Lagan College Induction Booklet 2020 2021

Page created by Lucille Ayala
Lagan College Induction Booklet 2020 2021
Lagan College
Induction Booklet 2020‐2021

Lagan College Induction Booklet 2020 2021
Principal’s Welcome
We are delighted to offer your child a place at Lagan College for September 2020.

We appreciate that your child may be excited and nervous about the prospect of moving up to, ‘big school,’ especially
as they have been home learning since March. We will do our very best to alleviate their worries and to support all our
children returning to Lagan College via an Induction Programme in late August. Please be reassured that we will be
adhering to Department of Education and the Education Authority’s guidelines in response to the COVID‐19 emergency.

Unfortunately, for the short term we will not be able to offer the following provisions:
     Morning Assemblies
     Extra‐Curricular Activities
     One to One Music Tuition
     Educational Visits
     Changing Room Facilities for PE

We envisage that all students will be initially asked to bring a packed lunch with the exception of those children who
are eligible to receive a free school meal (Please note that we are a single‐use plastic free zone from 1 September 2020).
Students will be expected to wear normal school uniform, however, they will be permitted to wear their PE uniform on
the day they have PE only.

At Lagan College we endeavour to form good relationships with our students and their families. During the academic
year 2020 – 2021 we will be utilising Parent Mail, a text messaging and email service with parent(s)/guardian(s) and all
of our Social Media sites which include Twitter, Facebook and the School Website, to stay in regular communication
with you.

It is vital that you provide the school with your most up to date email address and contact telephone number.

Your son/daughter will be allocated a Form Teacher in August. If you have any concerns in the early days and months
of their transition to Lagan, please do not hesitate to contact us either via the Student Learning Planner or by phone.

We will also be using information provided by families to place children in appropriate learning paced classes for ‘core’
subjects including English, History, RE, Geography, French/Spanish, Irish, HE, ICT, Drama, Technology, Art, Music and
Science, informed by the Literacy ability. We will be using Numeracy ability to place children in Maths learning paced
classes and broader bands for PE.

We have provided you with important information in this Year 8 Induction pack and I would draw your attention to the
Summary of Lagan College’s Policies.

May I take this opportunity to thank you for choosing Lagan College as an integrated and all ability school.
We look forward to working in partnership with your family to ensure that your son/daughter settles into Lagan College
and reaches his/her full potential and academic best.

Yours faithfully

Amanda McNamee (Mrs)

Lagan College Induction Booklet 2020 2021
Chaplains’ Welcome

We are delighted that your son/daughter is joining us here at Lagan College and we are looking forward to
getting to know them.

Lagan College is a school with a Christian integrated ethos. As chaplains, we aim to be a practical example of
our ethos at the heart of the school.

The chaplaincy is a safe space for lively discussion, quiet conversation or simply for taking a break. It is a place
where students can chat with us, meet with their mentors or talk through problems with the sixth form
mediation team. A dedicated quiet space is available for people of all faiths and none to use for prayer or

As chaplains we are responsible for planning and co‐ordinating school assemblies. All students attend
assembly once a week. This gives us the opportunity to explore our differences and discover all that we share
in common. Assemblies follow a broadly Christian year, with reference to festivals of other traditions as well
as connecting with events and situations in Northern Ireland and in the wider world. Students play an
important role in helping us plan and deliver assemblies. We also hold special, longer assemblies to celebrate
Harvest, Remembrance, Christmas, Ash Wednesday and Holy Week.

We work in partnership with the Religious Education Department. Students learn RE together and follow the
Northern Ireland Core Curriculum. To complement their Year 8 RE programme, we organise visits to local
churches of different denominations.

We care for all students of Lagan College, of all faiths and none. This care includes supporting students and
their families when specific denominational needs arise. For example, preparation for sacraments can be
organised by the Catholic Chaplain if necessary. If you wish your son or daughter to avail of this, please
contact Mr Sowney at the beginning of term.

We like to give special attention to Year 8 students to help with their transition from primary school. The
Chaplaincy is open for anyone to drop in during break times and lunch times. Students can also make
appointments with us at other times when they need to talk through some issues in a confidential, caring
environment, especially at times of bereavement or family crisis. Please feel free to contact us at any time.

We look forward to working in partnership with you over the next few years.

With best wishes to you and your children.

Mrs Helen Killick and Mr Gerard Sowney
(College Chaplains)

Lagan College Induction Booklet 2020 2021
Home School Partnership

Statement of Partnership

The School is committed to creating and maintaining a caring community, in which:

    the individual is valued
    all can achieve their potential
    the climate is challenging and supportive
    effort and success are celebrated

Each student’s education will be greatly enhanced by the development of a partnership between the home
and the school. An effective partnership will ensure that each student develops intellectually, socially,
spiritually and emotionally and is able to take full advantage of all the school has to offer.

Parents’ and Students’ Expectations of the School
Parents and students may expect the school to provide:

 A safe, well ordered, caring environment.
 Programmes of Study suitable for each students age, aptitude and ability in line with the Northern Ireland
 Quality learning experiences.
 Regular information about school activities and the progress/performance of students.
 Regular consultation sessions of which there would be at least one per year.
 Early warning of problems whether these are associated with work, relationships or discipline.
 An efficient system of dealing with complaints through ready access to the appropriate member of staff.
 A range of extra‐curricular activities.

The School’s expectations of Parents and Students

Parents and students are expected to:‐

 Support the aims, ethos and code of conduct of the school both inside and outside school.
 Complement the work of the school with helpful attitudes and a supportive home environment to
  encourage completion of homework and other academic tasks.
 Ensure regular and punctual attendance and maximum participation to enable the student to benefit fully
  from the learning experiences provided by the school.
 Check the student wears the prescribed uniform and is properly equipped for each school day.
 Read reports, letters and other communications from the school and to sign and return reply slips.
 Display a willingness to participate in consultation sessions and other school events.
 Make early contact with the school to discuss any matters which might have a bearing on the student’s
 Encourage the student to derive maximum benefit from school by participating in a range of extra‐
  curricular activities.
 Ensure the student has the adequate rest and nourishment essential for an effective day’s work.

Lagan College Induction Booklet 2020 2021
                     Uniform Policy

 Document Reviewed:         May 2020 by D Collins, VP Pastoral

 Date Ratified by BOG:      March 2013, Reviewed February 2019

 Review Date:               May 2021

      1. DENI Circular 2011/04 – Guidance to School on School Uniform policy
      2. Safeguarding Policy
      3. Anti‐Bullying Policy
      4. Positive Behaviour Policy
      5. Relationship and Sexuality Education Policy

Uniform is the outward identity of our school and the means by which our pupils are distinguished
in the wider community. The wearing of the Lagan College uniform supports our commitment to be
one community based on our mission statement, ‘that they be one’, which embodies the school
values of equality, respect, reconciliation and service to others.
We believe that our school uniform can play a valuable role by: setting an appropriate tone; instilling
pride; supporting positive behaviour; encouraging identity with, and support for, the school ethos;
ensuring pupils of all races and backgrounds feel welcome; protecting children from social pressures
to dress in a particular way; and, nurturing cohesion and promoting good relations between
different groups of pupils. It is important, therefore that students have a pride in wearing it smartly,
neatly and correctly.

 Exceptions to the policy may be made on the grounds of religion, race or medical conditions.
 All exceptional requests will require a letter to the Board of Governors.

Lagan College Induction Booklet 2020 2021
The College Student Expectations set out clear the standard expected by all students in regard to
uniform. The Student Expectations state:

   We will wear our full school uniform correctly and with pride
   We will quickly change any items of uniform or appearance that are not correct.
   Our hair length, style and colour will be in line with our school Uniform policy

Additionally, at Lagan College, students must:
    Wear full school uniform which includes blazer in and around school, for all school occasions
       and journeys to and from school and home.
    Ensure all items/articles of clothing are clearly marked with the owner’s name.
    Ensure school bags are plain and practical for use.
    Only wear trainers for PE lessons or if there is an injury covered by a medical certificate.
    Not chew gum as it is not permitted in or around school.

While partaking in PE Lessons:
   Students are encouraged to use gum shields whilst partaking in College sports.
   PE uniform can be worn travelling home from school if the student has the subject last period
       or is attending an after school activity.


Appropriate sanctions will be applied in accordance with the school positive behaviour policy if the
school uniform is not worn correctly. The Principal’s decision on what is appropriate is final.

Enquiries about uniform should be made through the Head of Year or Senior teachers.

 Year group      Head of Year                                      Head of School
 Year 8          Mr R Gray                Miss K Wightman          Mrs L Grant

 Year 9          Mrs B Hearty             Mrs L Mulholland

 Year 10         Mrs M Mills              Miss F Smyth

 Year 11         Ms M Bell                Mrs S Jones              Mrs D Carlisle

 Year 12         Mr L Mathison            Dr C McConnell

 Year 13         Miss J Rogan                                      Mr S Hare

Lagan College Induction Booklet 2020 2021
Year 14           Miss A Bell

    *During   periods of extreme weather the Principal will inform families of any changes to the uniform

                                     School Uniform Stockists

Robert’s School Wear      C A Gowdy Ltd                Warnocks                      Littles

24 Central Avenue         121 Woodstock Road,          791‐792 Lisburn Road          254‐256 Woodstock Road
Bangor,                   Belfast,                     Belfast,                      Belfast,
BT20 3AF                  BT6 8AB                      BT9 7GX                       BT6 9DN

Tel: 028 9127 0516        Tel: 028 9045 9052           Tel: 028 9038 1828            Tel: 028 9045 8372

Truly Fare                                             PE Uniform Stockists ‐ Podium 4 Sport Ltd

397 Ormeau Road                                        40 Montgomery Road,
Belfast                                                Castlereagh,
BT7 3GQ                                                Belfast,
                                                       BT6 9HL
Tel: 02890 691347
                                                       Tel: 02890 701 333
Mobile: 07970288193

    Uniform Recycling

    Family Fund support

    IEF Uniform Grant

Lagan College Induction Booklet 2020 2021
Lagan College Year 8 ‐10 Uniform
Uniform Item            Description                                         Uniform stockists
1   BLAZER              Black with school badge                             Listed uniform stockists

2   SHIRT               Plain short or long sleeved white, school shirt

    OR                  OR

    BLOUSE              A short sleeved red and white stripes               Listed uniform stockists
                        blouse can be worn without a tie.

3   TIE                 School tie                                          Listed uniform stockists

4   TROUSERS            Black standard school trousers.                     Listed uniform stockists
    OR                  OR

    SKIRT               Grey, A line skirt with centre pleat, worn on the

5   SWEATER             Grey with school colours                            Listed uniform stockists
    OR                  OR

    CARDIGAN            Plain grey

6   SOCKS               Black only worn with trousers

                        School knee socks (grey with school colours) only   Listed uniform stockists
                        worn with skirt                                     only

7   TIGHTS              Black, throughout the year.

    (worn with skirt)

8   COAT                Plain black, grey or navy coat may be worn
                        without any logos.

Lagan College Induction Booklet 2020 2021
9        HAT                A plain black hat is acceptable during severe
                            weather only.

10       SCARF              A plain scarf


                            Regulation school scarf                             Listed uniform stockists

11       SHOES              Plain black leather standard school shoes.          See Page 7

                            Brogue or black patent type shoes are

        MAKE UP should be natural and subtle
        JEWELLERY: One plain finger, a watch, Maximum one pair of small plain gold/silver studs may be
         worn in earlobes by those with pierced ears. No other piercings are permitted.
        HAIR: Natural hair colours only. Hair must be neat and off the face, with long hair tied back in
         school. Shaved heads (less than No 2 haircut) are not acceptable or patterns shaved onto heads.
         Year 8 ‐10 should be clean shaved.
        BADGES: Only school badges may be worn

                       Lagan College Year 11‐12 Uniform
Uniform Item                Description                                         Uniform stockists
1        BLAZER             Black with school badge                             Listed uniform stockists

2        SHIRT              Plain short or long sleeved white, school shirt

         OR                 OR

         BLOUSE             A short sleeved red and white stripes               Listed uniform stockists
                            blouse can be worn without a tie.

3        TIE                School tie                                          Listed uniform stockists

Lagan College Induction Booklet 2020 2021
4    TROUSERS            Black standard school trousers.                     Listed uniform stockists
     OR                  OR

     SKIRT               Grey, A line skirt with centre pleat, worn on the

5    SWEATER             Black with school colours                           Listed uniform stockists
     OR                  OR

     CARDIGAN            Plain black

6    SOCKS               Black only worn with trousers

                         School knee socks (grey with school colours) only   Listed uniform stockists
                         worn with skirt                                     only

7    TIGHTS              Black, throughout the year.

     (worn with skirt)

8    COAT                Plain black, grey or navy coat may be worn
                         without any logos.

9    HAT                 A plain black hat is acceptable during severe
                         weather only.

10   SCARF               A plain scarf


                         Regulation school scarf                             Listed uniform stockists

11   SHOES               Plain black leather standard school shoes.          See Page 7

Brogue or black patent type shoes are

   MAKE UP should be natural and subtle
   JEWELLERY: One plain finger, a watch, Maximum one pair of small plain gold/silver studs may be
    worn in earlobes by those with pierced ears. No other piercings are permitted.
   HAIR: Natural hair colours only. Hair must be neat and off the face, with long hair tied back in
    school. Shaved heads (less than No 2 haircut) are not acceptable or patterns shaved onto heads.
    Year 11 ‐12 should be clean shaved.
   BADGES: Only school badges may be worn

Lagan College Sixth Form Uniform
Uniform Item            Description                                         Uniform stockists
1   BLAZER              Green with school badge                             Listed uniform stockists

2   SHIRT               Plain short or long sleeved white, school shirt

    OR                  OR

    BLOUSE              A short sleeved green and white stripes             Listed uniform stockists
                        blouse can be worn without a tie.

3   TIE                 School tie                                          Listed uniform stockists

4   TROUSERS            Black standard school trousers.                     Listed uniform stockists
    OR                  OR

    SKIRT               Grey, A line skirt with centre pleat, worn on the

5   SWEATER             Green with school colours                           Listed uniform stockists
    OR                  OR

    CARDIGAN            Plain green

6   SOCKS               Black only worn with trousers

                        School knee socks (grey with school colours) only   Listed uniform stockists
                        worn with skirt                                     only

7   TIGHTS              Black, throughout the year.

    (worn with skirt)

8   COAT                Plain black, grey or navy coat may be worn
                        without any logos.

9        HAT                A plain black hat is acceptable during severe
                            weather only.

10       SCARF              A plain black scarf


                            Regulation school scarf                             Listed uniform stockists

11       SHOES              Plain black leather standard school shoes.          See Page 7

                            Brogue or black patent type shoes are

        MAKE UP should be natural and subtle
        JEWELLERY: One plain finger, a watch, Maximum one pair of small plain gold/silver studs may be
         worn in earlobes by those with pierced ears. No other piercings are permitted.
        HAIR: Natural hair colours only. Hair must be neat and off the face, with long hair tied back in
         school. Shaved heads (less than No 2 haircut) are not acceptable or patterns shaved onto heads.
         Year 13 and14 may have facial hair which must be neat and groomed.
        BADGES: Only school badges may be worn


Do wear                                                This excludes
Plain black flat heeled leather school shoes.          Please note that high heels, flimsy pumps, canvas
                                                       shoes, trainer type shoes, such as vans, converse or
Brogue and black patent type shoes are
                                                       adidas or boots are not acceptable.

                                                       Students who arrive with the wrong type of shoes will
Students will require a medical note if specific
                                                       be asked to replace them.
footwear is needed.

Lagan College PE Uniform

Uniform Item             Description           Uniform stockists

                  BOYS                 GIRLS

1   PE T‐shirt     LCB black                 LCB red and black         Listed uniform stockists

2   PE Bottoms     Black shorts              Black skort

                   Black skinny track        Black leggings
                                             Black track suit
                   Black tracksuit           bottoms

3   PE track top   LCB black hoodie          LCB red hoodie            Listed uniform stockists
                   or                        or

                   LCB black quarter zip     LCB red quarter zip top

4   Socks          Black                     Red                       Listed uniform stockists

5   Shoes          Proper trainers           Proper trainers

6   Equipment      Shin guards               Hockey stick

                   Gum shield.               Shin guards

                                             Gum shield

7   Desirable      Football boots for        Astro shoes for hockey
    equipment      activities on grass for
                   example: football,
                   Gaelic football and

Appendix 1: Student Learning Planner ‐ Student Uniform List

                          Lagan College Uniform List

We wear:                                           We wear:
BLAZER                                             SWEATER/CARDIGAN

Year 8 – 12                                        Junior school (Years 8, 9 and 10) grey with school
Black with school badge

                                                   A grey school cardigan is an option. This can only
Year 13 ‐14
                                                   be a school cardigan purchased from the school
Green with school badge                            suppliers

This excludes sports hoodies, over or under        Senior school (Years 11 and 12) black with school
blazer                                             colours.

                                                   A black school cardigan is an option. This can only
                                                   be a school cardigan purchased from the school
BADGES                                             suppliers
Only school badges may be worn.

Students will be requested to remove any           Sixth Form (Year 13 and 14) green with school
additional badges from their uniform               colours.

SHIRT/BLOUSE                                              Alternately a green school cardigan is an option.
                                                          This can only be a school cardigan purchased from
Plain white, school shirt, tucked in at all times.
                                                          the school suppliers

Only a white T‐shirt or vest is permitted
                                                          This excludes anything in sweatshirt style
                                                          material, anything with a hood, zips or buttons,
                                                          cardigans, not even under your blazer or on the
                                                          way to and from school.
A short sleeved striped blouse can be worn
throughout the school year without a tie.

Year 8 – 12

Red and white stripes

Year 13 ‐14                                               School tie, neatly knotted with top shirt button
                                                          closed must be worn with the traditional school
Green and white stripes                                   shirt.

This excludes an open necked shirt or coloured            The short sleeved red and white shirt does not
T‐shirt or vest underneath                                require a tie.

                                                          This excludes school tie with top button undone.

TROUSERS                                                  SKIRT

Black standard school trousers.                           Grey, A line skirt with centre pleat, worn on the

This excludes skinny, jegging, hipsters, legging,
jean‐style, frayed, clingy, lycra, decorated or           This excludes a rolled up skirt and a short tight
casual trousers                                           skirt with splits in the seams.

Lagan College Uniform List

We wear:                                               We wear:
SOCKS                                                  TIGHTS (worn with skirt)

Black only worn with trousers                          Plain black

School knee socks (grey with school colours)           This excludes Patterned tights
only worn with skirt.

This excludes Coloured/ patterned socks, white
trainer socks

COAT                                                   SCARF

Plain black, grey or navy coat may be worn             A plain black scarf
without any logos.

                                                       A regulation school scarf is available from the
This excludes coloured/ patterned coats                suppliers.

                                                       This excludes coloured/ patterned scarf


A plain hat is acceptable during severe weather

HAIR                                                   FACIAL HAIR

Natural hair colours only                              Year 13 and14 only

                                                       Facial hair must be neat and groomed.

Hair must be neat and off the face. Hair should
conform to current school regulations as
announced in assemblies.

                                                       One plain finger ring and a watch.

Long hair should be tied back in school colours
for hygiene and safety reasons and to promote
                                                            Maximum one pair of small plain gold/silver studs
a positive image of the school.
                                                            may be worn in earlobes by those with pierced

Shaved heads (less than No 2 haircut) are not
acceptable or patterns shaved onto heads.
                                                            Piercings should only be arranged for the start of
                                                            holiday time so that they are healed before term
This excludes no extreme hairstyles such as in
colour, bleaching, spiking or with additions
such as braids, extensions etc., are not
                                                            This excludes an additional pairs of earrings.
appropriate for wearing with school uniform
                                                            Students will be requested to remove any
and will not be permitted.
                                                            additional jewellery. Visible facial piercings are
                                                            not permitted in school. Plasters or retainers are
                                                            not acceptable.
Students will be sent home if not adhering to


Natural, subtle, unobtrusive makeup.

Eyeshadow and contouring are not permitted.
Fake eyelashes, nail varnish and acrylic nails are
not permitted.


We wear:                                                This excludes:
Plain black flat heeled leather school shoes. Brogue    Please note that high heels, flimsy pumps, canvas
type shoes are acceptable.                              shoes, trainer type shoes, such as vans, converse or
                                                        adidas or boots are not acceptable.

Black patent shoes
                                                        Students who arrive with the wrong type of shoes will
                                                        be asked to replace them.
Students will require a medical note if specific
footwear is needed.


Dear Parent(s)/Carer(s)

On behalf of the Board of Governors I wish to appeal for your support for Lagan College’s Family

The Family Fund was established by Parents and Directors to help deliver a high level of educational
and extracurricular activities to our students. We invite parents to make an annual voluntary donation
of £150 (one child) or £210 (two or more children) by cheque or direct debit. An application form will
be sent to you in August or can be collected from the office.

Your donation will help allow all of our students to benefit from the breadth and quality of
opportunities, resources and facilities which help them to fulfil their potential. We want to continue to
offer all these opportunities to your sons and daughters and where possible, to enhance our

One major way you can support the College in this work is through your contribution to the Family

The Family Fund contributions are spent on a wide range of educational and extracurricular activities
which could otherwise not be financed. The diversity of the activities available means there is
something for everyone. These include:

      Supplementing transport costs as we hope to purchase two nine-seater people carriers.
      Supplementing the cost of specific, software and equipment for the various subjects the
       College offers.
      Supplementing e-learning provision across the school.
      Supplementing the cost of extra-curricular activities.

There are also many areas which we would like to develop and improve and your contribution to the
Family Fund will help us to make these aspirations become a reality.

As a parent of a new Year 8 student we look forward to having a working partnership with you. Your
family contribution would be very much appreciated as the Educational budget has been reduced

Thank you for your continued support and Family Fund donations
Yours faithfully

Mrs A McNamee

Lagan College Calendar – 2020‐2021


 Autumn Term commences                               Tuesday 1 September 2020

 Staff Development Day                               Monday 12 October 2020

 Staff Development Day                               Monday 26 October 2020

 Mid Term Break                                      Tuesday 27 – Friday 30 October 2020

 Autumn Term re‐commences                            Monday 2 November 2020

 School Finishes for the Christmas Break                 Friday 18 December 2020 at 11.40 am

 Christmas Holidays                                  Monday 21 December 2020 – Friday 1 January
                                                     2021 (inclusive)


 All Students Return                                 Monday 4 January 2021

 Staff Development Day*                              Friday 8 January 2021

 Mid Term Break                                      Monday 15 – Friday 19 February 2021 (inc)

 Staff Development Day*                              Friday 26 March 2021

 Staff Development Day*                              Monday 29 March 2021

 Easter Holidays for students                        Tuesday 30 March – Friday 9 April 2021 (inc)


 All Students Return                                 Monday 12 April 2021

 May Day Holiday (1)                                 Monday 3 May 2021

 May Day Holiday (2)                                 Monday 31 May 2021

 School Finishes                                     Wednesday 30 June 2021 at 11.40 am

* Staff Development Days – students do not attend

Timetable Sample Year 8
                    MONDAY               TUESDAY            WEDNESDAY           THURSDAY      FRIDAY
  9.10 – 9.25am
     Period 1
                     Maths                 Music                   PE            French
   9.25 – 10.05                                                                                Maths
                    BL – G17             HOY – G89                 CL           MLS – G05
                                                                                              BL – G17
    Period 2                                                                                   Home
                       Irish          Art and Design               PE            Science
  10.05 – 10.45                                                                              Economics
                     QI – G22           MCV – F16                  CL           WHY – G76
                                                                                              EL – G34
                         B                  R                       E               A           K
  10.45 – 11.00
    Period 3        French             Technology             Art                 Music       English
  11.00 – 11.40    MLS – G05            PLT – G55           MCV – F16           HOY – G89    BKT – F30
    Period 4                              Home
                   Geography                                  Art               Technology    Maths
  11.40 – 12.20                        Economics
                    SM – L05                                MCV – F16            PLT– G55    BL – G17
                                        EL – G34
    Period 5                              Home
                     English                                                      Maths
  12.20 – 12.55                        Economics                  LUNCH                       LUNCH
                    BKT – F30                                                    BL – G17
                                        EL – G34
    Period 6                               ICT
                                                              English                        Geography
  12.55 – 1.30        LUNCH            MUL – F32                                 LUNCH
                                                             BKT – F30                        SM – L05
    Period 7                                                                     English
                    History                                    Maths                           Irish
   1.30 – 2.05                            LUNCH                                 BKT – F30
                   MRG – G25                                  BL – G17                       QI – G22
    Period 8                              Religion
                    Science                                 Geography            History      Drama
   2.05 – 2.45                            Studies
                   WTN – G76                                 SM – L05           MRG – G25    GRY – G82
                                         SNY – F43
    Period 9                                                  Religion
                    Science             History                                   ICT         Drama
   2.45 – 3.30                                                Studies
                   WTN – G76           MRG – G25                                MUL– F32     GRY – G82
                                                             SNY – F43

                  Teacher                                   Subject

                  BL – Miss Bell                            Mathematics

                  BKT – Mrs Beckett                         English

                  EL – Mrs Ellis                            Home Economics

                  MLS – Mrs Mills                           French/Spanish

                  WTN – Miss Wightman                       Science

                  SM – Mrs Smyth                            Geography

                  SNY – Mr Sowney                           Religious Studies

                  MRG – Miss Morgan                         History

                  SGR – Mrs Mulholland                      ICT

                  GRY – Mr Gray                             Drama

QI – Mrs Quigg                    Irish

                   CL – Mr Connolly                  PE

                   HOY – Miss Hoy                    Music

                   PLT – Mr Platt                    Technology

                   MCV – Miss McConville             Art and Design

The College has three lunch periods between 12.20 – 2.05pm, as a result the lunch time of
students may differ each day.

Student Learning Planner

Every student will be given a Student Learning Planner at the beginning of each academic year to
record the details of every homework. It is best to complete the homework on the night it is given
to you by teacher.

It is important that parents/guardians check and sign their child’s diary on a weekly basis to help
monitor progress.

An example of a page from the Student Learning Planner is included below:

Equipment List

Students must be prepared and equipped for learning. Please ensure that your child has the following

        ∙ Pencil case
        ∙ Pencils
        ∙ Pens ‐ blue/black
        ∙ Ruler
        ∙ Eraser
        ∙ Sharpener
        ∙ Compass (for circles)
        ∙ Protractor
        ∙ Felt Tips
        ∙ Colouring pencils
        ∙ 400g Glue Stick
        ∙ Highlighters
        ∙ Pen Drive

It is possible to purchase a maths set that includes everything for just a few pounds in many different shops.

Maths Calculator
Each student must have a calculator and bring it to every Mathematics lesson. The Maths Dept.
recommends the Casio FX83 or FX85. These usually retail for about £7.

Please note students use an IPad from Year 9 onwards as part of a blended approach to learning.

Passport to Lagan

As part of the transitions process we have created a purpose‐built, student‐friendly website where those
joining us in September can find out about the school.

Site address:

Students can use the site to find out more about the history of Lagan College, our values and ethos, and life
in Year 8. They can also send us any questions that they may have, and we will then answer some of these
on the site. In addition, there is information which parents may find useful, such as details of uniform

Students will also be issued with a short quiz book which they should work through as they explore the site.
They will be going over this on the first day of school, and so should bring it with them on this day. If they
lose their copy of the booklet, they will be able to download and print a new copy from the 2Summer” section
of the website.

The site is still a work in progress, and will be updated regularly with further information and resources (such
as examples of canteen menus, school bus information and examples of Year 8 students’ work). Therefore,
even if students are keen to get ahead and complete their quiz book now, we would encourage them to
check back to the site over the summer to see what has been added.

We hope that this will help to inform pupils about what to expect when they come to Lagan College, as well
as alleviating any fears or worries. If you have any questions or feedback as you explore the site with your
child, feel free to drop us an email on

Home School Communications with ParentMail

Lagan College will be using ParentMail to communicate to you. Communicating with parents is an important
part of what we do, making sure you get the correct information about activities, events and things that really
matter is something we care about.

ParentMail will be beneficial to you because you can:
     Use a free mobile app on Android and iOS to pick up school messages instantly.
     Top up dinner money or pay for school trips/items in just a few taps.
     Complete forms, give consent/permissions and give feedback on surveys.
     Keep on top of school meetings and events.

Registering with ParentMail is very easy! You will be sent either an email and/or text message in August from
ParentMail. When you receive this, you just follow the instructions in the message. Please be assured that
ParentMail is registered with the Information Commissioner and guarantees that all information you provide
will be kept private and will not be passed on to any other organisation. Once registered, if you have an
Android or Apple smartphone, we highly recommend you download the ParentMail App for the best user
experience. To do this, simply search for “ParentMail” in your App store.

You will be able to top up your child’s dinner money account electronically, using credit or debit cards as well
as PayPal and PayPoint and will receive automatic reminders when your balance is running low. We will be completely cashless over the Summer 2020 so
appreciate your support in making payments electronically to your child’s account. In normal circumstances,
if you do not wish to make payments online, you can continue to make cash payments at the kiosks around
the school. However, this facility will not be available at this time. Please note, your bank statement will
display either Lagan College or ParentMail, dependent on your payment method.

Cashless Catering System
We operate a cashless catering system, whereby parents can upload money to their child’s account or
students can lodge money at five cash points/kiosks throughout the school. This system enables students to
pay for their food in the eating spaces from funds that have loaded onto an account stored on the school
computer. The College will have additional safety procedures in place to ensure the health and wellbeing of
all students is a priority at this time.

This system has several advantages for both the students and parents:
 Students can lodge money to their account at five cash points/kiosks throughout the school.
 Parents can send dinner money/cheques direct to the school to be uploaded on their child’s account, via
   the office.
 Students will be served more quickly and queuing will be reduced.
 Better information will be available on healthy eating and food options.

Year 8 students will be given a personal five digit PIN number and depending on Government guidance, each
child will be offered at the start of the year the opportunity to use a Bio‐Metric finger reader. The Bio‐Metric
image is not a finger print but is a unique feature to an individual. This makes the Bio‐Metrics the most
reliable kind of personal identification because it cannot be forgotten, misplaced or stolen.

EMOS‐Infineer has developed a unique system with a mathematical algorithm which translates each
student’s finger recognition. This information cannot be accessed by anyone outside the system or used or
transferred outside the school.

The student’s name and photograph will appear at the tills to prevent the misuse of the PIN number but in
real terms the Bio‐Metric image will keep your child’s cashless account personal and safe.

Free School Meals
Parents need to apply directly to the Education Authority for Free Schools. The information regarding Free
School Meals is located at‐help/free‐school‐meals

Students entitled to free school meals will have their account credited on a daily basis and can be accessed
with the use of the PIN number and/or by Bio‐Metric image at the tills. Additional credits can be added by
the student using the cash points/kiosks or by parent/guardian who wishes to lodge money/cheque with the
school. This can be used to purchase additional items not included in the free school meal allowance, or to
buy items at break time.

When sending in money/cheques we would ask that the student’s name and form class are clearly written
on the back of each cheque for identification purposes. Cheques should be made payable to Lagan College.
Additional information in regard to this system will be sent to you before your child commences the College.

If any parent has any concerns please contact Mrs Mary Mackey, School Bursar, for more information.

Lagan College Parents’ Council

The College has a strong, active Parents’ Council. The Council is an important part of the school body, which
meets monthly. The Council is kept up to date with what is happening in the College, usually on first Tuesday
of every month at 6.30pm however these meetings are suspended until further DE/EA guidance.

The Council’s role is to support the College in its mission statement through organising a number of fund
raising events annually and supporting the organisation of school functions such as Open Day and the annual
school show. The Council has its own section and an emailing facility on the College website. The monthly
meetings provide a great opportunity for parents to get to know one another.

If you are interested in learning more about the Council and possibly joining it, please contact Miss Collins,
Vice Principal,, at the College.

Extra‐curricular Activities

Please be aware that due to the current Covid‐19 Pandemic these activities have been suspended.

At Lagan College we pride ourselves in the range of extra‐curricular activities that we offer our pupils. These
activities range from Sporting and Fitness activities to Arts and Drama, all of which serve to develop our pupils
as well rounded young adults. To meet with this demand, there is a flourishing programme of activities every
day after school. Other clubs and societies meet at lunch time, at weekends or regularly, as required.

The current list consists of the following, but is by no means exhaustive, and can be added to as pupil demand
 Lunchtime Clubs                        Lunchtime/After School Clubs         After School Clubs

 Design Club                              Orchestra                               Girls Soccer
 STEM Club                                Brass Group                             Gaelic Football
 History Club                             String Group                            Senior and Junior Basketball
 Junior Justice Group                     Junior and Senior Choir                 Shodokan Aikido
 Wii Club                                 Woodwind Group                          Fitness
 Science Club                             Traditional Group                       Film Club
 Senior and Junior Justice Group          African/Samba Drum Group                Badminton
 Genesis Club                             Eco Committee                           IT Coursework Club
 Revelation                               The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award           Media Club
 Pokémon and Gaming Club                  Scheme                                  Boys Football
 Board Game Club                          Sentinus Engineering Challenge          Tennis
                                          World Challenge Expedition              Athletics
                                                                                  Boys Golf
                                                                                  Girls Hockey
                                                                                  Girls Gymnastics
                                                                                  Girls Dance
                                                                                  Cross Country

 Sixth Form Enrichment                    Termly

 Young Enterprise                         Geography Field Trip Club
 Uni Survival
 Personal safety
 First Aid

However, it is worth noting that all these activities are subject to change, as staff commitments vary throughout
the year. Any pupil interested in taking part should talk to the teacher in charge first.

The College also has several dramatic productions annually in which a large number of students take part and
has been selected twice to represent Northern Ireland at the National Theatre in London.

A wide variety of trips for educational, cultural and sporting reasons are also organised each year within the
British Isles and abroad. Visits have been made recently to London, Switzerland, Belgium, Peru, China, Africa,
India, the United States and Spain

Careers Education Information and Guidance

As part of delivering a high quality education and preparing our students to be effective decision
makers with regard to their career pathways, Lagan College, works closely with Careers Service of
Northern Ireland, to provide Career Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) through a
Partnership Agreement.

Access to high quality careers information, advice and guidance in schools is more important than ever
given the complex choices open to our young people. Lagan College prides itself in equipping its
students with the information, advice and guidance needed to enable them to make appropriate
choices at key transition points in their school career.

Careers Advisors from the Department of Employment and Learning (DEL) will be available, to help
our students, in a variety of contexts. Advisors will deliver information talks to whole classes as well
as providing one to one careers interviews.

To enable this system to work effectively Lagan College needs to provide the Careers Service with
basic information about the students, including; pupil name, home address, date of birth and
telephone number. This information can be shared in hard copy format or electronically. To this end
the school needs your permission to share this information. This information will only be used for
careers guidance and will not be shared with any third parties. The Careers Service has indicated
that all personal information will be securely stored and that it conforms fully to all requirements
under the Data Protection Act 1998.

Promoting Numeracy
How to use the MyMaths website

Type in the web address

The MyMaths login page appears.
In the login box type lagan
In the password box type square

MyMaths is a website that our students can use within school and at home for revision and

Pick the Booster pack named “Four Boosters” from along the top of the screen. This will direct
you to work that is very suitable for a student who is leaving P7.

Student can work at their pace and get advice on how to do the topics

Promoting Numeracy – Primary School Maths

                                        x10, x100, x1000, ÷10, ÷100,              Negative numbers and use of
                                        ÷1000 by moving place value               number line for temperature
   Decimals, putting into order

Decimals add                                         Number                                            Find ¾ of...,
and subtract                                                                                           2/5 of... etc

          tables up                                                                                      Add/Subtract
          to 10x10                                                                                      whole numbers

                         Simplifying fractions e.g
                             30/100 =3/10                                                   Find ½ of..., ¼ of... etc
                                                     Simple % and changing to fraction
                                                     e.g. 50% = ½, 10% = 1/10, 25% = ¼

         machines (single                                      Meaning and solving 4m=24          Plotting coordinates
          and double)                   Number patterns and                                          using positive
                                            sequences                                              numbers like (4, 5)

       Square numbers

         Triangular                                                                                           Factors
                                                                                                              Continue a

                                                                                                         number pattern

                                                                                                        Drawing out axes
   Simple equations Reverse function         Letters can represent
                                           Rule and next term in
      Promoting Numeracy – Primary
      like 7+?=20      machines    School Maths
                                                                                                         for coordinates
                                                                               a sequence
Telling the
                                             Names of           Nets of 3D       Changing cm to m,
                  time using                                                                                  Area of
                                   Area by quadrilaterals        shapes          mm to cm, m to km
                   am & pm                                                                                   triangles
Area of squares and               squares                      Measure an angle using                               Using a
                                                                   a protractor                                   compass to
                                                                                                                 draw a circle
   Areas of compound
                                                                                                                  Volume by
   Measure the                                                                                                     counting
  length of a line
                                              Shape, Space, Measure                                                 cubes
   using mm, cm

     NSEW and 45°,                                                                                                Volume of
      the 8 points                                                                                               cuboid = lwh
     of the compass                                    Angles in a
                                                        triangle                                Names of angles e.g.
                                         Right‐angle                 Names of
               Straight line angle                                                              acute, obtuse, reflex,
                                          problems                   triangles
                   problems                                                                          right‐angle
                                24hr clock              Duration                 Line and rotational
                                                       between 2                      symmetry

                                   Mean, mode, median                 Probability words e.g.
                                       and range                         likely, certain,
                                                                         impossible etc

    Tally marks

                                                                                                              Bar graphs


  Simple pie charts

                                                   Simple questionnaires
                                                                                                    Mean of a list

     These topics are taught in primary school. At Lagan College we will build upon these
     during Year8 in preparation for the GCSE. Please look at these and use the mymaths
     website to help yourself. (Mymaths advice page is also enclosed)

Promoting Literacy
‘’Parents can have a significant influence on their child’s achievement by encouraging them
to do well, taking an interest in their child’s education. Pupils and parents also have a
responsibility to cooperate and work in partnership with the school to enable pupils to fulfil
their potential.” The Department of Education in Northern Ireland (DENI)

Supporting Literacy from Home

                   Encourage your child to read at home

Fiction, non‐fiction, magazines, newspapers, audio books and e‐books are to be encouraged. It
doesn’t really matter what they read, as any reading at home regularly will help develop skills which
they can bring to the classroom. Build reading into the daily routine; shared and paired reading at
home can spark a lifelong love of books!

Look at written work together which has been marked by the teacher.
Ask questions to your child: “What does this comment mean? How could you improve that sentence?”
Be sure to also comment on what they have done well—this will really boost their confidence!

Support spelling and vocabulary development.
Help by testing your child when they have word lists and spellings to learn and encourage them to
look up words using a dictionary or computer spell check facility.

Read together the books your child is studying at school.
It can really help them if you read these together, and talk about the language and characters. Add in
fun challenges, for example learn a few short quotations together as a competition.

Summer Reading Challenge
Your son/daughter will receive a Summer Reading Challenge which we encourage you to support them
to complete at least one book review of a book they read over the summer holidays. The Reading
Challenge is a great way to actively encourage them to read regularly and at Lagan College we have
regular reading challenge events through the academic year to promote and sustain good reading

At Lagan College we encourage all young people to read and enjoy the world of books.
Below are some recommended authors for Summer reading.

 Fantasy                                      Thriller / Adventure
 Cornelia Funke                               Derek Landy
 Angie Sage                                   Anthony Horowitz
 Eva Ibbotson                                 Anthony Masters
 C.S. Lewis                                   Andrew Lane
 J.K. Rowling                                 Philip Pullman
 Joseph Delaney                               Chris Ryan
 Susan Cooper                                 Eoin Colfer
 J.R.R. Tolkein                               Rick Riorden
 Adam Blade                                   Lemony Snicket
 Vivian French                                Pittacus Lore
 Chris D’Lacey                                Malorie Blackman
 Sarah Prineas
 Jenny Nimmo                                  Animals
 Suzanne Collins                              Lucy Daniels
 Michael Grant                                Dick King‐Smith
 Danien Dibben                                Kate Thompson
                                              Louise Cooper
 Sport                                        Jenny Oldfield
 Michael Hardcastle                           Erin Hunter
 Rod Childs
 Alan Gibbons                                 Humour
 Chris D’Lacey                                Roald Dahl
                                              Terence Deary
 Historical                                   Jeremy Strong
 Gerard Whelan                                Dave Pilkey
 Theresa Tomlinson                            Andy Staunton
 Cora Harrison                                Philip Ardagh
 Michael Morpurgo                             Francesca Simon
 Steve Barlow                                 Jeff Kinney
                                              David Walliams
 Girl Talk                                    Michael Lawrence
 Cathy Cassidy                                James Patterson
 Jacqueline Wilson                            Lincoln Peirce
 Judi Curtin
 Jean Ure                                     For Dyslexia friendly reads
 Judy Blume                                   Try books by the publisher Barrington
 Lauren Kate                                  Stoke.

Library Facility

Our ‘state of the art’ Library facility is open during break and at lunch with recommended reads,
magazines and with new stock arriving regularly, reading has never been so much fun at Lagan College!

Weekly Library Lesson in Yr. 8
All students in Year 8 benefit from one period per
week where they have exclusive access as a teaching class to the school library. All books are coded
to enable each student to access reading at a level which challenges and extends their vocabulary
and reading ability.

Reading for Pleasure
Each Friday morning during form class, Year 8‐10 students benefit from a 15‐minute silent reading
session with their form tutor. Year 8 students employ books chosen through their Library lesson.

Northern Ireland Libraries Service Online
  This resource enables students to browse and choose from the entire Northern Ireland Libraries
catalogue of teenage fiction, eBooks can be borrowed online. The service is also free for adults to
use, just log in at

Transport Arrangements
Education Authority Bus Routes –East Belfast/ Dundonald Area

     Bus 1                  Bus 2                   Bus 3                    Bus 4
                                                                             (Eamon Rooney Bus)

     Canberra               Longstone               Old Dundonald            Dundonald

     Canberra Park          Longstone School        Old Dundonald Road       Route under review

     Ballyregan Road        Old Dundonald           Kingsway Gardens

     Ulster Hospital                                Gilnahirk Road
     East Link                                      Braniel Road

                            Manse Road

     Manse Road

    The Education Authority are currently reviewing all their allocated services to Dundonald and East

    Information is correct as of June 2020, may be subject to change.

Transport Arrangements – Morning Buses

 Stand 14          Stand 13           Stand 12             Stand 11            Stand 10          Stand 9
N’ARDS          CARRYDUFF          DOWNPATRICK         NEWCASTLE/              GVS            LAGANSIDE
                (QUEENSWAY)                                                    VIA            VIA
                                                                               ORMEAU         ALBERTBRIDGE
Departs         Departs            Departs             Departs                 Departs        Departs
08.15am         08.40am            08.00               07.40                   08.40          08.25

                Bus 9              Bus 15              Bus 18                  Bus 3          Bus 34


Newtownards     Carryduff          Downpatrick Depot   Newcastle Depot         Adelaide       Laganside Bus
Depot                              08.00               07.40                   Street         centre
08.15           Saintfield
                Road               Crossgar                                    Ormeau         Albertbridge Road
Comber                             08.15                                       Road
08.30           Lagan                                                                         Upper
                College            Saintfield                                  Ravenhill      Newtownards
Ballygowan                         08.25                                       Road           Road
                                   Carryduff                                   Saintfield     Knock Road
Crossnacreevy                      8.40                                        Road
                                                                                              Glen Road
Lagan College                                          Students must           Newton Park
                                                       transfer at Carryduff                  Ballygowan Road
                                                       (Queensberry) to        Manse Road
                                                       the school bus                         Manse Road
                                                                               College        Lagan College

                                                                               Bus stops at   Bus stops at
                                                                               Adelaide       Albertbridge Road
                                                                               Street         Upper
                                                                               Ormeau         Newtownards
                                                                               Road           Road

                             Information is correct as of June 2020, may be subject to change.

Transport Arrangements – Morning Buses

  Stand 8            Stand 7           Stand 6           Stand 5             Stand 4         Stand 3 Stand 2                    Stand 1

LAGANSIDE          HOLYWOOD BANGOR                    Finaghy              Shaftesbury GVS                   LAGANSIDE BELVOIR

VIA                                   VIA                                                    VIA             VIA C’REAGH        MOUNT
SANDOWN                               C’BURN                                                 RAVENHILL       RD                 MERRION
Departs            Departs            Departs         Departs              Departs           Departs         Departs            Departs
08.40              08.25              08.20           08.30                08.30             08.25           08.30              08.20

Bus 34             Bus 6a             Bus 6           Bus 2                Bus 1             Bus 8           Bus 10             Bus 188


Sandown Road       Croft Road         Bangor Depot    Finaghy Crossroads   Shaftesbury       Adelaide        Laganside Bus      Hydebank
                   Holywood                           (layby on the        Square            Street          Centre             Roundabout
Knock Road                            Crawfordsburn   Lisburn Road)                                          Stand 11
                   Lagan College                                           Crescent Church   Ormeau                             Belvoir Park
Dual Carriageway                      Croft Road      Finaghy Road                           Embankment      Central Station
                   Bus services all   Holywood        South                Malone Road                                          Belvoir Road
Saintfield Road    stops to Upper                                                            Ravenhill       Castlereagh Road
                   Newtownards        Lagan College   Upper Malone         Milltown Road     Road                               Saintfield Road
Newton Road        Road, Parkway                      Road                                                   Ballygowan Road
                                                                           Newtownbreda      Saintfield                         Knockbreda
Manse Road                                            Milltown Road        Road              Road            Manse Road         Road

Lagan College                                         Purdysburn Road      School Road       Newton Park     Lagan College      Mount Merrion
                                                      Cairnshill Road      Newton Road       Manse Road
Bus stops at                                                                                                 Bus stops at       Ladas Drive
Sandown Road                                          Manse Road           Manse Road        Lagan College   Castlereagh Road
Knockbreda Road                                                                                              Ballygowan Road    Castlereagh
Forestside                                            Lagan College                                                             Road
Saintfield Road                                                                              Bus stops at
Newton Park                                                                                  Adelaide                           Lagan College
                                                      Bus stops at         Bus stops at      Street
                                                      Finaghy Road         Malone Road       Ravenhill
                                                      South                Barnetts Park     Road
                                                      Upper Malone         Newton Park
                                                      Cairnshill Road

                                Information is correct as of June 2020, may be subject to change.

Transport Arrangements –Afternoon Buses

Stand 14      Stand 13                 Stand 12                Stand 11            Stand 10           Stand 9
N’ARDS        CARRYDUFFF               DOWNPATRICK             GVS                 GVS                SHORT STRAND

VIA           (QUEENSWAY)                                      VIA                 VIA                ALBERTBRIDGE
MONEYREA                                                       LADAS‐              CREGAGH‐
                                                               ORMEAU              ORMEAU
                                       Departs                 Departs             Departs            Departs
                                       3.40pm                  3.35pm              3.40pm             3.40pm

                                       Bus 15                  Bus 8a              Bus 8b             Bus 7a
ULSTERBUS     ULSTERBUS                ULSTERBUS               ULSTERBUS           ULSTERBUS          ULSTERBUS

Moneyrea      Manse                    Manse Road              Manse Road          Manse Road         Manse Road
Ballygowan                             Saintfield              Ballygowan          Ballygowan Road    Ballygowan Road
              Saintfield               Road                    Road
Comber                                                                             Dual Carriageway   Glen Road
              Saintfield               Saintfield              Castlereagh Road
Newtownards   Road                                                                 Cregagh Road       Knock Dual
                                       Crossgar                Ladas Drive                            Carriageway
              Carryduff                                                            Mount Merrion
              (Queensway)              Downpatrick             Mount Merrion       Avenue             Sandown Road
                                                                                   Rosetta Road       Upper
              Turning Circle                                   Rosetta Road                           Newtownards Road
                                       NB Pupils travelling                        Ormeau Road
                                       on                      Ormeau                                 Albertbridge Road
                                       to Ballynahinch or      Road                Linenhall Street
                                       Newcastle                                                      Mountpottinger
                                       will continue their     Ormeau Avenue       City Hall          Road
                                       journey home on the
                                       Belfast to Newcastle    Bedford Street                         Short Strand
                                       service bus (18) from
                                       Carryduff.              City Hall                              Laganside Bus
                                                               Europa Bus centre

                               Information is correct as of June 2020, may be subject to change.

Transport Arrangements –Afternoon Buses
Stand 8             Stand 7         Stand 6         Stand 5         Stand 4           Stand 3           Stand 2 Stand 1

LAGANSIDE           BANGOR          BANGOR          FINAGHY         SHAFTESBURY       SHORT             CENTRAL       ROSETTA
VIA                 VIA             (DIRECT)                        VIA               VIA               VIA           S’FIELD
SANDOWN             HOLYWOOD                                        MALONE            RAVENHILL         C’REAGH       ROAD
                    (BUSYBUS)                                                                           RD
Departs             Departs         Departs         Departs         Departs           Departs           Departs       Departs
3.40pm              3.35pm          3.35pm          3.40pm          3.40pm            3.40pm            3.35pm        3.40pm

Bus 7               Bus 6           Bus 6a          Bus 4           Bus 4a            Bus 8             Bus 2         Bus 1

ULSTERBUS           ULSTERBUS       ULSTERBUS       ULSTERBUS       ULSTERBUS         Metro             ULSTERBUS.    Metro

Ballygowan Road     Old Holywood    Holywood        Upper Malone    Manse Road        Manse Road        Castlereagh   Manse Road
                    Road                            Road                                                Road
Glen Road                           Helen’s Bay                     Newton Park       Cairnshill Road                 Cairnshill Road
                    Jackson Road                    Dunmurry Lane                                       Ladas Drive
Dual Carriageway                    Crawfordsburn                   School Road       Saintfield Road                 Saintfield Road
                    Clandeboye                      Lisburn Road                                        Central
Sandown Road                        Bangor Depot.                   Newtownbreda      Knock Dual        Station       Forestside
                                                    Finaghy         Road              Carriageway
Albertbridge Road   Bangor Depot.                   Crossroads                                                        Knockbreda
                                                                    Hydebank          Cregagh Road                    Cemetry
Laganside Bus                                       Europa Bus      Roundabout
centre.                                             Centre                            Mount Merrion                   ALL STUDENTS
                                                                    Belvoir Park      Avenue                          MUST GET OFF
                                                                    Estate                                            AT THIS STOP.
                                                                                      Rosetta Road
                                                                    Milltown Road
                                                                                      Ravenhill Road
                                                                    Malone Road
                                                                                      Short Strand
                                                                    Crescent Church


                         Information is correct as of June 2020, may be subject to change.


Lagan College is the data controller of the personal information we hold about our pupils and their
parents/families/carers/legal guardians. This means that we are responsible for deciding how we hold
and use the personal information which we collect.

We are required under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to notify you of the
information contained in this privacy notice.

We collect and use pupil information under the Education Act (Northern Ireland) 2014 and other
legislation. You may find the specific legislation at‐‐

The majority of pupil information you provide to us is information which you are legally obliged to
provide but some pupil information is provided to us on a voluntary basis. When collecting information
from you we will inform you whether you are required to provide certain pupil information to us or if
you have a choice in this.

This notice applies to prospective, current and former pupils and their families/carers/legal
guardians and those applying for a place at the school and their families/carers/legal
guardians. We may update this notice at any time but if we do so, we will inform you as soon
as reasonably practicable.

It is important that you read and retain this notice, together with any other privacy notice we may
provide on specific occasions when we are collecting or processing personal information about you,
so that you are aware of how and why we are using such information and what your rights are under
the GDPR.

If you have any questions about this privacy notice or how we handle personal information, please
contact the Principal who will deal with your query. The Principal, Mrs McNamee, can be contacted
on or By post, 44 Manse Road Belfast, BT8 6SA, or telephone 028 90401810.
Our Data Protection Officer is the Education Authority and it monitors the school’s data protection
procedures to ensure they meet the standards and requirements of the GDPR.
You have the right to make a complaint at any time to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO),
the UK supervisory authority for data protection issues. The ICO’s details are as follows:
The Information Commissioner’s Office – Northern Ireland
3rd Floor
14 Cromac Place,

Telephone: 028 9027 8757 / 0303 123 1114


We collect some personal information about our pupils and their families/carers/legal guardians
during a pupil’s application process to the school.

We will sometimes collect additional information from third parties such as the Education Authority,
Department of Education, examination board or previous school attended by a pupil.

We mainly collect personal information about our pupils and their families/carers/legal guardians
throughout the course of the pupil’s time at the school, for instance when completing educational
visit consent forms, from statutory curriculum assessments and throughout our relationship with a
pupil when we are exercising our legal obligations as a public educational body and during our pastoral


Personal information is information that identifies you and relates to you. We will collect, store and
use the following categories of personal information about our pupils:

       Personal information (such as name, age, date of birth, photographs and unique pupil
       Contact information (such as address, emergency contact information and telephone number)
       Attendance information (such as sessions attended, number of absences and absence
       Assessment information (such as statutory assessment process, GCSE and post‐16
        qualifications and standardised tests provided by commercial companies)
       Exclusion and behavioural information
       Medical treatment and the management of healthcare services
       CCTV footage captured in school and other information obtained through electronic means
       Non‐sensitive characteristic data (such as free school meal eligibility)
       Biometric data for school meals system
       Special categories of data (such as ethnicity, language, country of birth, nationality,
        information regarding health, special educational needs, allergies and disability).


We will collect, store and use the following categories of personal information about our
pupils’/parents/families/carers/legal guardians:

       Personal information (such as name, age, date of birth and photographs)
       Contact information (such as address and telephone number)
       Financial information (such as bank account details and payment history)
       CCTV footage captured in school and other information obtained through electronic means

You can also read