St. Anthony's 102nd Feast - Post Gazette - Boston

Page created by Mitchell Morris
VOL. 125 - NO. 36                                     BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, SEPTEMBER 3, 2021                                                       $.35 A COPY

                                                   St. Anthony’s 102nd Feast

                                                                    The 102nd Saint Anthony’s Feast was held         tastings, radio and TV broadcasts, and the grand
                                                                  in the North End of Boston. The fun continued      procession of Saint Anthony and Saint Lucy,
                                                                  all weekend with Italian American music, deli-     featuring award-winning drum and bugle
                                                                  cious foods and confections, religious services,   corps, marching bands, sponsor floats, and color
                                                                  cooking demonstrations, olive oil and cheese       guard.
                                                                                                                                        (Additional Photos on Page 2)

               News Briefs
                      by Sal Giarratani

             Hot Dogs are Bad for You?
      This is frankly (no pun intended) terrible news but
    according to a nutritional index published in the jour-
    nal Nature, hot dogs are the food most likely to shorten                                                               (Photos by Matt Conti,
    your life. Researchers at the University of Michigan
    School of Public Health, Department of Environmental
    Health Sciences (now there’s a mouthful, again no
    pun intended), a human’s life span is decreased by 36
                                                                                       St. Lucy’s 100 th Feast
    minutes for each hot dog we eat. Snacking on salted
    peanuts, meanwhile, adds 30 minutes to your life.
    So let’s see. One hot dog, minus 36 minutes of life, a
    scoop of salted peanuts adds 30 minutes. Things are
    getting better here. We are down to minus six minutes
    of life now.
      This past July 4th Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Champ
    consumed 76 hot dogs in 10 minutes. By my calcula-
    tions, didn’t Joey die two years ago? Whether or not
    you pass the mustard, I wouldn’t worry about hot dogs.
    After all how much worse is a greasy sausage from one
    of those outdoors stands late at night when you walk
    out of a bar trying to sober up?
      Capitol Police Sue Trump And Allies
                For January 6th
      According to a news story in the NY Timers, a group
    of Capitol Police officers have filed a lawsuit against
    former President Trump and some 20 members of
    far right groups for plotting to disrupt the peaceful tran-
    sition of power during the Capitol riots of January 6th.
      These police officers are saying Trump and his
    allies violated the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 and of
    “bias-motivated acts of terrorism” in violation of D.C.
          August ’21 Issue of NEA Today                                                                                     (Photo by Matt Conti,
       Under First & Foremost education news and trends             The 100 anniversary of the Feast of Santa
                                                                                                                     devotees and marching bands on her five-hour
    on page 10 is a commentary entitled “Teaching the             Lucia (Saint Lucy) was celebrated featuring a      procession throughout Boston’s North End.
    truth About Systemic Racism.” According to the NEA I          Grand Procession of the statue accompanied by      St. Lucy is known as the Protectress of Eyesight.
    assume we live in a society filled with systemic racism.
    Obviously, the NEA is for Critical Race Theory. To sup-                                                                            (Additional Photos on Page 2)
    porters of CRT, it is nothing more than truth-telling.
       There’s even a quote from a New Hampshire social
    studies teacher who believes “good teaching” is “to tell
                                                                                  THE POST-GAZETTE SATELLITE OFFIC
    truths and have students look at a variety of perspec-                  343 CHELSEA ST., DAY SQUARE, EAST BOSTON
    tives ... and a rich landscape of experiences. Otherwise,
                                                                        Tuesdays 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM and Thursdays 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM,
                                      (Continued on Page 9)
                                                                                   Call 617-227-8929 for more information
PAGE 2                                                                                                                                        POST-GAZETTE, SEPTEMBER 3, 2021

                                                by Prof. Edmund Turiello
                                                                                                                                                                    by Sal Giarratani
                     A weekly column highlighting some
                                                                                                                                                     People Need To Be More Concerned About
                     of the more interesting aspects of our
                     ancestry...our lineage...our roots.                                                                                                     Biden’s Afghan Exit Plan
      THE TRUTH ABOUT THOSE SABINE GALS                                                                                                                        Than Cam Newton’s
                                                                                                                                                   The recent blotched Biden         deadline, the more it angered       with us.
                                                                                                                                                 Afghan Exit Plan saw thirteen       most folks , especially veterans.     We are living through a very
                                                                                                                                                 brave American Marines and            We kept hearing Biden toot        dark period of history in this
                                                                                                                                                 naval warrior heroes who            his own horn too often. He          nation and our leaders seem
                                                                                                                                                 perished during a suicide attack    and his minions talk about          not up to the job. You know
                                                                                                                                                 by ISIS-K were so young and         the “extraordinary success” of      they say a fish rots from the
                                                                                                                                                 most were in their early 20s.       this mission and I kept seeing      head down. Are we not seeing
                                                                                                                                                   Biden’s White House has given     those images of dead Americans      this expression playing out in
                                                                                                                                                 a grand victory to terrorists all   arriving home at the Dover          real time now?
                                                                                                                                                 over the globe. We spent 20         AFB and watching Biden with           How much more of this
                                                                                                                                                 years fighting over there and       his right hand over his arm         insanity can we take? Former
                                                                                                                                                 most of us before the final         continuously looking at his         President Jimmy Carter when
                                                                                                                                                 ugly days of our escape plan        left wrist to see the time. Is      running for president back in
                                                                                                                                                 wanted out of the Afghanistan       he that cold and distracted by      1976, “when America ceases to
                                                                                                                                                 War years ago. In the months        coffins that he wishes to just go   be a good nation, it will cease
                                                                                                                                                 leading up to the Biden imposed     home? I am sure all those dead      to be a great nation.” Are we
                                                                                                                                                 August 31, Most veterans who        American heroes killed at that      now detouring off the road to
                                                                                                                                                 know the costs of war wanted        airport gate wanted to go home      greatness? Our Afghan Exit
Rape of the Sabine Women by Pietro da Cortona, 1627–1629                                                                                         this forever war over but the       again too until that suicide        isn’t looking too good at the
  The date given as the begin-                                                   The neighbors were invited,                                     closer we got to the August 31      bomber ended their time here        moment, does it?
ning of Rome is 753. Of course,                                                and many who lived nearby
there are few people who are                                                   came to see the festival and                                      • St. Anthony (Continued from Page 1)
unfamiliar with the story of                                                   this new city. The visitors
Romulus and Remus. In their                                                    included people from Caenina,
adult years, these twins had a                                                 Crustumium, Antemnae, and
great desire to found a city in                                                the Sabine country. Homes
the area where they were reared.                                               and hearts were opened to the
Romulus took the Palatine and                                                  visitors and they marveled at
Remus took the Aventine. Each                                                  the rapid growth of the Roman
built walls around his domain.                                                 nation. The start of the games
The most common story to                                                       occupied the attention of the
come down to us from antiquity                                                 guests and they didn’t notice
is that Remus leaped over the                                                  the assembling Romans in the
Palatine wall in mockery of his                                                background. At a given signal,
brother, whereupon Romulus,                                                    the young males darted through
in great anger, slew him. At that                                              the spectators to seize and
time, Romulus is supposed to                                                   carry off the maidens. Some
have said, “So perish whoever                                                  of exceptional beauty were
else shall leap over my wall.”                                                 marked out in advance for the
Romulus acquired sole power                                                    Senators, and these were taken
and founded the city, which                                                    to pre-designated houses. The
bears his name.                                                                games broke up in panic and
  After attending to the worship                                               the parents of the girls fled                                                                                                  (Photo by Matt Conti,
of the gods, Romulus called all                                                in great sorrow. They charged
of his people together and gave                                                the Romans with violating the
them the rules of law, since                                                   very essence of hospitality. The
there was nothing else but law                                                 stolen maidens were no less
that could unite them. The city                                                indignant, and Romulus visited
was expanding because they                                                     them to explain that it was the
built their walls and defenses to                                              pride of the parents in refus-
suit the terrain rather than the                                               ing intermarriages that caused
population. They were strong                                                   this deed. During the ensuing
and could wage war on any of                                                   wars, the aggrieved nations
their neighboring states, but                                                  were quickly defeated by the
the scarcity of women was their                                                Romans and it was the body of
greatest problem because it                                                    the dead king of Caenina that
posed the threat of being wiped                                                was mounted on a frame, car-
out in a single generation and                                                 ried up to the Capitol Hill and
bring an end to the greatness                                                  deposited beside a sacred oak.
of this young nation. Romulus                                                  Romulus then marked out the
sent envoys to the neighbors to                                                limits of a temple to Jupiter.
make friendly advances and to                                                  After suitable offerings, this
provide for intermarriages, but                                                became the first temple that
they were rejected and returned                                                was consecrated in Rome.
without success.                                                                 History makes no further
  Romulus concealed his                                                        mention of these Sabine girls,
resentment and started prepa-                                                  but alludes to a generation of
rations for their national festival                                            very happy Romans. What else
and games honoring Neptune,                                                    can be said except “Figlio mas-
the mythical god of the sea.                                                   chile e cento anni.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (Photos by Gerri Palladino)
                                                                         NEXT ISSUE: The Sabines Three
                                                                                                                                                 • St. Lucy (Continued from Page 1)



                                                                                                                                                                                                              (Photos by Matt Conti,
POST-GAZETTE, SEPTEMBER 3, 2021                                                                                     PAGE 3

      POST-GAZETTE                                                                                                     Daniel B. Cellucci
            Pamela Donnaruma, Publisher and Editor
      5 Prince Street, P.O. Box 130135, Boston, MA 02113                                                               February 3, 1935 - August 27, 2021
     617-227-8929      617-227-8928     FAX 617-227-5307
                                                                                       With heavy hearts we                                                       and clothing were always
                                                                                    announce the passing of Daniel                                                covered in grease,” Sandra
                                                                                    B. Cellucci, of Watertown,                                                    said.
           Subscriptions in the United States $35.00 yearly                         formerly of Waltham, Danny                                                      Starting at the Cellucci home
                      Published weekly by                                           died peacefully surrounded by                                                 in Waltham, Danny built out
           Post-Gazette, 5 Prince St., P.O. Box 130135,                             his loving family at home on                                                  the handful of businesses that
                        Boston, MA 02113
                                                                                    Friday, August 27, 2021.                                                      evolved into Yolanda's wildly
      USPS 1538 – Second-Class Postage paid at Boston, MA
          POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the                                      Born in Cambridge on                                                       successful bridal store.
      POST-GAZETTE - P.O. Box 130135, Boston, MA 02113                              February 3, 1935 he was a                                                       He could also execute
   James V. Donnaruma        Caesar L. Donnaruma       Phyllis F. Donnaruma         son of the late Loreto and                                                    whatever a fashion show or
     1896 to 1953              1953 to 1971              1971 to 1990               Donata (Salvucci) Cellucci and                                                special event demanded, no
Vol. 125 - No. 36                              Friday, September 3, 2021            had been a Waltham resident                                                   matter how far-fetched.
                                                                                    for more than fifty-five years                                                  As time passed, his own
OUR POLICY: To help preserve the ideals and sacred traditions                       before recently moving to                                                     company grew. He sold his
of this our adopted country the United States of America:
To revere its laws and inspire others to respect and obey                           Watertown.                                                   successful mechanical contracting business
them: To strive unceasingly to quicken the public’s sense of                           In addition to his wife, Yolanda M. (DiDuca)              only a few years ago.
civic duty: In all ways to aid in making this country greater                       Cellucci, Dan leaves his daughter, Sandra                       Yolanda and Danny's tireless work ethic did
and better than we found it.
                                                                                    Damirjian of Lincoln; his grandchildren, Dimitri             not stop them from enjoying their success―
                                                                                    Petrosian and wife Kristen, Alec Petrosian and               and rare true love. They celebrated 65 years of
                 Matthew Stephen                                                    Milan George and husband Samuel; his son-in-                 marriage in May.

                             Drevos                                                 law, Sebuh Petrosian of Waltham; his brother,
                                                                                    Joseph Cellucci of Scituate; his sister, Maria
                                                                                                                                                    "They had so much fun together," Sandra
                                                                                                                                                 said. Her dad loved to dance and taught

                                        atthew Stephen Drevos                       Emerson of Eugene, Oregon and his sister-in-                 his three grandchildren the words to all his
                                        of East Boston passed                       law, Nancy DiDuca of Belmont.                                favorite songs by Sinatra, Dean Martin and
                                        away unexpectedly on                           Dan was the father of the late Linda Cole                 Bobby Darin.
                                        August 22, 2021, at the
                                        age of 61.                                  Petrosian and brother of the late Col. Loreto                   In 2018, tragedy struck when the couple lost
                             Born in Boston on June 3, 1960,                        Cellucci, Anthony Cellucci and Carmen                        their younger daughter Linda at 57 to cancer."
                          Matthew spent his childhood years in                      Cellucci.                                                       As Danny's health declined, their commitment
  Roxbury before moving to East Boston with his parents and                            From a touching tribute posted by Dan's                   to each other never wavered. "My mom sat by
  siblings in 1970. Growing up, Matthew played baseball with
  his two brothers and was a fan of the Kansas City Royals from                     friends at the Waltham Channel:                              his bed every day for 13 hours a day for the last
  an early age. He was thrilled when Kansas City won the World                         Dan Cellucci, the beloved husband of fashion              six weeks," Sandra said.
  Series in 1985 and 2015. In 1978, he graduated from East                          icon Yolanda, passed away Friday after a brief                  Dan was a beautiful soul with a tremendous
  Boston High School, where he was an award-winning track
                                                                                    battle with cancer. He was 86.                               heart and beaming smile. He was a hard-
  athlete. He continued to follow his passion for running after
  graduation by running several marathons, including the 85th                          The ultimate behind-the-scenes guy, Danny                 working, generous, supportive, and kind man
  Boston Marathon when he was 20 years old.                                         executed many of Yolanda's most creative                     who couldn't have loved you more. An adoring
    Matthew loved his job at the pharmacy of the Veterans Affairs                   ideas while growing his own company.                         and dedicated husband, a proud father and
  Medical Center at Government Center in Boston, where he
  worked in his twenties and thirties. He later worked as a mail                       He died surrounded by his family and loved                Papa, and a fiercely loyal friend to many.
  courier and parking attendant, among other positions that he                      ones. "We are at peace that he was at peace,"                   Family and friends honored and remember
  held over the years. Matthew’s favorite part of every job he                      said daughter Sondra Celli, a successful fashion             Dan's life by gathering to visit in The Joyce
  had was meeting and connecting with people. He loved to tell                      designer and TV personality.                                 Funeral Home, 245 Main Street (Rte. 20),
  jokes and could chat for hours with anyone about anything.
  Matthew had a heart of gold and was a kind and gentle soul.                          Born in 1935, Danny was a "street kid" from               Waltham, Massachusetts on Thursday
  To know Matthew was to love him, and he will be missed by                         a hard-working Italian family in Cambridge.                  morning, September 2nd from 9 to 10 a.m.
  all who crossed paths with him in life.                                              He apprenticed to a well-known master                     A Funeral Mass was celebrated at Saint
    Matthew was the beloved son of the late Evangelos and
                                                                                    plumber, then started his own company,                       Jude Church, 147 Main Street, Waltham,
  Mary (Gannetta) Drevos. He is survived by his sister Susan
  Dempsey and her husband Jack, and his brothers John                               Dan-Cel Plumbing and Heating, after he and                   Massachusetts 10:30 a.m. Burial was private.
  Drevos and James Drevos and his wife Jacqueline. He was                           Yolanda wed in May, 1956 at Saint Jude Church                   Memorial donations may be made to
  the proud godfather of his nephew Nicholas and is also                            in Waltham.                                                  Shriners Hospital, 51 Blossom Street, Boston,
  survived by several aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, relatives,
  and friends.                                                                         “The affable family man made up for a lack                 MA 02114 or:
    Matthew’s family would like to thank the devoted staff at                       of education with sheer hard work. His hands                 locations/boston
  the North Suffolk Mental Health Association for the friendship
  and support they offered Matthew over the years.                                                                            May He Rest In Peace
    A burial service was held on Saturday, August 28th at
  The Gardens at Gethsemane Cemetery, West Roxbury.
    In lieu of flowers, donations in memory of Matthew may
  be made to the North Suffolk Mental Health Association,
  530 Border Street, East Boston, MA 02128.
                           Forever in our hearts.
                                                                                                   Robert E. “Buddy” Spagnuolo
                                                                                       Robert E. “Buddy” Spagnuolo                                                    Saint Leonard of Port Maurice Parish,
                                                                                    of the North End of Boston passed                                                 320 Hanover Street North End of
                                                                                    away peacefully on August 30, 2021.                                               Boston MA 02113, for a Funeral
                                                                                       Devoted husband of over 67                                                     Mass celebrating Buddy’s life at
                                                                                    years Josephine (Salvati) Spagnuolo.                                              10:00 A.M. Services will conclude
                                                                                    Loving father of Robert E. Spagnuolo                                              with Buddy being laid to rest at
                                                                                    Jr. and wife, Daryah, Denise                                                      Holy Cross Cemetery in Malden with
                                                                                    Spagnuolo, Carmine Spagnuolo and                                                  military honors.
                                                                                    wife, Kerry, Richard Spagnuolo and                                                   Buddy was a member of the Local
                                                                                    Teresa Spagnuolo. He is predeceased                                               Union 25 and Knights of Columbus
                                                                                    by 7 sisters and 3 brothers.                                                      in the North End, as well as a proud
                                                                                       Cherished grandfather of Robert                                                Army Veteran of the Korean Conflict.
                                                                                    J, Alex, Caesar, Joseph, Carmine,                                                    In lieu of flowers memorial dona-
                                                                                    Christopher, Marco, Marla, Richard,                                               tions may be made to St. Jude Chil-
                                                                                    Diandra, Dario, Giuliana, Salvatore,                                              dren’s Research Hospital, 262 Danny
                                                                                    Fortunato, Valentina and the late                                                 Thomas Place, Memphis, TN 38105.
                                                                                    Ariana Spagnuolo. Adored great grandfather of Ashleigh,         In accordance with the City of Boston Five-Point
                                                                                    Gia, Ciana, Caesar and Richard. Also survived by many        Plan for the Delta Variant of COVID-19, face masks are
                                                                                    loving nieces and nephews.                                   required at all times when indoors.
                                                                                       Family and friends will honor Buddy’s life by gathering      Funeral home is handicapped accessible.
 The opinions expressed by our columnists and contributors are not necessarily      at the Ruggiero Family Memorial Home, 971 Saratoga           Complimentary transportation to and from the North
 the same as those of The Post-Gazette, its publisher or editor. Photo submis-      Street, (Orient Heights) East Boston on Monday               End for those family and friends that are unable to get
 sions are accepted by the Post-Gazette provided they are clear, original photos.
 There is a $5 charge for each photo submitted. Photos can be submitted via         September 6th from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM and again              to the visiting hours on their own (please contact funeral
 e-mail: If you want your photos returned, include a self-     on Tuesday morning at 8:30 AM before proceeding to           home in advance for transportation).
 addressed, stamped envelope.
PAGE 4                                                              POST-GAZETTE, SEPTEMBER 3, 2021

       L’Anno Bello: A Year in Italian Folklore
                              Sweet, Sumptuous September
                                      by Ally Di Censo Symynkywicz

                                                                          liquefaction of the saint’s blood,
                                                                                                                    OUT LOUD
                                                                          and then hold an eight-day                         by Sal Giarratani
                                                                          party as stalls selling trinkets
                                                                          and candy line the streets.
                                                                          This holiday has become so pop-        Government Of, For, and By the People
                                                                          ular that many Italian-American                Starts Right Here
                                                                          communities hold their own
                                                                          Festa di San Gennaro. Autumn            Too often too many voters        Boulevard. The elderly at the
                                                                          intensifies around the fall equi-    don’t see the importance of         Jack Satter House protested
                                                                          nox, arriving on the 22 nd of        voting in local elections. They     and the City Council heard
                                                                          the month, after which the           believe it is important to vote     them. That’s how it should
                                                                          balance between daylight and         for president, congress, gover-     work.
                                                                          night tips towards the edge          nor or mayor, but seemingly            Don’t forget to vote in the
                                                                          of darkness. Finally, the Feast      couldn’t be bothered when it        upcoming preliminary elections
                                                                          of St. Michael the Archangel,        comes to city council or school     on Tuesday, September 14th.
                                                                          or San Michele l’Arcangelo,          committee.                          Do your part by voting, but
                                                                          closes out the month on                 I grew up in the ’50s and        remember you have a voice not
                                                                          September 29th. Also known as        ’60s when civics was taught in      just on election day, but every
                                                                          Michaelmas, this ancient feast       schools, but not so much today,     day of the year. So, use it and
   Lately, I have been paying         Day, falling on September 6th       features the autumnal themes         which is why I believe there’s so   use it often.
special attention to the trees        this year. A festival honoring      of balance — the scales of           much voter ignorance out there.        Remember we are the govern-
in my backyard. If I look at the      the contributions of working        St. Michael echo the equal           Boomers may have been the last      ment and they work for us, but
leaves closely enough, I can          people, Labor Day also signi-       hours of day and night during        generation before we started        don’t forget to VOTE. There’s a
detect the slightly perceptible       fies the unofficial end of sum-     the equinox — and harvest, as        dumbing down everything.            time for yelling and screaming.
hues of fall — crisp reds and         mer, as many schools return         ingredients like carrots and            I was taught that the govern-    There’s a time to make your
golden yellows tickling the           to their sessions after this long   ginger are traditional on this       ment is our business. Either we     voices heard. Remember, we
borders of still-green fronds.        weekend. As such, Labor Day         day.                                 run it or it runs us. Recently, I   live in America. We just lost 13
Small breezes lift a few orange       is often celebrated with a pic-        For our Italian ancestors of      attended a veterans group that      warriors that perished defend-
leaves and blow them gently to        nic or barbecue, and this year      yore, September meant col-           meets on a regular basis to talk    ing us. Never forget their sac-
the ground as they swirl around       I will add to the food tradition    lecting the harvest, enjoying        about issues affecting them all.    rifices. Pray that we never run
like tops. These sights, both the     by baking a sparkling apple         the bounty of the Earth, and         The group is a chance to share      out of heroes who defend us in
delicate colors and the falling of    cider pound cake or an apple-       preparing food for the win-          news and ideas. It is also a good   battle. But always vote. They
the leaves, are reminders that        cream cheese crisp to honor the     ter. In this deeply agricultural     support group where veterans        died for that right. We are living
autumn is here, the season            seasonal flavors of this month.     society, proverbs reminded           can help one another.               in tough times at this moment
of cooler weather and harvest         Over in Italy, September heralds    farmers to pay attention to the         Many were very upset with        in our history. Stay hopeful and
and the rhythms of nature. The        a flurry of feasts and activities   weather and the crops in order       how the Afghanistan exit went       stay strong.
month of September starts this        that will last until the holiday    to ensure a successful harvest.      down. Many were upset with
wonderful season, bringing with       season in the winter. It begins     Rain in September proved a           their congressman and our
it the smell of juicy apples and      in a regal fashion, with Venice’s   mixed blessing. One proverb          two U.S. Senators. One veteran              LEGAL NOTICE
the purring motors of big yellow      Regatta Storica occurring on        bluntly states that “La pioggia      mentioned he wrote to his con-
school buses. The beginning           the first Sunday of the month.      di settembre è veleno per l’uva,”    gressman and never received a          Commonwealth of Massachusetts
                                                                                                               reply. Another said he always                    The Trial Court
of September is always a very         In this renowned boat race,         meaning that September rain                                                     Probate and Family Court
busy time for me, as it coin-         a parade of elegant gondolas        is like poison for grapes.           votes and listens to everything                Middlesex Division
cides with the commencement           introduces an intense compe-        However, another proverb             to be more informed.                   Middlesex Probate and Family Court
of the school year and all of the     tition where skilled rowers in      happily declares “A settembre           When it was my turn I said,                10-U Commerce Way
                                                                                                               we need to flood our voices up                 Woburn, MA 01801
preparations that that entails.       various different categories vie    pioggia e luna, è dei funghi                                                          (781) 865-4000
Nevertheless, when I stop to          for first place. This event has a   la fortuna,” advising farmers        on Capitol Hill. Show them
                                                                                                                                                          Docket No. MI21P4225EA
pause and really think about          royal pedigree, as it is modeled    that rain and moonlight made         numbers. Force them to both
                                                                                                                                                                   Estate of
September, I feel a rise of excite-   after the welcome procession        favorable conditions for collect-    listen and respond to us. If nec-          LUCAS JOSEPH WARNER
ment bubbling inside me. This         given to the queen of Cyprus,       ing mushrooms, such as the           essary hold rallies and take our                 Also Known As
is a month chock full of rustic       Caterina Cornaro, when she          delectable Italian truffles. Other   message to them. Never let them      LUCAS JOSEPH SIGURTHUR WARNER
holidays and old-country prov-        returned to Venice in 1489.         dictums reflect the chang-           run and hide. They work for us         Date of Death: November 17, 2020
erbs that highlight September’s       Later in the month, the people      ing weather of the month, as         and not the other way around.                INFORMAL PROBATE
                                                                                                                  However, when it comes to                 PUBLICATION NOTICE
prominence as a seasonal turn-        in Naples celebrate the feast       summer turns to autumn. A
ing point.                            day of Saint Gennaro on                                                  local government, there is a             To all persons interested in the above-
                                                                          delightful little ditty proclaims:                                        captioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner
   The first September holiday        September 19th, when specta-        “Aria settembrina fresco la sera     closeness there that we still        Elissa E. Warner of Cambridge, MA.
to occur in America is Labor          tors wait to see the mysterious     e fresco la mattina.” According      need to navigate. Get to know            Elissa E. Warner of Cambridge, MA has
                                                                                                               your city councilors and school      been informally appointed as the Personal
                                                                          to this proverb, September air                                            Representative of the estate to serve without
                                                                          is cool during both the evenings     committee members. Make              surety on the bond.
                                                                          and the mornings. This axiom         them remember your name.                 The estate is being administered under
                                                                                                               They are, after all, your neigh-     informal procedure by the Personal Represen-
                                                                          reminds me of the autumnal                                                tative under the Massachusetts Uniform Pro-
                                                                          mist I often see rising above        bors. They live in the neighbor-     bate Code without supervision by the Court.
                                                                          fields like lace on crisp morn-      hood just like you.                  Inventory and accounts are not required to be
                                                                                                                  If you see them around, stop      filed with the Court, but interested parties are
                                                                          ings, or dark evenings huddled                                            entitled to notice regarding the administration
                                                                          under a blanket and drinking         and say hi to them. If you see       from the Personal Representative and can
                                                                          a cup of apple cider. Italian        them in the supermarket, same        petition the Court in any matter relating to the
                                                                                                               thing. Recently in the city of       estate, including distribution of assets and
                                                                          truisms even mention the                                                  expenses of administration. Interested parties
                                                                          autumn equinox. “Di Settembre        Revere, I saw that after folks       are entitled to petition the Court to institute
                                                                          la notte col dì contende” roughly    complained about the recent          formal proceedings and to obtain orders ter-
                                                                                                               issue of parking meters along        minating or restricting the powers of Personal
                                                                          translates that night competes                                            Representatives appointed under informal pro-
                                                                          with day during September,           the beach, the City Council          cedure. A copy of the Petition and Will, if any,
                                                                          a reminder of the long winter        quickly acted on behalf of folks     can be obtained from the Petitioner.
                                                                                                               who live along Revere Beach                                     Run date: 09/03/2021
                                                                          evenings to come.
                                                                             From holidays to proverbs,
                                                                          September is a month brim-
                                                                          ming with great significance as
                                                                          a seasonal milestone. Whether
                                                                          you enjoy the changing foliage
                                                                          or admire the taste of a fresh
                                                                                                                        Richard Settipane
                                                                          apple, be sure to pause and be                       Insurance Services
                                                                          grateful for all that the autumn
                                                                          has to offer. For it is autumn
                                                                          that teaches us humility before          FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS
                                                                          the gifts of the Earth and an          AUTO • HOMEOWNERS • TENANTS • COMMERCIAL
                                                                          appreciation for the cycle of the
                                                                          year. Therefore, no matter how                       Since 1969
                                                                          you desire to honor September,                     Experience makes the difference
                                                                          let us toast to a month full of
                                                                          bountiful blessings and new
                                                                                                                                     LOW RATES
                                                                             Happy September!                     207A SQUIRE ROAD, REVERE, MA 02151
                                                                            Ally Di Censo Symynkywicz                                Near Market Basket
                                                                          is a high school history teacher.
                                                                          She appreciates any comments             Tel. 781.284.1100                Fax 781.284.2200
                                                                          and suggestions about Italian
                                                                          holidays and folklore at                                — Se habla español —
POST-GAZETTE, SEPTEMBER 3, 2021                                                                                                                 PAGE 5

                  Enjoy the traditions that Italy has to offer — right in Marshfield, MA!
                       Italians love to come together and celebrate, no matter the reason.
    Whether you’re a fan of tasty food, good drinks or live music, the Italian Cultural Festival will be an event
     for the whole family. It is a day full of tradition, celebrating Italian culture, and local craftsmanship.
   On Saturday October 2, 2021,
the 1st annual Italian Cultural
Festival will take place at the
Marshfield Fair Grounds, 140
Main Street, Marshfield, MA.
   Come any enjoy tasty pizza
from Montillio’s on site Sicilian
pizza oven, try a luscious ricotta
filled cannoli from Pasticcini’s,
                         from the                                              Come support our local arti-
                         Fenway                                              sans and crafters and maybe
                         Park Sausage Guy,                                   catch a glimpse of some light-
                        assorted food selection             ning fast Italian cars.
                      from Fasano’s Food truck,               Bring your chairs, come and relax with your
                   and much,                                                 family and friends and enjoy the
               much more.                                                    day. Oh, a Prayer Please no Rain.
   Enjoy music from four dif-                                                  $12 for General Admission
ferent music venues, Alfio’s                                                 (Adults and Children 11 and
North End Marching Band,                                                     Older)
Newpoli’s traditional Italian                                                  $1 Of every ticket sold will be
band, Antonino our strolling                                                 donated to The Italian Home for
Accordionist, and our mysteri-                                               Children
ous lounge singer.                                                             $10 for
                           F o r                                             Seniors (65
                         the children four inflat-                           and Older) -
                         ables or bounce houses,            FREE for Children (with adult)
                         kids painting section,             10 and under
                         and an animal selection              $10 for Valid Military I.D.
                         from the 4-H Club.                 Holders
                           The afternoon will be              $10 for On-site Parking -
                         highlighted with a tradi-          A portion of parking with be
                         tional Italian procession          donated to The Dante Alighieri Society
                                                                                                                                                                                            Mattéo Gallo
including our local Priest and a 20-region flag               Please visit
parade.                                                     for more details.

                                                                                                                                            o                                             Appraisals
   Introducing a new book by Bennett Molinari and Richard Molinari,                                                                                                                     Sales & Rentals
              lifelong residents of the North End, entitled:                                                                                     •
               Four Women “Quattro Donne”                                                                                                            Real Estate
                     subtitle,    A North End Love Story                                                                                     376 North Street • Boston, MA 02113
  In the next few weeks this column will feature excerpts from this book.                                                                    (617) 523-2100 • Fax (617) 523-3530

      The Walk to the Feast                                               Mom and Auntie Angie to pass in
              (continued)                                                 front of her. Grandma was taking no
  “Why do I have to be here?” Auntie                                      chances. She was keeping Auntie                  LEGAL NOTICE                                                 LEGAL NOTICE
Stella shouted out once again. “That                                      Stella right beside her, prevent-
                                                                                                                        Commonwealth of Massachusetts                               Commonwealth of Massachusetts
old guy can’t sing, and he looks like                                     ing her from making any further                         The Trial Court                                             The Trial Court
he’s messing his pants, and the peo-                                      wisecracks during the evening.                    Probate and Family Court                                    Probate and Family Court
ple in the band look half dead.” “Ma,                                     Grandma was determined not to                 Middlesex Probate and Family Court                          Middlesex Probate and Family Court
tell her to shut up,” Auntie Angie                                        insult her friends. It was now 6:30,                Lowell Justice Center                                       Lowell Justice Center
                                                                                                                          370 Jackson Street, 5th Floor                               370 Jackson Street, 5th Floor
cautioned. “We’re getting close to                                        and we were all in place in the                       Lowell, MA 01852                                            Lowell, MA 01852
the Shrine; the members will hear                                         Shrine with a long evening ahead                        (978) 656-7700                                              (978) 656-7700
her.” Grandma, squeezing Auntie                                           of us.                                            Docket No. MI21P1032PM                                      Docket No. MI21P1033GD
Stella’s hand, said emphatically,                                                     CHAPTER 56                     CITATION GIVING NOTICE OF PETITION                          CITATION GIVING NOTICE OF PETITION
“Stella, silenzio (Stella, silence)!”                                                  The Escape                     TO TRANSFER GUARDIANSHIP FROM                               TO TRANSFER GUARDIANSHIP FROM
                                                                                                                    MASSACHUSETTS TO RECEIVING STATE                            MASSACHUSETTS TO RECEIVING STATE
  When we arrived, the Saint had                                            It was now 7:00 in the evening,
                                                                                                                                 In the matter of                                            In the matter of
already been taken from the Shrine                                        the heat of the day continued                       BARBARA J. LECLAIR                                          BARBARA J. LECLAIR
and was being paraded through                                             relentlessly. Auntie Stella stood                    of Framingham, MA                                           of Framingham, MA
the streets. People were seated in the Shrine;              up, and began pulling on her dress, first her                         RESPONDENT                                                  RESPONDENT
ten seats were left empty, obviously reserved               back, then her sleeves, and finally, she opened            To the named Respondent and all other                       To the named Respondent and all other
                                                                                                                                                                                KPVGTGUVGF RGTUQPU C RGVKVKQP JCU DGGP ſNGF
for our family. On the sidewalk, in front of the            the top two buttons of her dress, and began             KPVGTGUVGF RGTUQPU C RGVKVKQP JCU DGGP ſNGF
                                                                                                                                                                                by Ellen Poussard of Burke, VA, Margaret
                                                                                                                    by Ellen Poussard of Burke, VA in the above
Shrine, raffle tickets were being sold by members           fanning her chest. Grandma grabbed her wrist            captioned matter requesting this court approve              Genereux of Sanford, ME in the above
of the Society and their wives for a trip to Italy.         and said, “Stella, stop! You’re going to disgrace       the transfer to York County, ME                             captioned matter requesting this court approve
                                                                                                                       The petition asks the court to approve the               the transfer to York County, ME
People were sitting on collapsible chairs fronting          us.” From the row just behind Grandma, Auntie           transfer of this guardianship and terminate the                The petition asks the court to approve the
the Shrine. Grandma paused a minute before                  Angie whispered, “Stella, what are you doing?”          Massachusetts guardianship upon receipt of                  transfer of this guardianship and terminate the
entering the Shrine. Ernesto Mucci greeted her              “I’m hot. Everything is stuck to me,” Auntie Stella     a provisional order from the receiving state.               Massachusetts guardianship upon receipt of
                                                                                                                                                                                a provisional order from the receiving state.
with a kiss on both cheeks while extending a                responded. Grandma pulled Auntie Stella back                           IMPORTANT NOTICE
                                                                                                                       You have the right to obtain a copy of                                  IMPORTANT NOTICE
“Buona festa” to the rest of the family. Grandma            onto her seat.                                          this Petition from the Petitioner or at the                    You have the right to obtain a copy of
returned, “Buona festa” to Ernesto, which was                  The band began to play the tarantella. Mom,          Court. You have the right to object to this                 this Petition from the Petitioner or at the
followed by a chorus of “Buona festa” from the              seeing an opportunity to calm Auntie Stella down        proceeding. If you wish to do so, you or your               Court. You have the right to object to this
                                                                                                                    CVVQTPG[ OWUV ſNG YTKVVGP CRRGCTCPEG CV VJKU         proceeding. If you wish to do so, you or your
rest of the family.                                         and knowing how much she loved to dance,                Court on or before 10:00 a.m. on the return                 CVVQTPG[ OWUV ſNG YTKVVGP CRRGCTCPEG CV VJKU
  Listening intently for Auntie Stella’s voice and          grabbed her by the arm and said, “Stella, let’s         date of September 10, 2021. This day is                     Court on or before 10:00 a.m. on the return
                                                                                                                    NOT a hearing date, but a deadline by which                 date of September 10, 2021. This day is
never hearing it, Grandma cast a sour look in her           dance.” Auntie Stella was up on her feet. All                                                                       NOT a hearing date, but a deadline by which
direction, forcing out a “Buona festa”. Confident           thoughts of stuck clothes were out of her mind.         QDLGEV VQ VJKU RGVKVKQP +H [QW HCKN VQ ſNG VJG   [QWJCXGVQſNGVJGYTKVVGPCRRGCTCPEGKH[QW
the family made its proper greetings, Grandma               She grabbed Mom by the arm, and together, the           written appearance by the return date, action               QDLGEV VQ VJKU RGVKVKQP +H [QW HCKN VQ ſNG VJG
                                                                                                                    may be taken in this matter without further                 written appearance by the return date, action
followed Ernesto, who had already made his way              two sisters raced out of the Shrine to a clearing                                                                   may be taken in this matter without further
                                                                                                                    notice to you.
into the Shrine, and was standing at the ten                beneath the bandstand, where they joined a circle       Witness, HON. MAUREEN H. MONKS,                             notice to you.
chairs reserved for the family. Grandma stood               of women who were turning one way, and then             First Justice of this Court.                                Witness, HON. MAUREEN H. MONKS,
                                                                                                                       Date: September 01, 2021                                 First Justice of this Court.
at the first chair as we filed passed her, taking           the opposite, to the rhythm of the tarantella.                                                                         Date: September 01, 2021
our seats on the folded chairs arranged in a row.           Auntie Stella was like a different woman, dancing          Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate
                                                                                                                                                                                   Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate
Charlie, Bobby and Anthony went first, followed             and laughing as the circle of women continued to                                     Run date: 09/03/2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Run date: 09/03/2021
by Pietro. When Auntie Stella tried to take her             grow. Grandma and Auntie Angie were enjoying
seat as the next in line, Grandma grabbed her               the sight, clapping their hands to the rhythm of
by the wrist and held her by her side, allowing             the music.                                                               The Federal Trade Commission
  Four Women “Quattro Donne is available at R. Del Gaudio Gift Shop, 17 North Square, North End,                           works for the consumer to prevent fraud and deception.
(617-227-5915), adjoining the Paul Revere House; Barbara’s Bestsellers, South Station (857-263-8737);                        Call 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357)
Post-Gazette, 5 Prince Street, North End, (617-227-8929);;;;
                                                                                                                                       or log on to
PAGE 6                                                            POST-GAZETTE, SEPTEMBER 3, 2021

                                                                                                    Mrs. Murphy . . . As I See It
                  ALL THAT ZAZZ                                                        Some people                             Mayor Brian Arrigo. Whispers                             up, tip the pizzamaker and sit
                                                                                       renting apart-                          are this dynamic duo together                            down at the bar if you want a
                       by Mary N. DiZazzo
                                                                                       ments and con-                          made it possible for all the                             drink. Bartenders must also
                       Face Primer …                                                   dos with dogs                           housing development construc-                            get a tip if you order a drink.
                                                                                       lie about the size                      tion along Revere Beach to go                            And, bar gossip is bartenders
                      what is it exactly?                               of their dog to obtain a lease.                        forward. If Powers comes in                              are furious that they must
                                    making my skin look velvety!        They bring small dogs with                             again, you can expect the old                            clean up after the customers
                                    Wow … what a find!                  doctor’s notes to the site, and                        Jacobs Ladder site at the end                            are through eating their pizza.
                                       There are many Face Primers      they move in with a large dog.                         of the already congested with                            I understand that one half of
                                    on the market. I’ve tried many;     Management in condos are                               traffic North Shore Road to get                          the facility belongs to Bianchi’s
                                    however, I keep going back to       putting their foot down and                            another apartment building                               and the other to Renzo. I can’t
                                    the Avon brand. Hope they still     fining pet owners who rent or                          built at that site. Some Revere                          see how this system is going
                                    make it. A tube lasts a long        buy under false pretenses …                            folks believe the payoff from                            to work in the winter … An
                                    time. They come in clear, or a      United Airlines has told flight                        developers is lucrative, and                             impressive candidate for Mayor
                                    pink & coral shade. Creating        attendants not to use duct tape                        others who don’t drive through                           of Boston is Annissa Essaibi
                                    a smooth canvas for founda-         to restrain unruly passengers.                         the traffic don’t care … The                             George, former East Boston
                                    tion your Primer will work well     It reminded staff there are des-                       audacity for the city or state to                        High School teacher … The
                                    in humid and warm weather.          ignated items to use instead                           install parking meters along the                         32nd annual Eastie Pride Day
                                    Helps make-up to adhere to          of tape … Lydia Edwards can-                           boulevard. Parking is so limited                         was held recently. It has been
                                    skin, lasting longer, working       didate for re-election to the                          people with guests have to feed                          a summer tradition for over 30
                                    as a shield between skincare        Boston City Council has major                          the meter in order to visit, not                         years to uplift the community.
Ciao Bella,                         and make-up. It’s almost like a     endorsements from advocacy                             to speak of beach goers who                              Founded by former Boston
  I always considered Face          gauze that you put on a camera      organizations and labor groups                         can’t enjoy the ocean without                            Mayor Thomas Menino and Sal
Primer to be a secret beauty tip!   lens. Like I said a velvety look!   representing teachers, nurses,                         paying for it … Here’s what is                           LaMattina, the free event featur-
However, now I must share it           There are also Primers for       firefighters, working families,                        going on at Bianchi’s by the sea-                        ing entertainment and free food
with all my Glamazons!              eyelashes, eyes, and lips. I’m      advocates, and organizations                           shore. If you want a pizza and a                         was a huge success … Don’t for-
  It was a marvelous discovery      also familiar with the Lip and      representing hundreds of thou-                         beer, first you have to order the                        get to vote Tuesday, September
for my make-up chest. Several       Eyelash Primers which keeps         sands of working families.                             pizza yourself, then when the                            14th … Have a happy Labor Day.
years ago when I or anyone I        lipstick on longer and enriches     Edwards is also eyeing the State                       pizza is ready you must pick it                          Till next time stay healthy!
knew what Face Primer was I         moisture in your lips. The          Senate seat vacated by Joe
discovered it by accident. I was    Eyelash Primer thickens your        Boncore … Notices are being
putting in my Avon order and        lashes before applying your         sent to people that received
decided to try this foundation      mascara. Oh but the job that        the COVID-19 shot to get the
for under your foundation. It       your Face Primer will do is         booster. But many have said
was a hit with me! It created a     remarkable!                         they aren’t buying it this time
smooth canvas for my founda-           So go out and get your Face      and are refusing to get another
tion. It evened out my com-         Primer on!                          shot … Let’s talk Revere poli-
plexion minimizing my pores. It        Happy Labor Day!                 tics. With the election around
actually made the application of                                        the corner, some Revere folks
                                                                        are gossiping about Ward 5                                       HOSTED BY THE EAST BOSTON REPUBLICAN WARD
foundation easier to apply. My      Buona giornata and God bless
make-up lasted so much longer       the United States of America!       Councilor John Powers and                                                        COMMITTEE
  Read prior weeks’ “All That Zazz” columns at                                                                                  KELLEY’S SQUARE PUB - 84 BENNINGTON STREET, EAST BOSTON Mary is a third-generation cosmetologist.                                                                  FREE ADMISSION - TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2021 DAY AFTER LABOR DAY
She may be contacted at
                                                                                 LEGAL NOTICE                                                                     FROM 5:30 TO 7:00 P. M.
                                                                            NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE                                   PIZZA AND DRINKS COURTESY OF EAST BOSTON REPUBLICAN WARD COMMITTEE -
                                                                         Notice is hereby given by Todisco                                            EVERYONE IS INVITED. BRING A FRIEND.
                                                                         Services, Inc., of 171 Boston Street,
                                                                         Salem, MA pursuant to the provisions                         QUESTIONS: Call Vera 617-909-5384 or Chris 617-569-4075
                                                                         of Mass G.L. c. 255, Section 39A, that
                                                                         they will sell the following vehicles on
                                                                         or after September 18, 2021 begin-
                                                                         ning at 9:00 a.m. by public or private
                                                                         sale to satisfy their garage keepers                          LEGAL NOTICE                                            LEGAL NOTICE
                                                                         lien for towing, storage, and notices
                                                                         of sale.                                                   Commonwealth of Massachusetts                          Commonwealth of Massachusetts
                                                                                2014 JEEP CHEROKEE                                            The Trial Court                                       The Trial Court
                                                                                                                                        Probate and Family Court                               Probate and Family Court
                                                                             VIN # 1C4PJLCB7EW172654
                                                                         Vehicles are being stored at multiple Todisco              Middlesex Probate and Family Court                     Middlesex Probate and Family Court
                                                                                                                                           10-U Commerce Way                                     10-U Commerce Way
                                                                         Services, Inc. locations, and may be viewed
                                                                                                                                            Woburn, MA 01801                                      Woburn, MA 01801
                                                                         by appointment only.                                                                                                        (781) 865-4000
                                                                                                                                              (781) 865-4000
                                                                                                                                        Docket No. MI21P4374EA                                 Docket No. MI21P3289EA
                                                                                   Todisco Services, Inc.
                                                                                         Run dates: 09/03, 09/10, 09/17/2021                     Estate of                                              Estate of
                                                                                                                                            THERESE VINCENT                                CAROL CURTISS KLEINSCHMIDT
                                                                                                                                     Date of Death: February 11, 2021                       Date of Death: October 19, 2016
        %CPVGTDWT[5VTGGV$QUVQP/#                                                                                    CITATION ON PETITION FOR                              CITATION ON PETITION FOR
                                                                                LEGAL NOTICE                                            FORMAL ADJUDICATION                                    FORMAL ADJUDICATION
                                                                                                                                   To all interested persons:                              To all interested persons:
 KPHQ"UVOKEJCGNEGOGVGT[EQOYYYUVOKEJCGNEGOGVGT[EQO                                                                                                                                     A Petition for Late and Limited Formal
                                                                            Commonwealth of Massachusetts                          A Petition for Formal Probate of Will with
                                                                                      The Trial Court                           Appointment of Personal Representa-                     Testacy and/or Appointment has been filed
                                                                                Probate and Family Court                        tive JCU DGGP ſNGF D[ Cynthia J. Tacelli of         by Andrew C. Fieleke of Plymouth, MA
                                                                                                                                Nashua, NH requesting that the Court enter              requesting that the Court enter a formal Decree
                                                                                    Middlesex Division
                                                                                                                                a formal Decree and Order and for such other            and Order and for such other relief as request-

                  St. Leonard’s
                                                                            Middlesex Probate and Family Court                  relief as requested in the Petition.                    ed in the Petition.
                                                                                   10-U Commerce Way                               The Petitioner requests that Cynthia J.                 The Petitioner requests that Andrew C.
                                                                                    Woburn, MA 01801                            Tacelli of Nashua, NH be appointed as Per-              Fieleke of Plymouth, MA be appointed as Per-
                                                                                      (781) 865-4000                                                                                    sonal Representative(s) of said estate to serve
                   PEACE GARDEN                                                 Docket No. MI21P4359EA
                                                                                                                                sonal Representative(s) of said estate to serve
                                                                                                                                Without Surety on the bond in unsupervised              Without Surety on the bond in unsupervised
                                                                                                                                administration.                                         administration.
                                                                                         Estate of
                                                                                 PAUL L. PENFIELD, JR.                                         IMPORTANT NOTICE                                        IMPORTANT NOTICE
                                                                                                                                   You have the right to obtain a copy of the              You have the right to obtain a copy of the
                                                                               Date of Death: June 22, 2021                                                                             Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court.
                                                                                                                                Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court.
                                                                                  INFORMAL PROBATE                              You have a right to object to this proceeding.          You have a right to object to this proceeding.
                                                                                  PUBLICATION NOTICE                            6QFQUQ[QWQT[QWTCVVQTPG[OWUVſNGC               To do so, you or your attorney must file a
                                                                             To all persons interested in the above             written appearance and objection at this                written appearance and objection at this
                                                                         captioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner            Court before 10:00 a.m. on the return day of            Court before 10:00 a.m. on the return day of
                                                                         David W. Penfield of Westford, MA, Petitioner          September 23, 2021.                                     September 28, 2021.
                                                                         Cameron Lory Faulds of Brooklyn, NY,                      This is NOT a hearing date, but a dead-                 This is NOT a hearing date, but a dead-
                                                                         Petitioner William N. Friedler of Boston, MA,          NKPG D[ YJKEJ [QW OWUV ſNG C YTKVVGP            line by which you must file a written
                                                                         a Will has been admitted to informal probate.          appearance and objection if you object to               appearance and objection if you object to
                                                                             David W. Penfield of Westford, MA,                 VJKU RTQEGGFKPI +H [QW HCKN VQ ſNG C VKOGN[   this proceeding. If you fail to file a timely
                                                                         Cameron Lory Faulds of Brooklyn, NY,                   written appearance and objection followed               written appearance and objection followed
                                                                         William N. Friedler of Boston, MA has been             D[ CP CHſFCXKV QH QDLGEVKQPU YKVJKP VJKTV[       by an affidavit of objections within thirty
                                                                         informally appointed as the Personal Repre-            (30) days of the return day, action may be              (30) days of the return day, action may be
                                                                         sentative of the estate to serve without surety        taken without further notice to you.                    taken without further notice to you.
                                                                         on the bond.                                                UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION                             UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION
                                                                             The estate is being administered under              UNDER THE MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM                         UNDER THE MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM
                  Father Michael                                         informal procedure by the Personal Represen-                      PROBATE CODE (MUPC)                                     PROBATE CODE (MUPC)
                                                                         tative under the Massachusetts Uniform Pro-               A Personal Representative appointed                     A Personal Representative appointed
        would like to invite you to join him                             bate Code without supervision by the Court.            under the MUPC in an unsupervised admin-                under the MUPC in an unsupervised admin-
                                                                         Inventory and accounts are not required to be          KUVTCVKQPKUPQVTGSWKTGFVQſNGCPKPXGPVQT[          istration is not required to file an inventory
   on Wednesday, September 15, 2021 at 6 o’clock                         filed with the Court, but interested parties are       or annual accounts with the Court. Persons              or annual accounts with the Court. Persons
                       for the                                           entitled to notice regarding the administration        interested in the estate are entitled to notice         interested in the estate are entitled to notice
                                                                         from the Personal Representative and can               regarding the administration directly from              regarding the administration directly from
                                                                         petition the Court in any matter relating to the       the Personal Representative and may peti-               the Personal Representative and may peti-
                 Peace Garden Blessing                                   estate, including distribution of assets and           tion the Court in any matter relating to the            tion the Court in any matter relating to the
                                                                         expenses of administration. Interested parties         estate, including the distribution of assets            estate, including the distribution of assets
               at Saint Leonard Church                                   are entitled to petition the Court to institute        and expenses of administration.                         and expenses of administration.
                                                                         formal proceedings and to obtain orders ter-
         320 Hanover Street, North End, Boston                           minating or restricting the powers of Personal
                                                                                                                                Witness, HON. MAUREEN H. MONKS,
                                                                                                                                First Justice of this Court.
                                                                                                                                                                                        Witness, HON. MAUREEN H. MONKS,
                                                                                                                                                                                        First Justice of this Court.
                                                                         Representatives appointed under informal pro-             Date: August 26, 2021                                   Date: August 31, 2021
                 Refreshments will be served                             cedure. A copy of the Petition and Will, if any,
                                                                         can be obtained from the Petitioner.                      Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate               Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate
                      ĂŌĞƌƚŚĞďůĞƐƐŝŶŐ                                                              Run date: 09/03/2021                                    Run date: 09/03/2021                                 Run date: 09/03/2021
POST-GAZETTE, SEPTEMBER 3, 2021                                                                       PAGE 7

         Blessed Ingrid of Sweden
                    by Bennett Molinari and Richard Molinari
                                                                                                                                   On the Aisle
                                                        Bridget of Sweden in his second
                                                        marriage. It is believed that                                              THEATRE NOTES
                                                        Ingrid was an inspiration of
                                                        Bridget.                                                                              BY BOBBY FRANKLIN
                                                           Ingrid married a nobleman
                                                        referred to as Sir Sigge, who
                                                        likely died in 1271. After being
                                                                                                                                 THE SOUND INSIDE
                                                        widowed, Ingrid and her sis-                                Opens at Speak Easy Stage - September 24th
                                                        ter Kristina became a part
                                                                                               From September 24 to October
                                                        of a group of devout women
                                                                                            16, 2021, SpeakEasy Stage
                                                        around the Dominican friar
                                                                                            Company will proudly present
                                                        Petrus de Dacia in Skänninge.
                                                                                            the Boston-area premiere of
                                                        In one of his letters, Petrus de
                                                                                            the gripping drama THE SOUND
                                                        Dacia has left a description
                                                                                            INSIDE by Adam Rapp.
                                                        of the ascetic life style and
                                                                                               Nominated for six 2020
                                                        mystic revelations of one of his
                                                                                            Tony Awards including Best
                                                        «spiritual daughters» in this
                                                                                            Play, THE SOUND INSIDE is an
                                                        group of women, which likely
                                                                                            intensely quiet play that intro-
                                                        refers to Ingrid.
                                                                                            duces us to Bella Baird, a novel-
                                                           In 1272, this group of
                                                                                            ist who, in the seventeen years
   Ingrid was the daugh-                                women formed an informal
                                                                                            since she was last published,
ter of Elof, a nobleman from                            convent called Saint Martin’s in
                                                                                            has almost completely isolated
Östergötland. She was born                              Skanninge dedicated on August
                                                                                            herself from the world. But          production of The Children.         Cycle and The Crucible, and in
into a noble family among                               15, 1281. Ingrid made pilgrim-
                                                                                            everything changes when she          Ms. Boice also serves as the        several Off-Broadway produc-
the elite of Swedish nobility.                          ages to Santiago de Compostela,
                                                                                            meets Christopher, a brilliant       Associate Artistic Director at      tions including Love’s Fire and
She had at least two brothers,                          Jerusalem and Rome. After
                                                                                            but enigmatic student in her         Commonwealth Shakespeare            The Caucasian Chalk Circle (The
Anders and Johan, the latter                            the death of her sister, Ingrid
                                                                                            creative writing class at Yale. As   Company and is a professor at       Public Theater); Romeo and Juliet
of whom was a knight of the                             applied for formal recognition of
                                                                                            their friendship deepens, their      Salem State University.             (The New Victory Theater); The
Teutonic Order. Her niece,                              her convent. This was granted
                                                                                            lives and the stories they tell        Jennifer Rohn (Broadway’s         CIVIL warS (Brooklyn Academy
Kristina Johansdotter was the                           in 1281, a year before she
                                                                                            about themselves become inter-       The Kentucky Cycle) and Nathan      of Music); and Another Person is
first spouse of Birger Persson,                         passed away. It was destroyed
                                                                                            twined in unpredictable ways,        Malin (SpeakEasy’s Admissions)      a Foreign Country (Anne Bogart,
who became the father of Saint                          during the Reformation.
                                                                                            leading to a shocking request.       will star in this production.       director/ En Garde Arts). Her
                                                           The canonization process for
                                                                                            Intensely intimate and deeply          NATHAN             MALIN:         regional theater credits are
                                                        Ingrid began, but due to the
                                                                                            moving, THE SOUND INSIDE             (Christopher) is thrilled to        extensive and include work
        LEGAL NOTICE                                    Reformation, she was never
                                                                                            is “an astonishing new play …        return to SpeakEasy after           for The American Repertory
                                                        formally canonized. She is
                                                                                            about fiction, both the kind we      appearing in its production         Theater, The Huntington
    Commonwealth of Massachusetts                       regarded as a saint by many
             The Trial Court                                                                read and the kind we live.” (The     of Admissions. Other area           Theatre, The Guthrie Theater,
                                                        and has her feast day listed
        Probate and Family Court                                                            New York Times)                      credits include Gone Nowhere        The Cleveland Play House,
                                                        on the liturgical calendar as
    Middlesex Probate and Family Court                                                         Playwright Adam Rapp made         (Boston Playwrights’ Theatre);      The Kennedy Center, The
          Lowell Justice Center                         September 2nd.
                                                                                            his Broadway debut with THE          The Crucible (u/s, Bedlam);         Seattle Repertory Theatre, The
      370 Jackson Street, 5th Floor
            Lowell, MA 01852                                                                SOUND INSIDE, which was com-         Vanity Fair, The Happy Prince/      Philadelphia Theatre Company,
              (978) 656-7700                                                                missioned by Lincoln Center          Matchless (u/s, Underground         and The Dallas Theater Center.
        Docket No. MI21D2605DR                            IRS Problems?                     and received its world premiere      Railway Theater); 1984, The         She toured Europe with
         DIVORCE SUMMONS BY                                                                 in 2018 at the Williamstown          Lathe of Heaven (Boston             Hamletmachine, and appeared
      PUBLICATION AND MAILING                               We Can Help.....                Theatre Festival. A 2006 Pulitzer    University); Maura Dunne (The       at La Scala in Salome (Robert
             SUHAIL KODGI                                    7PſNGF4GVWTPU                 Prize finalist for his play Red      Poets’ Theatre), Titus Andronicus   Wilson, director) and at The
       SYEDANIKHATH SUMAIYA                                   +450QVKEGU                   Light Winter, Rapp is also the       (Actors’ Shakespeare Project);      Barbican Centre in Love’s Fire
    To the Defendant:                                     .KGPU2C[TQNN6CZGU             author of Nocturne (American         and Much Ado About Nothing          (Mark Lamos, director). Her
    6JG2NCKPVKHHJCUſNGFC%QORNCKPVHQT&KXQTEG                                         Repertory Theatre, New York          (Boston Theatre Company).           television credits include several
                                                            Call 617.504.7009               Theatre Workshop), Finer Noble       Nathan was also a produc-           television commercials, Law and
    6JG%QORNCKPVKUQPſNGCVVJG%QWTV                                                   Gases (26th Humana Festival),        tion intern on Uncle Romeo          Order, American Playhouse, and
                                                             Peter DeBilio EA               Stone Cold Dead Serious              Vanya Juliet (Bedlam). Training:    the film Crossing the Atlantic.
GPVGTGFKPVJKUOCVVGTRTGXGPVKPI[QWHTQOVCM-         (A.R.T.), Blackbird (The Bush,       Boston University, Shakespeare      Jennifer teaches at Bennington
VJGEWTTGPVſPCPEKCNUVCVWUQHGKVJGTRCTV[SEE                                            London), and Essential Self-         & Company.                          College.
Supplemental Probate Court Rule 411.                                                        Defense (Playwrights Horizons/         JENNIFER ROHN: (Bella                THE SOUND INSIDE will
UGTXG WRQP Darry E. Holt, Esq., 25 Carlisle
                                                                                            Edge Theatre), among others.         Baird) is making her SpeakEasy      run September 24 th through
Road, Westford, MA 01886 [QWT CPUYGT KH
CP[ QP QT DGHQTG September 28, 2021 +H [QW
                                                           Small Ads                           Director Bryn Boice will helm
                                                                                            this Boston premiere production
                                                                                                                                 debut with this production.
                                                                                                                                 A 2019 Elliot Norton Award
                                                                                                                                                                     October 16, 2021, in the Roberts
                                                                                                                                                                     Studio Theatre in the Stanford
                                                                                            of THE SOUND INSIDE Winner           winner for her performance in       Calderwood Pavilion at the
                                                            Get Big                         of the 2019 Elliot Norton Award
                                                                                            for Outstanding Director, Large
                                                                                                                                 Dark Room (Bridge Repertory
                                                                                                                                 Theater), Jennifer began her
                                                                                                                                                                     Boston Center for the Arts,
                                                                                                                                                                     527 Tremont Street in Boston’s
First Justice of this Court.
                                                            Results                         Theater for Commonwealth
                                                                                            Shakespeare Company’s
                                                                                                                                 professional career appear-
                                                                                                                                 ing in numerous productions
                                                                                                                                                                     South End.
                                                                                                                                                                        For tickets or more info, call
                                                           For more information call        Universe Rushing Apart: Blue         created by renowned experi-         BostonTheatreScene Ticketing
                              Run date: 09/03/2021
                                                               617-227-8929                 Kettle & Here We Go, Ms. Boice       mental theatre director Robert      Services at 617-933-8600 or
                                                                                            returns to SpeakEasy after hav-      Wilson. She has also appeared       visit: www.SpeakEasyStage.
                                                                                            ing directed the company’s 2020      on Broadway in The Kentucky         com.

                  2021 NORTH END
                FESTIVAL DIRECTORY
   56415#.+#FK2#.'4/1                                          September 12
    Procession Only - North Square                                         1 pm
                                                                                              Help us say “thank you”
   116th SANTA MARIA DiANZANO          September 19                                         to members of the U.S. mili-
     Procession Only – Hanover – Prince Sts.  1 pm                                          tary who bravely serve our
                                                                                            country every day! Together
                MORE ITALIAN FESTIVALS                                                      with Operation Gratitude, on
                                                                                            Saturday, September 11th, we
                                                                                            will recognize the National Day
   Lawrence, MA
                                                                                            of Service & Remembrance by
   FEAST OF THE THREE SAINTS           September 4, 5                                       packing 1,000 Recruit Graduate
   5CKPVU#NſQ(KNCFGNHQCPF%KTKPQ                                                        care pouches for new Sailors
    Common & Union St., Lawrence                                                            and Coast Guardsmen. These
    Sunday Mass Corpus Christi Holy Rosary Church 10 am                                     care packages offer a reminder
                                                                                            to the service members start-
    Sunday Procession                             3 pm                                      ing a career in the military that
   Cambridge Festival                                                                       Americans across the nation          - 5:00 p.m. Advance regis-          protocols and required to wear
                                                                                            appreciate their service and         tration is required for this        a mask for the duration of their
   SS COSMAS AND DAMIAN September 10, 11, 12                                                sacrifice.                           event. Families are encouraged      shifts.
     Sunday Procession                  1 pm                                                  Sign up for one of two 3-hour      to attend, though volunteers          To learn more or to register,
    Warren and Cambridge St., Cambridge                                                     volunteer shifts at the USS          must be ages 13 and up. For         visit https://ussconstitution-
       Info: Call 617-354-7992                                                              Constitution Museum: 10:00           the safety of all, volunteers are
                                                                                            a.m - 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m.        asked to follow our COVID-19        gratitude-assembly-day/
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