Caregivers Reflect on Needed Respite and Support Networks - Range of emotions -

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Caregivers Reflect on Needed Respite and Support Networks - Range of emotions -

May 2022 $3.75

 Range of emotions
 Caregivers Reflect
 on Needed Respite
 and Support Networks
Caregivers Reflect on Needed Respite and Support Networks - Range of emotions -
Most ALA members don’t
                           renew after their second
                           and third years of joining
                                                              How do you keep unit
                                                              members engaged? Are you
                                                              in regular communication
                      Elle Smith
                                                              with them? When was the
     Hi, Elle! It’s Jocelyn from your                         last time you checked in
     ALA unit. I first wanted to let                          with someone who’s been
     you know that we’re thinking
     about you and hope you’re                                inactive for a while?
     doing well! I also wanted to
     invite you to our service project
     next Saturday at the post.
                                                              Member retention is critical.
     We’re crafting and handwriting                           Consider gathering active
     thank-you notes to veterans at
     the VA hospital.                                         members in your unit to
                                                              devise a plan on re-engaging
                    Oh! Thanks for contacting
                    me! What time?
                                                              people you haven’t heard from
                                                              in months … or even years.
     It’s at 3pm.
                                                              You’ll help the ALA and our
                    Project sounds cool.
                                                              mission of serving veterans,
                    I’ll be there!                            military, and their families.
     Great! We can’t wait
     to see you again!                     © American Legion©Auxiliary  National
                                                                  American Legion        Headquarters.
                                                                                  Auxiliary                 All rights
                                                                                            National Headquarters.         reserved.
                                                                                                                   All rights            03/2022
                                                                                                                              reserved. 03/2022
Caregivers Reflect on Needed Respite and Support Networks - Range of emotions -

FEATURES                                              IN EVERY ISSUE
26   CAREGIVERS TELL US                                4    NATIONAL PRESIDENT’S            43    ALL THINGS
     WHAT IT’S REALLY LIKE                                  MESSAGE                               ALA GIRLS STATE
     It’s one of the toughest jobs anyone could        6    NHQ AT YOUR SERVICE             44    ALA SCHOLARSHIP
     have, but they wouldn’t trade a bit of it.        7    OUR READERS RESPOND                   RECIPIENTS: WHERE
                                                       8    JUNIOR MEMBERS                        ARE THEY NOW?
     WHAT THEY DO AND HOW TO JOIN                     10    HEART OF THE MISSION            45    WISE PERSON SAID
     Check out our profile on members who             13    IT’S ALL GOOD                   46    LEGION FAMILY IN ACTION
     participate in these very respected groups.      36    IMPACT ALA!                     48    MISSION MATTERS
                                                      42    BUILDING ALA                    49    WE’RE DIGITAL
                                                            BRAND LOYALTY                   50    THE LAST WORD
     We know Juniors are our organization’s
     future — let’s help them get there.

ON THE COVER: American Legion Auxiliary member Toni Kettner of Michigan, along with her husband, Jason, and Jason’s service
dog, Hera. In 2016, Toni and Jason married. The following year, she left her nursing job to take care of her husband full-time.
Kettner and other ALA members are profiled in the second of our three-part series on the unsung heroes: caregivers
(photo: Sarah Rice). ABOVE: “Wearing the poppy reminds our own hearts and the heart of the world … that other generations
might have a richer heritage of happiness.” — Kathleen C. Morgan, Southern Division Poppy Chairman (1931-1932).
National Poppy Day® falls on May 27 this year.   							                                                                 May 2022 | Auxiliary magazine 3
Caregivers Reflect on Needed Respite and Support Networks - Range of emotions -

                                                                                    need programs with a caring hand to
                                                                                    assist them. Eagle’s Healing Nest will
                                                                                    help foster purpose and direction.
                                                                                    Our servicemembers’ families — who
                                                                                    also serve our country — deserve the
                                                                                    resources, support, and best treatment
                                                                                        Seeing new and different ways
                                                                                    to serve our veterans, military, and
                                                                                    their families brings about a sense
                                                                                    of pride in our organization and
                                                                                    those we partner with. I’m proud of
                                                                                    our ALA members from Minnesota,
                                                                                    South Dakota, and across the country
                                                                                    who have thought of ways to think
    As I travel from unit to unit,       Ranch in South Dakota, which               outside the box and work with other
members continue to share with me        provides equine therapy for                organizations in their communities.
their caregiver stories, the heartache   veterans, among other services. I          Together, we can make a difference!
and healing that comes with the role     experienced a tiny bit of the therapy          As we continue this administrative
of caring for others.                    they use to help our veterans, and I       year into summer, take some time
    After discussing this very           was completely floored!                    to reflect on how you can best help
important and personal topic, there          The mission of DTOM Ranch              caregivers and veterans. One thing that
are always members who come up           is to provide a safe place for             always helps me — having a positive
to me and say they didn’t realize        healing and recovery for military          attitude! It is easy sometimes to get
it before, but they are caregivers                                                  caught up in the negativity, but I really
too! I hope this subject continues            Remember: You can                     want all members to focus on the
to bring ALA members a sense             recognize caregivers in your               positives of who we are, what we do,
of togetherness — knowing you             unit, district, or department             and why we matter. That supportive
are not alone, and the ALA will           with a caregiver certificate              spirit can go a long way in serving our
continue to support you in your                  of appreciation.                   veterans, military, and their families
caregiving efforts.                                                                 and helping us continue to achieve our
    Remember: You can recognize          servicemembers, veterans, and              mission.
caregivers in your unit, district,       their families while encouraging,              Along with our caregivers and
or department with a caregiver           engaging, and positively impacting         veterans, as we observe Memorial
certificate of appreciation. The         their lives through hope, self-            Day in late May, I’d like to ask you all
recognition can take place at a unit     conviction, and family activities,         to keep those U.S. military members
meeting, special event, or even          all while helping them learn to live       who died serving our country in your
in the caregiver’s own home. It’s        again with purpose.                        thoughts and prayers, as well as their
a simple gesture, but it can mean            I also had the privilege of visiting   surviving family members. Their
so much to have just that little         Eagles Healing Nest in Minnesota.          ultimate sacrifice gave us the freedoms
bit of recognition. Download the         There are incredible things                we have. Let’s not forget why we are
certificate today at                     happening here! The nonprofit is           part of the American Legion Auxiliary!                  committed to meeting the needs
    In addition to showing our           of veterans, servicemembers, and
caregivers love and appreciation,        their families who suffer from the
what members are doing to take           invisible wounds of war. According               Kathy Daudistel
care of our veterans is incredible.      to the nonprofit’s website, many                 National President
    One example is the DTOM              of our military are struggling and

In the 1920s, the poppy became the official flower of The American Legion Family to memorialize the
soldiers who fought and died during World War I. In the decades that followed, poppies have been
worn, displayed, and distributed for fundraising efforts by veterans service and support organizations
like the American Legion Auxiliary around the world. Check out page 42 in this issue of Auxiliary to
learn more about branding for National Poppy Day®.

4   Auxiliary magazine | May 2022                                                         
Caregivers Reflect on Needed Respite and Support Networks - Range of emotions -
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Caregivers Reflect on Needed Respite and Support Networks - Range of emotions -

                                                                                                     A Community of Volunteers
                                                                                             Serving Veterans, Military, and their Families
                                                                                                             May 2022
                                                                                                        Published by
                                                                                                        American Legion Auxiliary
                                                                                                        National Headquarters
                                                                                                           Executive Director
                                                                                                          Kelly Circle, J.D., Ph.D.
                                                                                                Communications and Marketing Director
                                                                                                       Stephanie L. Holloway
                                                                                                       Communications Manager
                                                                                                           Aaron Meyer
PROGRAMS: We hosted the National Chairmen’s Meeting in spring and heard from                                  Travis Perkins
several speakers on what to expect for the 2022-2023 ALA administrative year.                     Communications Specialist – Writer
                                                                                                           Sara Fowler
    We are planners, and in a world             issue of the quarterly Auxiliary is             Communications & Marketing Specialist
of uncertainty and sometimes                    announced in this timely piece of                        Jennifer Donovan
tumult, we think it’s an admirable              ALA media. All members with an                        Communications Coordinator
quality to prefer being ahead of the            email address on file receive this                         Alexa Freeman

game. We’re organized folks here at             publication.                                              Contributing Writers
                                                                                                     Sydney DeLong, Zane Glotzbach,
National Headquarters, and that’s
why unexpected news is hard for
                                                            e——f                                       Zac Felty, and Angie Graham

                                                                                                     2021-2022 National Officers
us to swallow.                                      It is with deep sadness that we                 National President Kathy Daudistel
    You’ve more than likely heard               announce the passing of ALANHQ                     National Vice President Vickie Koutz
about the global supply chain                   staff member Michael Butt, who was                 National Secretary Coral May Grout
                                                                                                   National Treasurer Marybeth Revoir
problems disrupting the economy.                director of the Communications
                       Well, the                Division. Mike, who had been with                            ADVERTISING
                                                                                                       James G. Elliott Company Inc.
                       American                 us for 12 years, had a keen passion                     NEW YORK (212) 588-9200
                       Legion                   for the ALA’s mission and sharing                        DETROIT (248) 530-0300
                                                                                                         CHICAGO (312) 236-4900
                       Auxiliary is             the story of members’ ongoing                         LOS ANGELES (213) 624-0900
                       not immune.              commitment to Service Not Self.                          ADDRESS CHANGE:
                       Paper                    He was a patriotic citizen who                 Email name, previous address, new address
                                                                                                and membership ID (9-digit number above
                       shortages                made sure the American flag was                     your name on magazine label) to:
                       have affected            respected at all times. Internally,       
                       Auxiliary                upon beginning employment at                    Contact Us: ALA National Headquarters
                                                                                               3450 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268
                       magazine —               National Headquarters, Mike                     (317) 569-4500 |
the February issue was delayed                  zeroed in on reshaping Auxiliary                email:
hitting mailboxes by about a week               magazine and bringing its focus              American Legion Auxiliary Magazine is published
to two weeks.                                   back to members. Having overseen                 quarterly by the American Legion Auxiliary
                                                                                              with a yearly non-refundable allocation of $3.40
    As of press time, we’ve not                 the Development Division during                 from membership dues. Letters, unsolicited
received adverse production news                part of his tenure at National                 articles and photographs are not guaranteed
                                                                                              to be published or returned and may be edited.
about the May issue, but we do                  Headquarters, Mike was a strong               See
want to throw it out there: It could            proponent of the American Legion                  Submissions for further details. Opinions
                                                                                             expressed in this publication may not necessarily
be a little late reaching you, and              Auxiliary Foundation and was a               represent policy or positions of the organization.
for that, we are sorry. There is a              longtime major donor. He passed                 Advertisements do not reflect endorsement
                                                                                                             by the organization.
bright spot in all of this, and it’s            away in January, just after the
                                                                                                     Non-member Subscriptions
in the form of an email. Are you                February issue of Auxiliary had                 Send $15 (checks only) to address above,
subscribed to ALA eNews? Each                   gone to press. He will be missed.                        Attention: Accounting
                                                                                                  Payable to: National Treasurer, ALA
                                                                                                      The American Legion Family
                                                                                                          The American Legion
            The American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) is a community of volunteers serving                 (317) 630-1200
            veterans, military, and their families. Our members also support the
                                                                                                       Sons of The American Legion
            mission of The American Legion in improving the quality of life for our                (317) 630-1200
            nation’s veterans. Proud sponsor of ALA Girls Nation, National Poppy Day®
                                                                                                         American Legion Riders
and recognized for advocating for veterans on Capitol Hill, the nearly 600,000                    (317) 630-1200
ALA members across the country volunteer millions of hours annually and raise
millions of dollars in service to veterans, military, and their families. Founded in 1919,
the ALA is one of the oldest patriotic membership organizations in the U.S.A.
To learn more and to volunteer, join, and donate, visit
Caregivers Reflect on Needed Respite and Support Networks - Range of emotions -

                                       energizing, and meeting great young       have written notes. There have
                                       men and women like Cadet Piper            also been some thank-yous with
                                       gives me a bit of an adrenaline rush      donations. Something so small —
                                       too.                                      just a greeting — means so much,
                                           In many states, our Sea Cadet         connecting with elderly veterans
                                       units drill at American Legion            and others.
                                       facilities. This is critical to our           — Joyce Waldock, North Dakota
                                           We really appreciate your
                                                                                     IT’S ALL GOOD TO HONOR

                                                                                                                                                                           The four chaplains were awarded         THE FOUR CHAPLAINS
                                                                                                                                                                       the Distinguished Service Cross and                     Lt. George Fox,

                                       support to Sea Cadets, and of
                                                                                                                                                                       Purple Heart posthumously. They                         Methodist minister
                                                                                                                                                                       could not be awarded the Medal                          Lt. Fox served as a
                                                                                                                                                                       of Honor because they didn’t meet                       medical corps assistant
                                                                                                                                                                       the requirements. As a result, a                        in World War I.
                                                                                                                                                                       posthumous special medal of heroism                     Following the war, he
                                                                                                                                                                       was awarded in 1961 by President

                                       course, veterans (I’m one!). It’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   was awarded the Silver Star, Purple
                                                                                                                                                                       Dwight D. Eisenhower. The Four              Heart, and French Croix de Guerre.
                                                                                                                                                                       Chaplains’ Medal was given and will         Fox returned home to Vermont
                                                                                                                                                                       never be given again.                       and became a public accountant,
                                                                                                                                                                           The American Legion Family              married, and had two children. He
                                                                                                                                                                       remembers these men and their               later become a minister in Gilman,

                                       a team effort to raise the next
                                                                                                                                                                       sacrifices in an interfaith program each    Vt. He was a member of Walter G.
                                                                                                                                                                       February. Four Chaplains Day is Feb.        Moore American Legion Post 41
                                                                                                                                                                       3, and many post homes will host a          — now named Moore-Fox — and
                                                                                                                                                                       ceremony on Four Chaplains Sunday,          returned to active duty in 1942.
                                                                                                                                                                       which is the first Sunday in February.                  Lt. Alexander Goode,

Editor’s note: Caregivers              generation who will one day become
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Jewish rabbi
                                                                                                                                                                       Chapel of the Four Chaplains                            Lt. Goode was from
                                                                                                                                                                           Dr. Daniel A. Poling, father of Lt.                 Brooklyn, N.Y. He
                                                                                                                                                                       Clark Poling, decided there needed
                                                                                     THE FOUR CHAPLAINS: SAVING OTHERS                                                 to be a shrine in memory of the four
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               followed in his father’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               footsteps and became
                                                                                     WITH A SELFLESS ACT                                                               chaplains and their sacrifice. He

                                       members of your organization.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   a rabbi and then earned a medical

feature resonates with readers
                                                                                         Imagine — a sinking ship and          Orders were given to fire, and the      imagined it as a place where all faiths     degree. He was married with four
                                                                                     not enough life jackets. Would            Dorchester was hit by a torpedo.        could worship God.                          children. He applied to serve as a
                                                                                     you give up your life jacket to save          After the hit, the four chaplains       This shrine became a reality            Navy chaplain in 1941 but was not
                                                                                     another?                                  attempted to bring calm to the          in Philadelphia in the late 1940s.          accepted. Following the attack on
                                                                                         On a cold night in the North          chaos. They began by handing out        President Harry S. Truman dedicated         Pearl Harbor, he applied as an Army

    Our three-part caregivers                — Rear Adm. Andrew Lennon,
                                                                                     Atlantic on Feb. 3, 1943, not only        life jackets, only to realize there     the chapel in 1951.                         chaplain and was accepted.
                                                                                     did one man give up his life jacket,      were not enough. The men each               The Chapel is no longer in its
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Lt. Clark Poling, Dutch
                                                                                     but three others joined him. This         removed their jackets to save four      original location. In 2001, it moved
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Reformed minister
                                                                                     story may sound familiar to you:          others.                                 to a third location, now at the site of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Lt. Poling was from
                                                                                     The Four Chaplains — Father John              As the ship was sinking, the        a 1942 World War II Navy Chapel in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Poughkeepsie, N.Y. He
                                                                                     P. Washington, Rabbi Alexander D.         four chaplains were seen standing       Philadelphia.

series, which launched with the          U.S. Navy (ret), Executive Director,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               served as a pastor of First
                                                                                     Goode, the Rev. George L. Fox, and        on ship’s stern, arms locked as they        The Chapel of the Four Chaplains
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Reformed Church in
                                                                                     the Rev. Clark V. Poling — were on        prayed and sang hymns. Not only         serves as a place to tell their story and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Schenectady, N.Y. He was married
                                                                                     a sinking USAT Dorchester.                was it a sign of bravery, but the       encourage selfless acts and interfaith
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   and had two children, the second
                                                                                         The Army transport was part of        chaplains put aside their different     cooperation.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   of which was born two months
                                                                                     a convoy of three ships en route to       faiths and prayed as one.                   The Four Chaplains Day program

                                                  U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   after the sinking of the Dorchester.

February issue, was a popular topic
                                                                                     an American base in Greenland.                On that night, only 230 of the      can be found in the American
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   His father served as a chaplain in
                                                                                     Before the ships could reach their        902 on board survived. The ship         Legion Auxiliary Chaplains’ Prayer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   World War I and decided to serve
                                                                                     destination, an officer on a German       was carrying servicemen, merchant       book in the MyAuxiliary section of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   again after the United States entered
                                                                                     submarine noticed the convoy.             seamen, and civilian workers. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   World War II.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Lt. John Washington,

for letters from readers. Many of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Roman Catholic priest
                                                                                                            Did you know?                                                                                                      Lt. Washington was born
                                                                                                            ALA Past National Chaplain the Rev. Isadore Fox was the wife of Lt. George Fox. She served                         in Newark, N.J., to Irish
                                                                                                            as the American Legion Auxiliary national chaplain in 1970-1971. Isadore also served the                           immigrants. He was

                                       Stretching grant dollars
                                                                                                            Department of Vermont as a chaplain for many years and as department president in 1960-1961.                       ordained as a priest in

you wrote to say you related well
                                                                                                            She wrote a book, The Immortal Chaplain, about her husband’s life. Isadore was an ALA member           1935. Following the attack on Pearl
                                                                                                            for more than 30 years and continued to serve until her passing in 1982.                               Harbor, he was appointed as an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Army chaplain.

                                                                                     24   Auxiliary magazine | February 2022                                                                    Fe

to the challenges, struggles, and      for veterans
appreciation our caregivers are            Through a grant received              More information about
presented with on a daily basis. One   from the Parshall Community               Lt. Clark Poling
reader said she could write a book     Foundation in 2021, American                  I enjoyed reading the It’s All
about her experience, while another    Legion Auxiliary Unit 121 has             Good to Honor article titled, The
thanked us for giving caregivers “a    been able to send small gifts and         four chaplains: saving others with
voice and platform to move forward     greetings monthly to older veterans       a selfless act. Lt. Clark Poling
and forge ahead.” Lots of you          and assisted living and nursing           grew up in Deering, N.H. I’ve
recalled the times when you were a     home residents who once lived             included the link to information
caregiver for your loved one before    around Parshall. This idea came           on a local summit named after
they passed away.                      from the hardship COVID created           him: deeringnaturalhistory.
    Read more about our unsung         when no visitors were allowed.            com/2017/08/21/clark-summit.
heroes — check out the second part         The challenge now is to think         When I was a teen, there was also
of our caregivers series on page       of something relatively flat, being       an eternal light atop Clark Summit,
26 in this issue of Auxiliary, and     postage conscious, so we can              which I think vandals destroyed.
be sure to follow the ALA blog at      reach out to approximately 38-40            — Sharon Powers, New Hampshire for        individuals monthly and stretch the
additional caregiver stories.          grant money. We frequently discuss        Beyond the Four
                                       adding names, changing addresses,         Chaplains story
Thank you for spotlighting             and dropping individuals if they             Sure appreciated the article
Sea Cadets                             are not here anymore. We meet             about the four chaplains who
   I enjoyed reading your              monthly as a group, address signed        sacrificed their lives to help others
fantastic article about Sea Cadet      envelopes with a surprise inside,         during the shipwreck.
Trinity Piper from Ohio in your        and discuss “what” for the next              I am 80 years old and never
February issue. Her excitement         month.                                    knew of the incident until a retired
and passion for adventure really           “Parshall Auxiliary Cares” has        Lutheran pastor attended our
come through when she said,            been a fun project and has many           church and told of the shipwreck
“… it’s a great experience. I …        rewards. The residents and families       where three-fourths of the troops
enjoy the friendships you make,        of residents are so appreciative:         died.
the experiences you get and the        “You have no idea how good it is             It helps to be reminded of the
adrenaline rush …” Every one of        to be remembered by people back           destruction wars create.
my visits with our cadets has been     home.” Some residents themselves                     — Mary Ellen Kiely, Texas

WE WANT TO                                                                    Email:

                                                                           or send letters to: ALA National Headquarters
                                                                           3450 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268

HEAR FROM                                                                            Story and Photo Submissions: Visit
                                                                                                     for more details.
Caregivers Reflect on Needed Respite and Support Networks - Range of emotions -

    What a great feeling it was for our   meeting. In 2022, there were five      in the mission. The combination of
Junior members to be back in person       meetings — one in each ALA             a service project, guest speakers, and
for the national Junior meetings this     division — Las Vegas (Western),        engaging activities give the girls the tools
administrative year! After not being      Orlando (Southern), Indianapolis       they need to learn about the Auxiliary as
able to meet physically last year, it     (Central), Baltimore (Eastern), and    Junior members, and will lead to active,
was a welcoming sight to see our          Omaha (Northwestern).                  adult memberships.
youngest members gather for fun,              National Junior meetings take          The girls take away friendships and an
activities, and fellowship.               place at the same time as each ALA     overall appreciation of the Auxiliary and
    Nationwide, ALA Junior members        Mission Training event and are         who we are, what we do, and why
build their leadership skills as they     designed to be interactive and fun.    we matter.
carry out our mission of helping          Additionally, the meetings are a way       Stay tuned to ALA national media for
veterans, military, and their families    to connect with our younger ALA        dates of future national Junior meetings
when they attend a national Junior        members and help them engage           and ALA Mission Training events.

                                                                                 year, and she would donate her time
                                                                                 for whatever she could,” Virginia
                                                                                 recalled. “She was very involved —
                                                                                 always doing something.”
                                                                                     Alivia participated in
                                                                                 extracurricular activities and was an
                                                                                 honors student at school.
                                                                                     “She loved everybody and made
                                                                                 everybody laugh,” she said. “If she
                                                                                 knew someone was having a bad day,
                                                                                 she made them smile.”
                                                                                     One thing that brought Alivia
                                                                                 great joy was animals — it didn’t
                                                                                 matter what kind. She was thinking of
FAMILY CREATES                            her family has focused on honoring     becoming a veterinarian or a marine
SCHOLARSHIP IN MEMORY                     her memory through the Alivia          biologist someday.
OF JUNIOR MEMBER                          Paige Moylan Memorial Scholarship          “She was always wanting to give
    “We just continue to honor            Fund.                                  back to the community, and I think
her,” said Virginia Moylan of her            She was very active in her local    someone like that should be honored,”
late daughter, Alivia. “She was an        American Legion Auxiliary New          Virginia said.
exceptional young girl.”                  York Unit 1113.                            Earlier this year, the Auxiliary held a
    Alivia passed away in 2020 at            “She placed flags every year with   raffle to benefit the Alivia Paige Moylan
the age of 12 following a tragic all-     her father at gravesites, she helped   Memorial Scholarship Fund. Auxiliary
terrain vehicle accident. Since then,     with the chicken barbecues every       member and local artist Judy Dimbleby

8   Auxiliary magazine | May 2022                                                     
Caregivers Reflect on Needed Respite and Support Networks - Range of emotions -
JUNIORS EARN PATCHES                   patch activities are ones they are
WHILE ATTENDING NATIONAL               already doing — they just needed
MEETINGS                               an introduction to the program
    Some of our younger ALA            process.”
Juniors were able to receive a patch       One way to earn a patch at a
or two as part of the ALA Junior       Junior meeting or a regular ALA
Activities Patch Program at this       unit meeting is through leadership
year’s national Junior meetings.       opportunities. This can include
    Many of these activities were      learning how to make a motion,
already being conducted at the         learning proper protocol for
national meetings, as well as          speaking or making a motion at an
unit meetings, giving Juniors an       ALA meeting, learning common
opportunity to earn their patches at   terms in parliamentary procedure,
the same time.                         and participating in a meeting that
    National Junior Activities         follows parliamentary procedure.         serving our country’s veterans.
Committee Western Division                 Poppy is another simple one             There are three levels to the
Chair Marge Christianson helped        that can be done at unit meetings        program: red (kindergarten through
spearhead the idea at this year’s      — read the poppy story, as a group,      third grade); gold (fourth to eighth
meetings.                              recall facts just learned, and make      grade); and blue (ninth to 12th
    “Even the most patriotic kids      poppies.                                 grade). Currently, 34 ALA Junior
have so many competing interests           Junior members, as well as           patches are available. Americanism,
and opportunities for using their      school-aged Sons of The American         Leadership, and Poppy are the most
time,” she said. “I thought it would   Legion members, may earn patches         popular patches. New this year is
be beneficial to introduce Juniors     for activities in ALA programs.          the caregiver patch for the blue
to this wonderful program while        Participating in the Patch Program       level.
we had them focused on the ALA         is a great way to be involved in            To learn more about patches,
mission with the hope that once        learning about the Auxiliary and         log in to the MyAuxiliary member
started, they would share with their   The American Legion Family,              portal at
parents and continue. Many of the      volunteering in the community, and       and select Junior Member Activities.

painted a watercolor still life        CAREGIVER BAGS                           creative artwork and messages of hope.
bouquet of poppies and donated         PROVIDE FUN, LEARNING                        “The artwork of these kids
it for the raffle, which raised over   FOR JUNIORS                              amazes me,” said Kristin Hinshaw,
$2,000 toward the fund.                    For this year’s service project at   senior program coordinator at ALA
     The scholarship will begin in     the national Junior meetings, the        National Headquarters.
2025, the year Alivia would have       girls made caregiver bags. The idea          The Juniors made an assembly
graduated from high school. It         was inspired by an ALA National          line to stuff bags with the various
will go to an honors student from      Headquarters staff member                items for caregivers, including
the Whitesboro Central School          spending hours waiting at various        notepads, pens, phone chargers, and
District who plans to major in         appointments at a U.S. Department        spray hand sanitizer.
veterinary health or healthcare.       of Veterans Affairs facility with            The bags were donated to
     Donations to the scholarship      her father. She realized some items      VA-related facilities for veteran
fund can be mailed to the              would be helpful to always have          caregivers.
Moylan residence at 20 Mohawk          with her as a caregiver.                     The project is not only a mission-
St., Whitesboro, NY 13492.                 Juniors spent time during            related activity for those attending
For further questions, please          meetings decorating the bags with        a national Junior meeting, but it’s
email Virginia at                                                               great for Juniors to take on at the                                                           unit level. Ask for similar items to
     “I feel lucky that everyone                                                be donated, decorate the bags, add
loved her so much and they                                                      the items, and take to your local VA
care for us so much,” she said.                                                 facility or similar location where
“This helps to honor her so she                                                 caregivers could use the items. Be
will never be forgotten. She was                                                creative, think outside the box, add/
amazing. She really was.”                                                       change the items, and have fun!    							                                                       May 2022 | Auxiliary magazine 9
Caregivers Reflect on Needed Respite and Support Networks - Range of emotions -

        “Use your scars for good because you never know who needs to hear
     your testimony. It can have a tremendous ripple effect around the world…”
                             American         a nasty spill on the road. While I             on how they can be supportive of
                         Legion               wasn’t seriously hurt, my ego was              those we serve to share their stories?
                         Auxiliary            most impacted due to personal                      Meet people where they are in life.
                         member               humiliation of an adult crashing               Simply put, don’t force people to share
                         Lindsay              their bike for no apparent reason. I           something they aren’t ready to, and be
                         Gutierrez,           ended up with a scraped elbow and              there to support them wherever they
                         a U.S.               shoulder and a nice imprint of my              are in their journey. When people are
                         Air Force            bike chain on my right leg.                    ready to share, they will.
                         veteran, is              Fast forward to a few months                   Just being there for someone can be
                         originally           later: I have a tremendous keloid              enough, and letting them know you’re
                         from                 scar that now carries a fun story.             there for them can be a tremendous
                         Oklahoma,            This got me thinking of the many               start in fostering trust between ALA
and now lives in Georgia with her             people I’ve encountered who have               members and their community. What
active-duty Air Force husband,                physical scars. We think to ourselves,         we want to avoid saying are the phrases,
Anthony, and many fur babies. She             I wonder how that happened? I’m a              “I’m here
works as a congressional caseworker           very inquisitive person, so it led me          if you want
for federal veteran-related issues.           to wondering even more if people               to talk” and
    From her experiences both                 would be interested in telling how             the all-too-
professionally and personally,                their physical scars occurred. I               common-
Gutierrez created The SCAR                    immediately took this thought a                but-with-
Initiative. The mission is to highlight       step further and thought, How many             good-
the various wounds we’ve all endured          people would tell of their invisible,          intention, “I
— through storytelling and how                internal scars?                                understand
these stories illuminate the courage              Mental health in America                   how you feel/                Lindsay with her
                                                                                                                     active-duty Air Force
and empowerment of participants.              is a major discussion point and                what you’re
                                                                                                                       husband, Anthony
    We are proud to have you as               something we all have struggled                going through.”
an ALA member! What does your                 with. As a veteran of the U.S. Air                 Do you have any final advice
membership mean to you?                       Force, I recognized early on in my             you want to share?
    Community, pride, and love                military career how much veterans                  Use your scars for good because you
for the men and women who have                suffer in silence because being                never know who needs to hear your
served to provide us the freedoms we          vulnerable is viewed as a sign of              testimony. It can have a tremendous
often take for granted. Being an ALA          weakness. Personally, I’ve lost too            ripple effect around the world, and
member means being a servant-                 many battle buddies to suicide, and            now, more than ever, does humanity
leader and offering care to veterans          it hurts to know if only we could              need to have people who want to make
and their families through various            have shared our story, would it have           a difference to those around them.
programs and resources, so anyone             changed the outcome?
needing a help up, not a handout,                 My goal with TSI is to help                          FACEBOOK:
can turn to the ALA for that support.         be a small catalyst in turning this                        @scarinitiative
    What inspired you to create               systemic stereotype around, where                        INSTAGRAM:
The SCAR Initiative?                          vulnerability with our physical and                        @linds_gutierrez and @scarinitiative
    The SCAR Initiative (TSI) was             invisible scars is seen as incredible
created one day as I was staring              strength and courage.                            
at one of my own physical scars                   Sometimes, members of the
located on my right elbow. I love to          military don’t always find it easy                         https://thescarinitiative.
road cycle, and over the summer I             to talk about their experiences. Do              
was out riding my bike when I took            you have any tips for ALA members

              Tell us about yourself and how you support the American Legion Auxiliary as a unit member who also loves the ALA’s mission
              of serving veterans, military, and their families. Contact us at or (317) 569-4500.

10    Auxiliary magazine | May 2022                                                                   
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Give a Birthday Gift to
      Support Veteran Caregivers
                   Join us in celebrating National President
                      Kathy Daudistel’s birthday on July 10
                    by making a gift to the ALA Foundation
               in support of veteran caregivers. Your name
                        will be signed on her birthday card!
                                                                      Use your smartphone
                                                                          camera and scan
                                                                           this code to sign
                                                                     Kathy’s birthday card!
                                                                     (or go to

                                                  The American Legion Auxiliary Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity that supports the American Legion Auxiliary.

Ensuring Our Mission of Service Endures   All gifts to the Foundation are tax-deductible as allowed by the United States Tax Code and U.S. Internal Revenue Service.
                                                                                    © American Legion Auxiliary National Headquarters. All rights reserved. 03/2022

         “Let every American wear a memorial poppy this month and let
             everyone pause, if only for a moment on Memorial Day,
         to honor those who have given their lives that we may be free.”
                            — Gen Ryan, ALA National President (1966-1967)

     There’s something about The American Legion Family presence during honor and remembrance ceremonies
     and events. The images of blue caps and blue stars somehow seem to connect us on another level to the
     servicemembers who sacrificed so much, even if we didn’t know these heroes personally. On Memorial Day
     and Veterans Day especially, we show our care, concern, and support with a salute or hand over heart. May
     we always have a special place for the fallen — and those still serving — deep in our memories forever.

     Above: Hank Lucas, American Legion Post 72 chaplain, leads a procession to the war memorials on the Southington
     Green during the Veterans Day Ceremony at American Legion Post 72, Nov. 11, 2021, in Southington, Conn.
     (Aaron Flaum/Record-Journal via Associated Press).   							                                                           May 2022 | Auxiliary magazine 13

                              What is the most valuable thing you’ve
                               learned from being part of the ALA?
  Since the                                   “As in all things, knowledge is power. The more you
 poppy is on                                  immerse yourself in the programs of the ALA, the greater
                                              your ability to honor and support our veterans and their
  your mind                                   families. I truly believe in our motto of Service Not Self.”
                                                                              — Marylou Melton, Indiana
this month…
                                              “True leadership is built from sincere service and humble
• Log in to the                               understanding that collaboration and community will
  ALA Academy to                              get us farther and have greater impact than any initiative,
  watch a recording                           project, or program we attempt alone.”
  on using poppy                                                                — Claire Moore, Virginia
  funds, where
  you’ll learn all of                         “How many things we can do for veterans, children, and
  the details of this                         our communities. Most importantly, that as much as I
  specialized area                            give, I receive much more back by doing so.”
  and connecting to                                                              — Julia Moore, Illinois
  our mission.
Log in with
                                              “Leadership. I’ve learned how to organize and reach out
your member ID                                to my unit members and veterans in the community.”
today at www.                                                             — Melissa Cannell, Missouri

                                              “All members have special talents that should be utilized,
                                              recognized, and praised. We are all here for one reason.”
                                                                           — Joanne Valletta, New York

                                              “Knowing that we all come from diverse backgrounds
                                              and have a variety of talents that can assist in the
                                              betterment of our organization, and above all can help
                                              our veterans, their families, and our communities.”
                                                                              — Cherril Threte, Indiana

                                              “Our veterans are the most valuable asset we have. They
                                              need us to stand behind them, support them, and help
                                              take care of their families.”
                                                                            — Carol K. Kottom, Minnesota

                              Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at @ALAforVeterans.
                                    You could be featured in an upcoming issue of Auxiliary.

                        14   Auxiliary magazine | May 2022               

    In 2013, Congress passed
legislation for the National Museum
of the American Indian (NMAI) to
create a National Native American
Veterans Memorial to give “all
Americans the opportunity to
learn of the proud and courageous
tradition of service of Native
Americans in the Armed Forces
of the United States.” The
memorial opened Nov. 11, 2020, in
Washington, D.C., on the grounds
of NMAI.
    The memorial is described
by the museum as “a welcoming                                                                      (Photo: Alan Karchmer/NMAI)

space for gathering, reflection,           visitors may leave prayer ties, a        with all they need; and the wind that
healing, and remembrance, a place          traditional sacred buddle of tobacco     will carry the prayers and memories
to honor the sacrifices and service        used as an offering of gratitude.        of visitors skyward.
of generations of Native veterans.”        The seals of the five branches of the        The water pulsing across the
The memorial titled Warriors’ Circle       armed forces are on a nearby wall.       surface of the drum is echoed by
of Honor was designed by Harvey                                                     concentric rings in the stone of the
Pratt, a member of the Cheyenne            Symbolism of the design                  walkways, suggesting the beat of a
and Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma.                The museum describes the             drum calling people to gather within
Pratt, a retired forensic artist, is a     meaning of the memorial as               the circle.
Marine Corps Vietnam veteran,              timeless and inclusive, honoring all
and a Southern Cheyenne Peace              Native American, Alaska Native,          First landmark in D.C. to focus on
Chief. The museum conducted an             and Native Hawaiian veterans, as         contribution of American Indians
international competition to select        well as the families who support             This is the first national landmark
the design for the memorial and was        them. The circular design suggests a     in Washington, D.C. to focus on the
chosen through a juried, two-stage         sacred circle, the cycles of time and    contributions of American Indians,
process.                                   life, and the movement of the stars      Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians
                                           and planets.                             who served in the military. In a June
A place to reflect and heal                    According to the museum, the         2018 press release on the memorial’s
    Per the museum’s website, the          circle is relevant to many Native        selection, NMAI wrote that Native
memorial’s focal point is a large,         American cultures in the shape of        Americans serve at a higher rate per
vertical stainless-steel circle, sitting   a drum and of circles for dance,         capita than any other population
atop a low, carved stone drum form,        storytelling, and prayer. The            group, and that few outside the
at the center of a circular gathering      memorial incorporates the elements       military and American Indian
space. Water flows continuously            of fire, representing strength,          Nations know that Native people
outward from the center of the             courage, endurance, and comfort;         have served in the U.S. armed forces
drum, and a fire may be lit at the         water, signifying purification and       since the American Revolution and
base of the steel circle on ceremonial     prayer; earth, which provides people     continue to serve today.
    A circular seating area may
be entered at the four cardinal                                     See the Museum in Person
directions from a surrounding                                       NMAI will host a dedication ceremony to honor Native
walkway called the Path of                                          veterans and their families on Veterans Day 2022.
Harmony, respecting different                                       Visiting the Memorial: The outside memorial is open
cultural practices regarding the                                    every day, 24 hours a day, and can be visited for free.
appropriate direction from which                                    Location: 4th St SW, Washington, DC
to enter the central space. There are
four vertical spears or lances where    							                                                          May 2022 | Auxiliary magazine 15

                                                                              or contact you for more information,
                                                                              if needed. Be sure to include pertinent
                                                                              details like the Five W’s — who (was
                                                                              involved), what (happened), where
                                                                              (event or activity was held), when
                                                                              (date), and why (was the event,
                                                                              etc., held). Remember: The more
                                                                              information and details you include,
                                                                              the better we’re able to showcase it in
                                                                              ALA media, so tell us everything!
                                                                              Strike a pose: There’s
                                                                              nothing to it
                                                                                  Photos should reflect the ALA
                                                                              mission and values. Please consider
                                                                              photos with smiling, positive people
                                                                              actively engaged in serving veterans,
                                                                              military, and their families. Examples
                                                                              are volunteers handing out items to
DID YOU HEAR THE AMAZING THINGS                                               veterans at a stand down, or members
                                                                              of The American Legion Family
OUR MEMBERS ARE DOING?                                                        fully branded and serving current
    Do you have an inspirational      or across our many social media         servicemembers’ families at an event.
Auxiliary or American Legion          platforms @ALAforVeterans.
                                                                              How to submit your story
Family story to share with the
                                      Why share your success                     To submit your story online, visit
world? The story may be your
own or one about a fellow
                                          Members often mention how           submissions. Please be sure to read
member or a member of your
                                      our programs and being involved         the suggestions and requirements for
family involved in our programs
                                      in our organization have changed        images and content, and then submit
or military service.                                                          your content using the online form.
                                      their lives. As an organization and
    We’re always looking for
                                      as a community of volunteers,           The people with the red pens
stories and photos about you for
                                      we love hearing the inspiring           (our editors)
our magazine, blog, newsletters,
                                      stories behind every program,               Please note that if used in ALA
and social media platforms. We
                                      every member, and every mission         media, all submitted items are
want you to help us show the
                                      moment. By sharing your success         subject to our editing process. Besides
world what we do and why we
                                      stories, you can provide inspiration    typos — they happen to the best
                                      and motivations to all members          of us — we’re checking for clarity,
    Members of all ages and from
                                      who are part of our mission.            style, and format. By submitting
all organizations of The American
                                      Sending us your inspiring stories       material, you acknowledge that you
Legion Family are welcome
                                      and photos of members working           are legally entitled to distribute the
to submit content for possible
                                      our mission or enjoying one of our      work and allow it to be redistributed.
inclusion in ALA media. We
                                      many mission outreach programs          We may use such materials with or
invite you to share your success
                                      helps us to connect with current        without your name and for any lawful
stories and tell us how you as
                                      members, future members, donors,        purpose, including, for example, such
a member, your local unit or
                                      and advocates.                          purposes as publicity, illustration,
department, Legion Family, or any
                                                                              advertising, and web-related content.
of your fellow members or family      Writing tips: What kind of
members are making a difference       information should I include            Do you have their permission?
in the lives of veterans, military,   in my story?                               In providing photos, you represent
and their families. Your story           The more information, the            that you own all copyrights and have
could be shared in the national       better! Don’t worry about your          been given the authority by each
quarterly Auxiliary magazine,         writing skills or being a wordsmith     individual depicted in the photograph
shared on the national website        — just tell us your story as best you   to provide photos to ALA National
at,            can, and we can take it from there      Headquarters.
16   Auxiliary magazine | May 2022                                                 

                                         meaningfully appealing art piece           tiny, doesn’t mean it has no value or
                                         hanging on the wall.                       significance. If you have details about
                                             “Our American Legion post              the item, log that too.
                                         was building a brand new building
                                         in 1959,” said Coral May Grout,            Store safely, then learn value
                                         member of Unit 193. “Dad was                   In the case of Post 193’s Rockwell
                                         on the committee and was asked             painting, Grout said that in 1982,
                                         to obtain donations from local             a man attending a party at the post
                                         Winchendon notables. He visited            offered to purchase the painting for
                                         Rev. Wilfred Tisdell, pastor of the        $500. The commander at the time
                                         Catholic Church, at his lovely home.       stopped and thought, If this guy wants
                                         Father Tisdell invited Dad to go           to pay $500, how much is it really
                                         upstairs to the art gallery where          worth? The post then contacted the
                                         about 25 original paintings were           Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge,
                                         housed. Rev. Tisdell asked him if          Mass., to give a ballpark figure on its
                                         he had selected a painting, and Dad        value. Museum staff were shocked
                                         responded, ‘Yes.’ So, the two of them      that the painting was never stolen or
TREASURE: This Norman Rockwell           went upstairs and Dad pointed out          damaged all those years.
painting, part of The American           his choice.”                                   The easiest way you can protect
Legion Post 193 Family in                    The painting was a Norman              items in your post home: Look
Winchendon, Mass., sold at auction       Rockwell original titled, Home for         for harmful factors like sunlight,
last year for $3.6 million (photo/       Thanksgiving, a 35-by-33 inch oil          uncontrolled temperature, and
Norman Rockwell Museum).                 on canvas and the Nov. 24, 1945,           cigarette smoke — all of these can
YOU MIGHT HAVE A                         cover of The Saturday Evening Post.        severely impair the value of your
                                         Commissioned for the magazine,             historical property. The next step is to
                                         the painting tells the tale of the first   get it appraised. These trained experts
                                         Thanksgiving after the Allies’ victory.    will carefully examine your materials
Collecting, protecting, and
                                         In November 2021, it was sold at           and offer a value amount, as well as
financing: What you need to know
                                         auction for $3.6 million.                  ways to properly insure them.
    It’s a familiar sight at the
community American Legion Family         Assess your archives                       Archiving takes time
post home — trinkets large and               When was the last time a member            Rome wasn’t built in a day, and
small hanging on walls, positioned in    of your post home went through             neither will assessing your archives. It
glass curio cabinets, and sometimes,     everything and thoroughly studied          takes time to sift through records, and
stuffed in a closet … untouched for      each item? Has it been years? Or has       you don’t have to make decisions right
years.                                   it ever been done? Include a blast in      away about what to do with valuable
    When you’re older than a century     your next newsletter asking for help       items.
like The American Legion and ALA,        from the trusted history buffs. You            “It was thanks to my dad that
you’re bound to have archives and        might be surprised at how much             this even happened,” Grout said.
sentimental items placed in every        people really want to be involved.         “With the pandemic, much revenue
nook and cranny around the house.            Dig through boxes, trunks, and         didn’t come in from weddings, post
    But what about all that stuff?       cabinets … and then some. Even the         funeral events, art shows, and other
What if something in your collection     most organized places can contain          events. Without money, things
is more than just a ticket from a        objects that lost their way at one         couldn’t get done. I visited my dad’s
dance event hosted by the hall in the    point or another. Suit up with dust        grave at the Massachusetts State
1950s? What if that silver dish you      masks and head to the attic — you          Veterans Cemetery prior to the sale
thought was a pretty memento was         might come across a box that was           of the painting, and I asked Dad if he
actually an item of value?               once considered junk from members          wanted me to continue to ‘fight’ the
    Last year, a painting belonging      of yore and stored out of the way.         sale or agree to it. Dad came to me
to The American Legion Post                  Be sure to log every item that’s       in the middle of the next night and
193 Family in Winchendon,                part of your post home history, even       said three words: ‘Let it go.’ Then he
Mass., became more than just a           the small things. Just because it’s        disappeared. So, I let it go.”

           Did your American Legion post home discover a now-valuable item, or even something of significance
           to your local community? Tell us about it! Contact   							                                                           May 2022 | Auxiliary magazine 17

    Honoring and supporting the
sacrifice of those who serve is the
foundation of the American Legion
Auxiliary’s mission. Although
Auxiliary members are dedicated to
helping our nation’s heroes every day,
Veterans Day — Nov. 11 — is the one       to do with your Auxiliary unit for            3. Laminate paper. Trim.
day set aside annually to specifically    Veterans Day? These handmade                  4. Punch a hole at the top of the
show gratitude for all of our veterans    bookmarks can be completed by              bookmark. Thread your cord or string
and servicemembers.                       younger members, older members,            through.
    It’s impossible to compensate         and everyone in between. This is a            5. Spell out your message with the
veterans for their great personal         great project to express gratitude in a    beads.
sacrifice, but we can honor them          meaningful way. Thank a veteran for           6. String the beads in order.
on Veterans Day by demonstrating          their service by drawing a thoughtful      Personal thank-you cards
our deep appreciation for all they’ve     picture or writing a heartfelt message     for veterans
done. Traditionally, Veterans Day         on the bookmark. Give these
is observed with local parades,                                                          Often the most memorable and
                                          handmade gifts to veterans at your         encouraging gifts our veterans will
dinners, and celebrations, but there      local U.S. Department of Veteran
are countless other ways to show                                                     receive, personal thank-you cards/letters
                                          Affairs medical centers to show your       with special messages for the veterans
your appreciation to veterans on this     appreciation.
special holiday, and now is the time                                                 in your life will let them know how
to start planning for them.               Materials needed:                          grateful you are for their sacrifices.
    Beyond in-person events and               • Posterboard/cardstock                Card suggestions:
volunteer activities, try giving back         • Clear laminate paper                     • The message you write should
to veterans through kind words and            • Red and blue markers, crayons,       speak from the heart.
artistic projects. These small acts       glitter, and/or stickers                       • It can look any way you want it to.
of kindness come from the heart               • Cord/thick string                    Make it simple, or be creative — the
and will be treasured by our past             • Alphabet beads and other             possibilities are endless.
servicemembers forever. Honor             decorative patriotic beads                     • Ask your Auxiliary unit and Junior
military veterans and educate our         Directions:                                members to make cards and slip them into
youth about the importance of                1. Cut a bookmark shape from            local veterans’ mailboxes, or give them to
Veterans Day this Nov. 11 with these      the posterboard.                           Legionnaires at your post home.
craft ideas:                                 2. Write a special message and              Make Veterans Day cards during an
Handmade patriotic bookmark               decorate the bookmark however              ALA meeting, and contact your local VA
     Looking for a creative craft         you want.                                  facility to schedule a time to deliver them.

Insert the missing numbers one to nine exactly once in every row, column, and 3x3 square. The three Sudoku games below
are in order of beginner, newspaper style, and hard. Answers are found on page 49.

18    Auxiliary magazine | May 2022                                                        

    As members of the American
Legion Auxiliary, we are committed
to honoring the sacrifice of those
who serve by enhancing the lives
of our veterans, military, and their
families. Cameron Cruse and Lisa
Bradley, co-founders of R.Riveter,
created a company that echoes this
commitment. Co-recipients of the
2017 American Legion Auxiliary
Woman of the Year Award, and
both military spouses, Cruse and
Bradley experienced firsthand the
struggles of finding employment
while supporting their military
spouses and families through
constant relocation. Out of that
struggle, R.Riveter was born with
a mission to help military spouses
and their families find employment
that was both stable and mobile.
The company makes one-of-a-kind
handbags, each with a unique story
stemming not only from the process      to Pillar, a marketplace of home         Instagram, auctioning off two one-of-
of crafting each item, but also from    decor and accessories handmade by        a-kind handbags from their Heirloom
the materials used.                     military spouses.                        collection and donating 100% of
    “R.Riveter doesn’t hire military        Today, R.Riveter employs 29 local    proceeds to the ALA. The Heirloom
spouses to make handbags. We            Riveters and 48 remote Riveters.         collection is a program that transforms
make handbags to hire military          That title, and the company’s name,      a loved one’s military uniform, blanket,
spouses and create a greater sense of   pay tribute to the iconic image of       duffel bag, or other materials into a
mission,” reads a description from      “Rosie the Riveter.” Each Riveter has    personalized handbag with memories.
the company’s website at rriveter.      a special ID number stamped on                The auctions, which raised $1,910
com.                                    the R.Riveter product at whatever        for the ALA, featured a handbag
    What started as two women           stage in the journey the handbag is      crafted from a 1955 USAF Greatcoat
working out of an attic has quickly     in. Every handmade bag can have          and a Marine Corps dress jacket.
grown to a network of military          as many as five Riveters working         Today, their reinvention as stylish
spouses across the country. After       on it throughout the process,            accessories will remind everyone of
a 2014 Kickstarter campaign and         including working on leather,            the stories being told, the stories never
the subsequent 2015 opening of a        canvas, or within the store. When        known, and the duty to keep honoring
brick-and-mortar store in North         all of the pieces come together to       their tales.
Carolina, Cruse and Bradley were        culminate in a bag, the final product         The auctions earlier this year are
able to further grow R.Riveter          carries the Riveters’ stories with it,   part of a few to be held throughout
with an appearance on the reality       wherever it goes.                        2022, each of which will see 100% of
TV show Shark Tank for budding              Stories such as these have           proceeds designated to serve veterans,
entrepreneurs, plus an investment       been on display through a recent         military, and their families.
by Mark Cuban in 2016. Since            partnership between the ALA and              If you would like to find your own
Shark Tank, R.Riveter has opened a      R.Riveter. In January and March,         unique way of giving back, visit www.
new warehouse and launched Post         R.Riveter hosted auctions through

             The ALA and R.Riveter have partnered to provide ALA members with a unique 20% discount that can be
             accessed at To participate in a future auction and to stay
             up to date with both R.Riveter and the ALA, follow @rriveterbags and @ALAforVeterans on Instagram.                                                                  May 2022 | Auxiliary magazine 19
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