SharePoint 2019: Highly-integrated hybrid solutions - Campana & Schott

Page created by Joel Adkins
SharePoint 2019: Highly-integrated hybrid solutions - Campana & Schott

SharePoint 2019:
hybrid solutions.
Microsoft is true to its word: With the
new version of SharePoint 2019, the soft-
ware installed in the organization’s own
computer center still remains an impor-
tant part of the productivity platform.
Many well-known functions from Share-
Point Online are now also available in the
on-premises version, paving the way for
highly-integrated hybrid scenarios.
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SharePoint continues to represent the key component of
Microsoft solutions for internal collaboration. Wherever the
focus is on the direct exchange of information in departments
and work groups via Microsoft Teams, cross-organizational
networks using Yammer or direct communication by e-mail:
the required documents and data are stored in SharePoint.

There are many new functions for improved collaboration, the
provision of information as well as process automation – with
a modern and simplified user interface.

                                                                     Microsoft 365. Teamwork scenarios.

         Cloud and on-premises combined
With the previous version of SharePoint 2016, Microsoft already      a hybrid Architecture: Together with the new multi-geo option of
took steps to create a close link between on-premises and the        Office 365, in which a client can assign different global computer
Cloud on the same code basis. SharePoint 2019 continues this         centers for data and users, SharePoint 2019 offers an added
trend: With its on-premises properties, it is an essential part of   option for storing dedicated data.

SharePoint Server 2019. On-premises as a component of Microsoft’s toolkit for modern collaboration.

In the middle of 2016, Microsoft announced numerous inno-            §§ Increased usability due to clearly arranged user options and
vations for SharePoint, which have now been implemented in              highlighting of key functions.
SharePoint Online with the “Modern Experience”. With Share-
                                                                     §§ Optimization for mobile devices through “Responsive
Point 2019, these innovations are also making their way into
the on-premises world.
                                                                     §§ This focus is also evident in the Microsoft categories “Share
The main features of the Modern Experience are:                         & Work Together”, “Inform & Engage Employees”, “Transform
                                                                        Business Processes” and “IT & Developer Value” for Share-
§§ Modern and elegant design of the default pages combined
                                                                        Point 2019.
   with a completely new and easy-to-use edit mode.
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                                                                                                                    Modern lists and
                                                                                                                    Elegant appearance
                                                                                                                    without ribbon.

         Share & Work Together
In the “Share & Work Together” segment, Microsoft relies on            §§ The new sharing function makes it easier to share docu-
a streamlined user interface that is reduced to and highlights            ments. Links to documents can be sent directly from the
the important functions. In this way, it supports user-focused            menu bar. In addition, e-mail notification was also adapted to
collaboration, integrated into a comprehensive platform.                  the modern design.
                                                                       §§ With the next generation of the Sync Client for OneDrive
The technical functions include:
                                                                          for Business and Team Site Synchronisation, users can store
§§ document library, lists and pages are available in a simple            files locally in the File Explorer and can work with these files
   design which focuses on functionality - as in SharePoint               without being connected to the SharePoint server. This is
   Online. The previous typical ribbon was removed and repla-             more practical compared to the document library of the
   ced with the new App Launcher in a relaxed design. Working             SharePoint Sites. The files are automatically synchronized
   with modern lists is further simplified with the additional            when the connection returns - without restricting the data
   option of column formatting and expanded filtering of meta             volume and inclusive of push-notifications when there are
   data. At the same time, long-standing SharePoint users can             changes to documents. SharePoint Server 2019 also supports
   also change over to the classic view with the familiar functions.      Files-on-Demand, which frees up valuable storage space.

Synchronization client. Easy to work with files locally.
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       Inform & Engage Employees
Under the term “Inform & Engage Employees”, Microsoft offers        §§ Similar to SharePoint Online, the on-premises version
an elegant appearance with a strong focus on usability and res-        now also offers the so-called Communication and Team
ponsiveness. SharePoint Server 2019 delivers the required buil-        Sites. Together, they form a platform for collaboration and
ding block for the Microsoft tool kit for displaying information       for sharing news in the organization. Communication Sites
and news.                                                              distribute information to a large audience. Team Sites are
                                                                       used to collaborate in the team through common lists and
The technical functions include:                                       documents. The sites can also be connected with contents
                                                                       from other services such as Yammer.
§§ SharePoint Home prepares information and news from rele-
   vant sites for the user - with a personalized overview. The      §§ But in contrast to SharePoint Online, the on-premises
   starting point for Self-Service Site Creation can be activated      version does not have integrated Hub Sites or Microsoft
   by the administrator. In this context, sub-sites can also be        Teams.
   created in other web applications with prior configuration.

§§ Create Communication and Team Sites with a
   few clicks, and use the available templates
§§ Customize the sites using Default Web Parts

Communication Site and Team Site. Simple creation of dynamic sites.

       Transform Business Processes
With its integrated platform, Microsoft wants to deliver optimum                                   §§ Create stand-alone apps out
support for business processes. The apps, PowerApps and Flow,                                         of PowerApps Service and
which are included in Office 365 Cloud, make it possible to auto-                                     connect these with Share-
mate processes. Microsoft PowerApps offers an environment for                                         Point.
creating apps based on SharePoint lists. No coding knowledge
                                                                                                   §§ Use several data sources and
is required for the basic creation process. Microsoft Flow sup-
                                                                                                      integrate Cloud Services.
ports the automation of routine tasks by creating workflows in
lists and libraries with numerous options for connecting other                                     §§ Share the app with col-
Office 365 and third-party provider services.                                                         leagues at your company.
The apps can be connected to several data sources and made
available to authorized SharePoint users once completed.

The technical functions include connectors for PowerApps and
Flow to SharePoint Server 2019. Direct integration into Share-
Point libraries or lists is not possible, however.
                                                                    Modern Business Apps. Microsoft PowerApps Connector.
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            IT & Developer Value
In this category, Microsoft combines the improvements and                                    §§ administration page. Administrators receive up-to-date
new functions for developers and SharePoint administrators. The                                 reports on the hybrid configuration through the Hybrid Status
frame-work (SPFx) already familiar from the Cloud and the Feature                               Bar.
Pack 2 for SharePoint Server 2016 is also available on SharePoint
                                                                                             §§ The introduction of SMTP e-mail server authentication means
Server 2019, and ensures the modern delivery of applications.
                                                                                                that SharePoint can be used in extremely secure environ-
However, with the introduction of Office 2019, the option to use
                                                                                                ments. Anonymous relays are no longer required, and only
Cloud-based services for older Office versions will expire at the
                                                                                                authenticated users can send messages on behalf of Share-
end of 2020.
                                                                                                Point. The log-in data can be set using PowerShell.
The technical functions include:                                                             §§ There are also new admissible special characters for files
                                                                                                and folders. The length of admissible URLs was increased to
§§ Hybrid Configuration Wizard and Hybrid Status Bar simplify
                                                                                                400 characters. The waste bin now offers security trimming
   configuration and the management of the hybrid environment
                                                                                                and allows users to restore deleted documents for which
   in SharePoint 2019. The Hybrid Configuration Wizard can now
                                                                                                they have at minimum write access, – regardless of who
   be started directly on the central
                                                                                                deleted the document.

          With SharePoint 2019, Microsoft improves the                                       As a result, the new on-premises version offers a
          user experience with an elegant and streamlined                                    continuous user experience in hybrid installations
          appearance and adaptation to the functions                                         as part of the integrated Microsoft platform.
          offered by SharePoint Online.

          Important migration issues
          The market introduction of SharePoint 2019 has been                                Each migration comes with a variety of challenges –
          announced for the fourth quarter of 2018. Additional                               depending on the current SharePoint environment and
          functions will be made available after that date in smaller                        the requested processes. Even if the option of transfer-
          updates. But companies should already prepare for a pos-                           ring the databases of older SharePoint systems into the
          sible migration today. In this process, the current inventory                      new version has always existed, a tool-based migration
          in the old SharePoint systems must be analyzed, particu-                           process nevertheless offers more flexibility and restructu-
          larly with regard to the following three questions:                                ring options. A variety of tools, such as those offered by
          §§ What can remain?                                                                Metalogix, are available for this purpose. A competent
                                                                                             consulting company can assist with the selection and use
          §§ What should be migrated?
                                                                                             of these tools.
          §§ What should be created?

Campana & Schott
Campana & Schott is an international management and technology
consultancy with more than 300 employees at locations in Europe,
the US and Canada.
For more than 25 years, we have been passionately assisting compa-
nies in managing complex change processes - with proven methods,
technologies or simply the right people.
The passion for all facets of human collaboration in organizations and   Further information:
projects has driven us since the beginning.                    

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