SJNCS WEEKLY SPEAK, LORD. I'M LISTENING! - St. John Neumann Catholic School

Page created by Mike Castro
SJNCS WEEKLY SPEAK, LORD. I'M LISTENING! - St. John Neumann Catholic School
JANUARY 22, 2021 |

                                           SJNCS WEEKLY
                                           St. John Neumann Catholic School Weekly Newsletter

We heard the story of Samuel being woken up by God in
the middle of the night this past Sunday. Eli instructs
Samuel to respond to the call by saying, "Speak, Lord.
I'm listening." This has always been a favorite story of
mine, though it can be scary to consider what God
might want to say to us! As I noted last week, God is
always speaking to us if we care to listen. This week I've
been trying to listen through the challenges, and there
have been many! I was able to listen this week while
looking at drawings our PreK students made after they
spent time listening for God and it was so good for my
soul. In all of my listening, here's what I heard (in case it
helps you in any small way): sometimes a big disaster is
an opportunity to rebuild in a new way; treating
everyone with respect and kindness will win the day;
folks generally want to help if we can get out of our own
way to let them; it's good to try new things; our children
have eyes and hearts attuned to God in a way that
should inspire us to listen differently. What have you
Speak, Lord. I'm listening!
Peace & blessings,

                                                                ENROLLMENT UPDATE
                Upcoming Events                                 We really do have the greatest parents who are sharing the
                                                                good news of SJNCS in the community! In the last week,

 Sun., Jan. 31 - Fri., Feb. 5 -- Catholic Schools Week          we have received enrollment paperwork for 5 new

         full schedule provided next week                       students for next year, while sending out information for

 Tues., Feb. 2 - A Woman's Concern Baby Shower                  another 15 students! At the rate we are going, I expect

              Wed., Feb. 3 - Science Fair                       PreK, Kindergarten and 1st grade to reach their capacity in
                                                                the next week or two. If you have not returned your form
                                                                for next year, please do so if you wish to secure your spot.
                                                                And keep telling your friends about SJNCS - max capacity
                                                                in our classes is a good problem to have!
SJNCS WEEKLY SPEAK, LORD. I'M LISTENING! - St. John Neumann Catholic School
LIBRARY UPDATE                                                CANDY SALE
 As you all know, the Library has been a work in progress,     While we sidelined the candy sale to start the year, PTO
 starting with the need to order shelves when we first         is opening up an Easter candy sale in order to build a
 arrived! In addition to the hardware issues, we have been     solid bank account for some fun Spring activities! Order
 working with Mrs. Cloonan as she has needed to focus her      forms for the catalog will be coming home on Friday,
 attention on her own health. At this time, Mrs. Cloonan       January 29th and must be returned on Tuesday,
 has decided that a leave of absence is the best decision      February 16th. Orders will be delivered to the school the
 and we support her decision to focus on her own needs.        week of March 22nd. Check the instructions for sending
 While she is out, we will steadily be making progress to      information to out of town relatives - they can have
 get organized and situated so that we can resume the joys     Gertrude Hawk delivered right to their front door!
 of the Library! Mrs. Cloonan is incredibly grateful for the   Participation is optional, though strongly encouraged!
 love and prayers of our community!

                                                                         Candy Sale Background
                                                                    As background, the candy sale in previous
                                                                    years has single-handedly provided funding
                                                                    for all PTO events as we receive 50% back
                                                                    from our sales. Our spiritwear and Stroopie
                                                                    fundraisers were great, but did not generate
                                                                    the funds necessary to ensure that we are able
                                                                    to cover the costs for First Communion
                                                                    Breakfast, Tribute to Grads, and the ever-
                                                                    popular Donuts & Dad/Muffins with Mom -
                                                                    all of which we are anxious to celebrate this
                                                                    Spring in a COVID-friendly manner.
We had a great turnout for our Sunday, Jan. 17 and
Wednesday, Jan. 20 Open Houses. For the next four
months we will offer "Walk Through Wednesday" Open
Houses at 9 am on the second Wednesday of the month.
                                                               FID DAY ON FEBRUARY 15TH
                                                               On December 17th we took a snow day that didn't actually
These open houses, which last about 45 minutes, include a
                                                               exist in our calendar. With the intention to reclaim the
tour of the school, registration information and a
                                                               180th day AND not take a vacation day away, we will be
discussion with Kyla! Interested parents can register to
                                                               sending work home on Friday, February 12th to be
attend on our website.
                                                               completed over the three day weekend, which will allow
To show our thanks, if a current SJNCS family refers a new
                                                               us to call Monday, February 15th a Flexible Instruction Day.
family to the school and that family registers and remains
                                                               While this will create some weekend homework, our hope
at SJNCS through Christmas, the referring family will
                                                               is that it allows families to still enjoy a much-needed three
receive a $125 credit in January!
                                                               day weekend!
Thank you for sharing the good news of SJNCS!
SJNCS WEEKLY SPEAK, LORD. I'M LISTENING! - St. John Neumann Catholic School
We are looking for judges for our VIRTUAL science fair
competition to be held on Wednesday, Feb. 3. Judges will
                                                                            BABY SHOWER
                                                                            Items continue to arrive for our Baby Shower benefitting
need to have access to the internet in order to view the
                                                                            A Woman's Concern! Students are asked to donate an
projects, interview students and collaborate with other
                                                                            item or two that we will present to A Woman's Concern
judges to determine the winners. If you, a co-worker,
                                                                            at our Baby Shower during Catholic Schools Week. Gift
relative or friend can share your time and talent with these
                                                                            registries listing items needed can be found here.
hard-working students, please contact SJNCS School
                                                                             Although there is an option on the registry to send the
Board Academic Affairs Chairperson– Scott McCuen at
                                                                            item directly to A Women's Corner, all donations or the office at
                                                                            should be brought to school so we can assemble them
                                                                            together on the day of the shower. All items are due by
                                                                            Tuesday, Feb. 2. Thank you for your support of providing
                                                                            for God's littlest ones and their families.

    Thank you to Fourth Grade for stepping up and handling the duties of Morning Prayer this week. Since they are the "seniors" this
                    week, they were allowed the senior privileges of wearing crazy socks and sweatshirts to school.
SJNCS WEEKLY SPEAK, LORD. I'M LISTENING! - St. John Neumann Catholic School SJNCS WEEKLY SPEAK, LORD. I'M LISTENING! - St. John Neumann Catholic School SJNCS WEEKLY SPEAK, LORD. I'M LISTENING! - St. John Neumann Catholic School SJNCS WEEKLY SPEAK, LORD. I'M LISTENING! - St. John Neumann Catholic School SJNCS WEEKLY SPEAK, LORD. I'M LISTENING! - St. John Neumann Catholic School SJNCS WEEKLY SPEAK, LORD. I'M LISTENING! - St. John Neumann Catholic School
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