Solemnity of Mary January 1, 2023 - Church of the Holy Angels

Page created by Jonathan Bradley
Solemnity of Mary January 1, 2023 - Church of the Holy Angels
January 1, 2023
                                                             Solemnity of Mary

                                    Photo credit: KristynBrownPhoto on Etsy
               TheSaints Project-A Modern Portrayal of Catholic Saints. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

18205 Chillicothe Road                       440-708-0000              
Chagrin Falls, Oh 44023                                              
Solemnity of Mary January 1, 2023 - Church of the Holy Angels

Dear brothers and sisters in Rome and throughout the world, happy Christmas!

May the Lord Jesus, born of the Virgin Mary, bring to all of you the love of God, wellspring of confidence and
hope, together with the gift of the peace proclaimed by the angels to the shepherds of Bethlehem: “Glory to
God in the highest heaven and on earth peace to those whom he favours” (Lk 2:14).

On this festive day, we turn our gaze to Bethlehem. The Lord comes to the world in a stable and is laid in a
manger for animals, since his parents could find no room in the inn, even though the time had come for Mary
to give birth. He comes among us in silence and in the dark of night, because the word of God needs no
spotlights or loud human voices. He is himself the Word that gives life its meaning, he is the Light that
brightens our path. “The true light, which enlightens everyone” – the Gospel tells us – “was coming into the
world” (Jn 1:9).

Jesus is born in our midst; he is God with us. He comes to accompany our daily lives, to share with us in all
things: our joys and sorrows, our hopes and fears. He comes as a helpless child. He is born in the cold night,
poor among the poor. In need of everything, he knocks at the door of our heart to find warmth and shelter.

Like the shepherds of Bethlehem, surrounded by light, may we set out to see the sign that God has given us.
May we overcome our spiritual drowsiness and the shallow holiday glitter that makes us forget the One
whose birth we are celebrating. Let us leave behind the hue and din that deadens our hearts and makes us
spend more time in preparing decorations and gifts than in contemplating the great event: the Son of God
born for us.

Brothers and sisters, let us turn our eyes to Bethlehem, and listen to the first faint cries of the Prince of
Peace. For truly Jesus is our peace. The peace that the world cannot give, the peace that God the Father has
bestowed on humanity by sending his Son into the world. Saint Leo the Great summed up the message of
this day in a concise Latin phrase: Natalis Domini, natalis est pacis: “the Lord’s birth is the birth of
peace” (Serm. 26, 5).

Jesus Christ is also the way of peace. By his incarnation, passion, death and resurrection, he has opened the
way that leads from a world closed in on itself and oppressed by the dark shadows of enmity and war, to a
world that is open and free to live in fraternity and peace. Brothers and sisters, let us follow that road! Yet in
order to do so, to be able to walk behind Jesus, we must divest ourselves of the burdens that weigh us down
and block our way.

What are those burdens? What is that dead weight? The same negative forces that prevented King Herod
and his court from acknowledging and welcoming the birth of Jesus: attachment to power and money, pride,
hypocrisy, falsehood. These forces hold us back from going to Bethlehem; they exclude us from the grace of
Christmas and they block the entrance to the path of peace. Indeed, we must acknowledge with sorrow that,
even as the Prince of Peace is given to us, the icy winds of war continue to buffet humanity.

If we want it to be Christmas, the Birth of Jesus and of peace, let us look to Bethlehem and contemplate the
face of the Child who is born for us! And in that small and innocent face, let us see the faces of all those
children who, everywhere in the world, long for peace.

Let us also see the faces of our Ukrainian brothers and sisters who are experiencing this Christmas in the
dark and cold, far from their homes due to the devastation caused by ten months of war. May the Lord
inspire us to offer concrete gestures of solidarity to assist all those who are suffering, and may he enlighten
the minds of those who have the power to silence the thunder of weapons and put an immediate end to this
Solemnity of Mary January 1, 2023 - Church of the Holy Angels
“Urbi Et Orbi” Message of
                                                                               His Holiness Pope Francis
senseless war! Tragically, we prefer to heed other counsels, dictated by worldly ways of thinking. Yet who is
listening to the voice of the Child?

Our time is experiencing a grave famine of peace also in other regions and other theatres of this third world
war. Let us think of Syria, still scarred by a conflict that has receded into the background but has not ended.
Let us think too of the Holy Land, where in recent months violence and confrontations have increased,
bringing death and injury in their wake. Let us beseech the Lord that there, in the land that witnessed his
birth, dialogue and efforts to build mutual trust between Palestinians and Israelis may resume. May the Child
Jesus sustain the Christian communities living in the Middle East, so that each of those countries can
experience the beauty of fraternal coexistence between individuals of different faiths. May the Christ Child
help Lebanon in particular, so that it can finally rebound with the help of the international community and
with the strength born of fraternity and solidarity. May the light of Christ illumine the region of the Sahel,
where peaceful coexistence between peoples and traditions is disrupted by conflict and acts of violence. May
that light lead to a lasting truce in Yemen and to reconciliation in Myanmar and Iran, and an end to all
bloodshed. May it inspire the political authorities and all people of good will in the Americas to attempt to
calm the political and social tensions experienced by various countries; I think in particular of the people of
Haiti wo have been suffering for a long time.

On this day, as we sit around a well-spread table, may we not avert our gaze from Bethlehem, a town whose
name means “house of bread, but think of all those, especially children, who go hungry while huge amounts
of food daily go to waste and resources are being spent on weapons. The war in Ukraine has further
aggravated this situation, putting entire peoples at risk of famine, especially in Afghanistan and in the
countries of the Horn of Africa. We know that every war causes hunger and exploits food as a weapon,
hindering its distribution to people already suffering. On this day, let us learn from the Prince of Peace and,
starting with those who hold political responsibilities, commit ourselves to making food solely an instrument
of peace. And as we enjoy gathering with our loved ones, let us think of families that experience great
hardship and those that, in this time of economic crisis, are struggling as a result of unemployment and
lacking in the necessities of life.

Dear brothers and sisters, today as then, Jesus, the true light, comes into a world severely sick with
indifference, a world that does not welcome him (cf. Jn 1:11) and indeed rejects him, as it does with many
foreigners, or ignores him, as we all too often do with the poor. Today may we not forget the many displaced
persons and refugees who knock at our door in search of some comfort, warmth and food. Let us not forget
the marginalized, those living alone, the orphans, the elderly – who are wisdom for their people – who risk
being set aside, and prisoners, whom we regard solely for the mistakes they have made and not as our fellow
men and women.

Brothers and sisters, Bethlehem shows us the simplicity of God, who reveals himself not to the wise and the
intelligent but to the little ones, to those with a pure and open heart (cf. Mt 11:25). Like the shepherds, let us
too set out in haste and allow ourselves to be amazed by the unthinkable event of God who becomes man for
our salvation. He, the source of all good, makes himself poor, [1] asking as alms our own poor humanity. Let
us allow ourselves to be deeply moved by the love of God. And let us follow Jesus, who stripped himself of
his glory in order to give us a share in his fullness. [2]

Pope Francis
[1] Cf. SAINT GREGORY NAZIANZEN , Or. 45.                    [2] Cf. ibid.

                 New Registrations:
                 All are welcome! To make Holy Angels your home, please visit our website
                 at Click on the link FORMS and select
                 Register. Once you complete the registration form someone from The
                 Parish Office will contact you to schedule an appointment.
Solemnity of Mary January 1, 2023 - Church of the Holy Angels
Prayer & Worship

                                                                REST IN PEACE
                                                                   In your prayers,
                                                                      please remember…

                                                                             EMERY KOCSIS
Mass                                                                           who recently passed
                                                                                 to life eternal.
Monday January 2nd | St. Basil the Great &
                          St. Gregory Nazianzen
                                                                                         This week please remember all
 9:00 am No Mass - Church closed                                                           in our parish community,
Tuesday January 3rd |                                                                         the intentions on our
                                                                                           Prayer Ministry board and
7:00 am Patricia Pickard                                                                 our family and friends in need:
Wednesday January 4th | St. Elizabeth Ann Seton                                            ELAINE ANDONIAN
                                                                                          ADDISON BOEHNLEIN
 9:00 am Curt Dzugan and Dorothy & Max Dzugan
                                                                                              RITA GRUBE
Thursday January 5th | St. John Neumann                                                HELEN & GENE IANNUCCI
Friday January 6th | St. Andre Bessette                                                      JUNE KOCSIS
                                                                                            HUGH MORGAN
 9:00 am Christina Cole                                                                        JIM RYAN

Saturday January 7th | St. Raymond of Penafort                                       LILY, SOPHIE & MARCO TYLER
                                                                                        JIM & JOYCE WASHBURN
5:00 pm Gerri Green                                                                          TIM ZUPANIC
Sunday January 8th | The Epiphany of the Lord                       Requests               and all who have asked for
 9:00 am George Gorski                                                                             our prayers.
11:00 am Joe Kolenic

CONF = Conference     MC = Mercy Chapel
CR = Community Rm     SG = St. Gabriel Rm.                                                      JOIN US
GA = Gathering Area   SM = St. Michael Rm.    Weekly Parish Schedule
L = Library           WS = Worship Space

                                                Wednesday, January 4th               Saturday, January 7th
       Sunday, January 1st
                                             9:00 am   Mass (WS)                9:00 am     First Saturday Mass (WS)
9:00 am    Mass (WS)
                                             9:45 am Rosary (MC)                10:00 am 1st Reconciliation Class
11:00 am Mass (WS)                                 Thursday, January 5th
      Monday, January 2nd                                                       3:00 pm     Reconciliation (MC)
                                             1:00 pm   Companions on the
  Church and Parish Office Closed                      Journey Team (L)         5:00 pm     Mass (WS)
     Tuesday, January 3rd                                                       7:00 pm Spanish Mass (WS)
                                             7:00 pm  Shoulder to Shoulder
7:00 am    Mass (WS)                                  (MC)                            Sunday, January 8th

7:45 am    SoulCORE (CR)                           Friday, January 6th          9:00 am     Mass (WS)
6:30 pm    Bereavement Ministry              7:45 am   SoulCORE (CR)            10:15 am Youth Choir (WS)
           (CONF)                            9:00 am   Mass (WS)                11:00 am Mass (WS)
                                             9:30 am   Adoration (MC)           12:15 pm HAYgroup
                                             10:00 am Sew Faithful (SM)         2:00 pm     Hearts for Guatemala (SM)
Solemnity of Mary January 1, 2023 - Church of the Holy Angels
Parish Life
Helpers Needed to Take Down Christmas
We are looking for volunteers to help us on Wednesday, January 11 following the 9am Mass. We will be
taking down the angel trees and wrapping all ornaments, removing the lights from the trees, boxing trees, etc..
If you have a truck or van, your help would be greatly appreciated in assisting in getting these items to the
storage shed, and unloaded. If you are available to help please contact Scott at the Parish Office, ext. 209.
Catholic House Blessing Bags
Please be on the look out next weekend for the Catholic House Blessing Bags. We will have a small kit
prepared for your family to take filled with a house blessing, holy water, and chalk. Prepared bags will be in
the Gathering Area. Please be sure to grab your bag!
Support in Purchasing of New Vessels
To enhance the celebration of our Liturgy, we are in the process of purchasing new vessels for the sharing of
the Eucharist. We invite anyone who would like to contribute to place their donation in the collection box in
the Gathering Area. Thank you for your prayers and generosity.
End of Year Tax Statement
End of year tax statements will be available by Friday, January 20th. If you would like one, please contact the
Parish Office at 440-708-0000 ext. 331. Leave a message with your email address and it will be emailed to
you. If you would like to stop in the Parish Office to pick it up, please leave a number where you can be
reached when your statement is ready for pick up.
Angel Scholarship Fund
Through the Angel Scholarship Fund you can now contribute funds that will be used to provide tuition
assistance for students to attend our Catholic schools, and you will receive a 100% Ohio income tax credit of
up to $750 against your 2022 state tax liability. In other words, the state of Ohio allows you to "spend" some
of the state income taxes you must pay anyway to provide tuition assistance for students seeking an education
in our Catholic schools. Consider designating your funds towards St. Anselm, St. Rita, and St. Joan of Arc
schools where some of our young parishioners attend.
For more information go to:

                                         Did you know?
Do you know how many times in a Liturgical Year we celebrate Mary, the Mother of God? If you answered 11
you are correct! Mary is an important figure in the Catholic Church. Therefore we celebrate the important role
she has in our faith.
January 1 ~ Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. We honor the Blessed Mother as the Mother of Jesus Christ. This is a
holy day of obligation.
February 11 ~ Our Lady of Lourdes. This day we celebrate and commemorate the apparition of Our Blessed Mother to
St. Bernadette Soubirous at the town of Lourdes in France. Our Lady of Lourdes appeared 18 times from February 11,
1858 until July 16.
March 25 ~ The Feast of the Annunciation celebrates the Angel Gabriel announcing to the Virgin Mary that God chose
her as the mother of His own son.
May 13 ~ Our Lady of Fatima. This day we celebrate the anniversary of the apparition of Our Lady in 1917 at Fatima,
Portugal. She appeared to Lucia, who was 9, and her cousins Franco, who was 8, and Jacinta who was 6. Our Lady
visited them between May 13 1917, and October 1917.
July 16 ~ Our Lady of Mount Carmel. This day commemorates the apparition of Our Lady of St. Simon Stock, an Eng-
lish Carmelite monk. Our Lady was holding the Child Jesus in one arm and the brown scapular in the other during her
August 15 ~ The Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady marks the period of the Blessed Mother’s ascent to heaven.
August 22 ~ This celebration occurs 8 days after the Assumption. The Catholic Church honors the Queenship of the
Blessed Mother on this day. This is considered an extension or prolongation of the celebration of the Assumption.
September 8 ~ This day we celebrate the birth of Mary.
October 7 ~ October is the month of the Holy Rosary, hence it celebrates its yearly feast on this day.
December 8 ~ A holy day of obligation. We celebrate and honor the Blessed Mother who was conceived without sin.
December 12 ~ Our Lady of Guadalupe. This day we celebrate the apparition of Our Lady to the Mexican peasant Juan
Diego in 1531. This feast is important and widely celebrated in Mexico.
Solemnity of Mary January 1, 2023 - Church of the Holy Angels
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Our ministry leader, Kim Brennan, is looking for additional volunteers. At Children’s Liturgy of the Word
volunteers teach the Word of God to our young children ages 5-11. Children’s Liturgy of the Word is offered
every Sunday during our 11am Mass. All volunteers will be required to be Virtus trained per the requirements
of the Diocese of Cleveland. If you are interested, please sign up at the Information Desk, or sign up through
the Flocknote Sign up, or contact Kim Brennan at 216-785-5314. Your help is greatly needed to continue this
ministry for the younger children of this parish.
Bereavement Ministry ~ Please note our day of the week changed this month
Healing from the death of a loved one can be a difficult process, sometimes involving taking two steps forward
and one step back. To help meet the needs of those who grieve, Holy Angels has a Bereavement Ministry
Team. Members of this Team meet to plan and provide opportunities to support those walking the difficult
journey of loss. Come join us this Tuesday, January 3 at 6:30pm in the Conference Room. For information
on becoming part of this ministry, or to learn more about how this ministry might be of support to you, contact
Bernie Lahmann at 440-724-0506.
Shoulder to Shoulder Healing Prayer ~ Come Join Us!
Using the power of the Holy Spirit to lead and pray in Jesus’ name, these group meetings begin in song and
scripture, share praise reports, and offer healing prayer in small teams for the needs that arise. All are welcome
so join us Thursday, January 5 at 7:00pm in the Mercy Chapel. If you would like more information, please
contact Mary Clague at 859-816-3444.
The Five First Saturdays Devotion ~ January 7 at 9am
The Five First Saturday’s devotion is one of the principal points of the Fatima message. This Saturday we will
be celebrating the 3rd of the 5 First Saturdays. All are welcome to join us. On the First Saturday during 5
Consecutive Months, the Devotion consists of: going to confession; receiving the Sacrament of Holy
Communion; saying five decades of the Rosary; and meditating for 15 minutes on the mysteries of the Rosary.
SoulCORE ~
All are welcome to join us! SoulCORE is a movement born from the desire to nourish body and soul through
prayers of the Rosary with core strengthening and functional exercise. Anyone at any fitness level is welcome
to join us weekly in the Community Room. Join us this Tuesday, January 3 and Friday, January 6 at
7:45am in the Community Room. If you would like more information, please contact Mary Clague
at 859-816-3444.
Marriages of Grace is inviting you to join them for a night out.
Married couples are invited to a Dinner and Dance on Saturday, January 21 from 5:30-10pm at
St. Adalbert's in Berea. Join other Catholic couples from around the diocese for a beautiful night that begins
with adoration and a short reflection given by Fr. Ryan Mann. The evening continues with a reception in your
honor. A full catered dinner that includes wine and beer will be served followed by a night of dancing! In
collaboration with Margarita Selig and Lena Mekhael, Marriages of Grace invites you and your spouse to this
evening of community that celebrates your marriage. Cocktail attire is suggested. $60 per couple. Register
       Facebook:                                                                      Instagram:
Church of the Holy Angels                                                         @churchofholyangels

                                   Come follow us
                                    Social Media
Solemnity of Mary January 1, 2023 - Church of the Holy Angels
                                                                Stewardship | Our Team | Hours
                                                      Your donation is greatly appreciated.

Rev. G. Max Cole…………..………………………….Pastor
Rev. George Smiga…………….Senior Parochial Vicar
Deacon Jerry Ziemkiewicz…………………..….Deacon
Dianna Gunn…………………Business Office Assistant                        STEWARDSHIP
Jennifer Hudson……………….Ministry Coordinator &                      AN OFFERING OF YOUR
 Bulletin……………                         TREASURE FOR
Will Kesler…..………………………….Maintenance Staff
Karen Kowalewski……………………………...Custodian                           Week ending December 25, 2022
Cathy Lamanna……………...Administrative Assistant
Don Maar………..…………………….. Business Manager             Total Operating (Offering)
Pam McKnight……………………...Liturgy Coordinator           Needed per Week………………………………….$17,788.00
Olivia Plas………………Communications Coordinator          Total Sunday Offering Received:
Jodie Ricci…………………………………...Music Director            Envelopes & WeShare Online……………………$12,076.00
Jeff Taylor………………………………….. Office Support            Total Contributions for:
Scott Wojtasik………………………...Maintenance Staff           Building for Our Future ………..............................$450.00
                                                      St. Michael’s Social Concern………………….…….$85.50
                                                     Christmas Collection………………………………$33,857.00
Phone………………………………………..440-708-0808                            Thank you for your generosity!
Julie Karpowicz………..K-7 Family First Coordinator                      To contribute online
Alex Yates……………………….…….Director of Youth &                             via WeShare, visit
                         Young Adult Ministries       

                            Parish Office and Church Hours

                                        Mass Schedule:                                  Baptisms:
                                                                         Please call to schedule.
                                   Weekend Mass Schedule                 Sacramental preparation is required.
       Office Hours:
                                         Saturday: 5pm                                 Marriages:
                                      Sunday: 9am & 11am                 Wedding arrangements must be
    Monday through Friday
     8:30am to 4:30pm                                                    made at least 6 months in advance.
                                   Weekday Mass Schedule                 Please call the office before setting
                                 Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 9am         a date. Sacramental preparation is
                                          Tuesday : 7am                  required.

 18205 Chillicothe Road               440-708-0000         
 Chagrin Falls, Oh 44023                                 
Solemnity of Mary January 1, 2023 - Church of the Holy Angels
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Solemnity of Mary January 1, 2023 - Church of the Holy Angels Solemnity of Mary January 1, 2023 - Church of the Holy Angels
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