SB 187 Comprehensive School Safety Plan Process & Templates - GOLETA UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT

Page created by Craig Henry
SB 187 Comprehensive School Safety Plan Process & Templates - GOLETA UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT

SB 187
School Safety Plan
Process & Templates

                                   Hollister Elementary School
                    4950 Anita Lane, Santa Barbara, CA 93111
                                                (805) 681-1271
                                                (805) 681-0331
Board Approved November 4, 2020
SB 187 Comprehensive School Safety Plan Process & Templates - GOLETA UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT

Table of Contents
SCHOOL SAFETY PLAN SIGNATURE PAGE ...................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
SAFETY PLAN GOALS ...........................................................................................................................................................................- 4 -
INTERIM SAFETY GOAL REPORT ....................................................................................................................................................- 5 -
    STRATEGY 1: FACILITIES & SAFETY ......................................................................................................................................................................... - 6 -
    STRATEGY 2: SUSPENSION AND EXPULSION ............................................................................................................................................................ - 8 -
    STRATEGY 3: TARDIES AND ABSENTEEISM ............................................................................................................................................................. - 8 -
DISASTER MAP ......................................................................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
STAGING AREAS ................................................................................................................................................................................. - 12 -
INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM TEAM FLOWCHART .............................................................................................................. - 13 -
INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM TEAMS ....................................................................................................................................... - 14 -
    KEY FIGURES.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. - 14 -
    OPERATIONS .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. - 14 -
    PLANNING................................................................................................................................................................................................................... - 14 -
    LOGISTICS ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... - 15 -
    FINANCE...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... - 15 -
SITE EMERGENCY DIRECTORY ...................................................................................................................................................... - 16 -
COMMUNITY EMERGENCY DIRECTORY ..................................................................................................................................... - 17 -
ANNUAL SITE AWARENESS CHECKLIST ..................................................................................................................................... - 18 -
ANNUAL SAFETY PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN CHECKLIST ....................................................................................................... - 22 -
ANNUAL SITE HAZARD SURVEY 1 ................................................................................................................................................ - 23 -
ANNUAL SITE HAZARD SURVEY 2 ................................................................................................................................................ - 24 -
ANNUAL CLASSROOM HAZARD SURVEY ................................................................................................................................... - 25 -
ANNUAL SAFETY PLAN DRILL REPORT ..................................................................................................................................... - 26 -
COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL: DISTRICT, PARENT AND COMMUNITY ......................................................................... - 27 -
ANNUAL DISASTER SERVICE WORKER SURVEY ..................................................................................................................... - 30 -
APPENDIX A: INCIDENT RESPONSE JOB DESCRIPTIONS ..................................................................................................... - 31 -
         Command Section ............................................................................................................................................................................................ - 32 -
              Incident Commander ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ - 32 -
              Safety Officer............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. - 34 -
              Public Information Officer (PIO) ..................................................................................................................................................................................... - 35 -
              Liaison Officer .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... - 37 -
         Operations Section .......................................................................................................................................................................................... - 38 -
              Operations Section Chief ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... - 38 -
              Safety Facility Check/Security ......................................................................................................................................................................................... - 40 -
              Search and Rescue Team Leaders .................................................................................................................................................................................. - 41 -
              Search and Rescue Teams .................................................................................................................................................................................................. - 43 -

                                                              Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan
SB 187 Comprehensive School Safety Plan Process & Templates - GOLETA UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT

    Medical Team Leader ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... - 45 -
    Medical Team ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... - 47 -
    Medical Branch Morgue....................................................................................................................................................................................................... - 49 -
    Student Attendance, Care, and Release........................................................................................................................................................................ - 51 -
    Student Release ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... - 53 -
Planning Section .............................................................................................................................................................................................. - 57 -
    Planning Section Chief.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... - 57 -
    Documentation ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ - 58 -
    Situation Analysis ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... - 60 -
Logistics Section............................................................................................................................................................................................... - 61 -
    Logistics Section Chief.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... - 61 -
    Supplies/Facilities ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. - 62 -
    Staffing Officer ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... - 63 -
    Communications ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... - 64 -
    Transportation......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... - 66 -
Finance Section ................................................................................................................................................................................................ - 68 -
    Finance Section Chief............................................................................................................................................................................................................ - 68 -
    Timekeeping ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. - 69 -
    Purchasing ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. - 70 -

                                                    Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan
SB 187 Comprehensive School Safety Plan Process & Templates - GOLETA UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT

Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan

                             Hollister Elementary School
                                  Safety Plan Goals
GOAL 1:      During the 2020-2021 school year, all certificated and classified staff will be
             trained on and practice Standard Response Protocol (“SRP”) emergency
             procedures, and Standard Reunification Process, and will participate in monthly
             fire and earthquake drills and quarterly lockdown drills.

                                     All staff will receive safety information and training during
          Strategy 1.1
                                     faculty meetings.
                                     Teachers will train students on the correct procedures for
          Strategy 1.2
                                     emergency situations.
                                     In the 2019-2020 school year, 8 drills were completed. 3
          Baseline Data 1.1          scheduled drills were not completed due to school closures
                                     related to COVID-19 pandemic.
                                     Observation and feedback on drills to monitor confidence
          Assessment Data 1.1
                                     and competence.
                                     Through ongoing training, practice and discussion the
                                     confidence and competency of staff and students will
                                     improve making drills more efficient and effective and better
                                     prepared in the event of a real emergency situation. The
                                     school will work with District Office Maintenance &
                                     Operation staff and the local sheriff, to help train and drill
                                     the school community.
                                     Hollister offers after school programs which are included as
                                     a part of this plan. Hollister provides a caring and safe
                                     environment for children after school. Our program includes
                                     @afterschool, and outside vendors under public use
                                     permits which may include: Academic Chess, Everybody
                                     Dance Now, SB Symphony, Art Explorers, Terrific
                                     Scientific, One Soccer, and Future Engineers and Scientists
                                     of America. Drills and training will be conducted annually.

                         Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan

GOAL 2:      By the end of the 2020-21 school year, all certificated staff will focus on a
             deeper understanding of the use of the new Fire Alarm system as
             connected to emergency drill protocols.

                                     At the beginning of the school year initial training of the
          Strategy 2.1               primary features of the new alarm system will be taught to
                                     all staff, both certificated and classified.
                                     Through regular drills, staff will practice the use of the new
          Strategy 2.2
                                     alarm system and its components.
                                     New alarm system was installed mid-year 2019-2020, and
                                     while office staff received basic preliminary training, we
          Baseline Data 2.1
                                     have not fully trained all staff in all alarm procedures and
                                     protocols with the new system.
          Assessment Data 2.1        Observation and feedback from drills
                                     Through ongoing training, practice, and drills the confidence
                                     and competency of staff skills will improve with regard to
                                     use of the alarm system. With training aligned across the
                                     school, the goal is to see an increase in capacity of ALL
                                     staff to initiate and properly use the alarm system.

                                     The district and sites will support this goal with continued
                                     professional development the use of the alarm system.

                             Hollister Elementary School
                             Interim Safety Goal Report

                         Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan

                            To be completed by: September 30, 2020

Safety Plan Goals: status of strategy implementation; data on progress

Review of Goal I
Goal: During the 2020-2021 school year, all certificated and classified staff will be trained on
      and practice Standard Response Protocol (“SRP”) emergency procedures and will
      participate in monthly fire and earthquake drills and quarterly lockdown drills.

Progress: GUSD maintains standards for Emergency Preparedness. El Camino participated in
the Great Shake Out training and drill, District-wide Emergency Drill, lockdown/lockout training
and drills with the local police, and fire-drills. Standard Response Protocols (“SRP”) reviewed
and implemented in the 2019-2020 school year to ensure the safety of the staff and
students. Emergency equipment was reviewed, and a list of needed items was provided to the
District Office for purchase in order to ensure that Hollister School would be ready for a 72-
hour site hold in the event of an emergency.

      Data: Emergency backpacks were provided to every classroom and building. First aid
      kits were created and distributed to every class and building. 8 drills were held this
      school year – Lock-Out, Lock-Down, Evacuate, Shelter in Place or a combination of all of

Review of Goal II
Goal: Through ongoing training, practice, lessons and discussion the confidence and
competency of staff skills will improve with regard to addressing the social-emotional needs of
our students. With implementation aligned across each grade level team, the goal is to see a
decrease in discipline referrals.

Hollister School focused on student social/emotional/behavioral well-being. Every classroom
utilized the District adopted social-emotional-learning (“SEL”) curriculum, Second Step, a
minimum of one time per week. Additionally, we collaborated with the Santa Barbara District
Attorney to provide an assembly to 4th – 6th grade students about cyberbullying.

      Data: Number of office referrals, number of bullying incidents (physical, verbal, cyber),
      attendance at assemblies focused on Cyberbullying/bullying.

Current data
   The School Safety Committee reviews the data from surveys, SARC report, attendance
   reports, discipline referrals, suspensions and expulsions, student and staff accident
   reports and overall satisfaction of students and staff.


                                   Strategy 1: Facilities & Safety
          Hollister strives to provide a safe and healthy environment for our students and staff.

                         Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan

           Hollister was originally constructed in 1962. The school is currently comprised of 7
           rectangular concrete block buildings, including 17 classrooms, a multipurpose room,
           and school offices, and 7 modular buildings, including 12 classrooms.

           The table below shows the results of the most recent school facilities inspection.
           While reviewing this report, please note that even minor discrepancies are reported
           in the inspection process. The items noted in the table have been corrected or are in
           the process of remediation. The data in the table was collected in 1/16/2019 with the
           support of Maintenance and Operations staff.

                                   School Facilities Conditions
Date of Last Inspection: 9/21/2020
Overall Summary of School Facility Condition:      GOOD       FAIR    POOR
                                       Facility Component Status Deficiency/Remedial
Items Inspected
                                        Good        Fair     Poor  Actions Taken or Planned
Systems (gas leaks,                       X
Interior                                  X
Cleanliness (overall, pest/vermin         X
Electrical                                X
Restrooms                                 X
Fountains/Hydration Stations              X
Safety (fire, hazardous materials)        X
Structural (roofs, buildings)             X
External (grounds, windows, doors,                   X
gates, fences)

           Cleaning Process
           Hollister provides a safe and clean environment for students, staff, and volunteers.
           The district has adopted cleaning standards for all schools. Basic cleaning
           operations are performed on a daily basis throughout the school year with emphasis
           on classrooms and restrooms. A joint effort between students and staff helps keep
           the campus clean and litter-free. The Principal works daily with the custodial staff to
           develop sanitation schedules that ensure a clean, safe, and functional learning

           Maintenance & Repair
           A scheduled maintenance program is administered by EDS’s custodial staff on a
           regular basis, with heavy maintenance functions occurring during vacation periods.
           Additionally, a scheduled maintenance program is administered by Goleta Union
           School District to ensure that school grounds and facilities remain in excellent repair.
           A work order process is used when issues arise that require immediate attention.

                         Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan

         Emergency repairs are given the highest priority; repair requests are completed
         efficiently and in the order in which they are received.

                             Strategy 2: Suspension and Expulsion
         The table below displays the suspension and expulsion rates at the school, in the
         district, and throughout the state. Expulsions occur only when required by law or
         when all other alternatives are exhausted. Suspensions and expulsions are reviewed
         annually to help evaluate the school’s safe and healthy environment.

                               Suspensions and Expulsions
                             Suspensions                                  Expulsions
                       17-18    18-19    19-20     17-18                    18-19      19-20
         School          0%           0%            0%           0%            0%       0%
         District        0%           0%            0%           0%            0%       0%
         County           -            -             -             -            -        -
         State          3.5%                                     .1%

                           Strategy 3: Tardies and Absenteeism
         The table below displays the tardies and absenteeism rates at the school for the
            Absenteeism                                        4%
            Truancy                                           0.6%
            Chronic Absenteeism                                7%
            Tardies                                           1367
            All Student Days Enrolled                        74,491
            Tardy Rate (unexcused & excused)                  0.6%

Communication with staff and the students on safety concerns is important. All safety
concerns should be discussed and reported immediately.

Next Steps
(a) Review the process and procedures annually.
(b) Report to the Safety Committee monthly any hazards that may occur.

                       Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan

    Hollister Elementary School
            Disaster Map

Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan

     Hollister Elementary School
      Evacuation Routes Map

Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan
                         - 10 -

Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan
                         - 11 -

                           Hollister Elementary School
                                  Staging Areas

                                      Command Posts

One primary and one secondary area for the Command Post to be stationed in the event of a
district emergency.

      Primary: Field (Fire Drills, Evacuations)

      Secondary: Blacktop (Fire Drills, Evacuations)

                         Off Site School Evacuation Centers

To be determined in conjunction with Pupil Services.

      Primary: San Marcos High School

      Secondary: Girls Inc or Vons Parking Lot or El Camino School Site

                            Mass Community Care Centers

To be determined in conjunction with Pupil Services.

      Primary: Goleta Union School District – District Office

      Secondary: TBD by Office of Emergency Management (OEM)

                       Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan
                                                  - 12 -

                                Hollister Elementary School
                       Incident Command System Team Flowchart

                                                       Site Incident
                                                      Kristina Munoz

                                        Public Information
                                                                    Abby Vasquez
                                          Abby Vasquez

                                           Rick Savage

              Operations Chief            Planning Chief            Logistics Chief             Finance Chief
               Abby Vasquez                Phoebe Ball              Veronica Flores             Cindy Haight

                  Site Check/Security         Documentation               Supplies/Faciliites        Timekeeping
                      Rick Savage              Phoebe Ball                   Rick Savage             Cindy Haight

                  Search and Rescue          Situation Analysis            Staffing Officer          Purchasing
                    Eric Prothero               Phoebe Ball                Veronica Flores         Christine Blaney

                       Medical                                            Communications
                   Juanita Gonzalez                                        Allison Mowers

                     Elyse Naylor

    See Appendix A for full Incident Response Job Descriptions

                                 Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan
                                                                 - 13 -

                                 Hollister Elementary School
                             Incident Command System Teams

                                                Key Figures
                Site Incident Commander                 •   Admin Designee – K. Muñoz
                Public Information Officer              •   Principal – A. Vasquez
                Liaison                                 •   Principal - A. Vasquez
                Safety                                  •   Custodian – R. Savage

Operations Chief         A. Vasquez
Team                  Team Leader                           Staff Members
Site Check/Security      • R. Savage - Custodian               •
Search & Rescue          • E. Prothero – 5th Gr                • S. Springer 6th Gr
Medical                  • J. Gonzalez - SOA                   • I. Delgado / H. Ranson/ C. Schipper (IA)
Student Reunification    • E. Naylor                           • L. Casanueva/ J. Muñoz/ K. Beard

                                          Student Staging Area Teams
                                                 List by grade level
                                All staff members should be assigned a task.
Location                        Team Leader                          Staff Members
                             TK-1  st      J. Bottiani TK            L. Larsen/ C. Hackl/ V. Aguirre
Outdoor Station A
                                2 -3   rd      K. Schmidt             L. Mastromarino/ L. Kurtz/ C. Fellers
Outdoor Station B
                                                                         Playground Supervisors
Outdoor Station C             4 –6
                               th     th     C. Schmiess             L. Bryant/ M. Gibson/ D. Li / IA’s

 Planning Chief           Phoebe Ball
 Team                     Team Leader                                 Staff Members
 Documentation               • Phoebe Ball - Kinder                      •
 Situation Analysis          • Phoebe Ball - Kinder                      •

                              Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan
                                                        - 14 -

Logistics Chief        Veronica Flores
Team                  Team Leader                                 Staff Members
Supplies/Facilities      • R. Savage - Custodian                     •
Staffing Officer         • V. Flores - Teacher                       •
Communications           • A. Mowers - Teacher                       •
Transportation           • Lisa McDonough - MOT                      •

Finance Chief         Cindy Haight- SOM
Team                  Team Leader                                 Staff
Timekeeping              • Cindy Haight - SOM                        • J. Gonzalez - SOA
Purchasing               • Christine Blaney (District)               •

                          Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan
                                                   - 15 -

                          Hollister Elementary School
                             Site Emergency Directory
Group                     Name                                      Room      Extension
Principal                 Abby Vasquez                              Office    1540
School Office Manager     Cindy Haight                              Office    1541
School Office Assistant   Juanita Gonzalez                          Office    1542
Community Liaison         Laura Casanueva                           Office    1545
School Nurse              Terra O’Brien                             Office    1545
School Psychologist       Elyse Naylor                              18A       1570
Speech/Lang Therapist     Carol Fellers                             23B       1571
Special Ed Mild/Mod K-6   TBD                                       24        1524
SBCEO Special Ed          Laurie Bryant/Mary Gibson                 21        1521
Learning Center           Kristina Munoz                            19        1519
TK - VA                   Julia Bottiani                            1         1501
K                         Phoebe Ball                               KA        1531
K - VA                    Amy Diehl                                 KB        1532
K                         Allison Mowers                            KC        1533
1 - VA                    Victoria Aguirre                          6         1506
1                         Caren Hackl                               4         1504
1                         Liz Larsen                                3         1503
2                         Imelda Delgado                            5         1505
2                         Loriann Mastromarino                      7         1507
2/3                       Krista Beard                              8         1508
3                         Jessica Morelos                           25        1525
3/4                       Lindsay Kurtz                             26        1526
4                         Veronica Flores                           2         1502
4                         Kristen Schmidt                           20        1515
5 – VA                    Sara Kaplowitz/Lourdes Torres             14        1514
5                         Hugh Ranson                               18        1518
5                         Carly Schmiess                            11        1516
5/6                       Eric Prothero                             18        1518
6                         Deirdre Li                                11        1511
6                         Shad Springer                             13        1513
6 - VA                    Olivia Wiley                              12        1512
LIBRARY                   Marcia Fraley                             10        1510
KITCHEN                   Peggy Beavers                             Kitchen
FOOD SERVICE              Donna Sheppard                            MPR

STAFF LOUNGE              N/A
WORK ROOM                 N/A

                      Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan
                                               - 16 -

                            Hollister Elementary School
                          Community Emergency Directory
Fire Department
Santa Barbara County
            Emergency                          911
            Business                           805-681-5500

Police Departments
Santa Barbara Sheriff
            Emergency                          911
            Non-Emergency / Dispatch           805-681-4100
Office of Emergency Management
             Phone                             805-681-5526 or 805-681-5592
Public Works
            General Information                805-583-3000
            Graffiti Hotline                   805-681-5678

Gas           SoCalGas (SCG)
              Phone                            1-800-427-2200
Electricity   Southern California Edison (SCE)
              Phone                           1-800-655-4555
Water         Goleta Water District
              Phone                            805-964-6761
Telephone Verizon
          Phone Repair                         1-800-483-5000
          Underground Cable                    1-800-227-2600
          Underground Cable After Hours        1-800-658-7801

Animal Control
            Phone                              805-681-5285

                           Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan
                                                    - 17 -

                        Hollister Elementary School
                      Annual Site Awareness Checklist
Recommendation        Steps                                          Participants   Completed

Review employment     • Does your screening process include          • Safety
screening policy &      volunteers, cafeteria workers, mechanics,
procedure               bus drivers, and security, in addition to    • Human
                        educational staff?                             Resources
                      • Does your procedure allow for actual
                        searches of courthouse records, rather
                        than database searches, which are
                        typically not accurate?
                      • Do your searchers do Social Security
                        Number traces to identify any out-of-state
                        venues that should be checked?
                      • Do your outside contracts use due-
                        diligence screening procedures to check
                        the backgrounds of their workers who
                        regularly visit your school?

Review the physical   • Are vehicle garages alarmed, and are the     • Safety
security of bus         alarms in working order?
yards and garages;    • Are fenced-in areas gated, locked, and       • MOT
review                  adequately illuminated at night?
transportation        • Do drivers do “pilot inspections” of their   • Drivers
security in general     vehicles before placing them into service
                        each day? Is this done again after each
                        time the vehicle has been left
                      • Are bus drivers equipped with two-way
                        radios or cell phones?
                      • Are drivers trained to be aware of and to
                        report suspicious vehicles that appear to
                        be following their busses during their
                      • Do drivers keep a student roster for each
                        bus route, to include student name,
                        address, primary and secondary
                        emergency contact numbers, and medical
                        authorization information?

                      Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan
                                               - 18 -

Review the              • Are alarm systems working and have they         • Safety
adequacy of               been tested? This should include main
physical security in      campus buildings as well as maintenance         • Maintenance
and around campus         and storage facilities.
buildings               • Are keys to campus and administration           • Operations
                          buildings adequately controlled?
                        • Are alarm pass codes changed when an
                          employee leaves the school district?
                          Make sure codes are not shared.
                        • Is exterior lighting working and is
                          illumination adequate?
                        • Is interior lighting (night lighting) working
                          and is illumination adequate?

Review access           • Are doors that should remain locked from        • Everyone
control procedures        the outside during the day kept locked,
and heighten              and are these doors checked periodically
employee awareness        to make sure they are secure? Train all
                          employees to check these doors but
                          consider assigning someone to check
                          them as well.
                        • Are staff members trained to approach
                          and to “assist” strangers of any age who
                          are observed in and on school property?
                          Report those who have difficulty
                          explaining their presence.
                        • Has a visitor log and ID badge system
                          been implemented?

                       Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan
                                                 - 19 -

Train everyone to        • Are persons taking pictures or filming       • Everyone
recognize and report       campus activities questioned about their
suspicious activities      authorization to do so?
on campuses.             • Be alert for suspicious vehicles that seem
                           to have no apparent purpose for being on
                           campus, or, that come, go, and then
                           reappear again.
                         • Are specific individuals assigned to
                           inspect the outside of campus buildings
                           throughout the day, and to report
                           unattended packages or vehicles near
                           building perimeters?
                         • Have you developed a plan to handle
                           reports of suspicious activity?
                         • Is everyone trained to report unattended
                           or otherwise suspicious packages found
                           inside campus buildings? Is this specific
                           issue placed on routine checklists for
                           maintenance and custodial personnel?
                         • Do personnel know what to do if a
                           suspicious package is found?
                         • Have you considered a policy that
                           requires staff and students to visibly
                           identify backpacks, book bags, briefcases
                           and gym bags with luggage style ID tabs?
                         • Are food services personnel trained to be
                           aware of suspicious people in their food
                           preparation area?
                         • When large attendance events occur on
                           campus, are security measures in place
                           and awareness levels heightened to
                           assist in detecting suspicious acts?

                        Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan
                                                 - 20 -

Implement an online      • Do you have a zero tolerance for verbal           • Pupil
“tip-line” program         threats of any kind?                                Services
that allows students,    • Do all members of the school community
teachers, parents,         know that any threat, or information about        • Safety
staff, and other           a potential threat, must be reported?
members of the             And, do they understand that there is no          • Human
school community           such thing as a threat intended as a joke?          Resources
to report issues         • Do students and staff know that they are
anonymously, if they       responsible for informing the principal/site
choose.                    administrator about any information or
                           knowledge of a possible or actual terrorist
                           threat or act?
                         • Have you communicated a hard stand on
                           hoaxes intended to mimic terrorist acts?
                           Do students know that these hoaxes are
                           crimes in themselves?

Work closely with        • Have you made local law enforcement a             • Safety
local law                  partner in your district plans?
enforcement and          • Are parking regulations, particularly fire        • Law
health officials.          zone regulations, strictly enforced?                Enforceme
                         • Does local law enforcement have copies              nt
                           of building blueprints, to include
                           ventilation system, and electrical plans?         • Crisis
                         • Has local law enforcement been given the            Managem
                           opportunity to conduct exercises on                 ent Team
                           school property and on busses?
                         • Have you determined contact protocol
                           with local health officials if bio-terrorism is

Train staff on           • Have you downloaded and posted the FBI            • DO Mail
identifying and            advisory (poster) regarding suspicious
handling suspicious        packages from                        • Clerical
packages and             • Or, the US Postal Inspection Service
letters.                   poster on identifying suspicious packages         • Safety
                         • Have you considered publicizing the               • Parents
                           availability of this information to others in
                           the school community for personal use?            • Students

                        Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan
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                         Hollister Elementary School
                 Annual Safety Plan Emergency Plan Checklist
 Site:           Site Checklist (To be completed by Leadership Team and Reviewed with SSC)
 Due By:         September 30th
 Submit To:      Pupil Services

 This is a checklist to help Principals organize and meet the site requirements mandated by the
 Emergency Preparedness Plan. A Site Disaster Committee should be appointed to help carry out the
 tasks of this checklist.
Check              Requirement
 ___X__     1.     Read the District Disaster Plan, and know the responsibilities of the site manager –
                   Review data and set goals with School Site Council
___X__      2.     Designate a second-in-command and a backup
___X__      3.     Orient staff to District Disaster Plan, review site procedures (staff meeting)
___X__      4.     Update site plan, assign staff responsibilities (complete staff roster sheet)
___X__      5.     Schedule necessary training (First Aid, CPR, Search & Rescue)
___X__      6.     Schedule drills: Fire, Earthquake, Lockout/Lockdown (Active shooter),
___X__      7.     Complete site map, post as required, and forward a copy to the Pupil Services Office
___X__      8.     Complete Site Hazard Survey I & II (Principal and MOT)
___X__      9.     Complete Classroom Hazard Survey Summary (Classroom Teachers)
___X__      10     Submit Classroom Hazard Survey Summary to MOT
___X__      11     Participate in test of District Radios
___X__      12     Check battery-operated radios
___X__      13     Complete supplies and equipment inventory to include classroom emergency kits
___X__      14     Order supplies and equipment as necessary
___X__      15     Evacuation areas/alternative identified for all classes (In conjunction with MOT)
___X__      16     Communications to parents and students about disaster procedures
                    For Standard Reunification Method & Emergency Information Cards
___X__      17     Complete Emergency I.D. Tags collected and put into Classroom Emergency Kits if
___X__      18     Assess food supplies as applicable.
___X__      19     Meet with @After School Director and other after school program staff to coordinate
                   disaster preparedness plans
___X__      20     Identify hospitals and clinics in school’s area that have back-up emergency power
                   that would be able to handle casualties in an emergency.

___X__      21     ____Abby Vasquez_____________                    __9/10/2020________________
                   Principal’s Signature                                      Date

                            Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan
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                            Hollister Elementary School
                           Annual Site Hazard Survey 1
Principals are required to conduct an annual Site Hazard Survey. The survey should be
completed early each fall, signed, and submitted to Pupil Services by September 30th. (Please
put N/A by any items that are not applicable.)

The purpose of the Site Hazard Survey is to check for safety hazards outside of the classroom.
The survey shall include evaluation of interior and exterior portions of buildings as well as
school grounds.

The Site Hazard Survey shall include assessment of the following areas.
  ✓ ❒1.     Proximity of toxic, flammable, corrosive, chemically, or reactive materials
  ✓ ❒ 2.    Proximity of high voltage power lines has been considered in establishing
            the site evacuation plan
  ✓ ❒ 3.    Likelihood and possible effects of flooding or landslides
  ✓ ❒ 4.    Probably safety of evacuation areas after an earthquake; proximity of gas,
            water, and sewer lines, or sprinklers
  ✓ ❒ 5.    Water heaters are strapped
  ✓ ❒ 6.    Objects that restrict people from moving to a safe place (tables an desks in
            hallways) etc.
  ✓ ❒ 7.    Janitorial areas: storage of tools and cleaning chemicals (keep a 3-foot
            clearance in front of all electrical panels)
  ✓ ❒ 8.    Storerooms: heavy items stored on high shelves, shelving secured (keep
            3-foot clearance in front of all electrical panels)
  ✓ ❒ 9.    All computers and peripherals should be situated so as not to create a
            tipping hazard
  ✓ 10.     Machine shop and woodshop: equipment should be bolted down
  ✓ 11.     Large and heavy office machines: restrained and located where they will
            not slide, fall off computers, or block exits
  ✓ 12.     Sound system speakers and spotlights: secure
  ✓ 13.     Compressed gas cylinders: secured top and bottom with a safety chain
  ✓ 14.     Weight room/motor development room equipment: racks anchored and
            weights properly stored
  ✓ ❒
    15.     Laboratory chemicals on shelves: restrained

Abby Vasquez                            Abby Vasquez                            9/10/2020
Principal Name                          Principal Signature                     Date

                        Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan
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                           Hollister Elementary School
                           Annual Site Hazard Survey 2
GENERAL GUIDELINES                         OK      Attention Req                Comments
Signs Posted, Controlled Access            X
Traffic review, parking, fire lanes        X
Adequate surfacing, lighting               X
Safety Plan                                X
Required Postings                          X
                                       ASSEMBLY ROOMS/ MPR
Exits clear, exit & emergency lights       X
Floors, seating maintained                 X
Stage: clean, clear exits, wiring          X
Kitchen: clean, safe food storage          X
                                     OUTDOOR ASSEMBLY AREAS
Bleachers, fences, backstops               X
Stairs, ramps, walkways, gates             X
Surfacing in common areas                  X
Play Equipment                             X
                                        CUSTODIAL CLOSETS
All guards, shields, covers in place       X
Aisles clear, material storage             X
First aid kits; eye wash operable          X
Dust collection/housekeeping               X
Protective equipment, safety training      X
Safety signs posted, enforced              X
                                          SCIENCE ROOMS
Hazardous material storage                 X
Adequate ventilation, fume hoods           X
Eyewash, gas shut-off                      X
Safety training                            X
Safety signs posted, enforced              X
                                     EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS
Fire extinguishers checked monthly         X
Fire and Earthquake drills conducted       X
First Aid Equipment in place               X
Evacuation routes posted                   X
Staff Training on Emergency Procedures X
Abby Vasquez                            Abby Vasquez                               9/10/2020
Principal Name                          Principal Signature                        Date

                        Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan
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                          Hollister Elementary School
                        Annual Classroom Hazard Survey
Nonstructural hazards are caused by the furnishings and nonstructural elements of a building.
Anything that does not actually hold the building up is nonstructural, including floors, ceilings,
windows, and all furnishings. In California schools, nonstructural hazards represent the
greatest threat to the safety of students and staff. Eliminating these hazards can reduce
injuries significantly.
In September, each teacher shall assess their classroom for hazards and correct any they can;
items they cannot correct will be submitted to the Principal on this form by September 1st. The
Principal shall submit a completed copy of the school needs with the Principal’s checklist by
September 30th to the Maintenance, Operations, and Transportation Department.

 Classroom Number

Deficiencies to be corrected by maintenance staff
   Free standing shelves over 4 feet tall secured to floor or wall
   File cabinets bolted to wall
   File cabinet drawers have latches
   Paints and chemicals restrained on shelves
   Wall-mounted objects are secured
   Sound system speakers are secured to building
   TV securely fastened to wall, platform or cart
Deficiencies to be corrected by school personnel
   Heavy objects removed from high shelves
   Aquariums located on low counter or restrained
   Computers fastened to workstation
   Desks and tables cannot block exits
   Cabinets or equipment on wheels cannot block doorway

Teacher Name                            Teacher Signature                        Date

**All Teacher copies on file at school site

                        Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan
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                             Hollister Elementary School
                            Annual Safety Plan Drill Report
Proposed Schedule due to Pupil Services by September 30 th
Completed Schedule due to Pupil Services by June 15th

                         Time                 ✔ when drill is completed


                                                                                  Active Shooter

                                                                                                   Other Drills


Date                                                                                                              Principal’s Signature
8/24/20       11:00

9/17/20       9:00

10/15/20      9:00

11/13/20      10:40

12/15/20      11:00

1/19/21       1:00

2/24/21       11:00

3/15/21       10:15

4/8/21        10:00

5/11/21       1:00

Abby Vasquez
Principal Name                                    Principal Signature                                                      Date

                           Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan
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                  Hollister Elementary School
      Communication Protocol: District, Parent and Community

The safety and security of the Goleta Union School District’s (“GUSD”) students and staff is of
utmost importance. GUSD has a comprehensive emergency response plan and district
personnel coordinate closely with city emergency management officials and law enforcement
representatives to monitor and update plans on a regular basis.

In addition, schools have security measures to ensure the well being of students and staff.
These include: visitor check-in procedures, locked doors after the start of the school day, and
training and drills monthly on evacuation and shelter in place procedures.

                                 District Responsibility
If the Superintendent declares a district emergency during the school day, the following
procedures will be followed:


   1. Until regular dismissal time and released only then if it is considered safe, OR
   2. Until released to an adult authorized by the parent or legal guardian whose name
      appears on district records.
         a. If students are on their way to school they should proceed to school if walking.
         b. If students are on their way home from school, they are to continue home.

During a Declared Emergency, those students who have not been picked up by their parents
or other authorized person may be taken by district personnel to another site where
consolidated care facilities can be provided or they will remain at their school. This information
will be given to the media stations and posted at the site to keep parents informed.

                                 Parent Responsibility
Parents and legal guardians of students will be provided with a Student Health/Emergency
Form each year. In case of a Declared Emergency, students will be released ONLY to persons
designated on this form. Parents are responsible for ensuring that information on the Student
Health/Enrollment Form is current at all times.

Parents are asked to share with the schools the responsibility for informing students of what
they should do in case of a severe earthquake or other major emergency. Parents need to give
specific directions to each student to follow the policy outlined above and to follow the
directions of school personnel.

                        Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan
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School authorities will do everything possible to care for each student while they are under
GUSD supervision.

It is critical that students do not have directions from parents that are contrary to GUSD’s
stated policy on retention at school and authorized release in case of a severe emergency.

How can I as a parent or guardian be assured that I receive the most up-to-date
information from my child’s school?
To ensure that you receive the most accurate account of the emergency situation, keep your
contact information up to date with schools on your child’s emergency card. We urge parents
and guardians to opt into GUSD's messaging service, Parent Square, so we can notify you of
emergency situations.

How and when will I be notified if there is an emergency at my child’s school?
The means and immediacy of communication will depend on the scope of the event and on the
potential or actual impact to the safety of the students. While it’s difficult to describe all
possible scenarios, the following can be used a guide to gauge GUSD’s level of notification
and systems used to communicate with families. Not every incident will warrant a notification
response. Every situation must be assessed based on multiple factors. GUSD reserves
judgement in each case.

Impact Level                                                Notification Response
  A low-impact incident: Poses no or minimal risk to
  the safety of the school. There are no disruptions to
  regular school activities, and the incident is an     •       Parents of involved student(s) will
  isolated one that does not impact more than one               be contacted
  Example: A small disturbance or fight
  A moderate-impact incident: Poses a moderate
  risk to the school. Results in some disruption to
                                                       •        Send message by the end of the
  school activities such as a change of schedule or
                                                                school day via email, phone call or
  cancellation of some activities.
                                                                website posting
  Example: Police activity in the neighborhood results
  in students being brought inside during their lunch
  A high-impact incident: The incident poses a              •   Send messages as soon as
  significant risk to the safety of the students, which         possible via text message, email,
  results in a significant disruption to school activities,     phone call, or website posting
  change of schedule, evacuation, cancellation of           •   If a matter of public concern, GUSD
  activities, and impacts many students.                        may also provide social media
  Example: A gas leak that requires a school                    updates and/or a press release
  evacuation and closure

                        Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan
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Should I report to the scene of the incident/emergency?
In the case of a high-impact emergency situation in a school or at a school-sponsored activity,
parents and guardians are encouraged to remain close to their sources of communication,
whether phone or email, to ensure they are receiving accurate and timely updates. Access to
the scene will be limited and controlled by fire or police officials, so you will be asked to wait for
instructions for picking up your child.

Once the emergency is declared "over," will parents/guardians be able to report to their
child’s school?
When GUSD communicates to families that the school emergency has ended, we will provide
information on how you will reunite with your child. Parents and guardians will be directed to a
specific location that could be off campus. It is important that everyone follow these directions
for the safety of all students, staff and parents or guardians.
Remember, a student can only be released to an adult that is documented as an emergency

If the school building is evacuated, how will I be able to locate my child?
If an evacuation occurs during the school day, there is a possibility that the students will return
to school and normal bus service will resume. If returning to the school is not possible,
students will be located at a safe site until you (or an adult designated on your child’s
emergency card) can pick them up. Your child may text or call you about the evacuation before
GUSD is able to notify you. Please rely on the district’s information and monitor your phone or
email closely to ensure you are receiving accurate and timely updates from district staff.
Student texts and social media can cause confusion and further disrupt safety protocols.

Remember, a student can only be released to an adult who is documented as an emergency
contact. If you are a non-custodial parent, you must be listed with your child's emergency
contact information as a guardian and show proper identification.
Emergency Communications
In the case of an emergency, you will receive accurate information from the District, via:
 o Our website: GUSD’s webpage has an “Emergency Alert” page, which will be activated in the
   event of an emergency. Our web address is
 o Email & Text Message: You will be contacted via email and text message through the Parent
   Square system, based on the information you provided to us via Synergy’s Annual
 o Phone Call: Based on the level of the emergency, we may contact you via Parent Square
   automated phone messenger where you will hear a recorded phone message with important
   information or instructions that may direct you to the district website for additional information.
 o Social Media: GUSD will use social media vehicles such as Twitter to communicate in fast-
   moving situations.
 o Local Media: We will work closely with local media to keep our community informed of the

                         Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan
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                           Hollister Elementary School
                       Annual Disaster Service Worker Survey
All site employees must complete the form and submit to the Principal by September 1st.

General Information
Work Phone & Extension
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Specialized Skills
Bilingual?                             Yes    No    If yes, languages:
                                                    If yes, expiration date:
CPR Certified?                         Yes    No
                                                    If no, are you willing to be trained: Yes   No
                                                    If yes, expiration date:
First Aid Certified?                   Yes    No
                                                    If no, are you willing to be trained: Yes   No
                                                    If yes, expiration date:
CERT Trained?                          Yes    No
                                                    If no, are you willing to be trained: Yes   No
Simple Triage/Rapid Assessment                      If yes, expiration date:
                               Yes            No
Trained?                                            If no, are you willing to be trained: Yes   No
Personal Responsibilities
Children?                              Yes    No
Any special needs?                     Yes    No    If yes, what:
Elderly parents?                       Yes    No
Are other caregivers available?        Yes    No
In an Emergency (Confidential)
Anything you want us to know?
(Allergies, health issues,
medications, etc.)
Other information for priority
release in case of a declared

                          Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan
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Appendix A: Incident Response Job Descriptions

       Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan
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                                   Command Section

Incident Commander

The Incident Commander is solely responsible for emergency/disaster operations and shall
remain at the Command Post to observe and direct all operations.
Ensure the safety of staff and others on site. Lead by example: your behavior sets the tone for
staff and others.

Start-Up Actions:
   •   Obtain your personal safety equipment (i.e. hard hat, vest, clipboard with job description
   •   Assess the type of scope of emergency.
   •   Determine the threat to human life and structures.
   •   Implement the emergency plan and hazard-specific procedures.
   •   Develop and communicate an Incident Action Plan with objectives and a timeframe to
       meet those objectives.
   •   Activate functions and assign positions, as needed.
   •   Fill in the Incident Assignments form.
   •   Appoint a backup or alternative incident Commander (as described in the emergency

On-going Operations Duties:
  •   Continue to monitor and assess the total site situation:
       View the site map periodically for search and rescue progress and damage
         assessment information.
       Check with chiefs for periodic updates.
       Reassign personnel, as needed.

   •   Report (through Communications) to the school district on the status of faculty, as
       needed (Site Status Report)
   •   Develop and communicate revised Incident Action Plans, as needed
   •   Begin Employee Release when appropriate.
   •   Authorize the release of information.
   •   Utilize your backup; plan and take regular breaks (5-10 minutes per hour). During break
       periods, relocate away from the Command Post.
   •   Plan regular breaks for all staff and volunteers.
       Take care of your caregivers!
   •   Release staff as appropriate and per district guidelines.
       (By law, during a disaster, staff become disaster workers)
   •   Remain on and in charge of your site until redirected or released by the superintendent.

                        Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan
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Closing Down:
   •  Authorize deactivation of sections, branches, or units when they are no longer required.

   •   At the direction of the superintendent, deactivate the entire emergency response. If the
       fire department or other outside agency calls an “all clear,” contact the district before
       taking any further action.

   •   Ensure that any open actions not yet completed will be taken care of after deactivation.

   •   Ensure the return of all equipment and reusable supplies to Logistics.

   •   Close out all logs. Ensure that all logs, reports, and other relevant documents are
       completed and provided to the Documentation Unit.

   •   Announce the termination of the emergency and proceed with recovery operations, if

Command Post Equipment/Supplies:
  • Campus map
  • Master keys
  • Staff rosters
  • Disaster response forms
  • Emergency plan
  • Duplicate rosters (two sets)
  • Tables and chairs (if Command Post is outdoors)
  • Vests (if available)
  • Job description clipboards
  • Command Post tray (pens, etc.)
  • School district radio
  • Campus two-way radios
  • AM/FM radio (battery)
  • Bullhorn

                        Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan
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Safety Officer

The Safety Officer ensures that all activities are conducted in as safe a manner as possible
under the existing circumstances.

Start-Up Actions:
   •   Check in with the Incident Commander for a situation briefing.
   •   Obtain necessary equipment and supplies from Logistics.
   •   Put on a position identifier, such as a vest, if available.
   •   Open and maintain a position log. Maintain all required records and documentation to
       support the history of the emergency or disaster.

        Messages received.
        Action taken.
        Decision justification and documentation.
        Requests filled.

Operational Duties:
  •   Monitor drills, exercises, and emergency response activities for safety.
  •   Identify and mitigate safety hazards and situations.
  •   Stop or modify all unsafe operations.
  •   Ensure that responders use appropriate safety equipment.
  •   Think ahead and anticipate situations and problems before they occur.
  •   Anticipate situation changes, such as cascading events, in all planning.
  •   Keep the Incident Commander advised of your status and activity and on any problem
      areas that now need or will require solutions.

Closing Down:
   •  When authorized by the Incident Commander, deactivate the Unit and close out all logs.
      Provide logs and other relevant documents to the Documentation Unit.
   •  Return equipment and reusable supplies to Logistics.

  •   Vest or position identifier, if available
  •   Hardhat, if available
  •   Clipboard, if available
  •   Two-way radio, if available.

                         Hollister Elementary School Comprehensive Safety Plan
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