more complex mihi. Maori
        language displays (posters, sayings) are throughout the school and displayed in a place where they can
        be seen by the children.

The school runs a kapahaka programme and the children have presented at the North Canterbury Kapahaka
Festival, and at local events.

The school liaises with Ngai Tahu Iwi personnel, and teachers have had professional development in tikanga
Maori and te reo. The school is very respectful of the history of the Kaiapoi Pa.

     Since 2016 Waikari School has been a member of Tipu Māia – a community of 13 schools made up of six area
     schools and seven smaller contributing primary schools on the peripheral of the Christchurch region. The region
     extends towards Oxford and Hanmer Springs in the west, Cheviot to the north and Akaroa in the east. At the heart
     of the cluster are the shared values of education from Y1-13 and, for most, the challenges faced with being
     geographically isolated.

     Our vision for this community is:
     “Brave, capable confident learners working together to enable high quality schools with excellent teaching to
     create the best future for each and every learner”

     Our emerging community goal is to increase overall student achievement through writing across the curriculum
     from Year 1-13 through agency, collaboration and engagement as the levers to enable success.

     The theory of improvement is if we focus on developing agency, collaboration and engagement through the
     context of writing across the curriculum, then we will see increases in student achievement across mathematics,
     reading, writing and NCEA.

     The community has appointed a new Lead Principal in 2020 Mr Mike Hart.
Principles, Values and Key Competencies
The Principles, Values and Key Competencies of the New Zealand Curriculum will be embedded throughout the
Waikari School Programmes of Work.

The Waikari School Community has adopted through the New Zealand Curriculum a set of Values that they believe
are important to their School Community.

                                            VALUES/ CORE BELIEFS
We, at Waikari School believe……….
that “Confident, Respectful, Curious Kids” develop when the whole school community demonstrates:

      Perseverance- Keep trying even when it gets tough (Resilient)
      Respect- Look after ourselves, others and the environment
      Integrity- Do the right thing even when no one is looking
      Difference- Make a difference – a change that will inspire
      Excellence- Always do and be your best

At Waikari School we want our children to:
    Be happy and engaged in learning
    Be respectful of themselves, others and the environment
    Feel safe and secure
    Be compassionate communicators
    Seek help as well as support others
    Reflect our school “PRIDE” values
Waikari School promotes “Positive Behaviour for Learning”

Student Organisation
In 2021 the school is made up of two classes Weka (Year 0-3) and Kea (Year 4-8). Our four birds (Weka, Kea, Karearea
and Pouakai) represent four learning levels with the fantail representative of our pre-schoolers.
The children are organised into vertical house groupings for further activities/ challenges. They are Kauri, Totara, Rimu
and Matai.
Waikari School Strategic Plan
          VISION                                 2021 – 2023                                                             Aspirations
       Vision Statement                                                                                         Waikari School children will:
“Confident, Respectful, Curious
             Kids”                                                                                                   Be happy and engaged in
    Mission Statement                                                                                                Be respectful of themselves,
To provide an education where all                                                                                    others and the environment.
children are able to develop into,                 Confident, Respectful, Curious Kids                               Be curious, having the skills to
well rounded and resilient young                                                                                     enquire.
people who are capable of dealing                                                                                    Feel safe and secure.
  with an ever changing world.
                                           Waikari School Strategic Aims 2021 – 2023                                 Be proud of their achievements.
                                     Strategic Aim One:                                                              Be compassionate
  P.R.I.D.E Values                   Quality Teaching and Learning
                                     Waikari School will empower teachers and students to perform to the best
                                                                                                                     Be capable and knowledgeable.
       Perseverance – Keep
                                     of their ability. (Personal Best)                                               Be able to work independently,
      trying even when it gets
                                                                                                                     confident of their abilities.
      tough (resilient)              Strategic Aim Two:
                                     Student Wellbeing                                                               Seek help as well as support
      Respect – Look after
                                     Waikari School will strengthen and promote the wellbeing of students and        others.
      ourselves, others and the
                                     families. (emotional and physical) Hauora                                       Be prepared for secondary
                                                                                                                     education and an ever changing
      Integrity – Do the right       Strategic Aim Three:                                                            world.
      thing even when no one is      Strengthening Partnerships
                                                                                                                     Reflect our school ‘PRIDE’
      looking                        Waikari School will strengthen partnerships with the School Community
                                     and other education providers.                                                  values.
      Difference – Make a
      difference – a change that
                                     Strategic Aim Four:
      will inspire                   The Learning Environment
      Excellence– always do and      (Physical)
      be your best                   Waikari School will upgrade the physical environment including grounds
                                     and buildings to enhance student learning and wellbeing.
Waikari School Strategic Annual Aims 2021 - 2023
Strategic Goal                               2021                                2022                               2023
Strategic Aim One:                 Empowering students to perform to the best of their ability (including Maori and Pacifica children)
Quality                             SA1:AA1 Reading Targets                 SA1:AA1 Reading Targets                    SA1:AA1 Reading Targets
                                   Our expectation is that by the end of      Our expectation is that by the end of      Our expectation is that by the end of
Teaching and                     2021, (Using 2020 assessment data)
                                 children who were reading below the
                                                                            2022, (Using 2021 assessment data)
                                                                            children who were reading below the
                                                                                                                       2023, (Using 2022 assessment data)
                                                                                                                       children who were reading below the
Learning                         expected curriculum levels in 2020 will
                                 be reading within expected curriculum
                                                                            expected curriculum levels in 2021 will
                                                                            be reading within expected curriculum
                                                                                                                       expected curriculum levels in 2022 will
                                                                                                                       be reading within expected curriculum
                                 levels in November 2021.                   levels in November 2022.                   levels in November 2023.
Waikari School will empower
                                 SA1:AA.2 Writing Targets                   SA1:AA.2 Writing Targets                   SA1:AA.2 Writing Targets
teachers and students to
                                 Our expectation is that by the end of      Our expectation is that by the end of      Our expectation is that by the end of
perform to the best of their     2021, (Using 2020 assessment data)         2022, (Using 2021 assessment data)         2023, (Using 2022 assessment data)
ability (Personal Best)          children who were writing below            children who were writing below            children who were writing below
     See Student                expected curriculum levels in 2020 will    expected curriculum levels in 2021 will    expected curriculum levels in 2022 will
         Achievement Target      be writing within expected curriculum      be writing within expected curriculum      be writing within expected curriculum
                                 levels November 2021.                      levels November 2022.                      levels November 2023.

Waikari School will focus        Mathematics
explicitly on equity and         SA1:AA3 Mathematics Targets                SA1:AA3 Mathematics Targets                SA1:AA3 Mathematics Targets
excellence in student outcomes   Our expectation is that by the end of      Our expectation is that by the end of      Our expectation is that by the end of
 by ensuring all children are    2021, (Using 2020 assessment data)         2022, (Using 2021 assessment data)         2023, (Using 2021 assessment data)
given the support they need to   children who were below expected           children who were below expected           children who were below expected
                                 curriculum levels in mathematics in 2020   curriculum levels in mathematics in 2021   curriculum levels in mathematics in 2022
                                 will be achieving within expected          will be achieving within expected          will be achieving within expected
                                 curriculum levels in mathematics in        curriculum levels in mathematics in        curriculum levels in mathematics in
                                 November 2021.                             November 2022.                             November 2023.

                                 Other Targets
                                 The Year 7/8 children will remain          Target to be developed as data/ needs      Target to be developed as data/ needs
                                 engaged in learning through physical ,     analysed from 2021                         analysed from 2022
                                 interactive challenges.
Our Gifted and Talented children will excel
 SA1:AA4                                      . SA1:AA4                                     SA1:AA4
Children who are in the category of gifted    Children who are in the category of           Children who are in the category of gifted
and talented (Well above expected             gifted and talented (Well above expected      and talented (Well above expected
curriculum levels or displaying a talent in   curriculum levels or displaying a talent in   curriculum levels or displaying a talent in
other areas) will be promoted and/or          other areas) will be promoted and/or          other areas) will be promoted and/or
entered in extra activities to encourage      entered in extra activities to encourage      entered in extra activities to encourage
and challenge achievement of personal         and challenge achievement of personal         and challenge achievement of personal
best                                          best.                                         best.
      Empowering teachers to perform to the best of their ability
Teacher Professional Development
SA1:AA5                                       SA1:AA5                                       SA1:AA5
The teachers and the principal will be        The teachers and the principal will be        The teachers and the principal will be
given professional development                given professional development                given professional development
opportunities to enhance teaching and         opportunities to enhance teaching and         opportunities to enhance teaching and
learning.                                     learning.                                     learning.
      PLG (COL)                                    COL (Community of Learning)                  COL (Community of Learning)
      NZPF Conference                              NZPF Conference                              NZPF Conference
      Digital Fluency (Learning                    P.D confirmed annually as                    P.D confirmed annually as
          Architects)                                   needs and opportunities become                needs and opportunities become
      Mathematics (Internal)                           evident                                       evident
      Explore structured literacy

SA1:AA6                                       SA1:AA6                                       SA1:AA6
School wide curriculum development            School wide curriculum development            School wide curriculum development
and/or review focusing on                     focusing on                                   focusing on
Reviewing;                                    Reviewing;                                    Reviewing;
     The Arts                                     Social sciences                              Science
     Mathematics                                  Reading
Developing                                         Careers
     On Line Learning
2021                             2022                                                    2023
Strategic Aim Two:                Building our Identity and Strengthening our PRIDE Values
                                  Student Wellbeing
Student                           SA2
                                      Flock time Monday mornings
Wellbeing                             Social and emotional wellbeing to be
Waikari School will               embedded into our curriculum and daily routines
strengthen and promote the            Term One Health Term (Includes KOS, Road Safety, Bus Safety, Water Safety, sun smart and hygiene and
wellbeing of students.                  healthy eating)
(emotional and physical)              Children to complete Me and My school survey
Hauora                                Explore “sparklers” resource (Website
                                      Young National Leaders Day
                                      Buddies for NE
                                      Year 8 Leadership utilized
                                      Year 7/8 Programme to keep Year 7/8 boys engaged in learning (Practical hands on)
                                      Restorative Practices used for behaviour
                                      Fitness incorporated into the daily programme
                                      Sports incorporated into the weekly programme

Strategic Aim Three:              2021                            2022                                                  2023
                                  Developing and Maintaining Strong Partnerships
Strengthening                     Preschool Partnerships
                                  SA3.1                                      SA3.1                                      SA3.1
Partnerships                      Waikari School will continue to maintain
                                  partnerships with local preschools
                                                                             Waikari School will continue to maintain
                                                                             partnerships with local preschools
                                                                                                                        Waikari School will continue to maintain
                                                                                                                        partnerships with local preschools
Waikari School will continue
                                       4 Year old programme running                                                         Continue to maintain
to maintain strong partnerships            every 2nd week                           Continue to maintain
with the School Community              Termly visits to preschools by
and other education providers.             junior Teacher –senior buddies
                                           also visit preschool
                                       Invites to school events
                                           pertaining to preschoolers
                                       Preschool list updated
                                       Maintain new preschool
                                           afternoons / Morning
Local Schools
SA3.2                                      SA3.2                                      SA3.2
Waikari School will develop and            Waikari School will develop and            Waikari School will develop and
maintain partnerships with local schools   maintain partnerships with local schools   maintain partnerships with local schools
     Be involved with small school             Review transition process to              Continue to develop and
        cluster (Waipara, Greta Valley,            Hurunui College                            maintain
        Omihi, Broomfield)                      Be involved with small school
     Involved with COL (Community                 cluster (Waipara, Greta Valley,
        Learning)                                  Omihi, Broomfield)
     Leadership camp with GV,                  Involved with COL (Community
        Omihi, Waipara, Hamner ( Yr 7              Learning)
     Keep close relationship with
        Greta Valley
     Gifted &Talented rotation with
        other small schools
     Get Together Days

Local Community
SA3.3                                      SA3.3                                      SA3.3
Waikari School will develop and            Waikari School will develop and            Waikari School will develop and
maintain partnerships with its local       maintain partnerships with its local       maintain partnerships with its local
Community                                  Community                                  Community
     More involvement with elderly             Continue to maintain                      Continue to maintain
     Encourage more parent /
        community involvement
        Maintain partnerships with
        elderly, businesses, artists,
        Invitations to wider school
     Community newsletter once a
     Community/Family Barbecue
     Family Big Day Out at end of
                               SA3.4                                       SA3.4                                       SA3.4
                               Waikari School will develop and                      Waikari School will develop and   Waikari School will develop and
                               maintain partnerships with its local iwi.             maintain partnerships with its    maintain partnerships with its local iwi.
                                    Hautu Self Review                               local iwi                              Kapahaka
                                    Board /staff professional                       Build school community                Te Reo school wide
                                       development with Tuahiwi                      knowledge around cultural              Increased interactions with other
                                    Marae visit by above                            narrative                                 schools
                                    Approach Waipara or other                      Student visit to Marae
                                       school to join with Kapahaka                 Te Reo schoolwide
                                    Te Reo schoolwide

Strategic Aim Four:            2021                                        2022                                        2023
                               Physical Environment
The Learning                   SA4                                         SA4                                         SA4
                                        Replant Tiger country – Native
Environment                          
                                         path (student input)
                                         School shading – Front of
                                                                                     Bus signage
                                                                                     Modernisation funding for
                                                                                                                                 Replace heat pumps
                                                                                                                                 Upgrade girls’ bathroom
(Physical)                           
                                         Teardrop Flag                           

Waikari School will upgrade             New Sports Shed
the physical environment                Earthquake repairs to
including grounds and                    administration block
buildings to enhance student            New 10 YP
                                        More signage in Te Reo
learning and wellbeing.
                                        Birds on buildings
Waikari School Annual Student Achievement Target 2021
Strategic Aim One:
Waikari School will empower teachers and students to perform to the best of their ability (Personal Best)

Annual Aims: SA1:AA1
i) Our expectation is that by the end of 2021, (Using 2020 data) children who were reading below the
curriculum expectations in November 2020 will be reading within expected curriculum levels in November

ii) Children reading well below expected curriculum levels will have at least made 1 year’s progress or more.

iii) Children previously targeted will be monitored to ensure progress is continuous.
2021 Annual Target: 4/37 (11%) of children who were reading below (Tier 2) the expected curriculum levels in
2020 will be reading within expected curriculum levels in November 2021. 1/37 (03%) who were reading Well Below
(Tier 3) will have made 1 year’s progress in reading in 2021.

Base/ Historical Information: There are five children targeted. Three of these children were targeted in
2020 and two are new. One child receives ICS funding.

 What the school will        Timeframe                Led by                   Resources / Budget
 do to meet the target.                                                        Allocated
 Children identified as      November 2020            Teacher / Principal      Literacy Budget
 below expected
 curriculum levels

 Seek outside advice         February 2021            RTLit / RTLB/ LSC
 Referrals actioned                                   /Teacher

 Teacher Aide employed       February 2021            Principal                OPs Grant
 to work on individual                                Kea – V Charles          SEG
 programmes and in                                    Weka – C Hunt            T.A Budget
 class support                                                                 FAST

 Principal to monitor        2021                     Principal / Teacher      OP s Grant
 progress and work with
 children who need extra
                             March 2021
 Teachers to develop         June                     Teacher / Parent/
 ITP’s / CAPS (include       September                LSC
 student voice)

 Investigate “structured     2021                     Teachers                 Literacy budgets

 Meet with parents to        April/July/September
 implement a shared
 understanding of the
 learning programme
 and ITP

 Reading books sent          April/July/October       Teachers
 home through holidays

 Analyse mid Year /End
 of Year Data to inform      June / November          Principal
 progress and planning                                BOT
 following year
Waikari School Annual Student Achievement Target 2021
Strategic Aim One:
Waikari School will empower teachers and students to perform to the best of their ability (Personal Best)

Annual Aims: SA1:AA2
i) Our expectation is that by the end of 2021, (Using 2020 data) children who were writing below the
expected curriculum levels in November 2020 will be writing within expected curriculum levels in November

ii) Children writing well below expected curriculum levels will have at least made 1 year’s progress or more.

iii) Children previously targeted will be monitored to ensure progress is continuous.

2020 Annual Target: 7/37 (19%) children who were writing below (Tier 2) the expected curriculum levels in
   November 2020 will be writing within expected curriculum levels in November 2021. 1/37 (03%) who were
   writing Well Below (Tier 3) will have made 1 year’s progress in writing in 2021.

Base/ Historical Information: There are eight children targeted. Two of the children were targeted in 2020
and six children are new targets. One child receives ICS funding. In 2020 we experienced a covid 19
lockdown which may have contributed to some children not progressing as well as they should have in

 What the school will do to             Timeframe                      Led by                Resources
 meet the target.                                                                            Allocated
 Children identified as being           November 2020                  Principal             Management
 below the expected levels in

 Seek outside advice – students         February 2021                  Principal
 with identified needs                                                 RTLB / RTLIT/ LSC

 Teacher Aide employed to work          February 2021                  Principal             In Class support
 on individual programmes and in                                       V Charles             OPPS/ SEG
 class support                                                         C Humt

 Analyse writing samples to             April 2021                     Principal/ teachers   CRT
 identify all children’s next steps
 and target group

 Teachers to develop ITP’s/             March 2021                     Teachers              CRT
 CAPS                                   Reviewed June/                 Parents/ Students

 Investigate “structured literacy”      2021                           Principal
                                                                       Senior Teacher

 Meet with parents to implement         March 2021
 a shared understanding of the          Reviewed June                  Teachers
 learning programme and ITP’s

 Analyse Mid Year / End of Year         July                           Principal
 Data to inform progress and            Nov                            Teachers
 planning for 2022                                                     BOT
Waikari School Annual Student Achievement Target 2021

Strategic Aim One:
Waikari School will empower teachers and students to perform to the best of their ability (Personal Best)

Annual Aims: SA1:AA3
i) Our expectation is that by the end of 2021, (Using 2020 data) children who were below the expected
curriculum levels in mathematics in November 2020 will be within expected curriculum levels in
mathematics in November 2021.

ii) Children well below expected curriculum levels in mathematics will have at least made 1 year’s progress
or more.

iii) Children previously targeted will be monitored to ensure progress is continuous.

2020 Annual Target 6/37 (16%) children who were below (Tier 2) the expected curriculum levels in
mathematics in November 2020 will be within expected curriculum levels in November 2021. 1/37(03%) who
were Well Below (Tier 3) in mathematics in November 2020 will have made 1 year’s progress in mathematics in 2021.

Base/ Historical Information: Seven children are targeted. Two of the children were targeted in 2020 and
five children are new targets. 6/7 of the targeted children are girls.

   What the school will do to meet the             Timeframe              Led by                    Resources
   target.                                                                                          Allocated

   Children identified as being below              November 2020                                    Mathematics
   expected curriculum levels in                                                                    budget

   Meet with parents of children at risk or        March                  Class teacher             CRT
   below expected curriculum levels to             June
   offer strategies they can use at home to        September
   help their children

                                                                          Parents / staff
   Ensure child is self- regulated – knows         March
   where they are at and next steps
                                                                          Teachers /                Mathematics
   Teachers will work together to pull             2021                   Principal                 Budget
   apart each numeracy stage to see what it
   looks like and types of activities for
   teaching and learning.

   Whole school review of maths                    2021                   Principal                 Mathematics
   curriculum                                                             Teachers                  budget

   Monitor progress – ongoing                      2021                   Principal

   Retest using PAT and Asttle in June and
   November for future planning                    2021                   Teachers /
   Year 3-8 children using mathletics              June
                                                   November               Teachers/
   Analyse Mid Year / End of Year Data to      Principal / BOT
   inform progress and planning for 2022
2021        Area for                     Term                                Term Two                     Term Three                   Term Four
Review      Review                       One
                                         Week 4              Week 9          Week 4         Week 9        Week 4         Week 9        Week 4         Week 9

            Charter       Update         Final 2021                                                                                                   Review of
Strategic                 Charter        Charter                                                                                                      strategic
Review                                   NAG 7 MOE                                                                                                    plan.
                                         Analysis of                                                                                                  AOV 2021
                                         Variance                                                                                                     draft
                                         NAG 8 MOE
            Strategic     Student        Achievement         Achievement     Achievement    Mid- year     Achievement    Achievement   AA 4 Gifted    End of Year
            Aims          Achievement    Aim Review          AA 1Reading,    AA 3 Maths     data review   AA 1Reading    AA 3 Maths    and talented   data review
                          Targets        – update            AA 2 Writing    AA 4 Gifted                  AA 2 Writing
                                         AA’s                                and talented
                          Strategic      Strategic Aim       Strategic       Strategic      Strategic     Strategic      Strategic     Strategic      Review
                          Aims -update   Review –            Aim’s           Aim’s          Aim’s         Aim’s          Aim’s         Aim’s
                          Other goals    update goals        2-4             2-4            2-4           2-4            2-4           2-4
Regular     Policy                       Home Learning                       Reporting to                 Complaints                   Improving
                                         Financial control                   parents                      Behaviour                    educational
Review      Review                       and expenditure                     Protected                    Management                   outcomes for
            School Docs                                                      disclosure                                                Maori
                                                                             Visitors                                                  RI
            Student                      Special                             Maori and                    Achievement                  Special        Achievement
            Achievement                  education                           Pacifica                     Data (WS)                    Education      Data (WS)
            HR                           Performance         Appraisals                                                  EEO survey    Appraisals
                                         agreements          Approved                                                                  Concluded
            Curriculum                   On Line             The Arts        Digital        Digital                      Mathematics
                                         Learning                            Fluency        Technologies
            Budget                       Approved            Monitor         Monitor        Mid Year     Monitor                       2022 draft
Emergent    New Gov.
review      initiatives
            New Local                                        COL update      COL update     COL update    COL update     COL update    COL update
Board                                    Appoint Chair       Accounts to                    Roll return                                Succession
process                                  Update Gov          Auditor                        July 1 st                                  planning
                                         Manual              Annual Report
                                                             –sent to MOE
2022        Area for                     Term                                 Term Two                           Term Three                          Term Four
Review      Review                       One
                                         Week 4          Week 9               Week 4         Week 9              Week 4         Week 9               Week 4         Week 9

            Charter       Update         Final 2022                                                                                                                 Review of
Strategic                 Charter        Charter                                                                                                                    strategic
Review                                   NAG 7 MOE                                                                                                                  plan.
                                         Analysis of                                                                                                                AOV 2022
                                         Variance                                                                                                                   draft
                                         NAG 8 MOE
            Strategic     Student        Achievement     Achievement          Achievement    Mid- year           Achievement    Achievement          AA 4 Gifted    End of Year
            Aims          Achievement    Aim Review      AA 1Reading,         AA 3 Maths     data review         AA 1Reading    AA 3 Maths           and talented   data review
                          Targets        – update        AA 2 Writing         AA 4 Gifted                        AA 2 Writing
                                         AA’s                                 and talented
                          Strategic      Strategic Aim   Strategic            Strategic      Strategic           Strategic      Strategic            Strategic      Review
                          Aims -update   Review –        Aim’s                Aim’s          Aim’s               Aim’s          Aim’s                Aim’s
                          Other goals    update goals    2-4                  2-4            2-4                 2-4            2-4                  2-4
Regular     Policy                                       Alcohol, drus and                   Curriculum and                     Performance                         EOTC
                                                         other harmful subs                  student                            management                          Sun protection
Review      Review                                       Swimming Pool                       achievement                        Health, Safety and
            School Docs                                  Legislation and                     Emergency                          welfare
                                                         Admin                               planning and proc
            Student                                      Special              Maori and                          Achievement                         Special        Achievement
            Achievement                                  Education            Pacifica                           Data (WS)                           Education      Data (WS)
            HR                           Performance     Appraisals                                                             EEO survey           Appraisals
                                         agreements      Approved                                                                                    Concluded
            Curriculum                                   Reading                             Careers                            Social studies

            Budget                       Approved        Monitor              Monitor        Mid Year            Monitor                             2023 draft
Emergent    New Gov.
review      initiatives
            New Local                                    COL update           COL update     COL update          COL update     COL update           COL update
Board                                    Appoint Chair   Accounts to                         Roll return                                             Succession
process                                  Update Gov      Auditor                             July 1 st                                               planning
                                         Manual          Annual Report
                                                         –sent to MOE
2023        Area for                     Term                                   Term Two                         Term Three                        Term Four
Review      Review                       One
                                         Week 4          Week 9                 Week 4         Week 9            Week 4         Week 9             Week 4         Week 9

            Charter       Update         Final 2023                                                                                                               Review of
Strategic                 Charter        Charter                                                                                                                  strategic
Review                                   NAG 7 MOE                                                                                                                plan.
                                         Analysis of                                                                                                              AOV 2023
                                         Variance                                                                                                                 draft
                                         NAG 8 MOE
            Strategic     Student        Achievement     Achievement            Achievement    Mid- year         Achievement    Achievement        AA 4 Gifted    End of Year
            Aims          Achievement    Aim Review      AA 1Reading,           AA 3 Maths     data review       AA 1Reading    AA 3 Maths         and talented   data review
                          Targets        – update        AA 2 Writing           AA 4 Gifted                      AA 2 Writing
                                         AA’s                                   and talented
                          Strategic      Strategic Aim   Strategic              Strategic      Strategic         Strategic      Strategic          Strategic      Review
                          Aims -update   Review –        Aim’s                  Aim’s          Aim’s             Aim’s          Aim’s              Aim’s
                          Other goals    update goals    2-4                    2-4            2-4               2-4            2-4                2-4
Regular     Policy                                       Recognition of                        Documentation                    Learning support                  Classroom release
                                                         Cultural Diversity                    and self Review                  Appointment Proc                  Time
Review      Review                                       Staff Leave                           Employer                         Child Protection                  Privacy
            School Docs                                  Seperated parents ..                  Responsibility
            Student                                      Special                Maori and                        Achievement                       Special        Achievement
            Achievement                                  Education              Pacifica                         Data (WS)                         Education      Data (WS)
            HR                           Performance     Appraisals                                                             EEO survey         Appraisals
                                         agreements      Approved                                                                                  Concluded
            Curriculum                                                                                                          Science

            Budget                       Approved        Monitor                Monitor        Mid Year          Monitor                           2024 draft
Emergent    New Gov.
review      initiatives
            New Local                                    COL update             COL update     COL update        COL update     COL update         COL update
Board                                    Appoint Chair   Accounts to                           Roll return                                         Succession
process                                  Update Gov      Auditor                               July 1 st                                           planning
                                         Manual          Annual Report
                                                         –sent to MOE

Timelines and Processes for Community Consultation

Strategic Planning /Charter

       Community consultation on Charter Direction                      2015 /2018/2021

       BOT survey sent out to parents                                   October 2015/2018/2021
       Student Achievement Targets set                                  February /March
       Charter Review                                                   December/January

       Health                                                           2016/ 2018/2020
       Te Reo                                                           2017
       Inquiry                                                           2018
       Technology                                                        2018 / 2020
       Social studies                                                    2018
       Science                                                           2018
        Writing                                                           2019
       Mathematics                                                      2021
       Digital Technologies                                             2020/2021

Health and Safety

          Health Programme Consultation                                 April 2018/2020

Maori Community

          Parent Interview                                              March /July / December
          Maori parents invited to discuss Maori Student achievement,
           programme of work etc with Principal                           April
          Report to BOT on Achievement of Maori students                May
          Maori Student Achievement Data to Iwi (Ngai Tahu)             June

Student Achievement Interviews
          Parent Interviews                                             March /July/Dec
          Student Achievement Targets in school newsletter              March
          Interim report to BOT                                         July
          Final Data presented to BOT                                   December
          Student Achievement Results in school newsletter              March
          Written student reports                                       End of Terms 2/4

           Charter to MOE / AOV                                         March 1st

           Annual report lodged with MOE                                May 31st
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