Smarter Video Campaigns - Video Strategies That Get Results - STRATEGIC DIGITAL GROWTH - Bobble Digital

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Smarter Video Campaigns - Video Strategies That Get Results - STRATEGIC DIGITAL GROWTH - Bobble Digital

Smarter Video
         Video Strategies
         That Get Results

            Free E-Book Volume 2
Smarter Video Campaigns - Video Strategies That Get Results - STRATEGIC DIGITAL GROWTH - Bobble Digital
Smarter Video Campaigns:

                        Introduction					3

                1       Importance of Video			         4

               2        Video Strategies				6 to 7

                      2.1     Brand Awareness				7

                      2.2     Engagement					7

                      2.3     Conversions					7

                        Video Creative					8
                        Channel Selection				9
                        Video Targeting Techniques		   10 to 13

                      5.1     Audience					11

                      5.2     Search   					12

                      5.3     Data						13

               6        Reporting & Analytics			       14
               7        Summary						15

2 I Smarter Video Campaigns

Smarter Video Campaigns - Video Strategies That Get Results - STRATEGIC DIGITAL GROWTH - Bobble Digital
Smarter Video
     Introduction:                         Campaigns

     If you are not utilising video as part of your marketing
     strategy and content strategy as a business, then
     you are already behind everyone else including your

     Online video promotes better engagement, live video is
     seeing huge response rates and 80% of all internet traffic
     will be video by end of 2019. This eBook explores the various
     elements of video marketing and how to run smarter video
     campaigns that will deliver your business results.

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Smarter Video Campaigns - Video Strategies That Get Results - STRATEGIC DIGITAL GROWTH - Bobble Digital
Smarter Video Campaigns:

        1. Importance of Video:

                Video content consumption has reached an all-time high.
                In 2017, 74% of all internet traffic was video and this is set to
                increase to 80% in 2019. Preliminary statistics for 2021 show that
                13% of internet traffic will be live video as we see vast increases
                in technology (for instance the recent launch of 5G in 2019).

                Video is the most widely used medium of content consumption on mobile, and
                with mobile being the first point of contact for consumers it’s important that
                you relay your creative message not just in imagery but visually through video to
                capture your audience’s attention and encourage consumer engagement and
                participation, which ultimately will lead them to completing an action within
                your business.

                Here are some important statistics to keep in mind:

                       90% of consumers say video can help them make buying decisions.
                       Mentioning the word ‘video’ in your email subject line increases
                       open rates by 19%.
                       Video on landing pages can increase conversions by up to 80%.
                       500,000,000 people watch video on Facebook every day.
                       1/3 of time people spend online is devoted to video.

4 I Smarter Video Campaigns

Smarter Video Campaigns - Video Strategies That Get Results - STRATEGIC DIGITAL GROWTH - Bobble Digital
“5 Billion videos are
watched on YouTube
    every single day
Smarter Video Campaigns:

        2. Video Strategies

                Brands are increasingly keen to use video as part of the
                marketing mix but it is important to understand what works
                best and how businesses can ensure their message reaches
                the intended audience at the right time.

                Devising an effective video strategy is no mean feat. Although the barriers to
                entry are lower for brands compared to other media channels such as TV or
                cinema, businesses must think carefully about the type of video content they
                produce, the audience it is aimed at and the platforms on which it is shared.

                We will explore the 3 common strategies you may implement.

6 I Smarter Video Campaigns

Smarter Video Campaigns:

        2.1 Video Strategies

       2.1      Brand Awareness is just not about pushing your logo in front of your consumer,
                it is more than that. Brand awareness is showcasing what your brand has to
                offer that’s relevant to your consumer, e.g. consumer responsibility, environment
                focused, sustainability, product benefits and brand reputation.

       2.2      Engagement is all about getting you customer to respond and engage with
                your brand. You may run competitions or share positive news that will get
                your consumers attention. You may want more social followers or to engage in
                discussion, which in turn can provide valuable insight and research.

       2.3      The message and creative approach in conversion-based campaigns are all
                about encouraging the consumers to take action. That action is featured in your
                creative, from offers to sales and from enquiries to store visits. This strategy is all
                about ROI and the bottom line.

7 I Smarter Video Campaigns

Smarter Video Campaigns:

        3. Video Creative

                There are three types of video creative to consider when
                developing video content for your campaign: Live Video
                Production, Animated Video Production or a combination of
                the two. Each format has its benefits and drawbacks.

                Live Video is filmed using a production team and uses actors and a set or
                external environment. Having all this does incur a larger video production cost
                and can take longer to produce. However, if strategically done a long video
                can be cut into small edits giving you more content to share. Also, a live video
                production can evoke various emotions with your audience.

                Animation video is developed using graphics and motion. They don’t take long
                to produce and are cheaper to develop than a live video. You can also be more
                creative in the delivery of your message. However, the lack of ability to create
                emotion from animation means videos are very informative and sales driven.

                Using a combination of the 2 can be very effective, a great example is John
                Lewis Christmas campaigns that use animated animals with real people.

                Remember video length is key, those who consume video content in the form
                of ads prefer shorter quicker ads. However, this varies based on your strategy
                and channel selection.

8 I Smarter Video Campaigns

Smarter Video Campaigns:

        4. Channel Selection:

                Channel selection is key, as the channel you choose will offer
                you various targeting options and different video ad formats.
                Here are the key channels to consider:

                Social Media
                All social platform from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and Snapchat
                support video creative. Video is the largest consumed media format across social
                media. You can run video campaigns that target consumers across multiple
                devices from a desktop, tablet or mobile apps and in various ad formats.

                YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world behind Google. You
                can run pre-roll and instream video ads targeting your desired audience based
                on their demographics, content consumption and search behaviour.

                Display comes in many device formats from desktop/laptop to tablet and mobile
                devices including in-app video advertising. As consumers are viewing content
                online, you can run video display ads across all formats.

                Retargeting is an excellent way to target users who have already visited your
                website to encourage them to return and complete an action. Using video as
                part of your retargeting efforts allows you to drive brand/product recall more

9 I Smarter Video Campaigns

Smarter Video Campaigns:

      5. Video Targeting Techniques

             You have developed your strategy, developed your video
             creative and picked which channels to place that creative.
             Now the most important element remains; targeting your
             video to your audience and wider market sector.

             We have selected the most effective targeting techniques
             which deliver results but note that certain techniques are only
             effective on certain digital channels.
Smarter Video Campaigns:

        5.1 Audience:

        5.1     You can run Audience targeting across all the channels we have selected in
                section 4. However, some channels are limited. Audience targeting covers
                everything from your desired audience demographics such as: Age, Income,
                Gender, Location, Relationship Status and Job Title through to online behaviour
                e.g. buying patterns or content consumption.

                Its important to understand who consumes your product and based on that
                data you can be specific and narrow your targeting to specific audiences e.g. if
                you are selling car insurance to new drivers, you may target 21 to 25 ages, £25k
                + income, homeowner and recently purchased a car. The more you know about
                your customer the better.

11 I Smarter Video Campaigns                                               11 I Smarter Video Campaigns

Smarter Video Campaigns:

        5.2 Search:

       5.2      Through YouTube video advertising, search is a powerful and
                effective targeting technique. By using Google Search Data,
                you can deliver your ads to consumers specifically searching
                for your product, such as:

                In-market audiences – customers who are researching products and actively
                considering buying a service or product like those you offer.

                Custom intent audiences – allow you to reach viewers as they’re making a
                purchase decision based on the keywords that they have recently searched on

                Keywords – Depending on your video ad format, you can show your video ads
                based on words or phrases or type of website that your audience is interested in.

12 I Smarter Video Campaigns

Smarter Video Campaigns:

        5.3 Data:

       5.3      There are two effective ways to use your existing data in order
                to target consumers which are Look-a-Like targeting and Re-

                Look-a-Like targeting is a powerful tool that enables businesses to target
                potential new customers who have similar traits or behaviours to their existing
                customers. Through a customer’s email address, we can understand:

                Their behaviours


                Demographics e.g. age, gender, job title, income, location etc

                This data is then used to target new customers with similar data
                traits, through key channels such as Social Media & Display.

                Re-Targeting using cookies & pixels placed on your website so you can monitor
                customer activity in the digital landscape and the website content they view. If
                they leave your website without taking an action you can serve specific video ads
                that contains content related to the web pages they visited. This is to encourage
                a revisit of your site to complete an action.

13 I Smarter Video Campaigns

Smarter Video Campaigns:

        6. Reporting & Analytics:

                It is extremely vital to have an awareness of whether the
                spending on Video advertising is resulting in any sort of
                return. Improvement of user acquisition activities is not
                possible without the systematic monitoring of ad campaigns.
                Analytics here not only saves the campaign but also assists
                with cost savings. Therefore, make use of the platform
                analytics dashboard available to you, understand the various
                metrics from performance, clicks through to engagement of
                your ads.

                The data obtained from analytics helps in creating ad content and optimizing
                the website page that is expected to increase sales/revenue. Application of such
                analytics helps in excluding the guessing associated with planning, budgeting,
                and optimization of Video Marketing Strategies and selecting an appropriate

14 I Smarter Video Campaigns

Smarter Video Campaigns:

      7. Summary:

             The smarter video campaign is simply a part of an ingenious
             marketing strategy. This strategy provides you with an
             awareness of the efforts that will result in maximum return
             alongside assisting you to create a budget for those efforts,
             eliminating the possibility that you will avoid contemplating
             the marketing costs needed to support your efforts.
             A video marketing plan can be a great way to make sure your
             efforts link together. It can also assist you in obtaining the
             maximum ROI.

             Understand your customer audience, pick the right channel, targeting and
             strategic approach to help you get the campaign results you want. Don’t give up
             on the first try, be agile and adapt your campaigns based on your reporting and

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