Living, Learning and Leading in a Changing World - KAWARTHA PINE RIDGE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS 2015 - 2018 Strategic Priorities ...

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Living, Learning and Leading in a Changing World - KAWARTHA PINE RIDGE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS 2015 - 2018 Strategic Priorities ...
Living, Learning and Leading
in a Changing World
Strategic Priorities Update; September 2018
Living, Learning and Leading in a Changing World - KAWARTHA PINE RIDGE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS 2015 - 2018 Strategic Priorities ...
                                Living, Learning and Leading in a Changing World 2015-2018

Strategic Priorities

In a rapidly evolving world, a good education is fundamental to future, long-term success. An exceptional education, however,
prepares students to lead change, create new and significant ideas, and solve important global issues.

Our strategic plan, Living, Learning and Leading in a Changing World 2015-2018, is the result of an almost year-long consultative
process with students, staff, parents and community members who completed a public survey through our website.

We heard strongly from our stakeholders about the need to focus not only on academics, such as literacy, numeracy and science,
but also on the essential areas of overall well-being; including inclusion, and mental and physical health. Building on this
foundation, we heard about our important role in providing meaningful, real-world learning opportunities, from the effective use of
learning technology, to partnerships with parents, community agencies and post-secondary institutions.

The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board supports a world-class education for well over 30,000 students in 91 schools
spread across our jurisdiction. This is supported through central departments in Teaching and Learning, Business and Corporate
Services, and Human Resource Services, as well as through system-wide portfolios including Safe, Caring and Restorative
Schools, and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.

Highlights of ongoing work through our central departments include:

Teaching and Learning continues to provide support to schools through:

•   Instructional and curriculum supports JK-12

•   Oral language and early reading strategies for students in Kindergarten to Grade 2

•   Alignment of child care services, professional learning, wrap-around services, and play-based instructional programming in
Living, Learning and Leading in a Changing World - KAWARTHA PINE RIDGE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS 2015 - 2018 Strategic Priorities ...
•   Critical literacy / higher order thinking skills K-12 through a comprehensive literacy strategy

•   Assessment for learning culture/strategy in all classrooms that respond to student needs

•   Differentiated instruction / tiered approach to intervention

•   First Nation, Métis, and Inuit education

•   Modern/digital fluencies that augment student learning

•   Children and Youth Mental Health and Well-being Strategy

•   Professional Learning Communities that focus on visibly improving culturally relevant and responsive pedagogy and/or
    competencies through the structure of collaborative inquiry

•   Multi-disciplinary teams in the area of special education to provide clinical and programming expertise to schools for students
    with special needs to succeed in the inclusive classroom

•   Self-regulation program to support students with behavioural needs.

Business and Corporate Services continues to provide ongoing service in the following areas:

•   Business and Finance: budget management and administration, payroll, purchasing, reporting (enhancing public confidence
    through proactive planning and workforce management implementing departmental plans with foresight and collaboration)

•   Information and Communications Technology: network, administrative and school support

•   Facility Operations: custodial, maintenance, and energy management (developing modern learning environments by taking
    advantage of opportunities to implement changes to physical space and technology through sustainable financial strategies)

•   Strategic Planning and Projects: planning, property, engineering, strategic projects and support (incorporating analysis and
    action plans to support maximizing the stewardship of resources).
Human Resource Services continues to provide ongoing service in the following areas:

•   Staff recruitment and hiring processes

•   Support to the annual teacher staffing process

•   Responsibility for the non-teaching personnel staffing process

•   Labour Relations including collective bargaining, and collective agreement administration

•   Health and Safety

•   Attendance support processes including the long-term absence programs

•   Employee benefits administration

•   Employee performance evaluation processes

Student Success continues to lead and support the following areas:

•   Specialized Programming: Dual Credits, Specialist High Skills Majors, Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program

•   At-Risk Student Support through school Student Success teams, re-engagement programs and community partnerships

•   Guidance and Career Pathways education and training

•   Instructional Technology through eLearning, and blended learning

•   Student Achievement in secondary schools with a focus on instruction and student engagement

•   Program Safety
Safe, Caring and Restorative Schools – ongoing work in this area includes:

•   Violent Threat Risk Assessments – this process guides schools and our community partners in working together to identify
    individuals who may be at high risk of committing serious violence. Its goal is to prevent possible violent incidents, to keep our
    schools and communities safe.

•   Restorative Practice – is an effective approach to teaching, learning and keeping schools safe. It is a way of thinking and
    acting as a community. It focuses on strengthening relationships, to deal with conflict or tension positively.

•   Student Incident Reporting – supports the whole-school approach to addressing behaviours that may lead to suspension
    and/or expulsion.

•   Long-Term Suspension and Expulsion Program – is an intensive intervention program to support students who have been
    suspended and/or expelled from school. The program focuses on academic and non-academic (counselling) support that is
    designed for each student with the goal of returning to school.

•   KPR Website – provides students, staff, parents and community members with current information and resources about many
    topics related to safe, caring and restorative schools.

Focused strategic priorities for the next six to twelve months are outlined in the following document.
Area of Focus                    Action/Project/Program                      Responsibility         Timeline (Ongoing/Pilot/New)                   Expected Outcomes
Health and Well-being:          • Mental Health Steering Committee –         • Human Resource Services      Ongoing filming to begin in     • A strong sense of belonging at work
• Creating conditions for       Mental Health Video (We Belong)              (supported by Joint Employer   February 2016 – Completed
social and emotional well-      • completed a staff video focusing on        & Employee Health & Well-                                      • Developing skills for managing workload and
being and supporting            well-being and mental health support at      being Committee)                                               social/emotional challenges
positive mental health;         work                                                                        • Completed
• Enhancing supports for        • completed a student video with student                                                                    • Caring communities equipped to support staff
physical activity and healthy   voice focusing on well-being and             • Teaching and Learning                                        experiencing mental health problems
living; and                     inclusive schools with the theme BE          (Mental Health Lead)
• Providing interventions,      YOU, You belong at Kawartha Pine
programs and supports           Ridge District School Board
responsive to the needs of
students and staff              • Creation of Educator video highlighting                                   • Completed                     • Increase educator and parent awareness and
                                evidenced based Kids Have Stress Too                                                                        knowledge of Mental Health promotion and
                                lessons and tiered approach to mental                                                                       evidence based social emotional learning
                                health promotion                                                                                            programs

                                • Developing social media strategies for     • Teaching and Learning        • Ongoing                       • Continue to set organizational conditions for
                                webpage and future challenges                (Mental Health Lead)                                           mental health strategy, shared vision and
                                • Twitter feed #mindsmatter@kprdsb                                                                          language
                                website and Twitter messages about           • Human Resource Services      • Ongoing – Completion by       • Increase mental health literacy for parents,
                                student well-being, mental health, social-   (supported by                  December 2016                   educators and students
                                emotional learning, reducing stigma          Communications)                • Completed                     • Early identification and accommodations for
                                • Revamping webpages for mental health                                                                      mental health problems
                                • Parent, educator and student resources                                    • Ongoing                       • Increased referrals for appropriate mental health
                                were added-links to websites and apps                                                                       intervention
                                • New educator resources will be posted
                                on new staff Intranet
                                • Working with schools to provide support
                                packages for staff rooms
                                (resources, relaxing activities)
                                • Create Grief Resource list and post on
                                KPR on the Web for educators and on
                                the Board website for parents
Area of Focus               Action/Project/Program                      Responsibility           Timeline (Ongoing/Pilot/New)                    Expected Outcomes
Health and Well-being   • Developing training for principals and       • Human Resources in             • Three modules created,        • Caring communities equipped to support staff
(continued)             managers around Mental Health in their         collaboration with Principals,   including four case studies,    experiencing mental health problems
                        schools and departments                        Vice-principals, Managers,       presented to Administrative     • Providing interventions, programs and supports
                        – eLearning, early intervention                Health and Safety Committees     Council                         responsive to the needs of students and staff
                          • Launch training modules to Principals,     and Wellness Committees          • Fall 2017                     while developing professional understanding and
                            Vice-principals and Managers                                                                                capacity with respect to mental health/wellness
                          • Health and Wellness Team participate                                                                        • Improved supports for healthy activities and
                            in in-depth training re: Health Minds at                                    •2017-2018                      living
                            Work                                                                                                        • Integrated approaches to wellness programming
                          • Promote Auditory Wellness in                                                                                that consistently and effectively support both
                            conjunction with implementation of                                                                          students and staff
                            OHSA Noise Regulation                                                       • Ongoing                       • Improved efficiency with respect to wellness
                          • Enhance strategic collaboration                                                                             programming
                            between Staff Wellness Committee
                            and related efforts (Student Mental                                         • 2017-2018
                            Health Steering Committee, Health and
                            Safety, Disability/Attendance
                        • Developing training for principals and       • Teaching and Learning          • Ongoing                       • Increase capacity of leaders, managers and staff
                        managers around Mental Health in their         (Mental Health Lead)                                             for creating organizational conditions for mental
                        schools and departments                                                                                         health and well-being
                        – eLearning, early intervention                                                                                 • Increase opportunities for well-being and mental
                                                                                                                                        health promotion for staff and students
                        • Conduct a collaborative inquiry with         • Teaching and Learning:         • February - June 2016 -        • Theories of Action will be developed and linked
                        three schools to increase teachers’            (Mental Health Steering          Completed                       to the School Improvement Plan and artefacts and
                        understanding of promoting students’           Committee)                                                       best practices will be highlighted for improved
                        sense of belonging at school and               • System Principal of Special                                    student sense of belonging
                        promote mentally healthy schools               Education                        • September 2015 - June         • Increased social-emotional learning skills in
                                                                       • Mental Health Lead             2016                            students measured on pre and post assessments
                        • Continue Mentally Healthy Schools                                             • September 2016 - June         • Build capacity in child and youth workers and
                        project in 24 schools to increase capacity                                      2017                            educators to deliver universal and targeted
                        to promote mentally healthy schools and                                         • Completed                     evidence-based strategies to promote mental
                        teach social-emotional learning skills to                                                                       health and well-being
                        increase student                                                                                                • Increased social emotional learning for students
                        well-being - 2016-2017 school year 27                                                                           • Integration of well-being and learning in the
                        schools will be involved                                                                                        classroom
Area of Focus             Action/Project/Program                     Responsibility      Timeline (Ongoing/Pilot/New)                   Expected Outcomes
Health and Well-being   • Conduct a collaborative inquiry with                                  • Completed
(continued)             elementary and secondary educators on
                        mindfulness in the classroom - February
                        to June 2017
                        • Scale up Mentally Healthy Schools                                     • Completed
                        project through ongoing educator learning
                        sessions and coaching on social-
                        emotional learning and everyday mental
                        health practices in a tiered approach for
                        whole school and whole classrooms
                        • Annual Parent Conference focus on                                     • Completed                     • Reduce stigma, raise awareness of mental
                        mental health and resiliency                                                                            health problems, learn ways to promote good
                                                                                                                                mental health, and connect parents to community
                        • Develop and implement a leadership         • Mental Health Lead and   • April 2016                    • Increased leadership capacity as measured by
                        learning session to deepen learning          • Mental Health Steering   • Completed                     self-assessment
                        about creating mentally healthy school       Committee
                        conditions and increasing student sense
                        of belonging at school
                        • Introduce new Mental Health ASSIST         • Mental Health Lead and   • Completed                     • Connect educator learning of Leading Mentally
                        resources for Leading Mentally Healthy       • Mental Health Steering                                   Healthy Schools to School Improvement Plan
                        Schools and creating mentally healthy        Committee                                                  mental health and well-being goal using walk-
                        classrooms                                                                                              through tool
                        • Introduce new walk-through tool to help
                        set school improvement goals for
                        well-being at school                                                    • New – October 2018 –
                        • Introduce Leading Mentally Healthy                                    June 2019
                        Schools package #2 to Principals through
                        family of schools meetings
                        • Mental Health Mondays - After school       • Mental Health Lead       • New – September 2018 –        • Universal promotion of mental health strategies
                        cafes on a variety of topics for Educators   • Mental Health Steering   June 2019                       in a tiered approach for all
                        and Support Staff aimed at increasing        Committee                                                  • Promoting social emotional learning
                        mental health literacy and strategies for                                                               • Promoting mentally healthy schools
                        promoting mentally healthy schools
Area of Focus               Action/Project/Program                   Responsibility          Timeline (Ongoing/Pilot/New)                   Expected Outcomes
Health and Well-being   • Mental Health Training certificates:     • Mental Health Lead             • New – September 2018 -        • Increased capacity of KPR staff to identify the
(continued)               -Mental Health First Aid                 • Certified KPR Staff Trainers   June 2019                       early warning signs of mental health problems or
                          -SafeTALK                                                                                                 suicide and connect the student or staff member
                          -Suicide ASIST                                                                                            to the appropriate help
                        • Mentally Healthy Classroom On-line       • Mental Health Lead             • New – September 2018 -        • Increase mental health literacy for teachers and
                        learning modules and certificate                                            June 2019                       support staff about creating conditions for
                        • Links posted on KPR on the Web for                                                                        mentally healthy classrooms and supporting
                        modules on:                                                                                                 students with mental health problems at school
                           -Creating and Sustaining the Mentally
                           Healthy Classroom
                           -Understanding and Supporting Anxiety
                           at School
                           -Understanding and Supporting Mood
                           Problems at School
                        Children Youth in Care Pilot Project       • Superintendent responsible     • New September 2016 -       • Increased student engagement, credit
                        (Phase 3):                                 for Student Success              January 2017                 attainment and graduation
                        • This innovative program is focused on                                     • New – February - June 2017 • Reach ahead opportunities for college credits
                        building business and entrepreneurial                                                                    • Increased potential for post-secondary education
                        skills through skateboard design,                                                                        for participants
                        production and marketing. Students will
                        complete high school credits while also
                        receiving sector related training and
                        Innovations in Learning: Skateboard        • Superintendent responsible     • New – 2017-2018               • Increased student engagement, credit
                        Projects                                   for Student Success                                              attainment and graduation
                        • This innovative program is focused on    • System Principal                                               • Increased enrolment in post-secondary
                        building business and entrepreneurial      • Principal of Alternative                                       education for participants
                        skills through skateboard design,          Education                                                        • Two courses of studies provided cross-
                        production and marketing. Students will    • Pathways Consultant                                            curriculum learning opportunities for program
                        complete high school credits while also                                                                     participants. In AWD30, Visual Design, students
                        receiving sector related training and                                                                       gained hands-on experience in constructing and
                        certifications. The project has been                                                                        shaping their own skateboard deck, designing and
                        approved again and will be offered at                                                                       applying graffiti style graphics, logo and t-shirt
                        PACE in semester 2                                                                                          design. In BDP30, The Enterprising Person,
                                                                                                                                    participants learned of the skills and qualities of
                                                                                                                                    entrepreneurs, employers, and key attributes of
Area of Focus             Action/Project/Program                      Responsibility          Timeline (Ongoing/Pilot/New)                       Expected Outcomes
Health and Well-being                                                                                                                   employees through a series of on and off-site
(continued)                                                                                                                             experiential learning units. Combined curriculum
                                                                                                                                        objectives provided real-life understanding for
                                                                                                                                        students in producing, exhibiting, marketing and
                                                                                                                                        selling their own products
                        • First-Aid and Sport Specific Training for   • Superintendent responsible    • Ongoing (through Spring         • Training for coaches at all KPR secondary
                        coaches throughout KPR based on               for Athletics Co-ordination     2018)                             schools, interested occasional teachers,
                        updated Ontario Physical and Health                                                                             KPR volunteer coaches
                        Education Association guidelines                                                                                • Safer environment for our students participating
                        regarding higher risk sports                                                                                    in sports such as lacrosse, rugby, football and
                        • First aid training provided to sites for    • Human Resource Services                                         hockey
                        Ontario Health & Safety compliance                                            • New – Fall 2018                 • Compliance with legislation
                        • Enhanced first aid certification supports                                                                     • Improved response/supports in event of injury,
                        to system                                                                                                       accident
                                                                                                                                        • Growing community of safety practitioners in
                        • Connect – Change – Connect –                • Superintendent responsible    • Ongoing project at identified   • A reduction in numbers of students smoking and
                        Smoking Cessation Project                     for Safe Schools                high schools                      an increased awareness on the part of students of
                        This project is a partnership with local      • Principals                                                      skills necessary to quit and the community
                        health units who provide counselling,         • School Board Counsellors                                        supports available to them
                        guidance and support for students in          • Peterborough Public Health
                        some of our local high schools to be able
                        to quit smoking
                        • Healthy Kids Community Challenge            • Superintendent of Education   • Ongoing – March 2018            • Awareness of healthy practices to reduce
                        This partnership with health units and        • Principals                                                      childhood obesity
                        local municipal governments is designed       • Teachers                                                        • Strengthened partnerships with community
                        to curb childhood obesity through a multi-                                                                      agencies in the quest of healthier children and
                        faceted approach recognizing that to be                                                                         communities
                        effective, the partnership must include
                        education, health, community and
                        business sectors. Focus areas include
                        increasing physical activity, encouraging
                        water consumption (rather than sugar
                        drinks) and an increase in the
                        consumption of fruits and vegetables
Area of Focus                    Action/Project/Program                       Responsibility         Timeline (Ongoing/Pilot/New)                     Expected Outcomes
Health and Well-being           • Implement Globally Harmonized System     • Human Resource Services        • New – Spring - Fall 2018      • Successful transition to GHS
(continued)                     (GHS) for workplace hazardous materials    • Facilities Services                                            • Disposal of all expired chemicals
                                management                                 • Program Safety                                                 • Updated inventory of chemicals for all
                                • Enhance Ontario Health & Safety          • Senior Administration          • Ongoing – Spring - Fall       • Enhanced culture of occupational health and
                                Training Program                           • All Supervisors/Principals     2018                            safety within KPR
                                                                                                                                            • Improved due diligence regarding foundational
                                                                                                                                            safety programs such as WHMIS, site
                                                                                                                                            inspections/risk assessments, and workplace
                                                                                                                                            • Improved understanding of legislated
                                                                                                                                            roles/responsibilities for occupational safety
                                                                                                                                            among Supervisors/Principals
                                                                                                                                            • A robust internal responsibility system
                                                                                                                                            • Reduced number of workplace injuries
                                • Secondary Student re-engagement:         • Superintendent responsible     • New - September 2018          • Students will return to a KPR school and/or
                                Consultants and schools will contact all   for Secondary Program                                            program
                                students who did not graduate and failed   • System Principal
                                to return to school in September and       • Consultants
                                encourage them to re-engage in a school
                                or specialized program
Safe, Equitable and             • Use common language to better            • Safe, Caring and Restorative   • Fall 2015 - Spring 2016       • Students can identify situations of bullying or
Inclusive Environments:         understand when students experience        Schools (SCRS) Committee         • Completed – Posters were      conflict and respond accordingly
• Creating safe and positive    bullying versus conflict through the       • SCRS Resource Teacher          provided to all elementary      • Reduced incidents of bullying as reported
environments by fostering a     creation of posters K-12                                                    and secondary schools           through the School Climate Survey
culture of respect and
• Promoting healthy and
respectful relationships; and
• Developing responsible
digital citizenship
Area of Focus              Action/Project/Program                      Responsibility          Timeline (Ongoing/Pilot/New)                    Expected Outcomes
Safe, Equitable and      • Educate parents about the difference      • Corporate Affairs Department   • 2015-2016 Completed           • Principals report having more informed
Inclusive Environments   between bullying and conflict through       Safe, Caring and Restorative                                     discussions with parents about the difference
(continued)              monthly website/school newsletter inserts   Schools Committee (SCRS)                                         between bullying and conflict
                         • One day of professional learning for      • SCRS Resource Teacher
                         school student well-being teams to learn    • Principals                     • January – February 2016       • Staff confidently act as interveners to address
                         how to promote positive relationships       • Teachers                       Completed                       worrisome behaviours in all areas of the school
                         through a focused whole school approach                                                                      • Improved School Climate Survey results
                         • Release of the Ontario College of                                          • September 2017                • The reflective framework in the advisory will
                         Teachers Professional Advisory on                                            Safe Schools Update             support all educators in being proactive when
                         Bullying                                                                     Newsletter to all Principals    addressing inappropriate behaviour such as
                                                                                                      and Vice-principals             bullying

                         • Increased student voice through the       • KPR Student Leadership         • 2015-2016 Completed           • Students take a leadership role in promoting
                         creation of a KPR shirt with a social       Advisory Group                                                   healthy and respectful relationships – over 2,000
                         media campaign and a student led                                                                             Be You t-shirts have been distributed and 300
                         conference in Spring 2016                                                                                    students from Grades 7-11 attended the spring
                                                                                                                                      student led conference at Trent University

                         • Creation of a survey and analysis of      • Superintendent responsible     • Spring 2018                   • Increased awareness and use of Restorative
                         resulting data regarding staff currently    for Safe Schools                                                 Practices
                         trained in Restorative Practice including   • Safe, Caring and Restorative                                   • Increased number of staff members trained in
                         role, location and time since training      Schools (SCRS) Committee                                         Restorative Practice
                         • Safe, Caring and Restorative Schools      • Principals                                                     • Increased use of restorative circles in the
                         (SCRS) Committee to develop a training                                                                       classroom and school
                         plan in consultation with Senior
                         • Information sharing about restorative
                         • Whole School Restorative Practice
                         training for 4 pilot schools – C.R.
                         Gummow PS, Duke of Cambridge PS,
                         Vincent Massey PS, and Smithfield PS
Area of Focus              Action/Project/Program                      Responsibility          Timeline (Ongoing/Pilot/New)                    Expected Outcomes
Safe, Equitable and      • Focus on Youth Program for at-risk        • Strategic Priorities Lead      • Winter 2016 Completed         • Students successfully complete a mentoring
Inclusive Environments   youth of high school age                    • System Principal                                               placement within our before and after school
(continued)                                                          • Equity And Diversity Advisor                                   programs - with a winter session of 42 secondary
                                                                                                                                      students and a summer session of 65 students.
                                                                                                                                      Placements were in KPR Numeracy and Literacy
                                                                                                                                      Camps, YMCA Day Camps and Child Care
                                                                                                      • Summer 2017 Completed         • Same as above with 70 secondary students
                                                                                                                                      representing all secondary schools. A celebration
                                                                                                                                      banquet was held at the Ganaraska Forest Centre
                                                                                                                                      • As above with approximately 60 students –
                                                                                                      • Completed                     celebration banquet and activities held at the
                                                                                                                                      Canadian Canoe Museum on August 29, 2018
                         • Creation and distribution of Effective    • Strategic Priorities Lead      • Winter 2017                   • All staff demonstrate effective practices when
                         Use of Social Media Poster to all                                                                            using social media and when engaging students
                         employees                                                                                                    in social media
                         • Naloxone training for secondary school    • Superintendent responsible     • Winter 2018 and Ongoing       • Staff to be prepared to respond to possible
                         and Board office staff                      for Safe Schools                                                 opioid overdose by recognizing signs and when
                                                                     • Safe, Caring and Restorative                                   and how to act
                                                                     Schools (SCRS) Committee
                                                                     • Peterborough Public Health
                         • Review and update all Safe, Caring and    • Superintendent responsible     • Spring through Fall of 2018   • Refreshed on-line Safe, Caring and Restorative
                         Restorative Schools Policies,               for Safe Schools                                                 Schools presence
                         Administrative Regulations and              • Safe, Caring and Restorative                                   • Policy and Administrative Regulations completed
                         accompanying guidelines and appendices      Schools (SCRS) Committee                                         • On-line resources to be updated throughout
                                                                                                                                      2018-2019 school year
                         • Increased student voice, action and       • KPR Student Leadership         • Fall 2016                     • Students take a leadership role in promoting
                         leadership through an elementary student    Advisory Group                   • Completed November 2016       healthy and respectful relationships
                         conference led by secondary students        • Equity, Diversity and          • Completed                     • Student groups take a leadership role in
                         • Enhance student voice by funding          Inclusion Advisor                                                addressing equity issues in schools
                         student led equity groups and initiatives
                         • Develop resources to facilitate deeper    • Superintendent responsible     • New                           • Measurably improved sense of inclusion –
                         staff and student understanding of          for Equity, Diversity and        • Completed (Introduced Fall    evidence gathered through Tell Them From Me
                         transgender                                 Inclusion                        2016)                           and Employee Survey
                         • Develop Guideline for Inclusive Rental                                     • New (Fall 2016)
                         Spaces                                                                       • Completed, Fall 2016
Area of Focus             Action/Project/Program                         Responsibility            Timeline (Ongoing/Pilot/New)                    Expected Outcomes
Safe, Equitable and      • Implementation of the revised                • Superintendent responsible      • 2016-2017                     • Principals/Vice-principals will know their roles
Inclusive Environments   KPR/Police Protocol                            for Safe Schools                                                  and responsibilities for police involvement in
(continued)                                                            • Safe Schools Committee                                           schools
                                                                                                          • Completed in June 2017        • Revisions resulted in the creation of a standard
                                                                                                                                          Emergency Response Plan for all schools
                         • Violent Threat Risk Assessment               • Superintendent responsible      • February 2014-2015, 2017      • Principals/Vice-principals will know how to
                         Training (level 1) for Principals and Vice-    for Safe Schools                                                  conduct a violent threat risk assessment in order
                         principals new to the role and/or KPR          • Chief Social Worker                                             to prevent violence in our schools
                                                                       • Violent Threat Risk              • Ongoing                       • Level 1 training for all new Vice-principals and
                                                                       Assessment Lead Team                                               Principals new to the board

                         • Administer and analyze the                  • Superintendent responsible       • November - December 2016      • Principals and school teams respond accordingly
                         ourSCHOOL climate survey and revise           for Safe Schools                   • January - June 2017           with concrete actions as outlined in School
                         school well-being goals                       • Principals and Vice-principals                                   Well-Being Improvement plans
                                                                                                          • Ongoing                       • Continued focus on well-being improvement
                                                                                                                                          goals based on 2016-2017 survey results
                         • Physical Activity in Secondary School       • Superintendent Responsible       • February 2018-August 2018     • Each school has set their own targets for
                         Grant Opportunity:                            for Student Success                                                increasing student physical activity at school
                         • The Ministry of Education invited           • System Principal                                                 • Eight schools submitted applications and two
                         applications form secondary schools that      • School Principals and                                            were approved and received Ministry funding:
                         focused on increasing student physical        Teachers                                                               -Campbellford District HS – Increasing Student
                         activity in our schools. The projects must                                                                           Activity for a Healthy Population. The school
                         be developed with students, for students.                                                                            added more diverse equipment to their fitness
                         There were eight applications submitted                                                                              centre that allowed students to personally
                         from KPRDSB schools.                                                                                                 monitor their fitness through the use of heart
                                                                                                                                              rate monitors. They also added outdoor
                                                                                                                                              basketball hoops and a table tennis table
                                                                                                                                              -Centre for Individual Studies –
                                                                                                                                              Northumberland/Clarington – converted
                                                                                                                                              classrooms into yoga and wellness studios
                                                                                                                                              and provided eight week yoga instruction
Area of Focus                     Action/Project/Program                      Responsibility       Timeline (Ongoing/Pilot/New)                   Expected Outcomes
Focus on Excellence:           Supporting Students with Special Needs        • Superintendent responsible
• Setting ambitious student    – Self-Regulation                             for Special Education:
achievement goals;             • Provide professional learning               System Principal – Special     • March 2016                   • Pre/post student observations and assessment
• Optimizing learning          opportunities for self-regulation teachers,   Education                                                     data
conditions and inspiring all   principals and support staff to               • Principals of host schools                                  • Teacher and parent surveys to measure
students to reach their full   learn/explore/implement                                                                                     outcomes of program
potential (e.g. during         self-regulation strategies to support
transitions, addressing        students
gender and achievement         • Monitor students who have completed         • Instructional Leadership     • February – June 2016         • Increased use of evidence-based programs and
gaps, supporting students      program and collect data to:                  Consultant                                                    effective self-regulation strategies in the program
with special needs); and       i) determine effective strategies in home     • Applied Behaviour Analysis                                  and in the regular classroom
• Championing Aboriginal       school classroom                              Coordinators
education, achievement and     ii) determine next steps in
awareness                      student/teacher/team learning
                               iii) adjust self-regulation classes to meet                                  • Ongoing
                               the needs in Northumberland region
                               • Build capacity with teachers who have       • Teaching and Learning:       • February – June 2016         • Continued research focused study with teachers
                               received the students from the                Research Lead                                                 in the regular classroom with students from the
                               self-regulation classroom through:                                                                          self-regulation program
                               i) scheduled visits to the self-regulation
                               ii) sharing evidence based programs and
                               effective strategies
                               iii) giving opportunities for students to
                               show learning and advocate for their
                               strengths and needs

                               • Staff and Student Census                    • Superintendent responsible   • New - 2018-2019              • Identify achievement and opportunity gaps in
                                 -Collecting Identity Based data from our    for Equity, Diversity and                                     certain groups of students, allowing us to focus
                                 students and relating it to student         Inclusion                                                     our interventions leading to better student
                                 achievement and opportunity measures                                                                      achievement and closed opportunity gaps
                                 -Collecting Identity Based data from our                                                                  • Better understand the demographic
                                 staff to better understand the                                                                            characteristics of our staff and determining
                                 demographic characteristics of our staff                                                                  diversity measures in our staff
Area of Focus             Action/Project/Program                         Responsibility             Timeline (Ongoing/Pilot/New)                     Expected Outcomes
Focus on Excellence     Supporting Students with special needs -        • Teaching and Learning:           • New/Pilot - September 2016    • Pre and post assessment data to measure
(continued)             Empower program                                 • Superintendent                   to June 2016                    impact on student learning
                        • Eight schools as pilot                        • System Principal                 • Ongoing                       • Clear criteria to determine student need for
                        • Special Education Teachers in eight           • Special Education                                                program
                        schools to receive training on the              Consultants                                                        • Increased reading levels as determined through
                        Empower reading program through Sick                                                                               KPR assessments
                        Kids Hospital                                                                                                      • Improved implementation of reading strategies in
                        • Pre/post data collection to assess                                                                               the classroom
                        student need, impact of program and next                                                                           • Data collected June 2018
                        steps                                                                                                              • September 2018 eight additional schools have
                                                                                                                                           been added to the pilot
                        First Nation, Métis, Inuit Education            • Superintendent responsible
                        (FNMI):                                         for First Nation, , Métis, Inuit
                        • Facilitate professional learning for          Education (FNMI)                   • Ongoing                       • Pre and post surveys to measure both student
                        teachers to support the integration of          • Consultants                                                      and teacher understanding and awareness of First
                        FNMI histories, cultures and perspectives                                                                          Nation, Métis and Inuit cultures/perspectives for
                        into on-going instruction (through                                                                                 both the Literacy/Arts and the Environmental
                        Literacy/Arts Collaborative Inquiry and                                                                            Inquiry collaboratives
                        incorporating authentic voice through our
                        Elders list)
                        • Provide opportunities for students of         • Superintendent responsible       • Ongoing                       • Exit cards to capture student voice and needs at
                        FNMI, through our Youth Networking              for First Nation, Métis, Inuit                                     various student-focused leadership days
                        structure, to come together to address          Education (FNMI)                                                   • Increased use of Elders in our schools
                        areas identified by them (i.e. cultural         • Consultants
                        traditions, mental health, alcohol use and
                        drugs, etc.)
                        • Skilled Trades Camp                           • Superintendent responsible       • Ongoing – March 2018          • The purpose of these camps is to increase
                        One day skilled trade camps will be             for Student Success                (Camp)                          student interest and awareness of skilled trades
                        offered to over 100 Grade 7 students at a       • System Principal                                                 • Supports students in the completion of their
                        college learning about skilled trades.          • Pathways Consultants                                             individual pathways plan
                        Year three of this initiative will allow four                                                                      • Increased student selection of technology
                        new schools to participate                                                                                         courses at secondary school
                                                                                                                                           • 130 students attended the camp at Fleming
                                                                                                                                           College from May 22 – 25, 2018 from the
                                                                                                                                           following schools: C.R. Gummow PS, Waverly
                                                                                                                                           PS, North Shore PS, and Prince of Wales PS
Area of Focus             Action/Project/Program                       Responsibility         Timeline (Ongoing/Pilot/New)                   Expected Outcomes
Focus on Excellence     • Engage teachers from high population        • Teaching and Learning:       • January 2016 - May 2016
(continued)             of First Nations students to participate in   Academic Superintendent
                        an Environmental Inquiry to draw on First     • System Principal
                        Nations connection to the land and            • Consultants
                        engage learners

                        Secondary School Lead Teacher                 • Superintendent responsible   • New – 2017-2018               • Lead teachers and principals will learn and apply
                        Leadership and Learning Inquiry:              for Student Success                                            instructional coaching skills with their colleagues
                        • Lead teachers and principals will           • System Principal                                             focused on improving student learning
                        participate in an inquiry process focused     • Instructional Leadership                                     • All departments focused on improving student
                        on building their knowledge and skills in     Consultants                                                    achievement through a focus on global
                        leading instructional change and                                                                             competencies, influenced design and pedagogy
                        improvement. Each lead teacher and/or                                                                        • Through a leadership inquiry structure,
                        school will select a global competency to                                                                    secondary school lead teachers participated in
                        focus on with their colleagues to impact a                                                                   two workshops focused on collective efficacy
                        student achievement need at their school                                                                     • All secondary schools identified a leadership
                                                                                                                                     focus on either literacy or the implementation of
                                                                                                                                     global competencies
                                                                                                     • New - March – April 2018      • Lead teachers and principals will participate in a
                                                                                                                                     half day of learning and planning in March and
                                                                                                                                     another whole group session on collective efficacy
                                                                                                                                     April 20, 2018
                                                                                                                                     • Lead Teachers and Principals participated in a
                                                                                                                                     full day workshop as the final day of the
                                                                                                                                     leadership inquiry on collective efficacy
                                                                                                                                     • School teams identified evidence of impact and
                                                                                                                                     then started to develop their improvement
                                                                                                                                     planning for 2018-2019

                        • Secondary School Improvement                • Superintendent responsible   • New – May – June 2018         • School leadership teams shared student
                        Support Meetings                              for Student Success                                            achievement evidence and then explained their
                                                                      • System Principal                                             plans for next steps
Area of Focus              Action/Project/Program                     Responsibility          Timeline (Ongoing/Pilot/New)                      Expected Outcomes
Focus on Excellence     Autism Spectrum Disorder Ministry of        • Superintendent responsible     • Pilot Extended to 2018-2019    • Model provides parents and guardians with
(continued)             Education pilot project (two parts):        for Special Education                                             funding to find their own service providers in the
                        • A dedicated space in schools for third    • Principal of Special                                            community to work alongside our schools to
                        party service providers in Intensive        Education                                                         support students
                        Behavioural Intervention and Applied        • Applied Behaviour Assistant                                     • Gain skills within our Support Staff employee
                        Behaviour Analysis and                      Coordinators                                                      group who support students on the autism
                        • Support Staff professional development    • Behaviour Support Assistants                                    spectrum so that students will be more successful
                        and certification as a Registered                                                                             within the school environment
                        Behaviour Technician through the                                                                              • Develop partnership with Lakeridge Health for
                        Geneva Centre for Autism                                                                                      focused and comprehensive services
                        • Teacher and consultant professional       • Superintendent responsible     • New                            • Improvement in First Nation, Métis, and Inuit
                        learning focused on increased awareness     for Secondary School Program     • Partially completed -          student achievement
                        and use of FNMI resources and               • System Principal               remainder of consultants to      • Re-engagement of FNMI students not currently
                        instructional strategies (developed FNMI    • Instructional Leadership       participate before June 2017     engaged in school
                        curriculum resources for Grade 12           Consultant                       • Ongoing                        • Increased satisfaction and awareness among
                        college English and created an Ontario                                                                        teachers with respect to targeted professional
                        Secondary School Literacy Test practice                                                                       development and resources designed to help
                        test with an FNMI focus)                                                                                      them serve FNMI students more effectively
                                                                                                                                      • increase in the graduation rate
                        School Within a College (SWAC)              • Superintendent responsible     • Pilot – Spring 2016 (Fleming   • Increased engagement of students at risk of
                        • Students who are dis-engaged or who       for Student Success              College)                         leaving school
                        are at risk of not graduating but have      • System Principal               • New – 2016-2017 (Fleming       • Increased number of students graduating and
                        enough credits to potentially graduate      • Pathways Consultants           College)                         attending college following the completion of dual
                        within a semester have the opportunity to                                    • Ongoing                        credits within the school within a college program
                        attend either Fleming or Durham College,                                                                      • Twenty students were enrolled at the Fleming
                        supported by a KPR teacher and college                                                                        College SWAC in semester one
                        instructors, students will earn both high                                                                     • Students will be enrolled at Durham and Fleming
                        school and college credits. Upon                                                                              Colleges in semester two
                        successful completion of the program                                                                          • Of the students that attended, 30 SWAC
                        students will have earned their OSSD                                                                          (Fleming) students graduated with an OSSD, 22
                        and have a head start to a college                                                                            were accepted into college for September and 10
                        education.                                                                                                    will start apprenticeships. 11 will continue toward
                        • Approximately 120 students will attend                                                                      a high school diploma
                        the SWAC this year
                        • There is a 90% success rate
Area of Focus              Action/Project/Program                     Responsibility         Timeline (Ongoing/Pilot/New)                     Expected Outcomes
Focus on Excellence     Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program         • Superintendent responsible   • February 2017 - June 2018     • Students will complete their level one
(continued)             (OYAP) Level 1 Training at Durham and        for Student Success                                            apprenticeship and will continue in the trade
                        Fleming Colleges                             • System Principal                                             following secondary school,
                        • Students who have decided to pursue a      • Pathways Consultants                                         • 48 Students completed their level one training in
                        skilled trade following secondary school                                                                    the following trades:
                        may begin their college program during                                                                           Automotive Service
                        the second semester of their final year of                                                                       Child Development Practitioner
                        school. These students also must have                                                                            Cook
                        an employer who will provide the on-the-                                                                         Electrician
                        job training toward the apprenticeship.                                                                          Carpenter
                        Students enrolled in the following                                                                               Hairstylist
                        programs: Automotive, Child                                                                                      Industrial Mechanic Millwright
                        Development Practitioner, Cook,                                                                                  Plumbing
                        Electrician, Hairstyling, Industrial                                                                             Welder
                        Mechanic Millwright, Plumbing, Welding                                                                      • 43 KPRDSB students were offered level one
                        and General Carpenter                                                                                       apprenticeship places for the 2018-2019 school
                                                                                                                                    year. KPR students compete with four other
                                                                                                                                    school boards for these seats. We have 24% of
                                                                                                                                    the possible seats
                        • Implementation of Creating Pathways to     • Superintendent responsible   • Ongoing                       • Creation and use of digital Individual Pathways
                        Success:                                     for Student Success                                            Plans by students in Grades 7-12
                        An education and career/life planning        • System Principal                                             • Completion of student exit surveys (Grades 8
                        program. Creating Pathways                   • Pathways Consultants                                         and 12) will increase our understanding of what is
                        implementation is focused on a vision in                                                                    helping students in preparation for their next
                        which all students leave secondary                                                                          transition
                        school with a clear plan for their initial                                                                  • Data will indicate which post-secondary schools
                        post-secondary destination.                                                                                 and post-secondary programs our students are
                        Implementation of the following key                                                                         choosing following graduation
                        components is our goal to achieve this                                                                      • All students re-engaged in school who did not
                        vision:                                                                                                     return in September
                        • Individual Pathways Plan Grades 7-12                                                                      • All students who did not return to school were
                        • Transitions Planning                                                                                      contacted and offered varied options to re-enroll in
                        • Experiential Learning Opportunities                                                                       school
                        • Re-engagement of students in Grades
                        12 and 12+
Area of Focus             Action/Project/Program                    Responsibility            Timeline (Ongoing/Pilot/New)                    Expected Outcomes
Focus on Excellence     • Student Exit Surveys (Grades 8 and 12)                                     • New – Spring 2017             • Exit surveys will identify post-secondary
(continued)                                                                                          (exit surveys)                  destinations of students
                                                                                                     • Ongoing – Spring 2018         • Exit surveys will identify subject interest and
                                                                                                     (exit surveys)                  areas of concern for students leaving Grade 8
                                                                                                                                     • The 2016-2017 KPR Student Survey indicated
                                                                                                                                     that 35% will attend college, 31% will attend
                                                                                                                                     university, 2% will begin an apprenticeship, 8%
                                                                                                                                     will go to the workplace, 8% will return to
                                                                                                                                     secondary school, 14% will have a gap year, and
                                                                                                                                     2% are unsure
                                                                                                     • New – June 2018               • 2017-2018 KPR Student Survey must be
                                                                                                                                     completed by June 8, 2018
                                                                                                                                     • The Grade 8 and 12 exit survey was completed.
                                                                                                                                     Grade 12 students indicated the following:
                                                                                                                                       -34% were planning to attend College
                                                                                                                                       -38% were planning to attend University
                                                                                                                                       -4% were planning to begin an Apprenticeship
                                                                                                                                       -9% were planning to Work
                                                                                                                                       -15% were planning to return to school or take a
                                                                                                                                     year off before going to post-secondary
                                                                                                                                     • The most popular post-secondary programs
                                                                                                                                     were: Health, Fire/Justice/Security,
                                                                                                                                     Engineering/Technology, Education related (ECE,
                                                                                                                                     EA, CYW, etc.)

                        • Engage school and system leaders in      • Superintendent, First Nation,   • Ongoing                       • Increased self-efficacy of school and system
                        professional learning about indigenous     Métis, and Inuit Education                                        leaders in the area of indigenous cultural
                        history, culture and perspectives and      • Indigenous Education                                            competence
                        enhance their cultural competence in the   Advisory Committee (IEAC)
                        service of indigenous students and
Area of Focus            Action/Project/Program                        Responsibility            Timeline (Ongoing/Pilot/New)                    Expected Outcomes
Focus on Excellence     • Develop Grade 11 Contemporary               • Superintendent, First Nation,   • Ongoing                       • Course will be a 2018-2019 pilot offering at
(continued)             Indigenous Voices courses (University,        Métis, and Inuit Education                                        Thomas A. Stewart SS for all Grade 11 students
                        College and Workplace)                        • Indigenous Education                                            • Approximately 270 students will be taking these
                                                                      Advisory Committee (IEAC)                                         courses
                        • Educators and consultants will engage       • Superintendent, First Nation,   • Ongoing – September 2016      • Classroom teaching and learning includes
                        in professional learning in culturally        Métis, and Inuit Education and    - June 2017                     substantial references to indigenous history,
                        relevant and responsive pedagogy from         Teaching and Learning             • Ongoing, awaiting Ministry    culture and perspectives
                        an indigenous perspective. In secondary,                                        revised curriculum              • Continued efforts to increase enrollment in
                        teachers will collaborate on building                                           documents, and course           Ojibwe and Native Study courses
                        curriculum resources for Native Studies                                         selection information
                        courses such as NBE3U/3C/3E and                                                 (September 2017)
                        NAC1O, and History courses such as
                        • In support of the broader goals of truth-   • Superintendent, First Nation,   • Ongoing – September           • Classroom teaching and learning includes
                        learning and reconciliation, educators and    Métis, and Inuit Education and    2017 – June 2018                substantial references to indigenous history,
                        consultants will continue to engage in        Teaching and Learning             • Completed                     culture and perspectives
                        professional learning about the revised                                                                         • 52 schools conducted learning activities for
                        curriculum relating to increased infusion                                                                       students and/or professional development
                        of indigenous history, culture and                                                                              activities for teachers
                        perspectives in the daily curriculum for                                                                        • 2018-2019 - Every school will articulate a school
                        the benefit of ALL students                                                                                     improvement goal related to the implementation of
                        • All schools to include a school                                                                               the revised curriculum supporting the Truth and
                        improvement goal/strategy in their School                                                                       Reconciliation Calls to Action
                        Improvement Plans

                        • Professional Development to support                                                                           • 2017-2018 at least one Indigenous Education
                        implementation of the revised curriculum                                                                        Goal/Strategy in every school improvement plan
                        in Social Studies Grades 4-6, History,                                                                          • Increasing number of schools and administration
                        Grades 7 and 8, Canadian History Since                                                                          seeking support for integration of Indigenous
                        WWI (CHC2D and CHC2P), Grade 10                                                                                 perspectives (at staff meetings etc.)
                                                                                                                                        • As of November 5, 2018 all schools include the
                                                                                                                                        Land Acknowledgement in morning
                                                                                                                                        • Increased use of the Land Acknowledgement in
                                                                                                                                        schools and at school events
Area of Focus             Action/Project/Program                      Responsibility           Timeline (Ongoing/Pilot/New)                    Expected Outcomes
Focus on Excellence                                                                                                                   • Professional development – Indigenous Cultural
(continued)                                                                                                                           Competency for Secondary Guidance
                                                                                                                                      Counsellors, Teaching and Learning, and Special
                                                                                                                                      Education teams
                                                                                                                                      • Professional development for all teachers in
                                                                                                                                      Grades 4-8 and Grade 10 History to support
                                                                                                                                      implementation of the new curriculum
                        • School and Board support staff             • Superintendent, First Nation,   • Ongoing                      • Increased cultural competence and
                        (education centre staff, school              Métis, and Inuit Education and    • Orange Shirt Day –           understanding among all Board employees
                        secretaries, custodians, Education           Human Resource Services           September 30, 2016             • Orange Shirt Day – September 27, 2018 –
                        Assistants and Child and Youth Workers)                                        Treaty Recognition Week –      Education Centre
                        will participate in indigenous cultural                                        Kairos Blanket Exercise        • Treaty Recognition Week – Kairos Blanket
                        learning opportunities                                                                                        Exercise (November 2017)
                                                                                                       (November 2016)                • At school locations - various activities to involve
                                                                                                       • Ongoing                      support staff
                                                                                                                                      • Indigenous Peoples Awareness Month: various
                                                                                                                                      learning opportunities for schools and community
                        • Design a robust Self-Identification        • Superintendent, First Nation,   • Completed                    • Increased self-identification statistics Board-wide
                        process to clearly articulate the benefits   Métis, and Inuit Education,                                      • Renewed promotional materials plus four week
                        of self-identification, and foster the       Corporate Affairs and                                            public television campaign plus school mailing
                        building of trust with our First Nation      Indigenous Education Advisory
                        territories, and other First Nation, Métis   Committee (IEAC)
                        and Inuit families

                        • Enhance student voice through our          • Superintendent, First Nation, • Ongoing                        • Identification of potential areas of focus,
                        Youth Network and the establishment of       Métis, and Inuit Education, with                                 establishing priorities
                        a Director’s Indigenous Student Advisory     Director of Education                                            • Directors-Indigenous Student Advisory Group
                        Group, to address concerns identified by                                                                      Many priority areas identified including: anti-
                        students in KPR schools                                                                                       racism initiatives, increased Elder presence, and
                                                                                                                                      more information for transitions to post- secondary
                        • Identify specific indigenous student       • Superintendent, First Nation,   • Ongoing                      • Programming and intervention needs identified,
                        achievement gaps, and develop a plan to      Métis, and Inuit Education with                                  future planning
                        analyze and close those gaps through         Board Researcher                                                 • Completed extensive data report on self-
                        data collection and collaboration across                                                                      identified student achievement; this will inform
                        departments                                                                                                   board action plan priorities
Area of Focus              Action/Project/Program                       Responsibility        Timeline (Ongoing/Pilot/New)                    Expected Outcomes
Focus on Excellence     • Achieving Excellence in Applied             • Superintendent responsible   • Ongoing – 2017-2018           • Increased use of evidence-based instructional
(continued)             Courses (AEAC): Schools will identify         for Student Success                                            strategies
                        teacher teams to focus on learning about      • System Principal                                             • Increased pass rates and mark distribution in
                        and using evidence-based instructional        • Instructional Leadership                                     Applied level classes
                        strategies to improve learning outcomes       Consultants                                                    • Increased awareness and use of instructional
                        for students in applied courses. Teachers                                                                    strategies and learning designs from an
                        will also learn about indigenous cultures                                                                    indigenous perspective
                        and apply their learning in designing                                                                        • District workshops for all participating teachers;
                        inclusive experiences for all students.                                                                      weekly support provided by instructional
                        All schools will include a focus on                                                                          leadership consultants
                        Mathematics                                                                                                  • Principals have reported pre-assessment and
                                                                                                                                     mid-term student achievement data
                                                                                                                                     • 10% more students are achieving the provincial
                                                                                                                                     standard in their Grade 9 compulsory, applied
                                                                                                                                     level courses over the past five years
                                                                                                                                     • 6% more students in Grade 10 compulsory
                                                                                                                                     courses are achieving the provincial standard over
                                                                                                                                     the past five years
                        • Achieving Excellence in Applied             • Superintendent responsible   • Pilot - 2017-2018             • Increased use of evidence-based instructional
                        Courses/Enhanced Program                      for Student Success                                            strategies
                        This pilot project extension of the AEAC      • System Principal                                             • Increased pass rates in College math and
                        program will involve three secondary          • Instructional Leadership                                     science courses
                        schools focusing college level math and       Consultants                                                    • Improved mark distribution
                        science in Grade 11. Schools will focus                                                                      • Increased number of students continuing their
                        on instruction, student retention in senior                                                                  studies in Grade 12 math and science
                        math/science courses and career                                                                              • Grade 11 College Math and Science teachers
                        pathways related to math and science                                                                         co-planned a course of study and culminating
                                                                                                                                     • Grade 11 Science students engaged with
                                                                                                                                     community partners to learn about animal
                                                                                                                                     anatomy and investigated college related biology
                                                                                                                                     • Students participated in financial literacy focused
                                                                                                                                     learning and related careers
                                                                                                                                     • Students indicated that this experience
                                                                                                                                     influenced their post-secondary program choices
Area of Focus              Action/Project/Program                    Responsibility        Timeline (Ongoing/Pilot/New)                     Expected Outcomes
Focus on Excellence     • Ontario Secondary School Literacy        • Superintendent Responsible   • New – 2017-2018                • Updated OSSLC that is more responsive to
(continued)             Course (OSSLC) Collaborative Inquiry:      for Secondary Program                                           student learning needs
                        Teachers from each secondary school        • System Principal                                              • Teacher and principal learning related to
                        will focus on examining the existing       • Instructional Leadership                                      identifying and responding to literacy needs of
                        course and then revise and update it to    Consultant                                                      students
                        better meet the needs of students                                                                         • School literacy leads have re-designed the
                        enrolled in the Literacy Course                                                                           OSSLC
                        • Embedded Coaches - Selected              • Superintendent responsible   • New - 2018-2019               • Refinement in the use of evidence based
                        secondary schools will have a literacy     for Secondary Program                                          instructional strategies
                        and/or numeracy coach. The coach will      • System Principal                                             • Further integration of literacy development
                        support their colleagues through co-       • Instructional Leadership                                     across curriculum areas
                        planning, co-teaching and debriefing in    Consultants                                                    • Increased results in literacy and numeracy
                        the use of evidence based instructional                                                                   measures

                        • Create a renewed vision for leadership   • Superintendent of Teaching   • New – September 2017          • All employees of KPR will live the renewed
                        development in KPR                         and Learning                   • Ongoing                       vision in action and words
                        • Create leadership programming in         • Principal of Program                                         • Program development will be aligned with the
                        response to the renewed vision and input   • Leadership Development                                       renewed vision and system priorities of
                        from all employee groups                   Specialist                                                     succession planning
                        • Create an Innovating Leadership                                                                         • Employee’s leadership skills improve through
                        through Coaching pilot                                                                                    coaching partnerships
                        • Create a Leadership Framework for                                       • Completed
                        Non-Academics of the organization
                        • Revise the New Employee Orientation                                     • Completed
                        Program in collaboration with Human
                        • Launch a Developing Leaders in KPR                                      • New
                        Program for implementation this Fall
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