St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -
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ARCHDIOCESE OF GALVESTON-HOUSTON St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church Served by the Missionary Society of St. Paul 527 South Houston Avenue, Humble, Texas 77338 | Tel. (281)446-8211, Fax (281)446-8213 Clergy: Rev. Felix Ilesanmi Osasona, MSP - Pastor | Rev. Augustine Ogar, MSP - Parochial Vicar Deacon Rene Ramon | Deacon Rick Simon | Deacon Olatunde Branche Deacon Nick Caruso (Retired) | Deacon James Meshell (Retired) Parish Mission Statement We are one family in Christ with a welcoming heart called to serve. Somos una familia en Cristo con un corazón acogedor llamado a servir.
JOIN OUR PARISH FAMILY Welcome to St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church! Are you a registered parishioner? Becoming an active parishioner begins when you register with the parish. Please stop by the Welcome Ministry table in the narthex to pick up a welcome packet. Alternatively, come by the church office if you would like to register during the week. ST. MM - Parish Office PARISH STAFF (281)446-8211 OFFICE HOURS CLERGY ADMINISTRATION Rev. Felix Ilesanmi Osasona, MSP, Pastor Tony Butera, Business/Facilities Manager Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm By appointment only on Rev. Augustine Ogar, MSP, Parochial Vicar Irma Bueno, Bookkeeper Monday - Friday: 4:30 pm - 9:00 pm WEEKDAY MASSES Deacon Rene Ramon Susie Aramburu, Parish Secretary Monday - Friday: 8:30 am (English) Martes: 7:00 pm (Español) Deacon Rick Simon Rodrigo Fuentes, Parish Communications 1st Saturday: 8:30 am (English) Coordinator Deacon Olatunde Branche WEEKEND MASSES Pat De Los Santos, Nursery Coordinator/ Saturday: 5:00 pm (English) Deacon James Meshell (Retired) Recepcionist Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 am & 5:00 pm (English) Sábado: 7:00 pm (Español) FAITH FORMATION MUSIC AND LITURGY Domingo: 1:00 pm (Español) Michael Smith, Pastoral Associate for Perci Cacanindin, Dir. of Music & Liturgy LIVESTREAM SERVICES Formation, Coordinator of Youth Ministry & Wednesday School Mass: 8:30 am Elementary Formation Natalia Gutierrez, AD. Music & Liturgy Sunday Mass: 11:00 am (Eng) & 1:00 pm (Español) Ginger Herrington, Dir. of Adult Formation Becky Bibens, Pianist @StMaryMagdaleneHumble Facebook Kathy Yoo, Pianist Susie Aramburu, Coordinator of Hispanic CONFESSION MAINTENANCE Ministry Tuesday: 5:00 - 6:50 pm Jose Garcia, Maintenance Technician Maria Silva, Formation Secretary Thursday: 5:00 - 7:00 pm Ester Castro, Housekeeper Saturday: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm COMMUNITY OUTREACH Chris Rubio, Director of Social Concerns 530 Ferguson Street Humble, Texas 77338 Phone: (281) 446-8535 | Fax: (281) 446-8527 SACRAMENTAL CARE BAPTISM: Parents must call the parish office two months prior to the Joshua Raab, Principal desired month of baptism. There are no baptisms during Lent or Advent. MARRIAGE: Couples interested must contact at least six months prior to Laura Rocha, Admissions their desired wedding date. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Please call the parish office if you or a loved one wish to receive the sacrament of the anointing of the sick. Page 2 | July 25, 2021
LETTER TO PARISHIONERS 17th Sunday of the Year, B, July 25, 2021 How many of us had bread for our breakfast this morning? The bread was the essential and common meal at the time of Jesus. The poor ate barley bread while the rich ate the bread of wheat. We have all kinds of bread – white bread, bagel, wheat bread, rye bread, Italian bread, French bread, banana bread, etc. In our first and gospel readings today, there was a multiplication of loaves of bread for a hungry and needy multitude. El- isha asked the people to distribute twenty barley loaves among hundreds of people. Je- sus asked that five barley loaves be shared among five thousand people. In each of the stories, the people ate enough and had some leftovers. The miracle of the loaves in to- day’s gospel from St. John is a prelude to Jesus’ message and revelation of himself as the “bread of life,” which we now receive in the Eucharist. The miracles in the first and gospel readings came about because some members of the community were willing to share the little they had. One important point I would like to stress today is the need for us to be grateful to God for our meals. When Jesus received the loaves of bread, he gave thanks to God and blessed it before distributing it to the people. There is a great lesson there. We must pray and give thanks to God for the blessing of food that sometimes we take for granted. In the time of Christ, food was a holy thing, and the Law re- quired people to say a prayer of thanks every time they are to eat. The rabbis taught that a meal with- out a prayer was a meal that was accursed. We too have our traditions as Catholics to pray before meal. The prayer I was taught as a child, I still pray today: “Bless us O Lord, and this gift we are about to receive from your bounty through Christ our Lord, Amen.” And after the meal, to pray thus in thanksgiv- ing: “We give you thanks Almighty God for this gift and all your benefits, you who live and reign forever and ever, Amen. May the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace, Amen.” Flowing from our gratitude to God is the idea of conservation of the earth’s resources by avoiding waste. After feeding the multitude of people, Jesus ordered the disciples to gather the leftovers and not allow them to waste. The scripture did not tell us what was done with the leftover, but it did say that they were gathered so that nothing will be wasted. It seems there is an enormous amount of waste around us to- day. Yet, we hear and read about hunger and starvation in many parts of the world. It is estimated that over one billion people in the world suffer from hunger and malnutrition. About 24,000 people die ev- ery day from hunger or hunger-related causes. Here in our country, we are also facing more and more people going hungry or having food insecurity than ever before. As we thank God for the bread we eat, let us be mindful of those who are hungry by not wasting food. I thank each parishioner who sup- ports our food pantry and the Magdalene House so that more people can be fed. Let us continue to give our own five loaves for the support of other hungry people and see how the Lord will multiply them! Mission Appeal: We welcome Fr. John Fahey Guerra, C.Ss.R, a priest of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (the Redemptorist Fathers) to our parish for mission appeal this weekend. Fr John will share their mission stories with us. Please support their work by giving generously during the second collection. Rev. John Fahey Guerra C.Ss.R. professed his religious vows in the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer on June 27, 1992. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1996. He has served the Spanish-speaking immi- grant community in Denver CO, Oakland CA, and Dodge City KS. He was the Director of Hispanic Min- istry in the Dodge City diocese as well as the spiritual director of the Cursillo Movement in the diocese. Presently he is the Provincial Vicar of the Redemptorists/Denver Provinces. Father John lives in Chicago. Fr. Felix I. Osasona, MSP , Pastor Page 3 | July 25, 2021
MASS INTENTIONS & READINGS 5:00 p.m. Javier Canales † STEWARDSHIP Saturday Dcn Ola (SPI) 24 7:00 p.m Alejandra Cruz † Miguel Treviño † Collections/Ofrendas 07/18/21 Offertory $ 14,709.82 07/18/21 Online Giving $ 10,781.04 7:30 a.m. Pascual & Emilia Lopez † 2 Kgs 4:42-44; TOTAL $ 25,490.86 Mike & Lupe Alvarado † Ps 145:10-11,15-18; 9:00 a.m. Second Collection / Segunda Colecta Gladys Arthur (SPI) Eph 4:1-6; Richard & Maureen Mckinley † Jn 6:1-15 07/18/21 Sunday $ 4,501.19 11:00 a.m. Joe Vawters (SPI) SOCIAL CONCERNS 25 A.G. "Pete" Hinojosa † 1:00 p.m. Jorge Seminario † Salma Ivette Gomez † SECOND COLLECTION 5:00 p.m. Rosa Amar † Santiago Gonzalez † "Mission Appeal" Monday 8:30 a.m. Ricardo Garcia Ex 32:15-24, 30-34; This weekend's 2nd. collection is Ps 106:19-23; for Mission Appeal. Your gifts to 26 Safjatu Branche † Mt 13:31-35 the Redemptorists will help them educate seminarians; spread the Gospel; serve the poor and the 8:30 a.m. Gertrude Bliss Little John (SPI) Ex 33:7-11; Tuesday Les Kidd (SPI) 34:5b-9, 28; sick. Please indicate Mission Appeal on your check if you do 27 7:00 p.m. Alejandra Cruz † Gerry Dueck † Ps 103:6-13; Mt 13:36-43 not have an envelope. Thank you for your generosity! On August 01, the second collection Wednesday 8:30 a.m. Refugia Ifante Padilla † Ex 34:29-35; Ps 99:5-7, 9; will be for CAPITAL CAMPAIGN. 28 Rey & Sylvia Zavala (SPI) Mt 13:44-46 Ex 40:16-21, 34-38; Thursday 8:30 a.m. Julio Sacramento † Ps 84:3-6a, 8a, 11; 29 Ruben Jeruzalem † Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42 Lv 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, Friday 8:30 a.m. Martha Muskiet † 27, 34b-37; 30 Cynthia Suerte (SPI) Ps 81:3-6, 10-11ab; Mt 13:54-58 As of today 06/27/21 the DSF report for 2021 is as follows: Parish Goal - $150,000 5:00 p.m. St. Mary Magdalene Community Meta Parroquial Saturday --------------------------------------------------- Payment received - $53,543 7:00 p.m Dieo & Gregoria Barriga † 31 Consuelo Barriga † Pago recibido Participating families - 188 Familias participantes 7:30 a.m. Eladia Fernando † Ex 16:2-4, 12-15; Angela Rodriguez † Ps 78:3-4, 23-25, 54; 9:00 a.m. Isabela Ann & Jennina Ann Robles (SPI) Eph 4:17, 20-24; Maria Coronado † Jn 6:24-35 Sunday 11:00 a.m. Roy Gutierrez † Joe Vawters (SPI) 01 1:00 p.m. Almas del Purgatorio † Azhalia Benavides † 5:00 p.m. Rosa Amar † Mike Burke † Page 4 | July 25, 2021
SUPPORT OUR PARISH WORD OF LIFE July 18: “Because of our belief and hope in the Resurrection, we can face death not with fear, but with preparation…. We prepare for eternal life by choosing to love and follow God now, in our daily lives and decisions.” Read more at end-of-life-considerations. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops “Prayer for Religious Liberty” July 25: “Married love differs from any other love in the world. By its nature, the love of husband and wife is so complete, so ordered to a lifetime of communion with God and each other, that it is STEWARDSHIP SHARING - JULY 25 open to creating a new human being they will love and care for “There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish; but what good are these together. … That power to cre- for so many?” JOHN 6:9 ate a new life with God is at the heart of what spous- The miracle of the Loaves and Fishes carries two important messages. First, no matter es share with each how little we have, we always have enough to share in Stewardship. Second, Christ other.” can take our humble gifts and do great things with them if we are just willing to let United States Conference Him. Nothing is impossible with God. All of our gifts, big or small, were given to us for a of Catholic Bishops “Married Love and the Gift reason. No gift is too small or insignificant! of Life” THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH Flocknotes! Never miss another IMPORTANT DATE EVENT TIME PLACE announcement from us! Sunday, July 25 Blood Drive 8:30 am SMH Tuesday, July 27 Confessions 5:00 pm FLC Tuesday, July 27 Symbolon 7:00 pm LIB / SKP New Message To: 845-76 Wednesday, July 28 PQM 9:00 am SMH Wednesday, July 28 Rejoice (Eng) 6:00 pm R215 Wednesday, July 28 KC Meeting 6:00 pm MGH Wednesday, July 28 Legión de María 6:30 pm LIB Wednesday, July 28 Marriage Preparation 7:00 pm R215 Thursday, July 29 Confessions 5:00 pm FLC Text: Magdalene Thursday, July 29 In His Zone 7:00 pm LIB / SKP Saturday, July 31 Confessions 10:00 am FLC Saturday, July 31 Pauline Epistles 10:00 am R215 Monday, August 02 HS Catechist 6:00 pm SPC Monday, August 02 KC Meeting 6:00 pm MGH Tuesday, August 03 PQM 9:00 am SMH Tuesday, August 03 Confessions 5:00 pm FLC OR JUST VISIT to Sign Up! | Sign up in Flocknote | @StMaryMagdaleneHumble Page 5 | July 25, 2021
CCE / FORMATION & YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS FAITH AT HOME Mike Smith, M.A. Pastoral Associate for Formation (K-12) & Youth Ministry (MS/HS) or call at 281-446-1241 CCE REGISTRATION FOR 2021 YOUTH MINISTRY EVENTS Parents who need to register their child(ren) for classes in We are “off” this week, due to staff vacation… but we 2021-2022 should attend the next CCE registration event will be back next week with another “U-Pick-the Movie” scheduled for Saturday, August 21st from 1pm - 4pm in the Night” on Tuesday, August 3rd from 6pm - 8pm and “Paint FLC. This registration will be open to everyone who wants Ceiling Tiles” on Friday, August 6th (special night) from to sign up their kids (space permitting)… this includes regis- 6pm - 8pm in the Youth Room. All events are open to mid- tered families of St. Mary Magdalene Parish, those who live dle school and high school students (and their friends)! If within our parish boundaries but are not registered, and you finished up 5th grade in May, you can now attend 6th those who live outside our parish boundaries and are not grade Middle School youth ministry events; youth who fin- registered. Please bring an offering envelope (if you have ished up 8th grade in May are now considered 9th grad- one), or a screenshot of your online giving history… there is ers (High School). This is a safe and fun place to hang out a difference in tuition for registered families and non-regis- and “be you.” Whether you’ve been to one, all, or none… tered families. Parents will be able to sign up for both CCE there is always room for you! Please be in prayer for the 24 classes and sacramental preparation for the upcoming high school youth and 3 chaperones attending the Arch- school year! We will resume “in-person” CCE classes this diocesan Youth Conference next weekend in downtown fall on Sunday afternoons (3:00pm - 4:30pm; grades Kind- Houston. Sign up now for free Remind text message up- er - HS) and Tuesday evenings (6:00pm - 7:30pm; grades dates to keep up-to-date on all our offerings (see below Kinder - 8th). Note: Wednesday night CCE is being discon- for instructions and codes). tinued this year! “Home-Based CCE” during the school- year remains an option for all families! All our children/ CATECHIST TRAININGS youth sacrament preparation classes (e.g. Confession, In August, we will begin our CCE catechist training sessions Communion, and Confirmation) will be held “in-person, for the adults and young adults who will be leading our on-campus” in 2021 - 2022! Please note that payment CCE classes this fall. There will be three Elementary (grades of CCE tuition is expected at the time of registration, un- Kinder - 5th) trainings, three Middle School (grades 6 - 8) less other arrangements have been made with, and ap- trainings, and two High school (grades 9 - 12) trainings… proved by, Fr. Felix in advance of the August event. dates will be provided shortly via email. CCE classes begin the week of September 19th on Sunday (3:00pm - 4:30pm) CCE HOME-BASED WORK and Tuesday (6:00pm - 7:30pm). Please contact Mike Any 2020 - 2021 “Home-Based CCE” students who have Smith if you are interested in serving! not completed their online assessments (Kinder - 8th grade) - and those High School youth with BOTH textbooks CONFIRMATION 2022 CANDIDATES incomplete - are now PAST DUE! We will NOT accept any Copies of your Baptism and First Communion certificates home-based work from this past school year after the June are due to be turned in by Friday, August 13, 2021. You 30th deadline. Please note, if you have not completed the can drop off the copies at the Parish Office during busi- work for this past school year, you will not receive cred- ness hours with either Mike or Maria, or just take a photo it and will have to repeat the “preparation year” during of the certificates and email to This 2021-2022… this will now delay any sacramental prepara- date was reviewed at the two orientation meetings… tion by at least one year! thanks for your cooperation! Text Message Reminders: We offer text message reminders, which can be sent straight to your cellphone / mobile device. Simply enter 81010 in the “To:” field, and send the following message to register for specific messages for our programs… you can also download the Remind app from your cell app store. 2022 Confirmation candidates/ parents: @conf2022B 2022 Confirmation TEAM: @smmcteam (New!) 2021-2022 Sacrament Preparation (Recon/Euch): HS Youth Ministry: @stmmHS More information will be coming to you soon! MS Youth Ministry: @stmmJR Page 6 |July 25, 2021
FAITH FORMATION / RCIA FOR ADULTS JULY 27th 7:00 PM We’ll read this book about seeking the Holy Spirit in solitude and silence. I’ve written a study guide which matches his experiences with those of the Desert Fathers. We’ll meet on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. in the SCHOOL LIBRARY or by Skype. Please RSVP to Ginger at FAITH FORMATION For more information, please email or call Ginger at / 281-446-2933 THE SONG AT THE SCAFFOLD. Continues through Aug. 14th. Learn about the experience of Catholics during the French Revolution. This book study is offered in the School Library. RSVP to Ginger PAULINE EPISTLES. Our study meets at 10 AM in the School Library and via Skype link. Please join us to learn about this great Apostle and the congregations to whom he wrote his letters. This class continues through the summer; our last class will be August 28. RCIA INQUIRY CLASSES. A new Inquiry class begin SUNDAY, AUGUST 1ST at 4:30 PM. Please contact Ginger at if you are interested in becoming Catholic or in completing your Sacraments of Initiation. INTRODUCTION TO THE DEVOUT LIFE. The series for spiri- tual growth, Introduction to the Devout Life by St. Frances de Sales, continues to meet on Sundays at 9:30 AM in the School Library. Our last meeting will be July 18. Looking to engage in a vibrant community of other mothers? Ready to renew your faith and be refreshed in the gift of family MARRIAGE PREPARATION. Classes are ongoing. Please life? Cana small groups are a great way to engage in a supportive pick up a packet from the church office or download it at community of other mothers while gaining tools and resources Classes are offered online, but to enrich your family life. Registration is open now. Please visit there are in-person meetings with clergy and/or with Ginger. and click on “Join a group.” Look for our BAPTISM. For infant and for children seven to seventeen group: 2021-2022 STMM Tuesday evening or contact Ginger at years of age, please contact Ginger at or visit the following link at Page 7 | July 25, 2021
SOCIAL MINISTRY / WEEKLY ANNOUNCEMENTS SOCIAL SERVICES MINISTRY - IMPORTANT UPDATES! COVID-19 DISASTER FOOD DISTRIBUTION THANK YOU The Office of MHSS would like to thank everyone who participated in the COVID-19 Disaster Food Distributions (DFD) for their amazing dedication and support. Thousands of hours went into DFD Relief which included food prep and food distributions. In all we hosted a total of fifty-nine DFD’s, from March 23, 2020 -Wednesday, May 9, 2021, providing food assistance for a total of 21,089 Families and 94,111 Individuals. MAGDALENE HOUSE VOLUNTEER POSITIONS Intake/Casework, Food Prep, and Retail Pick Up for morning, afternoon, and Homeless Initiative Training. Training is always provided. Contact Chris Rubio at MHSS JULY SCHEDULE • Magdalene House Social Services will be closed during the month of July for staff and volunteer vacation. Magdalene House will be CLOSED • Back-to-School Backpack and School Supply Drive Begins during the month of JULY • Wednesday, July 21, 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. DFD Team Appreciation Day for staff and volunteer vacation! – Watch your Email for information/details We will resume normal schedule • Monday, July 26, 2021 – MH Restocking Day. Time: TBA on Monday, August 2nd. • Wednesday, July 28, 10:00 a.m., Team Training M-W-F from 9:30 am - 12 pm (Noon) If you have questions, contact FREE COVID-19 TESTING AVAILABLE Cris Rubio at Sign up for free HCPC COVID-19 testing via Find all testing locations or by calling at 832-927-7575. School year will start August 23! LOOKING TO VOLUNTEER OR BECOME A PART OF A MINISTRY IN OUR PARISH? "CMG - SAFE ENVIRONMENT" (Replacing Virtus) Staff and Volunteers in the Archdiocese of Galveston Houston are REQUIRED to be Safe Environment Trained! “It’s about giving the gift of opportunity in school than many of For more information, please visit the link below and register our school children would not receive otherwise.” to take the online 1.5-hour course for FREE! * Please deliver the school supplies at the Parish Office from July 12-16, 8 am - 4:30 pm and Magdalene House from July 19-23. Visita el enlace para información en ESPAÑOL! Page 8 | July 25, 2021
WEEKLY ANNOUNCEMENTS THANK YOU TO OUR PARISHIONERS Our Knights of Columbus Council 6878 was Blessed again by the support we received from All of Our Parishioners and Community in supporting us with our fundraising activities which included our Sunday breakfast, Holiday Rib sales, Tamale Sales, Lenten Fish Fry, and our Annual Golf Tournament. We plan on bringing back this year Bingo, Baby Bottle Boomerang, and our Roadside Col- lections. With the support of All of You, our fellow Parishioners, our Knights Children should be accompanied by their parents of Columbus Council was able to donate $89,395 this year during or guardians AT ALL TIMES! If your children need to go to the a Worldwide Pandemic recapping as follows; restroom, it is the responsibility of the parents to monitor them while we celebrate Mass. Unaccompanied children will NOT be We replaced the roof, repaired the inside ceiling, and painted the exterior allowed to leave the sanctuary! Thanks for your kindness. of McGivney Hall which is shared by our Parish as a meeting Hall $37,420 Paid the yearly electric bill for McGivney Hall $4,460 ¡Los niños deben estar acompañados por sus padres o tutores en TODO MOMENTO. Si sus hijos necesitan ir al baño, St Mary Magdalene Capital Campaign/General Fund $6,000 es responsabilidad de los padres monitorearlos mientras cel- Magdalene House Social Services/Coats for Kids $3,304 ebramos la Misa! ¡Los niños no acompañados, Fall Festival $1,000 NO se les permitirá salir del santuario! School Tuition $10,000 Other Local Parish items $2,000 Sub Total of Our Parish Donations $64,184 St Mary Seminary and Seminarians G/H $8,500 Other Religious Donations in G/H Diocese $2,500 Right to Life Charities/ Programs Houston area $6,500 Veteran Aid/ Knights State Charities $6,270 Misc donations $1,441 Sub Total of Other Charity Donations $25,211 Grand Total of All Donations July 2020 to June 2021 $89,395 Our Phil Kelley Knights of Columbus Council 6878 of St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church began on February 6, 1977. We have been Honored for the last 44 years to always be in full support of our Priest and Our Parish. Our fellow Brother Knights are actively involved in almost all of our Parish Time and Talent Ministries. The Knights of Columbus is the world's largest Catholic, fraternal organization. From the moment of its founding in 1882 by the Blessed Father Michael J. McGivney, the charity has been the Or- You will receive training to make der's foremost principle. If you are a practical Catholic Gentlemen calls for the parish survey. at least 18 years old we invite you to join our Order and share in the Volunteering time could be Joy of giving your time and talent in so many worthwhile Charitable made between 9 am - 6 pm, activities. Our 4 Principles of our Order are Charity, Unity, Fraterni- divided into morning, early tyand Patriotism. Come join Us! afternoon, and early evening shifts This is a Council-wide Thank You from our 670 Brother Knights at to accommodate all hours. St. Mary Magdalene. For more information, call the parish office at 281-446-8211. VIVAT JESUS! Page 9 |July 25, 2021
WEEKLY ANNOUNCEMENTS Serra Clubs foster and promote vocations to the priesthood and religious life, encourage and affirm vocations to the consecrated life, and nurture the spiritual growth and formation of its lay members. Serra Club Northeast of Houston is part of Serra USA, District 10, serving St. Martha, St. Mary Magdalene, St. Philip, Speaker: Dan Kidd St. John of the Cross, St. Leo, Executive Director of Shalom Center and St. Dominic. Monthly Dinner and Meeting For more information go to When: Monday, July 26, at 6:30 pm Where: Italiano’s Restaurant 217 FM 1960 Bypass Road E. Humble, TX AUG 09 6 pm (ENG) 7 pm (SPA) Devotion to The Holy Souls in Purgatory! The devotion of the Holy Souls will resume on August 09, 2021, at 6pm (Eng) & 7pm (Spa) in the St. Joseph Chapel. The devotion is held every Canyon Country Adventure, May, 27 - June 3, 2022 2nd Monday of the month. The dates for the next 5 months of the year 2021 Scottsdale to Las Vegas including Bryce, Zion, & Grand Canyon National Parks, are: August 09, September 13, October 11, November 08 & December 13. Antelope Canyon, Lake Powell cruise, Sedona… $2,194.00pp land & gratuities; Our parish has suffered many deaths due to the Covid-19 virus and many does not include optional travel protection, air & transfers. other illnesses during these times. It is our Christian duty to pray for these Cape Cod & the Islands, September 9 - 16, 2022 souls to obtain God's Mercy for them. The Stations of the Cross For the Holy including Boston Freedom Trail, Old North Church, Souls takes 40 minutes followed by a period of silence for private prayer. Harbor Cruise, Nantucket Island, Martha’s Vineyard, This Spiritual Work of Mercy was practiced by many saints and keeps us Providence, The Breakers and more… active in the Body of Christ (Communion of Saints). For more information, $2,442.00pp land & gratuities; does not include please contact Gilbert Alfaro at 281-808-0661 (Hablo Español). optional travel protections, air & transfers. Page 10 | July 25, 2021
WEEKLY ANNOUNCEMENTS If you are between the ages of 17 to 20 and want to be a part of a fantastic group of volunteers for the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo™, JOIN US NOW for the 2022 Rodeo! Our waitlist is open, so sign up at Meet Fr. John Fahey, Each year, Junior members of JRC complete work assignments supplied C.Ss.R., a missionary priest of the by more than 60 “partner” committees before and during the Rodeo. Redemptorist. He will be with us at all Masses This enables Juniors to learn about and experience different committees today to speak about the Redemptorist mission. and how they operate at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. He professed his religious vows in the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer on June 27, 1992. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1996. He has * MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS APPLY served the Spanish-speaking immigrant community in Denver CO, Oakland CA, and * RECEIVE LETTER OF VOLUNTEER HOURS AND Dodge City KS. He was the Director of Hispanic Ministry in the Dodge City diocese, as well, as the Spiritual Director of the Cursillo Movement in that diocese. ALL OTHER RODEO VOLUNTEER BENEFITS Nowadays, he is the Provincial Vicar of the Redemptorists and lives in Chicago. Today's 2nd collection is for MISSION APPEAL. Your gifts to the Redemptorists will If you have any questions or need additional information about help them educate seminarians; spread the Gospel; serve the poor and the sick. joining JRC, please contact: JOIN NOW! NEXT INTERVIEW JULY 31. - Blessing for you and your Business - Inspirational Guest Speaker Presentation - Connect with other Catholics before Work KINGWOOD PRAYER BREAKFAST Thursday, August 12, from 7:00 to 9:00am at Hacienda Palomas 4580 Kingwood Dr, Kingwood, TX 77345 Zachary Scardino Fr. Wayne Ly K of C / Rangel Agency St. Martha Catholic Church REGISTER NOW! / $10 person Page 11 | July 25, 2021
TIME & TALENT MINISTRIES • MASS / LITURGY • GROUPS • OUTREACH MINISTRIES ART & ENVIRONMENT KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 6878 PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY Darlene Akerman (281) 852-9474 Doug Walker, Chris Rubio (281) 540-1907 June Domengeaux (281) 852-2555 Grand Knight (713) 898-5535 Food pantry, utilities and evictions ALTAR GUILD CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS ASSISTANCE COUNSELING SERVICES Shirley Jones (281) 852-0670 Brinder Fondal (281) 300-4145 (Consejeria) / REJOICE COUNSELING ALTAR SERVERS MOVIMIENTO FAMILIAR CRISTIANO APOSTOLATE (844) -295-3167 Vickie VanGordon (832) 496-9876 German Pereira (281) 703-2418 HOSPITAL MINISTRY Elizabeth Banos (713) 884-5130 Gloria Pereira (713) 253-7848 Deacon Ola Branche (713) 870- 4143 EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS HOMEBOUND MINISTRY OF HOLY COMMUNION Linda Enloe (281) 389-1820 • FORMATION Freda Monk (713) 962-2865 RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY Roxana Fuentes (832) 723-8748 ADULT FORMATION, CONFIRMATION, Brenda Baez-Contreras (713) 277-5093 INSTITUTED ACOLYTE INFANT BAPTISM, BECOMING BLOOD DRIVE Ron Cecil (281) 590-7528 CATHOLIC (RCIA) Rosa Herrera (281) 687-5823 MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY Ginger Herrington (281) 446-2933 BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY Bert Guempel (832) 445-8729 CCE/FORMATION Madeline Graham (281) 446-8044 Enrique Reyes (Esp.) (832) 851-7780 Mike Smith (281) 446-2933 NURSING HOME MINISTRY LECTORS ELEMENTARY FORMATION (K-5) Humble Health Center, Oakmont & Park Denise Ruffino (281) 300-8534 Mike Smith (281) 446-2933 Manor, Deerbrook Nursing Home Maricarmen Wells (Esp.) (832) 632-9944 IMPACT Young Adult Ministry VACANT CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF WORD Cynthia Hernandez (713) 302-5119 ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE Jennifer Loveless (580) 475-8566 PREPARATION FOR THE Darryl B. (713) 256-5529 Raquel Serrano (Esp.) (832) 790-0058 SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Wayne B. (281) 777-9217 MUSIC MINISTRY Ginger Herrington (281) 446-2933 Florentino V. (832) 605-1881 Perci Cacanindin (281) 446-8211 YOUTH MINISTRY (6-12) Susan G. (281) 813-0575 Yvette Rodriguez (281) 548-1674 Mike Smith (281) 446-1241 PRAYER CHAIN MINISTRY RETIROS Ron & Ann McCuen (281) 852-4743 • DEVOTIONS RETIRO DE ACTS ( Jesus Aguilar (713) 679-4623 Lucia (Lucy) Martinez (915) 503-3533 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Lucero Sotelo (832) 284-1289 1 CHURCH INITIATIVE Yolanda Vuelvas (281)777-6188 Ron McCuen (281) 852-4743 LEGION OF MARY Cynthia Castro (Eng.) (720) 352-4705 • ORGANIZATIONS PRAYER QUILT MINISTRY Jan Crawford (281) 852-3508 Blanca Barranca (Esp.)AM (830) 433-1429 KEENAGERS (60+) Kathy Burch (281) 812-9374 Violeta Amador (Esp.)PM (832) 571-6391 Barbara Walker (281) 852-4103 HELPING HANDS MINISTRY GRUPO DE ORACIÓN YOUNG AT HEART (50+) Jan Crawford (281) 852-3508 Romualdo Rico (Esp.) (346) 423-7555 SENIOR TRAVEL GROUP Patricia Rico (832) 329-2625 Jan Crawford (281) 852-3508 • OTHERS HEARTS AFIRE Cynthia Meneses (832) 492-1742 • MINISTERIO HISPANO PASTORAL COUNCIL DIVINE MERCY Steve Wells (281) 536-5534 Don Beyette (832) 606-4710 Enriquecimiento de fe para adultos, FINANCE COUNCIL Terry Mares (832) 790-0837 sacramentos de confirmación y Bert Guempel (832) 445-8729 comunión, el proceso de rica, SECURITY TEAM • STEWARDSHIP patrocinadores de matrimonio, Carl Smith (281) 446-8211 bautismo de niños de 0-6 años, Tom Kleypas (281) 852-7937 quinceañeras. Susie Aramburu (281) 446-8211 Page 12 | July 25, 2021
CARTA A LOS FELIGRESES 17º Domingo del Año, 25 de julio de 2021 ¿Cuántos de nosotros tuvimos pan para nuestro desayuno esta mañana? El pan era la comida esencial y común en la época de Jesús. Los pobres comian pan de cebada mientras que los ricos de trigo. Tenemos todo tipo de pan – pan blanco, bagel, pan de trigo, pan de centeno, pan italiano, pan francés, pan de plátano, etc. En nuestras prim- eras lecturas y en las del Evangelio de hoy, hubo una multiplicación de panes para una multitud hambrienta y necesitada. Eliseo pidió a la gente que distribuyera veinte panes de cebada entre cientos de personas. Jesús pidió que cinco panes de cebada fueran compartidos entre cinco mil personas. En cada una de las historias, la gente había comi- do lo suficiente y aún tenían algunas sobras. El milagro de los panes en el evangelio de hoy de San Juan es un preludio del mensaje de Jesús y la revelación de sí mismo como el "pan de vida", que ahora recibimos en la Eucaristía. Los milagros en la primera lectura y en las lecturas del Evangelio se produjeron porque algunos miembros de la comunidad estaban dispuestos a compartir lo poco que tenían. Un punto importante que me gustaría destacar hoy es la necesidad de que estemos agradecidos a Dios por nuestras comidas. Cuando Jesús recibió los panes, dio gracias a Dios y lo bendijo antes de distribuirlo al pueb- lo. Ahí hay una gran lección. Debemos orar y dar gracias a Dios por la bendición de la comida que a veces damos por sentado. En el tiempo de Cristo, la comida era algo santo, y la Ley requería que las personas dijer- an una oración de agradecimiento cada vez que iban a comer. Los rabinos enseñaron que una comida sin oración era una comida que estaba maldita. Nosotros también tenemos nuestras tradiciones como católicos para orar antes de la comida. La oración que me enseñaron cuando era niño, todavía rezo hoy: "Bendicenos oh Señor, y este regalo que estamos a punto de recibir de tu generosidad a través de Cristo nuestro Señor, Amén". Y después de la comida, para orar así en acción de gracias: "Te damos gracias Dios Todopoderoso por este don y todos tus beneficios, tú que vives y reinas por los siglos de los siglos, Amén. Que las almas de los fieles que partieron por la misericordia de Dios descansen en paz, Amén." De nuestra gratitud a Dios, surge la idea de la conservación de los recursos de la tierra evitando el desperdi- cio. Después de alimentar a la multitud de personas, Jesús ordenó a los discípulos que recogieran las sobras y no permitieran que se desperdiciaeran. La Escritura no nos decía lo que se hacía con los sobrantes, pero sí decía que estaban reunidos para que nada se desperdiciara. Hoy en día, parece que hay una enorme can- tidad de sobrantes a nuestro alrededor. Sin embargo, escuchamos y leemos sobre el hambre y la inanición en muchas partes del mundo. Se estima que más de mil millones de personas en el mundo sufren de hambre y malnutrición. Alrededor de 24,000 personas mueren cada día por hambre o por causas relacionadas con el hambre. Aquí en nuestro país, también nos enfrentamos a más y más personas que pasan hambre o tienen inseguridad alimentaria que nunca antes. Al dar gracias a Dios por el pan que comemos, seamos conscien- tes de aquellos que tienen hambre al no desperdiciar alimentos. Agradezco a cada feligres que apoya nues- tra despensa de alimentos de la Casa Magdalena para que más personas puedan ser alimentadas. ¡Sigamos dando nuestros propios "cinco panes" para el apoyo de otras personas hambrientas y veamos cómo el Señor se los multiplicará! Llamamiento a la Misión: Damos la bienvenida al P. John Fahey Guerra, C.Ss.R, sacerdote de la Congregación del Santísimo Redentor (de los Padres Redentoristas) a nuestra parroquia para el llamamiento misionero este fin de semana. El P. John compartirá sus historias de misión con nosotros. Por favor, apoye su trabajo dando generosamente durante la segunda colección. El Reverendo John Fahey Guerra C.Ss.R. profesó sus votos re- ligiosos en la Congregación del Santísimo Redentor el 27 de junio de 1992. Fue ordenado sacerdote en 1996. Ha servido a la comunidad inmigrante de habla hispana en Denver CO, Oakland CA y Dodge City KS. Fue el Director del Ministerio Hispano en la diócesis de Dodge City, así como el director espiritual del Movimiento Cursillo en la diócesis. Actualmente es el Vicario Provincial de los Redentoristas/Provincias de Denver. El Padre John vive en Chicago. Fr. Felix I. Osasona, MSP , Pastor Page 13 | July 25, 2021
ANUNCIOS DE LA SEMANA FORMACIÓN/CCE Y MINISTERIO DE JOVENES CCE HOME-BASED WORK. Cualquier estudiante de "CCE basado en el hogar" de 2020 - 2021 que no haya completado sus evaluaciones en línea (Kinder - 8th grade) - y aquellos jóvenes de secundaria con AMBOS libros de texto incompletos - ¡ahora se han VENCIDO! NO aceptaremos ningún trabajo del hogar de este último año escolar después de la fecha límite del 30 de junio. Tenga en cuenta que, si no ha completado el tra- bajo para este último año escolar, no recibirá crédito y tendrá que repetir el "año de preparación" durante 2021-2022 ... ¡esto ahora retrasará cual- quier preparación sacramental por al menos un año! Este fin de semana, la 2da. colecta es para MISSION APPEAL. Ve a la Pág. 4 para ver las colectas de la semana anterior. Puedes INSCRIPCIÓN DEL CCE 2021. Los padres que necesiten inscribir a sus hacer tu donación por ONLINE GIVING! hijos para las clases en 2021-2022 deben asistir al próximo evento de inscripción de CCE programado para el sábado 21 de agosto de 1pm Anuncios de los Ministerios a 4pm en el FLC. Esta inscripción estará abierta a todos los que quieran inscribir a sus hijos (si el espacio lo permite)... esto incluye a las familias CONTINUAMOS TRABAJANDO registradas de la parroquia de Santa María Magdalena, aquellos que viv- DURANTE EL CORONAVIRUS en dentro de los límites de nuestra parroquia pero no están registrados, y Somos un apostolado PRO- aquellos que viven fuera de nuestros límites parroquiales y no están reg- VIDA, que ofrece asistencia a istrados. Por favor traiga un sobre de oferta (si tiene uno), o una captura mujeres que están pasando por situaciones difíciles. de pantalla de su historial de donaciones en línea ... hay una diferencia Durante este tiempo de en la matrícula para las familias registradas y las familias no registradas. incertidumbre, el Proyecto ¡Los padres podrán inscribirse tanto en las clases de CCE como en la Gabriel continua su min- sterio con nuestras madres preparación sacramental para el próximo año escolar! Reanudaremos necesitadas. Si usted o las clases de CCE "en persona" este otoño los domingos por la tarde alguien que conoce esta experimentando dificultades (3:00 pm - 4:30 pm; grados Kinder - HS) y martes por la noche (6:00 pm durante su embarazo, por - 7:30 pm; grados Kinder - 8º). Nota: ¡El miércoles por la noche CCE se favor llama a (713) 225-5826. suspende este año! ¡El "CCE basado en el hogar" durante el año escolar ESTAMOS PARA AYUDARLE! sigue siendo una opción para todas las familias! ¡Todas nuestras clases de preparación sacramental para niños/jóvenes (por ejemplo, Confesión, Comunión y Confirmación) se llevará a cabo "en persona, en el cam- pus" en 2021 - 2022! Tenga en cuenta que el pago de la matrícula de CCE se espera en el momento de la inscripción, a menos que se hayan hecho otros arreglos con, y aprobados por, el P. Félix antes del evento de agosto. EVENTOS DEL MINISTERIO DE JUVENTUD. Estamos "fuera" esta semana, debido a las vacaciones del personal... pero volveremos la próxima semana con otra noche de "U-Pick-the Movie" el martes 3 de agosto de 6pm a 8pm y "Paint Ceiling Tiles" el viernes 6 de agosto (noche especial) de 6pm a 8pm en la Sala Juvenil. ¡Todos los eventos están abiertos a estudiantes de secundaria y preparatoria (y sus amigos)! El MFCC, es un movimiento católico Si terminó el 5to grado en mayo, ahora puede asistir a los eventos del laico del pueblo de Dios que agrupa ministerio juvenil de la Escuela Intermedia de 6to grado; los jóvenes que familias católicas, apoyadas con la asistencia de Obispos, Sacerdotes, terminaron el 8º grado en mayo ahora se consideran estudiantes de 9º Diáconos y Religiosas. grado (Escuela Secundaria). Este es un lugar seguro y divertido para pasar el rato y "ser tú". Ya sea que hayas estado en uno, todos o ningu- También, es una agrupación de no... siempre hay espacio para ti! Por favor, esté en oración por los 24 familias Católicas que unen sus jóvenes de secundaria y 3 acompañantes que asisten a la Conferencia "Por eso dejará el hombre a su esfuerzos para promover los valores padre y asu madre, para unirse arquidiocesana de la juventud el próximo fin de semana en el centro humanos y cristianos de la familia, con su esposa y los dos formarán de Houston. Regístrese ahora para recibir actualizaciones gratuitas de para que esta sea en la comunidad: un solo ser". EF 5:31 mensajes de texto de Remind para mantenerse al día con todas nuestras formadora de personas, educadora en la fe, conciente de su misión MFCC Humble Texas, Región 14 ofertas (consulte a continuación las instrucciones y los códigos). evangelizadora y comprometida en el Arquidiocesis Galveston Houston i Iglesia Sta. Maria Magdalena, e desarrollo integral de la comunidad y de ¿NECESITA MAS INFORMACION EN ESPAÑOL? Iglesia San Juan de la Cruz la iglesia doméstica. Favor contactar a Maria Silva (Bilingue) Secretaria de Formación Para mayor información sobre el movimiento, y dias de reunión al (281) 446-2933 / contacta a German y Gloria Pereira al (281) 703-2418 / (713) 253-7848, o Rodolfo y Laura Guerrero al (346) 226-9389 / (346) 226-9397 Page 14 | July 25, 2021
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