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3 DE SEPTIEMBRE - 9 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2020 3 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM The Census is safe, easy, and Ȟ'ăÐĊĮďÐĮĮÐæķīďșå®ÆðăřÆďĊťÌÐĊÆðăȝ ÆďĊťÌÐĊĴðăȝďĉĨăÐĴÐĴìÐĮÐĴÐĊÐĊĮķĮ ďĉĨăÐĴÐÐĮĴĮÌðКĨīÐæķĊĴĮÌÐăÐĊĮď ĪķÐĮĴðďĊĮÅřĴìÐwÐĨĴÐĉÅÐīǢǟÌÐÌăðĊÐȘ ĊĴÐĮÌÐăǢǟÌÐĮÐĨĴðÐĉÅīÐȘ tÐĮĨďĊÌ}Z#ĴĉřǡǟǡǟÆÐĊĮķĮȘæďŒȘ tÐĮĨďĊÌ>ZăÐĊĮďÐĊĉřǡǟǡǟÆÐĊĮķĮȘæďŒȘ 1. How many people were living or 1. ¿Cuántas personas estaban viviendo o staying in this house, apartment, or quedándose en esta casa, apartamen- mobile home on April 1, 2020? to o casa móvil el 1 de abril del 2020? 2. Were there any additional people 2. ¿Había personas adicionales quedán- staying here on April 1, 2020? dose aquí el 1 de abril del 2020 que usted no incluyó en la Pregunta 1? 3. Is this a house, apartment, or mobile home? 3. ¿Es esta casa, apartamento o casa móvil? 4. What is your telephone number? 4. ¿Cuál es su número de teléfono? 5. What is Person 1’s name? 5. ¿Cuál es el nombre de la Persona 1? 6. What is Person 1’s gender? 6. ¿Cuál es el sexo de la Persona 1? 7. What is Person 1’s age and date 7. ¿Cuál es la edad de la Persona 1 y cuál of birth? es su fecha de nacimiento? 8. Is Person 1 of Hispanic, Latino, or 8. ¿Es la Persona 1 de origen hispano, Spanish origin? latino o español? 9. What is Person 1’s race? 9. ¿Cuál es la raza de la Persona 1? 10. Does this person usually live or stay 10. ¿Vive o se queda esta persona habit- somewhere else? ualmente en algún otro lugar? ăăǠȭǧǣǣȭǢǢǟȭǡǟǡǟďīåďīwĨĊðĮìșÆăăǠȭǧǣǣȭǣǥǧȭǡǟǡǟȘ OăĉÐăǠȭǧǣǣȭǣǥǧȭǡǟǡǟďĨīAĊæăÐĮș ăăĉÐăǠȭǧǣǣȭǢǢǟȭǡǟǡǟȘ
4 3 DE SEPTIEMBTE - 9 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2020 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM In loving memory of Mr. José G. Esparza 2 Months of Free High-Speed Internet from Comcast $9.95 Per Month + Tax FOUNDED BY: after promotional pricing José G. Esparza And Lilia S. Esparza /1993/ No Term Contract Internet Essentials from Comcast brings you affordable, high-speed PO BOX 1805 No Credit Check Internet. We want to make it easier for low-income households to get CYPRESS TEXAS 77410 No Installation Fee connected so they can more easily work from home, access educational Phone: (713)880-1133 Up To 25/3 Mbps resources, and stay in contact with friends and family. You may be Fax: (713)880-2322 eligible for 2 months of free Internet Essentials service. Available for new Internet Essentials customers only. Apply by June 30, 2020. Apply Now! PUBLISHERS GABRIEL ESPARZA You may qualify if you: 1-855-8-INTERNET 1 Are eligible for public assistance 3 Have not subscribed to Comcast (1-855-846-8376) PUBLIC RELATIONS programs like the National School Internet within the last 90 days. Lunch Program, housing assistance, AMANDA G. ESPARZA Medicaid, SNAP, SSI, and others. 4 Have no outstanding debt to Comcast that is less than one 2 Live in an area where Comcast year old.* Internet Service is available. *Due to the Coronavirus emergency, SPORTS EDITOR households with outstanding debt may still be eligible if approved by 6/30/2020. MICHAEL A. ESPARZA michaele@queondamagazine .com REPORTER / FOTOGRAPH MIGUEL MONDRAGON Offer ends June 30, 2020. Restrictions apply. Limited to Internet Essentials (“IE”) service from Comcast for new residential customers meeting certain eligibility criteria. Offer limited to 2 months of complimentary Internet Essentials service. Taxes extra. After promotion, regular rates apply. Comcast’s current rate is $9.95/mo. (subject to change). Advertised price applies to a single outlet. Actual speeds may vary and are not guaranteed. For factors affecting speed visit If a customer is determined to be no longer eligible for the IE program, regular rates will apply to the selected Internet service. Subject to Internet Essentials program terms and conditions. May not be combined with other offers. Call 1-855-846-8376 for restrictions and complete details FOTOGRAPH or visit © 2020 Comcast. All rights reserved. FLY-ILL-BIL-2MO-0320 VICTOR LOPEZ Los contenidos periodísticos que se incluyen en este resumen GOVERNOR ABBOTT, HHSC ANNOUNCE EXTENSION OF EMERGENCY SNAP informativo son propiedad intelectual y responsabilidad exclu- siva de los medios emisores y de sus autores y no representan de manera alguna la opinion de la revista ¡Que Onda! DISTRIBUTION NEWSPAPER DISTRIBUTION BENEFITS FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER G COMPANY overnor Greg Abbott today announced More than 972,000 SNAP households the Texas Health and Human Services will see the additional amount on their Lone QUE ONDA MAGAZINE Prides itself in keep- Commission (HHSC) will provide ap- Star Card by Sept. 15. The emergency Sep- ing a high standard and devotingly opposes any type of misleading advertising. proximately $188 million in emergency Sup- tember allotments are in addition to the more plemental Nutrition Assistance Program than $1 billion in benefits previously provided CLOSE EDITION (SNAP) food benefits for the month of Septem- to Texans between April and August. HHSC Friday 5:00pm ber as the Texas continues to respond to the received federal approval from the U.S. De- OFFICE HOURS COVID-19 pandemic. partment of Agriculture to extend the maxi- 9:00 am - 6:00pm mum, allowable amount of SNAP benefits to Monday - Friday DEADLINES "Texas will continue to ensure access recipients based on family size. Friday 12:00 am to nutritious meals as we mitigate the spread Ads containing special art, photos or proof will be required of COVID-19," said Governor Abbott. "This Administered by HHSC, SNAP is a a week in advance. Una Publicación Semanal Derechos Reservados Copyright 2007 emergency SNAP extension will help Texans federal program that provides food assistance provide healthy food for their families." to approximately 1.4 million eligible low-in- come families and individuals in Texas. "As families return to school, this ex- tension helps Texans purchase healthy, nutri- Texans in need can apply for benefits, tious foods for their households," said Texas including SNAP and Medicaid, at YourTexas- HHS Access and Eligibility Services Deputy or use the Your Texas Benefits Executive Commissioner Wayne Salter. mobile app to manage their benefits.
3 DE SEPTIEMBRE - 9 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2020 5 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING ADVERTENCIA DE CALOR ISSUED FOR HARRIS COUNTY EXCESIVO EMITIDA PARA EL UNTIL 8 P.M. CONDADO HARRIS EN EFECTO HASTA LAS 8 P.M. T he National Weather Ser- • Avoid alcohol or liquids con- E vice (NWS) has issued an taining high amounts of sug- l Servicio Nacional de Me- sea posible. Excessive Heat Warning for ar. teorología (NWS, por sus • Evite la luz solar directa. Harris County until to 8 p.m. to- • Remind others to drink siglas en inglés) ha emitido • Use ropa ligera y de colores day. Dangerously hot conditions enough water, especially una advertencia de calor exce- claros. with heat index values of 113 to when outdoors. sivo para el Condado Harris, hoy • Cerciórese que las personas 117 degrees will be possible. Ex- hasta las 8 p.m. Por ahora, las más vulnerables se encuen- treme heat and humidity will in- condiciones de calor son poten- tren bien y chéquelos dos vec- crease the chance of heat-related STAY INFORMED! cialmente peligrosas ya que los es al día. illness and everyone should take valores de índice de calor oscila- • Meta a las mascotas al interi- precautions to avoid exhaustion. • Stay updated on local weath- ran entre 113 a 117. El calor y la or y proporcione mucha agua er forecasts and tips from humedad extremos aumentarán para que puedan beber. What you should do: trusted partners such as Na- la posibilidad de enfermedades tional Weather Service Hous- relacionadas con el calor y todos ¡MANTÉNGASE STAY COOL! ton-Galveston, Harris County debemos tomar precauciones para HIDRATADO! Public Health, and ReadyHar- evitar el agotamiento o golpe de • Debido a que su cuerpo pierde • Keep your body temperature ris. calor. líquidos a través del sudor, cool to avoid heat-related ill- • Learn the symptoms of heat puede deshidratarse en mo- ness. illness. Qué necesita hacer: mentos de calor extremo. • Always remember to LOOK • Beba más agua de lo normal. BEFORE YOU LOCK for chil- ¡MANTÉNGASE FRESCO! • Evite el alcohol o líquidos que dren and pets in vehicles. Where you can learn more: • Mantenga la temperatura de contengan altas cantidades de • Stay in an air-conditioned su cuerpo fresca para evitar azúcar. building as much as possible. • Beat The Heat Tips: Harris enfermedades relacionadas • Recuerde a los demás que be- • Avoid direct sunlight. County Public Health con el calor. ban suficiente agua, especial- • Wear lightweight, light-col- • Extreme Heat Safety: Centers • Recuerde siempre VERIFI- mente cuando se encuentren ored clothing. for Disease Control & Preven- CAR ANTES DE CERRAR al aire libre. • Check on those most at-risk tion SU VEHÍCULO que NO haya twice a day. • Local Forecast: Nation- niños y mascotas dentro de su El calor extremo durante • Bring pets inside and provide al Weather Service Hous- automóvil. un período prolongado puede ejer- plenty of water for them to ton-Galveston • Permanezca en un edificio con cer presión sobre la red eléctrica. drink. aire acondicionado tanto como Para reducir la tensión en la red durante las horas pico de las 3 Extreme heat for p.m. a las 7 p.m., se recomienda a long period may put que configure su aire acondiciona- a strain on the electric do a 78 ° F si es posible y evite el grid. To reduce strain to uso de electrodomésticos grandes. the grid during the peak hours of 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., it is recommended that you ¡MANTÉNGASE NFORMADO! set your air conditioner at • Puede actualizarse sobre el 78°F if possible and avoid pronóstico del tiempo local, using large appliances. así como adquirir consejos de socios confiables como el Ser- STAY HYDRATED! vicio Nacional de Meteorología Houston-Galveston, el Depar- • Because your body tamento de Salud Pública del loses fluids through Condado de Harris y Ready- sweat, you can become Harris. dehydrated during • Infórmese sobre los síntomas times of extreme heat. de enfermedades causados por • Drink more water el calor. than usual.
6 3 DE SEPTIEMBTE - 9 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2020 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM ENTRETENIMIENTO MALUMA GANA EL PREMIO "BEST LATIN" Y PRESENTA SU ÉXITO GLOBAL "HAWÁI" POR PRIMERA VEZ EN LOS MTV VIDEO MUSIC AWARDS 2020 E ste domingo, el ídolo global agradecido con MTV por tenerme de la música latina, MALU- de vuelta para presentarme des- MA, brilló en los MTV Vid- de mi primera aparición en los eo Music Awards 2020 ganando VMAs 2018. Con mi presentación, su primera estatuilla en la cate- quise transmitir energía positiva goría “Mejor Latino” (“Best Lat- con un set vibrante para mis fans in”) por su sencillo y video “Qué que lo vieron desde casa”; expresó Pena” ft J Balvin, que fue elegida Maluma. por los fans como la mejor de las canciones nominadas en la cate- Cabe mencionar que su goría latina de este año. traje de seda en color verde anís con doble botonadura y la cami- Maluma realizó una pre- sa sin cuello de seda combinado sentación en un auto–concierto con sus sneakers de Balmain es (drive-in) colorido y electrizante su primer diseño de alta costura inspirado en los años 90 al estilo realizado por él junto a Olivier Miami Vice para cantar su éxito Rousteing, director creativo de global, "HAWÁI", que pertenece BALMAIN. Olivier se inspiró en a su nuevo y quinto álbum PAPI Maluma cuando participó en el a Maluma en el artista latino que superan los 100 millones en sus JUANCHO. Esta fue la primera lanzamiento de la marca Men's ha ganado la posición más alta redes sociales (Instagram, You- presentación oficial de Maluma Resort 2021 en junio de 2020 y con una canción como solista en Tube, Facebook y Twitter). en un escenario interpretando sintió que una colaboración de la lista de este año. El video de "Hawái" desde que inició la pan- diseño para un look sería perfecta "HAWÁI" también fue #2 en la PAPI JUANCHO cuenta demia. El show se llevó a cabo en con el lanzamiento de "HAWÁI" y lista de videos más vistos en las con 22 canciones creadas en este un lugar privado, donde los fans Papi Juancho. El diseño person- últimas 24 horas en todo el mun- tiempo de cuarentena entre Me- disfrutaron de su actuación en alizado completo formará parte do. Ha recibido más de 107 mil- dellín y Miami, es el resultado de un entorno seguro desde sus au- de la colección Primavera-Vera- lones de vistas en su canal oficial muchos años de trabajo y la evo- tomóviles con una vista al icónico no 2021 de Balmain y debutará de YouTube en tan sólo un mes. lución del alter ego de Maluma, el horizonte de la ciudad de Nueva de nuevo en el desfile de Balmain Para verlo haga clic AQUÍ. "Dirty Boy" que creció y ahora es York. Maluma se presentó en una durante la Semana de la Moda de "Papi Juancho". motocicleta con un escenario lleno París el 2 de octubre de 2020. Maluma es actualmente el de luces de color neón, palmeras y #1 en la radio latina en Estados Producido por The Rude rodeado de bailarinas que vestían "Diseñar mi look para Unidos y Puerto Rico con la co- Boyz (Kevin ADG y Chan "El Gen- trajes de baño estampados con el esta presentación con Olivier fue laboración "Porfa" Remix, ganan- io"), con quienes Maluma ha co- nombre “Papi Juancho” generan- también un logro de moda para lo do así su decimoséptimo #1 en el laborado desde su primer álbum do así un escenografía con ambi- que está por venir. Olivier sabe el listado de Billboard de Latin Air- (Magia en el 2012), PAPI JUAN- ente de Miami. Para ver la pre- valor de dar vida a una historia y play en sólo cinco años. "HAWÁI" CHO cuenta con canciones escri- sentación haga clic AQUÍ. a una marca. Él entiende visual- también ha alcanzado el #1 en tas por Maluma junto a Edgar mente los objetivos a largo plazo la radio de Colombia, Argentina, Barrera, Kevin ADG, Chan "El "Esta noche es un momen- de lo que soy. Me emocionó que Guatemala, Ecuador, Chile, Pan- Genio", Miky La Sensa, Vicente to que nunca olvidaré. Agradezco tuviera la visión de quién es 'Papi amá, Paraguay, Bolivia, Costa Barco, Juan Camilo Vargas, entre a mis fans por votar y hacer que Juancho' y logró traer de vuelta Rica, El Salvador y Honduras; y otros y colaboraciones especiales 'Que Pena' gane una legendaria la vibra de los 90’s conmigo. Para está subiendo rápidamente en las con artistas del Reggaetón desde persona de la luna (moon person) nosotros era importante traer listas de éxitos en España y Esta- sus inicios así como de la nueva para mi ciudad natal Medellín. los colores brillantes, los buenos dos Unidos. escuela, incluyendo: Darell, Jory Como artistas, hemos trabajado y nostálgicos momentos duran- Boy, Justin Quiles, Lenny Tava- duro para representar a los latinos te estos tiempos sin precedente”, "HAWÁI" es parte de la rez, Myke Towers, Ñejo & Dalma- a nivel mundial y esta noche esta comentó Maluma con respecto a última producción musical del ta, Ñengo Flow, Randy, Yandel, victoria representa que unidos so- este tema. artista. El 21 de agosto Maluma Yomo y Zion. mos más fuertes, juntos por nues- sorprendió a sus fans con el lan- tra cultura. Estar en el escenario Esta semana, Maluma zamiento de su quinto álbum, Junto con el álbum, Malu- por primera vez desde el golpe de hizo historia con su más reciente titulado PAPI JUANCHO. La no- ma también lanzó el videoclip de la pandemia fue verdaderamente y exitoso sencillo "HAWÁI" posi- ticia desató la euforia entre sus una de sus canciones, "Parce" ft. asombroso. Me sentí como si es- cionándose en el #2 del Top 50 fans y se extendió como un tor- Lenny Tavarez y Justin Quiles. tuviera en casa otra vez y estoy mundial de Spotify, convirtiendo bellino entre sus seguidores, que
3 DE SEPTIEMBRE - 9 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2020 7 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM ESTUDIO DE INVESTIGACIÓN DE UNA VACUNA CONTRA LA COVID-19 HÁGASE VOLUNTARIO Y MARQUE LA DIFERENCIA Cada vacuna y medicamento modernos que tenemos hoy se comprobaron en primer lugar en estudios clínicos en los que participaron de cientos a miles de personas antes de estar disponibles para el público. Este estudio de la vacuna contra la COVID-19 incluirá a un máximo de 30,000 participantes adultos, y cada uno tendrá una función esencial. Si acepta ser voluntario, representará a personas como usted en edad, sexo, raza, etnia y en sus comunidades. La participación de personas diversas mejorará el desarrollo de esta vacuna para todos. Ser parte de un estudio clínico es una decisión personal y muy importante. Esperamos que usted lo considere. ¿QUÉ SE DEBE ESPERAR? CADA PARTICIPANTE SERÁ CADA PARTICIPANTE CADA PARTICIPANTE CADA PARTICIPANTE HARÁ RECIBIRÁ SU PROPIO SEGUIMIENTO 2 ASIGNADO TENDRÁ 4 DE SU SALUD Y AVISARÁ DE ALEATORIAMENTE CUALQUIER SÍNTOMA DE LA COVID-19 POR 2 AÑOS (AL AZAR) PARA RECIBIR LA VACUNA DEL ESTUDIO O UN PLACEBO (INYECCIÓN INYECCIONES VISITAS DE SIN PRINCIPIO ACTIVO) CON 3 SEMANAS DE DIFERENCIA SEGUIMIENTO PROGRAMADAS DESPUÉS DE SUS INYECCIONES EN LA CLÍNICA COMUNÍQUESE CON CLÍNICA DEL ESTUDIO: VENTAVIA RESEARCH GROUP HOUSTON UN MIEMBRO DEL PERSONA DE CONTACTO: GABRIELA OBEIDAT PERSONAL DEL ESTUDIO NÚMERO DE TELÉFONO: (832) 831-5349 PARA OBTENER MÁS DIRECCIÓN DE CORREO ELECTRÓNICO: GOBEIDAT@VENTAVIARESEARCH.COM INFORMACIÓN Pfizer-COViD-19_C4591001_flyer-WTe_Que OnDa!10.0x12.0_V1.5_01aug2020_eSuS_uPDaTeD
3 DE SEPTIEMBRE - 9 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2020 9 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM District I Census Car Parade Saturday, September 5th 10 A.M. - 11:30 A.M. Councilman Robert Gallegos encourages participants to decorate their personal vehicle with bright and colorful decorations. Balloons can be tied around side mirrors, door handles, or tailgates. Use window markers to decorate windows if you have them. Have fun and get creative! If you or your organization would like to register, click here! Contact Gloria Rodriguez at 832-393-3306 or
10 3 DE SEPTIEMBTE - 9 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2020 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM they would get from Tucker, the Tucker became the first former No. 5 overall Draft pick A's-Astros postponed; player since Toronto’s Otto Velez who destroyed Triple-A pitching. alternate site on pause on May 4, 1980, to have at least He fizzled in his Major League three RBIs in the first innings of debut in 2018 and showed some Astros players and both games of a doubleheader. more promising flashes last Sep- staff went through a round of George Springer added a two-run tember. With a veteran outfield COVID-19 testing on Sunday homer in the second inning off returning in 2020 and AL Rookie morning after learning a member Oakland starter Frankie Montas, of the Year Yordan Alvarez back of the Oakland A’s traveling party enabling Zack Greinke to pick up at designated hitter, Tucker was had tested positive for the virus, the win after he allowed three going to have to hit well to play. which forced the postponement ASTROS TAKE runs and six hits in five innings. of Sunday’s series finale between Alvarez has played in only the top two teams in the Ameri- TWIN BILL Coming into the season, one of the big questions sur- two games and earlier this week underwent knee surgery, and can League West at Minute Maid Park. WITH MORE rounding the Astros was what Springer and Michael Brantley TUCKER have battled injuries. Tucker has filled the offensive gap in their ab- Astros general manager James Click said those tests will MAGIC sence, but it took awhile. be sent to the lab and the results will be made known on Mon- A ll the Astros needed to After going 0-for-3 against the day morning. He said if anybody sweep a doublehead- Rockies, comes up as a result of their con- er from the A’s were a tact tracing protocols, the team couple of big swings from Kyle will try to find a way to get them Tucker in the first inning. on Aug. 18, he was slashing rapid tested locally, assuming .193/.227/.349. Since then, he’s there's capacity. Tucker, who slashing .484/.579/1.226 with five smacked a three-run triples, four homers, 10 runs and Click said Sunday’s game homer in the first in- 18 RBIs in his last 10 games. His won’t be rescheduled for Monday, ning of the Astros’ 29 RBIs are among the AL lead- when both teams are off, and he 4-2 win in Game 1 on ers. remains hopeful the Astros can Saturday afternoon, resume play on Tuesday at Min- ripped a three-run tri- He’s been more selective, is lay- ute Maid Park with a three-game ple to left field in the ing off bad pitches and is using series against the Rangers. first inning of Game 2 the whole field. to send the Astros to a 6-3 victory and twin-bill “I’ve been seeing the sweep of the A’s at Min- ball a lot ute Maid Park. “I’ve been seeing The Astros were the ball real well,” Tuck- better,” previously tested on Friday, and er said. “I haven’t chased said Tucker, whose six all results were negative. a lot of pitches, which is a triples are a club record big part of that. If you’re through 33 games of a season. “It Click said the team is not chasing pitches and just helped me not really chase performing contact tracing pro- you’re getting good pitch- pitches right off the plate or any- cedures and deep cleaning at es over the plate that thing.” Whataburger Field with hopes of you can hit, you will be reopening soon. even more productive Springer said Tucker is that way.” beginning to slow the game down Sunday is the fourth As- as he gets more comfortable and tros game to be postponed this The win got matures, and the fact he’s fac- week. Houston had games against the Astros to within ing pitchers multiple times has the Angels postponed on Wednes- 2 1/2 games of the helped him, as well. day and Thursday because of an first-place A’s in approaching hurricane, one of the American “He’s been hitting the ball which was made up with a dou- League West hard for a long time,” Springer bleheader Tuesday. The Astros heading into said. “He’s showing glimpses of didn’t play on Friday in a protest Sunday’s se- what he can do and he’s put in a for social justice reform, and that ries finale. lot of hard work behind the scenes game was made up as part of a to be who he has been. This is ob- doubleheader on Saturday. The viously a short season and a lot of Astros swept the A’s to get with- people get stuck on stats and all in 2.5 games of the lead in the AL that stuff, but he doesn’t care. He West. just wants to drive the ball and it’s starting to show.”
3 DE SEPTIEMBRE - 9 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2020 11 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM 2020 VISION: BRING YOUR FUTURE INTO FOCUS! The world looks a little different right now, but one thing is clear; Lone Star College-North Harris is here for you. REGISTER NOW for Fall 2020 classes. Talk to an advisor: UNIVERSITY Get help with financing: TRANSFER LSC-East Aldine Center questions: COLLEGE GRADUATE CAREER READY Fall classes begin Aug. 24 2700 W.W. Thorne Dr. Houston, TX 77073 2430 Aldine Mail Route Rd. Houston, TX 77039 FA20_QueOndaAD_10x6.indd 1 7/9/20 3:28 PM
12 3 DE SEPTIEMBTE - 9 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2020 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM AMERICA’S MOST COMPELLING 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RACE What type of work are you do- pre-existing condition. ing to reach Spanish speaking voters and Latinos in your dis- In the midst of a pandemic, mil- trict? lions of Americans are without healthcare and Republicans Building a robust Latino continue with their efforts to advisory council with community repeal the ACA, what do you leaders from throughout Texas’ 2nd tell voters who ask you about district healthcare? Stepping up our bilingual communications efforts and Span- Well first, I tell them I un- ish language outreach locally derstand. As a breast cancer survi- Using our field operation to vor, health care is very personal to conduct wellness checks through- me. I spent years in our health care this issue hits really close to home. families is at stake. out the community, but especially system as a patient, and I saw the I came here as a child. We need to Our latest polling shows us in communities of color that are hit cruel effect it had on Houston fami- protect DREAMers and preserve that the environment in TX-02 is most by COVID-19 lies first hand. the DACA program. In Houston moving steadily in Democrats’ fa- In waiting room after wait- alone, DREAMers contribute so vor. Biden is in a dead heat with We’ve seen the Latino commu- ing room, I met patients struggling much. Over 32,000 Houston DACA Trump in TX-02 despite Trump nity be hit the hardest by the to afford their medicines, choos- recipients and their families have carrying the district by a 9 point COVID-19 pandemic here in ing between refills and utilities, built lives, pursued their educa- margin in 2016. Texas. Do you think Congress and facing the uncertainty of how tion, and contributed to our city, The people of TX-02 see and the President are doing they’d make it through the month. including $1.1 billion to Houston's through these games that the ad- enough to support Latinos and In communities of color, that grim economy each year. These attacks ministration is playing with the communities of color? If elect- reality is even worse. on DACA are immoral and they lives of Americans, and we’re going ed to Congress what will you Now, as a survivor, I feel a need to stop. to hold them accountable for it this do to address this clear health sense of duty to fight for the qual- Despite the Supreme November. disparity? ity, affordable health care and Court’s decision, Donald Trump peace of mind that every family in will go above the rule of law to dis- How do you feel about the The short answer is no — every waiting room deserves. To mantle DACA and punish hundreds Black Lives Matter movement this President and this Congress me, health care is a human right. of thousands of DREAMers who are and do you support defunding are not doing enough. LULAC re- Watching Republicans like Dan actively contributing to our nation. the police? cently came out with a study show- Crenshaw continue their attempts In Congress, I’ll fight to ing more than 60% of new cases in to dismantle the ACA in the middle give DACA recipients the paths to I wholeheartedly support Harris County, where my entire of a pandemic is a gut punch to our citizenship, the educational oppor- the Black Lives Matter movement, district lies, are Latino Americans. families, and I’m not going to stand tunities, and the health care they and I believe every member of Con- This isn’t by coincidence — it’s by for it once I get to Congress. deserve. They are as American as gress — red or blue — should be design. you or I, and they deserve a fair able to say that out loud. It’s not a Communities of color are On June 18th, The Su- shot at the American Dream. (De- radical idea. dealing with the worst of this pan- preme Court ruled against Vos pulling funding for DACA re- We do need police. But we demic because they’ve dealt with the Trump administration’s cipients) also need to rethink the definition the worst of this country’s health attempt to end protections of “public safety” and what that care disparities. Just look at the for hundreds of thousands of How do you plan on approach- means in our budgets and commu- rate of chronic illness in commu- DACA recipients, however the ing Trump throughout your nities nities of color. HEATH CARE IN- Trump Administration has campaign in a district that he A budget is more than dol- JUSTICE made it clear that they will con- won (if it applies to candidate’s lars and cents, it communicates our If I’m elected to Congress, tinue with their attacks on the district) in 2016 and is likely to values and our priorities. And look I’ll do that by working to expand program and they continue to win again in 2020? at what politicians have cut fund- enrollment for the Affordable Care refuse first time applicants the ing for: public education, health Act, open Medicare enrollment to opportunity to qualify for the I’m not backing down from care, social services. all who choose it, and bring down program. If elected, how would Donald Trump. He’s a bully, and so Funding public schools, the exorbitant costs of prescrip- you support DREAMers in your is Dan Crenshaw. I don’t shy away job skills training, entrepreneur- tion drugs by allowing Medicare to district? from any bully or any challenge — ship, affordable housing, better negotiate. And above all, I’ll fight especially when the health of our and more accessible health care ... to protect every American with a As an immigrant myself,
3 DE SEPTIEMBRE - 9 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2020 13 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM these things increase public safety, What percentage of the district and lessen the need for our police. that you’re running in is Latino Excessive violence by police and/or Spanish speaking? and the brutalization of Black men and boys in this country is a major Harris County is one of the problem, and one we need to work most diverse and fastest growing on at every level – in our communi- counties in America. It’s already ties and in Congress. the third largest in the nation, and a huge portion of that growth comes That’s why, when I’m elected, from our vibrant Latino communi- I’ll fight to: ty. More than 21% of our district is Latino. 21%! And it’s growing expo- • Have independent investi- nentially by the year. Our diversi- gations into police miscon- ty is our strength. duct, and Justice Depart- ment “pattern or practice” What have you been hearing probes into police depart- from the Latino community in ments the district you’re running in? • Create a national use of force standard Health care is what peo- • Ban chokeholds ple from all backgrounds in every • End “qualified immunity” corner of the district are talking for police officers about, but especially in the Latino • Create a national miscon- community where this virus has duct registry done the most damage.We live in • End of no-knock warrants the least insured state in the union, in drug cases and that metric is even worse in • Because Black lives won’t our Hispanic population. matter until they matter in But I want to be clear here It’s unacceptable to them That’s a huge perspective shift. I the eyes of the law. — it’s not just health care. Every that the government would make know what revolution and chaos issue is a Latino issue. From our it harder for the Latino community looks like — I fled political violence What type of outreach efforts health care to our economy to our to access health care in the middle with my family, and escaped to this have you made to engage with education system, we need to fully of a pandemic. But sadly, they’re beacon of freedom and democracy. Latinos? understand the ways our federal not surprised. That’s what this I love this country, and policies have failed the Latino com- administration stands for. They’ve I appreciate every opportunity it I’m rusty, but I do speak munity in order to improve. That’s abused the American Dream and gave me, and I will fight every day Spanish. I actually learned Span- what we talk about in my district. we need to restore it. That starts to keep the door to that American ish before I learned English, and And in the middle of a pan- with quality, affordable, accessible Dream unlocked for the next hard- I’ve been working with my team to demic, many undocumented mem- health care. working immigrant. That’s the create bilingual speaking materials bers of our community are too fear- perspective I will bring to Congress. so our Spanish speaking communi- ful to get tested, because ICE may What is your stance on immi- ty can hear directly from me. be waiting around the corner. gration and thoughts on the We’re in the midst of a nation- We’ve been organizing vir- Iranian and Latino family continuous attacks on immi- al dialogue on racism and in- tual town halls in the Latino com- structures are actually very simi- grants from this President? equality in America, is it harder munity, and connecting with local lar, and it endangers us in a pan- to run as a (woman, candidate churches demic. Why? Multi-general fami- As an immigrant, these at- of color, or progressive) in a Re- lies living under one roof. tacks are the farthest thing from publican district now? patriotic. We are a nation of immi- grants, and we are better because As a woman, a woman of of it. color, and an immigrant, it’s never And every time I see these been easy — but I’ve been defying attacks, I feel that the American the odds my entire life. I don’t make Dream that I came here for — life, excuses, and I use the discrimina- liberty, equality, justice — is in tion I’ve faced to fuel my desire for jeopardy. And that’s thanks to Don- change. ald Trump and his Republican en- TX-02 may look tough, it's ablers like Dan Crenshaw (building changing quicker and quicker by the wall was his first floor speech). the day. It’s highly-educated (41% I won’t allow it to continue in Hous- college graduates), racially diverse ton, and that’s why I’m running for (39% minority) and majority ur- Congress. ban-suburban all within Harris county the fastest growing and di- What perspective would you verse. On top of that, the voters bring to Congress that it are really motivated and Trump’s wouldn’t have otherwise? favorability is tanking. Beto only lost this district by 3,000 votes, and When I’m elected, I’ll be- we’ve registered 50,000 new voters come the first Iranian-American to in the past two years. These are ever serve in the halls of Congress. hallmarks of a Democratic district, and I know we can win this race.
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18 3 DE SEPTIEMBTE - 9 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2020 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM COCINA ful) chili powder fer bacon to a cutting board, Black Beans: reserving fat in skillet. • A generous drizzle vegeta- • 1 tablespoon (1 turn around ble, corn, or olive oil the pan) vegetable, olive, or 2. Increase heat under skillet to FAJITAS, corn oil medium-high. Add potatoes and shallots; season with two- WITH BLACK Fajitas: • Flank steak • 3 cloves garlic, chopped thirds of each salt and pepper. BEANS AND Stir to coat in fat and cook 10 • 1 jalapeno, seeded and finely minutes, until potatoes begin • 8 (8-inch) flour tortillas RICE chopped to soften. • 1 tablespoon vegetable, corn • 1 small white onion 3. Chop bacon into bite-size piec- or olive oil INGREDIENTS • 1 large can black beans, es. To skillet, add bacon, spin- • 1 large red bell pepper, seeded drained and rinsed ach and rosemary and sauté 2 Marinade: and cut into strips to 3 minutes. • 2/3 cup Mexican beer • 1 teaspoon ground cumin • 1 poblano pepper (if you mar- 4. Using a spoon, create 8 holes • 1/2 cup chopped chipotle ket does not carry them, sub- • Salt and pepper in hash mixture, then crack in adobo sauce, found on stitute 1 Cubanelle long Ital- an egg into each. Transfer to international foods aisle, ian pepper) • Chopped cilantro and sliced oven and bake for 8 to 10 min- smoky chipotle prepared scallions, for garnish, optional utes, until whites are set but salsa may be substituted • 1 medium yellow-skinned yolk are still runny. Spanish onion, cut into thin • 1 lime, juiced strips PREPARATION 5. Meanwhile, in a small food processor, process avocado, • Several sprigs fresh thyme, • Salt and pepper 1. Preheat oven to 400°F. In a sour cream, lime juice and re- chopped, about 2 table- large skillet on medium, add maining one-third of salt for 1 spoons • 1 package Spanish style rice, bacon and cook until lightly minute, or until smooth. Driz- any brand, prepared to direc- crispy, 8 to 9 minutes. Trans- • 1 1/2 tablespoons (1/2 palm- zle over hash. tions on the package
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22 3 DE SEPTIEMBTE - 9 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 2020 WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM TRAVEL ARUBA S olo ta briya. The sun is shining. It’s something we Arubans say more than any- one else in the Caribbean. Aruba consistently ranks as having the least amount of rainfall in the Southern Carib- bean. The calming trade winds will keep you cool in the pleasant 82-degree weather. Thanks to our location outside the hurricane belt, visitors can expect reliably great weather throughout the year. Our island is also alive with sights, sounds, and culinary delights found on no other Carib- bean island. With friendly people eager to welcome and embrace you. With surprising natural wonders to explore, and countless ways to relax, indulge your wild side, and find happiness however Our beautiful island is a perfect land made to help you disconnect From watersports meccas lined you like it. spot for your romantic getaway. from the world and discover your- with luxury resorts to secluded self. coves sandwiched by limestone One Happy Family Eat & Drink cliffs, Aruba’s breathtaking va- Ahoy, Mateys! Join us in Aruba’s cuisine is a fusion Families riety of beaches offers something Aruba for a summer family vaca- of global flavors and spices sim- Aruba is the perfect loca- special for everyone. tion filled with swashbuckling fun mered in our kitchens for centu- tion for a safe, stress-free family on the sea and under the sun! ries. vacation in the Caribbean you can You can put your toes in count on, year after year. the powdery-soft alabaster sand Culture Adventure and sunshine of Eagle Beach, Arubans are a mix of over Kaweta. It means “curi- Beaches & Coves Trip Advisor’s 3rd Best Beach in 90 nationalities from more than ous” in Papiamento, and it’s the the World; snorkel the delicate 130 countries living in happy har- perfect word to describe Aruba’s Where pristine white sand reefs and shallow waters of Man- mony. spirit of adventure. meets the turquoise sea, Aruba gel Halto; or, get away from the is the happy home to some of the crowds and treat yourself to the Romance Wellness world’s most beautiful beaches. quiet solitude of Baby Beach. Escape the world together. Aruba is a whole happy is-
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