School Council Profiles - St Peter's Woodlands

Page created by Doris Banks
School Council Profiles - St Peter's Woodlands
School Council

                               Tammie Pribanic                                                           Andrew Mintern
                               Chair of School Council                                                   Deputy Chair of School Council
                               Finance Committee Member                                                  Governance Committee Chair
                               Council Appointed 2019                                                    Rector, St Peter's Glenelg, 2016

Bachelor of Economics, Grad Dip                                            Civ. Tech. Cert., Deg. B.Theology (Hons),
Applied Finance and Investment                                             Grad Cert Loss, Grief & Trauma Counselling

Tammie is currently the Executive Director of Budget and                   Reverend Andrew is the Parish Priest of St Peter's Glenelg and has
Performance for the South Australian Department of Treasury and            also been in the Chaplaincy role at St Peter's Woodlands since
Finance.                                                                   2007.

Throughout Tammie's career she has worked in a range of finance            Andrew studied at Salisbury SACAE, the SAIT, Flinders Uni and St
and commercial roles. In her current role she provides strategic, fiscal   Barnabas Theological College. He worked as an engineering
and policy advice to the State Government on a range of matters            draftsperson before entering theological training for ordination.
associated with government services and infrastructure projects. Her
team is responsible for coordinating the annual State budget process.      Andrew has served on the SPW School Council since 2016 and
                                                                           previously served on two other Anglican Schools Boards. He has
Tammie has been a member of the TAFE SA Board, Port Adelaide               also served on the National ASA Management Committee, and
Football Club Finance Committee, Adelaide Festival Corporation             attended a number of AISSA school governance workshops.
Our Awesome Speakers:
Board and Parliamentary Superannuation Board.
                                                                           Andrew was baptised Anglican at St Thomas' Port Lincoln. He was
Tammie enjoys working strategically and leading and influencing            ordained a Deacon in 1993 and Priest in 1994. He has previously
positive change. She is passionate about developing high performing,       been a Priest at four other parishes and Chaplain at two other
passionate and motivated teams, and has experience in corporate            Anglican Schools. He also serves as Archdeacon of Torrens.
governance, commercial and financial management, strategic
planning, risk management and public policy.                               Andrew is married to Jo and they have two daughters, one is a
                                                                           current student at St Peter's Woodlands. He enjoys music, chess,
Tammie's two children attended St Peter's Woodlands commencing in          reading, walking and family holidays.
the Early Learning Centre.

                                                                                                        Mathew White
                               Mark Hayward                                                             Planning Committee Chair
                               Finance Committee Chair
                                                                                                        Council Appointed 2019
                               Council Appointed 2019

    Creative Director &
GAICD, MBA, BEd, Grad Dip Project Mgt                                      BA GradDipEd (Sec) MEd GCEM (Boarding) PhD FACE
Mark is currently the Executive Director of Strategy and                   Mathew White, Ph.D., is Deputy Head of the School of Education
Infrastructure at TAFE.                                                    and an Associate Professor of Education at the University of
                                                                           Adelaide. He is also a principal Fellow in the Melbourne Graduate
Mark has extensive experience developing and operating a diverse           School of Education at the University of Melbourne.
range of asset-rich portfolios, businesses and teams. He is an
expert in the leadership of large scale projects and programs in           Mathew has published over 55 scientific journal articles and five
both the physical and digital realm, and is an experienced Company         books. Publications include Wellbeing and Resilience Education
Director and Executive, with a track record of positively managing         COVID-19 and Its Impact on Education (with Faye McCallum,
change within organisations.                                               Routledge, 2021), Critical Perspectives on Teaching, Learning and
                                                                           Leadership: Enhancing Educational Outcomes (with Faye
Mark has experience across multiple sectors including education,           McCallum, Springer, 2020).
human services, social infrastructure, property and housing.
                                                                           Mathew was a secondary school teacher for 20 years and had
He is a passionate Port Power supporter and has a strong                   senior leadership-level experience in Anglican schools.
connection with the outdoors, including spending a decade as an
outdoor educator.                                                          Mathew has an affiliation with the Anglican Church and joined the
                                                                           School Council in 2019.
Mark has been a part of the St Peter's Woodlands community as a
parent for over 10 years, with a child currently attending and two
graduate children, and he is a member of the SPW Foundation.
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School Council Profiles - St Peter's Woodlands
School Council Profiles

                                Michael Lane                                                             Paul Lumsden
                                Governance Committee Member                                              Planning Committee Member
                                Archbishop Appointed 2019                                                Parent Appointed 2017

Grad Dip Theological Studies, M.Ed Leadership,                             Dip.FMBM (Finance & Mortgage Broking Mngmt
Grad Cert Theology, Grad Dip Ed, BA
Reverend Michael Lane has been Parish Priest of the Anglican               Paul has extensive experience in the building Industry from
Church of the Good Shepherd, Plympton since 2018.                          cabinetry manufacturing to planning and building spec homes for
                                                                           sale. He has also worked in the finance industry as a Mortgage
After a childhood in Mt Gambier, at 16 Michael came to Adelaide            Broker.
and trained as a chef and thoroughly enjoyed his initial career in
hospitality.                                                               Paul is Adelaide born and was educated at Immanuel College. He
                                                                           moved to Queensland at 16 with his family and completed a
During this time, he completed a Bachelor of Arts and qualified as a       carpentry apprenticeship.
high school teacher. Food continues to be a much-enjoyed passion,
as is music and gardening, and Michael is a member of the Kapelle          Paul has been self employed since 1984 and owned several
Singers, a 25-30 voice SATB chamber choir.                                 manufacturing businesses in the Giftware and Cabinetmaking
                                                                           industries while in Queensland.
In 1997 he began his teaching career at Gawler High School. In
2000 he joined the staff of the joint venture Anglican/Roman               Paul and his wife Kate returned to Adelaide in 2010 for a lifestyle
Catholic St Columba College, in its fourth year. St Columba grew           change. Their two children have attended St Peter's Woodlands
rapidly into a 1,400 student, R-12 college. This provided for an           from Reception, with one currently in Year 6, and have enjoyed the
incredibly rich and rewarding career.                                      community spirit immensely.

Michael was ordained in 2013 and became School Chaplain at
Pulteney Grammar School. He has a passion for Christian
community that truly honours all members.

                                Craig Dand                                                               Andrew Cockington
                                Finance Committee Member                                                 Finance Committee Member
                                Council Appointed 2019                                                   Parish Appointed 2020

B.Laws, B.Arts, Grad Diploma in                                            Dip.Management, Dip of Business,
Legal Practice                                                             B.Social Work

Craig currently works as a Lawyer at the Australian Taxation Office        Andrew is the representative on Council from the local Anglican
managing the South Australian Prosecutions team.                           Church, and is a communicant member of St Peter's Glenelg.
                                                                           He is the Alliance Senior Manager for Country South Homelessness
Craig grew up in Glengowrie, attending St Peter's Woodlands                Alliance.
before going to Westminster for his secondary education. He
attended the University of Adelaide, completing degrees in Laws            After starting as an Accountant Andrew spent the last 25 years
and Arts (Politics & International Studies). He has a strong interest      working with vulnerable children and families delivering and
in the law, change management, and how to get the best out of              managing community services programs both in country South
people in a team environment.                                              Australia and in metropolitan Adelaide.

Whilst studying, he worked for the South Australian Cricket                Andrew specialises in Senior and Executive level management in
Association planning and implementing programs such as Adelaide            both the non-government and government sectors.
Strikers Holiday Clinics and all the primary school cricket
competitions in metropolitan Adelaide.

Craig lives locally and has played cricket for the Glenelg District
Cricket Club since he was 10 years old, and also spent seven years
on the Board there.

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School Council Profiles - St Peter's Woodlands
School Council Profiles

                                Kimberley Hunt                                                             Amelia Lester
                                Planning Committee Member                                                  Governane Committee Member
                                Council Appointed 2020                                                     Old Scholar Appointed 2020

B.International Business, Majors in Economics &                             Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) (Chem)
International Management
Kim is currently the South Australian Digital Advisory Leader at            Amelia is an Old Scholar of St Peter’s Woodlands ('04). After
global engineering consultancy firm, Mott MacDonald.                        completing Secondary School at Annesley College, Amelia gained
                                                                            a Bachelor’s Degree with Honours in Chemical Engineering with
Originally from Adelaide, Kim spent more than a decade living and           the University of Adelaide.
working interstate and travelling extensively, returning to Adelaide in
2014 to be closer to her family.                                            Working in various technical and management roles within the
                                                                            mining industry since graduating, she is currently employed as a
Her background in both public and private sector roles has seen her         Production Coordinator in the Refinery, at BHP’s Olympic Dam, on
work across a broad range of large, multi-discipline and city-shaping       a fly in fly out roster.
                                                                            Amelia is keen to support fellow female professionals in STEM,
With experience in strategy development, governance and finance,            whilst encouraging girls and young women into the field.
she enjoys being able to apply her skills to assist in shaping the
bright future of St Peter's Woodlands.                                      Residing in Novar Gardens with her partner Mark, and their
                                                                            miniature dachshund Loui, she enjoys travelling, the outdoors, and
Kim's professional skills are in the areas of Finance/Accounting,           time spent with family and friends. Amelia has an affiliation with the
Project Management, Smart Cities, Digital Infrastructure,                   Anglican Church.
Commercial Analysis, using technology to harness data for better

Kim is a parent of current St Peter's Woodlands students.

                                Craig Hobart                                                                 Louise Wallace
                                Governance Committee Member                                                  Planning Committee Member
                                Co-opted Appointed 2015                                                      Co-opted Appointed 2020

MBA, FAIM                                                                   Chartered Accountant (ICAA); B.
                                                                            Commerce (University of Adelaide)

Craig has been responsible for a broad range of general                     Louise is the General Manager of the Prince Alfred College
management and leadership roles across government, commercial               Endowment Fund and oversees management of the College's
and not-for-profit organisations. He is a Project Leader at the City of     investment assets.
Onkaparinga Council.
                                                                            Louise has over 20 years of commercial finance and accounting
As an experienced General Manager, Craig has been responsible               experience, with specialist interest in the Financial Services and
for the delivery of business improvement, change management,                Education sectors. Areas of expertise include investment and
corporate and not-for-profit governance & compliance, volunteer             project management, process improvement, risk and
management, organisation development, management accounting                 governance.
and payroll services.
                                                                            Growing up on a farm in the Southeast of South Australia,
Craig is a volunteer surf lifesaver, and holds the National Medal and       Louise spent much of her childhood outdoors and playing club
Emergency Service medal. He was also on the design team for the             sports. Later she moved to Adelaide to attend boarding school
State Aquatic Centre. Craig has an affiliation with the Anglican            and University.
                                                                            After qualifying as a Chartered Accountant, Louise lived and
Craig has been associated with St Peter's Woodlands since 2011,             worked in London for many years. Now living locally, she is a
when his son started in the Pines toddler program.                          parent of two children who attend St Peter's Woodlands, one
                                                                            being in the Early Learning Centre.

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School Council Profiles - St Peter's Woodlands
School Council Profiles

           Helen Finlay                              David Brock                            Helen Linquist
   Principal, St Peter's Woodlands               Business Manager, SPW                 Senior Executive Assistant, SPW
       Ex-Officio Member 2020                     Ex-Officio Member 2013              Secretary of SPW School Council

Master of Education, BA Dip.Ed.,            BA (Hons) in Accountancy, Grad           Diploma of Business
Grad Dip in Gifted Education                Dip Applied Finance & Investment,        Administration
                                            Chartered Acct
Helen was appointed to the position of St   David was appointed to the position of   Helen was appointed to the position of
Peter's Woodlands in October 2020.          Business Manager at St Peter's           Secretary of the SPW School Council in
                                            Woodlands in 2013.                       2004.

The difference is extraordinary.                         PAGE 4                                              SPW.SA.EDU.AU
School Council Profiles - St Peter's Woodlands School Council Profiles - St Peter's Woodlands School Council Profiles - St Peter's Woodlands School Council Profiles - St Peter's Woodlands School Council Profiles - St Peter's Woodlands School Council Profiles - St Peter's Woodlands
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