Parent Handbook 2020-21 - Key Stage 1 Surbiton High Boys' Preparatory School - Surbiton High School
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WELCOME FROM CONTENTS THE HEAD CONTACT INFORMATION 4 LEARNING OUTSIDE THE CLASSROOM 28 AIMS AND ETHOS 6 LEARNING ENRICHMENT AND ASSESSMENT 30 WHERE TO OBTAIN FURTHER INFORMATION 8 HOMEWORK 31 WELL-BEING 10 SOME IDEAS FOR HOME SUPPORT 32 THE THREE Rs 12 TRANSITION 34 THE LEARNING HABITS WHEEL 14 CO-CURRICULAR CLUBS 35 IPADS 16 HEALTH 36 ENGLISH 18 USEFUL INFORMATION 38 MATHEMATICS 20 BOYS' PREP SCHOOL UNIFORM 44 THE CONNECTED CURRICULUM 22 TERM DATES 48 MUSIC 24 STAFF 50 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 26 When you choose Surbiton High Boys’ emotional intelligence by embracing the Prep, you are embarking on a lifelong characteristics valued so highly. love of learning; full of innovation, From the minute they step over the creativity and challenging opportunities. threshold, they are part of a thriving By developing this thirst for learning, we community which will catch them when encourage boys to challenge themselves they fall and praise them when they achieve. within the safety of the Surbiton The close relationship that we have with community, knowing full well they will the parents allows us to have a transparent, be supported, nurtured and scaffolded open relationship which thrives on trust along the way. The boys are constantly and helps the boys flourish within it. urged to think deeply about all aspects of school life. We value responsibility, The boys at Surbiton Prep are happy, resilience and respect in our boys and we active and enthusiastic learners; they love expect them to live by the motto, ‘May life and they love learning. All staff form Love Always Lead Us’. This permeates a part of their journey through the School through each layer of school life and and we never fail to be excited as they the children begin to develop a strong embark on their journey with us. 2 3
CONTACT CHAIR OF THE LOCAL GOVERNING BODY Mr Adrian McKeon c/o Senior School INFORMATION SURBITON HIGH SCHOOL IS A PART OF UNITED LEARNING AND THE UNITED CHURCH SCHOOLS TRUST (UCST) Chair of the UCST Board Mrs Angela Crowe, JP PRINCIPAL Mrs Rebecca Glover CORRESPONDENCE FOR MRS ANGELA CROWE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO UNITED SENIOR HEAD OF PREP SCHOOLS & Ms Clemmie Stewart LEARNING REGISTERED OFFICE Worldwide House HEAD OF SURBITON HIGH GIRLS’ Thorpe Wood PREPARATORY SCHOOL Peterborough PE3 6SB HEAD OF SURBITON HIGH BOYS’ Mrs Tracey Chong T 01832 864444 PREPARATORY SCHOOL Surbiton High School is regulated by the Department for Education and the relevant GIRLS’ PREPARATORY SCHOOL ADDRESS 95 – 97 Surbiton Road contact details can be found on the DfE website ( Kingston upon Thames Surbiton High School is also noted on the Edubase register which is available at KT1 2HW T 020 8546 9756 BOYS’ PREPARATORY SCHOOL ADDRESSES 3 Avenue Elmers Surbiton KT6 4SP T 020 8390 6640 CHARLES BURNEY HOUSE 143 Maple Road Surbiton KT6 4BB T 020 8439 1400 SENIOR GIRLS’ SCHOOL ADDRESS 13 – 15 Surbiton Crescent Kingston upon Thames KT1 2JT T 020 8546 5245 4 5
AIMS AND ETHOS • coached and encouraged to develop • encouraged to be emotionally invested strong relationships, to be empathetic in their learning, persevering in the and responsive to the needs of face of difficulties, noticing subtle themselves and others differences and patterns, managing their distractions, and becoming absorbed in • empowered to lead a meaningful life, to Surbiton High School aims to inspire, encourage and empower be able to understand what their goals are, their learning young people to be the very best they can be. and to know what they are striving for • empowered to be fully involved in their learning, growing in interdependence, • empowered to draw strength from Ethos from all faiths and none, and we share collaborating effectively, listening celebrating their accomplishments, in with United Learning its core mission: empathetically to others, and imitating • We are a vibrant learning community, order to tackle new challenges. ‘to bring out the best in everyone’. their learning habits which inspires all pupils to discover We are fully committed to the aims We achieve these aims through our and embrace their individuality, to grow • inspired, encouraged and empowered to of the Framework for Excellence: inculcation of learning habits. Our in their intellectual curiosity, and to be productive, planning their learning children are: enjoy their independence in advance, revising and reviewing Aims • inspired in their thinking to ask questions, their progress, distilling important •W e acknowledge that there is no such to make connections, to imagine information, and developing their own thing as a typical Surbiton High School • Surbiton High School aims to inspire, possibilities, to reason methodically and meta-learning. pupil, and that impressive academic encourage and empower our young to capitalise on their resources results are just one aspect of our rich people to discover and liberate the very tapestry of educational provision; best of themselves, exceeding their we encourage every child to grow in potential in an intellectually rigorous compassion, treat others with respect, and challenging academic environment, and maintain an outward-looking balanced with outstanding pastoral care attitude, living out the School’s motto: and support ‘Amor Nos Semper Ducat’ (‘May Love We achieve these aims through our Always Lead Us’) Charter for Happiness and Well-being. Our •W e empower every child to thrive: children are: by developing social and emotional • i nspired to deploy their greatest strengths intelligence, becoming rounded to tackle all situations, developing a and grounded in character, and growth mindset and a ‘can do’ attitude, demonstrating kindness and service to equipped with the tools to maximise others their positive emotions •S urbiton High School is the founding • e ncouraged to find their niche, to be member of the United Church Schools fully engaged in educational activities, Trust and a leading school within and to meet any major challenge that United Learning. Valuing our Christian comes their way heritage, we welcome staff and children 6 7
WHERE TO OBTAIN FURTHER INFORMATION Key policies and further information • First Aid Policy covering the following areas are available • Head Girl Team Policy on the School’s website www.surbitonhigh. • Health and Safety Policy - Group com and also on request from the School Office: • Health and Safety Policy - Local • Learning Outside the Classroom • Academic Performance Statement • Missing Pupil Policy • Admissions Policy • Physical Restraint Policy • Anti-Bullying Policy • Provision of Information Policy • Behaviour and Discipline Policy • School Worship and Assemblies • Child Protection and Safeguarding • Searches and Confiscation Policy Policy • Special Educational Needs Policy • Co-curricular Policy - Senior School • Supervision of Pupils on Site Policy • Code of Conduct - Pupils • Uncollected Pupils Policy • Complaints Policy • Word Processor Policy. • Curriculum Policy - Senior School • Curriculum Policy - Girls’ Prep School • Curriculum Policy - Boys’ Prep School • Drugs Policy • Early Education Funding • Educational Visits Policy •English as an Additional Language Policy • Equal Opportunities Policy • Exclusion, Expulsion, Removal and Review Policy and Procedures 8 9
The well-being and pastoral care at the pupil. This relationship begins before the Boys’ Prep School is a vital and integral Reception boy has started the school, and part of school life. We value the individual throughout the year, the Year 6 boys take strengths of each boy and honour their immense pride in caring and supporting successes through varied celebrations. In their buddy up until their very last day at partnership with the parents, we nurture School. and foster positive relationships with our We have three Houses at the School: pupils, and at the heart of the pastoral Arundel, Caernarvon and Balmoral. programme is our school motto: May Love During the year we hold many Always Lead Us. House charity events, assemblies and We are proud of our warm, nurturing ethos celebrations, encouraging team spirit of the School and in addition to guiding the and friendships across the year groups. boys to high academic achievement, our Every term, pupils have a chance to earn programme of learning celebrates personal House Points for good work, effort and strengths, builds confidence from an early achievement, aiming for the target of age and recognises the importance of self- Platinum. The House Captains, in Year esteem. We encourage the boys to develop 6, keep track of the accumulating House a sense of self-discipline, responsibility Points on a weekly basis, and are hopeful and courtesy, as well as sensitivity to the to raise the cup, at the end of the year, for needs of others. the winning House. Our House Sports Day, which we share with the Girls’ Prep Our dedicated and caring staff provide School, is also one of our highlights in the a happy, safe and exciting learning School calendar, another chance to lift the environment whilst ensuring that the winning cup and celebrate. boys’ individual needs are met. The Form Teacher is the first point of contact for parents, and our ‘Open Door’ policy means that parents can discuss any aspect of care or day-to-day issues, as and when necessary. There are many leadership opportunities at the Boys’ Prep. The School Council, Eco Committee, Year 6 Buddies and our House system; the boys are encouraged to have a voice and be a part of the wider school community. In Year 6, all the boys apply and are awarded a role within the WELL-BEING School. The highest accolade is Head Boy, along with a Deputy Head and Senior Prefects, however, the role that all the Year 6 boys cherish, is ‘Buddy’ to a Reception 10 11
CHARACTER AND The B VALUES 3Rs at oys’ Prep The Character and values are an essential part of education within the curriculum and are also taught in explicit ways. The Boys’ with them, throughout a range of contexts. Respect, Responsibility and Resilience resonate with the staff and pupils, and Prep values - Respect, Responsibility and these simple yet effective beliefs permeate Resilience - are an integral part of day-to- the buildings at both Charles Burney Responsibility day life at the School. House and Avenue Elmers and underpin all our interactions. First and foremost, children learn by watching and imitating. As educational With this strong foundation, the boys Resilience practitioners, we know a large percentage develop key core values of their own. R espect of each boy’s learning will come from These character strengths are vital in observing the values and skills exhibited preparing the boys for their life as adults. by those around them. Children love to Ranging from bravery and forgiveness to copy and act out being older than they integrity and gratitude, these character are, so the modelling of our values from strengths are embedded into the teaching older pupils and staff has a huge impact and learning at the Boys’ Prep. May on our younger boys. At the Boys’ Prep, L ove we ensure that our three core values Always are promoted inside and outside of the L ead classroom. For our boys to be the best that Us they can be, they need to work together towards a common set of goals and values that are clear to them and all who work Ac ion com En Rel p l i sh t Me mo P o s it i v e E ge an i n g ga at on me m e nt ship i s nt 12 13
Why is it important for pupils to Pupils today will be entering the world of ‘The most striking thing about some learn. We are ensuring pupils in our care develop good learning habits? work in the 2020s and 2030s. Many of our undergraduates is their dependence, their continue their education with a lifelong young people are highly likely to take up lack of initiative and their reluctance to love of learning; safe in the knowledge At Surbiton High Boys’ Preparatory School, think themselves… new undergraduates jobs that do not yet exist; they will follow that they can tackle the bigger challenges we inspire our pupils to be dynamic seem to expect to be told what to do at careers and work patterns that we may life throws at them using the habits they learners who can thrive in a sophisticated, every stage. It is almost as though the currently find difficult to imagine and it have developed whilst at Surbiton High interconnected and complex world. We spoon-feeding and teach-to-the-test is, therefore, imperative that we prepare Boys’ Preparatory School. successfully blend the thrill of intellectual culture at school has drained them of pupils for the 21st Century and beyond. discovery and strong academic knowledge, independent thought.’ Professor Tim The graphic shows all 8 learning habits To that end, we empower our pupils to alongside encouraging lifelong learning Birkhead, Sheffield University that we know to be vital for young learners. gain an excellent academic profile, which habits. It is displayed in every classroom of the becomes their passport to accessing the Excellent performance across a variety of School. We hope you find it of interest and Our tailored approach to our pupils’ life-defining opportunities they so richly subjects and an enthusiasm for learning if you would like more information please learning enables us to fulfil our ambition deserve. At the same time, we recognise will ensure success. At Surbiton High either contact Mr Byron King or visit to realise our pupils’ primal need for the need for pupils to develop a wide range Boys’ Preparatory School, we have been learning. Underpinning our learning and of well-honed learning habits, encouraging working closely with Graham Powell and teaching is the desire to create engaging them to respond with confidence and The Learning Organisation to ensure our and exciting learning experiences every creative thinking to whatever unusual or pupils also develop the way in which they day. Our pupils flourish academically. We unforeseeable challenges they may face in know they perform best when they learn the future. s Th on to relish every opportunity available to discover their own individual talents and ink oti interests. Do I stick at things Am I being curious even when they and asking Em ing Education is not about forcing pupils to are hard? questions? fit a pre-determined mould, but rather ning Pers preparing them to be adaptable to an ever- stio ever changing world. We believe that education Am I completely Do I connections Do I make make Que connections engrossed in between different anc Abs links between different should be a stimulating and organic learning? topics? orpt ing topics? e process that is constantly evolving. ion How Mak are you learning n today? ratio Plan THE LEARNING ollabo ning C g Rev Do I work and learn Do I plan and work enin HABITS WHEEL effectively with out my learning in ising others? advance? List Inv it y tiv olv m Do I listen carefully to Am I being flexible. others to understand Do I monitor and uc en d e what they review my o t Pr say? learning? 14 15
IPADS iPads – Mobile Technology at Surbiton High Boys’ Prep School In line with our whole school digital strategy plans, boys in Year 1 and 2 will be introduced to using iPads through their Computing lessons. This supports them in being prepared for Key Stage 2. We believe that many aspects of learning can be supported, and advanced, by the effective use of mobile technology in the classroom and at home. Our aim is to complement what already works well in the classroom. Boys will learn to use a range of apps to support their learning. Importantly, the pupils will be taught how to use iPads safely and appropriately, both in the classroom and at home, and will be supported as they learn to master this technology. In Key Stage 1, the boys will use iPad apps including Scratch Jr, iMovie and Book Creator. 16 17
to well-known and accredited authors to speech marks. During Key Stage 1, we teach Handwriting ENGLISH develop his love and understanding of the boys to separate stories into a basic three Handwriting is incorporated in both books. In Key Stage 1 the boys are heard paragraphs – beginning, middle and end, in Phonics and discreet English lessons, read twice during the week with either a creative writing and appropriate sections where the teacher will model the correct teacher or teaching assistant, as well as for informative writing. We consolidate the letter formation and introduce joins when three times per week during their Phonics boys’ understanding of tenses and sentence In our English lessons, we will be using the boys are ready. lessons. structure. the Primary Strategy Literacy Framework. There are three strands to the work When reading aloud, please encourage your covered: Word Level, Sentence Level and son to sound out unknown words so that Text Level. this technique is continually reinforced, at home and at School. Discussion of • Word Level encompasses spelling and the story is also very important and vocabulary will help to develop understanding and • Sentence Level focuses on grammar and comprehension of the text. punctuation Phonics • Text Level consists of comprehension The boys will follow the Read Write and composition Inc. Phonics programme which is taught Speaking and Listening discretely on a regular basis throughout the week. This teaches: phonics, reading, The boys will participate in a range of writing, comprehension, spoken English, drama activities and learn to evaluate spelling, grammar and handwriting. their own and others’ contributions. During these sessions boys will read aloud During Key Stage 1, they will take part with a partner, discuss details about the in a Christmas Nativity Play and other text and practise spelling key words which school events. They will have the chance are then sent home for the boys to rehearse. to play different characters to convey Once the boys have reached the end of the stories, emotions and their own ideas. programme, over the course of Year 2, the The boys will be taught different dramatic boys will take part in group reading and techniques to explore characters and comprehension sessions guided by their different situations. teacher. Reading Grammar and Punctuation The boys will use books from Bug Club Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation (SPaG) and the Oxford Reading Tree Scheme. are taught discreetly and are regularly The level your son is placed on will be consolidated through retrieval starter continually assessed by his teacher. The questions are the beginning of a lesson. The aim of the scheme is to develop your son’s boys will consolidate their understanding of comprehension skills and his fluency capital letters and full stops at the beginning when reading aloud. It would also be very and end of sentences. During the year, the useful for your son to use a public library boys will be taught to use the following more in order to widen his reading experience. advanced punctuation: question marks, When ready, we will introduce your son exclamation marks, commas in lists and 18 19
We also encourage boys to learn support for all pupils. We use a variety MATHEMATICS and develop their understanding of of methods and resources to teach each Mathematics through the use of excellent lesson and ask the boys to be collaborative web-based resources including Mathletics, and reflective whilst promoting a culture Manga High and Times Tables Rockstars of high expectations. We often take (TTRS), in line with the School’s digital the learning outside the classroom and The National Curriculum is used as • Fractions: to recognise, find, name and strategy. encourage the boys to relate Maths to all guidance in Mathematics at Key Stage 1 write common fractions. areas of real life as they continue their and the curriculum is split into Number, Our Maths lessons are interactive, We follow a mastery approach which journey of mathematical learning. Measurement, Geometry & Statistics. enriching and provide challenge and ensures that the boys have a deep The main focus of the curriculum is on understanding of each topic. They will Number and this forms the building ‘master’ a topic through: procedural blocks of all mathematical understanding. fluency and conceptual understanding; We use the Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract they will reason using mathematical (CPA) approach to teaching Number. This language, generalisation and justifications; is a highly effective approach that develops they will problem solve in a variety of a deep and sustainable understanding contexts. Using the mastery approach of Maths. Learning starts at the concrete we can ensure the boys are secure in all stage where the boys use tangible objects concepts before moving up to Key Stage 2. to model the question. Next comes the In Key Stage 1, time is spent introducing pictorial step with visual representations pre-requisites of times tables such as of concrete objects. ‘Bar modelling’ is used counting up and down in groups of the as a pictorial representation of a worded same number. Times tables are introduced problem. The final step is the abstract stage, to ensure the boys have a conceptual where the boys use mathematical symbols. understanding and procedural fluency. By Number is split into key areas which are the end of Year 2, the boys are expected to built upon each year: have automaticity in their recall of the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication and division facts. • Place value: to know the value of each A strong knowledge of the times tables digit in a two-digit number and use this is fundamental to successfully learning information in various contexts, such many concepts in Mathematics at Key as ordering numbers and estimating Stage 2. answers. The boys are encouraged to develop • Addition and Subtraction: to add and skills in mental arithmetic during the subtract two-digit numbers mentally and mental starter of a Mathematics lesson. use pictorial representations and objects. These involve a wide range of activities Towards the end of Key Stage 1, the from quick number bond facts to more written methods are introduced. complex problem-solving questions. They • Multiplication and Division: to recall also introduce the boys to a wide range 2, 5 and 10 multiplication and division of mathematical vocabulary and mental facts, and solve worded problems strategies. relating to these. 20 21
As well as English, Mathematics, Music, PE and opportunities for learning outside the classroom, the pupils of Surbiton High Boys’ Preparatory School benefit from additional, connected curriculum subjects. These include Science, Computing, Modern Foreign Languages, Creative Arts, Humanities and Religious Education. The connected curriculum is a thematic approach to learning and teaching, which enables pupils to think creatively and critically and to see relationships between subjects. Our pupils are distinctive in their approach to learning and their understanding of life, through their willingness to challenge their experiences and personal development. The curriculum provides more connected opportunities to empower the boys to be the best they can be and encourage pupils to be curious, innovative, enterprising and capable of leadership, whilst remaining reflective learners. In Years 1 and 2 topic themes cross all subject areas, allowing boys to explore them in further depth. The curriculum is designed to encourage boys to learn about topics from all aspects and gain an in-depth knowledge of what they THE CONNECTED are learning about. Lessons are planned across the curriculum that link directly with the topic for the term. This ensures CURRICULUM the learning is meaningful and applied across a range of disciplines, leading to the mastery of many skills. 22 23
MUSIC In Key Stage 1, the boys have one 45-minute In Year 1, lessons include listening, lesson each week and a 30-minute Key performing, creating, playing and exploring Stage 1 Choir rehearsal with their specialist musical instruments, singing, movement Music teacher. Year 2 boys lead the Infant and the reading and writing of music. Each Choir which performs at important events. of these assists in developing thinking, They are also involved in a production communication and creativity. As the boys in which all boys take part. The boys progress to Year 2, the aim of Music lessons thoroughly enjoy putting on a show to a is to create intelligent musicians through large audience of pupils, staff singing, listening and improvising. and parents. Lessons explore the musical elements of pitch and rhythm in more depth and boys learn to analyse simple music. The focus is on musical literacy: through experience the boys relate what they sing to what they see. Every boy in Year 2 will learn to play the recorder and learn how to read and play from simple notation. 24 25
parents. The aim is to progress to the adult on an ongoing basis to make sure they are PHYSICAL pool and to build confidence in the water in the correct ability group. We follow the in the Autumn and Spring Terms. Amateur Swimming Association National Plan for Teaching Swimming (NPTS) and EDUCATION The boys are grouped by their ability award our own certificates, which follow for their Swimming lessons. Qualified the NPTS Levels 1 to 7. instructors teach the boys essential water skills, culminating in the achievement In Key Stage 1, the boys are laying the By the end of Key Stage 1 the boys should of graded awards. All swimming is foundations of their own physical literacy be able to: technique based and the boys are assessed and lifelong involvement in sport. Through • Hold balances using points by reducing a broad range of fun-based activities and the number or size of contact points games, the PE curriculum is designed (retaining quality) to improve the boys’ key components of fitness such as speed, strength, agility, • Perform simple movement patterns in balance and co-ordination, as well as dance or gym with agility, control and important life lessons. For example, how rhythm to take turns and work in pairs, groups • Successfully execute throws and catches or a team. The boys are also taught some in small-sided conditioned activities basic anatomy and physiology to help them understand the benefits of regular •Follow instructions and also be trusted exercise. Some of the themes we use to work independently during PE lessons include the following: • Cooperate fairly and effectively in • Athletics physical activities with a range of partners in the class • Gymnastics • Compete fairly showing positive • SAQ (speed, agility & quickness) behaviours, whatever the outcome of • Ball skills the competition. • Agility, balance & coordination circuits •Work safely with others during activity and when using/carrying equipment, • Tennis showing awareness of potential hazards Every week, the boys receive a PE lesson • Know the function of the heart and can on-site and a Games lesson at our external demonstrate how to raise and lower facility of Hinchley Wood. Within their heart rate when preparing for and these Games lessons the boys’ physical recovering from physical activity development is extended further through the themes of football, rugby and cricket • Can independently sustain the effort and in each respective term. focus required for an active PE lesson. Swimming In Year 1 and 2 the boys have weekly swimming lessons which are billed to the 26 27
At Surbiton High Boys’ Prep, we believe in outdoor learning or ‘Learning Outside the Classroom’ and the benefits this has for all our children. The opportunity to learn and play outside throughout the We take pride in the fact that Learning Outside the Classroom is embedded in our curriculum across Key Stage 1. Our Learning Outside the Classroom lessons complement the Key Stage 1 National LOC LEARNING OUTSIDE year, in various kinds of weather, is as important as learning and playing inside. All Learning Outside the Classroom Curriculum and are delivered within an organised planned structure. The boys will need to have a pair of wellington boots and THE CLASSROOM experiences serve an educational purpose, waterproof trousers that will be kept in enhancing and enriching our children’s school. learning. Real-world learning brings the benefits of formal and informal education together and reinforces meaningful learning through acquiring knowledge and skills by experiencing real-life, practical or hands-on activities. Children are allowed free contact with the natural world and are offered experiences that are unique to the outdoors, such as jumping in muddy puddles in the rain and pond dipping for pond life in the Spring Term. Playing and learning outside also helps children to understand and respect nature, the environment and the interdependence of humans, animals, plants, and life cycles. We are extremely fortunate at Surbiton High Boys’ Prep that we have a fantastic outside space, which offers endless possibilities for learning. The setting at Hinchley Wood provides a wonderful environment to embrace outdoor learning. At Hinchley Wood we can make use of the woodland, sports field, pond area and tennis courts to widen the boys’ learning experiences. 28 29
HOMEWORK In the Boys’ Prep, the amount of homework School every day, as reading with teachers increases gradually year by year as may take place on any day of the week. the boys progress through the School. To support their reading at home, all boys Parents should be aware that homework have a login to Bug Club. This gives them is not necessarily always written. It can additional reading books online, so that take various forms, e.g. writing, reading, you can choose a variety of books with illustration, games, project work and your son. Alongside reading, boys in Key revision. There will not be any holiday Stage 1 will also receive weekly spellings, homework unless there is a specific need English and Mathematics activities. These for individuals. activities will be linked to the work being completed in School that week and During Key Stage 1, boys will always have should take no longer than 20 minutes per a reading book. This will be changed three homework set. times a week, but must be brought into As part of the regular monitoring of consultation with the Form Teacher and all pupils, a whole class Screening the child’s parents, extra support in the Assessment will take place during Year form of 1:1 lessons or small groups may 1. As a result of this, specific concerns then be recommended. We monitor all about an individual child’s progress may pupils throughout their time at the Boys’ be highlighted. If this is the case, then Prep and therefore specific concerns an assessment will be administered by about an individual’s progress may be the Learning Enrichment Co-ordinator. highlighted at any time. Depending on the need, and after LEARNING ENRICHMENT AND ASSESSMENT 30 31
SOME IDEAS FOR HOME SUPPORT One of the most frequently asked questions to start initial discussions. Questioning by parents is, “How can we support our your child on what is going to happen and child at home?” predicting different endings is also a good way to determine their understanding of There are many ways in which you can the text, as well as discussing characters’ support your child. The most important feelings and personality. The most thing to remember whilst helping is important thing when reading with your continuity. It is important that the support child is to remain enthusiastic and show given at home follows the way your son is a love for books. This is then a step in the taught at School. right direction to encourage your child to Reading do likewise. Reading is an important part of learning. Writing It is essential for parents to spend time It is vital that you encourage your son to looking through and discussing books write as much as possible. Good ways with their child. The pictures provide the to encourage writing are diaries, cards, boys with vital clues and are a good place sticky notes or recounts of favourite days Discussion out. If your son has a particular interest, Verbal communication is very important, ask him to create a poster about it or draw particularly at this level in the boys’ and label a diagram. Please encourage development. Talk about things in the your son to spell words phonetically by environment: what do they notice? If sounding them out. Insisting on correct they ask questions, look up the answers spelling will only dampen his enthusiasm. together and get your child to explain Mathematics to another person what you found out. Involve Mathematics in your everyday Dinner time is a great way to find out activities at home. Talk to your son about about your child’s day in a relaxed and numbers and shapes in the environment comfortable atmosphere. Whatever the and make Mathematics fun by playing topic, ask your child questions about number games and setting challenges it, e.g. How does it work? Who is that at home. These activities do not need character? What do you like about that? If to be formal, but can involve the whole you ask questions, it will encourage your family through a practical and hands-on child to also ask questions. approach. 32 33
Transitioning into Key Stage 1 from At this stage, you will be able to visit CO-CURRICULAR Reception and then from Key Stage 1 into Avenue Elmers to learn more about your Key Stage 2 can be a big change, therefore son’s learning environment as he moves we have a focus on gradual change to through the School. ensure that all boys settle well into their new year groups. The move from Year 2 to Year 3 is a transition year between the Key Stages. The boys remain at Charles Burney House, CLUBS Over the course of Year 1, the day becomes more structured in order to meet the but Year 3 follow the KS2 timetable and curriculum requirements. We will ensure timings, so their breaks are at a different the Autumn Term is transitional; gradually time to the other boys at Charles Burney building up the lesson length. In order to House. At this stage, the Year 3 boys eat help with the changes we ensure that in with the older boys and also join them at all of the subjects taught there are many Avenue Elmers for KS2 assemblies and opportunities for active, independent some playtimes. This is a great way to learning, as well as child initiated learning. ease them into the rigours of KS2, within the comfort of a familiar setting. As the In the later end of Year 2, meetings will oldest boys in Charles Burney House, the be organised with Mrs Chong to discuss Year 3 boys experience opportunities to transition into Key Stage 2. During these show visitors around School, and are given meetings, Mrs Chong will discuss the responsibilities as the most senior boys in move into Year 3 to Charles Burney House, the building. followed by the move to Avenue Elmers in Year 4 and preparation for Senior School. At Surbiton High Boys’ Prep School, term. Enrolment for the Autumn Term Co- we pride ourselves on running a curricular activities will take place during comprehensive Co-curricular programme. the first few weeks of the Autumn Term. We foster the pupils’ love of sport, the We are constantly looking for ways to creative arts, languages and music. enhance and support our Co-curricular All our Co-curricular experiences are programme and it may be that other Co- outlined for you in a separate booklet curricular clubs may open throughout the available on MIS in September. Additional year, and you will be given the information TRANSITION details of the clubs will be supplied to you about this if and when this occurs. towards the end of each term, in order for you to make decisions for the following 34 35
ensure that your contact details, including • To ensure that any medications kept in the expiry date. Parents will be asked to HEALTH emergency contacts, are kept up to date. School are replenished before their expiry complete a medical questionnaire and date a medicines consent form. Parents are If the nurse feels that your child requires reminded that it is their responsibility to hospital treatment as a result of illness or • In the case of vomiting or diarrhoea, to ensure that any medication kept in School accident, a member of staff will accompany ensure that their child returns to School Medical Information is replenished before its expiry date. them to hospital and stay with your child no sooner than 48 hours from when their Surbiton High School has a Welfare Centre until you arrive. symptoms ceased. Regular /Occasional Medication on the Senior School site, which is staffed Administration of Medicines in It is the responsibility of Surbiton Only prescribed medication will be throughout the week by our Registered School Nurse. School High School: administered on a regular basis. Antibiotics and antihistamine preparations do not Health Assessments/Reviews Many pupils will need to take medication • To safeguard the pupils in our care during usually need to be taken during the school at some time during their school life. As the school day day. Antibiotics can usually be given before A short health assessment is required for far as possible, medication should be taken • To ensure that all medications are stored School and immediately on return home each pupil, usually in the year of entry, at home and only taken in School when securely and administered appropriately without compromising the consistent high commencing with Year 1 pupils and again absolutely essential. However, some pupils level of medication in the blood stream. as required when concerns have been may require regular medication, either on a • To ensure that all regular or occasional Parents are requested to ask their doctor expressed by Teachers or parents. These short or long term basis, to keep down the medications are administered by the to consider the school day and prescribe are carried out by the School Nurse and effects of or control a chronic condition School Nurse and her deputy or whilst accordingly when possible (i.e. an antibiotic are designed to promote the health and or disability. In these instances, each case on a school trip or visit, by a nominated day is 24 hours therefore 3 times daily is 8 development of your child and enable any will be dealt with sympathetically. Prior trained first aid member of staff. hourly). Antihistamines are most effective problems which may affect their education to the administration of any medication, Emergency Medications when taken as a once a day dose in the to be identified. At the end of the online parents are required to complete a medical Will always be administered- these include morning. Medical Questionnaire, you will be required questionnaire, sign a medicines consent to consent by ticking the declaration. form and when requested, to supply a Auto-Injectors, Asthma inhalers, Insulin If any medication is necessary, it will Pens. These need to be easily accessible be administered by the School Nurse or Illness or Accident in School written update on their child’s medical condition. and should ideally be kept with the pupil her deputy in The Welfare Centre. The The School Nurse is based in the Welfare or, in the case of very young pupils, with medicines should be delivered to The Centre. She is available throughout the It is the responsibility of parents: the class teacher. Pupils who are at risk Welfare Centre on the main school site school day and, in addition, there many • To ensure that their child is well enough of suffering a severe allergic reaction and in a plastic box labelled with the pupil’s first aid-trained staff on each school site. to attend School. A child who has a raised have been prescribed an auto-injector are details and the appropriate documentation The nurse provides help and support for temperature or is suffering from pain or required to have two in School; one to be including a completed and signed pupils with specific medical conditions discomfort severe enough to require the carried with them always and the second medicines consent form. Surbiton High and those who are injured or become ill use of medication should be deemed unfit to be kept in an emergency box at each School Staff are not permitted to administer during the school day. She does not operate for School School Reception. The storage of any other either Regular or Occasional medication a sick bay for ill pupils or act as a substitute emergency medication will be agreed with without specific authorisation from The for parental care. Please do not send your • To provide full details of any medical parents on an individual basis. School Nurse. Please be aware that there children to School if they are unwell. Not condition affecting their child and any These medications should be delivered to is no legal or contractual obligation on only is it an unpleasant experience for the medication required each School Reception at the start of term teaching or administration staff to either child, it can cause viruses and infections • To keep the School informed in writing administer medication or supervise a pupil in a sealed plastic container clearly marked to spread rapidly throughout the School of any changes to their child’s health or taking it. with the pupil’s name. They should be in population. If your child becomes unwell, medication the container supplied by the pharmacy, Medication can also be administered by we will contact you, therefore please complete with written instructions for parents/carers on site. administration, detailing side effects and 36 37
The system also allows us to communicate commitment from any company engaged USEFUL with you via our Weekly Parent to gather or process data on our behalf. Communication update, which is sent by Further detail is set out in our Privacy email every Friday. You can also receive Notice available on the School website: INFORMATION text messages from the School when urgent information (such as the late return Absence of a trip) needs to be sent to you. Whilst we discourage absence due to School News medical appointments we understand Times of the School Day bringing or collecting children by car to School news is regularly updated via our that in some circumstances this is observe parking regulations strictly at all Arrival various social media sites such as the unavoidable. Please note that family times. A Controlled Parking Zone operates school website ( holidays during term time will not be an The front and back gates at Charles in the area around the School. There are a and on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. authorised absence, as school term dates Burney House will be opened at 8.00am large number of meters available at a small There is a bi-weekly Prep School are published well in advance. by a staff member. Key Stage 1 boys charge for 15 minutes’ parking. Patrolling newsletter which is emailed to all parents. will need to be dropped in the back Traffic Wardens are unsympathetic to If your son is taken ill during the school playground. If arriving at school by foot, those who do not conform to the parking The Surbiton High Boys’ Prep School has day, you will be contacted immediately. please use Oak Tree Walk adjacent to restrictions outside the School. a Twitter account @SHSBoysPrep and a For this reason, please can we ask parents Charles Burney House to enter the back Blog account which is found on http:// to ensure that their contact details, School Administration Team playground through the rear gate. There is This including emergency contacts, are also a drive-through in operation. Please The School Administration Team consists gives you a small glimpse into our day reviewed regularly and kept up-to-date. ensure that your son does not get out of of Mrs Kelly Smith, Ms Charlotte Farndon at Surbiton High Boys’ Prep School. A If a pupil is absent due to illness, their the car until adjacent to Charles Burney and Mrs Fiona Meaney. Please contact whole School annual newsletter is also parent(s) are required to contact the School House and that you turn left out of the Mrs Kelly Smith or Ms Charlotte Farndon produced and distributed to all parents. via telephone or the appropriate email drive-through in order to ease congestion. if you have any questions or concerns Please check the School calendar on MIS address SurbitonBoysPrepAbsence@ At 8.25am the boys will be taken to their before your son joins us in September, for up-to-date information on events. before 9.00am on classroom by their Form Teacher. or Mrs Smith if you wish to make an Class representatives will be elected to the day of their absence and every day appointment with the Head. keep you informed of other important If your son arrives at School later than thereafter until they return to the School; school activities that relate to your son’s 8.25am, he should be taken into School The direct telephone lines and email to alternatively they can call the School year. via the main gate and enter through the the Boys’ Prep School are: Office on 020 8390 6640 or 020 8439 front door. If your son requires any help, Tel: 020 8390 6640 or 020 8439 1400. Personal Data 1400. If a pupil’s absence is likely to be a member of the Admin Team will escort prolonged, parents are asked to inform Email: Surbiton High School and United Church your son to his classroom. the Head, Mrs Chong, so that appropriate Schools Trust (UCST) collect, create MIS measures can be taken. Departure and hold personal information relating Once your son has started at Surbiton to our pupils, parents and carers. This Weather Disruption All boys finish school at 3.15pm. The front High Boys’ Preparatory School, you data is used for a variety of purposes in and back gates will be opened at 3.10pm If local conditions are very bad and police will have access to our Management relation to our provision of education by a member of staff. Key Stage 1 boys are authorities advise against travelling, do Information System. By visiting https:// services, including monitoring pupils’ to be collected from the back playground. not send your child to School. Our MIS you will be able progress and achievement and to Please wait in the playground until your alert enables us to contact you via text or to register to use the service, which will safeguard pupils’ welfare. We take our son is dismissed into your care. Parents email to provide appropriate updates. allow you to see your son’s attendance, responsibilities under Data Protection will need to park in the vicinity of Charles timetable, rewards/sanctions and other laws very seriously and demand the same If a problem arises during the day, we Burney House, but we advise parents information. may have to decide to end lessons early, 38 39
in order for the boys to avoid worsening The After School Club runs from the end to interact socially and we place great assembly to congratulate the pupil on conditions. We will once again contact of the school day until 6.00pm. Boys are importance on table manners. something achieved across the term. you via MIS text alert. The School will collected from their classrooms to go the Please notify the School Office and your School Coach Routes remain open until all pupils are collected. After School Club, where a healthy high son’s teacher if there are any allergies which tea is provided for the children. It is Royale European offer ten bus routes for Late Collection of Children we need to be aware of. recommended that you register your child pupils in the School. All the coaches Parents are requested to collect their even if you may only use either service Mid Morning Snack are fitted with seat belts. The routes, children promptly at the end of the day. once or twice. timings and prices can be found on the We operate a healthy eating policy at the However, should any parents be delayed school website. You may request a place You will receive further details on fees Boys’ Prep School. Pupils should have a while en route to collect a child from on a coach via the online New Pupil and Registration from the Admissions piece of fruit or vegetable and, in addition, school, we ask, as a matter of urgency, that Questionnaire. Department. they can have hard cheese, a small sandwich parents phone the School. We advise all or a nut-free muesli bar. Green & Silver Club families to enrol their children with the Parent Consultations and After School Care scheme, as you never Reports Nuts Growing out of the original association know when you may need it! formed in 1898 (OGOSH – the Old Girls of There is a Parents’ Curriculum Evening We have an increasing number of pupils in Surbiton High School), the Green & Silver Infant Crèche, Before School and early in the school year. This is an important the School with severe nut allergies. In order Club has become the association for all After School Care Facilities and very useful information evening, as it to avoid a potentially serious situation, all pupils, parents and staff, past and present. is an opportunity for parents to meet their nut products have been removed from the The Crèche is available until 3.50pm It is run by a committee of members. The son’s Form Teacher, who will outline the lunch menu, on medical advice. Pupils are for boys in Key Stage 1 who have older association focuses on celebrating the curriculum and answer any questions therefore not allowed to bring any products siblings in the Girls’ Prep School, Senior benefits of a Surbiton High education parents may have. containing nuts into the School. Please School or Boys’ Prep School. They will be through providing opportunities to create ensure that this policy is respected. supervised by a member of the Prep Staff. During the Autumn, Spring and Summer and rekindle memories, as well as to help If a sibling is in the Crèche, they need to Terms, a time will be arranged for you Houses forge beneficial connections between its be picked up before the older pupil is to meet with your son’s Form Teacher members. There are three school Houses: collected. to discuss his progress. You may set up The aims of the Green & Silver Club: additional meetings with your son’s Form • Arundel The School operates a Breakfast Club and Teachers at other times during the school Growing out of the original association After School Care Scheme at an additional • Balmoral year at a mutually convenient time. formed in 1898 (OGOSH – the Old Girls cost. • Caernarvon of Surbiton High), the Green & Silver Club Parents will receive a termly written has become the association for all pupils, We are able to accept Childcare Vouchers In Key Stage 1, the boys start to receive report. parents and staff; past and present. It to help towards your payment for this House Points for their effort, achievements provision. There is an initial registration Nutrition and good work. When they reach 25 points is run by a committee of members. The charge which will be collected through association focuses on celebrating the All children stay for school lunch, which they will receive a bronze certificate, 50 the termly invoice. Both schemes are benefits of a Surbiton High education is served in the Surbiton Assembly Rooms points, a silver certificate, 75 points, a gold based in the Surbiton Assembly Rooms. through providing opportunities to create dining hall. The children are supervised certificate and for 100 points, a platinum and rekindle memories, as well as to help The Breakfast Club is available from very carefully during their walk to, and certificate and a badge. forge beneficial connections between its 7.30am until the start of the School day, from, this site. The weekly sample menus Certificates members. when your son will be escorted over to the are available on the school website and Boys’ Prep School. At the Breakfast Club there is also a Catering booklet which has At the Boys’ Prep, weekly certificates are The aims of the Green & Silver Club: your son will be given a healthy breakfast additional information. awarded in our Good Work Assembly • to connect with current pupils and of cereal, juice, toast and/or yoghurt. and an end-of-term certificate is given to School meal times are a time for children parents to raise awareness of the Green a pupil in each form in our end-of-term 40 41
& Silver Club network items within the school community to The Parents’ Association is hosting a Any Questions enhance the pupil experience. Membership Welcome Supper in the Dining Hall • to provide alumni with the opportunity If you have any further questions, please of the Parents’ Association is open to all on Tuesday 8 September from 7.00pm for social and professional networking contact the Admissions Office on 0208 parents and is automatic on completion onwards for new families. Bowl food will and career development 439 1309 or admissions@surbitonhigh. of the relevant section of the New Pupil be served to enable you to mingle and get • to enable alumni to give back to the to know other parents. To book tickets, com. Questionnaire. Payment of an annual School through volunteering, mentoring subscription of £10 per family will be added please go to or career talks to current pupils to the Spring Term fee invoice. • to publish news and information about the Green & Silver Club and the School • to hold reunion events and functions throughout the year with a focus on increasing our alumni engagement • to promote, enhance and support the reputation of the School and its strategic aims. Additionally, the Green & Silver Bursary Fund was launched in 2015, with the purpose of helping those whose financial circumstances prevent them from accessing the benefits of a Surbiton High School education. The Green & Silver Club Award will be up to 30% of the current school fees, which can be received by one pupil or shared between pupils. The Award will be reviewed annually. Pupils not eligible for a CFSP Bursary are still entitled to apply, provided they meet the means-tested criteria. The modest £10 annual subscription from current parents, together with donations of money, time and talent from so many of our alumni, help support the Green & Silver Club. Parents’ Association (SHSPA) The Surbiton High School Parents’ Association has three main functions: to form a link between parents and the School, to organise social events for parents and their children, and to fundraise for specific 42 43
Uniform BOYS’ PREP Compulsory SCHOOL UNIFORM Waterproof jacket Green with School crest (to remain in School or plain black coat at all times) Blazer Green with School crest White shirt Long-sleeved with winter uniform; short-sleeved with summer uniform School Uniform Suppliers Nearly New Uniform Sales Trousers Dark grey AlleyCatz Regular Nearly New Uniform Sales are Claremont House, 34 Molesey Road arranged by the Surbiton High School Waterproof trousers Green or black Hersham, KT12 4RQ PA Committee. For more details visit Shorts Dark grey knee-length (summer uniform) T 01932 223075 Tie Green and silver striped Jumper Dark grey with trim Socks Short dark grey with winter uniform; Labelling Seasonal Uniform knee-length dark grey with summer uniform All formal uniform should be labelled on the Summer uniform is to be worn from Shoes Black (from approved styles list) inside, with either iron-on or 8mm woven September through to the half term break name tapes. All sports and art items also in the Autumn Term. Art overall Green (Year 2) need to be clearly labelled inside (not on the Waterproof art overall Green (Year 1) Winter uniform is to be worn from the outside) with either iron-on or 8mm woven Autumn Term half term break until the name tapes. Please note the recommended end of the Spring Term. format for Reception to Year 2 is first and second name e.g. Jack Smith. When requesting Summer uniform is encouraged from Sports Kit embroidery, please use initials only on the the start of the Summer Term, but this is Compulsory outside of bags, for safeguarding purposes. very much weather dependent. Summer uniform is compulsory from after the half Polo shirt White with School crest Houses term break in the Summer Term. Sweatshirt Green with School crest Pupils will be allocated a House when starting the School. House t-shirts can be Shorts White purchased from AlleyCatz for delivery to Trainers Suitable for indoor/outdoor PE (mainly white) the School. Ankle socks White House t-shirt House Colours - Arundel (Red), Balmoral (Blue), Caernarvon (Green) Jogging bottoms Green 44 45
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