2019 Fremont County Open Fair - 2019 Fremont County Open Fair Book

Page created by Dorothy Morales
2019 Fremont County Open Fair - 2019 Fremont County Open Fair Book
2019 Fremont County Open Fair Book

Fremont County
    Open Fair

2019 Fremont County Open Fair Book

      Dear Friends,

      It is our pleasure to invite you to the
      2019 Fremont County Fair.
      Events begin with the Jr. Rodeo at
      Pathfinder Park on July 26
      and conclude with the Livestock
      Auction on Aug. 4.
      Throughout the year, 4-H/FFA
      members and Open Fair exhibitors
      work hard to prepare their exhibits
      for competition. A tremendous
      amount of pride, talent, and effort is
      displayed at the Fair.
      Come join us this year and enjoy the
      new displays and activities. There is
      something for all ages from toddlers
      to senior citizens.
      See you at the Fair!
      Fremont County Fair Board

           Why not be part of the Fair?

Choose your best flower, vegetables, handiwork,
fine arts, etc. and enter it in the Open Fair. To
enter a project in the Open Fair, look at the Table
of Contents and find the department for the
item/items you want to exhibit. Then read the
rules for that department, noting any special
instructions or limitations, and bring your
entry/entries to the Fairgrounds according to the
                                                          The Fremont County Fair does not have a Gate
4-H members may enter projects in the Open Fair,          Fee. All events are free unless otherwise noted
but MUST enter a separate item from that shown             (see Open Entry Rules). The public is invited
in the 4-H/FFA Fair.                                      and encouraged to visit the fair and take part in
                                                                         the fair activities.

2019 Fremont County Open Fair Book
                                      Table of Contents

A                                                     K
Afghans                                      21       Knitting                                 21
Artistic Arrangements                        27
Awards                                       10
                                                      Leather Craft                            24
B                                                     Livestock Sale Buyers                    14
Bling Your Frame                             24
Breads                                       19
                                                      Miscellaneous Crafts                     24
C                                                     Miscellaneous Needlework                 21
Cake and Sponge Cake                         19
Candy                                        20
                                                      Novelty Yarns                            21
Canned Fruit                                 17
                                                      Novice Youth                             32
Canned Vegetables                            18
Ceramics                                     24       O
Cookies                                      20       Open Crafts                              23
Crocheting                                   21       Open Fair Entry Form                     34
Cut Flowers                                  27       Open Floriculture                        26
D                                                     Open Gardening                           25
                                                      Open Needlework                          21
Decorated Cakes and Cookies                  19
                                                      Open Pantry                              17
Dried Foods                                  18
                                                      Open Photography & Fine Arts             28
Embroidery                                   21
                                                      Pee-Wee Fun Rabbit Show                  33
Equipment Road-e-o                           13
                                                      Penny Johnston High Point Open Exhibitor 10
F                                                     Pet Rock                                 33
Fair Committees                               9       Photography                              28
Fair Schedule                                 4       Pickles and Relishes                     18
Fair Superintendents                         10       Pies and Pastries                        19
Fashion Revue                                22       Porcelain Dolls                          24
Fine Arts                                    28
Fremont County Board of Commissioners         9
                                                      Quilting Exhibits                       21
Fremont County Extension Staff                9
Fremont County Fair Board                    10       R
Fruit                                        25       Ranch & Junior Rodeo                    13
G                                                     Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repurpose       24
General Rules and Regulations                15       S
Golden Age                                   30       Scrapbooking                            24
H                                                     Sewing                                  22
                                                      Spinning and Weaving                    22
Heirlooms                                    23
Herbs                                        25       V
Homemade Jewelry                             24       Vegetables                              25
Honey                                        19       W
J                                                     Wilton Fair Award                       10
Jarden Home Brands “Ball Awards”             10       Wines                                   20
Jellies, Jams, Butters, Pres. & Marmalades   18       Woodworking                             25

2019 Fremont County Open Fair Book

                            2019 Fair Schedule
Monday, July 8                                    Sunday, July 21
5:00 p.m. Deadline for 4-H/FFA Fair Entries       Shooting Sports Competition
          to Extension Office.                    7:30 a.m. Check in for the 4-H .22 Rifle will
Saturday, July 13                                           be at the Royal Gorge Gun Club.
Shooting Sports Competition                       8:00 a.m. The 4-H .22 Rifle Competition
8:30 a.m. Check in for the 4-H Trap at the                  will begin. The public is
           Cactus Flats Gun Club.                           welcome to watch this event.
9:00 a.m. The 4-H Trap Competition will           6:00 p.m. The 4-H Shooting Sports Awards
           begin. The public is welcome to                  Ceremony and Potluck will be
           watch this event.                                held at the 4-H Building.
12:30 p.m. Check in for 4-H Skeet at the          Tuesday, July 23
           Cactus Flats Gun Club.                 5:00 p.m. 4-H Shooting Sports Record
1:00 p.m. The 4-H Skeet Competition will                    Books, State Fair & Shirt Fees are
           begin. The public is welcome to                  due in the Extension Office.
           watch this event.                      Thursday, July 25
Sunday, July 14                                   6:00 p.m. Shooting Sports Record Books
Shooting Sports Competition                                 will be judged at Cactus Flats
8:30 a.m. Check in for the 4-H Sporting                     Gun Club.
          Clays will begin at the Cactus          Friday, July 26
          Flats Gun Club.                         6:30 p.m. Junior Rodeo includes Mutton
9:00 a.m. The 4-H Sporting Clays                            Bustin’, Mini Bronc Riding, Mini
          Competition will begin. The                       Bull Riding, Barrel Racing and
          public is welcome to watch this                   Calf Scramble. Pathfinder Park
          event.                                            gates open at 5:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m. Check in for the 4-H Air Rifle                    Admission is $5.
          will begin at the 4-H Building.
                                                  Saturday, July 27
3:00 p.m. The 4-H Air Rifle Competition
                                                  7:30 a.m. Check in and Vet Check for the
          will begin. The public is
                                                            4-H Horse Show will begin at
          welcome to watch this event.
                                                            Pathfinder Park.
Saturday, July 20                                 8:30 a.m. Check in will close for the 4-H
Shooting Sports Competition                                 Horse Show.
8:30 a.m. Check in for the 4-H Archery &          8:30 a.m. A ribbon cutting ceremony at
          Muzzleloading will begin at the                   Pathfinder Park will officially
          Royal Gorge Gun Club.                             open the 2019 Fremont County
9:00 a.m. The 4-H Archery &                                 Fair. The public is welcome to
          Muzzleloading Competition will                    watch this ceremony.
          begin. The public is welcome to         9:00 a.m. 4-H English Showmanship will
          watch this event.                                 begin at the Pathfinder Park
                                                            Arena. The 4-H English
                                                            Performance Class will follow

2019 Fremont County Open Fair Book

          Showmanship. English                    5:30 p.m. Check-in for 4-H Gymkhana
          Showmanship and Performance                       Events will close.
          Awards will be given                    6:00 p.m. 4-H Horse Gymkhana Events
          immediately following the Show.                   begin at Pathfinder Park. The
9:00 a.m. 4-H Building and grounds                          public is welcome to watch these
          cleanup will begin. The Fremont                   events.
          County Cattlewomen will serve           6:00 p.m. 4-H and Open Fair check-in will
          lunch to the cleanup crew.                        close.
6:00 p.m. Ranch Rodeo at Pathfinder Park.         6:00 p.m. 4-H Building closes.
          Gates open at 5:00 p.m. Event
          includes Wild Cow Milking,              Monday, July 29
          Trailer Loading, Calf Branding          7:00 a.m. 4-H General Project, Home
          and Team Penning with a Bronc                     Economics, Natural Resources,
          Riding following. Admission is                    Gardening, Clothing and
          $5.                                               Heritage Arts check-in will begin
                                                            at the 4-H Building.
Sunday, July 28
                                                  8:30 a.m. 4-H Project check-in will close.
8:00 a.m. Check-in and Vet Check for the
                                                            The 4-H Building will be closed to
          4-H Horse Show will begin at
                                                            the public.
          Pathfinder Park.
                                                  9:00 a.m. 4-H interview judging begins for
8:30 a.m. Check-in will close for the 4-H
                                                            all 4-H projects to include
          Horse Show.
                                                            Clothing & Heritage Arts at the
9:00 a.m. 4-H Western Showmanship will
                                                            4-H Building.
          begin at the Pathfinder Park
                                                  5:00 p.m. Open Fair entries will be
          Arena. 4-H Western
                                                            accepted at the 4-H Building.
          Performance Class will follow
                                                            Building not open to the public
          Showmanship. Western
                                                            other than to accept entries.
          Showmanship and Performance
                                                  6:30 p.m. Check in for 4-H and Open
          Awards will be given
                                                            Fashion Revue at the Evangelical
          immediately following the Show.
                                                            Free Church.
          The public is welcome to watch
                                                  7:00 p.m. Open Fair check-in will close.
          this event. The riding portion of
                                                  7:00 p.m. 4-H Building closes.
          the 4-H Royalty Contest will
                                                  7:00 p.m. 4-H and Open Fashion Revue
          begin upon completion of the
                                                            judging will be held at the
          Western riding competitions.
                                                            Evangelical Free Church. The
          The public is welcome to watch
                                                            public is welcome to watch this
          this event.
3:00 p.m. 4-H General Project, Consumer
          Science, Cloverbuds and Open            Tuesday, July 30
          Fair entries will be accepted at        9:00 a.m. 4-H Building opens to the public.
          the 4-H Building.                                 Open judging (except for
4:30 p.m. Check-in and Vet Check for 4-H                    Quilting) begins at the 4-H
          Gymkhana Events will begin at                     Building. The public is welcome
          Pathfinder Park.                                  to attend open judging.

2019 Fremont County Open Fair Book

10:00 a.m. 2020 4-H Royalty interviews and         6:30 p.m. 4-H Rocket Launch will start at
           modeling contests will be held in                 Pathfinder Park. The public is
           the Entertainment Tent. 2020                      welcome to watch this event.
           4-H Royalty will be announced           7:00 p.m. Check-in for 4-H/FFA Rabbit and
           following the interview and                       Poultry will close.
           modeling contests. The public is        10:00 p.m. 4-H Building closes.
           welcome to watch this event.
5:30 p.m. Homemade wine will be judged,            Thursday, August 1
           at the Abbey Winery. The public         8:00 a.m. 4-H Building opens to the public.
           is welcome to watch this event.         8:00 a.m. 4-H/FFA Rabbit judging starts in
7:00 p.m. 4-H Building closes.                                the Small Animal Barn. Rabbit
                                                              Showmanship will follow. The
Wednesday, July 31                                            public is welcome to watch this
Dairy Day                                                     event.
8:00 a.m. 4-H Building opens to the public.        8:00 a.m. Equipment Road-e-o will begin
8:30 a.m. Check-in and Vet Check for                          at Pathfinder Park. The public is
          4-H/FFA Dairy Cattle and Dairy                      welcome to watch this event.
          Goat begins.                             10:00 a.m. Poultry judging starts in Small
9:30 a.m. Check-in for Dairy Cattle and                       Animal Barn. Poultry
          Dairy Goats ends.                                   Showmanship will follow.
9:00 a.m. 4-H Dog Show begins at First             11:00 a.m. Check-in for 4-H/FFA Livestock
          Southern Baptist Church, 303 E                      begins.
          3rd St., Florence, CO. The public        3:30 p.m. Check-in for 4-H/FFA Livestock
          is welcome to watch this event.                     will close.
9:00 a.m. Open Quilt Judging will begin in         4:00 p.m. Livestock Welcome meeting for
          the 4-H Building. The public is                     exhibitor and parent is
          welcome to watch this event.                        mandatory.
12:00 p.m. Check-in for Cats.                      4:30 p.m. Weigh-in for 4-H/FFA Livestock
1:00 p.m. 4-H Pocket Pet & Cat Show in the                    will begin with Market Goats,
          Small Animal Barn.                                  followed by Market Sheep,
4:00 p.m. Dairy Day activities will be held                   Market Beef and then Market
          in the Entertainment Tent.                          Swine.
          Events end at 5:00 p.m.                  Dusk       Free movie “How to Train Your
4:00 p.m. Check-in for 4-H/FFA Rabbit and                     Dragon: The Hidden World”
          Poultry will begin in the Small                     under the stars provided by
          Animal Barn.                                        Charter – Rodeo Grounds Arena.
6:00 p.m. 4-H Dairy Goat judging will begin        10:00 p.m. 4-H Building closes.
          in the Show Ring. 4-H/FFA Dairy          Friday, August 2
          Cattle judging will follow.              Family & Celebrate Seniors Day
          Awards will be given                     7:30 a.m. In honor of our Senior Citizens a
          immediately following the Dairy                    complimentary breakfast of
          Shows. The public is welcome to                    biscuits and gravy will be served
          watch this event.                                  to individuals over the age of 65

2019 Fremont County Open Fair Book

           on a first come, first served            Noon       Check-in for Open Gardening will
           basis. The Beta Zeta Sorority                      close. No entries will be taken
           and the Fremont County Fair                        after 12:00 p.m.
           Board sponsor the event. 4-H             Noon      “Lunch in a Jiffy”, which consists
           Ambassadors will be available to                   of either a hot dog or a peanut
           visit with Seniors and offer tours                 butter and jelly sandwich, chips,
           of the fair.                                       cookie and a drink will be
8:00 a.m. 4-H Building opens to the public.                   available for $2.50 each.
           Senior Citizen Activities begin in       12:30 p.m. Toy Cat Show check in open to
           the Entertainment Tent.                            kids under 8. No live animals.
9:00 a.m. Senior Breakfast ends.                              Stuffed animals only. The entry
9:00 a.m. 4-H/FFA Sheep Showmanship                           fee is $1.00.
           judging will begin in the Show           1:00 p.m. Toy Cat Show starts in the
           Ring. Market Sheep and                             Entertainment Tent.
           Breeding Sheep classes will              1:00 p.m. Open Gardening judging will
           follow. Sheep Livestock awards                     start in the 4-H Building. The
           will be given immediately                          public is welcome to watch this
           following the Sheep Shows. The                     event.
           public is welcome to watch this          1:00-6:00 Colorado Country Music
           event.                                             Association artists will perform
9:00 a.m. Open Gardening entries will be                      on the Entertainment Stage.
           accepted in the 4-H Building.                      This event is free for the public
           Exhibitors having more than                        to attend.
           5 entries, please enter before           2:00 p.m. Watermelon eating contest
           10:00 a.m.                                         starts in the Entertainment Tent.
9:30 a.m. Check-in for Pee-Wee Rabbit                         Family Day activities will close
           Show and Pee-Wee Poultry                           with this event.
           Show will begin under the tent.          5:00 p.m. 4-H/FFA Swine Showmanship
10:00 a.m. Family Day Activities will begin                   judging will begin in the Show
           at the Fair Grounds. Children                      Ring. Market Swine classes will
           will have the opportunity to visit                 follow. Swine Livestock awards
           educational booths and                             will be given immediately
           participate in games and other                     following the Swine Show. The
           activities. There will be                          public is welcome to watch this
           entertainment for the entire                       event.
           family.                                  10:00 p.m. 4-H Building closes to the public.
10:00 a.m. Pee-Wee Rabbit Show and Pee              Saturday, August 3
           Wee Fun Poultry Show begins              8:00 a.m. 4-H Building opens to the public.
           under the tent. Dress a                  9:00 a.m. Entries for Open Floriculture will
           Bunny/Poultry contest will                         be accepted in the 4-H Building.
           follow the Pee-Wee Rabbit                          Exhibitors having more than 5
           Show.                                              entries please enter before
                                                              10:00 a.m.

2019 Fremont County Open Fair Book

9:00 a.m. 4-H/FFA Goat Showmanship will            9:00 a.m. The 4-H/FFA Master
          start in the Show Ring. The                        Showmanship Competition will
          4-H/FFA Breeding Goat and                          begin in the Show Ring. During
          Market Goat shows will follow.                     this competition the County
          Goat Livestock awards will be                      Fair’s 4-H/FFA Showmen show
          given immediately following the                    Sheep, Swine, Goats, Beef, Dairy
          Goat Shows. The public is                          Cattle and Horses for the title of
          welcome to watch this event                        Master Showman. The Reverse
Noon      Check-in for Floriculture will                     Showmanship Competition will
          close. No entries will be taken                    follow Master Showmanship. In
          after 12:00 p.m.                                   this competition, the parent of
Noon-4:00 Colorado Country Music                             4-H/FFA members competing in
          Association artists will perform                   Master Showmanship will have
          on the Entertainment Stage.                        the opportunity to prove their
1:00 p.m. Floriculture judging will begin in                 showmanship skills. The public
          the 4-H Building. The public is                    is welcome to watch this event.
          welcome to watch this event.             Noon      The Parade of Champions Award
4:30 p.m. 4-H/FFA Breeding Beef Show will                    Ceremony will be held in the
          begin in the Show Ring.                            Entertainment Tent. The public
          Breeding Beef awards will be                       is welcome to watch this event.
          given following the Breeding             3:00 p.m. The Buyers’ Barbeque will be
          Beef Show. 4-H/FFA Market                          held in the Entertainment Tent.
          Beef judging will begin 30               4:00 p.m. The 4-H Family of the Year and
          minutes from the completion of                     other special awards will be
          the Breeding Beef judging. Beef                    presented in the Show Ring.
          Showmanship will follow the              4:30 p.m. The 4-H/FFA Market Livestock
          Market Beef Show. Market Beef                      Sale will begin in the Show Ring.
          Livestock awards will be given           6:00 p.m. Open and 4-H Fair Exhibits will
          immediately following the                          be released. Open premiums
          Market Beef Show. The public is                    will be awarded when exhibits
          welcome to watch this event.                       are checked out. No exhibits will
Sunday, August 4                                             be released before 6:00 p.m.
                                                   8:00 p.m. 4-H Building closes to the public.
Buyers’ Day
7:30 a.m. 4-H Building opens to the public.        Monday, August 5
          Cowboy Church will start in the          8:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.
          Entertainment Tent. The public                      Release of Open & 4-H Exhibits.
          is welcome to participate in this        Saturday, August 10
          event.                                   9:00 a.m. Clean Up for County Fair
8:30 a.m. Mandatory meeting in the Show
          Ring for 4-H/FFA members and
          parents who will be participating
          in the Master Showmanship.

2019 Fremont County Open Fair Book

                                    Fair Committees

        Fair Book                Sponsorships & Awards            Fremont County in Action
    Delores Comstock                Julie Reeves – Chair              Barbara Carochi
     Tami Ratkovich                  Ralph Kunselman
    Jeramy McNeely                   Kathy Kunselman                       Building
      Verla Noakes                   Delores Comstock              Delores Comstock - Chair
      Becky Chace                       Becky Chace                       Linda Davis
        Pam Carl                      Tami Ratkovich                   Sarah Comstock
                                                                       Karen Trentzsch
   Senior Celebration                 Special Events                     Jody McKean
Marsha Bouchard – Chair            Tami Ratkovich – Chair              Tami Ratkovich
     Brandi Johnson                     Julie Reeves                     Luree James
                                        JoAnne Ary                       Lorri Goebel
                                       Linda Valdez                   Marsha Bouchard
                                       Kelsey Larsen

                  Fremont County Board of Commissioners
                                    Dwayne McFall - Chair
                                        Debbie Bell
                                        Tim Payne

                          Fremont County Extension Staff
                          Jeramy McNeely – County Extension Director
                               Verla Noakes – Extension Agent
                                Becky Chace – Office Manager
                                 Pam Carl – Office Assistant

2019 Fremont County Open Fair Book

                             Fremont County Fair Board
The Fremont County Fair Board is a group of dedicated volunteers responsible for planning,
preparing, and conducting the Fremont County Fair. The board also appoints working
committees to assist with the fair’s planning and preparation. Fair Board meetings are held on
the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the 4-H Building. All meetings are open to
the public.
Tami Ratkovich - President            Mark Masar, Director             Grant Ary, Director
Delores Comstock - Vice President      John Daniels, Director          Kelsey Larsen, Director
Linda Valdez – Secretary              Marie Adams, Director           Julie Reeves, Director
Kathy Kunselman – Treasurer           JoAnne Ary, Director            Laura Taylor, Director
Marsha Bouchard, Director             Shari Johnson, Director

                              Fair Superintendents
Fine Arts & Photography…….Patsy Michaud               Open Gardening……………Mary Richardson
 Assistants…………………….Marsha Bouchard                    Assistants….Marty Rutan
Golden Age…………………………..Jody McKean                     Open Needlework………Maureen Chapman
Homemade Wine…………..Dana Van Wagner                    Open Pantry…………………….Barbara Carochi
Novice Youth…………………..Sarah Comstock                    Assistant……..…Rose Lindley, Caleb Richter
 Assistant……………………………….Sue Gowdy                      Quilting…………………………..Karen Trentzsch
Open Ceramics……………………Shari Johnson                     Assistants……Nancy Lindley, Marie
Open Crafts…………………….Sarah Comstock                     Vercautern
Open Floriculture……………….…..Linda Davis
  Assistants Mary Richardson, Kathy Smith
                                 Special Awards

Penny Johnston High Point Open Exhibitor: Presented to the Open Fair exhibitor who
          accumulated the highest number of points.

                      2018 Wilton Fair Award Guidelines: Wilton Enterprises is pleased to help
                      support the Fremont County Fair in the Decorated Cakes Division and Cupcake
                      Division. Wilton will provide one “Best of Class” (Grand Champion) award per
                      category and one Runner-Up (Reserve Grand Champion) award per category per
                      fair. Wilton “Best of Class” awards are offered for winning cakes and cupcakes
                      with some type of bag and tip or rolled fondant cake decorating. The following
                      categories for the 2018 fair will be:

                      Decorated Cake Divisions                              Cupcake Divisions
                      Adult Open Class                                       Adult Open Class
                      Junior Open Class                                      Junior Open Class
                      4-H Class                                               4-H Class

2019 Fremont County Open Fair Book

  Special Thanks to the Fremont County
           Fair’s 2018 Sponsors
                              Gold Sponsors
                                Legacy Bank
                            Bank of the San Juan’s
                             Pueblo Bank & Trust
                                 Black Hills

                             Silver Sponsors
                              4-H Horse Council
                               Bradley Metals
                                  D & E Mail
                                Frontier Feeds
                             High Country Bank
                          Ralph & Kathy Kunselman

                            Bronze Sponsors
                               Sunflower Bank
                                Pizza Madness
                        Rocky Mountain Livestock Sales
                            Clover Rovers 4-H Club
                          Brenda Jackson & KG Lane

                           Friends of the Fair
Austin Automotive                               American Drilling Service
Berry Trucking                                  Prime Realty & Property Mgmt.
Mackenzie Ranch                                 Royal Gorge Assoc. of Realtors
Charles & Debbie Bell

2019 Fremont County Open Fair Book

                             2018 Fremont County Fair
                                 Awards Sponsors

4-H Foundation                               *Gowdy, Nita
Adamson, Suzi                                Hawkeye Tax & Accounting
Ary, Grant & JoAnne                          Jim’s Tire Service
Barbwire-N-Roses 4-H Club                    Johnson, Gary
Barth, Dick & Sharon                         Lasha, Larry
*Berry, Deborah & Everett                    Lindner Chevrolet
Blue Spruce Antiques                         Los Caballeros 4-H Club
Bouchard, Jerry & Marsha                     Master Printers
Boughan Memorial (Nancy Schuckert)           Mohr’s Wood Items
Carochi Brothers Machine Shop                Mourne, Mark (Ailene Gaylor Mourne Mem)
Carochi, Frank & Barbara                     *Noakes, Ron & Verla
Chace, Becky                                 Norden, Ed & Janice
Champs or Bust 4-H Club                      Palace Drug
Chapman, Mark & Maureen Family               Penrose Family Dental Clinic
Chess, Grant & Debbie Family                 *Ratkovich, David & Tami
City Market                                  Red Ball Sales
*Colorado Pork Producers                     Reeves Real Estate
Comstock, Delores                            Reeves, Sheldon & Julie
Covington, Tommy & Vikki                     Ruona, Doyle & Lisa
Coyote Coffee Den                            Shoemaker Ranch
Creative Kids 4-H Club                       Smith, Myron
*Dale Boody’s Design Service                 Sunderman, K. G.
Florence Family Dentistry                    Sunwest Education Credit Union
Four Mile 4-H Club                           Tally Ho 4-H Club
Fourmile Veterinary Clinic                   Valdez, Eugene & Linda
Fremont Cattlemen Assoc.                     *Wetmore Wizards 4-H Club
Fremont County Cattlewomen                   Willing Vessel
*French, Leo & Marilyn Family                Young, Tomalee
Galpin, Carl & Gloria

*Donated $100 or more for awards.

2019 Fremont County Open Fair Book

                              County Fair Special Events

                              2019 Junior and Ranch Rodeo
This year's County Fair is proud to host a Junior Rodeo on July 26, 2019 and Ranch Rodeo
with bronc riding on July 27, 2019. The Junior Rodeo will consist of Mutton Bustin’, Mini
Bronc Riding, Mini Bull Riding, Barrel Racing and Calf scramble. Top winner in each event
will receive a belt buckle and cash award. Your 2nd and 3rd place will receive cash award with
the exception of the Calf Scramble. Mutton Bustin' 1st place belt buckle and $25, 2nd place $50,
3rd place $30.00. The Ranch Rodeo will include Wild Cow Milking, Trailer Loading, Calf
Branding and Team Penning with Bronc Riding following. For information on the Ranch
Rodeo contact David Bunker, Jr. at 719-510-4094. For information on the Junior Rodeo
contact Tami Ratkovich at 719-784-6070 or 719-429-6071. Junior Rodeo will start at 6:30
PM and the Ranch Rodeo will start at 6:00 PM with gates opening at 5:00 PM at Pathfinder
Park. Pre-registration is encouraged for all events. Admission is $5.00 a night or you may
purchase both nights for $8.00. Concessions will be provided for both nights.

                               2018 Ranch Rodeo Sponsors
Fremont Paving & Redi Mix                                  Fremont Motorsports
Faricy Ford                                                Litz Auto
Ratkovich Farms                                            Wetmore Wizards 4-H Club
Penrose Steele & Tubing                                    Stoner’s Rock
Ray’s Custom Meat                                          Ralph & Kathy Kunselman
Austin Automotive                                          Jenkins Farm
True Value Trailers                                        Credit Union of Colorado
Simshauser Family                                          4Rivers
Liquor Locker                                              Big R
Reeves Real Estate                                         D & K Supply

                                    Equipment Road-e-o
You are invited to come out and watch the Fremont County Department of Transportation
Equipment Road-e-o! Our crews and neighboring entities get together once a year to have a
good time, connect and compete to see who will win our heavy equipment events. The event
will be held on August 1, 2019 starting at 8:00 a.m. at Pathfinder Park. You don’t want to miss

          Visit www.fremontcountyfair.com
               for the latest fair updates.
   Entry Forms, information and rules are available
2019 Fremont County Open Fair Book

  2018 4-H Market Livestock Sale Buyers
                                                                  Rocky Mountain Bank & Trust
Beef                              Starika Car Wash                Rose Vet Clinic
Big D Superfoods                  T4 Metal Works                  Top Notch Mechanical LLC
Blue Flame Gas                                                    Uhler Creek Mine
DRX Enterprises                   Sheep                           Zimmerman Body Shop
Express Laundry                   Fourmile Veterinary Clinic
                                  K. R. Swerdfeger Construction
Faricy Ford                                                       Poultry
                                  McCasland Glass
Jewett’s                          Reeves Real Estate              B & G Construction
KMF Properties                    T4 Metal Works                  Bizzy Bee Honey Farms
NB Trenchless                                                     Blake Repshire
Palace Drug                                                       Debbie Bell, Commissioner
Rusler Implement
                                  Swine                           D & K Supply
                                  Alan Drake                      Express Laundry
                                  Alta Convenience                Homesmart Realty, Glen
Goats                             B & G Construction              Greenlee
Brozek Builders Inc.              Berry Trucking                  McKean Family
City Market                       Bizzy Bee Honey Farms           NB Trenchless
D & E Mail                        Blue Flame Gas                  Newmont CCV Gold Mining Co.
Express Laundry                   D & K Supply                    Pate Construction
Farm Credit of Southern Colo.     Express Laundry                 Pizza Madness
Fremont Fairs & Shows             Frontier Feeds                  R & R Construction
Gibson Mansion Gang               Greg & Vickie VanRiper          Ray’s Custom Processing
High Creek Outfitters             High Creek Outfitters           Mica & Joyce Simpleman
Jenkins Farms                     Hobby Trucking                  Suds UR Duds
Litz Auto                         John Daniels
McCasland Glass                   K. R. Swerdfeger Construction
Newmont CCV Gold Mining Co.       Lindner Chevrolet               Rabbits
Prospect Heights Cornerstone of   Mark Chapman Family             McKean Family
Canon                             McKean Family                   Newmont CCV Gold Mining Co
Rusler Implement                  NB Trenchless                   Pueblo Bank & Trust
Mica & Joyce Simpleman            Palace Drug                     Suds UR Duds
                                  Ralph & Kathy Kunselman

2019 Fremont County Open Fair Book

                   Open, Golden Age & Novice Youth Division
                         General Rule and Regulations
A. Entries: Open Fair entries including Golden           G. A recipe is required for all tomato based
Age, Homemade Wine, Novice Youth, and Pet                entries with processing information.
Rocks will be accepted Sunday, July 28 from 3:00
p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday, July 29 from                  H. Exhibitors who qualify may enter exhibits in
5:00 p.m.to 7:00 p.m. Entries will NOT be taken          both the Open and Golden Age Divisions.
the morning of Tuesday, July 30.
                                                         I. All quilts and comforters must have been
B. Open Garden will be accepted from                     completed in the last three years. All previous
9:00 a.m. to noon, Friday, August 2. Exhibitors          entries are ineligible. Exhibitors will be allowed
having more than 5 entries, please enter before          to enter two (2) per class.
10:00 a.m. No entries will be taken after 12:00
p.m. Judging will begin at 1:00 p.m. The                 I-2. All other exhibits must have been
public is welcome during the judging.                    completed since the last County Fair, except
                                                         those entries in the heirloom classes.
C. Open Floriculture will be accepted from
9:00 a.m. to noon, Saturday, August 3.                   J. Competition is open to Fremont County
Exhibitors having more than 5 entries, please            residents, official Fremont County 4-H members
enter before 10:00 a.m. No entries will be               and their families, and residents of Re-1, Re-2
taken after 12:00 p.m. Judging will begin at             and Re-3 School Districts.
1:00 p.m. The public is welcome during the
judging.                                                 K. Classification of exhibitors: Open Fair
                                                         Divisions are divided into three sub-categories:
D. Entry Fee: There will be an entry fee of              Sub-Class J – Junior 1st through 8th grade but not
$0.50 per entry in all Open Divisions for Junior,        over 14 years of age.
Adult Amateur and Professional exhibitors.               Sub-Class A – Adult Amateur
There are no entry fees for the Golden Age or            Sub-Class P – Professional anyone deriving an
Novice Youth Divisions. Superintendents have             income from sales or instruction. Please
the right to refuse any entry that is                    specify which sub-class on entry form and
inappropriate.                                           entry tag.

E. Exhibits must be entered under the name of            L. Age Requirements: Golden Age Division is
the person who made it, except those entries in          open only to those individuals who are living in
heirloom classes.                                        a health care facility or are 65 years old or
                                                         older. Novice Youth is open to boys and girls 1
F. Exhibitors will be allowed to enter two items         through 7 years of age. There are no entry fees
per class except Novice Youth will be limited to         for these two age divisions.
one item per class due to limited space.
However, the items entered by an exhibitor in            M. Open Judging: Judging will be held Tuesday,
one class must be different varieties. Example:          July 30 beginning at 9:00 a.m. except for Quilts
1 Green Bean, 1 Wax Bean.                                which will be done Wednesday, July 31 at 9:00
                                                         a.m. The public is welcome during the judging.

2019 Fremont County Open Fair Book

N. American system of judging will be used by              T. High Point Exhibitor must place in two or
judges. Judges will award ribbons on the merit             more of the following: Pantry, Needlework,
of the exhibit.                                            Quilts, Crafts, Novice Youth, Garden and
O. When there are five or more entries of the              Floriculture.
same type or technique entered, the                        U. Premiums: For Open and Golden Age 1st, 2nd
superintendents may, at their discretion, add a            and 3rd place ribbons will be awarded.
class for that type or technique.                          Premiums will be paid according to sponsorship
                                                           and entry fee money. For Novice Youth,
P. The Fremont County Fair Management will                 premiums will be paid according to sponsorship
use diligence to ensure the safety of exhibits             and entry fee money. Special Classes will
after arrival and placement but in no case will            receive ribbons only.
the Fremont County Fair be responsible for any
loss, damage or injury of any character to any
property while on the fairgrounds or at any
time or place, nor be liable for or make any
payment of the value thereof. Presentation of
entry form by the exhibitor shall be deemed
acceptance of all competition and entry
requirements and the exhibitor thereby
indemnifies the Fremont County Fair and its
representatives from any and all legal
proceedings in the regards thereto.

Q. Alcohol & Marijuana: Possession of
consumption of alcoholic beverages, marijuana,
and/or any illicit drug is forbidden on the
Fairgrounds (Rodeo Grounds, Pathfinder Park or
other sites where Fair activities are held).
Exception for alcoholic beverages - bona fide
entries in the Open Wine Division or for
activities or events during the fair approved by
the Fremont County Fair Board prior to the fair.
 Any 4-H or FFA member caught with alcohol,
marijuana, and/or any illicit drug will forfeit the
privilege of showing, receiving premiums and
awards or from selling an animal in the sale.
Adults who are consuming alcohol or marijuana
will be reported to law enforcement.

R. Smoking: Smoking, including e-cigarettes, is
prohibited in the buildings and exhibit barns.

S. Marijuana: The use of marijuana in any
display, food item, or exhibit is prohibited and
shall be rejected. The exhibitor will be reported
to law enforcement.

2019 Fremont County Open Fair Book

                                                   All canned products should be packed in
       Open Pantry                                 clean, clear, standard name-brand glass jars
Exhibits will be accepted Sunday, July 28,         (No mayonnaise jars etc.), and closed with
3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday, July 29,           new clean seals and rings.
5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.                             E. Canned fruits and vegetables will not be
                                                   opened, but will be judged on appearance
A. Please see General Rules.                       in the jar. Other canned items will be
B. Classification of exhibitors: Open Fair         opened and tasted at the discretion of the
Divisions are divided into three sub-              judge.
categories:                                        F. All preserved food must follow CSU or
Sub-Class J – Junior 1st through 8th grade         USDA recommendations.
but not over 14 years of age.                      G. Tomato based entries: a recipe with
Sub-Class A – Adult Amateur                        processing information is required for all
Sub-Class P – Professional anyone deriving         tomato-based entries.
an income from sales or instruction. Please        H. All entries of dried products must have a
specify which sub-class on entry form and          label stating:
entry tag.                                              • Name of Product
C. 4-H Members who meet the                             • Date Dried
requirements may enter in the Junior                    • Pretreatment
Division but must exhibit a separate food               • Method of Drying
item.                                              Time and Temperature
D. All canned products must have labels on         I. All baked products must be on paper
jar stating:                                       plates, cardboard or in plastic bags. No
Name of product                                    dishes or pans please. All food must be
Date Canned                                        product from the home. A representative
Altitude; Time; Pressure                           sample of baked goods will be left on
Method of Preserving (ex: waterbath or             display. The remainder will be sold through
pressure)                                          the 4-H Council Concessions.
Type of Pack                                       J. Standard loaf pans of any size must be
                                                   used for breads. 3”x4”x2”, 8”x4”x2”,
                                                   or 9”x5”x3”. Or baked as a standard of
                Green Beans                        bread type. (ex: Artisan/Italian, etc.)
           Canned – May 16, 2018                   K. Rolls, cookies, or candy exhibits must
               Altitude – 5280’                    consist of 6 samples of the product.
        Processing Time – 90 minutes
            Pressure – 13 pounds
    Processing Method – Pressure Canning                        Canned Fruit
           Type of Pack – Raw Pack                 Pieces should be uniform in size with
                                                   natural color and shape of the fruit well
                                                   preserved. Liquid should be clear and
                                                   bright and completely cover the fruit in the
                                                   jar. Refer to Rule G for tomato-based
                                                   Class 1935, Apricots

2019 Fremont County Open Fair Book

Class 1936, Peaches                               Class 2015, Bread & Butter
Class 1937, Apples                                Class 2016, Dill
Class 1938, Applesauce                            Class 2017, Sweet
Class 1939, Spiced Fruits                         Class 2018, Watermelon
Class 1940, Cherries Red/Black                    Class 2019, Fruit
Class 1941, Rhubarb                               Class 2020, Beet
Class 1942, Plums                                 Class 2021, Chili Sauce
Class 1943, Pears                                 Class 2022, Peppers Red or Green
Class 1944, Tomatoes                              Class 2023, Relishes
Class 1945, Fruit Juice                           Class 2024, Mixed Vegetables
Class 1946, Miscellaneous                         Class 2025, Tomato based canned Salsa
                                                  Class 2026, Non-tomato based canned Salsa
         Canned Vegetables                        Class 2027, Other
Vegetables should be firm but tender and
canned at the prime stage of maturity.                 Dehydrated/Dried Foods
They should show a clear, bright, natural         Label as to method used
color. Liquid should be clear and                 Class 1980, Fruit Leather – 6 items
completely cover the food in the jar. All         Class 1981, Dried Fruit – ½ cup
vegetables must be processed in a pressure        Class 1982, Granola - ½ cup
cooker. Refer to Rule G for tomato-based          Class 1983, Dried Vegetables - ½ cup
recipes.                                          Class 1984, Dried Herbs - ½ cup
Class 1950, Peas
Class 1951, Pumpkin                               Jellies, Jams, Butters, Preserves,
Class 1952, Sweet Peppers
Class 1953, Chili Peppers                                   and Marmalades
Class 1954, Beets, Whole or Sliced                Jelly – Fruit juice and sugar, jellied to hold
Class 1955, Carrots, Whole or Sliced              shape without being syrupy or sticky. No
Class 1956, Beans, Green or Waxed                 paraffin allowed.
Class 1957, Corn, Cut or Creamed                  Jams – Fresh or chopped fruit cooked with
Class 1958, Canned Soups                          juice and sugar to a soft consistency. No
Class 1959, Tomato Based Sauces                   paraffin allowed.
Class 1960, Misc. Vegetables (other than          Butters – Fruit pulp, juice, sugar and spices,
above)                                            strained for a thick, fine texture
                                                  Preserves – Uniform and distinct pieces of
                                                  fruit in syrup or jelly sauce.
        Pickles and Relishes                      Marmalades – Soft, transparent fruit jelly
Product should be uniform in size and             containing small pieces of citrus fruit or
shape and brightly colored, not dull or           peel.
faded. Texture and flavor should be               Class 2001, Jellies
consistent with variety. Liquid should be         Class 2002, Jams
clear and completely cover the food in the        Class 2003, Preserves
jar. Refer to Rule G for tomato-based             Class 2004, Marmalades
recipes.                                          Class 2005, Butters

2019 Fremont County Open Fair Book

Class 2006, Other                                         Cake and Sponge Cake
Class 2007, Sugar Free                             Cakes should be tender and moist, and
                                                   show a uniform color and texture
                 Honey                             throughout the cake. Flavor should reflect
Class 1998, Comb, 1 square or round                a good blend of ingredients.
section                                            Class 1917, Butter Cake and Others
Class 1999, Liquid or cream, 1 pint canning        Unfrosted
jar                                                Class 1918, Chiffon and Others Unfrosted
                                                   Class 1919, Gluten-Free Cake
     Breads – Yeast and Quick
Yeast Breads – Should have a uniformly                Decorated Cakes & Cookies
golden crust and a smooth, well rounded            All entries will be judged on precision,
top. The texture should be moderately fine,        decorations and neatness. Cakes will not be
even grained and free from large air               cut for judging.
bubbles. The flavor should be a well baked,        Class 1975, Decorated Cake
bland, nutlike taste.                              Class 1976, Wedding Cake
Quick Breads – Should have an even or              Class 1977, Decorated Cookies – 6 Cookies
slightly rounded, golden brown crust.              Class 1978, Gluten-Free Cookies – 6 Cookies
Texture should be fine, even and firm, not         Class 1979, Other Decorated Cake Item
crumbly. Flavor should be characteristic of
ingredients. Any nuts or fruits should be                     Pies and Pastries
evenly distributed.                                All pies must be in throw away pie tins.
~Note: Use standard sized loaves. Rolls,           Two crusts required on all pies. No cream
etc. must consist of 6 samples.                    or custard pies including pumpkin pies.
Class 1900, Yeast Bread                            Crust should be golden brown, flaky, crisp
Class 1901, Loaf White Bread                       and cut easily with a fork. A pleasant, bland
Class 1902, 100% Whole Wheat Bread                 flavor will enhance the filling. Fruit filling
Class 1903, Dinner Rolls – Any Form                should be whole or in sizes suited to the
Class 1904, Cinnamon Rolls w/o Icing               fruit used. The filling should be tender but
Class 1905, Holiday Breads                         hold its shape when served. The flavor
Class 1906, Sourdough – Any Type                   should be characteristic of the fruit used,
Class 1907, Loaf (made in bread machine)           with no starchy taste.
Class 1908, Loaf (nut, fruit or veg. bread)        Class 2030, Berry Fruits
Class 1909, Quick Coffee Cake – No Yeast           Class 2031 Gluten-Free Berry Fruits
Class 1910, Muffins                                Class 2032, Tree Fruits
Class 1911, Biscuits                               Class 2033 Gluten-Free Tree Fruits
Class 1912, Other                                  Class 2034, Tarts 6 Small or 1 Large
Class 1913, Gluten-Free Pastry                     Class 2035 Gluten-Free Tarts 6 Sm. or 1 Lg.
Class 1914, Gluten-Free Quick Breads               Class 2036, Turnovers
                                                   Class 2037 Gluten-Free Turnovers
                                                   Class 2038, Other Pastries
                                                   Class 2039 Gluten-Free Other Pastries

2019 Fremont County Open Fair Book

Class 2040, Other Pies (label variety)                Class 1928, Miscellaneous
Class 2041 Gluten-Free Other Pies (label              Class 1929, Divinity
                 Cookies                                       Homemade Wines
6 cookies on a plate                                  Entries will be accepted at the 4-H Building
Drop – Slightly mounded shape and soft                from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sunday, July 28
texture resulting from being dropped from             or from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday, July
a spoon.                                              29. Judging will begin at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday,
Rolled – Crisp or soft cookie that retains the        July 30 at the Abbey Winery in Canon City.
shape of the cutter.                                  Adults only please!
Molded – Crisp and tender cookie with a               A. Open to anyone 21 years of age or older
uniform shape depending on the variety.               who makes wine as a hobby.
Refrigerator – Thin, uniform shape resulting          B. Each exhibitor may have two entries per
from slicing, has a crisp texture and rich            class. However, wines must be different
flavor.                                               varieties. Example: one entry (two bottles)
Pressed – Crisp and tender cookie with                of Chancellor wine and one entry of Norton
delicately browned edges and a well-                  wine in the grape category.
defined pattern.                                      C. Entries must consist of two bottles; one
Bar – Rich, moist, cake-like cookie with a            bottle will be opened for judging; the
thin delicate crust and well-cut shape.               second bottle will be placed on display.
Unbaked – Rich, candy-like flavor and                 D. Wine from the opened bottle will be
texture in novelty shapes.                            destroyed at the completion of the judging.
Class 1965, Unbaked                                   The second, unopened bottle will be placed
Class 1966 Gluten-Free Unbaked                        on display.
Class 1967, Chocolate Chip                            E. All entries must have been bottled since
Class 1968 Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip                 June 1, 2016.
Class 1969, Peanut Butter                             F. Entries will be judged on taste,
Class 1970 Gluten-Free Peanut Butter                  appearance and clarity.
Class 1971, Frosted or Iced Cookies                   G. For entry fee, premiums and ribbons see
Class 1972 Gluten-Free Frosted or Iced                General Rules.
Cookies                                               Class 1990, Grape wine
Class 1973, Bar                                       Class 1991, Berry or fruit wine
Class 1974 Gluten-Free Bar                            Class 1992, Grape blended wines – wines
Class 1975, Other                                     made from two or more varieties of grapes
Class 1976 Gluten-Free Other                          Class 1993, Fruit Blended wines – wines
                                                      made from two or more varieties of fruit.
                                                      LABEL COMPETITION
                                                      Class 1994, Hand Drawn Label
                  Candy                               Class 1995, Computer Generated Label
6 pieces on a small paper plate in plastic
Class 1925, Fudge
Class 1926, Dipped or Molded
Class 1927, Mints

2019 Fremont County Open Fair Book

Open Needlework                                                     Knitting
Exhibits will be accepted Sunday, July 28,         Hand Knitting
3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday, July 29,           Class 1770, Sweater or Top
5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.                             Class 1771, Shawls, Scarves, Hats, etc.
                                                   Class 1772, Dress, Suit or Coat
A. See General Rules                               Class 1773, Children’s Clothing
B. Classification of exhibitors: Open Fair         Class 1774, Any Household Article
Divisions are divided into three sub-
categories:                                        Machine Knitting
Sub-Class J – Junior 1st through 8th grade         Class 1775, Sweater or Top
but not over 14 years of age.                      Class 1776, Shawls, Scarves, Hats, etc.
Sub-Class A – Adult Amateur                        Class 1777, Dress, Suit or Coat
Sub-Class P – Professional anyone deriving         Class 1778, Children’s Clothing
an income from sales or instruction. Please        Class 1779, Any Household Article
specify which sub-class on entry form and
entry tag.                                            Miscellaneous Needlework
C. Garments or articles must be clean.             Class 1785, Needlepoint, bargello, quilling,
Dirty garments will be disqualified.               punch embroidery, liquid embroidery,
D. Garments may be sewn by hand or on              plastic canvas, tatting, creative painting,
machine.                                           etc.
Class 1700, Crocheted                                           Novelty Yarns
Class 1701, Knitted                                Class 1790, Novelty Yarns
Class 1702, Baby
                                                              Quilting Exhibits
               Crocheting                          A. A full size quilt is defined as 80”x90” or
Class 1710, Sweater or Top                         larger. Note: other sizes in class
Class 1711, Shawls, Scarves, Hats, etc.            descriptions.
Class 1712, Dress, Suit or Coat                    B. A wall-hanging is a design or picture not
Class 1713, Children’s Clothing                    used on a bed.
Class 1714, Crocheted Dolls                        C. The Colorado Award of Excellence will be
Class 1715, Any Household Article                  awarded by the Colorado Quilt Council.
                                                   D. The Colorado Quilting Council will give a
                                                   ribbon to a first time exhibitor. A first time
              Embroidery                           exhibitor is defined as an exhibitor who has
Class 1720, Any Hand Embroidered Article           never entered a quilt for competition
Class 1721, Any Machine Embroidered                anywhere.
Article                                            E. Quilt exhibits must contain three layers:
Class 1722, Any Crewel Embroidered Article         backing, batting, top.
Class 1723, Counted Cross Stitch                   F. Individual quilter doing home machine or
Class 1724, Embroidery framed                      home long arm quilting.

2019 Fremont County Open Fair Book

G. Quilting Judging will be held                     Class 1819, Quilt recycled fabric or scrap
Wednesday, July 31 at 9:00 a.m.                      quilt, any size baby to king.
                                                     Class 1820, Miscellaneous, Table runners,
Quilt entries are limited to two per                 Pot holders, Placemats, etc.
exhibitor per class because of limited               Class 1821, Quilt or coverlet not meeting
exhibition space.                                    the definition of quilt (i.e. yo-yo, cathedral
Class 1800, Original design any size                 window, cheater’s quilt, crazy quilt).
Class 1802, Quilt hand appliqué, hand                Class 1822, Quilt, home machine or long
quilted                                              arm, any size, larger than 79”x89”.
Class 1803, Quilt hand appliqué, machine             Class 1823, Quilt, long arm, larger than
quilted                                              79”x89”, quilted by someone else.
Class 1804, Quilt machine pieced and/or                             Ribbons Only
appliquéd, hand quilted by someone else.             Class 1824, Any quilt sewn by a group,
Class 1805, Quilt all handwork,                      pieced quilted or tied. Name of group must
binding/border may be machine stitched.              be listed on entry form. (A group is defined
Class 1806, Quilt – Baby, Twin, youth, or lap        as 3 or more people).
quilt 40”x50” to 79”x89”, machine pieced             Class 1825, Old quilt with new back, old
or appliquéd, hand quilted.                          blocks or tops finished into quilt.
Class 1808, Quilt – Baby (up to 40”x50”)             Class 1826, Heirloom Quilts, Antique Quilts,
pieced or appliquéd, machine quilted                 (50 years or older).
(Home machine or home long arm).
Class 1809, Quilt-Machine quilted, any size
up to 79”x89” (Home machine or home long
                                                     Class 1830, Separates
                                                     Class 1831, Dress
Class 1810, Quilt – Baby (up to 40”x50”)
                                                     Class 1832, Children’s Clothing
machine quilted (Long arm, quilted by
                                                     Class 1833, Decorate Your Duds
someone else).
                                                     Class 1834, Sewn Stuffed Animal
Class 1811, Quilt twin, youth, or lap
                                                     Class 1835, Other
(41”x51” to 79”x89”), machine quilted
                                                     Class 1836, Any Household Item
(Long arm, quilted by someone else).
Class 1812, Quilt-mixed techniques-
appliquéd and pieced machine quilted                        Spinning and Weaving
(Home machine or home long arm).
Class 1813, Quilted clothing, accessories            Class 1840, Spinning
Class 1814, Miniature quilt to scale                 Class 1841, Weaving
Class 1815, Small quilt/wall hanging, no             Class 1842, Skein or Roving of Yarn
larger than 96” circumference.
Class 1816, Quilted wall hanging size 96½”                        Fashion Revue
to 190” circumference.                               Open Fashion Revue gives exhibitors in the
Class 1817, Any tied quilt or comforter,             Open Fair an opportunity to model. Pre-
baby to king.                                        entry and commentary is required by
Class 1818, Any other quilt not listed, whole        5:00 p.m. on July 17 at the Extension Office.
cloth, embroidered, etc.

2019 Fremont County Open Fair Book

A. Open Fashion Revue is open to Open                Class 1731, Junior
Fair Exhibitors and 4-H members. 4-Hers              Class 1732, Senior
cannot model the same garment in the 4-H             Class 1733, Adult
and Open Fashion Revues. Garments may
be modeled by exhibitor or by the person             Category 2 – Dressing on a Dime. Exhibitor
for whom it was made. Example: A                     may model an outfit they have purchased.
garment made by grandmother for her                  Complete purchased outfit can cost no
granddaughter, may be modeled by the                 more than $10. Receipts showing the cost
granddaughter.                                       of the outfit must be submitted with the
B. Models will be divided into four classes          narrative for judging. Accessories such as
for judging: Novice 10 and under not                 shoes that are already owned by the
enrolled in 4-H Clothing, Junior 8-13, Senior        exhibitor will not count toward total cost.
14-18 and Adult 19 and over.                         Example: garment might be purchased at a
C. Garments exhibited must have been                 thrift store. Models will be judged on
made during the current year.                        judging criteria and meeting the
D. Open Fashion Revue includes but is not            requirements for this category.
limited to Clothing, Knitting, Crochet, and          Class 1734, Novice
Upcycle Your Style.                                  Class 1735, Junior
E. Open Fashion Revue and the 4-H Fashion            Class 1736, Senior
Revue will be judged on Monday, July 30 at           Class 1737, Adult
the Evangelical Free Church. Check in will
be at 6:30 p.m. and judging will begin at                           Heirlooms
7:00 p.m. Garments will be judged for                   (an overall champion will be selected)
construction on Tuesday morning at the 4-H           A. Article 50 years old or older
Building.                                            B. There will be no entry fee for this
Judging Guide for Fashion Revue:                     C. No premiums will be paid for this
Preparation – Design & style, Choice of              division
fabric and color, Overall appearance of              Class 1760, Clothing
garment, Accessories, Grooming.                      Class 1761, Crocheting
Presentation – Appropriate for garment               Class 1762, Embroidery
style, Movement i.e. walking, standing and           Class 1763, Knitting
turns, Poise/Posture, Variety of movement-           Class 1764, Afghans
use of space and Creativity, Attitude and            Class 1765, Quilts
Enthusiasm.                                          Class 1766, Other Articles
                                                     Class 1767, Any Household Item
Category 1 – Garment made by exhibitor
or another Open Fair exhibitor. Garments
made and exhibited at the Open Fair may
                                                             Open Crafts
be modeled by the exhibitor or by the                Exhibits will be accepted Sunday, July 28,
person for whom it was made. Example: a              3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday, July 29,
granddaughter can model a garment made               5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
by a grandmother for her granddaughter.              A. See General Rules.
Class 1730, Novice

2019 Fremont County Open Fair Book

B. Classification of exhibitors: Open Fair                   Miscellaneous Crafts
Divisions are divided into three sub-                Includes models, etc. When there are five
categories:                                          or more entries of the same type or
Sub-Class J – Junior 1st through 8th grade           technique entered, the superintendents
but not over 14 years of age.                        may, at their discretion, add a class for that
Sub-Class A – Adult Amateur                          type or technique.
Sub-Class P – Professional anyone deriving           Class 1325, Metal Art (size limit 2’x2’). This
an income from sales or instruction. Please          includes horseshoe art.
specify which sub-class on entry form and            Class 1326, Misc. Crafts
entry tag.                                           Class 1327, Christmas Ornaments
C. Non perishable items only.
Superintendent has the right to refuse any
inappropriate entry.                                            Porcelain Dolls
                                                     Class 1330, Porcelain Dolls

          Bling Your Frame
Pick up a 5x7 frame. Bling it with your                           “RRRR”
special style and return it to the Open                    Reduce, Reuse, Recycle,
Division of the Fremont County Fair for the                     Repurpose
newest class. Frames need to be empty                Show your environmentally thrifty side with
with glass removed. See Rule B under Open            this new class. Keep something out of our
Crafts for sub-classes.                              landfill and give it a new home. See Rule B
Class 1300, Bling Your Frame                         under Open Crafts for sub-classes.
                                                     Class 1335, Wearable
                Ceramics                             Class 1336, Useful
Class 1305, Glazed                                   Class 1337, Decorative
Class 1306, Unfired Finish                           Class 1338, Other
Class 1307, Under Glaze
Class 1308, Over Glaze                                            Scrapbooking
Class 1309, Hand Constructed                         There will be two Scrapbooking themes,
Class 1310, China Painting                           Scenic and Family & Friends. Entries in the
                                                     Scenic category will focus on scenic pictures
                                                     rather than people.
         Homemade Jewelry                            A. See Rule B under Open Crafts for sub-
Class 1315, Homemade Jewelry                         classes.
                                                     B. Each exhibitor may enter only one
             Leather Craft                           exhibit in each theme.
Class 1320, Decorative Pictures, Plaques,            C. Entries must be entered in either the
etc.                                                 Scenic or Family & Friends category.
Class 1321, Functional – Wallets, Belts, etc.        D. All entries must be a two-page layout,
Class 1322, Garments, Home Furnishings,              either 8½”x11” or 12”x12” pages in
Saddles, Boots                                       protective covers.

2019 Fremont County Open Fair Book

E. Judging will be based on presentation,             cloth or brush. A plate will be provided by
layout and journaling.                                the Fair to display the exhibits.
                                                      D. Herbs should be a stem in water or a
Class 1340, Scenic                                    potted plant, not a cut plant. Vases will be
Class 1341, Friends & Family                          provided for stems.
                                                      E. Green Thumb Awards sponsored by
             Woodworking                              Hobby Hut Ceramics of Canon City.
Class 1350, Carving
Class 1351, Furniture & Household Items                                  Fruit
Class 1352, Toys                                      Class 1600, 3 Apples, one variety
Class 1353, Wood Inlay                                Class 1601, ½ pint box Raspberries, one
Class 1354, Decorative Woodworking –                  variety
Example: Scrollwork                                   Class 1602, ½ pint box Strawberries, one
                                                      Class 1603, ½ pint box Blackberries, same
  Open Gardening                                      variety
Entries will be accepted for Open Gardening           Class 1604, Any other berry or small fruit, ½
Friday, August 2, 9:00 a.m. to Noon.                  pint box small fruit same variety
Exhibitors having more than 5 entries,                Class 1605, Grapes, 1 bunch
please enter before 10:00 a.m. on Friday              Class 1606, 3 Peaches, one variety
August 2. No entries will be taken after              Class 1607, 3 Plums, one variety
12:00 p.m. Judging will begin at 1:00 p.m.            Class 1608, Misc. Fruit
The public is welcome during judging.
A. The 1977 edition of the CSU guide for                                Herbs
selection, preparation and judging of                 Class 1609, 1 Basil stem
vegetables will be the official standard for          Class 1610, 1 Chive stem
judging the classes. A copy of the official           Class 1611, 1 Dill, mature head
standard for judging may be obtained at the           Class 1612, 1 Garlic clove
Extension Office.                                     Class 1613, 1 Marjoram stem
B. Classification of exhibitors: Open                 Class 1614, 1 Mint stem
Gardening is divided into Junior or Adult             Class 1615, 1 Misc. Herb stem
Amateur. No Professionals please. A                   Class 1616, 1 Oregano stem
Junior Exhibitor is an exhibitor who is in the        Class 1617, 1 Other Herb/Seasoning
1st through 8th grade but not over 14 years           Class 1618, 1 Parsley curly stem
of age. Please specify Junior on entry form           Class 1619, 1 Parsley flat stem
and entry tag.                                        Class 1620, 1 Rosemary stem
C. Vegetables need to be of uniform size.             Class 1621, 1 Sage stem
Specimens must be free from disease,                  Class 1622, 1 Thyme stem
malformation, and mechanical damage. Do               Class 1623, 1 Potted Herb
not wash, use a soft, dry brush to clean. All
exhibits are to be clean but not polished or                         Vegetables
waxed. Light buffing is permitted with a dry          Class 1640, ½ lb. Green Beans, ½ in. stem

2019 Fremont County Open Fair Book

Class 1641, 3 Beets, table 1” leaf stalk-top        Class 1667, 2 Other Summer Squash with 1”
root attached                                       stem
Class 1642, 1 Head Green Cabbage with 1 or          Class 1668, 5 Red Cherry Tomatoes with
2 wrapper leaves                                    stems on
Class 1643, 1 Head Red Cabbage with 1 or 2          Class 1669, 5 Green Cherry Tomatoes with
wrapper leaves                                      stems on
Class 1644, 3 Table Carrots with approx.            Class 1670, 5 Red Pear Tomatoes with
1½” leaf stalk                                      stems on
Class 1645, 1 Head Cauliflower with                 Class 1671, 5 Yellow Pear Tomatoes with
wrapper leaves trimmed even with curd               stems on
Class 1646, 3 Ears Sweet Corn                       Class 1672, 3 Roma/Paste Tomatoes with
Class 1647, 3 Cucumbers, Lemon with ½ in.           stems on
stem                                                Class 1673, 3 Red Tomatoes with stems on
Class 1648, 6 Cucumbers, 4” or less for             Class 1674, 3 Green Tomatoes with stems
pickling with ½ in. stem                            on
Class 1649, 2 Cucumbers for slicing, table          Class 1675, 1 Heirloom Tomato with stem
with ½ in. stem                                     on, named
Class 1650, 1 Eggplant                              Class 1676, 1 Yellow Tomato with stem on,
Class 1651, 3 Green Onions with tops                named
Class 1652, 3 Red Onions with 1” of top. Do         Class 1677, 1 Any Other Color Tomato with
not wash or peel. Remove only jagged and            stem on, named
dirty outer scale. Trim roots to ¼”.                Class 1678, 3 Turnips with 1” leaf stalk
Class 1653, 3 White Onions with 1” of top.          Class 1680, Misc. Vegetable
Do not wash or peel. Remove only jagged             Class 1681, Basket of Produce
and dirty outer scale. Trim roots to ¼”.            Class 1682, Create a Face – Vegetable must
Class 1654, 3 Yellow Onions with 1” of top.         be decorated with natural materials.
Do not wash or peel. Remove only jagged             Class 1683, Heaviest Cabbage
and dirty outer scale. Trim roots to ¼”.            Class 1684, Heaviest Zucchini
Class 1655, Peas 10 pods                            Class 1685, Largest Vegetable other than
Class 1656, 3 Hot Peppers with stems                Cabbage or Zucchini
Class 1657, 3 Sweet Peppers, bell type with         Class 1686, Oddest recognized Vegetable
stem                                                other than Cabbage or Zucchini
Class 1658, 3 Sweet Pepper, Other with              Class 1687, Ornamental Gourd
Class 1659, 3 White Potatoes
Class 1660, 3 Red Potatoes                           Open Floriculture
Class 1661, 3 Golden Potatoes                       Entries accepted for Open Floriculture
Class 1662, 3 Other Potatoes                        Saturday, August 3, 9:00 a.m. to Noon.
Class 1663, 1 Acorn Squash with stem                Exhibitors having more than 5 entries,
attached                                            please enter before 10:00 a.m. on Saturday,
Class 1664, 1 Butternut Squash with stem            August 3. No entries will be taken after
attached                                            12:00 p.m. Judging will begin at 1:00 p.m.
Class 1665, 2 Yellow Zucchini with 1” stem          The public is welcome during the judging.
Class 1666, 2 Green Zucchini with 1” stem

2019 Fremont County Open Fair Book

A. All flowers must be locally grown.                 Class 1402, “What a Clever Idea!” – Use a
B. Classification of exhibitors: Open                 non-traditional container filled with fresh
Floriculture is divided into Junior or Adult          flowers.
Amateur. No Professionals please. A                   Class 1403, Special Day Arrangement –
Junior Exhibitor is an exhibitor who is in the        using artificial flowers in an arrangement.
1st through 8th grade but not over 14 years           (Easter, Valentines, Christmas, etc.)
of age. Please specify Junior on entry form           Class 1404, An Everlasting Bouquet in a
and entry tag.                                        Basket. Using dry natural materials,
C. Grooming is essential – insect free, dirt          feathers included. No artificial materials.
free, no damaged petals or foliage.                   Basket used not to exceed 10” in length and
D. There cannot be more than 2 entries per            8” width with a handle height of 15”.
family at same residence, per class.                  Class 1405, A Gift for a Friend – An
E. A spray has a number of individual                 arrangement of mixed flowers from your
flowers on a single stem. A stem is the leaf          garden. No purchased flowers.
or flower-bearing axis of a plant.                    Arrangement not to exceed 15” in height,
F. All floral arrangement exhibits must be            12” in width and 10” in depth.
completed prior to entry.                             Class 1406, Potted Plant – either a blooming
G. If three or more of a variety are entered          plant or a green plant. Plant should have
under “Any Other” class, the                          been grown by the exhibitor for a minimum
superintendent and staff may create a new             of 90 days. Only healthy plants will be
class for these entries.                              accepted.
H. Green Thumb Awards sponsored by                    Class 1407, Promise of New Beginnings – an
Hobby Hut Ceramics of Canon City to be                arrangement of flowers and grass seed pods
awarded by the judge’s choice.                        and heads. Arranged in a recycled
I. “The Edythe Boston Rose Award” will be             container, (can, jar or bottle).
awarded to the outstanding rose of the                Class 1408, Fairy Garden – is a miniature
show. In honor of Mrs. Boston, the                    container landscape using live plants to
Floriculture Department has inaugurated a             create a mystical environment filled with
special award honoring her for her many               magic and whimsy. The exhibit must be no
years of outstanding showmanship of her               larger than 15” wide by 15” deep and 18”
lovely roses and to encourage the                     high. Small scaled accessories may be
continuation of this tradition for years to           included to create your perfect garden.
       Artistic Arrangements
Flowers and arrangement materials should                            Cut Flowers
be commonly found in the Fremont –                    Class 1450, Largest Sunflower
Custer area.                                          Class 1451, Begonia, 1 stem
Class 1400, Foliage only – let the leaves             Class 1452, Cannas, 1 stem
make the statement. Maximum height                    Class 1453, Chrysanthemums, 1 spray
15 “, width 12” and depth 8”.                         Class 1454, Cosmos, 3 stems
Class 1401, Centerpiece – arrangement of              Class 1455, Dahlia, 1 bloom less than 4” in
fresh flowers suitable for a dinner party.            diameter
Not to exceed 10” in height.

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