Candidate Information - RSAcademics

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Candidate Information - RSAcademics
Candidate Information
Candidate Information - RSAcademics
Appointment Context
The Governors of Twyford School are seeking an exceptional          One of Twyford’s strongest selling points is its commitment to
new Head to succeed Dr Steve Bailey, who retires at the end         being a kind, caring, family community with a shared purpose.
of the next academic year, July 2020, having led the School         Key to the role will be to ensure that all pupils have the time,
successfully for 10 years with dedication and commitment.           space and inspirational teaching that will give each and every
The new Head will take office from September 2020, to               one of them the confidence to thrive. Essential attributes will
become the 17th in Twyford’s 221-year history.                      be a strength of character and an open-minded enthusiasm
                                                                    for the importance of providing pupils with many and varied
Twyford is a prestigious and ambitious school with healthy
                                                                    experiences. A real love of children, along with a sense of
financials and plans to develop and enhance its reputation as
                                                                    humour and fun, will certainly be on the Governors’ checklist!
one of the leading prep schools in the country. The new Head
                                                                    Equally, Governors know that creating an environment where
will relish this exciting opportunity to take the School into its
                                                                    teachers are happy, thrive and flourish is central to successful
next chapter whilst preserving and embracing its long history
                                                                    pupil experiences.
and tradition.
                                                                    Most importantly, the Head will be experienced in managing
The successful candidate will be a strong, strategic thinker
                                                                    change, able to assess and adapt, in order to effectively
who really understands the ‘big picture’. He/she will provide
                                                                    address the challenges that the prep school sector will face in
clear leadership and a vision for the whole School to take it
                                                                    the next decade.
into the future, building teams that complement their own
skills. An outstanding communicator who listens, motivates          The new Head will be supported as a member of IAPS District
and energises all members of the Twyford community, the             10 and will be encouraged to continue his/her own personal
Head will steer the evolution of the School and have the            development. The School is fortunate to have a professional
credibility to inspire staff, pupils, parents and prospective       and hard-working Governing Body that is totally committed
parents alike and will enjoy working with them all, being           to providing the Head with appropriate guidance and wise
visible, accessible and collaborative.                              counsel. The Governors have an ambitious Estate Master Plan
                                                                    to develop the School’s facilities further.
Academic standards are very high in the School. The children
at Twyford are extremely well prepared for the next stage           A highly competitive remuneration package is offered,
of their educational journey by high-calibre teachers and           commensurate with the seniority of the post and the
are keenly sought after by senior schools for their ability to      experience of the successful candidate. A recently refurbished
participate enthusiastically and lead. The current Head advises     five-bedroomed house is available on the School campus.
on senior school transfer and knows the senior schools and
their Registrars well. He has earned huge respect and trust in
this regard, on which the new Head will be expected to build.
Candidate Information - RSAcademics
The School
Twyford School is a successful co-educational, independent day and
boarding prep school for children aged three to 13, which is looking to
the future by building on its unique ethos and traditional values. Situated
in the village of Twyford, near Winchester, and set within a truly
enviable position of 20 acres of mature grounds, surrounded by stunning
Hampshire countryside, the thriving School prides itself on being one of
the oldest prep schools in the country.
The School offers an exceptional, all-round education to
approximately 400 pupils, of which around 100 are weekly or flexi-
boarders. The overriding aim of the School is to ensure that happy
children are actively engaged and intellectually stimulated in a safe and
welcoming environment.
The School is renowned for the high quality of its staff. A depth of
knowledge and an early-instilled self-confidence is inspired by the
experienced team of over 110 teachers and coaches.
The breadth of opportunity offered to the children creates a vibrant
atmosphere of excitement and endeavour. Music, art, drama, sport
and outdoor learning all contribute to the mix, and are played out in
Twyford’s fantastic surroundings and well-resourced facilities.
The result of the special ethos of Twyford is that children achieve
excellence during their time at the School, and build on this foundation
through their teenage years when they head to many of the top
independent schools across the UK.
The School underwent an ISI Inspection in 2013, the outcome of which
was the Inspectors finding every aspect of the School “Excellent”. An ISI
Compliance Inspection took place in 2017, with all standards being met.
Candidate Information - RSAcademics
History & Ethos
Twyford School moved to its present site, with a beautiful Queen       The School is a strong family community where values are rooted
Anne country house as its centrepiece, in 1809, but there has been     in the Christian faith. Care for each other is embedded firmly in the
a school for boys in Twyford since the 17th Century, probably          guidelines for relationships, stressing the importance of tolerance,
changing from a Catholic School to a Protestant School around the      moral courage and creativity. Respect, kindness, honesty,
end of the 18th Century.                                               friendship and responsibility are foundations on which to build the
                                                                       happy, healthy pursuit of academic, sporting and cultural success.
During the 19th Century, further buildings were added, including
a large School Room built during the 1820s and a mid-Victorian         Twyford pupils are given the skills, confidence and understanding
chapel that was designed and built in 1869.                            to shape their own futures. They are equipped with a
                                                                       resourcefulness and resilience that will enable them “to be
Some of the furnishings such as the fixed desks for the boys
                                                                       adaptable to the uncertainties of life”. (Vision, Aims and
and the ‘Headmaster’s throne’ were exact replicas of those in
                                                                       Curriculum Policy - Prep Parent Handbook)
‘School’ in Winchester College but carefully proportioned to
suit the younger children in a prep school. The curriculum, under      The Chapel is a very important part of school life providing children
the exceptional Headship of the Reverend George Kitchin at             of all faiths and none a quiet place of reflection:
this time, was seen to be very modern for its day with music,
drawing, history, geography and French all appearing on the            “Rightly known as the hidden gem of Twyford and
timetable. Musical performances and plays, rambling and climbing       one of the hidden treasures of Victorian Hampshire, it
expeditions were part of school life and the Headmaster even           is like stepping into a time capsule and still provides
involved the boys in the building of the cloister leading to his new   an important haven of peace and quiet in the busy
School Room. It was on the completion of this building that a          Twyford day.”
concert was held. Taking part in this concert was the young Hubert     Twyford Life magazine, November 2018
Parry who had recently joined the School and would go on later
to become the great composer, with his work ‘Jerusalem’ being          The incoming Head will be comfortable with being the leading role
adopted as the School Hymn.                                            model for these values and will be committed to taking an active
During the second half of the 20th Century the site was developed      part in the leading of Chapel services and assemblies.
and the School was again at the forefront of prep school education,    The School prides itself on having no difficulty at all in actively
being able to provide an exceptional range of facilities. With the     promoting fundamental British values through all that they
opening of a Pre-Prep department in 1985, the girls in these classes   do and teach. Children appreciate the crucial principles of
were the first to enter the School on a regular basis and Twyford      tolerance, democracy, the rule of law and respect for all
progressively became a co-educational school for children aged         differences between people:
three to 13. Plans for new buildings and a major development
of classrooms were put in place during the late 1980s, when the        “Twyfordians emerge as individuals who can take
School roll exceeded 100 for the first time with full waiting lists.   an active role in society; challenging bigotry and
By the 1990s, this had risen to 270 pupils.                            supporting those who are in need.”
Twyford has continued to thrive, providing a perfect blend of          School website
modern, forward-looking education underpinned by the traditional
Christian values of empathy, graciousness and service.
Candidate Information - RSAcademics
School Location & Facilities
The School is situated at the centre of the village of Twyford,   Outdoor table tennis tables, a putting green and an exercise
which stands on the River Itchen and within the western           course increase the range of options. These cleverly designed
boundary of the South Downs National Park. It is hard to          spaces with well-chosen equipment allow pupils to learn to
believe that this idyllic location, surrounded by three parks     problem solve, gain leadership skills, take risks and become
and large areas of protected water meadows, is only three         immersed in cross-curricular learning, or simply enjoy the fresh
miles from Winchester and ten miles from Southampton. The         air and free play during break time.
village itself offers a handful of shops, pubs and other small
                                                                  The Pre-Prep playground was completely refurbished and
businesses. The proximity to Winchester and its cultural,
                                                                  redesigned following plans drawn up by the staff in 2017. The
historic and musical offerings, coupled with the freedom
                                                                  result is another wonderful adventure play space, equipped
offered by the remarkable space of this enviable setting, gives
                                                                  with slides, climbing frames, tunnels and activity trails. A
children the best of all worlds.
                                                                  further wooden classroom has been installed, along with an
Children come from predominantly business and professional        outdoor stage, water play system, seating and music area
families who live within a 30-mile radius of the School, with     which give children a choice of activities during playtimes. The
around 60 per cent from in and around Winchester. The             resurfaced bike track now boasts a roadway with roundabouts
School provides an extremely successful, free minibus service,    and a zebra crossing, whilst the fruit and vegetable garden
offering six routes each morning.                                 is tended to by the Gardening Club. Existing playground
                                                                  areas have also recently been refurbished and now provide a
Wherever the children work and play, they have the benefit
                                                                  football pitch, netball court and a play zone.
of settings that tell a story of the people who have loved and
cared for this special place. The house and early additions,      Classrooms are large, bright and well-equipped, spread
including the original School Room (now Upper School), the        across the numerous modern buildings built over the last
Victorian Chapel, the Old Dining Hall and the 1920s oak-          20 years, with many around pretty quadrangles. There are
panelled Memorial Library, all bear testament to the School’s     light, spacious and purpose-built Art and Design Studios,
long and illustrious history. Excellent modern classroom          a dedicated Music School with rehearsal and performance
facilities, cared for gardens and orchards, extensive playing     spaces, in addition to specialist subject rooms including
fields and grass games pitches, cricket squares and practice      Science Laboratories and IT facilities. The ‘Saxon Court’
nets, a large Sports Centre and indoor 20m swimming pool,         complex, (the building of which in 2009 unearthed a Saxon
all-weather tennis and netball hard courts, an Astroturf for      burial ground of 18 graves), is now a space for Year 8s. The
hockey, football, cricket or netball, 200m and 100m running       Pre-Prep has its own hall, library, art, music and cookery rooms
tracks, a hurdles track, skills practice areas, and a range of    but also uses many of the Prep facilities.
athletics field event areas all allow for a perfect blend of
                                                                  In the 1980s, a new Dining Hall was built to accommodate
innovative indoor and outdoor learning experiences.
                                                                  all members of the Pre-Prep and Prep communities and a
The 20 acres of tranquil grounds and woodlands offer              versatile space known as the ‘Mulberry Pavilion’ is used for
unending opportunities for play. Fantastic outdoor facilities     dance, clubs, drama workshops and art exhibitions.
and a recently refurbished adventure playground have been
                                                                  ‘Court’ deserves a mention as it sits at the very heart of
further enhanced by the addition of a wooden outdoor
                                                                  the School and its traditions, with the external wall of the
classroom in an area to the east of the site, known as the
                                                                  Memorial Library serving as the support for the wickets for the
‘Chalk Mounds’. The woodland shelter and fire pit are a hub
                                                                  unique Twyford sport of ‘Court Cricket’.
for cooking, bushcraft and survival activities.
Candidate Information - RSAcademics
Future Plans
An ambitious Estate Master Plan was developed in 2016-17 and this
Plan has been taken through a Pre-App process with local authorities and
consultation with other stakeholders. Aspects of the Plan are underway,
with planning permission gained for the first two enabling facilities
projects, and design beginning on two major developments to enhance
Art and Design Technology facilities.
The Plan’s scope extends out to the next decade and is designed to
ensure the School remains safe, secure and well resourced. Smaller
projects are undertaken to make regular improvements throughout
the School to enhance the quality of our pupils’ experience in and out of

the classroom.

& Leadership
As a registered charity for education, the Head is supported by a
knowledgeable and committed Governing Body, which takes a strong
interest in the School. The Governors have a wide range of experience
and skills, along with highly effective oversight and an excellent
understanding of the day-to-day working of the School.
The full Governing Body meets at least three times a year. A number of
sub-committees provide regular reports to update this full Governing
Body in areas such as Finance and General Purpose, Development
and Marketing, Academic and Pastoral, Remuneration, Search and
Governance, and Estates. Outside of this formal meeting structure, the
Head meets regularly with the Chair to maintain good communications.
The School is committed to high standards of teaching and learning
to offer the best education possible for the children. This commitment
is led by the Head with the support of his/her Senior Leadership Team
and a number of committees such as Academic, Health and Safety, and
Pastoral, which assist with the management of the School.
Candidate Information - RSAcademics
School Structure
The School is one school with one Head but, for smooth operation, is split into Pre-Prep
(Nursery to Year 2) and Prep (Year 3 to Year 8).
The term-time Nursery takes children from three to four years, who are taught by
the Nursery Teacher and two NNEB Nursery Nurses. The core Nursery hours run
from 8.45am to 11.45am, with optional Busy Bees afternoon sessions. Offering a
caring environment in which the children can flourish through actively learning and
developing their social skills, the Nursery is the foundation block from which children
can move seamlessly on to Reception.
The Pre-Prep, overseen by the Head of Pre-Prep, is a thriving hub of activity and
recognised as being among the very best in the South of England. Set back from the
Prep School, it consists of: one Nursery class, two Reception and Year 1 classes, and
three classes in Year 2. There will be four classes in Year 2 from September 2019.
Class sizes are small and typically range from 12 to 20 children in the Nursery, and 14 to
18 in the Pre-Prep and Prep.
The Prep School is split into two for a number of functions:
•   Years 3, 4 and 5 are termed ‘Middle School’ and
•   Years 6, 7, and 8 are termed ‘Upper School’
There is a Head of Year for each year group from Year 3 to Year 8. In addition, the
younger year groups in the Prep School are paired to facilitate joint planning, monitoring
of progress and relevant pastoral care. There is a Head of the paired years in Years 3 and 4
to aid this coordination. In Years 3 to 6, the Form Teacher is also the tutor to those pupils.
Pupils in Years 7 and 8 have a Form Teacher (for registration and some administration)
and a Tutor (who monitors academic progress and coordinates pastoral matters
with other staff and parents). Year 8s have their own dedicated learning and social
environment, Saxon Court, which allows them to focus and prepare in their last year with
their own classrooms and changing areas, and their own ‘Bevers Tea’ snack set up every
afternoon. Welfare and pastoral care for all children are overseen by the Head of Pastoral
Care, who is a member of the Senior Leadership Team.
Flexible wrap-around care is offered, allowing children to stay from 7.30am to 6.00pm.
There is a daily breakfast club, a variety of after-school clubs and, from Year 5,
homework is completed by the time School ends at 6.00pm, apart from Year 8 who are
expected to study for 40 minutes after supper. Years 4 to 8 attend Saturday morning
school before participating in matches in the afternoon if they are representing the
School in sports teams.
The School has also partnered with Ultimate Activity Camps, which runs holiday
programmes during the Easter and Summer holidays.
Candidate Information - RSAcademics
The School welcomes children from a wide range of cultural backgrounds
and all faiths. Entry to Nursery and Reception is via a waiting list with places
offered taking account of the date of registration, with a preference for
siblings. The School does not formally assess entry into Year 1, although
school reports may be requested to help place a child. For entry into Year
2, assessments are held in the autumn term of the year prior to entry. Year
2 candidates are invited to School to undertake a number of tests and take
part in activities. A report from the child’s present school and information
from the parents will also be taken into consideration. Places are offered to
children whom the School believes will thrive. Consideration is also given to
a child’s potential in music, drama, art and sport. For entry into Years 3 to 8,
assessments, including written papers in English and Maths, are held in the
autumn term of the year prior to entry, and places are then offered subject to

performance and availability of places.

Children are thoroughly prepared for Common Entrance, Winchester Entrance,
Common Academic Scholarship and the specific scholarship examinations
for individual schools. The majority of children take these examinations at
Year 8 for entry to senior schools at age 13. Children progress to many of
the leading independent schools throughout the country, including: Bedales,
Bradfield College, Bryanston, Canford, Charterhouse, Cheltenham Ladies’
College, Downe House, Eton, Godolphin, King Edward VI Southampton, Lord
Wandsworth College, Marlborough, Millfield, Portsmouth Grammar, Radley,
St Edward’s Oxford, St Mary’s Calne, St Swithun’s, Sherborne Boys, Sherborne
Girls, Wellington, Winchester College and Wycombe Abbey.
Each year, a large percentage of leavers are also awarded major
scholarships to top independent schools. Over 65 scholarships for Academic,
Sport, Art, Music, and Drama have been awarded to Twyford pupils over the
last five years.
Candidate Information - RSAcademics
                                                                            Twyford has an exceptional reputation in sport, and physical education
                                                                            is integral to the curriculum, with over 22 sports on offer. The School’s
                                                                            overriding belief is that sport is part of a balanced education. Every
                                                                            child is therefore encouraged to participate at the level which suits
 “Twyford is a school that demands engagement from                          them and all children spend over three hours on PE, swimming, games
children rather than passivity. We encourage autonomy                       and individual sports each week.
and leadership; we are a school where independent                           Children enjoy first-class coaching and the space to develop these
thought is promoted and individual growth comes from                        individual and team skills. With the extensive sporting facilities on
commitment and tenacity. At Twyford, children have a                        offer, children at Twyford are able to compete at a high level with
voice and are expected to be intelligently critical of their                independent schools locally and nationally, with notable success
world… Enjoyment should be evident in all aspects of                        in cricket, hockey, netball, swimming and athletics, in particular.
our educational experience. Understanding limitations,                      These inter-school matches and galas form a key part of the sports
as well as experiencing failure and disappointment, are                     programme and some 25 teams will take part on Wednesday and
legitimate educational opportunities.”                                      Saturday afternoons.
2018/19 Prep School Parent Handbook                                         Recent successes at national school level have included, for example,
                                                                            the U11 ESCA eight-a-side boys’ cricket team winning the National
To this end, the School aims to engender a love of learning by
                                                                            Final, and the U13 girls’ netball team, the U12 and 13 girls’ hockey team,
developing and realising individual gifts and talents through a
                                                                            the U13 boys’ six-a-side football team and members of the School’s
challenging and bespoke curriculum that encourages high standards
                                                                            swimming teams all reaching the IAPS Finals in their respective sports.
and expectations of self and others. The School believes that children
thrive socially and academically through an exciting, active,               Cricket is extremely popular for both boys and girls with around 26 teams
topic-based curriculum.                                                     playing in cricket fixtures throughout the summer term. Many children are
                                                                            involved in Hampshire County age group cricket and many alumni, both
From the age of three, there are weekly lessons in swimming, PE,
                                                                            past and more recently, have gone on to earn professional contracts.
music, ballet, cooking, and woodland school, as well as daily literacy,
numeracy and fun play-based activities. In the Pre-Prep, children           Tennis, water polo, lacrosse, rugby and rounders are also offered and
are further introduced to the core subjects of English, Mathematics         children have competed in the National Fencing Championships,
and Science which are supported by establishing the foundations of          Prep Schools’ Clay Pigeon Shooting Championships, the IAPS Sailing
French, Religious Studies, History, Geography, PSHE, ICT, Drama and         Championships, and were recent winners of the Southern Region
Art and Design.                                                             Schools’ Skiing Championships.
In the Prep School, Year 3 pupils are taught in mixed-ability forms for     A sport unique to Twyford, Court Cricket, has mentions in the School
all subjects. Years 4 and 5 are also taught in mixed-ability forms except   archives dating back to the 1850s. Hugely competitive, the game is
for Mathematics, which is setted from Year 4. In Year 6, there is a         eagerly played through all break times, and by the boarders in the
combination of sets and mixed ability groups, along with the addition       evenings, from Year 3 to Year 8. Pitchers bowl tennis balls at the two
of Latin classes and, in Years 7 and 8, all subjects are taught in sets.    sets of stumps attached to the wall of the Memorial Library which was
Setting is based on ability rather than future school or type of entrance   originally used for Fives or Bat Fives. These balls are taped in insulation
exam. All subjects are supported by a wealth of resources, including        tape to create swing and movement!
a wide range of visual and auditory strategies, iPads (Pre-Prep) and        Since 2015, there have been bi-annual sports tours during the October
Chromebooks (Prep) which are used by the children regularly in lessons      half term for boys and girls in Years 7 and 8. In 2017, the Barcelona
and preps, in addition to access to desktop computers in the ICT suite      Sports Tour saw 56 children making up three football teams and three
to support learning.                                                        hockey teams to play matches against local teams.
Candidate Information - RSAcademics
Art & Design
The children experiment with a broad range of art techniques and
materials to create both two and three-dimensional work in the
stunning purpose-built Art Studio, and explore traditional hand skills
through to Computer Aided Design and laser cutting in the Design
Technology Studio.
Great pride is taken in the creative work produced by the children. It is
displayed beautifully throughout the School and celebrated at the yearly
Art Exhibition which takes place each year in the Mulberry Pavilion, with
every child from Year 3 to Year 8 having a piece of work on display.
Children are given opportunities, both in the classroom and on school
trips, to investigate and develop a number of personal skills to create
images and artefacts. In Year 6, potential art scholars and children with
high interest and ability are invited to join the Extra Art evening sessions.
Every year, a significant number of children are entered for senior school
Art Scholarships.
Each year, pupils are regularly entered for local and national
competitions. This year, one girl was chosen to show her artwork at the
Royal Academy’s ‘Young Artists’ Summer Show’.

Music plays a very important part in the lives of the children at Twyford
and they are introduced to a wide variety of music as they progress
through the School, discovering and pursuing their musical talents in
music lessons and practice with particular instruments (be it violin, harp,
drums or bagpipes). Every child from Nursery to Year 8 has a weekly
class music lesson and a weekly singing practice. Some 80 per cent of
children choose to have individual lessons on instruments and/or singing.
Any musical instrument can be learned, Theory is taught by a tutorial
system and children may take practical and/or theory exams.
There are numerous opportunities to perform with a variety of concerts
held each term, including popular lunchtime performances for parents.
The musical year culminates with a Music Gala on the last day of the
academic year. Children can join the School Orchestra, Jazz Band, Wind
Band, other Chamber Music groups and one of the Choirs. The Pre-Prep
even has its own Choir, Bell Choir and Ukulele Group. Children are often
involved in professional productions, singing in operas with the Grange
Park Opera, and Music Scholarships are regularly achieved to chosen
senior schools.
Twyford places great emphasis on developing the valuable skills of
speaking or reading in public and children of all ages are given the
opportunity to perform on stage. All Prep children have a timetabled
drama lesson each week, taught by a specialist, and are offered tuition
for the English Speaking Board exams and LAMDA exams.
The children put on several performances and showcases, both small
and largescale, during the year, including the Year 6 and 7 musical play,
involving some 80 children. This year saw successful and highly polished
performances in the production of ‘Oliver!’.
‘Twyford’s Got Talent’ is renowned as a truly amusing highlight of
the year and, during Leavers’ Week, Year 8 take part in a series of
Shakespeare workshops with professional actors, which culminates in a
‘Shakespeare performance’ at the Leavers’ Dinner.

Learning Enhancement
The excellent Learning Enhancement department bases itself
around the ‘Hub’ which is an attractive, central space devoted to
learning support that can be tailored to help children to flourish. Two
highly-trained members of staff offer dynamic one-to-one sessions
for around 30 children. Open during break and lunchtime, a variety of
children, including those who have not been identified as requiring extra
support, are welcomed into the less formal, lively environment where
they can work comfortably and quietly within a caring atmosphere.
A weekly timetable of topics covered each day at breaks and lunchtime
is published to pupils and parents via the Twyford Link, keeping
everyone informed.
Beyond The Classroom
Outdoor learning is a vital ingredient in the educational          A variety of after-school clubs are also offered, with
offering at Twyford and is underpinned by the long-held            Wednesday afternoons, after sport, being a time to participate
school philosophy of “healthy body, healthy mind”.                 in a series of hobbies.
The fantastic woodland and adventure facilities within the         Authors and speakers are often invited to School to address
grounds of the School, along with the growing Outdoor              the children. For example, recent talks have been given by
Pursuits programme, offer countless opportunities for the          Matt Dawson, former England Rugby player, who came to
children to experience the world beyond the classroom              speak about healthy eating and his sporting career, and
setting. From the earliest years, as part of the Pre-Prep ‘Come    children’s author, Ali Sparkes, who talked to children about
Rain Come Shine’ programme, the children explore the natural       writing and her ‘The Shapeshifter’ series of books.
world, from forest school and activities in the wooden outdoor
                                                                   Educational trips see children sleepover at the Met Office in
classroom and woodland shelter, to cooking and telling stories
                                                                   Exeter, visit the Houses of Parliament, make Saxon shields and
around the firepit and performing on the outdoor stage.
                                                                   daggers at the Ancient Technology Centre in Cranbourne, and
As they get older, they are also given the chance to go on         head over for a day to the Isle of Wight. Year 6 spends a week
climbing, orienteering, sailing and canoeing trips, and all will   at the Château de la Baudonnière in Normandy each October
attend residential outdoor activity courses where they can get     and the much-anticipated Leavers’ Week for Year 8 involves
involved in bushcraft courses, and leadership and teambuilding     trips activities such as cooking with a well-known chef, in
activities in dedicated centres in the New Forest, Oxfordshire,    addition to their intensive ‘Shakespeare Week’.
Pembrokeshire and Snowdonia.
In keeping with the creative vision of the School, the offering
of ‘Apprenticeships’ in the Prep School is a scheme that
provides a unique and extensive range of opportunities for
the children to explore possible interests and subjects that are
not within the formal curriculum, inspiring lateral and critical
thinking on a more independent or collaborative basis with
their peers, and with less adult intervention. Incorporated
into the timetable on a weekly basis, the activities include,
for example: Photography, Debating, Drama Workshop,
LAMDA, Music Theory, Ceramics, History of Art, Fencing,
modern languages such as Mandarin and Arabic, Ancient
Greek, Birdwatching, Knitting, General Knowledge, Gardening,
Outdoor Problem Solving, Mountain Biking, Mathematical
Puzzles, Table Tennis, Athletics, Circus Skills, Rock School,
Web Design, Animation, Business and Enterprise, and
Bushcraft and Survival. Children in Years 4 have two lessons of
Apprenticeships in the timetable, while Years 5, 6, 7 and
8 receive one lesson of Apprenticeships in the timetable
per week.
Boarding contributes to the hub of activity that enhances school life. The
boarding ethos creates a genuinely friendly and safe ‘home from home’
environment for children to learn to tolerate others and develop the
required self-confidence and independence in advance of the transition
to a senior boarding school.
The School offers flexible boarding tailored to the needs of the children
from Year 4. For those who will not board in their next school, the
School’s structure permits fun and exciting opportunities for children to
develop a sense of community, independence, tenacity and resilience at
a crucial stage of early adolescence.
There is no full-time boarding but some children weekly board in
Year 7 and Year 8, particularly during the summer term. From Year 4,
flexibility is offered on a termly basis to board from one night a week,
to participate in the many activities on offer or just to have a sleep-over
with friends, to two or three nights as they get older to help get them
ready for their move on to senior schools. Slightly over half of those
eligible to board in summer 2019 did so on at least one night. Tuesday,
Thursday and Friday nights account for 80 per cent of the nearly 7,000
boarding nights booked in a year. A small number of long-distance
boarders stay with local guardians over the weekend.
The Boarding House, run by the Head of Boarding and situated within
the main house, has 79 beds, divided into beautifully kept dormitories
of between seven and 12 pupils. Cosy two-bed cubicles for Year 8s
allow for more privacy and the chance to room with a friend, with the
rooms designated by gender and age. Each full-time academic member
of staff at Twyford carries out an evening duty and supervises a varied
programme of activities aimed at stimulating and challenging those
who board.
School Community
“I love the community and that we all look after                            From within this group, the Head selects a Head Boy and Head Girl,
each other.”                                                                and a Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl. Together, these
                                                                            children have daily responsibilities and help with the smooth running
Year 7 Pupil
                                                                            of the School.
The Christian family values at the heart of the School are reflected in     The children’s thoughts and opinions are valued through informal
daily life. Children in the Pre-Prep have a daily assembly along with       discussion and a range of formal avenues such as the School Council,
a number of special services that take place either in the Chapel or in     with representatives from each class. The Council is chaired by the
the village Parish Church. Prep School children worship regularly in        Head Boy and Head Girl, who meet weekly with the Head. Ideas and
Chapel, experiencing a very traditional morning service with hymns,         requests are considered and put into action.
readings and sung responses. Parents are invited to share in the Prep
                                                                            A House system encourages friendly rivalry and brings together
School Saturday morning services, which are often led by visiting
                                                                            children of all ages, from Nursery to Year 8, reinforcing the
preachers, in addition to other services that punctuate the school
                                                                            understanding of the benefits of working effectively in teams. The
year, such as Harvest Festival and Carol Services. Younger children
                                                                            system of four Houses, named Mozzies, Wasps, Hornets and Bees
enjoy the traditional Nativity and other festive celebrations.
                                                                            works vertically throughout the School, with siblings placed in the
Great value is placed on the importance of children being part of           same House and almost all teaching staff involved with a House.
and working for the good of the community and mutual respect is at          House Captains are elected by the children and help run House
the core of its success. Caring for each other, and understanding and       events. The origin of the House names is still under debate, with
valuing difference are all celebrated.                                      a recent article in the Twyford Life magazine noting: “In searching
Pastoral care is a key focus within this inclusive community. Rigorous      through the archives we can identify the point at which the House
safeguarding processes are in place, ensuring the happiness and             system was introduced, 1942, but not necessarily why the insect
security of children. PSHE lessons are taught to all children, reflecting   names were chosen!”. Attempts at attributing proper names
the School’s ethos and aims, whilst providing age-appropriate               belonging to Twyford ‘worthies’ have never quite caught on!
education in citizenship, healthy living, drugs awareness, substance        The children participate in inter-House competitions in music, sports
abuse, sex and relationships education and aspects of socialisation. A      and various other activities, with contests such as The House Song
‘Friendship Bench’, ‘Whisper Boxes’ and access to an @bullying email        Competition and House Tug of War being highlights of the year. The
address show a commitment to the emotional wellbeing of all.                House with the highest total of points is rewarded with a Team Feast
The children are encouraged to look beyond the school campus and            at the end of each term. Individual high scorers are ‘Sent Up Good’
are involved in wider community projects. Each year, they nominate          (also referred to as SUG) on Fridays for jelly babies from the Head.
and vote for two charities to support by holding fundraising events         Nutrition of a healthier variety is an integral part of creating a happy,
throughout the year.                                                        vibrant community. The freshly made food was rated as “superb”
An Eco Warriors initiative has been set up and brings the school            by the Good Schools Guide visitors, and in the 2017 Compliance
community together in exciting environmental projects. The School           Inspection, Inspectors noted that “the calibre of meals is exceptional,
has recently been awarded the bronze award in the Eco-Schools               among the best we have come across”. The catering team places
programme, the first step to being accredited as a ‘green school’.          emphasis on supporting local suppliers and, whenever possible,
                                                                            sourcing ingredients within Hampshire. The chef’s secret ‘Bird Seed’
As children progress through the School, they are encouraged to take        recipe is the stuff of legend and the team are very much part of the
more responsibility for their learning, and their contribution to school    School, knowing all of the children by name and supporting the staff
life. Teachers nominate and vote for the Senior Prefects.                   in the pastoral and physical care of the boys and girls.
Twyford Speak
It is not only the kitchen that has special recipes and names that only
the staff or children understand! The School has its very own jargon and
vernacular, ‘Twyford Speak’, which has developed over its 221-year history.
A few essentials, for example, are interpreted below:
Backcourts - toilets
Upper School - either Year 6, 7 and 8 or the Main Hall/Theatre
Bevers - afternoon break (derived from “beverages” and
pronounced “beevers”)
Court - the area in front of the library
Court Cricket - played in the summer with a taped ball (rules are very
complex but the children know them!)
SUG - acronym for Sent Up Good. A reward for very good or improving
academic performance, or exceptional behaviour and rewarded, by the
Head, with a sweet
The Beehive - the pagoda-shaped shelter to the west end of the car park

The strong relationship between School and parents is one of the School’s
most valuable assets and the supportive parent body is very much part
of school life. Parents are invited to join Saturday Chapel services, attend
concerts, visit art exhibitions and support sporting events. The recent
popularity of a series of pastoral talks for parents, given by an external
expert in Child Development & Child Psychology, has resulted in the
School building a programme using her expertise to inform, advise and
empower parents on tackling the myriad of complexities that modern life
throws at children.
The Twyford Parents’ Association (TPA) organises a wide range of social
and school/charity fundraising events. The committee of 14 parent
volunteers, along with two or three class reps per year, and staff from both
the Prep and Pre-Prep, work together to co-ordinate the Fireworks Night,
Christmas Fair, Twyford’s Got Talent, the Summer Extravaganza and, every
three years, a Fundraising Ball, in addition to smaller get-togethers such as
quiz nights, new parent or year group drinks and school discos. Parents also
participate in various sporting teams and fitness classes. Each year, Fathers’
Day is celebrated in the Pre-Prep with a barbecue and grandparents are
invited to get involved in activities during the popular Grandparents’ Week.
Exceptional marketing material includes a school film and dedicated brochures for the
various stages of life at the School. Parents are kept regularly updated through the School’s
communications activities, which help all members of the community feel connected to
the School. Instagram and Twitter feeds keep everyone in the loop with the latest news.
The Twyford Link e-newsletter is issued every Friday and is the main source of information
on recent and upcoming events. Twyford Life magazine is produced twice a year for all
members of the broader Twyford School community, featuring updates, invitations to
events and articles from Old Twyfordians, parents and staff. The School Magazine (‘The
Twyfordian’) is produced once a year and is a pictorial celebration of the year.

Throughout its long history, Twyford alumni have made their mark, spanning the
whole range of human endeavour and representing all that can be achieved through
determination, talent, drive, moral strength and a good education!
There are great writers, poets, composers and journalists: William Scawen Blunt, Thomas
Hughes (author of Tom Brown’s Schooldays), Hubert Parry, Alexander Pope and Mark Tully
Artists: Anthony Eyton, Charles Kempe and John Latham
Politicians and Diplomats: Sir Christopher Audland, Thomas Baring, Lord Northbrook,
Richard Crossman, Douglas Hurd and Lord Magan of Castletown
Olympians and Sportsmen: Jimmy Adams (Cricket), Clarence Bruce, Lord Aberdare (Tennis),
Dominic Mahony (Modern Pentathlon) and Robert Moore (Hockey)
Scientists, Designers and Inventors: Desmond Norman, Sir Hugh Pelham, Tom Pellereau
and Sir Michael Perrin
The Armed Forces: Admiral, Sir William Andrewes, Sir William Congreve,VC, Sir George
Gater and Sir Andrew Russell
Academics: Freeman Dyson, Ernest Jacob, Charles Lock and Arthur Verrall
Conservationist: Roderick Haig-Brown
Church: Richard Chenevix Trench
Aviator: Brian Trubshaw (Test pilot and first pilot of Concorde)
Everyone connected with Twyford School becomes a member of the ‘Twyford Society’, and
a number of Twyford Society events are organised for Old Twyfordians, parents and staff
through the Development Office during the year, ranging from Golf Days to Quiz Nights,
formal dinners and evening talks, to exhibitions and concerts. This serves to create a
community that supports all members both during their time at the School and afterwards,
enabling them to draw on networks for both social and business purposes.
The Governors are fully satisfied that the School’s finances are well
managed and its financial position is strong. The School has a history
of generating healthy surpluses and has strong cash reserves, with
no borrowing, supporting identified medium-term capital
development projects.
The Governors are mindful of the sustainability of the fee
structure. Prudent and robust financial and risk management, with
continuous attention to cost control, have also allowed the School
to keep fee increases in line with inflation, and below the national
average over recent years. Termly day fees range from £3,751
(Reception, Year 1/2), £5,573 (Year 3) to £6,682 (Years 4 to 8) and
include meals and trips.
Governors recognise that the current financial, economic and
political context of the sector will require careful financial and risk
management over the next few years. The School is mindful of the
ongoing challenges being faced by independent schools in respect
of affordability for parents, recruitment and retention in the highly
competitive local market.
The major part of the School’s expenditure remains on staff and the
School strives to ensure that it attracts and retains the best talent. The
School invests in high-calibre staff, offering competitive pay scales
and an attractive working environment. The School is withdrawing
from the public sector Teachers’ Pension scheme in August 2019 and is
implementing a new retirement savings arrangement providing flexible
benefits for all staff combined with income protection and life cover.
The School employs its own staff to look after the routine maintenance
of both the grounds and buildings. Catering and cleaning are managed
through external contracts.
Job Description
The Head of Twyford School reports to The Board of Governors.                                                           •   Oversee and ensure compliance with all aspects of relevant legislation including Health and Safety
                                                                                                                            guidance and regulation;
The Head is expected to be charismatic, a strong communicator who will provide dynamic and thoughtful
leadership, putting the School in the best position to flourish both at an operational and strategic level, taking      •   Oversee the development and implementation of school policies and procedures and ensure that
into account local, national and global challenges. The duties of the Head include, but are not necessarily                 rigorous performance development is in place for the whole staff;
limited to, the following:                                                                                              •   Ensure that appropriate policies and procedures are in place to recruit, develop, reward and retain the
                                                                                                                            best and most committed teaching and support staff to ensure that the School is effective in delivering
Strategic Direction                                                                                                         its aims;
                                                                                                                        •   Attend all meetings of the Governing Board and other such committees as required by the Chair,
•   Work with the Board of Governors to develop a clear vision for the School in the 21st Century ensuring                  providing reports (written and/or oral), as required;
    the best education for EACH AND EVERY child, both academically and in broader life skills;
                                                                                                                        •   Ensure that the School has put in place an effective system to manage a crisis and evaluate risk;
•   Ensure the School’s positive reputation by continuing the development of teachers and their teaching
                                                                                                                        •   Deal with concerns and complaints with care and sensitivity, and in line with school policy;
    standards, to ensure that all pupils are taught effectively and are able to reach their full potential, so as
    to gain places at their chosen future schools;                                                                      •   Ensure that Twyford School pupils and parents have a good understanding and excellent guidance as to
                                                                                                                            the senior school most appropriate to their needs.
•   Become the School in which everyone is performing to the very best of their ability, with outstanding
    communication at all levels, resulting in the parents becoming the School’s most important ‘ambassadors’;
•   Create a school for the 21st Century through the development of the campus and the Estate Master Plan;
                                                                                                                        Educational Leadership
•   Continue to develop the School’s facilities and curriculum whilst ensuring financial stability to maintain          •   Provide strong, visible and accessible leadership to the whole school community, overseeing the
    the longevity of Twyford School;                                                                                        continual development of an appropriately challenging curriculum informed by high academic
•   Deliver the strategic plan by translating it into clear and measurable targets for implementation;                      standards to achieve the best academic results for each pupil;
•   Ensure that the Christian ethos and values of the School are sustained;                                             •   Ensure that high-quality lessons and activities delivered by staff across the School provide an
                                                                                                                            appropriate level of educational challenge and set high expectations for all learners;
•   Create a school that a broad range of parents, with differing expectations, identifies as outstanding.
                                                                                                                        •   Ensure that all required arrangements are in place to facilitate successful inspections and provide
                                                                                                                            guidance and leadership through the inspection process;
Leadership & Management
                                                                                                                        •   Oversee procedures relating to assessment and regulation, reporting on pupil performance and
•   Provide dynamic leadership to all staff, continuing to develop amongst them a culture of excellence                     progression.
    across all areas of school life and a deep commitment and sense of involvement as part of a high-
    achieving, child-centric community;                                                                                 External Engagement
•   Continue the development of strong, cohesive and proactive Senior Leadership, Education and Pastoral
    Teams, ensuring that roles and responsibilities are clear and that the highest standards of performance             •   Maintain the School’s profile within the education sector, including through membership of IAPS;
    are set and achieved;                                                                                               •   Work closely with the Bursar and Governors to ensure that the School remains financially sustainable,
•   Take overall responsibility for the delivery of excellent pastoral care including safeguarding and discipline.          ensuring positive relationships with current and potential parents;
    Oversee all aspects of safer recruitment and safeguarding, working closely with outside agencies, as appropriate;   •   Demonstrate to potential parents how the School’s ethos and strategy would benefit their family;
•   Foster amongst the staff community a strong commitment to the values and ethos of the School;                       •   Continue to build upon the strong relationships that the School enjoys with its network of
•   Provide the highest level of care for the physical and mental health and well-being of all pupils and staff;            senior schools;
•   Ensure excellent communication across the whole school community, in particular ensuring that                       •   Ensure an appropriate public relations/media profile for the School;
    members of staff are fully informed of relevant issues including the vision, strategic direction and                •   Seek to develop further links and build long-term relationships with alumni of the School through the
    financial position of the School;                                                                                       Twyford Society.
Person Specification

Qualifications & Experience                                           •   Have a high degree of emotional intelligence and the ability
                                                                          to show empathy and sensitivity as appropriate;
•   A degree, with an additional post-graduate leadership and/or      •   Be curious and courageous to ensure the School is able to
    management qualification an advantage;                                meet external local, national and global challenges;
•   An enthusiastic individual with a proven track record of          •   Experienced in successful change management to ensure
    success in senior management and leadership;                          the School can evolve to take full advantage of the
•   A strategic thinker with the ability to turn plans into action;       opportunities identified;

•   A proven track record of success in developing positive           •   Set the highest standards of teaching excellence and demand
    relationships with a broad range of stakeholders;                     this in others;

•   Experience of building, developing and leading successful         •   A clear understanding of, and affinity to, boarding and the
    cohesive teams and empowering individuals;                            boarding school market;

•   Experience in effectively managing human, financial and           •   Enthusiasm for the advantages that come from a full and
    physical resources;                                                   challenging extra-curricular environment;

•   Experience of prioritising and delegating effectively in a busy   •   Willingness to be externally visible and act as a high-profile
    and demanding school;                                                 ambassador for the School to current and potential parents,
                                                                          acting with wisdom, strength of purpose and relaxed
•   Leading by example with integrity, creativity, resilience and         engagement;
    clarity at all times.
                                                                      •   Knowledge of, and ability to manage, financial matters, risk,
                                                                          regulatory and legal issues;
Business Management
                                                                      •   Commitment to meaningful engagement and working in
•   In conjunction with the Board of Governors and supported              partnership with the wider community;
    by the Bursar, assume overall accountability for the strategic
                                                                      •   Ability to manage complex projects;
    financial planning of the School;
                                                                      •   A strong decision-maker with an excellent ability to analyse
•   Ensure appropriate deployment and overall management of
                                                                          data, and effective problem-solving skills;
    all resources (financial, human and physical) in support of the
    overall mission, aims and strategic plans of the School.          •   Ability to reflect on personal strengths and areas for
                                                                          improvement and be aware enough to surround oneself with
                                                                          others that complement their own skills.
Knowledge, Skills & Values
•   Excellent communication skills (written and verbal), including
    the ability to listen to, energise and excite all stakeholders;
•   Proven ability to gain trust, lead, inspire, delegate and
    motivate successful staff teams and to be able to implement
    plans fairly, objectively and sensitively;
•   Demonstrably put the child at the centre of all decisions;
Employment Terms
& Conditions
The formal contract, detailing terms and conditions, will be drawn up
on appointment.
The main provisions are likely to include:
•   A highly competitive remuneration package with a salary
    commensurate with the seniority of the post and the experience of
    the successful candidate;
•   The availability of a house within the school curtilage;
•   A discount on fees for the Head’s children as pupils at the school;
•   Private medical and dental insurance for the Head;
•   Pension provision;
•   Appointment subject to three terms’ notice.
Applicants must be willing to undergo child protection screening
appropriate to the post, including checks with the Disclosure and Barring
Service (DBS) and the Prohibited from Teaching or Management lists.
Shortlisted candidates will be asked to undertake identity and
qualification checks which conform to the School’s Safeguarding Policy.
They must also agree to references being taken up at that stage and
checks made with past employers.
The successful applicant will be required to complete a self-disclosure
Medical Questionnaire.
The appointment is subject to satisfactory references and security
checks, clearance from the DBS, proof of identity and qualifications and
a medical report.
Application Process
Interested candidates are invited to contact RSAcademics to        Twyford School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the
arrange a confidential discussion with the consultants handling    welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and
this appointment:                                                  volunteers to share this commitment. The appointment is subject
                                                                   to satisfactory pre-employment checks in accordance with the
Jenny Funnell 		                                                   relevant statutory guidance, including an enhanced DBS check,
07941 221172 /                        satisfactory references, proof of identity and qualifications, and a
Diana Watkins		                                                    satisfactory medical report.
07831 660604 /

Candidates should complete their application form electronically
and email it to RSAcademics, together with covering letter,
addressed to Mrs Fiona Dunger, Chairman of Governors, which
explains their reasons for applying.
Please email your completed application form and covering
letter (both as PDF files please) to our Operations Manager
(Leadership Appointments), Jonathan Barnes, at:
Jonathan can also be reached by calling our Head Office on
01858 383163.
The deadline for receipt of applications is 10.00am on Monday
9th September 2019.
The process is as follows:
•   All applications will be acknowledged by email. If you have
    not received acknowledgement that your application has
    been received within two working days of sending it, please
    contact our Head Office by telephone.
•   Preliminary interviews will take place with RSAcademics
    in Central London on Thursday 19th or Friday 20th
    September 2019.                                                Founded in 2002 by Russell Speirs, RSAcademics specialises in schools, in
•   Longlist interviews will take place at the Honourable          the UK and internationally, advising on marketing strategy and research,
                                                                   leadership consultancy and the search and selection of Heads and senior
    Artillery Company, London on Tuesday 8th and Wednesday
                                                                   staff. Comprising a team of the best schools’ marketing professionals and
    9th October 2019.
                                                                   respected former school leaders, RSAcademics provides a high-quality
•   Shortlist interviews will take place at the School on          service to schools with rigour, experience and warmth. Please visit
    Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th October 2019.         for more information.
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