St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -

Page created by Johnny Guerrero
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -

          St. Mary Magdalene
           Catholic Church
                      Served by the Missionary Society of St. Paul

527 South Houston Avenue, Humble, Texas 77338 | Tel. (281)446-8211, Fax (281)446-8213
 Clergy: Rev. Felix Ilesanmi Osasona, MSP - Pastor | Rev. Augustine Ogar, MSP - Parochial Vicar
            Deacon Rene Ramon | Deacon Rick Simon | Deacon Olatunde Branche
                Deacon Nick Caruso (Retired) | Deacon James Meshell (Retired)

                            Parish Mission Statement
        We are one family in Christ with a welcoming heart called to serve.
      Somos una familia en Cristo con un corazón acogedor llamado a servir.
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -
Welcome to St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church! Are you a registered parishioner?
Becoming an active parishioner begins when you register with the parish. Please stop by the
Welcome Ministry table in the narthex to pick up a welcome packet. Alternatively, come by the
church office if you would like to register during the week.

     ST. MM - Parish Office                                                   PARISH STAFF
                                                CLERGY                                       ADMINISTRATION
                                                Rev. Felix Ilesanmi Osasona, MSP, Pastor     Tony Butera, Business/Facilities Manager
Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
WEEKDAY MASSES                                  Rev. Augustine Ogar, MSP, Parochial Vicar    Irma Bueno, Bookkeeper
Monday - Friday: 8:30 am (English)                 
Martes: 7:00 pm (Español)                       Deacon Rene Ramon                            Susie Aramburu, Parish Secretary
1st Saturday: 8:30 am (English)                        
WEEKEND MASSES                                  Deacon Rick Simon                            Rodrigo Fuentes, Parish Communications
Saturday: 5:00 pm (English)                                    Coordinator

Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 am &                  Deacon Olatunde Branche            
5:00 pm (English)                                               Pat De Los Santos, Nursery Coordinator/
Sábado: 7:00 pm (Español)                       Deacon James Meshell (Retired)               Receptionist

Domingo: 1:00 pm (Español)                             

CONFESSIONS                                     FAITH FORMATION                              MUSIC AND LITURGY
Tuesday: 5:00 - 6:30 pm                         Michael Smith, Pastoral Associate for        Perci Cacanindin, Dir. of Music & Liturgy
Thursday: 5:00 - 6:30 pm                        Formation, Coordinator of Youth Ministry &
Saturday: 10:00 am - 11:30 am                   Elementary Formation                         Natalia Gutierrez, AD. Music & Liturgy
                                                Ginger Herrington, MA Theology. Dir. of      Kathy Yoo, Pianist
                                                Adult Formation,
LIVESTREAM SERVICES                             Susie Aramburu, Coordinator of Hispanic      MAINTENANCE
Sunday Mass: 11:00 am (Eng)                     Ministry                 Jose Garcia, Maintenance Technician
& 1:00 pm (Español)                             Maria Silva, Formation Secretary             Ester Castro, Housekeeper
on Facebook and YouTube               
                                                COMMUNITY OUTREACH
                                                Chris Rubio, Director of Social Concerns

   530 Ferguson Street Humble, Texas 77338
  Phone: (281) 446-8535 | Fax: (281) 446-8527                          SACRAMENTAL CARE
                                                BAPTISM: Parents must call the parish office two months prior to the
 Joshua Raab, Principal
                                                desired month of baptism. There are no baptisms during Lent or Advent.
                                                MARRIAGE: Couples interested must contact at least six months prior to
 Laura Rocha, Admissions
                                                their desired wedding date.
                                                ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Please call the parish office if you or a loved one
                                                wish to receive the sacrament of the anointing of the sick.

 Page 2 | Dec. 12, 2021
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -
On Capital Campaign and Parish Renovation Project

Dear Parishioners,

It will be three years on December 31st that we began the Combined Capital Campaign for our parish
projects and the Archdiocesan Ignite Campaign. My sincere appreciation to generous parishioners who sup-
ported the campaign from the start and those who have been supporting it since then. With your generous
help, we have been able to raise $1,531,710 in cash and $1,828,613 in pledges as of 11/30/21. The cost of
the parish renovation project is $2.4 million including the $440,000 of the Archdiocesan Ignite Campaign. My
deepest gratitude to those who pledged and have paid their pledges. Your generosity is a testimony to your
love and commitment to our parish. I appeal to those who made pledges and have not been able to complete
the payment to help us meet our goal by making their payments. I also urge parishioners who never pledged
towards the campaign or those who are new to the parish to make a commitment towards the campaign
today. The more we give towards the campaign, the closer we will get to reaching our goal. Thank you for
your generosity.

After six months of renovation work, I am very excited to report that we have been able to complete most of the projects that
we set out to do. We are already using the newly renovated men’s and women’s restrooms, the priest sacristy, and the work
sacristy with the new sacrarium. Last Sunday we began to use our new sound system and what a difference it made!
We now have a new roof on the church and chapel. We have completed the painting of the church and chapel (did you notice it?). We
have installed a new AV booth. We now have a second confessional (waiting for the stained glass for the new door to complete this).
We removed the molds in the ceiling of the church and chapel, and we widened three entrances to the parking lot. We have LED fix-
tures to light up our parking lots. We will soon complete the new choir platform with new chairs. All the 14 Stations of the Cross are now
visible for meditation and prayers. The remainder of the project, new flooring, new pews in the church, and new chairs in the chapel,
will be completed after the Christmas holidays. Your contributions have enabled us to do these needed improvements. Thank you.

Beginning January 8/9, 2022, our weekend Masses and all Masses will be held in the Family Life Center so that we can install new
flooring and new pews in the Church and the Chapel. On January 3rd we need volunteers to help remove all the pews from the church
so that the flooring company can begin their work. We are contacting interested churches and individuals to pick up the pews they
need on Monday, January 3rd to make way for a new floor and new pews. Once the flooring is completed, the pew company will begin
the installation of our new pews and the new furniture for the altar. We hope these will all be completed by the middle of March 2022.

While we use the Family Life Center (FLC) for daily and weekend Masses, we will have an overflow for the 9am, 11am, and 1pm Sunday
Masses in St. Mary’s Hall and McGivney Hall. Those in these halls will view the Mass live-streamed from the FLC and so will be able to par-
ticipate and receive Holy Communion during the time for Communion. They will also be able to give their offerings during the time for collec-
tions. We will need more hospitality ministers and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for these spaces. Weddings, Quinceañera,
baptisms, and funerals will all be in FLC during this period. Adoration will continue in St. Joseph Hall. This will cause some inconvenience
for all of us but by the time the whole project is completed, we will move back to what will look like a brand-new church and chapel!

I appeal to the generosity of the entire parish families for us to reach our fundraising goals. During this season of giving, I ask that
you consider giving a little more towards our capital campaign. Thank you for your generosity. I also appeal for your understanding
during the first quarter of 2022 as we hold all Masses in the Family Life Center.

God is good all the time! All the time God is good!

Fr. Felix I. Osasona, MSP ,

                                                                                                               Page 3 | Dec. 12, 2021
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -
            10:00 a.m. Lourdes Marroquin (SPI)
                       Vickie Cortez (SPI)                                   Sir 48:1-4, 9-11;                     STEWARDSHIP
Saturday    5:00 p.m. Guadalupe Ferreiro                                     Ps 80: 2ac, 3b, 15-16,
  11                   Roy Vazquez †
            7:00 p.m. Javier Parilla †
                                                                             Mt 17:9a, 10-13
                                                                                                       11/28/21 Offertory            $14,780.85
                       Jaime Maria Esquivel (SPI)                                                      11/28/21 Online Giving        $10,367.00
                                                                                                       12/05/21 Offertory            $16,306.51
            7:30 a.m.    Reyes & Maria Luz Gonzalez †                                                  12/05/21 Online Giving        $15,185.06
                         Hermila Marinez (SPI)
                         Diego Armenta (SPI)                                                           Second Collection / Segunda Colecta
            9:00 a.m.
                         Russell Bouzigard †                                 Zep 3:14-18a;             11/28/21 DSF                   $1,575.00
 Sunday     11:00 a.m.   Roy Gutierrez †                                     Is 12:2-3, 4, 5-6;                                       $6,347.10
                                                                                                       12/05/21 CAPITAL
                                                                             Phil 4:4-7;
  12        1:00 p.m.
                         Charlotte Johnson Smith †
                         St. Mary Magdalene Community                        Lk 3:10-18
                         -------------------------------------------------                                   Second Collection
                                                                                                             SECOND COLLECTION
            5:00 p.m     Roy Vazquez †
                         Ernest & Martina De Los Santos †
                                                                                                          RETIRED RELIGIOUS FUND
 Monday     8:30 a.m.    Jo Spurr †                                          Nm 24:2-7, 15-17a;       This weekend's 2nd collection is for RETIRED
                         Isa & Joe Vawters (SPI)                             Ps 25:4-5ab, 6, 7bc-     RELIGIOUS. The Retirement Fund for Religious
  13                                                                         9; Mt 21:23-27           helps religious communities care for senior
            8:30 a.m.    Arturo Cervantes (SPI)                                                       members today and tomorrow. Please indi-
Tuesday                                                                      Zep 3:1-2, 9-13;         cate RETIRED on your check if you do not have
                         Cameron Kuhlmann (SPI)
                                                                             Ps 34:2-3, 6-7, 17-19,
  14        7:00 p.m.    Nestor Alfonso Perez †
                         Nora Del Carmen Perez (SPI)
                                                                             23; Mt 21:28-32
                                                                                                      an envelope.
                                                                                                      UPCOMING WEEKEND'S SECOND COLLECTION:
Wednesday   8:30 a.m.    Julia Vawters (SPI)                                 Is 45:6b-8, 18, 21b-     December 19 - Social Concerns
                                                                             25; Ps 85:9-14;          December 25 - Christmas Nativity
  15                     Francisco Gonzalez †                                Lk 7:18b-23
                                                                                                      THANKS FOR YOUR GIVIN GENEROSITY!
Thursday    8:30 a.m.    Mariam Varghese †                                   Is 54:1-10; Ps 30:2,
                                                                             4-6, 11-12a, 13b;
  16                     Vickie VanGordon †
                                                                             Lk 7:24-30
 Friday     8:30 a.m.    Elizabeth Mesa & Family (SPI)                       Gn 49:2, 8-10;
                                                                             Ps 72:1-4ab, 7-8, 17;
  17                     Don Kuhlmann (SPI)
                                                                             Mt 1:1-17

            5:00 p.m.    Roy Vazquez †                                       Jer 23:5-8;              As of today 11/16/21 the DSF report:
Saturday                                                                     Ps 72:1-2, 12-13,
                         Cameron & Christopher Kuhlmann (SPI)                                         Parish Goal/Meta Parroquial - $150,000
  18        7:00 p.m.    Santos Castro †                                     18-19;
                                                                             Mt 1:18-25
                                                                                                      Payment received/Pagado - $87,131
                         Ana Doris Fuentes †                                                          Participating families/Participantes - 248

            7:30 a.m.    SSGT Enrico A. Rojo †
                         Olive Gillespie †
            9:00 a.m.    Federico Bartolome †                                Mi 5:1-4a;
                         Apolonia Bartolome †                                Ps 80:2-3, 15-16,
 Sunday     11:00 a.m.   Gilbert Wong †                                      18-19;
                         Enya Angeles †                                      Heb 10:5-10;
  19        1:00 p.m.    Aron Manuel Miranda †                               Lk 1:39-45
                         Azhalia Benavides †
            5:00 p.m.    St. Mary Magdalene Community

 Page 4 | Dec. 12, 2021
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -
                                                                                                          WORD OF LIFE

                                                                                                    December 12: “O St. Bakhita, assist
                                                                                                    all those who are trapped in a state
                                                                                                    of slavery; Intercede with God on
                                                                                                    their behalf so that they will be re-
                                                                                                    leased from their chains of captivity.
                                                                                                    Those whom man enslaves, let God
                                                                                                    set free.”
                                                                                                       USCCB , “Prayer to St. Josephine Bakhita”

                                                                                                    December 19: “Perhaps one of
                                                                                                    your friends has become pregnant
                                                                                                    unexpectedly. As someone who has
                                                                                                    been there, I encourage you to sup-
3RD SUNDAY OF ADVENT                                                                                port your friend in her new journey
                                                                                                    of being a mother.” Learn ten tips at
“Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your
requests known to God.” (PHILIPPIANS 4:6). St. Paul reminds us that God is an abundant                               USCCB Secretariat of Pro-
God – He is the ultimate giver of gifts. He promises to give us all that we need. Remember,                                      Life Activities
                                                                                                                      “10 Ways to Support Her
that we are created in God’s image and likeness. We, too, are made to be generous with all of                        When She’s Unexpectedly
our gifts as well. Placing our trust in God frees us from being a slave to possessions. It allows
us to gratefully and generously share ourselves and our goods with others.

THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH                                                                                     Flocknotes!
         DATE              EVENT                                        TIME         PLACE          Never miss another IMPORTANT
       Sunday, Dec. 12Bake Sale                                            8:30 am FLC                 announcement from us!
       Sunday, Dec. 12CCE Classes                                          3:00 pm SPC
       Sunday, Dec. 12Youth Ministry Fundraiser                      After all Masses CY
       Monday, Dec. 13Keenagers                                            8:00 am MGH                            New Message
                                                                                                          To: 845-76
       Tuesday, Dec. 14                                                    5:00 pm CH
   Wednesday, Dec. 15 Christmas Program School                             4:00 pm FLC
   Wednesday, Dec. 15 KC Family Night                                      6:00 pm MGH
   Wednesday, Dec. 15 Legion de Maria (SP - PM)                          7:00 pm LIB
   Wednesday, Dec. 15 Marriage Preparation                               7:00 pm R215
      Thursday, Dec. 16 Confessions                                      5:00 pm CH
                                                                                                          Text: Magdalene
      Thursday, Dec. 16    Grupo de Oración Coord. Mtg.                  7:00 pm MGH
         Friday, Dec. 17   Mobile Health Services - DMMM Sisters         7:00 am MGH
       Saturday, Dec. 18   Mobile Health Services - DMMM Sisters         7:00 am MGH
       Saturday, Dec. 18   Confessions                                  10:00 am   FLC
       Saturday, Dec. 18   KC Coats for Kids                             9:00 am   SPC
      Sunday, Dec. 19      KC Tamale Sale                                8:00 am   FLC
     Monday, Dec. 20       Rehearsal Christmas Children Mass             6:00 pm   CH
                                                                                                             OR JUST VISIT
     Tuesday, Dec. 21      Confessions                                   5:00 pm   CH      
   Wednesday, Dec. 22      KC 4th Degree                                 6:00 pm   MGH                         to Sign Up!
   Wednesday, Dec. 22      Rehearsal Christmas Children Mass             6:00 pm   CH

                                                                                                         Page 5 | Dec. 12, 2021
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -
                                                                           IS CHRISTMAS BREAK! CCE CLASSES
                                                                             WILL RESUME ON JAN 9 & 11, 2022
                                                                                              Mike Smith, M.A.
                                                                                 Pastoral Associate for Formation (K-12)
                                                                                        & Youth Ministry (MS/HS)
                                                                         | 281-446-1241
                                                                               Maria Silva (Bilingual) Formation Secretary
                                                                          | 281-446-2933

 WEEKLY CCE UPDATE                                                      SACRAMENT PREP(CONFESSION / COMUNION)
 This is Week # 10 of our fall CCE semester, and it is our last         If you missed our Reconciliation interviews last week, or just
 one for 2021! Classes will be held on Sunday, December 12th            need to be re-interviewed, please call or email Mike or Maria for
 (3:00pm - 4:30pm; grades Kinder - 8th) and Tuesday, Decem-             available interview times. Chapters 1-6 should be completed in
 ber 14th (6:00pm - 7:30pm; grades Kinder - 8th) in the St. Paul        the reconciliation book, and make sure the 4 required prayers are
 Center. All CCE classes will be on “Christmas Break” until after       memorized. Students will NOT be interviewed if we have not re-
 the new year… classes will resume on Sunday, January 9th and           ceived a copy of their Baptism certificate! Our first Eucharist class
 Tuesday, January 11th; the sixth hybrid “Proclaim” high school         is coming up Monday, January 24th at 6:00pm.
 CCE session is also scheduled for Sunday, January 9th at 3pm
 in McGivney Hall (new location). Please remember that all CCE          2022 CONFIRMATION TEAM
 students attending “in person” CCE classes are required to wear a      Please be sure to turn in your completed retreat paperwork and re-
 mask / face covering during class… stay safe and healthy during        treat fee payment by Friday, December 17th. Thanks for all your
 the holidays!                                                          hard work this fall getting ready for the spring Confirmation sea-
                                                                        son… may God richly bless you for your faithfulness and passion!
 Please note that CCE / sacrament registration for the 2021-2022        CONFIRMATION 2022 CANDIDATES
 catechetical year is now CLOSED. We’ve been accepting regis-           Candidates and Parents, please turn in copies of your high school
 trations since April and most of our classes are now closed, so it     student’s Baptism and First Communion certificates immediately;
 makes sense to close this process out as we wrap up the fall se-
                                                                        these documents can be sent directly from your cell phone via
 mester. We are planning to open registration for next year (2022-
                                                                        email to The Confirmation Sponsor Card is
 2023) in April of 2022; more details will be coming at a later date.
                                                                        also now due (it was the back sheet of your Confirmation pack-
 YOUTH MINISTRY EVENTS                                                  et)! The $185 Confirmation Retreat fee should be paid in full by
 Hope you can join us for two exciting Youth Ministry events this       Friday, December 17th. If you need additional time to pay, please
 week… we’ll start with a “Paint the Ceiling Tiles Night” on Sunday,    contact Mike ASAP. Any parishioners who would like to make a
 December 12th from 6:30pm - 8:00pm in the Youth Room; time to          tax-deductible donation / scholarship to assist candidates in need
 channel your inner artist and leave you mark on the ceiling. Then,     can do so through the end of December. The “Candidate Kick-Off
 on Friday, December 17th, we’ll hold a winter “Sports Night” from      / Parent Retreat Meeting” is scheduled for Friday, January 7th at
 6:30pm - 8:00pm. NEXT WEEK: Come join us for hot chocolate             7:00pm. God bless!
 and Christmas carols by a roaring fire on Sunday, December
 19th and an evening of “Reindeer Games” on Tuesday, Decem-             2023 CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES
 ber 21st (both events are 6:30pm - 8:00pm). We’ll have two more        If you are the parent of a current 9th, 10th, or 11th grade student
 fun Youth Ministry events next week after Christmas! Check out         NOT in the 2022 Confirmation class, please attend the “2023 Con-
 the YM calendar for a full list of dates , times, and events. Thanks   firmation Orientation Meeting” on Friday, January 21st at 7pm.
 in advance for sending in snacks or canned sodas… we really
 appreciate your support.

Text Message Reminders: We offer text message reminders, which can be sent straight to your cellphone / mobile
device. Simply enter 81010 in the “To:” field, and send the following message to register for specific messages for our
programs… you can also download the Remind app from your cell app store.
2022 Confirmation candidates/ parents: @conf2022B				2022 Confirmation TEAM: @smmcteam
2021-2022 Sacrament Preparation (Recon/Euch): @21sac 			HS Youth Ministry: @stmmHS
High School “Proclaim” CCE: @hsproclaim 				            MS Youth Ministry: @stmmJR

 Page 6 | Dec. 12, 2021
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -
                                                                                         FAITH FORMATION NEWS
                                                                                        For more information, email or call Ginger Herrington,
                                                                                         MA Theology / / 281-446-2933

                                                                                 FINISHING ADULT CONFIRMATION. Concludes on December 17
                                                ¡Para español ve a la Pag. 14!   in preparation to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on the second
                                                                                 weekend in January 2022. Please pray for those about to receive the Sac-
                                                                                 rament, that their hearts will be open to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
                                                                                 INITIATING ADULT CONFIRMATION. If you are a baptized Catholic
                                                                                 who receives the Eucharist, please come to the parish office to pick up an
                                                                                 Adult Confirmation packet. Classes begin on Friday, January 7, 2022,
                                                                                 at 7 PM via Skype for those who will receive the Sacrament of Confirma-
                                                                                 tion at Pentecost, June 4-5, 2022.
                                                                                 WALKING WITH GOD. Concludes December 19. We meet Sundays at
                                                                                 8:45 AM in the Family Life Center.
                                                                                 RCIA. Classes for adults and children will break for Christmas.
                                                                                 For adults the last class before our Christmas break is on December 9th
                                                                                 and for the children is on December is the 11th. *RCIA adults will re-
                                                                                 sume on January 2nd, 2022 (Sunday schedule), and January 6th, 2022
                                                                                 (Thursday schedule). *RCIA Children will resume on January 8th, 2022
                                                                                 at 8:30 AM via Skype.
Please come to the parish office to pick up your                                 MARRIAGE PREPARATION. Classes are ongoing. Please pick up a
complimentary copy of “The True Meaning of                                       packet from the church office or download it from the parish website at
Christmas” by Dr. Michael barber. These books                           Classes are offered online, but there are
are available in English and Spanish. Prepare                                    in-person meetings with clergy and/or with Ginger.
your heart for the King of kings this advent for a                               BAPTISM. For infants and for children seven to seventeen years of age.
fruitful Christmas season. DONATIONS WELCOMED!                                   For Baptism please contact Ginger at 281-446-8211, or email at gingerh@
                                                                       , or visit t

                                                                                  CATHOLIC GUIDE TO MIRACLES. Begins Jan 04 through Mar 29,
                                                                                  2022, at 9:15 AM in the Family Life Center immediately following the
                                                                                  8:30 morning Mass. "Books are available in the church office."
                                                                                  Please read the chapter or listen to me reading it to you in
                                                                                  preparation for the group discussion on Tuesdays. The Study Guide
                                                                                  and the videotaped reading of the chapters are on our parish website
                                                                                  THE SEARCH. Will be offered from Tuesday, January 11 through
                                                                                  February 22, 2022, at 7 PM via Skype. Explore the deepest ques-
  "YOU are invited to the Cana Mothers                                            tions of the human heart - Why am I here? What's life all about? What
                                                                                  happens when we die?
      of Young Children Group!"
                                                                                  GOD, WHAT EVERY CATHOLIC SHOULD KNOW. Will be offered
Cana Mothers of Young Children will meet Tuesdays at 6PM in                       on Sunday, January 2, through April 10, 2022. The Study Guide and
Room 216 and via Skype on December 7 and after Christmas on                       videotaped chapters are on the parish website at https://st-mm.
January 4, 2022. If you are interested in joining our group, con-                 com/book-discussion-group.
tact Ginger at We meet two Tuesdays each
month through May. Odd-numbered meetings are by Skype only;                       PEACE AND INTERIOR FREEDOM. A study of three small books by
even-numbered meetings are offered "live," on campus. Remember                    Fr. Jacques Philippe, will be offered on Saturday, January 8, through
is a Skype/live hybrid meeting. Registration is still open!                       March 26, 2022, at 1 PM in R215. The Study Guides are available on
                                                                                  the parish website at

                                                                                                                        Page 7 | Dec. 12, 2021
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -
                           HE WANTS YOU BACK!
                     We have Eucharistic Exposition in
                     our parish Monday through Friday. If
                     you have been thinking about return-
                     ing to adoration, adorers are needed
                     the following days and hours:
                                             12 - 1 pm
                                                            JOIN OUR LION PRIDE! | call 281-446-8535 |
                         Monday               4 - 5 pm
                         Wednesday          10 - 11 am
                         Thursday             3 - 4 pm
                                            10 - 11 am
                         Friday              12 - 1 pm
                                              1 - 2 pm
                                              4 - 5 pm
                     For more information please contact
                     Yolanda Vuelvas at 281-777-6188.

                           CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE
                     Our last day of Adoration for the
                     Christmas Holiday will be 12/23/21.
                     We will NOT have exposition of The
                     Blessed Sacrament from December
                     24th through December 31st, 2021.
                     Adoration will resume on Monday,
                     January 3, 2022.

                                                            Thank you for your interest in sponsoring a child or multiple
                                                            children in the 2021 Blessing Tree Program. Just like 2020, 2021 has
                                                            been difficult for many families in our community. Your willingness to
                                                            sponsor a child and make a Christmas wish come true is a Beautiful
                                                            Important gift information details: We ask that you hold on to your
                                                            gifts until we officially open the Blessing Tree Headquarters, located
                                                            in the St. Paul Center on DEC 1 - 3, DEC 7 - 10, & DEC 15 - 18,
                                                            from 1:30 pm - 7:00 pm.
                                                            When packaging your gift, please ensure that all items are visible
                                                            and that everything is securely taped togeth-
                                                            er, with the child’s Blessing Tree Number, that a
                                                            member of our Communication Team will provide
                                                            for you. Please ensure that all gifts are new and
                                                            not slightly used. If you are unable able to wrap
                                                            your gifts, we have a team of gift wrappers on-site.
                                                            volunteers needed! If you have additional questions, please
                                                            email us at

Page 8 | Dec. 12, 2021
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -

Bingo 11:00 am - noon ($1.00 for 2 cards)
Cost: "Bring a Store Bought Snack"
Lunch - Noon Compliments of St. Mary's
Doors open at 9:30 am - 1:00 pm.
"Social Distancing & Mask Recomended!
The Safety of our Seniors is a top priority"
All in attendance must sign -in!
"NO homemade Snacks are allowed due to COVID!"
"NO Keenagers on January 2022." Contact Barbara
Walker at 281-852-4103 for more information.

                                                  Rejoice Counseling Apostolate
                                                  December Updates

                                                  * Feeling Overwhelmed by the Holidays? Our counselors are here to sup-
                                                  port you! With the holiday season coming up, anxiety and depression can
                                                  rise. Do not journey through the stress, anxiety, grief, or loneliness on your
                                                  own. Our counselors are happy to help you find the tools and resources to
                                                  have healthier, happier, and less stressful holidays!
                                                  * Tips for Parents Navigating the Transition to College with your Child
                                                  Dropping your young adult off at college can be a challenging transition.
                                                  For any parent who is struggling to cope with this transition, this article will
                                                  help provide support and clarity in your role as you move forward.
                                                  Journeying with us in counseling is a great choice. We look forward to hearing
                                                  from you and getting started on the next step in your journey to joy. Give us a
                                                  call at 844-295-3167 or visit

                                                                                            Page 9 | Dec. 12, 2021
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -

                                                                   Christmas is coming                 Se acerca la Navidad y
                                                                we need your GENEROSITY!         necesitamos de tu ¡GENEROSIDAD!
                                                            We are asking for help from every-   Estamos solicitando la ayuda de
                                                            one who can donate a turkey,         todos aquellos que pueden donar
                                                            chicken, or ham to complete          un pavo, pollo, o jamón para com-
            AFTER ALL MORNING MASSES!                       meals for our Christmas Food         pletar las comidas en nuestra dis-
          Purchase some homemade cakes, cookies,            Distribution.                        tribución de alimentos navideños.
            other sweet treats and breakfast tacos.         We need these items to be            Necesitamos que estos artículos
                    TAKE OUT ONLY!                          dropped off at the Parish Office     se dejen en la Oficina Parroqui-
                in the Family Life Center.                  from 12/13 to 12/17, between         al del 13/12 al 17/12, entre las
                                                            8:30am - 4pm. Our office will        8:30am a las 4pm. Nuestra oficina
             For more information, contact/text             properly store them.                 los almacenará adecuadamente.
               Rosa Herrera at 281-687-5823
                                                            Food distribution will be on 12/20   La distribución de alimentos
                 Thank you for your support!                and 12/21 if needed, from 10am -     será el 20/12 y el 21/12 si es
                                                            2pm. God Bless!                      necesario, de 10am a 2pm. ¡Que
                                                                                                 Dios les Bendiga!

   "Order by Wednesday, Dec. 15
   Pay at Pick-Up on Sunday, Dec. 19
   at ST.MM, from 8am - 3pm."

The Knights of Columbus Choose your favorite flavors
6878 will be selling tamales and order yours by Dec. 15!
made by el "Padrino Foods." Chicken, Pork, Beef, Black
Remember, the tamales are Bean, Habanero Chicken,
Freezer ready, packages of Habanero Pork, Beef Ten-
six tamales which weigh 2.5 derloin, Pork Sausage/
ounces each.                 Potato, Jalapeño Cheese,
                             Beef Pork Gourmet, Choco-
To order please call Rex     late, Apple/Cinnamon, and
Roeges at 713-907-2846 Cream Cheese Pumpkin.
or Doug Walker at
                             For more information, please
                             contact Rex Roeges.

Page 10 | Dec. 12, 2021

                       Page 11 | Dec. 12, 2021
• MASS / LITURGY                          • GROUPS                                  • OUTREACH MINISTRIES
Darlene Akerman		       (281) 852-9474    Doug Walker,                            Chris Rubio                 (281) 540-1907
June Domengeaux         (281) 852-2555    Grand Knight          (713) 898-5535    Food pantry, utilities and evictions
ALTAR GUILD                               CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS                      ASSISTANCE COUNSELING SERVICES
Shirley Jones           (281) 852-0670    Brinder Fondal        (281) 300-4145    (Consejeria) / REJOICE COUNSELING
ALTAR SERVERS                             MOVIMIENTO FAMILIAR CRISTIANO           APOSTOLATE                  (844) -295-3167
Vickie VanGordon        (832) 496-9876    German Pereira        (281) 703-2418    HOSPITAL MINISTRY
Elizabeth Banos         (713) 884-5130    Gloria Pereira        (713) 253-7848    Deacon Ola Branche          (713) 870- 4143
EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS                                                           HOMEBOUND MINISTRY
OF HOLY COMMUNION                                                                 Linda Enloe 		              (281) 389-1820
                                          • FORMATION
Freda Monk 		           (713) 962-2865                                            RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY
Roxana Fuentes          (832) 723-8748    ADULT FORMATION, CONFIRMATION,          Brenda Baez-Contreras (713) 277-5093
Ron Cecil 		            (281) 590-7528    CATHOLIC (RCIA)                         Rosa Herrera 		             (281) 687-5823
MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY                  Ginger Herrington        (281) 446-2933 BEREAVEMENT     MINISTRY
Bert Guempel            (832) 445-8729    CCE/FORMATION                           Madeline Graham             (281) 446-8044
Enrique Reyes (Esp.)    (832) 851-7780    Mike Smith               (281) 446-2933 NURSING   HOME    MINISTRY
LECTORS                                   ELEMENTARY FORMATION (K-5)              Humble Health Center, Oakmont & Park
Denise Ruffino 		       (281) 300-8534    Mike Smith               (281) 446-2933 Manor, Deerbrook Nursing Home
Maricarmen Wells (Esp.) (832) 632-9944    IMPACT Young Adult Ministry             VACANT
CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF WORD                Cynthia Hernandez        (713) 302-5119 ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE
Jennifer Loveless       (580) 475-8566    PREPARATION FOR THE                     Florentino V. 		            (832) 605-1881
Raquel Serrano (Esp.)   (832) 790-0058    SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE                   Susan  G.  		               (281) 813-0575
MUSIC MINISTRY                            Ginger Herrington        (281) 446-2933 PRAYER   CHAIN  MINISTRY
Perci Cacanindin        (281) 446-8211    YOUTH MINISTRY (6-12)                   Ron & Ann McCuen            (281) 852-4743
Elvira Zavala 		        (832) 919-2778    Mike Smith               (281) 446-1241 (
                                          RETIROS                                 Lucia (Lucy) Martinez       (915) 503-3533
• DEVOTIONS                               RETIRO DE ACTS                          1 CHURCH   INITIATIVE
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION                     Jesus Aguilar            (713) 679-4623 Ron McCuen 		               (281) 852-4743
                                          Maria Silva              (832) 436-5606 PRAYER   QUILT  MINISTRY
Yolanda Vuelvas          (281)777-6188
                                                                                  Jan Crawford 		             (281) 852-3508
Cynthia Castro (Eng.)    (720) 352-4705   • ORGANIZATIONS                         Kathy  Burch 		             (281) 812-9374
                                                                                  HELPING HANDS MINISTRY
Blanca Barranca (Esp.)AM (830) 433-1429   KEENAGERS (60+)                         Jan Crawford 		             (281) 852-3508
Violeta Amador (Esp.)PM (832) 571-6391    Barbara Walker           (281) 852-4103
GRUPO DE ORACIÓN                          YOUNG AT HEART (50+)                    • OTHERS
Romualdo Rico (Esp.)     (346) 423-7555   SENIOR TRAVEL GROUP
Patricia Rico		          (832) 329-2625   Jan Crawford             (281) 852-3508 PASTORAL COUNCIL
HEARTS AFIRE                                                                      Steve Wells		               (281) 964-3445
Cynthia Meneses          (832) 492-1742   • MINISTERIO HISPANO                    FINANCE COUNCIL
DIVINE MERCY                                                                      Bert Guempel 		             (832) 445-8729
Don Beyette 		           (832) 606-4710   Enriquecimiento de fe para adultos,
                                                                                  SECURITY TEAM
Terry Mares 		           (832) 790-0837   sacramentos de confirmación y
                                                                                  Carl Smith 		               (281) 446-8211
                                           comunión, el proceso de rica,
• STEWARDSHIP                             patrocinadores de matrimonio,
                                          bautismo de niños de 0-6 años,
Tom Kleypas 		           (281) 852-7937   quinceañeras.
                                          Susie Aramburu           (281) 446-8211

                      Reach out to potential customers in your neighborhood with JSPaluch Advertising!
                      Contact Pete Vasquez 1-800-833-5941 | Email:

  Page 12 | Dec. 12, 2021

Sobre la Campaña Capital y el Proyecto de Renovación Parroquial
Queridos Feligreses,
El 31 de diciembre se cumplirán tres años desde que comenzamos la Campaña Capital combinada para
nuestros proyectos parroquiales y la Campaña Ignite Arquidiocesana. Mi sincero agradecimiento a los gen-
erosos feligreses que apoyaron la campaña desde el principio y a aquellos que la han estado apoyando
desde entonces. Con su generosa ayuda, hemos podido recaudar $1,531,710 en efectivo y $1,828,613 en
promesas al 30/11/21. El costo del proyecto de renovación de la parroquia es de $ 2.4 millones, incluidos los
$440,000 de la Campaña Ignite Arquidiocesana. Mi más profunda gratitud a aquellos que se comprometieron
y han pagado sus promesas. Su generosidad es testimonio de amor y compromiso con nuestra parroquia.
Hago un llamado a aquellos que hicieron sus promesas y no han podido completar el pago, para que nos
ayuden a cumplir nuestro objetivo haciendo sus donaciones. También, insto a los feligreses que aún no se
han comprometido con la campaña o a los que son nuevos en la parroquia a que se comprometan con esta
campaña hoy. Cuanto más demos, más cerca estaremos de alcanzar nuestro objetivo. Gracias por su generosidad.
Después de seis meses del trabajo de renovación, estoy muy emocionado de informar que hemos podido completar la mayoría de
los proyectos que nos propusimos hacer. Ya estamos utilizando los recientemente renovados baños de hombres y mujeres, sacristía
sacerdotal y sacristía de trabajo con el nuevo sagrario. El domingo pasado comenzamos a usar nuestro nuevo sistema de sonido y
¡qué diferencia hizo! ¿Has notado que en la iglesia y la capilla tenemos un nuevo techo, y hemos terminado con la pintura?. Tambien,
hemos instalado una nueva cabina AV. Ahora tenemos un segundo confesionario (estamos esperando el vitral de la nueva puerta
para finalizarlo). Retiramos los moldes en el techo de la iglesia, la capilla, y se ampliaron tres entradas al estacionamiento. Tenemos
accesorios LED para iluminar nuestros estacionamientos. Pronto completaremos la nueva plataforma del coro con nuevas sillas. Las
14 Estaciones de la Cruz son ahora visibles para meditación y oraciones. El resto del proyecto, de nuevos pisos, nuevos bancos en
la iglesia y nuevas sillas en la capilla, se completarán después de las vacaciones de Navidad. Gracias por sus contribuciones que
nos han permitido hacer estas mejoras necesarias.
A partir del 8 y 9 de enero de 2022, nuestras misas de fin de semana y todas las misas se realizarán en el Centro de Vida
Familiar para que podamos instalar los pisos y nuevos bancos en la Iglesia y la Capilla. Necesitamos voluntarios para que el 3 de
enero ayuden a retirar todos los bancos de la iglesia, así la compañía de pisos podrá comenzar su trabajo. También, nos estamos
comunicando con las iglesias e individuos interesados en recoger los actuales bancos para dar paso el lunes 3 de enero a los nue-
vos pisos y nuevos bancos. Una vez que se complete el piso, la compañía de bancos comenzará la instalación de nuestros nuevos
bancos y el nuevo mobiliario para el altar. Esperamos que todo esto se complete a mediados de marzo de 2022.
Si bien usaremos el Centro de Vida Familiar (FLC) para las misas diarias y de fin de semana, tendremos disponible adicionalmente
para las misas dominicales de 9 am, 11 am y 1 pm el St. Mary's Hall y McGivney Hall. Aquellos que esten en estos salones verán
la Misa transmitida en vivo desde el FLC y así podrán participar y recibir la Sagrada Eucarístia durante el tiempo de la Comunión.
También podrán dar sus ofrendas durante las colectas; por tal razón necesitaremos más ministros de hospitalidad y Ministros Ex-
traordinarios de la Sagrada Comunión para estos espacios. Las Bodas, quinceañeras, bautizos y funerales se realizarán en el FLC
durante todo este período. La adoración continuará en el Salón San José. Se que esto causará algunos inconvenientes para todos
nosotros, pero para cuando se complete todo el proyecto, ¡volveremos a lo que parecerá una nueva iglesia y capilla!
Hago un llamado a la generosidad de todas las familias de la parroquia para que alcancemos nuestras metas de recaudación de
fondos. Durante esta temporada de donaciones, les pido que consideren dar un poco más hacia nuestra Campaña Capital. Gracias
por su generosidad. También hago un llamamiento para su comprensión durante el primer trimestre de 2022 mientras celebramos
todas las Misas en el Centro de Vida Familiar.
¡Dios es bueno todo el tiempo! ¡Todo el tiempo Dios es bueno!

Fr. Felix I. Osasona, MSP ,

                                                                                                       Page 13 | Dec. 12, 2021
                                                                                       FORMACIÓN/CCE Y MINISTERIO DE JOVENES

                                                                         ACTUALIZACIÓN SEMANAL DE CCE. ¡Esta es la semana # 10 de
                                                                         nuestro semestre de otoño de CCE, y es la última para 2021! Las
                                                                         clases se llevarán a cabo el domingo 12 de diciembre (3:00pm -
                                                                         4:30pm; grados Kinder - 8to) y martes 14 de diciembre (6:00pm -
                                                                         7:30pm; grados Kinder - 8th) en el St. Paul Center. Todas las clases
                                                                         de CCE estarán en "Vacaciones de Navidad" hasta después del nuevo
                                                                         año... las clases se reanudarán el domingo 9 de enero y el martes
                                                                         11 de enero; la sexta sesión híbrida de CCE de la escuela secundaria
                                                                         "Proclaim" también está programada para el domingo 9 de enero a
La 2da. colecta de este fin de semana es para el FONDO DE JUBILACION
DE RELIGIOSOS. Ve a la Pág. 4 para ver las colectas. Haz tu donación por las 3pm en McGivney Hall (nueva ubicación). Recuerde que todos los
ONLINE GIVING!                                                           estudiantes de CCE que asisten a clases de CCE "en persona" deben
                                                                         usar una máscara / cubierta facial durante la clase ... ¡Manténgase
Anuncios de nuestros Ministerios                                         seguro y saludable durante las vacaciones!
                                                     CONTINUAMOS TRABAJANDO
                                                     DURANTE EL CORONAVIRUS
                                                                                     EL REGISTRO TARDIO SE HA CERRADO. Tenga en cuenta que el
                                                     Somos un apostolado PRO-        registro de CCE / sacramento para el año catequético 2021-2022 aho-
                                                     VIDA, que ofrece asistencia a   ra está CERRADO. Hemos estado aceptando inscripciones desde abril
                                                     mujeres que están pasando
                                                     por situaciones difíciles.      y la mayoría de nuestras clases ahora están cerradas, por lo que se ha
                                                     Durante este tiempo de          cerrado este proceso a medida que terminamos el semestre de otoño.
                                                     incertidumbre, el Proyecto
                                                     Gabriel continua su min-
                                                                                     Estamos planeando abrir la inscripción para el próximo año (2022-
                                                     sterio con nuestras madres      2023) en abril de 2022; más detalles llegarán en una fecha posterior.
                                                     necesitadas. Si usted o
                                                     alguien que conoce esta         CONFIRMACIÓN DE CANDIDATOS 2022. Candidatos y padres, por
                                                     experimentando dificultades
                                                     durante su embarazo, por        favor entreguen copias de los certificados de Bautismo y Primera Co-
                                                     favor llama a (713) 225-5826.   munión de su estudiante de secundaria de inmediato; estos documen-
                                                     ESTAMOS PARA AYUDARLE!          tos se pueden enviar directamente desde su teléfono celular por correo
                                                                                     electrónico a ¡La tarjeta de patrocinador también
                                                                                     se debe (era la hoja posterior de su paquete de confirmación)! La tar-
                                                                                     ifa del Retiro de Confirmación de $ 185 debe pagarse en su totalidad
                                                                                     antes del viernes 17 de diciembre... aún puede realizar pagos, pero
                                                                                     debe pagarse en su totalidad antes del 17/12. Si necesita tiempo adi-
                                                                                     cional para pagar, comuníquese con Mike lo antes posible. Cualquier
                                                                                     feligrés que desee hacer una donación / beca deducible de impuestos
                                                                                     para ayudar a los candidatos necesitados puede hacerlo hasta finales
                                                                                     de diciembre. La "Reunión de Inicio de Candidatos / Retiro de Padres"
                                                                                     está programada para el viernes 7 de enero a las 7:00pm ¡Dios los
                                                                                     PREPARACIÓN SACRAMENTAL CONFESIÓN/COMUNIÓN. Si
                                                                                     se perdió nuestras entrevistas de Reconciliación la semana pasada,
                                                                                     o simplemente necesita volver a ser entrevistado, llame o envíe un
                                                                                     correo electrónico a Mike o Maria para conocer los horarios de entrev-
                                                                                     ista disponibles. Los capítulos 1-6 deben completarse en el libro de
                                                                                     reconciliación, y asegúrese de que las 4 oraciones requeridas estén
                                                                                     memorizadas. ¡Los estudiantes no serán entrevistados si no hemos
                                                                                     recibido una copia de su certificado de bautismo! Nuestra primera clase
                                                                                     de Eucaristía se acerca el lunes 24 de enero a las 6:00pm.
                                                                                     CANDIDATOS DE CONFIRMACIÓN 2023. Si usted es el padre de un
 Ven a la oficina parroquial a recoger tu copia                                      estudiante actual de 9º, 10º o 11º grado que aún NO estan en la clase
 de cortesía de "El Verdadero Significado de la                                      de Confirmación de 2022, asista a la "Reunión de Orientación de
 Navidad" del autor Dr. Michael Barber. Los libros                                   Confirmación 2023" el viernes 21 de enero a las 7pm.
 están disponibles en inglés y español. Prepara
 tu corazón para el Rey de reyes este Adviento                                                             ¿NECESITA MÁS INFORMACIÓN EN ESPAÑOL?
 para una fructífera temporada navideña.                                               Contactar a Maria Silva, Secretaria de Formación, al (281) 446-2933 /
 ¡SUS DONACIONES SON BIENVENIDAS!                                                                               o al correo electrónico

  Page 14 | Dec. 12, 2021
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