Sponsorship overview 2017-2018 - International Documentary ...

Page created by Sean Rice
Sponsorship overview 2017-2018 - International Documentary ...
Sponsorship overview 2017-2018 - International Documentary ...
We create customized sponsorship packages with some or all of
the following events and benefits to achieve your marketing and
advertising goals.

About the IDA                                                                                       Contact
The International Documentary Association (IDA) is dedicated to building and serving                Jina Lim
the needs of a thriving documentary culture. Through its programs, the IDA provides                 Development Manager -
resources, creates community, and defends the rights and freedoms of documentary                    Corporate Sponsorships and Individual Giving
artists, activists, and journalists.                                                                (213) 232-1660 x 211

Audience Demographics

           female                               18-24 2%                                 49%
            51%                                25-34 21%
                                               35-44 36%
            male                                                                       43%
                                               45-54 26%
            49%                                                                         other
                                               55-64 11%
                                                 65+ 4%                                  8%

Engagement                           Reach

Members: 2,000                       Documentary magazine              documentary.org visitors locations:     documentary.org
                                     circulation per issue: 5,000      59% United States                       average monthly unique visitors:
Events attendance: 7,000
                                                                       8%    United Kingdom                    47,000
Twitter followers: 25,800                                              5%    Canada
                                     20,000 subscribers
Facebook likes: 22,800                                                 3%    Australia
                                     17-20% open rate
                                                                       3%    India
LinkedIn members: 15,700             3-6% click-through rate
Sponsorship overview 2017-2018 - International Documentary ...
primary sponsorship
Educational Programs                       IDA Enterprise                              Documentary
                                           Documentary Fund                            Screening Series
The IDA’s educational programs
include a year-round series of classes,    The brand-new IDA Enterprise                The IDA Documentary Screening Series
conversations, panels and workshops        Documentary Fund, with major support        is a curated program of screenings
focusing on the art, craft and business    from The John D. and Catherine T.           that brings some of the year’s best
of documentary filmmaking. The             MacArthur Foundation, provides              documentary films to members of the
Conversation Series features in-           production and development funds            IDA, the Academy of Motion Picture
depth discussions with prominent           to feature-length documentary films         Arts and Sciences, and industry guilds
documentary filmmakers on their            taking on in-depth explorations of          with the goal of increasing voting
creative practices and careers, and        original, contemporary stories and          participation in the documentary award
appeal to a broader audience.              integrating journalistic practice into      categories.
Date: Year-round                           the filmmaking process. In addition
                                                                                       Date: September-December 2017
                                           to funds, grantees receive additional
Audience: Over 2,000 highly engaged        resources and expertise tailored to the     Audience: 800-1,000 documentary
documentary filmmakers interested          needs of the project.                       filmmakers, industry executives, and
in learning about and discussing the                                                   guild members (including AMPAS,
latest techniques and creative trends in   Date: Year-round
                                                                                       WGA, DGA, PGA).
documentary.                               Audience: Over 300 working
                                           documentary filmmakers and journalists
                                           interested in getting significant funding
                                           for their projects and learning about
                                           resources for documentary journalism.
Sponsorship overview 2017-2018 - International Documentary ...
33rd Annual                               DocuDay LA                                Getting Real:
IDA Documentary Awards                                                              Documentary Film
                                          DocuDay LA is an annual screening
                                          event in celebration of the feature and
                                                                                    Conference 2018
This highly anticipated annual event
is held in early December and honors      short documentaries nominated for an
                                          Academy Award®.                           Getting Real is the IDA’s biennial
the best documentaries of the year.                                                 filmmaker-to-filmmaker conference
The event is attended by the industry’s   Date: February 2018                       that brings filmmakers and others in the
most prominent filmmakers, network                                                  documentary field together to discuss
moguls, celebrity presenters, and more.   Audience: Over 1,000 documentary
                                                                                    and move forward on the critical issues
                                          film lovers, filmmakers, and industry
Date: December 2017                                                                 facing the documentary community.
                                          professionals gather to celebrate the
Audience: The Awards attracts 600         features and shorts nominated for an      Participants in Getting Real 2016
socially and politically connected        Oscar®, with back-to-back screenings      included such filmmakers as Steve
influencers from the documentary          and filmmaker Q&As all day.               James, Ava DuVernay, Shola Lynch,
film community, as well as filmmakers                                               Laura Poitras, James Risen, Raoul
interested in learning about and                                                    Peck, Grace Lee, Joe Berlinger, Sam
discussing the latest techniques and                                                Pollard, Gordon Quinn, Stanley Nelson,
creative trends in documentary.                                                     Brett Morgen, Tabitha Jackson, Kirsten
                                                                                    Johnson, Ezra Edelman.

                                                                                    Date: Fall 2018

                                                                                    Audience: 800 engaged documentary
                                                                                    filmmakers, scholars, and industry
                                                                                    professionals gathered together to
                                                                                    discuss critical issues in the field.
Sponsorship overview 2017-2018 - International Documentary ...
                                                                                                               Photo courtesy of Mark Hayes


 Sponsorship benefits may include the                           For multi-event sponsors, we offer added
 following, depending upon event and                            bonus advertising from the following IDA
 sponsorship level:                                             channels:
 •   Event sponsor acknowledgement                              •   Print ads in Documentary magazine
 •   Complimentary tickets and/or passes to events              •   Web banners on documentary.org
 •   Reserved VIP seating at events                             •   Sponsored posts in our Weekly Digests (every Tuesday)
 •   Opportunity for booth space at event                       •   Sponsored eblasts to our mailing lists
 •   Opportunity for commercial spot before each screening      •   Sponsored banner in eNewsletter (e-magazine)
 •   Hyperlinked logo on event marketing collateral and event
 •   Opportunity to distribute sponsor materials at events
 •   Listing in IDA’s donor acknowledgement page on the web
     and in print
 •   Step and repeat displaying IDA and sponsor logos
 •   Opportunities to participate on panels
 •   On-site signage throughout the events
 •   Advertisements in event programs
 •   Opportunities to create branded creative awards for
 •   Red carpet and Winners’ Circle exclusive packages
we champion
                                   documentary films and
                                filmmakers and the impact
                                  they have on the world.

3470 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 980
Los Angeles, CA 90010
(213) 232-1660

documentary.org                                  Cover and back photos courtesy of AMPAS
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