Parent Information Booklet - Geraldton Senior High School

Page created by Javier Rodgers
Parent Information Booklet - Geraldton Senior High School
2019  Parent Information

The information inside has been prepared to
help parents and caregivers understand what
to expect from Geraldton Senior High School
and how to work best with us to gain the best
outcome for your child. This information and
any updates can also be found on our website
- - please retain
this booklet for future reference.
Parent Information Booklet - Geraldton Senior High School
2019 Parent Information Booklet

                 Lesson Times                                       Who to contact within                      School Contact Details                    What to do if your child is not
Form              8:53am - 9:08am                                Geraldton Senior High School            Physical Address:                               going to be at school today...
Block 1          9:10am - 10:11am                               Form Teacher                             19 Carson Terrace Geraldton WA 6530         Parent or carer is to notify the school via
Block 2         10:13am - 11:14am                                Contact us regarding attendance and     Postal Address:                             one of the following options:
Recess          11:14am - 11:39am                                pastoral care issues                    PMB 10100 Geraldton WA 6530                 • SMS 0407 081 344
Block 3         11:39am - 12:40pm                               Course Teacher                           Phone: 08 9965 8400                         • Email geraldton.shs.studentservices
Block 4          12:42pm - 1:43pm                                     Contact us regarding progress,     Email: geraldton.shs@education.       
Lunch            1:43pm - 2:08pm                                      academic concerns and enquiries                             • Phone Student Services directly on
Block 5          2:08pm - 3:09pm                                                                         Web:                 9965 8415
                                                                Year Coordinators:                                                                   • Provide a written explanation to your
              Term Dates 2019                                   Ms Tamara Darling (Year 7)                     School Administration                     Form Teacher
Semester 1                                                                                               Principal: Mr Greg Kelly                    It is Department of Education policy to
                                                                Mr Simon Keemink (Year 10)
Term 1                                                                           Contact me regarding     provide written or verbal explanations
Monday 4 February - Friday 12 April                                                                                        concerns or complaints    for all absences including full or part days
                                                                Mrs Amanda Bassett-Scarfe (Year 11)                                                  within 3 days of the absence. Explanations
Break                                                           amanda.bassett-scarfe                    Deputy Principals:                          must be dated and specify the reason for
Saturday 13 April - Sunday 28 April                                        Mrs Alana Carson                            the absence. If possible, please provide
Term 2                                                          Mrs Jo Corlett (Year 12)                 Mr Kim Treffone                             advance notice of any absences.
Tuesday 30 April - Friday 5 July                      
                                                                                                                 Contact us regarding enrolment,                                   Why?
Break                                                                                                           subject selection, course changes
                                                                      Contact us regarding attendance,
Saturday 6 July - Sunday 21 July                                                                                      and any curriculum matters     •      Geraldton Senior High School uses
                                                                      pastoral care, dress code and
                                                                      punctuality                                                                           SMS alerts to parents when a student
Semester 2                                                                                               Manager Corporate Services:                        is marked absent from class. These
Term 3                                                          Managers of Student Services:            Mrs Christine Collins                              SMS alerts are sent throughout the
Tuesday 23 July - Friday 27 September                           Mrs Rhonda Kennedy                                                                          day. To avoid unnecessary notification,
                                                                              Contact me regarding
Break                                                                                                                contributions, charges and             please notify us early.
Sat 28 September - Sunday 13 October                            Mr Ben Puzzar
                                                                                                                community use of school facilities   •      Under the School Education Act
(Please note: Year 12 exams take place during these holidays)
                                                                                                                                                            1999 you are required, by law, to
Term 4
                                                                      Contact us regarding student                                                          be participating in full-time approved
Tuesday 15 October - Thurs 19 December
                                                                      health and wellbeing                                                                  education, training, employment or
* More key dates and booklet                                                                                                                                combination of options during the per-
index are on the back cover                                                                                                                                 iod of compulsory education.

Please contact reception via phone or
                                           Career Counselling and Career and
                                           Vocational Education:
                                           Mr Cameron Todd
                                                                                                                         Our Vision                  •      Because of this law, unexplained
                                                                                                                                                            absences are followed up by the
email to be transferred through to the
named contacts or to obtain specific email                                                                           We strive to provide
addresses. See page 3 for contact details.                                                                                                           •      Unexplained absences may lead to a
                                                  Contact me for information about                         opportunities for all students
                                                  further education, training and                                                                           reduction or termination of Youth
                                                  employment pathway options                              in a safe, caring and inclusive                   Allowance payments.
                                                                                                                  learning environment.              Source:

2         9965 8400                                                                                                                                                                                                         3
Parent Information Booklet - Geraldton Senior High School
2019 Parent Information Booklet
 Student Behaviour Expectations                      School Expectations                                                 Behaviour Expectations
Geraldton Senior High School engenders a
Positive Behaviour Support model to assist
students meet the school expectations of We believe respect is the foundation of
Respect, Responsibility and Doing Your Best. positive relationships and harmony. At
                                              Geraldton Senior High School, we respect
Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) focuses
                                              people and treat them as we would like
on the development of school-wide
                                              them to treat us - without exception.
systems which promote expected student                                                     •   Use greetings and good manners
behaviour, enabling students to take                                                       •   Use equipment for its intended purpose
responsibility for their behavioural choices.
                                                                                           •   Demonstrate active listening
                                              At Geraldton Senior High School, we          •   Follow instructions given by staff
      PBS Purpose Statement                   understand responsibility is something
Geraldton Senior High School specifically that is shown by making positive contri-
and     consistently      teaches    positive butions to the school environment. We
                                                                                                                                        •   Follow school procedures
behaviours. In staying true to our core believe positive results come from positive
                                                                                                                                        •   Wear school uniform
expectations we seek to maintain a effort. In taking responsibility for our own
                                                                                                                                        •   Place litter in the bin
safe, respectful and orderly learning actions, words and appearance, we create a                                                        •   Submit completed
environment for all students and staff.       positive environment.
                                                                                                                                            assessments on time
We value the contributions from the whole               Doing our best
school community to achieve our common
purpose.                                    We are all active learners at Geraldton
                                            Senior High School, and we strive every        •   Bring necessary equipment to class
                                            day to work towards personal best perform-     •   Join in organised activities and events
                                            ances. Regardless of the learning area or      •   Undertake assigned classwork
    Why is this important                   level we are at, our skills and understand-    •   Set smart goals and work to achieve them
     to me as a parent                      ings improve by doing our best. We know
       or care giver?                       we might not always be the best, but we
                                            can always try to do our best. This attitude
It is important for you to understand what is the key to personal success.
we expect of our students on a day to day
basis. This has replaced the ‘School Rules’ Refer to the table on page 5 for details on
and student behaviour is held accountable how students can demonstrate ‘Respect,
by this initiative.                         Responsibility and Doing Your Best’.
                                                                                                                       At Geraldton Senior High School,
Positive behaviour as a group makes the
individual’s journey through school a more                                                                   ‘The Seeker Finds’ success by giving respect,
pleasant experience. ‘Doing the right thing’
is the easiest option to enjoying each day
                                                                                                     taking responsibility and always doing their best.
at school and creating an environment to
achieve his or her potential.
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2019 Parent Information Booklet
  Leaving school during the day                          My child is really not                                   How does missing a few days affect the future?
Students must bring a note from a parent                    feeling well...                         •     Maximum student attendance means                           • Absence for birthdays, holidays in
or guardian if they need to leave the school Students who fall sick during the day                        that students do better at school.                           term time, appointments that could
grounds during school hours. Here is how should not phone parents or care givers                          Every day of attendance contributes                          be done out of hours, for a day of rest
your note is used:                           directly. Instead:                                           positively towards learning. Academ-                         after a busy weekend are not valid
                                                                                                          ic potential is directly linked to how                       reasons for missing school.
Show your note from                              •    get a note from your teacher                        much school you attend.
home to your Form Teacher                                                                                                                                            • In all studies, average academic
                                                 •    head down to Student Services to
                                                                                                        • Everyone in the community needs to                           achievements on NAPLAN tests de-
                 Get a green pass to                  receive assistance
                 leave class at specified time                                                            be included and recognise the import-                        clined and were directly linked with
                                                 •    the school will notify parents or care              ance of education.                                           the number of days missed from
                                                      givers and management of condition                                                                               school.
                                                                                                        • Achieving improved attendance can be
          Go to Student Services and sign out.        will be discussed                                                                                           “Student Attendance and Educational Outcomes; Every Day Counts” was
                                                                                                          done by being absent for valid illness
          They will give you a Department        Transporting sick students is the responsibility                                                                 prepared for the Department of Education by the Telethon Institute for Child
                                                                                                          only.                                                   Health Research, UWA in May 2013. The report was based on the attendance
          of Education Leave Pass                of the parent or care giver.                                                                                     patterns of some 415 000 students in Government school students in WA.

                                                 Please note the School Health Nurse is
Head inside the main Recepon Area of the
                                                 not able to give out pain relief medication
school to meet the person picking you up                                                                                                                                          90% attendance

                                                 such as ‘Panadol’ or administer other
                                                 medication. This type of medication                            average of 5 days                                                 ...if this was a habit from
                                                                                                                                                                                Year 1 -10, the student would
                                                 cannot be provided by the school, though
                                                                                                                           per term                                                        have missed
                                                 students are able to bring their own supply.
                                                                                                                         *considered regular                                       1 year of school
                                                        Late getting to school                                       attendance but fewer missed
                                                                                                                         days would be better
                                             It is the student’s responsibility to ensure
                                             they leave home in sufficient time to                                                                                             missing an
                                             arrive at school before the bell at 8:53am.
                                                                                                                                                                     average of

                                             Students who arrive after Form or during                          80% attendance
This enables us to maintain accurate attend- the school day are to complete the ‘Sign-in                        ...if this was a habit from
                                                                                                              Year 1 -10, the student would
                                                                                                                                                                   1 day per week
ance records and be able to account for book’ at Student Services and collect a late
                                                                                                                         have missed                         *Approximately 10 days per term. The student
students at all times, especially in emer- note before proceeding to class.                                                                                      is considered at high educational risk
gency situations.                                                                                              2 years of school
                                                             Medical Centre                                                                                     Partnerships made between home and
If a parent or care giver needs to remove                                                                                                                       school could support optimal learning.
                                                 The School Health Nurse is available on
the student from school unexpectedly, the
                                                 a limited basis for minor health issues.
parent or care giver is to phone 9965 8415
                                                 The nurse will conduct health counselling
                                                                                                                               missing an

at the earliest convenience to arrange a
collection time.
                                                 appointments and attend to emergency                                  average of                                                 60% attendance
                                                 health issues during class times, when
In order to adhere to Department of              available. Students who become ill during                          2 days per week                                               ...if this was a habit from
Education policy and in the interest of          the day should speak with a staff member                                                                                       Year 1 -10, the student would
                                                                                                                   *Approximately 20 days per term. The student                            have missed
safety, students are to be collected from        in Student Services who will determine a                            is considered at severe educational risk
the main reception area only. Students are       course of action to manage the illness.                              Meeting between school and family to                                4 years
not allowed to leave school grounds without
                                            Please see page 8 for further details.                                   understand what is happening in child’s                             of school
permission of the school.                                                                                                life and create an attendance plan
 6       9965 8400                                                                                                                                                                                                                       7
2019 Parent Information Booklet
    Qualifying for School Events               Details about our School Nurse                                                   Code of Behaviour
Students who consistently demonstrate          A Community School Health Nurse is              The Behaviour Management Plan and             encouraged through participation in
the school expectations of ‘Respect,           appointed to the school 3.5 days per week       processes employed at Geraldton Senior        informal and formal communication
Responsibility and Doing your Best’ will be    to support the School Level Agreement of        High School endeavour to support              with teachers and support staff, and
invited to participate in reward activities.   health services to the school community.        students, staff, parents and care givers      involvement in case conferencing.
                                                                                               through the development of positive           Information relevant to the school's
More information will be made available        Priority health areas identified for this       relationships that enhance outcomes for       ‘Positive Behaviour Support’ process will
throughout the year for qualifying periods     school are:                                     students.                                     be distributed through the newsletter and
and more specific informaton.
                                               1. Create an environment of student             The Pastoral Care model at Geraldton annually to parents with student reports.
               Vacations                            self-empowerment and independ-             Senior High School provides students with The School Board can also be used as a
                                                    ence to reduce harm from risk taking       support from a range of services. Please vehicle to engage parents and community
The school does not approve of students             behaviour through health promotion                                                       members in planning and development.
wishing to access family vacations during                                                      see ‘Student Services’ section to the left.
                                                    and health educational strategies
term time as students with a high amount                                                       Targeted students will be provided All students and staff at Geraldton Senior
                                               2. Growing and developing positive and          opportunities to undertake learning High School are expected to:
of unauthorised absences perform
                                                    respectful relationships for life          to develop peer relationships, manage           • Show care, courtesy and consideration
consistently lower than those with a high
attendance rate. Family vacations during       3. Promotion of healthy lifestyle strat-        conflict and build resiliency.                     to and for all
term time are considered unauthorised               egies to prevent lifestyle disease         Where possible, staff will engage in            •  Adhere to Department of Education
absences. Application can be made to the            • Students are encouraged to make          professional learning to develop their skills      policies and school plans and
Principal for consideration.                           appointments to see the nurse to        and knowledge of behaviour management              procedures to maintain a safe,
                                                       discuss health concerns                 techniques. Professional learning may              supportive and pleasant environment
         Personal Property                          • In the event of an accident or ill-      include Classroom Management Strategies         • Respect and support each other to do
Please ensure that all items of personal               ness at school, parents will be         and Restorative Practices programs.                your best and achieve your full potential
property are clearly marked with the stu-              contacted and required to provide       Parent and care giver involvement is
dent’s name and are kept in his/her posses-            transport, care and treatment
sion at all times. Avoid bringing large sums
                                                    • The health centre is not designed to
of money to school. Non-essential items of
                                                       provide care for students who are
                                                                                                  Change of Personal Details                                                           o r yo
value should not be brought to school.

                                                                                                                                                                                            ur info
                                                                                                                                                                                   on f
                                                       unwell at school                        It is the responsibility of parents to ensure
          Student Services                          • Parents are responsible for ambu-        the school is informed of any changes            Dental Health                          rmati
                                                       lance costs if an ambulance is          in address or personal details. To make
The Student Services team consists of                                                                                                           Free Dental Treatment is available for
                                                       deemed necessary                        a change a student should collect an
people with a wide range of skills and fo-                                                                                                      all students up to the age of 17 years
                                                                                               authorisation form from Student Services
cuses on helping you and your child. You            • The health centre does not dispense                                                       from the Dental Therapy Centres based
                                                                                               or school reception that must be signed by
may phone the Student Services area dir-               analgesics (eg paracetamol). Stu-                                                        at the following primary schools:
                                                                                               a parent or guardian. Alternatively a parent
ectly on 9965 8415 to get in touch with:               dents are encouraged to provide                                                          Allendale Primary School – 9921 4218
                                                                                               can collect a form or request one to be
  • Attendance Officer                                 their own medication for health
                                                                                               emailed by contacting reception.                 Rangeway Primary School – 9921 4373
  • Nurse                                              needs
                                                                                               In order to keep you informed it is important
  • Chaplain                                        • Students with medical issues should                                                       Bluff Point Primary School – 9923 1278
                                                                                               that we have your up-to-date email address
  • School Psychologist                                complete the school Student Health
                                                                                               on file. Most communication between home
  • Aboriginal and Islander Education Of-              Care Plan form. These issues may
                                                                                               and the school is via email.
     ficers                                            include conditions such as allergies,
  • Year Coordinators                                  asthma, diabetes or migraines
  • Manager of Student Services
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2019 Parent Information Booklet
                 Library                                        Canteen                                                                    Canteen Menu
The library is a place to visit that is open, The Canteen at Geraldton Senior High                        Breakfast                                    Lunch Specials
friendly and attractive. It is a place where School provides healthy and tasty food                       Cheesie & 250mL milk                $3.00
students at any year level get to mingle options for students at a reasonable price.                      Bacon/Egg Wrap & 250mL milk         $5.00
with one another. It is a place to get help                                                                                                            Hamburger                           $5.50
when it is most needed. It is a place where                                                               Snacks                                       Chicken Burger                      $5.50
the school culture is fostered and thrives. The canteen is open for breakfast,                            Fruit – piece                       $1.50
                                                                                                                                                       Cheeseburger                        $5.00
Students say year after year how they love                                                                                                             Aioli Chicken Sub                   $5.50
the soft furnishings and all the magazines,
                                              recess and lunch starting at 8:15am.                        Fruit Salad – fresh           Small $2.00
                                                                                                                                                       Chicken Strip Sub                   $5.50
                                                                                                                                        Large $4.00
puzzles and games.                                                                                        Fruit & Nut mix                     $2.50    Monday
Students get a place to 'shop' for free, find-   There are daily recess specials and a                    Muffins                             $2.00    Fried Rice                    Small $4.50
ing a wealth of materials matched to their       rotating lunch menu to provide variety. A                Rice Crackers                       $2.00    Fried Rice & Chicken          Large $6.00
learning style and professionally selected       current menu is located in the canteen or                Yoghurt - Fruit Flavoured           $2.00
to meet discerning tastes.                       on the school website.                                                                                Tuesday
                                                                                                          Light Meals                                  Spaghetti Bolognaise          Small $4.50
We celebrate books, reading and the use          The canteen is run by the Parents and                    (Available during recess and lunch)                                        Large $6.00
of technology. The library is a place to         Citizens Committee.
                                                                                                          Rolls & Sandwiches - Chicken / Ham /
exercise the imagination. There are auth-        The canteen menu is provided for your                    Cheese / Egg & Salad / Curried Egg $5.50     Wednesday
or visits, special programs and speakers,        convenience and is correct at the time of                BLT, Caesar or Chicken Aioli Wrap $5.50      Hot Beef & Gravy Roll               $5.50
book displays and poetry slams.                  printing. Please note that the prices and                Salad - Mexican or Caesar           $6.00    Chicken Parmigiana, Chips & Slaw    $6.00
Students use the library for assistance and product availability are subject to change                    Veggie sticks and Dip               $2.50
guidance in completing homework tasks. at any time.                                                       Veggie sticks only                  $0.50    Thursday
                                                                                                          Cheese & Biscuits                   $4.00    Homemade Meal                 Small $4.50
It is a place for encouragement. There is
someone knowledgeable and interested Drinks                                                               Vegemite Roll                       $2.00                                  Large $6.00
to talk to, someone who listens.                 Emma & Tom Juice                    $4.00                Vegemite & Cheese Roll              $2.50    Friday
                                                 Glee                                $2.00                                                             Fish & Chips                        $6.00
Finally, the library is a place to grow. Harvey Fresh Juice Box                      $2.00                Recess Specials
Learning experiences are enhanced and Iced Tea - 600mL                               $3.50                Toasted Sandwiches                   $5.50
extended beyond the classroom. Accepting Milk (flavoured - small)              Small $2.50                Sweet Chilli Chicken Wrap            $5.50

learning as a life skill, not just an academic                                Large $4.00                 Aioli Chicken Sub                    $5.50   Did you know?
necessity, is what sets the library apart. It is Milk (plain - 600mL)                $2.50                Chicken Strip Sub                    $5.50
a place that always differentiates to teach, Nippys                                  $3.50                                                             You or your child can place an order before
                                                                                                          Pies & Pasties                       $4.50

support, and enrich.                             Oak Flavoured Milk - 600mL          $4.00                                                             school to make sure they don't miss out
                                                                                                          Sausage Roll (including Gluten Free) $4.00
The library is your library. Why not visit us Water - 600mL                          $2.00                                                             on their favourite lunch. Pre-payment is
                                                                                                          Nuggets                              $3.00   required.
today?                                           Water - 750mL                       $2.50
                                                                                                          Wedges                               $3.00
                                                 Water - 1.5L                        $3.50                                                             Phone 9965 8457 to order and pay on
                                                                                                          Sweet Chilli Sauce & Sour Cream
                                                                                                          or Tomato Sauce                      $0.50   behalf of your child before 8:53am.
The Library is open from                         Cold Treats
                                                                                                          Nachos                         Small $3.00   Specific dietary requirements can be
                                                                                             FRI TH WED

                                                 Frozen Yoghurt                     $2.50
8.30am to 3.30pm every school day.               Icy-pole                           $1.00                 Nachos                        Large $5.00    catered for. Please speak with the canteen
                                                 1/2 Icy-pole                       $0.50                 Pizza                                $4.00   before school to discuss options and place
                                                 Paddle Pops                        $2.00                                                              your lunch or recess order.
                                                                                                          Pies & Pasties                       $4.50
                                                 Yowie Choc Shake                   $3.00                 Sausage Roll (including Gluten Free)$4.00
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2019 Parent Information Booklet
                                Policies and Procedures                                                               Managing and Preventing Bullying
Every organisation, being a work place or school, has a set of policies to guide the internal   Bullying is a learned behaviour which is unacceptable. However, bullying behaviours can
actions of those involved. Geraldton Senior High School is no different. We under-              be changed. Geraldton Senior High School takes an educative approach to managing
stand that the text can be lengthy but we feel it is important to provide you with this         and preventing bullying. The school’s processes and activities promote the development
information so that you understand the way we operate and what is required of your              of the values and behaviours that create and maintain an inclusive, safe and supportive
child in regards to behaviour and education. Policies are reviewed year to year and will        education environment.
be updated on our website ( when required. Please take
the time to become familiar with the policies and procedures to know what to expect if           Members              Rights                            Responsibilities
a related situation arises.                                                                      All students,        • Are safe and supported in the • Participate and contribute
                                                                                                 teachers, parents,     school environment              to school positive behaviour
              Dress Code                                Unacceptable Dress                       wider school                                           programs
                                                                                                                      • Are included
Our daily uniform consists of:                 It is inappropriate for students to wear          community            • Are treated with respect      • Build positive relationships
 • (Year 7-10) Navy and sky blue polo          excessive make-up, jewellery or piercings                                                              • Demonstrate respect and
    shirt with GSHS crest                      at school. Any jewellery or piercing must                                                                tolerance towards others
                                               comply with the occupational health and
 • (Year 11-12) Navy and white polo                                                              Students             • Have access to curriculum • Understand and value the
                                               safety requirements of the environment.
    shirt with GSHS crest                                                                                               that supports the building of   concepts of inclusion and
 • Navy shorts with GSHS embroidery            Students are encouraged to wear hats                                     resiliency and social skills    tolerance
                                               when outdoors, but are required to remove                              • Are informed of the school’s • Identify and respond effect-
 • Navy tracksuit pants with GSHS
                                               them when indoors.                                                       plan on bullying                ively to bullying
                                               Other inappropriate items include:                                     • Are provided with supports to • Are aware of themselves as
 • Navy Jacket with GSHS crest
                                                • Hoodies                                                               stop bullying                   bystanders
 • Navy trousers (defined style/brand
                                                • Extra jumper under the school jacket                                                                • Seek help for themselves
    from Total Uniforms)
                                                                                                                                                        and others as needed
 • Enclosed shoes, suitable for sport and       • Beanies
                                                • Board shorts or beach wear                     Parents              • Are treated with respect        • Support and encourage
    practical classes
                                                • Thongs and other non-enclosed shoes                                 • Are confident their children      children to treat others with
 • Program specific shirt (i.e. Midwest                                                                                 are provided with a safe and      respect and tolerance
    Clontarf Academy, STEP, Music               • Visible coloured undergarments such
                                                   as t-shirts, bathers, boxer shorts, bras                             supportive school environment   • Act in accordance with the
    Ensemble) with GSHS crest                                                                                                                             school plan if they observe/
                                                • Denim clothing                                                      • Are provided with access to
 • Leavers jacket of current year                                                                                       information on the prevention     know about bullying
 • Religious dress in school colours           Monitoring school Dress Code                                             and management of bullying      • Encourage children to report
 • Broad brimmed hats recommended                                                                                     • Are informed of the school’s      bullying incidents
                                                 • Form teachers check and record
    (navy blue broad brimmed hat –                 student dress code on a daily basis                                  plan and opportunities to       • Work effectively with the
    optional, available from uniform                                                                                    participate                       school in responding to
                                                 • Student required to explain reason
    supplier) when outdoors but must be                                                                                                                   bullying
                                                   for not adhering to dress code
    removed indoors                                                                              Wider community: • Are strategically included • Provide support and input
                                                 • Students out of dress code are recorded
 • Appropriate sporting shirt, shorts or           at Student Services                           including other    in prevention and bullying   into the school’s approach
    pants and shoes for Physical Education                                                       professionals      management                   to preventing and managing
                                                 • Students out of dress code attend
    classes                                                                                                                                      bullying
                                                   recess and lunch detention
 • Appropriate personal protective               • Detention on more than three days
    equipment is to be worn where                  in a term will result in a student being
    required                                       ineligible for special events
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2019 Parent Information Booklet
                        Ways you can support a young person                                                                                                      Finding out if someone is being bullied
Family and friends can play a critical role in supporting young people involved in or                                                          Knowing if someone is being bullied can be difficult; often parents and carers do not
experiencing bullying. Positive relationships can help protect young people from the                                                           know, or underestimate its frequency or its severity³ ⁴ ⁵. However, family and friends are
negative consequences associated with being bullied1.                                                                                          often in a good position to notice changes in behaviour, mood and general wellbeing as
                                                                                                                                               well as early signs of mental and physical health issues. Not all young people will ask for
Young people who are well supported by their parents report fewer depressive symp-
                                                                                                                                               help and it may take time for a young person to speak about their experiences.
toms than those who receive little parental support, regardless of whether they are the
ones bullying or are the target2.                                                                                                              If you suspect a young person close to you is being bullied, ask them about their situa-
                                                                                                                                               tion. Remember to be respectful and understanding and that they may not necessarily
 • Let them know they are not alone.                           • Support them to problem-solve.
                                                                                                                                               feel like answering. You can ask:
   It may help them to know that a lot of                        Work together to come up with as
   other young people experience similar                         many sensible and helpful strategies as
   difficulties.                                                 possible to try and control the bullying.                                       Have you ever noticed kids
                                                                 This can increase their self-esteem and                                         at school calling each other
 • Make sure they are safe.                                                                                                                                                                     Do kids ever tease you? Talk
                                                                 discourage strategies that are unlikely
   Sometimes this may require taking                             to be helpful (e.g. starting a fight).                                          names or hitting or pushing                    about you behind your back?
   action they are not happy with. Have a                                                                                                        each other?                                    Hit you? Push you around? Say
   conversation with them if this might be                     • Support them to make new friends
   the case.                                                     and maintain existing friendships.                                                                                             nasty things about you online?
                                                                 Encourage them to spend time with                                                                                              If so, that sounds really difficult,
 • Try to develop a trusting relationship
   and ask questions.
                                                                 others away from where the bullying is                                          Do you ever feel lonely at school              how are you coping with that?
                                                                 happening.                                                                      or left out of activities? What
   Make sure the young person does
   not have to handle this situation by                        • Build their confidence.                                                         happens and how do you feel?                   Do you think anyone else is
   themselves.                                                   Identify their strengths as well as                                                                                            aware that it’s going on?
                                                                 things they enjoy and find ways to de-
 • Establish and maintain good communi-
                                                                 velop these, especially social activities.                                      It sounds like a really difficult
                                                                 This can help them to feel good about
   Ask open-ended questions and listen                           other things in their lives.
                                                                                                                                                 situation. Do you think we
   without judgment and without panicking.                                                                                                       could talk a bit more together                 What is lunchtime like at
                                           Thanks to Headspace for providing the
 • Be involved.                                                                                                                                  to figure out how I might be                   school? What do you do?
                                           resources on these pages to help familes
   Show that you are interested in the and friends support each other.                                                                           able to best support you?
   young person’s life, relationships and
   hobbies.                                                                                                                                    Be mindful that persistent questioning can
                                                                                                                                                                                              There are many websites with great infor-
 • Be prepared to seek help.
                                           The full version of this information sheet can be found at                                          be stressful for some young people and
                                                                                                                                mation and help with what to do in cases
                                                                                                                                               may make them less willing to talk.
   Help them decide how to approach the brary/Family-and-friends/Bullying-FAF-web.pdf                                                                                                         of bullying. Here are some that we find
   situation. Discuss who they could talk References: 1 Bowers L, Maughan B, Caspi A, Moffitt T, & Arseneault L. (2010).                       Encourage them to speak to someone             particularly useful:
                                           Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 51(1). 809-17. 2 Connors-Burrows N,
   to at school, or in the workplace about Johnson D, Whiteside-Mansell L, McKelvey L, & Gargus R. (2009). Psychology                          they feel comfortable with and don’t             • Geraldton Family & Youth Support
   the situation.                          in Schools, 46(7). 593-604. 3 Fekkes M, Pijpers F, & Verloove-Vanhorick S.                          take it personally if they want to speak to        Service - 24 Gregory St, Geraldton
                                                             (2005) Health Education Journal, 20(1). 81-91. ⁴ Goodman K, De Los Reyes A,
                                                                                                                                               someone other than yourself⁶.                      9921 4477 or 0458 295 282
 • Provide reassurance.                                      & Bradshaw C.(2010). Clinical Child & Family Psychology Review, 13(4). 366 ⁵
                                                             Holt M, Kaufman-Kantor G, & Finkelhor D. (2008). Journal of School Violence,
   Emphasise that the bullying is not their                  8(1), 42-63. ⁶ Australian Institute of Family Studies (2008). Working with fam-
                                                                                                                                               Please contact the staff at Student Services     • Ngala Parenting Line 1800 111 546
   fault and that they are not responsible                   ilies concerned with school-based bullying. Australian Family Relationships       at Geraldton Senior High School if you           •
                                                             Clearinghouse Briefing No. 11
   for what is happening to them.                                                                                                              have any concerns.                                 bullying

14       9965 8400                                                                                                                                                                                                                    15
2019 Parent Information Booklet
                         BYOD - Bring your own Device                                                                    Personal Electronic Devices
Geraldton Senior High School allows             Agreement which outlines the terms and        Geraldton Senior High School recognises the importance of mobile phones and other
students in all year levels to bring their      conditions for BYOD.                          personal electronic devices in our society, however teachers and students have a right
own laptop or tablet device to connect to • Students must be aware that devices are to        to teach and learn in an environment free from interruption. Therefore, the following
the school network. Please note: Mobile         be used only under strict guidance from       rules apply for all personal electronic devices (PED) other than laptops and tablets:
phones are not considered a device in this      the teacher and should only be switched
program and fall under a separate policy.       on when asked to do so. Moreover, de-
                                                vices are not to be used inappropriately                                  Students are made aware of this rule and the consequences of not
Student and Parent / Carer Responsibilities                                                                               following Teacher instructions regarding this rule,
                                                during break times or in breach of the
• Students to be reminded that BYOD is an                                                      Only Teacher directed      Teachers consistently reinforce the message: PED may only be used
                                                school rules.                                                             as directed by the Teacher, for the purpose of education, not
  amendment/appendix of the Network                                                               use of personal
  Usage Agreement at Geraldton Senior • Students must understand that they are
                                                                                                                          communication or recreation during class time,
                                                                                                 electronic device
  High School and that the Network Usage        solely responsible for the device and            during class time        Teachers consistently clarify the consequences.

  Agreement must be strictly followed at        that lost, stolen or damaged devices are
  all times.                                    not the responsibility of the school.
• Ensure the BYOD device is a supported       • Students   to ensure that the only connec-
                                                                                                                          Student found to be using the PED for purpose other than directed
  device and meets the minimum Geraldton        tion  used   on campus is the Geraldton                                   by the Teacher,
                                                Senior   High   School Wireless or Wi-Fi       Only Teacher directed
  Senior High School BYOD standards of                                                                                    NO WARNING - PED to be removed from student,
                                                network     and  that no cellular (mobile         use of personal
  requirements.                                                                                  electronic device
                                                                                                                          PED to be placed in labeled bag and at next break taken to Deputy,
                                                data) or ‘tethering’ connections are to                                   Student to collect PED at the end of the day from Deputy.
• Ensure the device is properly looked af-                                                       during class time
  ter and stored securely. Please note that
  Geraldton Senior High School does not Misuse of Devices
  provide secure storage for devices.         • If the student’s device has been misused                                  CHOICE - Teacher gives student the choice of handing over
• Ensure the device’s system is current and     or any of the BYOD protocols have been                                    the PED OR having their name given to the Deputy,
  up to date (all current updates installed,    broken the device may be confiscated             Student does not         Teacher is explict to student; choosing not to hand over
  and patched correctly)                        and handed in to the Deputy Principal/          cooperate - fails to      the PED will result in suspension,

• Ensure the device has some form of an-        Student Services for the student to collect       follow Teacher          Student makes their choice to hand over their PED
                                                                                                   instructions           - Teacher takes relevant action.
  ti-virus software installed.                  after school.
• It is the student’s responsibility to main- • Further breaches will result in a con-
  tain a backup of all-important data used      sultation with staff which could lead to
  on their device.                              revoking of network or BYOD privileges.                                   Student makes choice to NOT cooperate,
• Students to ensure that the device has Platform and Device Support                            Student chooses not       Teacher provides name to Program Coordinator who will then pass
  the appropriate student office software • Laptops                                                                       on to Deputy OR, if convenient at next break, teacher takes name
                                                                                               to cooperate - fails to    straight to Deputy,
  installed, including Microsoft Office or                                                         follow Teacher
                                                 o Mac OS X 10.7 or higher                                                Deputy to suspend student for 1 day.
  equivalent (Pages, Keynote, Numbers,                                                              instructions
  Open Office etc.). At no times will the        o Windows 7 or higher
  school provide any licensed Department      • Tablets  and Smart Devices
  of Education software.                         o Apple  iOS devices
• Students must ensure the device is fully       o Android 4.0 or higher
                                                                                              PED may not be used to play music during class time. Music played to the class, with
  charged prior to the commencement of Speak with Mr Puzzar in Student Services
                                                                                              permission of the teacher should be audible through a speaker.
  school each day.                            for more information and the paperwork
• Students must sign the amended Gerald- required to be signed up to BYOD!
  ton Senior High School Network Usage
16     9965 8400                                                                                                                                                                              17
2019 Parent Information Booklet
                                Academic Standing                                                             Homework and Home Study Guidelines
      Assessment Rationale                             Semester Reviews                     Geraldton Senior High School recognises          Why is Homework and
                                                                                            the value of students undertaking and
The major focus of students should be       At the end of each semester Academic            developing the habit to do extra work, as         Home Study Needed?
their program of studies. The goal for      Standing is reviewed. The majority of Year      this improves performance and fosters Homework/Study should:
every senior student is to graduate as a    11 senior students will have met the “C”        success. At a Secondary School level, it is • produce a higher level of achievement
lifelong learner.                           grade standard and 90% attendance               appropriate that home study as well as
                                            required. They continue their program of                                                     • support the development of the
Year 11 senior students take increased                                                      homework be undertaken.
                                            studies with Academic Standing.                                                                student’s independence as a learner
responsibility for their own learning. This                                                 Homework is set by teachers for students to: • consolidate work done in class
requires:                                          Conditional Standing                      • Complete work started in class            • allow for observation of student
  • Work ethic
                                            Year 11 senior students who do not pass the      • Work on and complete assignments            progress and encourage opportunities
  • Punctuality                             semester review are placed on Conditional                                                      for partnerships in education
                                                                                             • Practise work already dealt with in class
  • Self-discipline                         Standing. A case conference is held and          • Independently cover certain sections • further the partnership between
All year 11 senior students commence conditions of improvement agreed to.                        of a course on your own                   school and home
their program of studies with Academic         Sustained Poor Performance                   Home study is set by students. It involves:  • only be used to facilitate the
Standing.                                                                                                                                  achievement of learning outcomes
                                          Year 11 senior students on Conditional             • Practise
     Senior School Standards              Standing who fail to meet the conditions           • Extension such as reading extra about • not be associated with any form of
                                                                                                 a topic covered class                     punishing students or means of securing
To maintain Academic Standing year 11 of improvement do not enter Year 12.                                                                 discipline.
senior students must meet performance                                                        • Memorisation
                                                      Appeals Panel
and attendance standards each semester.                                                                     What amount of Homework and Home Study?
                                          At the Principal’s discretion, Year 11 senior
      Performance Standard                students barred entry to Year 12 programs         Geraldton Senior High School takes the view that homework is a critical part of the
                                                                                            learning program for all students, although the commitment and complexity can
Year 11 senior students are required of study may be given an opportunity to
                                                                                            vary with the needs of students and their phase of development. Consequently, the
to achieve at least 6 “C” grades in their appear before an Appeals Panel. The appeal
                                          will be heard in a timely fashion and so as       expectation for a Year 12 ATAR student is different from that of a Year 7-9 student and in
                                          not to disadvantage the students in any           turn is different again from that of a Year 11 General/VET student.
       Attendance Standard                way.                                              No set time can be prescribed since individuals work at different rates but the following

                                                                       r you
Year 11 senior students are required to                                                     is recommended as a guide:
attend a minimum of 90% to meet the
                                                                                             Year Group                         Recommended Homework/Home
                                                                on. fo
                                                                             r info

attendance standard.
                                                                       rmati                                                    Study
                                Parent Participation                                         Years 7 to 9                       1 to 1.5 hours per night for five nights a week
Rich and productive partnerships between parents or care givers and teachers is              Year 10                            1 to 2 hours per night for five nights a week
important. Student learning and attitude has been shown to improve when these                Year 11/12 - General/VET           1 to 2 hours per night for five nights a week
partnerships are in place.
                                                                                             Year 11 ATAR                       2 to 3 hours per night for four nights a week with
Parent-Teacher evenings and assemblies are conducted to facilitate opportunities for                                            an additional 4 hours over the weekend
parents, carers and teachers to meet and to celebrate student achievement. In addition,      Year 12 ATAR                       2.5 to 3 hours per night for four nights a week with
parents and care givers are invited to make appointments to meet with teachers to discuss                                       an additional 6 hours over the weekend
individual student educational needs and progress.
18     9965 8400                                                                                                                                                                  19
2019 Parent Information Booklet
      Assessment / Subject Completion Policy and Procedure                                           Assessment Review                       available from the Deputy Principal. SCASA
                                (Senior School WACE Courses)                                                                                 representatives will then independently
                                                                                                     and Appeals Process                     investigate the situation and report to the
   1. Assessment guidelines for senior penalized unless:                                            Reviewing marks and grades
                                                                                                                                             appeal panel. If the panel upholds a student
      students have been established by • By prior arrangement the reason                    When a student considers that there is an       appeal, Geraldton Senior High School will
      the School Curriculum and Standards         has been deemed acceptable and             issue about the marking of an assessment        make any required adjustments to the
      Authority (SCASA). Geraldton Senior         the student/parent/guardian has            task or about the grade assigned for a          student’s marks and/or grades and re-issue
      High School policies and procedures         negotiated an extension                    course unit or subject they should, in the      reports as necessary.
      conform to these guidelines.                                                           first instance, discuss the issue with the
                                              • Prior notice has been given in the case
   2. At the commencement of each year            of an in-class assessment                  teacher.                                                      Curriculum
      (or intake) students will receive:                                                                                                     Students receive instruction from qualified
                                              • A medical certificate, parent letter or      If a marking or grading issue cannot be re-
      a. The course unit or subject               explanation with a reason deemed           solved through discussion with the teacher      specialist teachers within the eight
           outline with length of time for        acceptable by the teacher / HOLA has       then the student or parent/guardian should      Curriculum learning areas of Mathematics,
           each section                           been provided                              approach the Program Coordinator/Teacher-       Science, English, Humanities Arts and Social
      b. The assessment program for • The parent / guardian / supervisor                     in-Charge of the course or subject.             Sciences, Health and Physical Education,
           each course unit/subject with          phones the school on the day of the                                                        The Arts, Technology and Enterprise, and
           task weightings                                                                   The student, parent or guardian can request,    Languages Other Than English. Subjects
                                                  absence to provide an explanation          in writing, that Geraldton Senior High School
      c. Syllabus as defined by SCASA             deemed acceptable by the Deputy                                                            not available are negotiated through the
                                                                                             conducts a formal assessment review, if         School of Isolated and Distance Education
In addition, the grade descriptors for each       Principal for exams and Head of Learn-     they consider that the student has been
                                                  ing Area for all other                                                                     (SIDE).
course/subject are available on line at                                                      disadvantaged by any of the following:                          It is the student’s responsibility to ensure                                                     As well as Academic subjects which are
                                                                                               • The assessment outline for the course
                                            that all work requirements are met.                                                              examinable, students can also choose a
      Assessment Reliability                                                                      unit or subject does not meet SCASA
                                                                                                                                             range of General Studies and/or Vocational
                                               Late assignments will incur a 10% per day          requirements
 1. Students must attend class regularly                                                                                                     Education and Enterprise courses through
                                               penalty for a maximum of five days after        • The assessment procedures used in
    to show evidence that work on as-                                                                                                        Workplace Learning, Traineeships, Pre-
                                               which a zero will be recorded.                     the class do not conform with the
    signments is original and is their own.                                                                                                  Apprenticeship and other link programs
                                                                                                  school’s assessment policy                 through Registered Training Organisations.
    This will be evidenced through drafts,           Additional Assessment
    teacher observation, notes and par-                                                        • Procedural errors have occurred in
                                              If it is deemed appropriate to provide                                                       Students requiring special education
    ticipation in class.                                                                          the determination of the mark and/or
                                              a student with the opportunity to sit a                                                      assistance receive extensive and ongoing
 2. Plagiarism is when somebody copies,                                                           grade
                                              missed assessment:                                                                           support either in class or in small groups.
    paraphrases or summarizes the work                                                         • Computational errors have occurred        The school provides literacy support
    of others without acknowledgement.          • A time will be negotiated that is suit-         in the determination of the mark and/    programs as well as opportunities for
    If plagiarism is detected in an                able for the teacher. Students cannot          or grade.                                gifted and talented students through in-
    assessment item the student will be            assume that class time can be used as
                                                   this may interfere with the delivery of   The Principal, or a nominated representative, class and electronic strategies.
    asked to re-submit a task and the                                                        will conduct the review. The reviewer will In addition, Indigenous students are
    parent will be contacted. Subsequent           new course content.
                                                                                             meet with the student and the teacher eligible to apply for placement in the
    misdemeanours will receive a zero           • Missed assessments cannot be               independently and prepare a written report. Gigaman Gawala (boys) and Warlugurra
    mark.                                          deferred for extended periods and         This report will be provided to the student Walgamanyulu (girls) programs. Details
                                                   will normally be sat within a week of     and parent/guardian.
            Late Submission                        the initial date.                                                                       about entry requirements are available
                                                                                             If this review does not resolve the matter, from the Deputy Principals.
Late submission of assignments or com- • In exceptional circumstances the Pro-
                                                   gram Coordinator will manage the          the student (or parent/guardian) may appeal
pletion of in-class assessments/exams after
                                                   situation.                                to SCASA using the appeal form which is
the due date will result in the student being
20     9965 8400                                                                                                                                                                     21
2019 Parent Information Booklet
       Acceptable Use Agreement for Computers and Internet                                     • I will be mindful of the possible       • The misuse of online services may
                                                                                                 problems caused by sharing or             result in the withdrawal of access to
The student computer network at                  uncomfortable I will tell a teacher             transmitting large files online.          services and other consequences dic-
Geraldton Senior High School is made             about it. Examples of inappropriate                                                       tated in the School’s policy
available for students to enhance their          content include violent, racist,          I understand that:
learning. All students have the right to use     sexist, or pornographic materials, or         • I will be held responsible for my    • I may be held liable for offences
the computer facilities. However, students       content that is offensive, disturbing           actions while using online services     committed using online services
have a responsibility to use the computers       or intimidating or that encourages              and for any breaches caused by Reminder: When you enrolled at Geraldton
in an appropriate manner.                        dangerous or illegal activity.                  allowing any other person to use my Senior High School, you signed a contract
                                               • I will not attempt to access                    online services account             agreeing to abide by the preceding
The contract signed during the enrolment
                                                 inappropriate material online or try                                                agreement.
process establishes rules for computer use
and secures a commitment for best use            to access Internet sites that have
practices for the time that the student is       been blocked by the school or the                              P&C at Geraldton Senior High School
enrolled at Geraldton Senior High School.        Department of Education. I will           The Geraldton Senior High School P&C • Lobby on behalf of your school to
If you use the online services of the            not attempt to or bypass school or        manages the school canteen – the                influence decision making from a
Department of Education you must agree to        Department of Education web filters.      only and main source of fund-raising.           parent’s point of view
the following rules:                           • I will acknowledge the creator, author    A bookkeeper is employed to manage • Participate in the WACSSO activities
 • I will not reveal personal information,       or copyright owner of any material        the financial accounts and payroll of the       and conference
   including       names,       addresses,       used in my research for school work       canteen personnel.
   photographs, credit card details and          by using appropriate referencing.                                                     We need your presence at two meetings
                                                                                           At the P&C meeting, we receive Principal per term to sustain a quorum of 10
   telephone numbers of myself or              • I will make sure that any email that I    report, Canteen and Treasurer reports; we members.
   others when online.                           send or any work that I wish to have      discuss the allocations of canteen funds
 • I will not give anyone my login               published is polite, carefully written    and avenues in which we may be lobbying Membership is only $1.
   password or let others login and / or         and well presented. I will be courteous   on behalf of our school in support of their The first meeting for 2019 will be Tuesday
   use my online services account unless         and use appropriate language in all In-   buildings, staffing and general resourcing 12 February at 6:30pm in the Geraldton
   it is with the teacher’s permission. I        ternet communications.                    by the government.                          Senior High School staff room. The Annual
   will not access other people’s online       • I will follow the instructions of         The Geraldton Senior High School P&C is General Meeting for election of office
   services accounts without permission          teachers and only use online services                                                 bearers will be held on Tuesday 12 March
                                                                                           your voice and your forum to:
   from the teacher. I will tell my teacher      for purposes which support my                                                         2019.
   if I think someone has interfered with                                                  • Get to know child’s school better
                                                 learning and educational research.
   or is using my online services account                                                  • Develop a personal relationship with Be there to meet other committed parents,
   without permission.                         • I will not use the Department’s online         other parents                          to show your support and to hear the
                                                 services for personal gain or illegal                                                 news, first hand.
 • I understand that I am responsible for        activity (e.g. music file sharing), to    • Develop a personal relationship with
   all activity in my online services ac-        bully, offend or intimidate others             the Principal                          Request P&C notices by emailing
   count.                                        or send inappropriate materials           • Better understand the issues faced by
 • I understand that the school and the          including software that may damage              the school
   Department of Education may mon-              computers, data or networks.              •     Participate in forums and panels for
   itor any information sent or received       • I will not damage or disable the com-           decisions affecting the School Board,
   and can trace activity to the online          puters, computer systems or com-                Canteen and Wellbeing Committees
   services accounts of specific users.          puter networks of the school, the               and staff selection panels
 • If I find any information that is             Department of Education or any other
   inappropriate or makes me feel                organisation.
22     9965 8400                                                                                                                                                             23
2019 Parent Information Booklet
             NAPLAN - NATIONAL ASSESSMENT PROGRAM                                                     OLNA - Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment
                    - LITERACY AND NUMERACY                                                To achieve the Western Australian Certifi-         Students in Years 10 to 12 who need to
NAPLAN tests the sorts of skills that are Can we prepare for NAPLAN?                       cate of Education (WACE), students need to         demonstrate the minimum standard in
essential for a child to progress through                                                  demonstrate minimum standards of literacy          one, two or all of the components will
school and life, such as reading, writing, NAPLAN is not a test that a student can         and numeracy. These standards cover the            be scheduled to sit the assessment each
spelling, grammar and numeracy.             prepare for in the same way he or she          range of skills regarded as essential to meet      March and September. This gives students
                                            might prepare for an end of term test.         the demands of everyday life and work.             up to six opportunities before the end of
While your child may have sat NAPLAN in NAPLAN tests skills that develop and im-                                                              Year 12.
Years 3 and 5, this year he or she will be prove over time. However, there are a few       For example, it would be expected that
sitting NAPLAN online. The results will be things that you might like to do to for extra   a young person leaving school can write For more information about OLNA go to:
more accurate and have a faster turnaround. support:                                       a good job application, read and follow
The test may look a little different from                                                  instructions and complete the sorts of
the last time but will be more engagaing.   • talk to a teacher about getting some         maths adults encounter all the time when

Students will sit NAPLAN in Weeks 3 and 4
                                                extra help or resources                    shopping or balancing the family budget. Resources for Parents/Caregivers
                                            • practise past papers that you can            These skills must be demonstrated in literacy While teachers here at Geraldton Senior
of Term 2.
                                                access from the NAPLAN website             (reading and writing), and numeracy.          High School support the Literacy and
Why do we have to do NAPLAN? • practise your typing and word pro-                          Students can demonstrate the minimum Numeracy needs of all students at school,
                                                cessing skills                             standards by:                                 there are range of ways you can help and
NAPLAN is a way for the school, teachers
and parents to determine your child's • practise spelling                                                                                encourage your child at home. It is import-
                                                                                           • prequalification through the Year 9 ant that you are well informed about the
literacy and numeracy skills.               • learn and practise the times tables              National Assessment Program Literacy Literacy and Numeracy skills of your child
The tests provide an understanding of how • make sure you always edit your work                and Numeracy (NAPLAN), or                 and about various government testing
your child is performing at the time of the     using CUPS and ARMS (see below)
                                                                                           • performance in the Online Literacy such as NAPLAN and OLNA.
tests. They also provide information about • read lots of different texts including            and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA).
how education programs are working and          short stories, books, newspapers, re-                                                    It is important for parents to create a
which areas might need to be improved.          views, tables, graphs and blogs            Students who achieve Band 8 or higher in           literacy-rich environment at home and to
                                                                                           any of the three components in their Year 9        encourage children to value the importance
NAPLAN tests are one aspect of the Remember!                                               NAPLAN are acknowledged as having dem-             of having Literacy and Numeracy skills.
school's assessment and reporting pro-                                                     onstrated proficiency in using a range of skills   This means you should give your child
cess, and does not replace the extensive, NAPLAN is only ONE aspect of the school          in that component. They are not required           every opportunity to engage in reading,
ongoing assessments made by teachers program and we simply want students to                to sit the corresponding OLNA component.           writing, speaking and listening activities.
about individual performance.             try their best.
                                                                                           For example, if a student achieves Band 8 or       Asking your child to write the grocery list,
                                                                                           higher in reading in their Year 9 NAPLAN they      encouraging them to read every night or
                                                                                           will not need to sit the reading component of      asking them critical questions about current
                                                                                           the OLNA.                                          events are all valuable activities that will
                                                                                                                                              help emphasise that these skills are an
Resources for NAPLAN:                                                                                                                         important aspect of everyday life.
For parent information and support: and https://k10outline.scsa.
                                                                                           Resources for OLNA:                  For parent information and support:
For examples of questions and past papers:
For more information about NAPLAN Online:         For practise tests:
24     9965 8400                                                                                                                                                                      25
Applications                                                          2019 Parent Information Booklet
                                                                          accepted from                   What is going on                             How to find Connect
                Charges and Contributions
                                                                          4 Feb and close                  at the School?
Geraldton Senior High School offers a                                                                                                          On a computer, visit
                                                Secondary                 12 April 2019
diverse range of courses that is open to all                                                    We often send out important messages and Log-in on the following screen.
students. The school requires some extra        Assistance                A new application
                                                                                                school news by email or on the school app.
resources to offer many of these programs       Scheme (SAS)              must be made each
                                                                          year to receive the   There is so much going on all the time that
which are not subsidised. Your child may also
                                            The aim of SAS is to            subsidy.            the app is updated to keep students, par-
require some learning resources such as     assist low income                                   ents and the school community informed.
textbooks or protective equipment in order  families with secondary schooling costs.
to meet the specific course requirements.   It is funded by the State Government and                            Connect
In order to facilitate student success and administered through the Department of               The Connect App is based around what is
learning via these resources and course Education.                                              happening in the classrooms and you will
offering, we advise of the associated                                                           need a username and password to access
compulsory charges and voluntary contri-                                Clothing Allow-         the information.                              Click on the desired area. Classes show each
butions. The outline of charges and contri-                             ance                                                                  course along with notices, discussion, sub-
                                                           Allowance                            Teachers are using the online learning tool
butions is posted out to you prior to the                                                                                                     missions and a content page. A couple exam-
end of each year, with statements being                                 $115 payment            Connect in all aspects of teaching. It can be
                                                           $235                                                                               ples appear below.
                                              Public                    to parent/              seen as similar to other social media plat-
sent throughout the year.                                  payment to
                                                Schools                      guardian or        forms but with a focus on the classroom
                                                             the school
As some families experience difficulty                                       school
                                                                                                at Geraldton SeniorHigh School where the
meeting this obligation, we have set out        ABSTUDY      $79                                groups a child belongs to are their classes.
some options to help those in need:             Supplement   payment to            -
                                                Allowance    the school                         Students and teachers are able to com-
 • Payment Plan - we are able to break                                                          municate and share items related to the
   your contributions and charges into In order to be eligible for SAS, you must                class via this platform. You are able to see
   small, regular payments. Please con- hold a Department of Human Services                     your child’s tasks, assignments, due dates
   tact our Finance Officer to arrange      (Centrelink) Pensioner Concession Card              and more.
                                            or Health Care Card. Department of Vet-
 • Payment Options - we are able to                                                             A few things to note:
                                            erans’ Affairs Pensioner Concession Card
   debit your credit card as per your
                                            (blue only) is also eligible. The card must         •   All students have access to Connect
   arranged payment plan or accept EFT
                                            be valid some time during Term 1 and the                and a school email account accessed
   payments. Many people find it easi-
                                            student(s) being claimed are listed on the              through the DET Portal - connect.det.
   er to set-up a recurring EFT payment
                                            card. There are a few more fine details but   
   via their financial institution. We con-
                                            come into the main reception area and
   tinue to accept payment at the main                                                          •   Parents need a log-in to participate.
                                            complete the form. Staff are able to assist
   reception area during office hours                                                               Please ensure we have your current
                                            and answer any questions.
 • Extra assistance to those who qualify                                                            email address and one will be sent         Connect App is available via App and Play
   It is imperative to understand if you                    ABSTUDY                                 to you. Otherwise, please email the        stores and provides a feed of notices. It does
   qualify for extra government subsidies You may be eligible or already receiving AB-              school and we can organise one for         not have the same functionality as using the
   and complete the appropriate paper- STUDY from the Department of Human Ser-                      you.                                       service on the desktop does.
   work. See the information below the vices (Centrelink). In this case you are eligible        •   Please check your email regularly as
   chart on this page for further details   for the ABSTUDY Supplement Allowance.                   important school communications are
                                            Forms are available from reception and our              sent throughout the year
                                            website to claim this subsidy.
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