Season 2021-2022 Membership Book - Cork Constitution Football Club - Cork Constitution FC

Page created by Jaime Phillips
Season 2021-2022 Membership Book - Cork Constitution Football Club - Cork Constitution FC
Cork Constitution
   Football Club
     Founded 1892

 Membership Book
Season 2021-2022

Season 2021-2022 Membership Book - Cork Constitution Football Club - Cork Constitution FC
Season 2021-2022 Membership Book - Cork Constitution Football Club - Cork Constitution FC
Club Officers Season 2021 – 2022
       President                          Donal Lenihan
   Deputy President                         Ray Clarke
Junior Deputy President                    Pat Twomey
   Director of Rugby                       Jerry Holland
     Club Captain                         Aidan Moynihan
  Honorary Secretary                       Conor Clune
    Hon. Treasurer                       Padraig Higgins
Chairman Management                        Kevin Fielding

                       Club Trustees
    A. F. O’Leary, M.E. Daly, O.E. Hill, N.A. Murphy

                       Club Colours
                   Black, Blue and White

             Clubhouse and Grounds Address
              Temple Hill, Ballintemple, Cork
                         T12 N209
 Telephone;               Clubhouse              021-4292563
                       Office / Manager          021-4291960

Season 2021-2022 Membership Book - Cork Constitution Football Club - Cork Constitution FC
Presidents Message

Dear Member
Little did I know when penning my President’s massage at the outset of
last season that I would be entrusted with this great honour for a second
season in a row, the first since Albert Beasley back in 1971/72 to do so.

I’m sure the circumstances of Albert’s reappointment were entirely
different to mine but the impact of the Coronavirus has meant that the
vast majority of last season was concentrated on matters off the field to
ensure the club remained in a strong position to hit the ground running
when competitive action returned.

Thankfully all our teams, from the mini and youth sections, right up to the
senior side, are now back in action as normal rugby activity resumes.
We’ve all missed the interaction and vibrancy that surrounds a busy
weekend of activity around the clubhouse and playing fields of Temple

We may have been devoid of action on the field last season, but the
manner with which our membership rallied to the cause in the clubs hour
of need to generate much needed funds, when staple fundraising events
such as the Business of Sport lunch and Cheltenham race day had to be
cancelled, was heartwarming.

Chief in this was the initiative to construct our Unity Wall. Apart
altogether from the finance raised, it proved a brilliant exercise in
reaching out and connecting with so many great people who have
contributed to this club for well over a century. The names captured on
the wall not only represent our storied past but our present and, indeed,
our future.

Covid-19 had a significant financial impact on all sporting organisations
and served to highlight, even more forcibly, the vital role our sponsors
play in keeping the club game alive in this country.

Energia proved an outstanding new partner in their inaugural season as
AIL sponsors in 2019/20, despite the complications imposed by the
pandemic, and one hopes they continue to get the support they so richly

Season 2021-2022 Membership Book - Cork Constitution Football Club - Cork Constitution FC
We were extremely fortunate to have such a loyal and committed
sponsor in Keary’s Hyundai, who continued to support us last season
despite the lack of activity and have extended their valued relationship
with the club for a ninth season. Likewise, the juvenile section has
benefitted massively from the generous support we receive from Zurich.
We are thrilled that they too have committed to supporting this key
sector for another three years.

I would like to thank Nike, the world’s leading sports brand, for their new
gear sponsorship of the senior side in a move that will filter down to all
team over the coming seasons. To have an association with such an
iconic brand is really exciting and we look for to building on that in the
years to come.

In doing so, I would also like to acknowledge the magnificent support we
received from our previous suppliers O Neill’s and for their loyal
commitment to this club for over two decades.

Like all clubs, we are hugely dependent on volunteerism. The necessary
requirements set by the health authorities in order to keep everyone safe
necessitated a huge commitment from many people.

In this respect, I would like to express my thanks for the incredible work
carried out by our Covid safety officer Don O Riordan and his team of
Compliance officers over the last 18 months.

Finally, I would like to offer my best wishes to new club captain Aidan
Moynihan and to a cohort of excellent coaches, under the direction of
Brian Hickey, that operate at all levels throughout the club.
Cork Constitution has a long and proud tradition across the rugby
spectrum in Munster and Ireland and has contributed greatly to the fabric
of the game in this country and beyond. We pride ourselves in the
welcome afforded to all visitors to Temple Hill and, after such a long
absence, we look forward to welcoming teams, coaches, parents, and
supporters from far and wide.

Donal Lenihan
President 2021/22

Season 2021-2022 Membership Book - Cork Constitution Football Club - Cork Constitution FC
Vice Presidents
        Jack Dinan                 Ralph Keyes            Tony O’Connor
       Tom Meade                 Dan O’Connell           Stephen Murphy
     Kevin Flanagan               Eddie Kehelly            Colin Kilbride
      Paul Derham               Charlie Murphy            Michael Boland
     John K Murphy                Niall Murray             Pat Moynihan
       Frank Doyle              Padraig Higgins              Hugh Foley
       Brian Walsh             Hugh O’Donovan               Rea Kennedy
      Pat Twomey                Frank O’Connell            Ken Fitzgerald
     Eddie O’Connor              Liam Coughlan                Ian Doyle
        Ray Clarke                 Fred Casey                Tony Roche
     Kenny Murphy               Christy Cantillon        Aidan McNamara
     Ross O’Dowling               Jerry Murray              Conor Clune
     Mark O’Sullivan             David Murphy              Donal Grogan
       Ian Murray              Liam S. Coughlan            John Murphy
     Dermot O’Leary             David Coughlan              David Power
       Don Mullins              Frank O’Connor            Barry Fitzgerald
        Tom Cahill             Seamus Coughlan            David Fitzgerald
      Richard King                Bertie Smith             Finbarr Jeffers
         Jim Barry              Declan McGinn               Dave Cagney
     Adrian Murphy                 Rose Dunne             Brian Fitzgerald
     Mick O’Driscoll             Don O’Riordan              Ray O’Leary
                                                         Barrie O’Connell

                          Executive Committee
                 Donal Lenihan (President); Current Officers;
    All Past Presidents and vice Presidents are ex-officio members of the
     Executive Committee, All Team Captains, Secretaries and Trainers

                        Management Committee
Kevin Fielding (Chairperson), Donal Lenihan (President), Michael Daly, Padraig
  Higgins, Ray Clarke, Conor Clune, Brian Humphries, Finian O’Driscoll, Jerry
    Holland, Pat Twomey, Dave Cagney and Committee Chairs as needed

                           Club Welfare Officer
                         Ken Fitzgerald 086 2561680

                          Club COVID-19 Officer
                        Don O’Riordan 087 2580223

Season 2021-2022 Membership Book - Cork Constitution Football Club - Cork Constitution FC
Key Contact Information
          Office Manager                        Fiona Burke

      Press Relations Officer                 John O’Mahony

      Hon. Fixtures Secretary                   Dave Power

 Assistant Director Rugby – Youths             Finbarr Jeffers

Assistant Director Rugby – Juveniles          Brian Fitzgerald

        Hon. Match Doctor                      Dr. Tom Cahill

            Club Physio                       Lauren Guilfoyle

        Hon. Legal Advisor                     Ray Shanahan

         IRFU Committee                         Greg Barrett

         Munster Branch                       Brian Humphries
                                           John O’Mahony (deputy)

   Senior Clubs Representative                John O’Mahony

      South Munster Branch                      Dave Power

           Data Officer                         Pat Twomey

Season 2021-2022 Membership Book - Cork Constitution Football Club - Cork Constitution FC
Rugby Steering             Chairman: Jerry Holland,
Committee                  Committee: Kevin Fielding, Donal Lenihan, Anthony
                           O’Leary, Brian Humphries.
Bar Committee              Chairman: John Murphy
                           Committee: Dermot O’Leary, John Curtin, Pat
                           Twomey, Jack Murphy, Dave Cagney, Padraig Higgins
Grounds Committee          Chairman: Mick Boland
                           Committee: Brian Humphries, Michael Daly, Dave
Clubhouse Committee        Chairman: Ian O’Leary
                           Committee: Dermot O’Leary, Michael Boland, John
                           Murphy, Der O’Riordan
Membership Committee       Chairman: Dave Cagney
                           Committee: Finbarr Jeffers, Brian Fitzgerald, Niall
                           Murray, John O’Mahony,
Special Events Committee   Chairman: Frank O’Connor
– Cheltenham Race Day      Committee: Noel Walsh, Colm Murphy, Johnny
                           McGarry, Tim Barry
Sponsorship and            Chairman: Finian O’Driscoll
Advertising                Committee: Anthony O’Leary, Peter Hallissey, Ian
Lunch Committee            Chairman: Jim Barry
                           Committee: Donal Grogan, Ian O’Leary, Brian Cox
Golf Classic               Chairman: Dave Cagney
                           Committee: John Murphy, Der O’Riordan, Don
                           Mullins, Brian Cox
Ezine and Match Zine       Pat Twomey and Contributors
Golf Society               President: Colin Kilbride
                           Secretary: Colm Murphy
                           Captain: Hugh Foley
                           Treasurer: Noel Walsh

Club Shop / Club Gear      Fiona Burke, Michael Daly, Niall Murray
Website / Social Media     Martin O’Brien, Conor Kehelly, John Moynihan, Barbra
                           McDonagh, Management Committee

Team managers, Captains, Coaches and Selectors
                              First XV
          Captain                              Aidan Moynihan
       Vice-Captain                              Dave Hyland
         Manager                                Kenny Murphy
 First XV Coaching Team        Brian Hickey, Jonathan Holland, Denis Fogarty,
                                              Duncan Williams
Strength and Conditioning                      Ciaran O’ Regan
          Physio                               Lauren Guilfoyle
     Team Secretary                           Andrew Scannell
      Team Admin                                Declan McGinn
    Logistics Manager                            Don Mullins
         Bag Man                               John Moynihan

                             Junior 1 XV
        Coaches                       Dave Hurley, Senior Coaching Team
     Team Manager
     Team Secretary                    John Moynihan, David Fitzgerald
         Physio                               Angela Heaton

                             Junior 2 XV
       Manager                       Frank Doyle, Tommy McLoughlin
       Selectors                          Denis Hegarty, Coaches
        Captain                                Eoin Derham
     Administrator                             Der O’Riordan
         Coach                 James Kiernan, Bryan Cagney, Cian Parkes, Ray
Strength & Conditioning                        Billy O’ Regan

                            Under 20 XV
      Head Coach                              Darragh McNamara
   Assistant Coaches                       Terry Dillon, Jerry Murray
        Manager                                  Barry Howell
    Team Secretary                             Noel Humphreys
         Physio                                 Angela Heaton

Youth Coaches
Under 18.5     Ian Mitchell - Head Coach

               Frank Coombes – Team Manager

               Pat Hughes – Covid Officer

               Barry Fitzgerald
               Paul Boyling
               Stephen Murphy
               Aidan McNamara

Under 16       Stephen Rose - Head and forwards Coach

               Barry Bowen – Backs Coach

               Finbarr Jeffers - Team Manager

               Colm Moynihan

               Owen Drummond - Covid Officer

               Terry Ward

                              Youth and Juvenile Rugby
Chairman                                     Jerry Holland
Asst. Director Rugby – Juvenile              Brian Fitzgerald
Asst. Director Rugby – Youth                 Finbarr Jeffers
Juvenile Secretary                           Duggie Burkely
Youth Secretary                              Ken Fitzgerald
Youth and Juvenile Subscriptions             Dave Cagney
Club Welfare Officer                         Ken Fitzgerald
               Under 13
Under 13/14    John Mc Hale – Head Coach
               Stephen Neenan - Team Manager / Covid Officer

Gavan O’Sullivan
Gordon Mc Knight
George Hook
Steve Butler

Dave Murray – Head Coach
Feargal Downey

Juvenile Coaches
Under 7      Liam Tuohy - Manager
Born 2015
             Leon Van Gendt – Head Coach
             Donnchadh O'Callaghan
             Michael Deasy
             Denis Fogarty
             Adam Hurley

Under 8's    Denis Lyons- Manager
Born 2014
             Ian O’Ceallaigh – Head Coach
             Ronan Boylan
             Adam Hurley
             Paul O’Connor

Under 9's    Dave Barry - Manager
Born 2013
             James Cogan – Head Coach
             Garrett O’Rourke
             Harvey Dwane
             Noel Murphy
             Pierce O’Riordan

Under 10's   Tom O’Connell- Manager
Born 2012
             Des Murray – Head Coach
             Tadhg Buckley
             Frank Mulvihill
             Colm O’Shea
             Eugene O’Connell
             Hugh O’Donnell
             Andrew Caldwell
             Barry Sweeney

Juvenile Coaches (Ctd)
Under 11's   Stephen Rogers
Born 201`    Manager

             Paul Gallagher – Head Coach
             Gordon Cobbe
             Brian Fitzgerald
             Jim Canning
             Conor Duffy
             Gareth Burkley
             Owen Mullowney
             Brian Danaher

Under 12's   Cian Mahony
Born 2010    Manager
             Anthony Coole
             Stephen Mannion
             Paul Matson
             Barrie O’Connell
             Mick O’Driscoll
             Rob O’Flanagan
             Brian Stuart
             Ray O’Connor
             Chris Granby
             James Kiernan
             Joe Healy
             Martin Ryan
             John O’Donovan

Club Past Presidents
1892-1923   H.L. Tivy          1978-79    L. Mackesy
1923-1925   J.G. Musgrave      1 979-80   P.E. Mulcahy
1925-1926   D. Desmond         1980-81    M.J. Keyes
1926-1927   R.M. Magrath       1981 -82   N.A. Murphy
1927-1928   W.F. Riordan       1982-83    G.A. O’Connell
1928-1929   W. Desmond         1983-84    D.G. Whelan
1929-1930   T M. Murphy        1984-85    B.D.0 ' Shaughnessy
1930-1931   M.J. Murphy        1985-86    F.O' Leary
1931-1932   E.J. Fitzgerald    1986-87    O.E. Hill
1332-1933   M.M. Murphy        1987-88    D.C. Hill
1933-1934   C.J.O' Mahony      1988-89    CJ. Bourke
1934-1935   P.A. McGrath       1989-90    J.S. Waldron
1935-1936   B. St J. Galvin    1990-91    A.J. Horgan
1936-1937   J. Mailiff         1991-92    T.J. Kiernan
1937-1939   D.F.O ' Connell    1992-93    P.J.F.O' Donovan
1939-1940   T.R.West           1993-94    W.F. Jones
1940-1941   E. Gayer           1994-95    J.E. Murray
1941-1942   J.H. Watson        1995-96    W.T. Morrissey
1942-1943   J. Riordan         1996-97    R.L. Kahn
1943-1944   P.J. Delaney       1997-98    J.J. Gillane
1944-1945   J.J. Horgan        1998-99    J.N. Murphy
1945-1946   J.R. Cunningham    1999-00    W.J. Casey
1946-1947   T.M. Casey         2000-01    J.G. Barrett
1947-1948   J.V. Rearden       2001-02    T.J. Lynch
1948-1949   N.F. Murphy        2002-03    J.N. Walsh
1949-1950   J. Tierney         2003-04    W.F. Dowling
1950-1951   MT. Murphy         2004-05    B. Wain
1951-1953   J. Tierney         2005-06    M.E. Daly
1953-1955   H.J. Deane         2006-07    M.C Murphy
1955-1956   M. Kiernan         2007-08    J.J. O’Sullivan
1956-1959   Dr R.C. Sutton     2008-09    B.V. Ludgate
1959-1961   E.J. Moran         2009-10    P.G. O’Keeffe
1961-1962   W.E. Williams      2010-11    T. D. O'Riordan
1962-1963   D.F.O 'Connell     2011-12    B.T. Humphries
1963-1966   D.C. Kelleher      2012-13    F.J. O' Driscoll
1966-1968   J.L. Donovan       2013-14    I.F. O'Leary
1968-1970   J. Burke           2014 -15   P. O'Leary
1970-1972   A Beasley          2015-16    G.P.M. Good
1972-1973   J.P. Kerins        2016-17    J. J. Holland
1973-1974   A.O' Leary         2017-18    A. F. O' Leary
1974-1975   G.D. Horgan        2018-19    J.P. O’Mahony
1975-1976   E. O'Connor        2019-20    K.F. Fielding
1976-1977   C.J. Connolly      2020-21    D.G. Lenihan
1977-1978   J.V. Rearden

Season 2021-2022
                                                                   First XV
                  Ireland          Munster
     Date                                          Munster A     All Games              U20             Junior            J2          Other
              Internationals    Heineken / UPC
                                                               Saturday 14.30
11/12 Sept                                                      Y Munster (A)     Garryowen (A)                      Highfield (A)
18/19 Sep                                                        Dolphin (H)                         Highfield (H)
24/25 Sept                     Cell C Sharks (H)                                                                     Douglas (H)
 2nd Oct                       DHL Stormers (H)                Lansdowne (A)       Y Munster (H)                     Mallow (A)
 8/10 Oct                        Scarlets (A)                  Y. Munster (H)                                         UCC (H)
     11 Oct                                                                                           Cashel (A)

 13th Oct                                                                             UCC (A)

 16th Oct                       Connaught (H)                    Clontarf (A)
 18th Oct                                                                                               UCC (H)
22/23 Oct                          Ospreys                                           Bruff (A)       Junior Cup 1    Clonakilty (A)
 30th Oct                                                      Dublin Uni. (H)
 3rd Nov                                                                           Highfield (H)
 5/6 Nov          Japan                                        Garryowen (A)                                          Dolphin (A)
     8 Nov                                                                                           Highfield (H)

 13th Nov     New Zealand                                                         Old Crescent (H)
19/21 Nov       Argentina                                          UCD (H)                           Junior Cup 2    Muskerry (H)
 27th Nov                        VodaCom (A)                   Ballynahinch (A)   Garryowen (A)
  4th Dec                       Sigma Lions (A)                     UCC (A)
10/12 Dec                          Wasps (A)                    Terenure (H)
17/19 Dec                         Castres (H)                                                        Junior Cup SF
 26th Dec                          Leinster
1 Jan
                                 Connacht (A)
Season 2021-2022
                                                               First XV
                  Ireland        Munster
   Date                                        Munster A      All Games              U20              Junior               J2         Other
              Internationals   PRO14/EPCR
                                                            Saturday 14.30
 7/8 Jan                        Ulster (H)                   Bateman SF                                               Bandon (A)
14/16 Jan                       Castres (A)                  Terenure (A)
                                                                                Dolphin / Sun.
 19th Jan
                                                                                  Well (H)
21/23 Jan                       Wasps (H)                       UCC (H)                                               Mallow (H)
28/30 Jan                       Zebre(A)                   Ballynahinch (H)     Shannon (A)      AIL Jnr cup Final
 4/5 Feb        Wales (H)                                                                                            Highfield (A)
                                                                                                                                     Fra V Irl
 12th Feb      France (A)           ___                     Bateman Final        UL Bohs (H)
18/20 Feb                      Edinburgh (H)                     UCD (A)
26/27 Feb        Italy (H)                                   Garryowen (H)
 4/6 Mar                       Dragons (H)                   Dublin Uni (A)
 12th Mar     England (A)                                  Club International
 19th Mar     Scotland (H)                                 Club International
25/27 Mar                      Benetton (H)                    Clontarf (H)                        Round Robin
  1/3 Apr        EASTER         Leinster (A)                 Y. Munster (A)     Fraser   McM
  9th Apr                                                    Lansdowne (H)      Fraser   McM
 17th Apr                                                                       Fraser   McM      Round Robin
22/24 Apr                        Ulster (A)                 AIL Semi-Final      Fraser   McM      Round Robin
29/1 May                         Cardiff (H)                   AIL Final
  7th May                         EPCR QF
 14th May                         EPCR SF
20-22nd May                     Glasgow (A)
 28th May                        EPCR Final
 4th June                         URC QF
 11th June                         URC SF
 25th June                       URC Final

Cork Constitution Football Club senior team players wearing
              new NIKE gear at the Unity Wall
     Cork Constitution Football Club Winners of Dennehy Cup 2021
Cork Constitution Juveniles learning the skills of the game from the
R.M. Magrath       1921-22             N.F. Murphy        1960-61
J G. Musgrave      1930-31             T.J. Kiernan       1988-89
D.F. O'Connell     1951-52             N.A. Murphy        1998-99
                        MUNSTER PAST PRESIDENTS
Ald. P.H. Meade    1905-06             J. Tierney         1956-57
J.G. Musgrave      1913-19             Dr. R.C. Sutton    1967-68
R M. McGrath       1920-22             T.J. Kiernan       1977-78
D. Desmond         1927-28             N.A. Murphy        1987-88
E.J. Fitzgerald    1935-36             J.E. Murray        2000-01
D.F.O' Connell     1942-43             H. A. Smith        2015-16
N.F. Murphy        1949-50
                        BRITISH AND IRISH LIONS
O.J.S. Piper       1910 SA
N.A. Murphy        1959 A NZ 1966 A NZ
T.J. Kiernan       1962 SA 1968 SA (Captain)
D.G. Lenihan       1983 NZ 1986 IRFB Centenary 1989 A
R.J. O'Gara        2001 A 2005 NZ 2009 SA
D.F. O'Callaghan   2005 NZ 2009 SA
S. Zebo            2013AUS
P. O' Mahony       2017 NZ
                         IRISH INTERNATIONALS
Ed McCarthy        1898                P.T.J. O'Hara      1991
M.F. Landers       1904                P.T, McCarthy      1992
RM. Magrath        1909                D.S. Corkery       1994
O.J.S. Piper       1909                G. Fulcher         1994
W.F. Riordan       1910                P.A. Burke         1995
M.R. Heffernan     1911                D.P. O'Mahony      1995
I. Popham          1922                B.T. O'Meara       1997
N.F. Murphy        1930                R.J. O'Gara        2000
J.D. Egan          1931                F.J. Sheahan       2000
J.V. Rearden       1934                M.R. O'Driscoll    2001
J.C. Daly          1947                J.P. Kelly         2002
A.O' Leary         1952                D.F. O'Callaghan   2003
M.J. Cunningham    1956                A.P. Horgan        2003
N.A. Murphy        1958                D. Leamy           2005
T.J. Kiernan       1963                D. Hurley          2009
B.J. McGann        1970                P.O' Mahony        2012
D.St J. Bowen      1977                S. Zebo            2012
D.G. Lenihan       1981                S. Archer          2012
M.C. Finn          1982                B. Holland         2016
M.T. Bradley       1984                J. Ryan            2016
RP. Keyes          1986                D. Sweetnam        2017
D.G. McGrath       1987                S. Daly            2020
K.J. Murphy        1990
H.A. Smith           1975          D.S. Corkery       1995
D.St J. Bowen        1976          D.O. O’Mahony      1995
A.F.O' Leary         1979          B.T.O' Meara       1996
J.G. Barrett         1979          R.J. O 'Gara       1999
C.D. Cantillon       1982          F.J. Sheahan       1999
P.D. Derham          1982          C.J. Mahony        1999
M.T. Bradley         1983          J.P. Kelly         2000
R.P. Keyes           1984          M.R. O'Driscoll    2000
J.P. Barry           1984          A.P. Horgan        2000
J.A. O 'Riordan      1989          D.F. O'Callaghan   2001
K.J. Murphy          1990          Darragh Hurley     2008
P.T. Mc Carthy       1990          Denis Hurley       2008
P.J. Soden           1990          D. Fogarty         2009
B.A. Walsh           1993          I. Nagle           2008
L.M. Dinneen         1993
                     IRISH CLUB INTERNATIONALS
Frank Cogan          2006          Willie Ryan        2014
Merle O’Connell      2007          Ger Sweeney        2015
Cronan Healy         2007          James Ryan         2015
Shane O'Connor       2008          Max Abbot          2016
Cronan Healy         2008          Rob Jermyn         2017
Des Murray           2008          Niall Kenneally    2018
Evan Ryan            2010          Joe Mc Swiney      2018
Martin Gateley       2010          James Murphy       2019
Gerry Hurley         2012          Aidan Moynihan     2019
Cathal Quinn         2012          Brian Hayes        2019
Philip Donellan      2012          Luke Cahill        2019
Darragh Lyons        2013          Conor Kindregan    2019
Andrew O’Driscoll    2014          John Sutton        2020
                    IRISH UNDER 25 INTERNATIONALS
R.P. Keyes           1985          J.A.O' Riordan     1990
M.T. Bradley         1987
                    IRISH UNDER 23 INTERNATIONALS
D. St J. Bowen       1979
                   IRISH UNDER 20/21 INTERNATIONALS
P.J. Soden           1989          J.M. Fogarty       1999
N.R. Murray          1990          S. O' Co nn or     2003
D.S. Corkery         1993          T. O' Leary        2004
B. T. O' Meara       1996          B. O’Connor        2004
A.P Horgan           1997          D. Fogarty         2004
R.J. O’Gara          1997          B. Keeshan         2005
F.J. Sheahan         1998          T. Gleeson         2006
O. F O’Callaghan     1999          P. O’Mahony        2009

B. Hayes              2010             T. Quinlan       2015
S. Zebo               2010             V. O’Brien       2016
D. O' Driscoll        2010             S. Daly          2016
B. Cagney             2010             E. Mintern       2016
D. O'Mahony           2011             J. Poland        2016
C. O' Flaherty        2011             D. Walsh         2016
R. Burke              2014             A. Mc Henry      2017
M. Abbot              2014             J. Wren          2019
D. Maloney            2014             S. French        2019
R. Foley              2014             J. Crowley       2020
L. O’Connor           2015

                    IRISH UNDER 19 INTERNATIONALS
D.F. O’Callaghan      1987             R.T. McGrath     1999

D. Owens              1990             D. Murray        1997
R. Thomas             1993             C. Morrissey     2018

       Cork Constitution F. C. – Events and Diary Dates 2020-2021
September 4th                          March
Juvenile Registration Day              Cheltenham Race Day

January 4th 2022                       September 2022
Business Lunch                         Golf Classic

December                               May
Santa Saturday                         Family Fun Day
St. Stephens Day                       Club AGM
President’s XV v Cork Con Exiles
Golf Society Christmas Outing
Season       Captain       Season        Captain
1990-91      M.T. Bradley       2007-08              M. J. O'Connell
1998-99      P.J. Soden         2009-10              E.P. Ryan
2016-17      N. Kenneally       2018-19              N. Kenneally
                            AIL CUP
2005-2006    F. W. Cogan        2009-2010            E.P. Ryan
                         BATEMAN CUP
2012-2013    G. Hurley          2015-2016            J. Ryan
2013-2014    G. Hurley          2016-2017            N. Kenneally
2014-2015    G. Hurley          2018-2019            N. Kenneally
                                2019-2020            N. Kenneally
                                (Shared Lansdowne)
                  MUNSTER SENIOR CUP
1904-05      David Desmond     1966-67               J.E. Murray
1905-06      J.G. Musgrave     1969-70               T.J. Kiernan
1906-07      David Desmond     1971-72               J.E. Murray
1909-10      S.K. Hosford      1972-73               J.S. Waldron
1921-22      P.A. McGrath      1982-83               C.D. Cantillon
1922-23      P.A. McGrath      1984-85               A.F. O'Leary
1928-29      M.T. Murphy       1988-89               M.T. Bradley
1932-33      J.V. Rearden      2008-09               B.L. Cuttriss
1941-42      E.O' Connor       2012-13               G. Hurley
1942-43      C.J. O 'Driscoll  2013-14               G. Hurley
1945-46      J. lrwin          2014-15               G. Hurley
1956-57      J. A. Kiernan     2015-16               J. Ryan
1960-61      R. Hennessy       2016-17               N. Kenneally
1963-64      N.A. Murphy       2018-19               N. Kenneally
1964-65      N.A. Murphy       2019-20               N. Kenneally
                    MUNSTER SENIOR LEAGUE
1901-02      M.F. Launders     1966-67               J.E. Murray
1902-03      A.W. Williams     1967-68               A.J. Horgan
1910-11      O.J.S. Piper      1968-69               J. Pyne
1911-12      J.O' Regan        1969-70               T.J. Kiernan
1913-14      J.Murphy-O’Connor 1970-71               B.J. McGann
1921-22      P.A. McGrath      1971-72               J.E. Murray
1922-23      P.A. McGrath      1974-75               W.J. Casey
1926-27      B. Hyland         1975-76               J.S. Waldron
1938-39      C. Murphy         1976-77               S.D. Smith
1944-45      T. Riordan        1978-79               B. .J. McGann
1952-53      F.O' Leary        1983-84               M.C. Finn
1956-57      J.A. Kiernan      1986-87               J.P. Barry
1963-64      N.A. Murphy       1987-88               M.C. Finn
1964-65      N.A. Murphy       1997-98               K.J. Murphy
1965-66      T.J. Kiernan
Season                Captain        Season            Captain

                         MUNSTER JUNIOR CUP
1948-49         P. Fitzgerald        1987-88           Trevor Barry
1950-51         C.J. Connolly        I 991-92          Peter O'Leary
1955-56         Jos. Cunningham      1993-94           Ray Clarke
1956-57         Ray Hennessy         1994-95           Roy Healy
1957-58         Dan Murphy           2002-03           Brian O' Leary
1972-73         John Hogan           2004-05           Dave O' Brien
1981-82         Finian O' Driscoll   2007-08           Robert Casey
1982-83         Rea Kennedy          2011-12           Peter O'Sullivan
1985-86         Noel C. Murphy       2017-18           Sonny Dwyer
1986-87         Rea Kennedy

                     MUNSTER SECONDS LEAGUE

1977-78           Ciaran Parfrey     2004-05            Dave O'Brien

1985-86           Noel Murphy        2011-12            Peter O'Sullivan

1987-88           Trevor Barry       2015-16            Sonny Dwyer

1992-93           Peter O' Leary     2016-17            Sonny Dwyer

2001-02           Ian Doyle

1999-00         Des Murray           2000-2001         Eoin McManus

                    FRAZER MCMULLEN CUP – U20
2013-14         Rory Horgan
2015-16         Michael Murphy

                        MUNSTER U20 LEAGUE

1984-85         John Wain            1999-00           Denis White
1988-89         Brendan Keary        2001-02           Clayton Love
1989-1990       Ian Murray           2002-03           Brian Mahony
1997-1998       Ronan O'Donovan      2015-16           Rory Horgan

                      ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION

The annual membership subscription for the season 2021-2022 shall
be as follows:

           Ordinary membership           €190
           Family Membership             €190
           All Adult players             €100
           Lady membership               €30
           Senior (Over 75)              50% of Ord. Membership
           Corporate Membership          €300
           Silver Corporate Membership   €750

Subscriptions are due on or before the 1st September through
the on-line ClubForce system, available on the club website.
In a number of cases subscriptions will be accepted by Hon.
Treasurer, or Fiona Burke, Office Manager.

                       NOTICE TO PARENTS

The Club welcomes new members to the Juvenile and Youth
section. It is a condition of juvenile membership that one or
both parents or guardians either hold or apply and be accepted
for Family membership of the club.

                      MATCH DAY LUNCHES

The Club will host a Members Lunch at 12.30 on the dates
of all home Energia AIL League games at the Clubhouse,
Temple Hill. Members wishing to attend should contact the
function organizers for reservations as places are limited and
are allocated on a first come basis.
                Munster Branch IRFU
       Musgrave Pk., Pearse Rd., Ballyphehane        021 4323563
Muiris Mahon, Hon. Sec., Munster Branch              086 2541192
 Deirdre McCarthy, Hon. Sec., South Munster Branch   087 2269277
       Olan Allen. South Munster Fixtures Sec.       087 2371877
   IRFU, 10/12 Lansdowne Road, Dublin 4, Ireland     01 637 3800
     Ambulance Service, Cork University Hospital     021 4546400
              Garda Station , Blackrock              021 4357402
                VHI Swiftcare (Mahon)                1890 866966
              Laya Affidea ExpressCare               021 4319995

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