Sheddies' Chatter - Men's Shed North Shore

Page created by Robert Holt
Sheddies' Chatter - Men's Shed North Shore
March 2021

                                                  Sheddies’ Chatter
                                                    The Men’s Shed (North Shore) Trust

Welcome to the March 2021                                                        Community Projects -
Edition of Sheddies’ Chatter.                                                       Help Needed!
Having been super busy lately, I often wonder how I ever               Once again, the list of community projects is mounting again
had time to work full time.                                            and more help is urgently needed.
They do say that once you’re retired, you never get a day              The projects involve a variety of different tasks and skills
off and I must say I struggle to know what day it is                   and can provide an opportunity to contribute to the
sometimes. Maybe it’s just me taking more time to do stuff.            community. You may be able to offer your particular skills or
I’m a great one for writing out lists of stuff I have to do, but       find opportunities to learn new ones.
then I go and find something more interesting to do. I cheat           If you wish to know more and would like to help out with
by adding what I’ve done and then crossing it off!                     these important projects, please see David Wardlaw at the
There’s usually a lot more on the list at the end of the day           Shed.
as I remember jobs that need doing or I am reminded of
something that I promised to do weeks ago.
                                                                       New Treasurer required
I’d welcome any contributions to this newsletter (photos,              Can you help?
articles snippets etc.) and would love to hear from you.
                                                                       We are seeking a member to fulfil this vital role as our
                                                                       incumbent Treasurer Piet Smalberger will not be
Feel free to join our Facebook Community Group:                        available after the AGM next year.                      Piet will work with the successful applicant to help
See you at The Shed.                                                   ease him into the role before he steps aside.
Roger Curl, Editor Ph: 027 264 1932                                    This is a rewarding position and an essential part of
                                                                       the smooth running of the Shed
 The Ocean View Restaurant                                             Contact: Larry Klassen, Chairman
 A group of guys, all age 40, discussed where they should    
meet for lunch. Finally it was agreed that they would meet
at the Ocean View restaurant because the waitresses there
were gorgeous, with tight skirts, lean legs, and very nice
figures.                                                                        TradeMe Items Needed
Ten years later, at age 50, the friends once again discussed           HELP! HELP! Our TradeMe Team Pete, Alan & Tim need
where they should meet for lunch. Finally it was agreed that           more items to sell to help raise funds for The Shed:
they would meet at the Ocean View restaurant because the               Electrical Items, Tools, BBQs Furniture and any bits and
food and service were good and the wine selection was                  pieces that are of good quality will really be appreciated.
excellent.                                                             Phone Alan on 021 331 090 if you can donate
Ten years later, at age 60, they again discussed where they
should meet for lunch. Finally it was agreed that they would
meet at the Ocean View restaurant because they could dine                Barbara Collie
in peace and quiet and the restaurant had a beautiful view
                                                                       We were deeply saddened to
of the ocean.
                                                                       hear of the passing of Alan
Ten years later, at age 70, they discussed where they should           Collie’s wife Barbara, on
meet for lunch. Finally it was agreed that they would meet             February 26th 2021
at the Ocean View restaurant because the restaurant was
                                                                       Men’s Shed North Shore would
wheelchair accessible and had a lift.
                                                                       like to pass on our condolences
Ten years later, at age 80, the friends discussed where they           to Alan and his family.
should meet for lunch. Finally it was agreed that they would
                                                                       Alan has said he appreciates all
meet at the Ocean View Restaurant because they had never
                                                                       the support he has had from the
been there before and heard it was quite good.!

Sheddies' Chatter - Men's Shed North Shore
Whangarei Men’s Shed hosts Region 1 meeting

 Joining the Sheddies from Whangarei on Tuesday March 16th were 20 members from Kerikeri, Waipu, North Shore (Dave Whiting and Kerry
Stenhouse), Auckland Central, Auckland East and Boomer Shed.

Whangarei Men’s Shed is unique in that they purchased the historic Whangarei Railway Station and set about a complete restoration of the
interior under Historic Places Trust guidelines.
Their Facebook page has an excellent gallery of their facilities and projects:
The meeting was chaired by MSNZ Region 1 representative David Broadhead (Men’s Shed Auckland East). During David’s introduction he
mentioned that it was pleasing that all Sheds are mindful of our key objective of ‘Men’s Mental Health’ and have some good programmes in
this regard.
The meeting raised the question whether we are keeping in touch with members who do not visit the shed regularly, or are on their own and
lonely. One group helped a member pre-plan his funeral arrangements.
It was interesting to hear that Kerikeri encourage all members to build a casket that they then keep (free) for a ‘future event’.
There was range of topics discussed at the meeting including, membership applications and induction, fundraising, term of office for
committee members, buddy system for new members, the importance of dust extraction in the shed, the question of following up on
members who leave… etc.
It was an enjoyable visit and everyone was treated to spectacular BBQ burgers for lunch. To add to the atmosphere a couple of trains rolled
through at an inappropriate time… while someone was speaking. Great day all round.
Kerry Stenhouse                     Photos: Kerry Stenhouse

Sheddies' Chatter - Men's Shed North Shore
Ross’ Model Ships

                    Last year you asked what members
                    were doing in lockdown.
                    I responded by mentioning that I had
                    set about completing a model of the
                    Santa Maria that I had started 40 years
                    ago but had not touched for the last 30.
                    The good news it is now finished!.
                    Attached is some photographic proof.
                    The one with the single mast is what I
                    started with last year.

                    Ross Miller

Sheddies' Chatter - Men's Shed North Shore
Around the Shed

                       Bernard has been helping to fit out a camper van

Dave and John hard at it                                                  Bryn hard at it

Brodie at work on his step seat                      Graham is restoring some Barbers’ chairs

Sheddies' Chatter - Men's Shed North Shore
Lance & Shelley’s Q & A Forum

       Lance and Shelley regularly donate a prize at our monthly Barbeques

Call or email Lance and Shelley if you would like to know the value of your home or would like a free
assessment on preparing your home before selling

Lance and Shelleys available times
You can send your questions to Lance and Shelley:
By email:
On Facebook messenger on Shelley Boyed and Lance Clarke Real Estate:
View their Website:
My client testimonials and recent sales

                                          New Polo Shirts for sale
                      We now have Men’s Shed North Shore polo shirts available for sale.
                      They have the Men’s Shed North Shore logo embroidered on them.
                      Colours available: Red, Green, Blue and Black
                      Sizes available: S, M, L, XL and 2XL
                      Cost: $25.00 each for members.
                      To order your shirt, contact Graham Bolton:
                      or see him at the Shed.

Sheddies' Chatter - Men's Shed North Shore
The Chooks - Tales from the Henhouse                                          April BBQ Lunch -All Welcome
The chooks are back in full swing, meeting for coffee and a chat.        Our next Barbeque will be at 12:00 on Wed 7th April.
Already we are moving into autumn and it only seems like a minute
ago we were having our Chooks Christmas get together. It was             Sausages and bread will be provided. Feel free to bring
absolutely lovely we all had a great time.                               your own salads, desserts etc. to share. Guests
We are looking forward to many more coffee dates this year. We           welcome!
would love to see some new faces join our happy group for a coffee
                                                                         Please note, that the BBQ charge is $2 per serving to
and get to know some new friends in lovely company. I would like
to ask the Sheddies to encourage their wife/partner to come along        cover costs.
and enjoy a coffee and a chat with some lovely ladies.                   NOTE: A serving is 1 sausage, onions, bread and a
For more info about our next coffee date and to have a chat don't                           hash brown.
hesitate to contact Sandy. I hope to see new faces there.
                                                                         Please put your money in the dish provided.
For more information, please contact Sandy by phone or
Mb: 021 465 046                                                                   April BBQ Guest Speaker
Email:                                                 James Caldwell - GaShWoki

  New Members:
We welcome the following new members who have joined
the Men’s Shed North Shore since the last edition of The
Sheddies’ Chatter:

            Thomas Hendricks               Phil Dadson
            John Helle Nielson             George Whittaker

Please extend them a warm Sheddies’ welcome when you
meet them.

The Men’ s Shed North Shore
Address:                                                                 Due to the lockdown, our guest speaker has been
Elliot Reserve                                                           postponed to the April BBQ
34 Elliot Ave, (off James St) Glenfield                                  Our Guest Speaker at the April 7 BBQ will be James
Hours:                                                                   Caldwell, founder of
Mon, Wed: 9:00am - 4:00pm                                                GaShWoKi is the abbreviation for Gardens - Sheds –
Fri, Sat:    9:00am - 2:00pm                                             Workshops - Kitchens and will be a Digital Magazine
Phone: 09 442 2145                                                       for Makers.
Website:                           It will include articles about Projects, Techniques,
Facebook:                     Upcoming Events, Product Reviews, News and Editorial
Shore-214684608553333/                                                   articles.
Facebook Community Group:
                                                                         Sheddies can both use GaShWoKi as a source of                         information and be able to contribute content with
Feel free to add comments or interesting stuff.                          financial considerations going to The Shed..
Send your ideas, photos, comments or contributions to:
See me at The Shed, or phone 027 264 1932

                                                                                                            Lance Clarke &
                                                    Major Supporters                                        Shelley Boyed

                 The Men’s Shed (North Shore) Trust, PO Box 311012, Glenfield, Auckland 0747  442 2145
Sheddies' Chatter - Men's Shed North Shore Sheddies' Chatter - Men's Shed North Shore Sheddies' Chatter - Men's Shed North Shore Sheddies' Chatter - Men's Shed North Shore
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