WINTER 2021 SERTICH ICE CENTER - 1705 East Pikes Peak Avenue Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (719) 385-5983 - City of ...

Page created by Billy Vargas
WINTER 2021 SERTICH ICE CENTER - 1705 East Pikes Peak Avenue Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (719) 385-5983 - City of ...

1705 East Pikes Peak Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
(719) 385-5983

WINTER 2021 SERTICH ICE CENTER - 1705 East Pikes Peak Avenue Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (719) 385-5983 - City of ...
F o r A g e s 2½ t o 6
                                         MY TOT & ME
                                         For ages 2 ½ - 3
                                         Cos t : $94. 50 pe r tot & par e nt
                                         Ac tiv it y Size : 5 to 1 s tude nt /ins t r uc tor ratio
                                         Des cr iption: This class gives mom or dad and their tot the opportunity to enjoy a fun,
                                         recreational activity together. Students learn how to sit and stand up on the ice; march in
                                         place; march forward and perform a two-foot glide with mom or dad’s help on the ice to
                                         provide a little e tra support. Mom or dad should have basic skating skills. This activity is
                                         designed for one tot and one parent.
    COVID-19                             Fridays: January 1 – March 19                   Saturdays: January 16 – March 20
  PRECAUTIONS                            No lessons February 12
                                         Time: 3:20 – 3: 0 PM
                                                                                         No lessons February 13
                                                                                         Time: 9:3 - 10:0 AM
Staying physically active is one of
the best ways to keep your mind          Activity # 13906                                Activity # 13907
and body healthy. Your safety and
the safety of our employees is our
                                         S N O W P L O W S A M L E V E L S 1-4
                                         For ages : 3 to 6
priority. Sertich Ice Center is taking
                                         Cos t : $94. 50 pe r pe r s on + $17 ear n to Sk ate USA me mbe r s hip f e e .
precautions to minimize the spread
                                         (Me mbe r s hip is valid Jul y 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021)
of COVID-19:
                                         Ac tiv it y Size : 5 to 1 s tude nt /ins t r uc tor ratio
• Everyone entering the facility is
  required to wear a face covering,      Dis cove r, ear n and Play :
  unless specifcally exempted by         The Snowplow Sam levels are introductory classes divided into four progressive levels
  the state mandate.                     allowing children with no prior skating e perience to build confidence while learning
• Temperature checks will be             the basic skills of skating. These classes are designed to help children si and younger
  performed on every person              develop the ABCs of movement: agility, balance, coordination and speed. The ABCs are
  entering the facility.                 essential for developing fundamental movement skills and physical literacy. All classes will
• Skaters/customers are allowed          be taught in a safe and positive environment, incorporating fun and games making class
  entry 15 minutes prior to start        time an enjoyable e perience for all.
  of lessons and must exit within
                                         Snowplow Sam 1 - Ele me nt s
  15-minutes of end of lesson or
                                         A. Sit and stand up with skates on (of-ice); B. Sit and stand up (on-ice); C. March in place;
  end of practice ice.
                                         D. March forward (8-10 steps); E. March, then glide on two feet; F. Dip in place
• Employees will clean and
  disinfect surfaces between each        Snowplow Sam 2 - Ele me nt s
  ice event                              A. March followed by a long glide; B. Dip while moving; C. Backward walking, toes turned
• Shared rental skates will be           inward, shifting weight (4-6 steps); D. Backward wiggles (6 in a row); E. Forward swizzles
  disinfected after each use             (2-3 in a row); F. Beginning snowplow stop motion (in place or holding onto barrier);
• No sharing of water bottles or         G. Two-foot hop, in place (optional)
  other high touch equipment
                                         Snowplow Sam 3 - Ele me nt s
                                         A. Forward skating (8-10 steps); B. Forward one-foot glide, two times skater’s height (R
   COVID-19 precautions may
                                         and L); C. Forward swizzles (4-6 in a row); D.. Backward two-foot glide; E. Backward
  change based on current state
                                         swizzles (2-3 in a row); F. Moving forward snowplow stop (1 or 2 feet); G. Curves
                                         Snowplow Sam 4 - Ele me nt s
     How you can help us?                A. Forward skating; B. Advanced one-foot glide (length of skater’s height); C. Backward
• If you’re feeling sick, stay home      swizzles (4-6 in a row); D. Rocking horse (one forward, one backward swizzle, repeat
  and visit another time                 twice); E. Two-foot turns from forward to backward (in place, both directions); F. Two-foot
• Please bring your own equipment        hop (in place)
  when possible
                                         Tuesdays: January 12 – March 9
• Practice social distancing by
                                         Time: 10:30 – 11 AM                                    Time: 10: 5 – 11:15 AM
  staying at least six feet from
                                         Snowplow Sam 1         Activity # 13913                Snowplow Sam 3 Activity # 13918
                                         Snowplow Sam 2         Activity # 13916                Snowplow Sam 4 Activity # 13921
• Wash your hands often for at
  least 20 seconds and use hand          Fridays: January 15 – March 19 - No lessons February 12
  sanitizer                              Time: 3:20 – 3:50 PM                         Time: :30 – 5 PM
                                         Snowplow Sam 1         Activity # 13911      Snowplow Sam 3 Activity # 13917
         Please refer to:                Snowplow Sam 2         Activity # 13914      Snowplow Sam 4 Activity # 13919
   for more information about            Saturdays: January 16 - March 20 - No lessons February 13
           COVID-19.                     Time: 9:35 – 10:05 AM                       Time: 10: 5 – 11:15 AM
                                         Snowplow Sam 1         Activity # 13912     Snowplow Sam 3 Activity # 13992
 2                                       Snowplow Sam 2         Activity # 1391      Snowplow Sam 4 Activity # 13920
WINTER 2021 SERTICH ICE CENTER - 1705 East Pikes Peak Avenue Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (719) 385-5983 - City of ...
For Ages                            t o 16
Ages 7 to 16
Cost : $94. 50/person + $17 earn to Sk ate USA membership fee (Membership is valid July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021)
Ac tiv it y Size : 5 to 1 s tude nt /ins t r uc tor ratio
Basic Skills teaches the FUNdamentals of ice skating and provides the best foundation for figure skating, hockey and
speed skating. Si progressive levels introduce forward and backward skating, stops, edges, crossovers and turns. Upon
completion of the Basic Skills 1-6 levels, skaters will be able to confidently advance to more specialized areas of skating. All
classes will be well-structured with the focus on proper skill development taught in a positive, FUN and social environment.
Skaters will progress at their own rate and advance after skill mastery is demonstrated. Discover, Learn and Play – Basic 1
and 2: These introductory levels allow new skaters with no prior skating e perience to build confidence while learning to
skate. FUNdamentals – Basic 3–6: These levels develop all of the fundamental skating skills on the ice. Focus is on learning
the ABCs of basic athleticism: agility, balance, coordination and speed. Upon completion of these levels, skaters will be able
to confidently advance to more specialized areas of skating.
Bas ic 1 - Ele me nt s
A. Sit on ice and stand up; B. March forward across the ice; C. Forward two-foot glide; D. Dip; E. Forward swizzles (6-8
in a row); F. Backward wiggles (6-8 in a row); G. Beginning snowplow stop on two feet or one foot; Bonus Skill: Two-foot
hop in place
Bas ic 2 - Ele me nt s
A. Scooter pushes (R and L); B. Forward one-foot glide (R and L); C. Backward two-foot glide (glide the length of skater’s
height); D. Rocking Horse (1 forward swizzle, 1 backward swizzle, repeat twice); E. Backward swizzles (6-8 in a row);
F. Two-foot turns from forward to backward (in place, clockwise and counterclockwise); G. Moving snowplow stop; Bonus
Skill: Curves
Bas ic 3 - Ele me nt s
A. Beginning forward stroking showing correct use of blade; B. Forward half swizzle pumps on a circle (6-8
consecutive clockwise and counterclockwise); C. Moving forward to backward two-foot turns on a circle (clockwise and
counter clockwise); D. Beginning backward one-foot glides (focus on balance); E. Backward snowplow stop (R and L);
F. Forward slalom; Bonus Skill: Forward pivots (clockwise and counterclockwise)
Bas ic 4 - Ele me nt s
A. Forward outside edge on a circle (R and L); B. Forward inside edge on a circle (R and L); C. Forward crossovers
(clockwise and counterclockwise 4-6); D. Backward half swizzle pumps on a circle (clockwise and counterclockwise);
E. Backward one-foot glides (R and L); F. Beginning two-foot spin (up to 2 revolutions); Bonus Skill: Forward lunges -
both legs
Bas ic 5 - Ele me nt s
A. Backward outside edge on a circle (R and L); B. Backward inside edge on a circle (R and L); C. Backward crossovers
(4-6 clockwise and counterclockwise); D. Forward outside three-turn (R and L); E. Advanced two-foot spin (4-6
revolutions); F. Hockey stop (both directions); Bonus Skill: Side toe hop (R and L)
Bas ic 6 - Ele me nt s
A. Forward inside open mohawk from a standstill (R to L and L to R); B. Forward inside three-turn (R and L) C. Moving
backward to forward two-foot turn on a circle (clockwise and counterclockwise); D. Backward stoking; E. Beginning
one-foot spin, optional free leg and entry position (2-4 revolutions); F. T-stops (R and L); G. Bunny hop;
H. Forward spiral on a straight line (R and L); Bonus Skill: Shoot the duck (R and L)
Tuesdays: January 12 - March 9
Time: 10:30 – 11 AM                              Time: Time: 10: 5 – 11:15 AM
Basic 1          Activity # 13867                Basic 4          Activity # 13876
Basic 2          Activity # 13870                Basic            Activity # 13879
Basic 3          Activity # 13873                Basic 6          Activity # 13882
Fridays: January 15 - March 19 - No lessons February 12
Time: 3:20 – 3:50 PM                         Time: :30 – 5 PM
Basic 1         Activity # 1386              Basic 4         Activity # 13874
Basic 2         Activity # 13868             Basic           Activity # 13877
Basic 3         Activity # 13871             Basic 6         Activity # 13880
Saturdays: January 16 - March 20 - No lessons February 13
Time: 9:35 – 10:05 AM                      Time: 10: 5 – 11:15 AM
Basic 1         Activity # 13866             Basic 4            Activity # 1387
Basic 2         Activity # 13869             Basic              Activity # 13878
Basic 3         Activity # 13872             Basic 6            Activity # 13881
WINTER 2021 SERTICH ICE CENTER - 1705 East Pikes Peak Avenue Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (719) 385-5983 - City of ...
Ho c k e y F o r A g e s 6 t o 12
Ages 6 to 12
                                                                                                HOCK E Y
Cos t : $94. 50/pe r s on + $17 ear n to Sk ate USA me mbe r s hip f e e
(Me mbe r s hip is valid Jul y 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021)
Ac tiv it y Size : 5 to 1 s tude nt /ins t r uc tor ratio                                       SKATING
The Hockey curriculum is designed to teach the fundamentals of hockey skating.                         Ages : 8-14
In four badge levels, skaters will learn how to be more proficient and agile on the ice.          Cos t : $108/pe r s on
Proper skating techniques for the game of hockey are the primary focus of the levels.            + $17 ear n to Sk ate
All elements will be taught without a puck. Skaters will learn the basic hockey stance,         USA me mbe r s hip f e e
stride, knee bend, use of edges and other necessary fundamentals to be successful in            (Me mbe r s hip is valid
hockey practices and game situations.                                                       Jul y 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021)
Hock ey 1- Ele me nt s                                                                                Ac tiv it y Size :
A. Falling and recovery to a balanced, standing position; B. Proper basic hockey           5 to 1 s tude nt /ins t r uc tor ratio
stance (forward and backward); C. March Forward across the ice (8-10 steps);
                                                                                           Hock ey Powe r Sk ating -
D. Two-foot glides and dips from forward marching across the ice; E. Forward
swizzles/double c-cuts (4- 6 in a row); F. T-Push to a two-foot glide (hold 2-4 sec-       Ele me nt s :
onds) on a straight line, alternating feet; G. Snowplow Stop (stationary); Bonus Skill:    A. Powerful backward C -Cuts;
Front to back and back to front turns (stationary)                                         B. Forward alternating Cross -
Hock ey 2 - Ele me nt s                                                                    overs down the length of the ice,
A. Forward strides using 45 degree V-Push, focus on good recovery and alternating          with wide step transitions;
arm drive; B. Forward one-foot push and glide (R and L); C. Forward C-Cuts: single         C. Backward alternating Cross -
leg (R and L) and alternating feet (R and L) in a straight line; D. Backward hustle or     overs down the length of the ice,
march, then glide on two feet; E. Backward swizzles / double C-cuts (4-6 in a row);        with wide step transitions (3 to
F. Backward C-Cuts, single leg (R and L) and alternating feet (R and L)n a straight
                                                                                           the left and three to the right);
line; G. Two-foot moving Snowplow stop; Bonus Skill: Scooter or skateboard push on
a circle (R and L)                                                                         D. Forward power hockey turns/
                                                                                           tight glide turns, 180 degrees
Hock ey 3 - Ele me nt s
                                                                                           and 360 degree turns;
A. Lateral crossover march (both directions); B. Forward C-Cuts (1/2 swizzle pumps)
on a circle (both directions); C. Forward outside edges on half circles (large C’s),       E. Fast stops and starts using
alternating feet on the short or long a is of the rink; D.Forward inside edges on half     powerful, full strides and quick
circles (large C’s), alternating feet on the short or long a is of the rink; E. Backward   hockey stops (R and L);
C-Cuts (½ swizzle pumps) on a circle (both directions); F. Backward snowplow stops:        F. Fast backward skating with
One and two foot V-stop; G. One-foot moving snowplow stop (R and L) introduce ¼            quick backward V-stops. (One
turn with hips to hockey stop; Bonus Skill: Forward stops and starts
                                                                                           and two foot stops, alternating
Hock ey 4 - Ele me nt s                                                                    feet)
A. Quick starts using forward V-start; B. Backward one-foot glide (R and L); C.
Forward crossover glides(clockwise and counterclockwise). Hold feet in crossed             Sat ur day s
positon for 2 counts; D.Backward crossover glides (clockwise and counterclockwise).        Januar y 16 - Mar ch 20
Hold feet in crossed positon for 2 counts; E. Forward crossovers on circle (clockwise      Time : 8: 30 – 9: 15 AMAc tiv it y
and counterclockwise, 4-6 each); F. Backward crossovers on circle (clockwise and           # 13905
counterclockwise 4-6 each); G. Hockey stops (stopping to the left and to the right,
with speed); Bonus Skill: Forward to backward Mohawk pivots (R and L) from
powerful, full strides
Tuesdays: January 12 - March 9
Time: 10:30 – 11 AM                         Time: Time: 10: 5 – 11:15 AM
Hockey 1         Activity # 1389            Hockey 3        Activity # 13901
Hockey 2         Activity # 13898           Hockey 4        Activity # 13904
Fridays: January 15 - March 19 - No lessons February 12
Time: 3:20 – 3:50 PM                      Time: :30 – 5 PM
Hockey 1        Activity # 13893          Hockey 3       Activity # 13899
Hockey 2        Activity # 13896          Hockey 4       Activity # 13902
Saturdays: January 16 - March 20 - No lessons February 13
Time: 9:35 – 10:05 AM                    Time: 10: 5 – 11:15 AM
Hockey 1        Activity # 13894         Hockey 3          Activity # 13900
Hockey 2        Activity # 13897         Hockey 4          Activity # 13903
WINTER 2021 SERTICH ICE CENTER - 1705 East Pikes Peak Avenue Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (719) 385-5983 - City of ...
SKATES,                                                       9-WEEK
                                                   Winter Learn to Skate
SAFETY, and                                                     LESSONS INCLUDE
  WHAT                                                                  NINE
    to                                                     30-minute or 4 -minute lessons

  WEAR                                                                  FREE
  Skate boots should provide                                 skate rental and practice ice
a snug fit. Your foot should not
 move around inside the boot.                                           LOW
The closer the fit, the more con -                               student/teacher ratios
       trol you will have.
                                                                     5 FREE
 Feet will feel best in lightweight                             public skate visits
  socks or tights. Lace skates                         Must be used during WINTER session
   by crisscrossing the laces
   snugly around each hook .

To ensure proper support for the
ankle, the tightest point of lacing

                                                              Practice Ice
    should be at the instep.

 Wear several layers of clothing           Sertich Ice Center ofers practice time for Learn to Skate students.
    to start, as you warm -up                          Practicing is for your benefit and it’s FREE!
                                                           Below is the practice ice schedule.
 you can discard a layer or two.
                                      Family and friends can skate with students for $1 each including skate rental.
      Comfort and freedom
  of movement are important.                                     Fridays: 3: – 4:2 PM
                                                               Saturdays: 10:10 - 10:40 AM
     Try not to wear clothing
                                                              (Schedule subject to change)
    that might be restrictive.
 Sweats or warm -ups are ideal.

      Skaters who require
 a helmet must bring their own.                                   FREE
     Helmets are suggested
    for beginner skaters and
                                                           Public       Skating
                                                             Learn to Skate students
        are recommended
                                                             RECEIVE (5) FREE PASSES
         for all activities.                              to any of our public skating sessions.
   Remember to bring gloves.
                                                           Just check in at the front desk before
    Parents and spectators                      the session begins by giving your name to the cashier and
   are not allowed on the ice                     we will deduct one pass from your automated account.
                                                             NOTE: Free passes must be used
        during activities.
                                                        during designated Learn to Skate session.

 Skaters should come dressed                 Students enrolled in Pre-Free Skate or above have the option of
 and prepared to enter the ice                           (5) FREE PUBLIC SKATE PASSES
    after putting on skates.                                          or
                                                     (3) FREE FREESTYLE SESSION PASSES.
                                                              Both options are automated.

WINTER 2021 SERTICH ICE CENTER - 1705 East Pikes Peak Avenue Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (719) 385-5983 - City of ...
F o r A d u lt s
    Ages 17 and up
    Cos t : $108/pe r s on + $17 ear n to Sk ate USA me mbe r s hip f e e
    (Me mbe r s hip is valid Jul y 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021)
    Ac tiv it y Size : 5 to 1 s tude nt /ins t r uc tor ratio
    The Adult curriculum is designed for both beginning and e perienced adult skaters who wish to improve
    their skating skills. Participation in the program will help promote physical fitness and improve balance and
    coordination while teaching proper skating techniques. This is an e citing program for people who look
    to skating as an enjoyable part of a fit and healthy lifestyle. Divided into si levels from basic skating to more
    advanced skills, adult skaters will progress at an individual rate while being challenged and motivated.
    Based on prior skating e perience, adults may choose to begin at the level that best matches their skill base.
    Adult 1 - Ele me nt s
    A. Falling and recovery (on ice); B. Forward marching; C. Forward two-foot glide; D. Forward swizzles (4-6
    in a row); E. One forward swizzle/one backward swizzle (rocking horse); F. Dip; G. Forward snowplow stop
    (one or two feet)
    Adult 2 - Ele me nt s
    A. Forward skating across the width of the ice; B. Forward one-foot glides (R and L); C. Forward slalom;
    D. Backward wiggles; E. Backward swizzles (4-6 in a row); F. Two-foot turns in place
    Adult 3 - Ele me nt s
    A. Forward stroking with proper blade use (begin with repetitive one-foot pushes); B. Forward half-swizzle
    pumps on the circle, clockwise and counterclockwise (6-8 in a row); C. Moving forward to backward and
    backward to forward two-foot turn on a circle, clockwise and counterclockwise; D. Backward skating into a
    long two-foot glide; E. Forward chasses on a circle, clockwise and counterclockwise; F. Backward
    snowplow stop (R and L)
    Adult 4 - Ele me nt s
    A. Forward outside edge on a circle (R and L); B. Forward inside edge on a circle (R and L); C. Forward
    crossovers, clockwise and counterclockwise; D. Backward one-foot glides (R and L); E. Backward
    half-swizzle pumps on a circle, clockwise and counterclockwise; F. Hockey stop, both directions
    Adult 5 - Ele me nt s
    A. Backward outside edge on circle (R and L); B. Backward inside edge on a circle (R and L);
    C. Backward crossovers, clockwise and counterclockwise; D. Forward outside three-turn (R and L);
    E. Forward swing rolls to a count of si ; F. Beginning two-foot spin
    Adult 6 - Ele me nt s
    A. Forward stroking with crossover end patterns; B. Backward stroking with crossover end patterns;
    C. Forward inside three-turn (R and L); D. Beginning power pull (R and L); E. T-stop (R and L); F. Lunge;
    G. Two-foot spin into one-foot spin
    Tuesdays: January 12 - March 9
    Time: 10:30 – 11 AM                        Time: Time: 10: 5 – 11:15 AM
    Adult 1 Activity # 13847                   Adult 4           Activity # 138 6
    Adult 2 Activity # 138 0                   Adult             Activity # 138 9
    Adult 3 Activity # 138 3                   Adult 6           Activity # 13862
    Fridays: January 15 - March 19 - No lessons February 12
    Time: 3:20 – 3:50 PM                    Time: :30 – 5 PM
    Adult 1 Activity # 1384                 Adult 4          Activity # 138 4
    Adult 2 Activity # 13848                Adult            Activity # 138 7
    Adult 3 Activity # 138 1                Adult 6          Activity # 13860
    Saturdays: January 16 - March 20 - No     lessons February 13
    Time: 9:35 – 10:05 AM                      Time: 10: 5 – 11:15 AM
    Adult 1 Activity # 13846                   Adult 4             Activity # 138
    Adult 2 Activity # 13849                   Adult               Activity # 138 8
    Adult 3 Activity # 138 2                   Adult 6             Activity # 13861

WINTER 2021 SERTICH ICE CENTER - 1705 East Pikes Peak Avenue Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (719) 385-5983 - City of ...
S p e c ia lt y L e s s o ns
PRE-FREE SKATE (Combination of Basic 7 & 8)
Pr e r e quis ite : Bas ic 6
Cos t : $108/pe r s on + $17 ear n to Sk ate USA me mbe r s hip f e e (Me mbe r s hip is valid Jul y 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021)
Ac tiv it y Size : 5 to 1 s tude nt /ins t r uc tor ratio
Skating Skills: A. Backward crossovers to a backward outside edge glide (landing position), clockwise and counter
clockwise; B. Backward outside edge to a forward outside edge transition on a circle (R and L); C. Two forward crossovers
into a forward inside mohawk, step down and cross behind, step into one backward crossover and step to a forward inside
edge, repeat three times clockwise and counterclockwise
Spins: D .One-foot upright spin, optional entry and free-foot position (minimum 3 revolutions)
Jumps: E. Mazurka (R and L); F. Waltz jump
Bonus Skill: Backward inside pivots, clockwise and counterclockwise
Saturdays: January 16 - March 20 - No lessons February 13
Time: 8:30 – 9:15 AM
Activity # 13910

Pr e r e quis ite : Pr e -Fr e e Sk ate
Cos t : $108/pe r s on + $17 ear n to Sk ate USA me mbe r s hip f e e (Me mbe r s hip is valid Jul y 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021)
Ac tiv it y Size : 5 to 1 s tude nt /ins t r uc tor ratio
Each free skate level is comprised of a variety of progressive skating skills, transitions, spins and jumps — all of which build
on the previous skill, providing skaters a strong foundation of all elements. These levels will be taught in a positive and
interactive group format such as an Aspire program, circuit classes or as an introductory training program. Instructors will
focus on quality and mastery of skills.
Fr e e Sk ate 1 - Ele me nt s                                      Fr e e Sk ate 4 - Ele me nt s
Skating Skills: A. Forward power stroking (clockwise and           Skating Skills: A. Forward power three-turns, 3 sets each
counterclockwise); B. Basic forward outside and forward            (R and L); B. Waltz eight
inside consecutive edges (4-6); C. Backward outside                Spins: C. Forward upright spin to backward upright spin
three-turns (R and L)                                              (3 revs. each foot); D. Sit spin (min. three revolutions)
Spins: D. Upright spin, entry from back crossovers                 Jumps: E. Half loop; F. Flip
(minimum 4 revolutions)                                            Bonus Skill: Split jump, stag jump or split falling leaf
Jumps: E. Half flip; F. Toe loop
                                                                   Fr e e Sk ate 5 - Ele me nt s
Bonus Skill: Waltz jump-waltz jump
                                                                   Skating Skills: A. Backward outside three-turn, mohawk
Fr e e Sk ate 2 - Ele me nt s                                      (backward power three-turns), clockwise and counter
Skating Skills: A. Alternating forward outside and inside          clockwise; B. Five-step mohawk sequence, clockwise and
spirals on a continuous a is (two sets); B. Basic backward         counterclockwise
outside and backward inside consecutive edges (4-6);               Spins: C. Camel spin (min. three revolutions)
C. Backward inside three-turns (R and L)                           Jumps: D. Waltz jump-loop jump combination; E. Lutz jump
Spins: D. Beginning back spin (min. 1-2 revolutions)               Bonus Skill: Loop-loop combo
Jumps: E. Half Lutz; F. Salchow
                                                                   Free Skate 6 - Elements
Bonus Skill: Variation of a forward spiral, skater’s choice
                                                                   Skating Skills: A. Forward power pulls (R and L);
Fr e e Sk ate 3 - Ele me nt s                                      B. Choreographic step sequence, skater’s choice, using a
Skating Skills: A. Alternating backward crossovers to back         variety of three-turns, mohawks and toe steps
outside edges (4 sets); B. Alternating mohawk/crossover            Spins: C. Camel-sit spin combination (min. two revolutions
sequence (R to L and L to R); C. Waltz three-turns (forward        each position); D. Layback, attitude or cross-foot spin
outside three-turn, backward outside edge glide), clockwise        (three revolutions)
and counterclockwise                                               Jumps: E. Waltz jump-Euler-Salchow jump sequence;
Spins: D. Advanced back spin with free foot in crossed leg         F. Beginning A el
position (min. three revolutions)                                  Bonus Skill: Backward outside pivot (optional entry)
Jumps: E. Loop jump; F. Waltz jump-toe loop
or Salchow toe loop combination                                    Saturdays: January 16 - March 20 - No lesson February 13
Bonus Skill: Toe step sequence, skater’s choice,                   Time: 8:30 – 9:15 AM
using a variety of toe steps                                       Free Skate 1 Activity # 1388 Free Skate 4 Activity # 13888
                                                                   Free Skate 2 Activity # 13886 Free Skate    Activity # 13889
                                                                   Free Skate 3 Activity # 13887 Free Skate 6 Activity # 13890

WINTER 2021 SERTICH ICE CENTER - 1705 East Pikes Peak Avenue Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (719) 385-5983 - City of ...
S p e c ia lt y L e s s o ns
    “ 0’s PLUS” POWER                                                  HIGH-LEVEL POWER
    For age 40 and up                                                  Pr e r e quis ite : Pas s e d Fr e e Sk ate 3
    Pr e r e quis ite : Good command of f or war d and                 Cos t : $94. 50/pe r s on
    back war d s k ating and t hr e e -tur ns                          Ac tiv it y Size : 10 to 1 s tude nt /ins t r uc tor ratio
    Cos t : $108/pe r s on
                                                                       Des cr iption: Increase skating power with this 30-minute
    Ac tiv it y Size : 10 to 1 s tude nt /ins t r uc tor ratio
                                                                       constant movement conditioning activity. Students will
    Des cr iption: This is a low-impact, high-energy activity          improve their strength, endurance, agility and speed.
    that will focus on stamina, core strength and edge work.
                                                                       Saturdays: January 16 - March 20 - No lessons February 13
    Basic elements emphasized are forward and backward
                                                                       Time: 7:20 – 7:50 AM
    perimeter stroking, cross rolls, power 3’s and basic edges.
                                                                       Activity # 13892
    If you’re 40 or older, join us for 30-minutes of non-stop fun!
    Tuesdays: January 12 - March 9                                     POWER STROKING
    Time: 10 – 10:30 AM                                                Pr e r e quis ite : Bas ic 4
    Activity # 13844                                                   Cos t : $94. 50/pe r s on
                                                                       Ac tiv it y Size : 10 to 1 s tude nt /ins t r uc tor ratio
    PATCH (Classic Figures)
    Pr e r e quis ite : Pas s e d Fr e e Sk ate 1                      Des cr iption: Increase skating power with this 30-minute
    Cos t : $108/pe r s on                                             constant movement conditioning activity. Students will
    Ac tiv it y Size : 10 to 1 s tude nt /ins t r uc tor ratio         work on basic stroking techniques.

    Des cr iption: Patch or figures refers to circular patterns        Saturdays: January 16 - March 20 - No lessons February 13
    which skaters trace on the ice to demonstrate skill in             Time: 7:55 – 8:25 AM
    placing clean turns evenly on round circles. These circles         Activity # 13909
    are skated using one foot at a time, as a skater masters
    balance, control, flow and edge to achieve clean and ac-           AXEL
    curate tracings.                                                   Pr e r e quis ite : Pas s e d Fr e e Sk ate 3
                                                                       Cos t : $108/pe r s on + $17
    Thursdays: January 1 - March 11                                    (Me mbe r s hip is valid Jul y 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021)
    Time: 10:10 – 10: 0 AM                                             Ac tiv it y Size : 5 to 1 s tude nt /ins t r uc tor ratio
    Activity # 13908
                                                                       Of Ice Ele me nt s : A. Take-of position #1 (entry edge) on
    DANCE                                                              floor; B. Take-of position #2 (step up) on floor; C. Air
    Pr e r e quis ite : Bas ic 4 or Adult 4                            position on floor; D. Landing position on floor; E. A el
    Cos t : $108/pe r s on                                             walk-through; F. A el on the floor
    Ac tiv it y Size : 10 to 1 s tude nt /ins t r uc tor ratio         On Ice Ele me nt s : A. Gliding take-of position #1 (entry
                                                                       edge); B. Take-of position #2 (step up and weight transfer);
    Des cr iption: This activity is great for all skaters looking to   C. Gliding backward in air position; D. Gliding landing
    e pand their skating skills. Focus is placed on basic dance        position; E. Straddle Waltz jump-back spin-jump out to
    step technique, edges, and turns. Patterned dances such            landing position; F. A el from a stand-still, side toe hop, or
    as the Dutch Waltz, Canasta Tango and Rhythm Blues will            forward outside edge roll; G. A el from backward
    be taught. This low-impact activity will help improve knee         crossovers
    bend, leg e tension, posture, and basic rhythm while learn-
    ing to skate to music.                                             Saturdays: January 16 - March 20 - No lessons February 13
                                                                       Time: 8:30 – 9:15 AM
    Thursdays: January 1 - March 11                                    Activity # 13864
    Time: 10: 5 – 11:15 AM
    Activity # 13884

                                      3-MONTH UNLIMITED
                                         PUBLIC SKATE MEMBERSHIPS
                                           Unlimited skating on all Public Skate sessions
                                            for three months from the date of purchase

                                        INDIVIDUAL                      FAMILY OF FOUR
                                      Public Skate Members ip              Public Skate Members ip
                                                  $75                                $200
                                        (Includes skate rental)              (Includes skate rental)
WINTER 2021 SERTICH ICE CENTER - 1705 East Pikes Peak Avenue Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (719) 385-5983 - City of ...
Pr e r e quis ite : and an Axel                                       Staying physically active is one
Cos t : $108/pe r s on
                                                                      of the best ways to keep your
Ac tiv it y Size : 5 to 1 s tude nt /ins t r uc tor ratio
                                                                      mind and body healthy. Your
Des cr iption: This activity is for skaters who have achieved an      safety and the safety of our em -
A el and want to continue with group lessons. Free Skate Elite
                                                                      ployees is our priority. Sertich
covers A els through double jumps, and jump combinations as
well as flying spins.                                                 Ice Center is taking precau -
                                                                      tions to minimize the spread of
Saturdays: January 16 - March 20 - No lessons February 13             COVID -19:
Time: 8:30 – 9:15 AM
                                                                      • Everyone entering the facil -
Activity # 13891
                                                                        ity is required to wear a face
                                                                        covering, unless specifically
Pr e r e quis ite : Pas s e d Fr e e Sk ate 1                           exempted by the state man -
Cos t : $94. 50/pe r s on                                               date.
Ac tiv it y Size : 5 to 1 s tude nt /ins t r uc tor ratio             • Temperature checks will be
                                                                        performed on every person
Des cr iption: This activity will cover the fundamentals
of spinning. Spin entrances and e its will be reinforced                entering the facility.
with an emphasis on scratch spin, back scratch spin, sit spin and     • Skaters/customers are al -
camel spin.                                                             lowed entry 15 minutes prior
Saturdays: January 16 - March 20 - No lessons February 13               to start of lessons and must
Time: 9:35 – 10:05 AM                                                   exit within 15 -minutes of end
Activity # 13883                                                        of lesson or end of practice
ADVANCED SPINS                                                        • Employees will clean and
Pr e r e quis ite : evel Pr e -Pr eliminar y                            disinfect surfaces between
Cos t : $94. 50/pe r s on                                               each ice event
Ac tiv it y Size : 5 to 1 s tude nt /ins t r uc tor ratio             • Shared rental skates will be
Des cr iption: This activity will focus on flying spins, spin           disinfected after each use
combinations and variations. Entrance and e it techniques are         • No sharing of water bottles or
also reviewed. Skaters must have mastered four rotations of             other high touch equipment
scratch spin, back scratch spin, sit spin and camel spin to enroll.
Saturdays: January 16 - March 20 - No lessons February 13             COVID-19 pr e cautions may
Time: 9:35 – 10:05 AM                                                 change bas e d on cur r e nt s t ate
Activity # 13863                                                      mandates

                                                                          How you can he lp us?
                                                                      • If you’re feeling sick , stay
                                                                        home and visit another time
                                                                      • Please bring your own equip -
                                                                        ment when possible
                                                                      • Practice social distancing by
                                                                        staying at least six feet from
                                                                      • Wash your hands often for
                                                                        at least 20 seconds and use
                                                                        hand sanitizer

                                                                              Pleas e r e f e r to :
                                                                      www. ElPas oCount yHealt h. org
                                                                       f or mor e inf or mation about
                                                                                 COVID -19.
About Learn to Skate USA
     Mission                                                                Overview
     To provide a fun and positive e perience that will instill a           As you begin your journey of learning to skate, you will
     lifelong love of skating.                                              quickly realize that you are learning so much more than
                                                                            how to skate. You will be infused with the joy of
     Objectives                                                             improving every time you try something new. Each time
       • Teach children and adults the fundamentals of ice                  you fall, you will strengthen your confidence to get back up
         skating while building confidence and skills through               and try again. While learning the importance of balance,
         each lesson.                                                       discipline and tenacity, you will be reassured that even the
       • Provide a progressive curriculum that ensures                      greatest challenges can be overcome. These are more than
         success from the first steps on the ice to the mastery             lessons in skating; they are essential lessons of life.
         of advanced skills.                                                Learn to Skate USA makes these lessons easy and fun.
       • Promote the health and fitness benefits of ice skating.            Through our world-class curriculum and nationally
       • Equip each participant with the foundation necessary               certified instructors, you will be enthusiastic about learning
         to reach their goal, be it recreational or competitive in          to skate—from your first steps on the ice until the time you
         nature.                                                            reach your goals. Whether you wish to enjoy the
                                                                            recreational benefits of skating or dream of Olympic fame,
                                                                            this is the place to start.
                                                                            The only ice skating program endorsed by U.S. Figure
                                                                            Skating, USA Hockey, US Speedskating and the Special
                                                                            Olympics, Learn to Skate USA ofers every participant a
                                                                            rewarding e perience rooted in the lifelong benefits of ice

                                                 Learn to Skate USA memberships are $17/person
            Membership is required for all Snowplow Sam, Basic, Adul Beginner and Advanced, Hockey, Pre-Free Ska e, Free Ska e, and Axel.
                                                  Membership is valid July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021

                               Skating School Group Activities
              Sertich Ice Center activities are designed to provide a positive learning experience, filled with lots of fun.

            Our objectives are to...
                •   Provide a safe and enjoyable skating experience,
                •   Teach the correct techniques for the basic elements,
                •   Promote health and fitness,
                •   Develop social relationships through group interaction,
                •   Teach life -long skills.

                         The curriculum will guide the skaters through the Learn to Skate USA test structure.
                        However, we understand that each skater is unique and will learn at his/her own pace.

               Learn to Skate Evaluations...
                                  Let us know how we’re doing.
                          We want to provide you with a quality skating e perience each and every time you visit.
                      We appreciate your feedback and want to hear from you throughout the Learn to Skate session.
                 For continued improvement of services, please complete an evaluation anytime you would like us to know
                            when you are happy with our services and where we could use some improvement.
                          Evaluations are available at the skate rental counter. As we know your time is valuable,
                                      we would like to thank you for your feedback by providing you
                                 one courtesy public skate pass when you submit a completed evaluation.

REGISTRATION DATES                                                               REFUND POLICY
November 9 - Ongoing                                                             A full credit or refund will be issued to the customer if an
                                                                                 activity is canceled or at capacity. If the customer withdraws
Register early! Activity capacity is limited to five
                                                                                 from the program prior to the program start date, the
students per activity.
                                                                                 customer will receive a refund or credit upon submitting a
REGISTRATION OPTIONS                                                             written request. If a refund request is submitted after the
Business Hours: 9 AM - 5 PM Monday through Friday                                program start date, Management will determine the amount of
                                                                                 the refund or credit based on the number of classes attended.
Walk -in: Sertich Ice Center (in Memorial Park)                                  Please note: he Learn to Skate USA membership fee is non-
          1705 East Pikes Peak Avenue                                            refundable.
Mail-in: Send registration and form of payment to:
            Sertich Ice Center                                                   ACTIVIT Y SIZE & ENROLLMENT
            Attention: Learn to Skate                                            Sertich Ice Center’s policy is to provide quality programming.
            1705 East Pikes Peak Avenue                                          A student/instructor ratio of 5:1 will be maintained in Learn to
            Colorado Springs, CO 80909                                           Skate activities when there is more than one activity on the
                                                                                 ice at the same time. Activities with less than three skaters
Fax-in:     (719) 385-6063                                                       may be cancelled or combined with another level. Activity size
            Send completed registration form including
                                                                                 is limited.
            Visa, MC, Discover or AMEX card number,
            e piration date and CCV.
            Faxes are processed during regular business
                                                                                 AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES (ADA)
            hours.                                                               The City of Colorado Springs complies with the ADA and will
                                                                                 make reasonable accommodations to enable people with
Online : Go to                                   disabilities to participate in and enjoy recreation programs.
 1. Click on the REGISTER GO! button
 2. Click on MY ACCOUNT
 3. Enter (LOGIN and PASSWORD)                                                   MEMORIES THAT LAST
 4. Click on REGISTER FOR ACTIVITIES                                             By registering yourself/your child in Recreation Services
     Sort by Location, Activity Category, Activity Name, Activity Number, etc.   activities, you hereby consent to the photographing of
 5. Select the NAME OF ACTIVITY, then click ADD TO MY CART                       yourself/your child by the City of Colorado Springs and/or
 6. In the drop down bo , select the participant who will be taking the class.
     When finished, click CONTINUE.
                                                                                 their agents, and consent to the use of these photographs
 7. Follow the steps for payment. Visa, MC, Discover, or American E press        singularly or in conjunction with other photographs or video
 accepted. Be sure to complete your order and click CONTINUE.                    recordings for Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services
 8. Print receipt or go green!                                                   marketing purposes without any compensation.

                                                                                         REGISTRATION IN A 9 WEEK
                                                                                         WINTER SESSION INC UDES

                                                                                       • 9/30 minute or 9/45 minute lessons
                                                                                       • Free skate rental and free practice ice
                                                                                         (Attendance limited to current state mandates)

                  Prac t ice Ice                                                       • ow student/teacher ratios
                                                                                       • 5 free public skate passes (Must be used during
          Se r tich Ice Ce nte r of e r s prac tice time                                 WINTER session. Attendance limited to current
                 f or ear n to Sk ate s tude nt s .                                      state mandates )
        Prac ticing is f or your be ne f it and it ’s FREE!
           Below is t he prac tice ice s che dule .
        Famil y and f r ie nds can s k ate w it h s tude nt s
                                                                                                 MAKE-UP ESSONS
            f or $1 each including s k ate r e nt al.
                                                                                       Mak e -up les s ons ar e available to s tude nt s i f
                      Fr iday s : 3: 55 – 4: 25 PM                                     t he activ it y t he s tude nt s is r e gis te r e d for is
                    Satur day s : 10: 10 - 10: 40 AM                                   of e r e d at a di f e r e nt time . Mak e -up les s ons
                                                                                          mus t be pr e -s che dule d. Cont act Pam at
                  (Sche dule s ubje ct to change)                                      (719) 385 -6009 to s che dule . Pr e -s che duling
                                                                                            is r e quir e d in or de r to s t ay unde r t he
                                                                                       s tude nt /ins t r uctor ratio of 5/1 for activ ities .

Registration Form

Parent/Guardian:                                                                               Email:
Address:                                                                                       City/Zip:
Primary Phone:                                                                          Secondary Phone:
Check Payment Method: q Cash q Check q Visa q Mastercard q Discover q AmericanExpress q Money Order q Other
                Student ’s                                                                                                                        Of ice
                                                  M/F         Date of Birth                Activity # | Title | Time                 Fee
          First and Last Name                                                                                                                      Use

   Membership is required for all Snowplow Sam, Basic, Adult Beginner and Advanced, Hockey, Pre-Free Skate, Free Skate, and Axel. ($17 non-refundable fee)

q I acknowledge and agree to the Participant Warning Statement/Release and Assumption of the Risk .
   Although participation in supervised athletics and activities is generally considered safe, and serious injuries are not common, it is
   impossible to eliminate every risk. To help reduce accidents and injuries, players must obey safety rules, report all physical problems,
   follow a proper conditioning program and inspect their own equipment. By registering for this program, you acknowledge that you
   have read and understand this warning. Those who do not wish to accept the risk should not register or participate.

                          The City of Colorado Springs carries no insurance for participants or spectators.
              EMS will be called for all medical emergencies, and individuals will be responsible for all ensuing charges.
   In attending Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services (PRCS) programs and using the facilities and equipment asso-
   ciated with them, the participant does so at his/her own risk. PRCS shall not be liable for any damages arising from personal injuries
   sustained by Participant while participating in PRCS programs or about the premises associated with the programs. Participant as-
   sumes full responsibility for any injuries or damages that may occur to Participant in or about the premises used in conjunction with
   the programs, and fully and forever releases and discharges the Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Depart-
   ment, the City of Colorado Springs and all associated employees and agents, from any and all claims, demands, damages, rights of
   action or causes of action, present or future, whether the same be known, anticipated or unanticipated, resulting from or arising out of
   the Participant’s use or intended use of the facilities and equipment associated with PRCS programs.

   Participant also acknowledges that programs are open to the public and that the City of Colorado Springs is not responsible for
   screening other Participants or members of the public for any infectious disease. Participant voluntarily assumes the risk of e posure
   to infectious diseases by attending City Facilities and understands that such e posure or infection may result in personal injury, ill-
   ness, permanent disability, and death. Participant understands that the risk of becoming e posed to or infected any infectious disease
   may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of Participant and others, including, but not limited to, City employees, volun-
   teers, and program participants and their families.

   Participant voluntarily agrees to assume all of the foregoing risks and accept sole responsibility for any injury to Participant including,
   but not limited to, personal injury, disability, death, illness, damage, loss, claim, liability, or e pense, of any kind, that Participant may
   e perience or incur in connection with Participant’s attendance at City Facilities or participation in City programming (“Claims”). Par-
   ticipant hereby releases, covenants not to sue, discharges, and holds harmless the City, its employees, agents, and representatives, of
   and from the Claims, including all liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs or e penses of any kind arising out of or relating thereto.
   Participant understands and agrees that this release includes any Claims based on the actions, omissions, or negligence of the City,
   its employees, agents, and representatives, whether before, during, or after Participant’s participation in any City program.

Inclusion Coordinator :    q If the student needs an accommodation to participate, please check the bo .
Helping Hand Fund: Yes, I would like to contribute q$1 q $5 q $10 or $                     to the PRCS Youth Scholarship Fund. This
fund allows children, youth and teens to enroll in programs who otherwise would not have the opportunity to participate. Please include


Credit Card Number :                                                                                      Exp. Date:                      CVC Code:
                                       I authorize PRCS to use my credit card for fees in the above listed activities

                         Print Cardholder’s Name                                                                  Signature of Cardholder
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