Merishka Atkinson - Moultonborough NH

Page created by Vincent Contreras
Merishka Atkinson - Moultonborough NH
Merishka Atkinson
Merishka Atkinson - Moultonborough NH

       The 2018 Moultonborough School District Annual Report
          is dedicated to John Fullerton who has served as the
              School District Treasurer from 1997 – 2018.

    The administration and School Board wish to thank John for his
dedication and service as the District’s Treasurer, and for his many prior
           years serving as Deputy School District Treasurer.

Merishka Atkinson - Moultonborough NH
Administration / Organization

                                                     TERM EXPIRES
MODERATOR:      HARRY BLOOD                              2018
CLERK:          JULIA VELIE                              2018
TREASURER:      JOHN FULLERTON                           2018

SCHOOL BOARD:                                        TERM EXPIRES
KATHLEEN GARRY, CHAIR                                    2018
LAUREN LAVOIE STURGEON, VICE-CHAIR                       2020
GERRY BUTEAU                                             2019
JONATHAN TOLMAN                                          2019
JOYCE LARSON                                             2020


Merishka Atkinson - Moultonborough NH
Table of Contents
Dedication                                         2

 Election Day Minutes, March 14, 2017              5
 Annual School District Meeting, March 18, 2017    7

Reports of:
 School Board Chairperson                          9
 Vision, Mission, Core Values                     11
 Superintendent of Schools                        12
 Central School Principal                         14
 Academy Principal                                17

  School District Enrollment                      20

  2017 Graduating Class and Scholarships          21

  School District Staff                           23

  Special Education Programs and Services         27

  2018-19 Proposed Salary Schedule                28

  Report of the School District Treasurer         29

  MS-26 School Budget Form                        30

  Auditor's Report                                35

  School Warrants                                 41

  Moultonborough Community Charter                45

Merishka Atkinson - Moultonborough NH
Moultonborough School District
                                Election Day Minutes
                              Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Moderator, Harry Blood, called the town election to order on March 14, 2017 at 7:00
a.m. The election was held in the Mel Borrin Training Room at the Moultonborough
Public Safety Building. Mr. Blood read the School District and Town warrant articles,
followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Ballot voting proceeded.

Total Votes Cast to Include Absentee Ballots:               539

The following two School District positions for 3 Years:

       School Board Member:       Lauren Lavoie Sturgeon    338

       School Board Member:       Joyce Larson              292

       School Board Member:       Mark Cotrupi              272

The Town Moderator declared the polls closed at 7:00 p.m.

Julia Velie

School District Clerk

Merishka Atkinson - Moultonborough NH
Haleigh Greene

Merishka Atkinson - Moultonborough NH
Moultonborough School District
                                Annual Meeting Minutes
                           Saturday, March 18, 2017 - 9:00 AM

The meeting was called to order by Moderator, Harry Blood at 9:00 AM followed by the
Pledge of Allegiance.

School District attendees seated on the stage were Julia Velie, School District Clerk; Lauren
Lavoie Sturgeon, School Board member; Richard R. Brown, School Board member; Kathy
Garry, School Board Chair; Gerry Buteau, School Board Vice-Chair; Susan Noyes,
Superintendent; Kay Peranelli, School Business Administrator; Ed Lawson, School District
Counsel; Andy Coppinger, Moultonborough Academy Principal; Kathleen D’Haene,
Moultonborough Central School Principal; and Ryan Marsh, Special Education Director.

Chairperson Garry welcomed all to the School District meeting.

Chairperson Garry announced that the School Board asked Superintendent, Susan Noyes
to return for the 2017-2018 school year at 80%. Superintendent Noyes accepted.

The Moderator shared the vote count from the March 14, 2017 School Board election:
      Lauren Lavoie Sturgeon     338
      Joyce Larson               292
      Mark Cotrupi               272

Lauren Lavoie Sturgeon and Joyce Larson were declared the winners.

Moderator Blood made introductions of the panel at the School Board table.

Introduction of Superintendent, Sue Noyes, who bestowed a service award upon outgoing
School Board member, Richard R. Brown. Mr. Brown did not seek another term.

Chairperson Garry thanked the town officials, road crew, administrators, and staff for their
rescue efforts resulting from the Nor’easter on March 14, 2017 that left the town without
power for days.

Article I: To see if the School District will accept the reports of agents, auditors,
committees or officers as written in the annual report. Kathy Garry moved Article I,
seconded by Richard R. Brown. Article I was voted in the affirmative by a majority show of
yellow voter cards.

Article II: To determine the compensation of the School Board, School District Treasurer,
Deputy Treasurer, School District Clerk and School District Moderator and to fix the
compensation of any other officer or agent of this District. (The compensation is included in

Article IV.) Lauren Lavoie Sturgeon moved Article II, seconded by Richard R. Brown.
Article II was voted in the affirmative by a majority show of yellow voter cards.

Article III: To see if the School District will vote to authorize the School Board to contract
with a qualified independent auditing firm for the fiscal year financial audit in accordance
with RSA 671:5 (Supp.) Kathy Garry moved Article III, seconded by Richard R. Brown.
Article III was voted in the affirmative by a majority show of yellow voter cards.

Article IV: To see if the School District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
fourteen million, one hundred twenty one thousand, six hundred eighty two dollars
($14,121,682) for the support of schools, for the payment of salaries for the School District
officials and agents, and for the payment for the statutory obligations of the District, with
revenues of up to $50,000 coming from the unreserved fund balance available for transfer
on July 1, 2017. Richard R. Brown moved Article IV, seconded by Kathy Garry. Article IV
was voted in the affirmative by a majority show of yellow voter cards.

Article V: To see if the School District will vote to raise and appropriate up to $75,000 to be
added to the Buildings & Grounds Expendable Trust fund previously established. This sum
to come from June 30 unreserved fund balance available for transfer on July 1. No amount
to be raised by taxation. Gerry Buteau moved Article V, seconded by Richard R. Brown.
Article V was voted in the affirmative by a majority show of yellow voter cards.

Article VI: To see if the School District will vote to raise and appropriate $65,000 for the
purpose of constructing a secondary access road to Moultonborough Academy on school
district and/or town-owned property. This special warrant article will be a non-lapsing
appropriation per RSA 32:7. VI and will not lapse until the road is completed or by June 30,
2020, whichever is sooner. Jonathan Tolman moved Article VI, seconded by Richard R.
Brown. Article VI was voted in the affirmative by a majority show of yellow voter cards.

Article VII: To transact any other business that may legally come before this meeting.
Richard R. Brown moved Article VII, seconded by Kathy Garry. Article VII was voted in the
affirmative by a majority show of yellow voter cards.

No other business was conducted.

Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Richard R. Brown, seconded by Kathy Garry. A roll
call vote was made with all members answering in the affirmative. Meeting adjourned at
9:21 AM.

Respectfully submitted by

Julia Velie
School Board Clerk

Report of the School Board Chairperson

On behalf of the Board, we start by saying, THANK YOU to our administration, staff, parents,
coaches, volunteers, taxpayers and students. I would like to say a special thank you to the
individuals and businesses that continue to support the efforts of our students.

The Board would also like to thank our School District Treasurer, John Fullerton, for his 30+
years of service to the District and community as both Deputy Treasurer and School District
Treasurer. John will not seek reelection this year. We wish him well in his future endeavors.

        Our Vision is to prepare and empower each student to shape his or her future
         with knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to thrive in a changing world.
          Our Mission is to provide a caring culture of rigorous and relevant learning
         experiences. We model and promote ethical ideals of respect, responsibility,
                        integrity, and compassion and moral courage.

As a full Board we meet monthly, the second Tuesday of the month, but our duties do not end
there. We have subcommittees that meet during the month, which consist of two Board
members. The subcommittees are Buildings and Grounds, Advisory Budget Committee,
Personnel, Policy, Athletics, Transportation and Insurance, Technology, Instructional
Committee and Select Board/School Board subcommittee. The purpose of this last committee
is to have ongoing communications between the two Boards with regard to matters that affect
both the Town and School District. We also continue to have joint School Board and Select
Board meetings throughout the year.

Our duties as a Board consist of setting policies and approving a budget to meet the ever-
changing needs of the School District. We have been able to do this with the constant support
of our community. In March 2017 the Town approved a School District Budget of $14,261,682.
Thank you to the taxpayers of Moultonborough for your continued support. We also welcomed
Joyce Larson to our Board in March.

This year we faced many challenges. The first was consolidating the day schedule between
both schools. After much research and discussion, we made the decision to combine the start
and end times for Moultonborough Academy and Moultonborough Central School. I would
especially like to thank our Superintendent, Sue Noyes; our principals and Board members Jon
Tolman and Lauren Lavoie-Sturgeon, for dedicating hours of their time to have a smooth
transition. They worked closely with the bus company going over bus routes to achieve the
most efficient and effective routes for our students. They worked with the police department to
ensure the safety of everyone involved in this transition.

The second challenge was finding a new Superintendent for the school year 2018-2019.
Superintendent Noyes is retiring this year after serving our district for six years. During those
six years, she has worked tirelessly with the Board, administrators, teachers, staff and
students to improve the education of our students. She is dedicated to the community of

We had a successful search this fall for our new superintendent. It is Patrick Andrew. He
comes to us from the Mascoma School District, serving as superintendent there. We are very
pleased with his experience and professionalism and know he will continue the good work that
is expected here in Moultonborough.

Another challenge has been the direction of our Middle School. We have had a very active
Steering Committee working on the best plan for improving our Middle School program and
anticipate making decisions this coming spring.

Mother Nature also brings us challenges. The loss of power to the Town last March created a
situation where we would open up Moultonborough Academy as an emergency shelter. With
the help of the Town and School District employees, we were able to serve our community.
We are continuing discussions with the Town on how to better utilize this service.

At our meetings we have enjoyed presentations by the students. We encourage and welcome
them to come and share what they have learned, where they have been and where they would
like to go. I am always so proud of how well prepared and respectful they are. Our parents,
teachers and staff can be “thanked” for the work they have done.

We also enjoy when the teachers come to our meetings. As Board members we are not able
to be in the classroom day in and day out. Having the teachers come to our meetings keep the
lines of communications open. Their enthusiasm for the work they do gives us hope for a
bright future for our students.

This year our student representative to the Board is Conner Shipp. What a joy it is to have a
student sit on our Board. We appreciate their input; we get the perspective of the students and
what the impact may be of some of our decisions.

We are fortunate to live in Moultonborough where the natural beauty of the lakes and
mountains surround us; our children are safe and nurtured. I am extremely proud of our
students and their accomplishments. We have an administrative team and staff that are
supportive of each other, and a Board that is committed to the Moultonborough School District
and Town.

In closing, I would like to acknowledge and thank my fellow Board members for their dedication
to the Moultonborough School District: Lauren Lavoie Sturgeon, Vice-Chair; Gerry Buteau; Jon
Tolman and Joyce Larson.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Garry, Chair

                            Moultonborough School District

Our VISION is to prepare and empower each student to shape his or her future with knowledge,
attitudes, and skills necessary to thrive in a changing world.

Our MISSION is to provide a caring culture of rigorous and relevant learning experiences. We
model and promote ethical ideals of respect, responsibility, integrity, and compassion and moral

We succeed when . . .

    STUDENTS access a District-approved curriculum aligned to NH State Career and College
    Readiness Standards, identify and set personal and academic goals, and meet their goals
    through collaboration with educators, peers, parents, and community.

    TEACHERS create authentic learning environments, analyze data to adjust programs,
    continually improve instructional practices to support student academic and personal
    growth, and uphold the belief that ALL MSD students can achieve.

    ADMINISTRATORS promote our vision and mission, provide quality feedback, encourage
    current best practices in education, create opportunities for educators to participate in
    school and district decision making processes, and uphold the belief that ALL MSD
    educators and students can achieve.

    SCHOOL BOARD members represent and work with students, school staff,
    administrators, community members and business partners, to create an
    academic, physical, emotional, and social environment where every stakeholder
    can learn and respect one another.

    COMMUNITY has high expectations for student achievement, supports 21st
    Century learning and expectations, and holds us accountable.

                                                                               Adopted 10/10/17

Report of the Superintendent of Schools

To the School Board and Citizens of Moultonborough, I respectfully submit this Annual Report.

“Five years ago, I wrote my first Annual Report as your new superintendent; this year, I write
my final Annual Report as your superintendent.” The previous sentence is how I began my
letter to you last year, and now the first sentence would be, “Six years ago, I wrote. . . .” It has
been my privilege to continue as your superintendent during the 2017-2018 school year to
ensure that the Moultonborough School District hired a superintendent to lead you into the
future. This fall, that task was accomplished when the School Board hired Superintendent
Patrick Andrew. Thank you for the School Board that you elected to represent you in the
oversight of the School District. Your Board works more hours than any one realizes to
support the superintendent, administration, and staff by holding high expectations for on-going
work that will continue to enrich the educational experience for all of Moultonborough’s
students. It has been a joy to work with and for this Board!

While we continue to meet the expectations of this school year, we have begun working toward
a smooth transition to new District leadership. On Wednesday, January 24th, we had a Board
Retreat with the new superintendent. A big part of the agenda was looking back over the past
six years and sharing the work that has been done in each of the schools and in the District. It
was rewarding and exhilarating to look at all that has been accomplished through the
combined efforts of a strong School Board, outstanding teachers and support staff, a
collaborative administrative team, and a supportive community. Add to that the wonderful
students we are privileged to serve in Moultonborough, and we come out with a strong school
system that meets the demands of a changing world, built on a strong foundation of belief in
and support of local public education.

Throughout the 2017-2018 school year, we continue to be committed to and guided by the
Moultonborough School District Vision and Mission. They are not just words on the walls of
our schools or on pieces of paper; they guide our work and remind us daily of the magnitude of
the job we have and the privilege that is ours to prepare Moultonborough students to “thrive in
a changing world.” While we honor the past and build on our School District’s solid foundation,
we are challenged to continue learning and growing in order to best prepare our students to
enter a world that is rapidly changing as a result of technology and significant changes in the
demands, needs, and expectations of the work force. Our Vision is something we are always
working toward, and our Mission guides our daily work in the classrooms of our School District.
They are in this Annual Report, please take the time to read and review the core values—the
characteristics that should be evident if we are living out our Vision and our Mission.

The Moultonborough School District is blessed with a cadre of individual staff members who
are willing to keep growing and stretching themselves. They know that our students are not
the only learners in our buildings; those who work in schools must model what is taught, and
Moultonborough educators do that daily. Our teachers and staff members have participated in
countless hours of professional development in math, reading, writing, technology, and
teaching strategies imbedded in their workday. Over the past two school years, a
concentration on science and social studies instruction has become an additional focus in
order to develop the District curriculum aligned to grade level content and instructional
expectations. The addition of Dolores Fox, curriculum coordinator, has strengthened and sup-

ported this work. She has also led a group of teachers who are working with staff members in
all disciplines to capture the curriculum taught in our District in a software program called,
Rubicon Atlas. Upon completion, this will be available on-line for parents and the community to

The theme we embraced from the beginning of the 2012 school year was one of “connection
and collaboration.” We have built in some cases, and strengthened in others, the connections
and collaboration between MCS and MA; special education and regular education; technology
and each student’s daily educational experience; our District Professional Development Plan
and the professional development provided within the District; data and instruction; college and
career ready standards and District curriculum and competencies; teacher evaluations and
daily practice; and school and community. This year, the Board made the work of connecting
the middle level experience, the MSD journey of our students in grades 5-8, a priority. They
created a one-year position of Associate Principal for grades 5-8 to guide the work. Working
collaboratively with Jerry Frew from NELMS and a group of dedicated administrators, staff, and
involved community members, a Steering Committee has met, tackled the concerns, and
offered solutions and recommendations to begin the full development and implementation of a
strong middle level program for that special group of students. The Board is committed to
meeting the educational, social, and emotional needs of middle level students while keeping
them in two buildings on our campus—supported by a dedicated middle level staff. This will be
on-going work.

Over the past two years, our theme within the District has been to “continue the journey.” We
are doing the right work; however, if we want to keep our Vision and our Mission alive, we must
continue meeting the daily challenges and increased expectations for public education. It has
been a career highlight and a privilege to serve as your superintendent for the past six years. I
remain committed to a smooth transition. As I leave the leadership role in the Moultonborough
School District, I remain a proponent and defender of public education in our state and as a
citizen of Moultonborough. It is with the utmost confidence that I welcome Superintendent
Patrick Andrew to Moultonborough. As we present another budget for the 2018-2019 school
year, thank you, citizens of Moultonborough, for your support and for continuing to have high
expectations for your school system and its work with our communities most precious
resource—our children.

Always remember: Success is not final
                 Failure is not fatal
                 It is the courage to
                 Continue that counts. -Winston Churchill

Continue With Courage!

Susan Noyes

Report of the Moultonborough Central School Principal
To the School Board and Citizens of the Moultonborough School District, I respectfully submit
this Annual Report.
      "Look with kindness and you'll always find wonder."
                                                       R.J. Palacio
I am honored once again to be writing this report for the Moultonborough Community as
Principal of MCS. Working with the children of this community is a privilege that I am grateful
for each and every day.
At the beginning of the school year we read the book, We're all Wonders by R.J. Palacio. The
message from the book is that if you look with kindness you will always find wonder. It's about
accepting the differences and recognizing the sameness inherent in all of us. We've used this
message to help guide our choices and interactions with one another at MCS. In the hallway
there is a "Wonder" bulletin board that contains pictures of staff and students. The purpose of
this board is to showcase the wonder that we have here at MCS.
The joy of working at MCS is being able to share in the wonder that is childhood and
adolescence again and again. This wonder happens day after day as we guide our students
through the ups and downs of learning and growing. This learning and growing takes place in
every aspect of our students' day. From kindergarten to sixth grade, from learning to be part of
a classroom community to working together at Sargent Center, all these experiences culminate
in the educational experience that we know as Moultonborough Central School. This report will
highlight some of the programs and initiatives from this past year that help make MCS a safe,
loving and inspired educational environment in which our students thrive.
The best part of the day as a teacher and as an administrator is when we greet our students
either getting off the bus each morning or as they enter our classrooms. Each day brings with it
the excitement of starting over and learning once again. MCS students are taught how to greet
staff in the building and also one another. It's such a simple but important practice because it
helps to create and sustain a caring and loving environment where everyone is valued. Every
classroom has time in their schedule for a morning meeting. This is a time when teachers and
students come together as a classroom community and establish the tone for the day. It's a
time for checking in and sharing. Both of these practices stem from Responsive Classroom
training that many of our staff has participated in over the years.
Every teacher at MCS, whether teaching in a classroom, special, or small group has learning
goals for their students. These learning goals are shared with the students as they move
through various content areas. Whether students are in PE, Writing Workshop or an
Intervention Group, they should know and be able to tell you what the goal is for the lesson.
Another component of student work at MCS is their ability to work together with partners or in
small groups. Through implementing pair shares, turn and talks, museum walks, and huddles,
teachers facilitate this important process in learning. Students are learning to communicate
and defend their thinking as they work to solve problems, create new ideas and apply learning
in new ways. You will see this work happening from kindergarten through sixth grade across all
content areas. Our goal is to inspire students to be confident and creative problem solvers who
can communicate their thinking.
As stated above, we believe that students at MCS need to own their learning by understanding
the learning goals, working together collaboratively and applying it in new ways. We look to our
students to take on the work of learning as our teachers facilitate the learning process for
students. In order to make this happen, staff participate in monthly job-embedded,
collaborative professional development where they study best practices in various content
areas. This work includes watching one another teach, critiquing and debriefing lessons, and
creating action plans for moving forward. This collaborative process is happening in
mathematics, reading and writing instruction. Our goal is to have all teachers participate in this
valuable process.
While we believe that reading, writing and mathematics are important academic subjects for
students, we also believe in providing our students with other types of learning experiences.
MCS takes great pride in providing our students with many different opportunities to explore
the natural world around us. First and foremost is our beautiful on campus nature trail that was
recently renovated by Boy Scout, Jack Fogarty as part of his Eagle Scout project. Many
classrooms take advantage of this beautiful space throughout the year. Students in grades 3
through 6 participate in Winter Days during the winter months. This gives students an
opportunity to explore various outdoor activities that are available to us in the Lakes Region.
We also bring experts on the natural world to MCS. Students in 2nd, 3rd and 5th grade meet
three times a year with folks from the Squam Lakes Science Center. Finally, students in sixth
grade attend Sargent Center for a week in the fall. This gives them an opportunity to make
powerful connections with one another while taking part in scientific investigations in nature.
Looking ahead at MCS, we are in the process of developing a new educational experience for
our 5th and 6th graders. There is a steering committee working on creating a middle level
program for students in grades five through eight. While these students will remain housed in
two separate buildings, there will be a commitment to providing them with a middle level
experience designed to meet their unique needs. There will be another administrator
overseeing this programming and working with the building principals to provide supervision of
staff, scheduling and other duties. It's an exciting journey and will bring a renewed commitment
to meeting the needs of all students.
Finally, all of us at MCS are committed to promoting and modeling kindness in school and in
the larger community. We believe in teaching our students what it means to help those in
need. This year we've partnered with a school in Dominica, which is an island in the
Caribbean, that was ravaged by hurricane Maria. We have a staff member who has family from
the island and when we heard about the devastation we wanted to do something to help. Our
staff got together and collaborated with the peer leaders to create a fundraising campaign
called "Dimes for Dominica." We also collected school supplies and clothing to send to the
school. There have been pictures and letters shared back and forth. We are proud of our
students and of our staff for always looking for ways to give back to those in need.
As stated at the beginning of this report, educating the whole child is a core belief for all of us
at MCS. I hope, through this report, I've given you a glimpse of all that we do at MCS. As
always, it is my sincere hope that all of us working together, in kindness, will lead our children
to a brighter tomorrow and a future full of hope and promise.

Wyatt Gunderson

Report of the Academy Principal

To the School Board and citizens of the Moultonborough School District, I respectfully submit
this annual report:

The Moultonborough School District is in the process of re-configuring the grade span focus for
our two schools (MA and MCS) in order to better provide a high quality education for all of our
students. This re-imagining of how we focus our attention will particularly be centered on
students in grades 5-8 and therefore will impact the MA Middle School the most. In light of this
work, this year’s report to the voters of the Moultonborough School District will be divided into
two distinct parts, one focused on the High School portion of the Academy (grades 9-12) and
the second half focused on the Middle School portion of the Academy.

At the high school level, I am very proud to report that for the second year in a row
Moultonborough Academy was designated one of the top 10 public high schools in the state of
New Hampshire by U.S. News and World Report. Two years ago we were ranked fifth best
high school in NH out of 86 schools and this past year MA was ranked sixth. Although not the
sole indicator of a quality school, certainly this recognition should be a source of pride for the
community. The methodology used to determine these rankings is complicated but it includes
our student’s performance on standardized tests, teacher to student ratio, percent of students
taking and passing Advanced Placement tests, as well as the percent of students we have who
are deemed to be low income. Advanced Placement courses are a significant factor in this
formula and MA has a robust offering of AP courses and a history of successful student
performance on those tests. This commitment to offering such a diversity of college level
courses, despite the recent decline in student enrollment, serves our students well as they look
to their next steps after graduation.

Another indicator of success that we examine at the high school level is in the realm generally
referred to as College and Career Readiness. We want to be sure that our students leave MA
with the maximum number of future options available to them. The truth is that very few
students know at the age of 17 or 18 exactly what career suits them best. At the same time,
studies show that multiple career changes over a person’s lifetime has become the norm. With
this in mind we know that preparing students for the possibility of further education now or at
some point in the future, and for a career of their choosing, is our challenge. There are two
measures that we pay particular attention to in this College and Career Readiness realm.
Some of our indicators are disappointing and bear further monitoring and yet some of the data
is surprisingly strong. The first is the NH Scholars Program. This is a statewide recognition
program aimed at promoting a rigorous and college-ready high school course of study. The MA
Class of 2017 had 26% of the graduating class recognized as NH Scholars. This is a fairly
sharp decline from the 60% in the Class of 2016 or the 56% from 2015. An additional rigorous
science course seems to be the stumbling block for a number of our students, although early
indications are that these numbers will rebound next year.

The other measure we examine is the completion of college-level course work. The Class of
2017 saw twenty-eight out of forty-three (65%) graduating seniors earn either college credit
while in high school through a Running Start or similar dual-enrollment course, or had earned

the potential for college credit by scoring a 3 or better on an AP exam. This result is down
slightly from the 75% of the previous two years. Our goal is to have 100% of Moultonborough
Academy graduates leave with at least one college level course completed. Despite these two
indicators of College and Career Readiness being below the previous two years, it is
encouraging to report that 91% of the Class of 2017 reported they would be attending either a
four-year (74%) or two-year (17%) college after graduation. This is the highest percent in any
of the past five years.

On the middle school front some significant changes are underway, but before I get into those
I’d like to provide a brief retrospective. As some long-time residents of Moultonborough know,
MA first opened its doors to students in the fall of 1980 as a 7-12 grade junior high / high school
after separating from the Governor Wentworth School District in Wolfeboro. Seniors were given
the option that first year of staying at Kingswood Regional High School or graduating from MA
and approximately two-thirds chose to stay. The other third became the MA Class of 1981, our
first class with a total of thirteen students. Since that opening, class size has ranged in the
early years from the low to mid-thirties, reached a peak in the mid-2000s in the mid-fifties and
low-sixties, and has slowly decreased since then. As of this writing, current MA classes run that
same gamut ranging from the low-thirties to the mid-fifties.

Over the course of the past 37 years, MA has evolved with the times. There was talk for many
years of building a third school on district-owned property but the number of students in the
district never grew enough to justify such a project. Instead, MA underwent a significant
renovation/addition project in 2003-2005 that relieved crowding and provided better facilities,
including a more identifiable “middle school” wing. Although an improvement to that aspect of
the Academy’s program, at this juncture there is a shared belief that we can do more to address
the unique challenges of students at this critical transition in their educational careers. It’s now
time to expand our definition of what constitutes the Moultonborough “Middle School.”

As many will recall, two years ago the Strategic Plan suggested that the Moultonborough
School District consider moving the sixth grade from MCS to MA. This idea was brought to the
community and was met with considerable and passionate opposition and was therefore tabled.
However, out of that community conversation there came a shared desire among many to work
to improve both the identity as well as the program opportunities for our middle school students
across the four grades often considered to be “middle school” which is grades 5 through 8. In
order to help further this effort, an interim Associate Principal for Middle School was appointed
for the 2017-2018 school year, and a Middle School Steering Committee formulated to discuss
and promote the middle school concept. Already some tangible results have come to fruition
from this work, such as better alignment of the math and language arts curriculum, a unified 5-8
Earth Day program, 6th grade participation in Academy middle level sports teams, and more
frequent face-to-face meetings among all teachers of 5th through 8th grade students. Parent
and community involvement on the Steering Committee has been an important aspect of the
dialogue. The School Board is in the midst of finalizing their plans for how to structure and
administer this evolving effort but there are exciting developments on the horizon.

What I believe has worked for Moultonborough Academy and the Moultonborough School
District over the course of my tenure here has been the simultaneously held belief that we must

always be searching for ways to do better and yet at the same time to honor tradition and to be
mindful of what is working. It’s a delicate balance. I am confident that as we transition to a new
superintendent and a new construct for what constitutes our “middle school” that we will
continue on that path.

I am also pleased to report that MA has managed to maintain a 0% dropout rate for the fifth
year in a row and has only had one student fail to either earn a high school diploma or pass an
equivalency exam in the past six years. We work hard to help each of our students find
success and to earn either a high school diploma or an equivalency certificate. This is a team
effort involving many staff members who do all they can to keep as many future doors open for
all of our students.

As we look toward the future, we know that some pundits predict that as many as 65% of
today’s students will be employed in jobs that do not currently exist. The Agricultural Revolution
gave way to the Industrial Revolution, which was supplanted by the Information Age and now
we are entering the Digital Age where information and knowledge are not just researched on
the Internet, but created. The challenge of preparing students, all of our students, for a world
that doesn’t currently exist is the great challenge of our 21st century educational systems. It is a
challenge that I believe we are working to address and I’m confident that together we will
succeed in meeting it head on.

Respectfully Submitted,

Andrew J. Coppinger, Principal

Moultonborough School District Enrollment
                  Actual*  Actual* Projected**
   Grade         2016-2017 2017-18  2018-19
   Preschool         14      13        15
   Kindergarten      32      27        33
   1                 35      37        31
   2                 31      33        36
   3                 40      31        33
   4                 29      45        32
   5                 33      28        47
   6                 32      34        29
   P-6 Sub Total    246     248      256
   7                 44      36        38
   8                 29      43        35
   9                 60      35        50
   10                33      56        32
   11                47      31        54
   12                48      51        33
   7-12 Sub Total              261                        252             242
   P-12 Total                  507                        500             498
 * Official enrollment counts taken annually on October 1.
** Projected = survival ratios for past five years’ enrollment history.

                                                                                Caitlin Norwood

Class of 2017
Matthew James Anderson • Brian Matthew Burton • Saré Elizabeth Campbell
Jacob Jarell Chase • Parker David Clarenbach • Trevar Jon Colby • Noah Ryan
Cowells • Michael MacGregor Dalzell • Dominick Tyler Dolbier • Megan Lee
Duddy • Sierra Alice Duval • Hannah Jane Finnegan • Xavier Michael Gibbons
Kellee Lynn Gilcreast • Mason Paul Hough • Samantha Leigh Johnson • Connor
Joseph Kelley • Mackenzie Gray Kessler • Charles Akhtar Khan • Molly Ellen
Koch • Nicholas Sean Krusz • Brianna Rose Lear** • Danielle Marie LeBlanc
Kaleigh Elizabeth MacDonald • Kelsey Lynn Mako* • Dylan Michael McLaughlin
Duncan Charles Lewis McNaughton • Angela Marie Mudgett • Matthew Albert
Norton • Rory Joseph Norwood • James Michael O’Rourke • Kerstyn Kimberly
Plancon • Connor David Porusta • Madison Grace Richardson • Nicholas
Thomas Edward Saylor • Tristan William Smart • Kristina Ann Smith • Noah
Alexander Smith • Samuel Reese Swedberg • Jillian Rose Tatro • Emma
Katherine Taylor • Gabriella Juliette Zaki

                              Class of 2017 Officers

     President…………………………………..…….... Hannah Jane Finnegan
     Vice President……………….………..………………... Megan Lee Duddy
     Secretary……………………………..….…. Kaleigh Elizabeth MacDonald
     Treasurer……………………………………………..… Brianna Rose Lear

                                  Class Marshals
                       Conner Louis Shipp     • Carlee Jo Morgan

     * Valedictorian
     ** Salutatorian

2017 Scholarship Donors and Recipients
Diane K Kline Memorial Scholarship: Saré Campbell, Mackenzie Kessler, Dylan McLaughlin
Joseph T Gnerre Memorial Scholarship: Noah Smith
Moultonborough PTA: Matthew Anderson, Kelsey Mako
Meredith Rotary: Dylan McLaughlin, Hannah Finnegan, Mackenzie Kessler, Kelsey Mako,
Matthew Anderson, Megan Duddy, Kaleigh MacDonald, Brianna Lear
Moultonborough School Staff Association: Hannah Finnegan
Center Harbor Congregational Church: Megan Duddy, Hannah Finnegan
Moultonborough Community Association: Noah Smith, Hannah Finnegan, Matt Anderson,
Brianna Lear
E M Heath, Jennifer Lively Memorial Scholarship: Brianna Lear
Meredith Kiwanis: Saré Campbell, Megan Duddy, Dylan McLaughlin, Connor Porusta
Camp Iroquois Scholarship: Danielle LeBlanc
Keith F Bryar Memorial Scholarship: Kaleigh MacDonald
Lakes Region Ice Racing Club, Latchkey Cup Scholarship: Mackenzie Kessler
Dr.& Mrs. Peter Rosanelli, Jr. Scholarship: Saré Campbell
MVSB/James D. Sutherland Memorial Scholarship: Kelsey Mako
Moultonborough Lions Club: Kelsey Mako, Matt Anderson, Mackenzie Kessler, Dylan
McLaughlin, Angela Mudgett, Hannah Finnegan, Brianna Lear, Saré Campbell, Noah Smith,
Megan Duddy
Moultonborough Fire/Rescue Dept.: Mackenzie Kessler, Kerstyn Plancon, Jillian Tatro
Moultonborough Police Benevolent Association: Hannah Finnegan, Kelsey Mako
Joseph E Maroun Memorial Scholarship: Connor Kelley, Molly Koch
Winnipesaukee Sportsmen’s Club Scholarship: Mackenzie Kessler
Jerry Hopkins & Sally Carver Book Award: Megan Duddy, Brianna Lear
Lakes Region Board of Realtors: Dylan McLauglin
Stephens Landscaping Professionals LLC: Brianna Lear
Moultonborough Women’s Club: Kelsey Mako, Kaleigh MacDonald, Megan Duddy, Dylan
McLaughlin, Matthew Anderson, Angela Mudgett, Kellee Gilcreast
Suissevale Property Owners Association: Megan Duddy
MA Senior High Student Council: Megan Duddy, Noah Smith
Running Start: Tristan Smart, Molly Koch, Nick Krusz, Xavier Gibbons, Angela Mudgett
CG Roxane Scholarship: Brianna Lear, Kaleigh MacDonald, Megan Duddy, Jacob Chase,
Matthew Anderson
Annalee Thorndike Art Scholarship: Sam Swedberg
Wilderness Youth Fund Scholarship: Mackenzie Kessler
St. Charles Borromoeo Chiccoine Scholarship: Matthew Anderson
Meredith Police Association: Molly Koch
NH Electric Co-Op: Dylan McLaughlin

School District Staff
                                                                                                    Yrs. Exper.
SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE STAFF:                      Degree                       College            Thru 2017
Susan Noyes            Superintendent               Bachelor of Arts          Univ. of New Hampshire    25
                                                    Master of Education       Univ. of New Hampshire
                                                    Advanced Grad. Studies (CAGS) Univ. of New Hampshire
Karen Robinson, Admin. Asst. to Superintendent
Kay Peranelli          Business Manager             Bachelor of Arts          Plymouth State College          21
                                                    Master of Business Admin. Univ. of Southern NH
Janna Mellon, Asst. Business Manager                Hedy Mikelinich, Special Projects (.2)
Norman Anderson, Human Resources (.4)

Dolores Fox             Curriculum Coordinator (.80) Bachelor of Science       Central Connecticut State U.   26
                                                     Master of Education       Fitchburg State Univ.
Katrina Aielo-Popeo     Speech Pathologist           Bachelor of Science       Emerson College                 4
                                                     Master of Science         Univ. of Washington
Dawn Alden Law          Data & Assmnt. Coord.(.67) Bachelor of Science         Plymouth State College         34
                                                     Master of Education       Cambridge College
Laura Maroon            Technology Coordinator       Bachelor of Arts          Arizona State U., Tempe        22
                                                     Master of Library Science Univ. of Arizona, Tucson
Ryan Marsh              Special Education Director   Bachelor of Arts          Plymouth State College         20
                                                     Master of Educt’l Ldrshp. Plymouth State Univ.
William Metevier        Band & Chorus Teacher        Bachelor of Music         Keene State College            35
                                                     Master of Education       Keene State College
Heather Nelson          School Psychologist          Bachelor of Science       Florida State Univ.            18
                                                     Master of Science         Florida State Univ.
Kathleen Trider         ESOL & French Teacher        Bachelor of Science       Salem State Univ.              32
                                                     Master of Business        Salem State Univ.
                                                     Master of Education       Salem State Univ.
Laurie Caldwell, Admin. Asst. to Spec. Ed. Director  Michele DuBois, Mentor Coordinator (.5)

Kathleen D’Haene       Principal                    Bachelor of Arts Elem. Ed. Vermont College                16
                                                    Master of Education         Plymouth State University
Kimberly Anderson      Primary Reading/Title I      Bachelor of Science         Salve Regina University       18
                                                    Master of Library Science Plymouth State University
Abigail Antone         Special Education            Bachelor of Fine Arts       West Virginia University       9
                                                    Master of Special Education Plymouth State Univ.
Mary Beth Carleton     Kindergarten                 Bachelor of Science         Plymouth State College        38
                                                    Master of Education         University of New England
Rebekah Castleberry    Grade 4                      Bachelor of Science         Plymouth State Univ.           2
Mary Ellen Connell     Music/Chorus (K-12)          Bachelor of Science         College of St. Rose           31
                                                    Master of Science           University of Illinois
Caroline Coons         Physical Education (K-12)    Bachelor of Science         Ithaca College                33
Sara Costanza          Grade 2                      Bachelor of Science         SUNY, New York                34
                                                    Master of Education         Northeastern Univ.
Jill Davis             Grade 1                      Bachelor of Science         Univ. of Maine, Orono          2
                                                    Master of Science           Southern N.H. Univ.
Terrence Dempsey       Art (K-12)                   Bachelor of Science         University of Dayton          34
Ellen Farnum           Kindergarten                 Bachelor of Science         Plymouth State College        19
                                                    Master of Education         University of New England
Sara Fogarty           Guidance Counselor           Bachelor of Arts            Boston University              9
                                                    Master of Arts, Counseling Antioch New England

Cont’d.                                                                                         Yrs. Exper.
MOULTONBOROUGH CENTRAL SCHOOL: Degree                                       College             Thru 2017
Ashley Galicki         Grade 1                    Bachelor of Arts          Univ. of New Hampshire          5
                                                  Master of Education       Univ. of New Hampshire
Stephanie Gleeson      Grade 5                    Bachelor of Science       Keene State College           13
Megan Greenbaum        Library/Media Specialist   Bachelor of Science       Plymouth State Univ.            6
                                                  Master of Library Media   Plymouth State Univ.
Sharon Groleau         Grade 2                    Bachelor of Science       Plymouth State College        19
Linda Isabelle         Nurse                      Bachelor of Science       Saint Anselm College          35
                                                  Master of Science         Clayton Coll. of Natural Health
Bonnie Johnson         Spanish                    Bachelor of Arts          Fairfield University          22
                                                  Master of Education       Plymouth State College
Lynne Lowrey           Special Education          Bachelor of Science       Granite State College         11
                                                  Master of Education       Keene State College
Brian Mercer           ESOL Teacher               Bachelor of Arts          Plymouth State Univ.          20
                                                  Teaching Certification    Arizona State Univ.
                                                  Master of Education       Arizona State Univ.
Carol McKinley         Grade 4                    Bachelor of Science       Keene State College           39
Carissa O'Gara         Academic Coordintor of     Bachelor of Science       Univ. System of N.H.          22
                       Teaching & Learning        Master of Education       Notre Dame College
Cheryl Panakio         Special Education          Bachelor of Science       Univ. Mass. Amherst           19
                                                  Master of Education       Salem State College
Mary-Margaret Pickman Grade 4                     Bachelor of Arts          Saint Michael’s College         0
Anne-Marie Quinn      Grade 5                     Bachelor of Science       Fitchburg State College       36
                                                  Masters in Reading        Plymouth State College
Miranda Ruel           Preschool                  Bachelor of Science       Plymouth State College        13
Michelle Shipp         Grade 3                    Bachelor of Science       Plymouth State College         19
James Stackhouse       Grade 1                    Bachelor of Science       Salem State College            31
Erika Stokke           Grade 6                    Bachelor of Arts          Linfield College               13
                                                  Master of Teaching        Concordia University
Jeremy Welch           Grade 3                    Bachelor of Arts          Univ. of New Hampshire          5
                                                  Master of Education       Southern N.H. Univ.
Suzanne Fullerton, Computer Technician            Lindsay Stevenson, Receptionist
Annette Rowland, Admin. Asst. to Principal

Jasmin Buteau–SPED Paraprofessional                  Stephanie Pigott–Title I Paraprofessional
Meindy Foreman–SPED One-on-One Paraprofessional      Kerri Porusta–Library/Media Assistant
Diane Gordon–Classroom Paraprofessional              Amy Reilly–SPED Paraprofessional
Karen Gunderson–SPED One-on-One Paraprofessional     Paige Sandy–Reading/Math Paraprofessional
Cathie Hull–Reading Paraprofessional                 Katherine Stafford– Reading/Math Paraprofessional
Elizabeth Ireland–Title 1 Tutor/Paraprofessional     Meagan Tilton–Classroom Paraprofessional
Jane Johnson–SPED One-on-One Paraprofessional        Melissa Torressen–Reading Paraprofessional
Cynthia LeBlanc–SPED One-on-One Paraprofessional     Rachel Watson–SPED Paraprofessional
Sandra Perrotti–SPED Paraprofessional                Adam Weeks–Student Support Program Asst.
                                                     Paula White–SPED Paraprofessional

                                                                                                  Yrs. Exper.
MOULTONBOROUGH ACADEMY STAFF:                     Degree                    College               Thru 2017
Andrew Coppinger       Principal                  Bachelor of Arts             Merrimack College      28
                                                  Master of Education          Univ. of Mass. Lowell
                                                  Administration Certification Plymouth State College
Derek Patterson        Assoc. Principal           Bachelor of Science          Lyndon State College   21
                                                  Master of Education          Plymouth State Univ.
                                                  Advanced Grad. Studies (CAGS) Plymouth State Univ.

Cont'd                                                                                            Yrs. Exper.
MOULTONBOROUGH ACADEMY:                            Degree                     College             Thru 2017
Lindsay Bliznik        Spanish (K-12)              Bachelor of Science         Ithaca College             10
                                                   Master of TESOL             Plymouth State Univ.
                                                   Master of Educational Leadership Western Governors Univ.
Jennifer Bouchard      Science                     Bachelor of Arts, Earth/Space Sci. Keene State Coll. 5
                                                   Bachelor of Science Secondary Ed.
Julianne Bruneau       English                     Bachelor of Arts            Colby College              23
                                                   Master of Education         Univ. Colorado @ Denver
                                                   Ph.D. in English            Univ. of Notre Dame
Christopher Canfield   English                     Bachelor of Arts, English   St. Michael’s College      20
                                                   Master of English           Plymouth State Univ.
Jennifer Chapman       Guidance                    Bachelor of Arts            Univ. of New Hampshire     18
                                                   Master of Education         Univ. of New Hampshire
Kelly Demain (.5)      Science                     Bachelor of Arts, Economics College of Wooster          3
                                                   Bachelor of Arts, Geology
Kelsie Eckert          Social Studies              Bachelor of Arts            Principia College           5
                                                   Master of Education         Plymouth State Univ.
Elaine Fabian          Special Education Life      Bachelor of Arts            University of Maine        15
                       Skills                      Master of Education         Plymouth State Univ.
Amy Flanders           Language Arts               Bachelor of Arts            Univ. of New Hampshire     13
                                                   Master of Education         Plymouth State Univ.
Sarah Gelotte          Social Studies              Bachelor of Science         Plymouth State Univ.        2
Kendra Greene          Reading Specialist (.75)    Bachelor of Science         Plymouth State Univ.       11
                                                   Master of Education         Plymouth State Univ.
Shawn Haskins          Special Education           Bachelor of Science         Plymouth State College     20
                                                   Master of Science           Univ. of Southern Maine
                                                   CAGS, Educt’l Leadership Plymouth State Univ.
Brian Hoag             Art                         Bachelor of Science         Plymouth State College     27
Jeff Husmann           Middle School Language Arts Bachelor of Arts, English   University of Iowa         18
                                                   Master of English Ed.       University of Iowa
Matthew Katsenes       Latin                       Bachelor of Arts            Monmouth College            9
                                                   Master of Science, Math     University of Iowa
                                                   Master of Arts Teaching     Univ. of Mass. Amherst
Judith Kimball         Special Education           Bachelor of Science         College Life Long Learning 31
Ann Koniszewski        Mathematics                 Bachelor of Science         Plymouth State College     31
                                                   Master of Education, Math Plymouth State College
Joanne Lau             Mathematics                 Bachelor of Science         St. Michael’s College      20
                                                   Master of Math              Univ. of New Hampshire
Dawn Alden Law         Middle School Mathematics(.33) Bachelor of Science      Plymouth State College     34
                                                   Master of Education         Cambridge College
Harmony Markey         Music                       Bachelor of Arts, Music Ed. Johnson State College      20
Sandra Metevier        Special Education           Bachelor of Science         Keene State College        36
                                                   Master of Special Education Lesley College
Amy Morse              Family & Consumer Science Bachelor of Science           Plymouth State Univ.       13
                                                   Master of Education         Plymouth State Univ.
Carolyn Nelson         Nurse                       Associate of Science        Union College              35
                                                   RN                          Muhlenberg School of Nursing
Daniel Nyhan           Social Studies              Bachelor of Arts            Colby College              26
Tina Price             Mathematics                 Bachelor of Science         Plymouth State College     19
William Robinson       Technology Education        Bachelor of Science         Georgia College             0
                                                   Master of Education         Georgia College
Jim Rollins            Guidance                    Bachelor of Arts            Keene State College        23
                                                   Master of Education         Keene State College
David Severance        Science                     Bachelor of Science         Plymouth State College     20
                                                   Juris Doctorate             Univ. of Maine School of Law

Cont'd                                                                                                Yrs. Exper.
MOULTONBOROUGH ACADEMY:                                Degree                      College            Thru 2017
Shaw Smith                Science                       Bachelor of Arts            Univ. of Southern Maine    23
Whitney Sullivan          Business                      Bachelor of Science         Plymouth State Univ.        5
                                                        Master of Education         Southern N.H. Univ.
Matthew Swedberg          Phys. Education/Athletic Dir. Bachelor of Science         Plymouth State College     27
Christina Touhey          Mathematics                   Bachelor of Arts, Math      St. Michael’s College    11.5
                                                        Master of Education, Sp.Ed. Plymouth State Univ.
Etienne Vallee            Library/Media Specialist      Bachelor of Arts            Univ. of British Columbia 14
                                                        Master of Education         Western Washington Univ.
                                                        Master of Education         Plymouth State College
Elizabeth Whalley         Physical Education            Bachelor of Science         Plymouth State Univ.        5
Allison Whitton           Spanish (K-12)                Bachelor of Arts            SUNY, Potsdam              23
                                                        Master of Science           SUNY, Potsdam
Christine Woodland        Health & Physical Education Associate of Accounting       McIntosh College          10.5
                                                        Bachelor of Arts            Southern N.H. Univ.
                                                        Master of Education         Plymouth State Univ.
Jody Baker, School Resource Officer                    Jacqueline Taylor, Receptionist
Todd Clifford, Computer Technician                     Jordan Tankard, Auditorium Technician (.5)
Pam Perkins, Admin. Assistant to Principal             Joanne Woodward, Secretary to Guidance (.5)

James Besecker–SPED Paraprofessional                   Kirsten Pickel–Library/Media Assistant
Terri Carrier–SPED Paraprofessional                    Nila Proko–SPED Paraprofessional
Alisha Chico, ESOL Paraprofessional                    Dianne Quimby – SPED Paraprofessional
Destiny Clifford–SPED One-on-One Paraprofessional      David Sampson–SPED One-on-One Paraprofessional
Diane Copp–SPED Paraprofessional                       Rit Swain–Classroom Paraprofessional
Cassandra Dostie–SPED Paraprofessional                 Cynthia Tolman–SPED Paraprofessional (.3)
Michelle Duddy–SPED One-on-One Paraprofessional        Philip White – SPED One-on-One Paraprofessional
Carolyn Ippolito–SPED One-on-One Paraprofessional      Donna Winsor–Independent Learning Center Paraprofessional
Becky Morgan–SPED Program Paraprofessional

Academy Building Manager: Richard Carrier                  Central School Building Manager: Richard Whiting
      Roger Anderson                                               Elizabeth Billings
      Dave Butler                                                  Zachary Markey
      Dana Carlson                                                 Ken White
      Eugene Reed

Meg Diltz, Food Services Director
   Academy:                                                Elementary:
         Loriann Juhasz                                            Allyson McKenna
         Kirsten Joyce                                             Maureen Nicol
         Tina Young

Moultonborough School District
Actual Expenditures for Special Education Programs and Services
 Expenses:                                      2015-2016         2016-2017
      General Fund                              $2,516,034        $2,414,789
      IDEA                                      $ 126,177         $ 130,649
      PreSchool                                 $   2,304         $    2,424
                             Sub Total          $2,644,515        $2,547,862
      Catastrophic Aid                          $ 202,870         $ 186,765
      IDEA                                      $ 126,177         $ 130,649
      Medicaid                                  $ 106,577         $ 156,555
      Preschool                                 $ 2,304           $   2,424
      Adequacy Allocation                       $      0          $       0
      Tuition for Special Education             $      0          $ 33,746

                            Sub Total           $ 437,928         $ 510,139

 Net Cost for Special Education                $2,206,587         $2,037,723

                                                             Savanna Macsay

2018-2019 Salary Schedule
Step   Track 1       Track 2    Track 3      Track 4   Track 5
   1    37,402        38,609     39,867       41,125    42,418
   2    38,960        40,185     41,557       42,848    44,200
   3    40,530        41,773     43,260       44,585    45,995
   4    42,109        43,369     44,973       46,331    47,801
   5    43,693        44,971     46,691       48,082    49,612
   6    45,278        46,573     48,411       49,835    51,425
   7    46,860        48,171     50,128       51,585    53,234
   8    48,435        49,762     51,837       53,327    55,036
   9    49,999        51,342     53,535       55,056    56,824
  10    51,546        52,904     55,215       56,768    58,595
  11    53,275        54,647     57,076       58,659    60,544
  12    54,799        56,185     58,730       60,343    62,285
  13    56,295        57,694     60,354       61,997    63,994
  14    57,759        59,170     61,944       63,615    65,668
  15    58,042        59,453     62,531       64,244    66,404
  16    58,669        60,080     63,459       65,215    67,480
  17    58,902        60,312     63,989       65,786    68,154
  18    59,097        60,504     64,478       66,314    68,784
  19    59,255        60,659     64,925       66,799    69,370
  20    59,376        60,777     65,330       67,241    69,910
  21    59,988        61,384     66,221       68,168    70,933
  22    60,067        61,457     66,573       68,554    71,413
  23    60,114        61,498     66,889       68,903    71,853
  24    60,134        61,511     67,171       69,217    72,257
  25    60,128        61,499     67,423       69,499    72,626
  26    60,101        61,464     67,647       69,753    72,965
  27    60,056        61,411     67,849       69,983    73,278
  28    59,996        61,343     68,031       70,192    73,569
  29    59,926        61,265     68,198       70,387    73,843
  30    60,226        61,565     68,785       71,014    74,571
  31    60,526        61,864     69,371       71,640    75,298
  32    60,826        62,164     69,958       72,267    76,026
  33    61,126        62,464     70,545       72,894    76,753
  34    61,426        62,764     71,131       73,521    77,481
  35    61,726        63,064     71,718       74,148    78,208
  36    62,025        63,364     72,305       74,775    78,936
  37    62,325        63,664     72,891       75,402    79,664
  38    62,625        63,963     73,478       76,029    80,391
  39    62,925        64,263     74,065       76,656    81,119
  40    63,225        64,563     74,651       77,283    81,846
  41    63,525        64,863     75,238       77,910    82,574
  42    63,825        65,163     75,825       78,537    83,301
  43    64,124        65,463     76,411       79,163    84,029
  44    64,424        65,763     76,998       79,790    84,756
  45    64,724        66,063     77,585       80,417    85,484
  46    65,024        66,362     78,171       81,044    86,211
  47    65,324        66,662     78,758       81,671    86,939
  48    65,624        66,962     79,345       82,298    87,667

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