SPONSORSHIP September 22 - 23, 2022 Bad Sobernheim, Germany - www.carhs.de/ADAS

Page created by Alexander Flores
SPONSORSHIP September 22 - 23, 2022 Bad Sobernheim, Germany - www.carhs.de/ADAS
September 22 – 23, 2022
Bad Sobernheim, Germany
                                                    Your contact
                                             Constantin Hoffmann
                                            Tel +49-6023-964089
               www.carhs.de/ADAS   constantin.hoffmann@carhs.de
SPONSORSHIP September 22 - 23, 2022 Bad Sobernheim, Germany - www.carhs.de/ADAS
The ADAS Experience, September 22 – 23, 2022, Bad Sobernheim, Germany | China (October 2022)                                              PRINT           ONLINE           EVENTS

The ADAS Experience, September 22 – 23, 2022 | Bad Sobernheim, Germany
China (October 2022)
The ADAS Experience condenses all relevant development framework conditions such as requirements, technical principles and
development and release methods into a theory day, followed by a practical day on the test track. Various test scenarios will be
performed and examples of how the test technology can be used will be shown live in the test setup.

                Target Groups                                                                                        Participants of the last years
                                                                4activeSystems • ADAC e. V. • Altran Concept Tech • AMFD - Auto Mobil Forschung Dresden • Anthony Best Dynamics • AUDI • AUREL CZ • Autoliv • AZT
                                                                Automotive • BASELABS • BASt - Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen • Belron International • Bertrandt Ingenieurbüro • BGF Corporation • BMW • carhs.
The ADAS Experience is targeted to all who                      training • Centre for Automotive Safety Research • UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE • Charge Automotive • Continental Safety Engineering International • Daimler
are involved in the development process of                      • DEKRA • Dewetron • DSD - Dr. Steffan Datentechnik • DTC Navigation & Security Solutions • Dynamic Research • EDAG • ELMOS Semiconductor • Ford
safety-relevant driver assistance systems.                      Research & Advanced Engineering Europe • FronTone • Gebr. Bode • GeneSys Elektronik • GLOBALAUTOREGS.COM • Hella • Hochschule Ingolstadt • Hoff-
                                                                mann Consulting • Humanetics Europe • IAV Entwicklungszentrum Chemnitz/Stollberg • IDIADA • IHS Automotive • IIHS Highway Loss Data Institute • IPG
                                                                Automotive • Jaguar Land Rover • Japan Automobile Research Institute (JARI) • Johannes Kepler Universität Linz • Kistler Automotive • Leopold Kostal •
Anyone wishing to expand their network                          MAN Truck & Bus • MESSRING Systembau MSG • Michelin • Mobileye Vision Technologies • Moshon Data • MVI TVS Technische Versuchs- und Service •
will find interesting contacts from all                         NASVA • Opel Automobile • Oxford Technical Solutions • PSW automotive engineering • Racelogic • Robert Bosch • SBD - Secured by Design • Shumway
areas of system development, system                             Law PLLC • SKODA AUTO • Stähle • TASS International • Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt • Technische Universität Braunschweig • Technische Universität
integration, regulations and testing.                           Dresden • Thatcham - The Motor Insurance Repair Research Centre • TÜV Rheinland Kraftfahrt • TÜV Süd Auto Service • TÜV SÜD Czech • Ultimate Car
                                                                Control UK • University of Nottingham • University of Warwick • Valeo • Vehico • Verkehrsunfallforschung an der TU Dresden • Volkswagen • Volvo Car
                                                                Corporation • Zenuity

                                     Sponsors of the last years                                                               Topics

                                                                                                             Real World Data • Current and
                                                                                                             Future Requirements • Consu-
                                                                                                             mer Testing • Testing Hardware •

                                                                                                             Simulation Tools • AEB/AES Tes-
             Safer Mobility
                   Mobility.                                                                                 ting • Data Evaluation • u.v.m.

The ADAS Experience, September 22 – 23, 2022, Bad Sobernheim, Germany | China (October 2022)                         PRINT             ONLINE            EVENTS

 Packages                                       Silver                             Gold                        Platinum

 free conference
 tickets including                                 1                                  3                            3

 Logo placement/
 size*                                          small                            medium                         large

 Exhibition space
 on conference day                                 –                                                             
 Exhibition space
 on demo day                                       –                                                             
 Company brochure
 as a supplement in the                            –                                  –                           
 event app

 Demonstration on the
 demo day with introduction                        –                                  –                           
 on the conference day

 Exhibition area                                                                  2x1 m                        2x1 m
                                         width max. 1 m
 for further tickets                            10 %                               15 %                         20 %

                                            EUR 2,400                         EUR 5,200                    EUR 6,100
 Prices                                     CN¥ 19000                         CN¥ 41000                    CN¥ 48000
                                          Order No. ADAS2022-01              Order No. ADAS2022-02        Order No. ADAS2022-03

 Optional Sponsor
                                                                               EUR 1,900
 evening event                                                                 CN¥ 15000
                                                                             Order No. ADAS2022-04

                                                                                                                                  OUR PARTNER – TRIWO Group
                                                                  Extra                                                           The TRIWO Group has been serving customers throughout auto-
                                                                                                                                  motive development processes since 2003. The former NATO-
                                                                                                                                  Airfield was previously used by an automotive manufacturer for
 Benefit                                         Your brochure as download in the Event APP                                       in-house tests. The 3 km runway was utilised to test a wide variety
                                                                                                                                  of vehicle components. Today TRIWO offer a comprehensive range
                                                                                      EUR 800                                     of tracks and facilities at our manufacturer independent proving
 Price                                                                               CN¥ 6300                                     grounds for international and national automotive manufacturers
                                                                                  Order No. ADAS2022-05
                                                                                                                                  and suppliers to test vehicle components and systems. A wide
All prices exclude V.A.T.
                                                                                                                                  range of testing and trial situations can be carried out on the
                                                                                                                                  modern and expansive proving ground: from use of the 3 km high-
* L ogo placement: Conference flyer, cover page, presentation during conference breaks,
   logo and weblink on web page and in email newsletters.                                                                         way simulation, over the multifunctional test areas to the highly
                                                                                                                                  modern wet handling track.
Order form – Fax +49 (0) 6023 / 96 40 70

 Article Description                       Order No.      Quantity    Unit Price   Full Price






                                                                                                ZIP CODE, CITY

carhs.training gmbh
Siemensstraße 12, 63755 Alzenau, Germany
Fax: +49 (0) 6023 / 96 40 70                                                                    ADDITIONAL INVOICE DATA (OPTIONAL)
E-Mail: info@carhs.de

                                                                                                VAT ID*
 COMMENTS (e.g. Placement requests, ...)

                                                                                                DATE, SIGNATURE

Our general terms and conditions apply, find under www.carhs.de/agb

* VAT ID only for orders from countries within the EU (excluding Germany).                      COMPANY STAMP
All prices are in Euro and subject to VAT.
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