New Parents' Handbook 2021/22 - Loughborough Schools ...
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Contents 3 Welcome 4 Spiritual and Community Life 5 Minerva and our Teaching and Learning Philosophy 5 Parent Workshops 6 Structure and Organisation of the School Day 7 Curriculum 11 Communication 13 Grades, Reports and Parents’ Evenings 14 Pastoral Care 15 Houses 16 Code of Conduct, Rewards and Sanctions including Online Safety and Anti-Bullying 17 Uniform 20 Equipment 20 Personal Belongings Including Mobile Phones 21 Transport 21 Parking 22 Catering 23 Security 24 Extra-Curricular 27 Trips and Visits 27 Key School Events 27 Finance and Fees 27 Policies 2 LOUGHBOROUGH AMHERST SCHOOL
Welcome We are delighted that Loughborough Amherst School has been entrusted with the education of your child. This guide should provide you with a central point of information to help you and your child with all of the key parts of life at Loughborough Amherst School. Joining a school and trying to understand its systems can be a daunting exercise for even the most confident individual. I remember with great clarity my own feelings of trepidation when I first joined the School as Headmaster. I can say with all confidence that you and your child will be made most welcome and we are incredibly proud of our friendly, vibrant and cohesive community. We encourage and challenge every pupil to become the very best version of themselves and aim to help parents in their task of nurturing confident, compassionate and happy young people. Our Mission Statement encompasses all that we are most proud of: We are a Catholic School. We welcome everyone and we respect everyone for who they are. We work together to become clever, kind and brave. We are one family, and everyone is known and loved. When we leave, we will go into the world and make it a better place. Dr Julian Murphy Headmaster 3
Spiritual and Community Life Collective Worship As a Catholic school, we aim to help our pupils to In addition to collective worship in assemblies, four or five times a experience the spiritual dimension in life through all year the whole School gathers for a Mass. aspects of the curriculum and their daily lives. On a less formal level, each House’s feast day includes a pupil designed and led liturgy. We also have a start and end of year We seek to encourage all pupils to develop a habit of liturgy for Year 7 and exam liturgies for Years 11 and 13. contemplation and stillness that will help them remain centred and calm through life’s ups-and-downs. We help them to discover Preparatory pupils also have their own liturgies for key feasts in the satisfaction felt in serving others and living as part of a the liturgical year. community. Finally, we also seek to help them find spiritual joy in All our acts of worship are designed to be inclusive of all pupils, all their activities and talents, be these academic, sporting, musical, regardless of their faith background, and celebrate both the dramatic, artistic or entrepreneurial. diversity and the solidarity of our community. Tutor groups pray and reflect together and the whole School community regularly gather for assemblies. Our Chapel contains its own special area for private prayer, and all pupils are welcome Charity to make use of it at any time they wish. We also have a separate Fundraising for charity is a key part of our Christian ethos. Each Reflection Room for those who do not feel comfortable praying or year, our Houses vote and select one chosen charity for the next meditating in the Chapel. academic year that all fundraising goes towards. Our aim in all this is to help nurture young people who, regardless of their personal beliefs, have a capacity for inner stillness, a sense of wonder in the face of existence, and the inner strength to embrace the best and face the worst that life has to offer. Assemblies We have whole-School Assemblies at least once a week, many of which are led by the pupils. All pupils, whatever their faith, participate in Assemblies, which are usually rooted in Catholic and Christian ideas. In our Assemblies, we seek to address issues that are of relevance to the pupils in their day-to-day lives, and we also use the opportunity to celebrate the achievements of individuals or groups of pupils. There are also regular “Congers” Assemblies, where we come together for a sparkling and energetic half hour of hymn singing! 4 LOUGHBOROUGH AMHERST SCHOOL
Minerva and our Teaching and Revision Learning Philosophy We have formalised the expectation that revision should take place throughout the year, often with gaps between the end of a All our colleagues at the School have been considering unit and the unit test. This is known as ‘spaced learning’ and helps the things we could do to help children improve their maximise retention of knowledge. learning efficiency, happiness and results. Minerva could be used to help reduce anxiety about tests, Homework make constructive criticism easier to handle, improve skills for Where appropriate, pupils may be asked to spend half of their extracting information from reading, and enhance the ability to homework time reading and then the other half writing under work effectively. Just some of the key ways that Minerva makes exam conditions. a difference and that you will notice about the Teaching and Learning approach in our School are: Parent Workshops Route Maps Close and supportive communication between School At the start of the year, every class receives a route map for each and home is a vital part of any pupil’s academic and subject. This includes a calendar of learning tasks, times of key pastoral growth. tests and a list of the skills that they will be seeking to develop. We aim to ensure that all of our parents feel supported in their journey with us at Loughborough Amherst School. We have Progress Reviews designed a programme of Parent Workshops but we are always open to suggestions for other topics that parents may wish to We report on every pupil’s progress in every subject five times per learn more about. year through a Progress Review Card. For each subject, pupils are given SMART targets to help them to understand how to focus their efforts for maximum gain. In addition, form tutor reports are bi-annual, and enable us to share a full picture of every pupil’s journey through the School. 5
Structure and Organisation of the The Senior School Day School Day 08:40 Form time begins Start of Year 09:10 - 09:40 Period 1 09:40 - 10:10 Period 2 All new pupils should arrive at School by 08:30 on Monday 6 September (3 September for new pupil induction), where they 10:15 - 10:45 Period 3 will be welcomed and directed to their Form Room. 10:45 - 11:05 Short break 11:05 - 11:35 Period 4 The School Day 11:35 - 12:10 Period 5 Each School day begins with Senior School pupils arriving at their Form Room by 08:40. Pupils may arrive at School from 08:00 12:10 - 12:40 Period 6 when the Refectory is open and serving breakfast. 12:40 - 13:10 Period 7 Unless involved in a School activity or prep (homework) in the 13:10 - 14:20 Lunch Justham Library we request that pupils leave the School premises by 16:00. Your son/daughter may register to study in the Justham 14:25 - 14:55 Period 8 Library until 17:00 when he/she must either be collected or safely 14:55 - 15:25 Period 9 make his/her own way home. 15:25 - 15:55 Period 10 Preparatory School pupils arrive at their classroom from 08:30. Before this, there is no supervision on site unless pupils pre-book 15:55 End of School day into our onsite Breakfast Club. Preparatory School pupils finish at 15:40. Parents are welcome to wait in the playground if they are waiting for older siblings to finish their School day. All pupils must be supervised by a parent whilst waiting. Any Preparatory School pupils catching a school bus walk to the Loughborough Schools Foundation main car park with Senior School pupils. Members of staff from Loughborough Amherst School will be on duty with other Foundation staff in the car park until the last bus has departed. Out of hours care for Preparatory pupils is provided at Fairfield Prep School, who are also part of the Loughborough Schools Foundation. This provision operates from the end of the School day until 18:00. Pupils are walked to Fairfield by a member of our staff. Pupils have the opportunity to eat tea and do some of their homework, as well as accessing recreation and play opportunities. Places for this provision need to be pre-booked. For more details and rates, please visit the Out of Hours Care page on Firefly. 6 LOUGHBOROUGH AMHERST SCHOOL
Curriculum Reader Programme which allow us as Teachers and parents to share in our pupils/child’s reading journey. There are many The curriculum at Amherst reflects the activities of reading competitions throughout the School year, Reading Clubs the whole human being and encourages pupils to be for all Key Stages, and dedicated reading time both in Accelerated Reader lessons and in Form time. We expect our pupils to read tolerant, wise and courageous. for 30 minutes each day. Below are some hints and tips for These activities include areas such as science, technology, encouraging your child to read at home: language, number, knowledge of the World we live in, knowledge Create time and space in your home for reading of our past, skills in physical performance and artistic endeavour, social skills etc. As we are a religious school, all subjects play a part Make reading a fun family activity — visit the theatre to see a in supporting the development of spiritual and moral awareness, play or the cinema to see a film adaptation of a novel which is central to our curriculum. Talk about books: Read some of the books your child is reading and share your experiences with him/her Special Educational Needs Get involved with the reading journey - visit Homeconnect The School has a rigorous process for identifying pupils to view your child’s reading targets, quiz results and overall with specific learning differences and there is awareness by progress in Accelerated Reader. This can be accessed from all members of staff of the necessity to make appropriate the Library pages of Firefly - Your child will need their AR adjustments in class. Teaching Assistants work in some classes username and password to access this to provide additional support. Identified pupils may also attend Explore the Accelerated Reader Bookfinder Website to on-site dyslexia tuition or arrange support sessions with the Head search for books within your child’s ZPD Range. This range of Academic Support. Where possible, sessions are organised so is determined by the Star Reading Test which all pupils in that pupils do not miss key lessons or lessons they particularly Years 3-9 undertake four times a year. Pupils who read within enjoy. Occasionally, pupils may study less subjects so that they can their range will see the most reading growth benefit from additional support to achieve their full potential. The School’s Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Policy Visit book related websites to find suggestions for new reading is available to download from the Policies page of the website, choices accessible via Firefly. Join your local library Listen to audiobooks on car journeys Reading Explore alternative reading experiences offered by audiobooks ‘Reading should not be presented to children as a chore or duty. and e-readers and make use of Apps such as Audible, iBooks It should be offered to them as a precious gift.’ or Kindle It has been said that ‘Reading is to the mind what exercise is to Encourage your child to use the Library pages on Firefly to the body.’ At Loughborough Amherst School we strive to develop find new reading challenges, book suggestions and more lifelong learners who love to read. Studies have shown that reading for pleasure can result in increased empathy, improved relationships with others and improved wellbeing. Reading widely allows our children to discover new worlds and experiences and gain a greater understanding of the world around them. The more a child reads, the more able he or she will be to express themselves both in the written and the spoken word. In reading for 20 minutes each day, your child will discover 1.8 million words in the course of a year. In contrast, children who read for only 1 minute a day will encounter only 8000 words. We place great value on the importance of reading for pleasure and of a school community that has a strong reading culture at its heart. For this reason we enroll all pupils from Years 3-9 in the Accelerated 7
PSHCCE Homework Personal, social, health, citizenship and careers education can As a school, we aim to enhance pupil learning by providing be defined as a planned programme of learning through which a positive learning environment for pupils in order to allow children and young people acquire the knowledge, understanding them to flourish. Homework is an integral part of the education and skills they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. provided by Loughborough Amherst School and an area that requires the cooperation of all members of the community in As part of a whole School approach, PSHCCE develops the order to be effective. Establishing and maintaining an effective qualities and attributes pupils need to thrive as individuals, family routine is crucial to support the development of strong study members and members of society. skills. Wherever possible, therefore, please aim for set homework The benefits to pupils of such an approach are numerous as times as part of your child’s daily routine and aim to monitor their PSHCCE prepares them to manage many of the most critical homework regularly. Homework routines should always include a opportunities, challenges and responsibilities they will face start time and an end time. growing up in such rapidly changing and challenging times. Try to remove distractions during this time. Make sure that pupils It also helps them to connect and apply the knowledge and have a quiet, well organised space to complete their work, ideally understanding they learn in all subjects to practical, real-life not in their bedrooms. Recent research has shown that pupils situations while helping them to feel safe and secure enough to think better without access to mobile phones. fulfil their academic potential. All pupils should be in the habit of regularly accessing Firefly PSHCCE is taught one lesson per week. Topics can vary if we feel to check their homework. Please regularly log into Firefly to something in School needs addressing or pupils have a particular monitor and help to manage their homework tasks and so help interest. There is a lot of discussion work and time is spent develop your child’s confidence in using the site as an essential building strong relationships with the Tutor and peers in the organisational tool. Tutor Set. Try to discuss your child’s homework with them - discuss Topics covered include: Revision and study skills, Relationships deadlines, how they are going to meet them, what is expected, and Sex Education, Mental Health, Healthy lifestyle – food, etc. as this will help you to understand the demands of the exercise, drugs, Managing finances, Citizenship and British Values, curriculum and their approach to learning. You should not Staying safe – bullying, online safety, safeguarding, Crime, Politics ordinarily help your child with any of the content of their – local, National and Global, Equality and diversity, Careers – GCSE homework; it is important for their progress that they become choices, A Level options and post 16 pathways. increasingly self-reliant and independent learners Topics are taught at age appropriate levels and follow educational guidelines, including those around Sex and Relationships statutory guidance and recommendations from the Catholic Education service. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs P Fender – Head of PSHCCE 8 LOUGHBOROUGH AMHERST SCHOOL
Encourage a balanced lifestyle. Pupils that have an opportunity to express themselves or to keep fit by playing sport are more likely Homework at Holiday Times to be able to focus on their work at home. We aim to ensure that all pupils maintain a healthy work-life balance. All pupils are expected to do some work during School Contact the Teacher or your child’s Form Tutor if you have any holidays. Teachers are given the following guidance as to how concerns. The best way to avoid problems is to open up dialogue much to set: sooner rather than later. Homework is set in Years 7 - 11 according to a timetable. As a broad Pre-Prep rule of thumb, pupils should expect the demand of homework to grow through their time in School, from around one hour per Each half-term: one week’s worth of work evening on homework in Year 7, up to two hours’ homework per Easter/Christmas holidays: two weeks’ worth of basics skills evening in Year 11. homework Sixth Formers are expected to be able to organise their own time Summer holiday: Activity menu with request for pictures/ and to develop skills as independent learners. They should expect information to share in class to spend about 15 hours per week outside the classroom on their academic studies. Prep All time allocation could rise at certain times of the year, for example in the run up to examinations. Each half-term: one week’s worth of work Homework is set by Class Teachers in the Preparatory School. This Easter/Christmas holidays: two weeks’ worth of basics skills is set according to a timetable. Normal expectation is that pupils homework will undertake an average of 20 minutes per night in the Pre-Prep Summer holiday: Activity menu with request for a diary/ (Years R, 1 and 2), rising to 45 minutes per night by Year 6. information of an A4 sheet per week, which will be shared in class. Summer reading lists are provided by the School Librarian, Miss Bradshaw. Year 7 Each half-term: one week’s worth of normal homework Christmas holiday: two weeks’ worth of normal homework Easter holiday: only revision - 1 hour per subject is the expectation Summer holiday: If on meeting/exceeding expectations, set targets from reading list or, where this is not practical, a creative project. If not meeting expectations, set checkable consolidation/revision work as appropriate 9
Year 8 Year 11 Each half-term: one week’s worth of normal homework October half-term: revision only – 4 hours revision per subject over the two weeks is the expectation Christmas holiday: two weeks’ worth of normal homework Christmas holiday: two weeks’ worth of normal homework Easter holiday: only revision – 90 minutes per subject is the expectation February half-term: one week’s worth of normal homework Summer holiday: If on meeting/exceeding expectations, set targets Easter holiday: revision only – the expectation is 40 hours from reading list or, where this is not practical, a creative project. per week If not meeting expectations, set checkable consolidation/revision Summer holiday (if returning for Sixth Form): specify work as appropriate preparatory reading for your A Level (straightforward and relatively undemanding) Year 9 Each half-term: one week’s worth of normal homework Year 12 Christmas holiday: two weeks’ worth of normal homework October and February half-term: one week’s worth of normal homework Easter holiday: only revision – 2 hours per subject is the expectation Christmas holiday: two weeks’ worth of normal homework Summer holiday: If on meeting/exceeding expectations, set targets Easter holiday: only revision – 20 hours per subject over the from reading list or, where this is not practical, a creative project. holiday is the expectation If not meeting expectations, set checkable consolidation/revision May half-term: only revision – 10 hours per subject is the work as appropriate expectation Year 10 Summer holiday: If on meeting/exceeding expectations, set targets from reading list or, where this is not practical, a creative project. October and May half-terms: one week’s worth of normal If not meeting expectations, set checkable consolidation/revision homework work as appropriate Christmas holiday: two weeks’ worth of normal homework Year 13 February half-term: revision only – 2 hours per subject is the expectation Each half-term: one week’s worth of normal homework Easter holiday: two weeks’ worth of normal homework Christmas holiday: revision only – 10 hours per subject over the holiday is the expectation Summer holiday: If on meeting/exceeding expectations, set targets from reading list or, where this is not practical, a creative project. Easter holiday: only revision – 20 hours per subject over the If not meeting expectations, set checkable consolidation/revision holiday is the expectation work as appropriate 10 LOUGHBOROUGH AMHERST SCHOOL
Communication Medical conditions or illness Any pupil feeling unwell during the day should inform their Firefly Parent Portal teacher and then report to Reception. Loughborough Amherst School now has a School Nurse (known as Matron). Matron Kim You can find all the information that you should ever need on the Alderman is based in the Medical Room next to Reception, she Firefly Parent Portal, which you can access before your child joins will assess your child and if necessary call you to discuss, or ask the School by visiting you to collect your child. hub/parents-and-guardians Matron can give over the counter medications (with your consent) Here you will find a menu of pages full of useful information such as paracetamol to the children if needed, Matron can also for parents and guardians. Once your son/daughter has joined deal with minor injuries. the School in September you will be able to access the full Firefly parent portal using your own individual parent login details. With the exception of asthma inhalers and medications for severe allergy, all medications should be handed to Matron at the beginning of the day. If your child needs a course of antibiotics, Attendance and Absence please complete the “parent request for medication to be given” form, which is available from Matron or the Firefly Parent Portal. In order to report an absence due to illness, please ring the School’s main Reception on 01509 263901. The telephone is If you would like to discuss your child’s medical condition with answered between the hours of 08:00 and 17:30 however there Matron, please call Reception and they will put you through to is an answerphone facility outside of these hours. All absences Matron. If your child receives a new diagnosis after starting at must be reported no later than 09:30. For all other reasons Loughborough Amherst School, please contact Matron to discuss.. of absence, prior permission must be obtained from the The form for the administration of medicines is available on our Headmaster. Requests should be submitted well in advance using Parent Portal: an Absence Request Form, which is available on our Parent Portal: guardians Leave of absence will only be granted in exceptional circumstances and not normally for holidays or similar functions. Academic and Pastoral Concerns Please note that anything under 95% attendance would start to Your first point of contact is your child’s Form Teacher, he or she give us a cause for concern and we may contact you to discuss will be able to respond directly to you or liaise with colleagues how we can support your child in improving this if necessary. as necessary. If you feel that the Form Teacher has not been able to fully address your concern, please contact your child’s Head of Year. If your concerns are still not addressed, please contact one of the Senior Leadership Team and if needs be please do not hesitate to telephone or make an appointment to see the Headmaster. For all the above, telephone School on 01509 263901, and ask to speak to the appropriate person. If that person is teaching or not available a message will be passed to them and they will contact you as soon as possible, alternatively please email them. 11
Home - School Communication Some Key Staff Members We understand the value and importance of communicating Dr Julian Murphy with parents and carers on a regular basis. Key information will Headmaster always be available through Firefly and the website, but there may be times that you are contacted via email or telephone as well. Mrs Thea Demitriou You will not receive any spam from the School and your contact Acting Senior Deputy Head details will only be used for school matters. It is important that we Mr Richard West have up to date contact details for you at all times. Deputy Head - Academic Miss Izzy Winton Head of Preparatory School LSF App (Weduc) We use the LSF App (also known as Weduc) to communicate Miss Jennie Molloy effectively with parents and guardians through email and the Assistant Head of Preparatory School App (available on all app stores). You will be sent an enrolment Mrs Thea Demitriou code and instructions on how to register on the LSF App when Head of Sixth Form your child joins the School. Mrs Polly Fender If you already have a child at a Foundation school, you can add Head of Years 7 and 8 your additional child by following these steps. Mrs Helen Jones 1. Log out of the LSF App Head of Years 9, 10 and 11 • Select the menu icon in the top left (three horizontal Mrs Jo Kitchener lines). Head of Academic Support • Select ‘App Settings’. Mrs Hilary Foster School Counsellor • Select ‘Log out’. 2. On the login screen, select ‘I have an enrolment code’ and School Fees enter your current enrolment code Information correct at time of going to print. On the next page instead of creating another account select, ‘I already have an account’. Sign in with the same credentials used to register the original child. Change of Contact Details Please notify main Reception if your contact details change so that we are able to speak to you quickly in the case of an emergency. You can also notify us of change of contact details through the Firefly Parent Portal. 12 LOUGHBOROUGH AMHERST SCHOOL
Governors They are also used to set target grades for GCSE and A Level exams, to inform our analysis of our own curriculum delivery, to The Governing Body makes decisions for all four of the Schools, assist with setting where appropriate, and as part of occasional plus The Nursery, which together, form the Loughborough Schools academic discussions with individual pupils and their parents. Foundation (Fairfield Prep School, Loughborough Amherst School, Results of the CEM tests will never be used in isolation. The results Loughborough Grammar School and Loughborough High School). may not be a precise indication of your son/daughter’s ability for Regular meetings are held of both the whole Governing Body and a variety of reasons, therefore these results will form part of the of the sub committees and the Amherst School is represented by whole picture of our pupils. the Head of the School. The Amherst School Board is comprised of the following: Parent-Teacher Evenings Mrs Anna Murphy, MA - CHAIR There are regular Parent-Teacher meetings for you to meet your Sister Celine Leydon child’s teachers and to have personal feedback on how they are progressing. Whether face-to-face or online, you will always need Professor John Feather, MA, PhD, FRSA to book appointments in advance of the evening with your child’s Mr Paul Snelling, BSc (Hons), MBA, C.Eng, MRAeS teachers, through our online booking system. Anyone wishing to contact a member of the Governing Body At key points, you will be invited to attend additional parents’ should telephone 01509 283701, or email: evenings concerning GCSE choices, careers and A Level choices and Sixth Form. If you have any questions regarding your child’s progress, please contact the Form Tutor in the first instance. Grades, Reports and Parents’ Evenings We will communicate regularly with you throughout the year as to your son/daughter’s progress. On the Key Dates card, there is a reporting schedule which includes the dates of reports, parents’ evenings and other opportunities for you to understand how he/she is progressing. Baseline Testing At various stages throughout their School career, pupils sit baseline tests administered by the Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring (CEM) at Durham University. These baseline tests have been used by more than twelve hundred schools in the UK since 1991 and are the preferred method of baseline testing for all leading independent schools. Some tasks involve thinking about shapes and patterns (Nonverbal Reasoning), some involve words (Verbal Reasoning) or numbers (Quantitative Reasoning) and, finally, some questions involve thinking about shape and space together and imagining a shape being changed and moving (Spatial Ability). There are a variety of statistical scores available for each section of the tests including a standard age score (SAS). The average standard age score (SAS) for each section of the test is 100. CEM tests are used by the School to assess individual areas of strength and weakness and plan interventions as appropriate. 13
Pastoral Care Form Tutor Allocations 2021/22 All pupils are placed in Form groups and their Form Room Main pastoral needs are looked after by Form Tutors and Heads of Year. In the Preparatory School, pastoral needs 7LFL M202 Miss Laura Fletcher are looked after by Class Teachers and the Head of the 7SDV M106 Mrs Sam Davey/Mrs Rachel Lewis Preparatory School. Miss Winton, Head of Prep, is the designated safeguarding lead 8LIN S003 Mrs Laura Ingram and is responsible for overseeing any safeguarding issues that 8RBA S005 Miss Ruby Barham may arise and will also be informed of any serious pastoral concerns. There are a number of Deputy Designated Safeguarding 9EEH M102 Mrs Emma Hopper/Ms Jeanne Grant Leads who are also able to oversee any safeguarding issues. These deputies include the Deputy Head of the Preparatory School. 9TT S004 Mrs Tracey Thornton There is also a School Counsellor that pupils and/or their parents 10CRJ M204 Miss Catherine Rhodes-Jones can make appointments to see, should they wish. Pupils above Year 7 have the right to see the School Counsellor without 10NVI C133 Mrs Nuria Vicente parental permission if they wish. Parents of pupils in lower years will always be informed. 10PBU C015 Mr Paul Burke 11AMI M101 Ms Anna Mitchell Tutors and Heads of Year 11PHI M201 Mr Paul Hickman Reception Mrs Gwen Olaleye RO 11NSN M206 Mrs Neena Sonecha Year 1/2 Mrs Rebecca Coates & Mrs Bhavna Patel 1/2CP 12JGR M103 Mrs Julie Grest Year 3/4 Mrs Fiona Bassett 3/4B 12SWI S006 Dr Sarah Wilson Year 5 Mrs Ruth Garner 5G Year 6 Miss Jennie Molloy 6MO 13AFA S001 Dr Alison Faragher Year 6 Mrs Elizabeth McDermott 6MC 13TDE M207 Mrs Rachel Jones Information correct at time of going to print. Head of Middle School (Year 7 and 8) Mrs Polly Fender Head of Upper School (Year 9, 10 and 11) Mrs Jo Kitchener Head of Sixth Form (Year 12 and 13) Mrs Thea Demitriou Information correct at time of going to print. 14 LOUGHBOROUGH AMHERST SCHOOL
Prefects Houses Our Prefect Team is appointed each Easter and have Every pupil belongs to a House: Rosmini (yellow), Teresa responsibilities including supporting other pupils, doing duties (green), Agnes (blue) and Peter (red) giving them the and representing the School at events. opportunity to interact with a large cross section of the Preparatory School pupils also have the opportunity to take on School population. positions of responsibility which they apply for at the beginning of each academic year. House Leaders organise activities and events throughout the year enabling everyone to get involved, have a real feeling of belonging, and be proud of their shared identity. House points are Safeguarding earned throughout the year and culminate in the presentation of the coveted House Cup at the final assembly of the School year. All children have the right to grow up safe from harm. No child Each House has a specific House Day and there are competitions should suffer harm, either at home or at School. between houses including House Music and Sports Day. Loughborough Amherst School is determined that everyone who Each House has a House Leader and a House Prefect. visits or works here is aware of their responsibility to make sure that all our young people are safe. Please ask any of the Designated Safeguarding team at the School if you are not clear about anything when visiting the School. 15
Code of Conduct, Rewards and Anti-Bullying Sanctions including Online Safety All members of our community should be free from fear of bullying. Everyone should feel able to speak out and report any and Anti-Bullying concerns about bullying in the knowledge that they will be listened to and that the matter will be investigated. Rewards and Sanctions We aim to educate pupils about bullying, harassment and peer- on-peer abuse through a variety of means including our tutor At Loughborough Amherst School, we understand the importance time and PSHCCE programme, assemblies and in conversations of recognising achievements and building a pupil’s sense of self- with pupils about relationships. worth. There are many ways in which your son/daughter will be able to shine within our family. We also have a firm but fair approach to discipline. Documents detailing the School’s Code Definition of Bullying of Conduct and Rewards and Sanctions systems are available to Bullying is aggressive or insulting behaviour, that can be shown download from the Rewards and Discipline page in the Pastoral to be repeated and deliberate, that can hurt, harm, humiliate or Care section of the Firefly parent portal. cause distress. It is our expectation that everyone within the School will conduct There is a difference between bullying and friendship fall out: themselves with consideration, courtesy, tolerance and respect Friends may fall out, say something that hurts another’s feelings in their relationships with one another, teachers and the wider and may even be physically aggressive. However, bullying occurs community. Any issues relating to behaviour will be addressed when someone deliberately targets someone weaker or different with recourse to the Code of Conduct. from them and repeatedly picks on them. As we take bullying so seriously, even if it is a pupil’s first offence Internet Safety and Conduct Online perpetrators will attend a one-hour detention after school and parents will receive an email from the Headteacher. Sanctions Pupils sign a Student Responsible Use Policy for ICT (RUP) escalate rapidly with repeat offences and a pupil will be at risk of concerning the acceptable use of ICT in School to reinforce the exclusion after the second offence. fact that it is solely to be used for learning. We seek to discipline, but also support bullies, by helping Advice and guidance on internet safety is a significant component them to understand the effects of their actions and in doing so of the PSHE programme and covers the dangers and potential subsequently change their behaviour. consequences of the misuse of social media and internet activity. 16 LOUGHBOROUGH AMHERST SCHOOL
Uniform For existing pupils and new pupils requiring part uniforms the School Shop is open during the summer 2021 holidays on the following dates, appointments are not required on these dates: General Appearance It is expected that pupils will present themselves in a neat and Summer Holiday School Shop Opening Times tidy manner, taking a pride in their appearance with clean uniform and shoes in good order. 09:00 - 17:00 Friday 9 July Hair is to be clean, of a natural colour and pupils may be required 09:00 - 17:00 Friday 30 July to tie hair back for certain activities. 09:00 - 17:00 Friday 6 August Make-up is not allowed in the Senior School; Sixth Formers may 09:00 - 17:00 Friday 13 August wear make-up and nail varnish in a manner appropriate to the context of a working environment. Skirts must be no shorter than 09:00 - 17:00 Friday 20 August just above the knee, any skirts shorter than 5cm above the knee 09:00 - 13:00 Saturday 21 August must be replaced. Where smart or plain clothing is referenced; logos, tee-shirts, garish colours, patterns or designs should not be 09:00 - 17:00 Wednesday 25 August worn. A full and detailed list of the dress code is included within 09:00 - 17:00 Thursday 26 August the Code of Conduct available to download from the Rewards and Discipline page in the Pastoral Care section of the Firefly 09:00 - 17:00 Friday 27 August parent portal. 09:00 - 17:00 Wednesday 1 September Please be aware that we keep spare tights in Reception: any pupil 09:00 - 17:00 Thursday 2 September whose tights are ripped will be given a new pair of tights and £2 is automatically added onto that term’s fees bill. 09:00 - 17:00 Friday 3 September 09:00 - 13:00 Saturday 4 September School Uniform Please note: The School Shop is closed weeks commencing 12 and Uniform may be purchased from the School Shop, located to the 19 July 2021. right of the Fairfield driveway on the A6 Leicester Road. All new pupils requiring a FULL uniform will be seen by prior appointment only. If you wish to make an appointment, please contact the School Shop Manager, Mrs Gurney, on 01509 232600 The School Shop is open for existing and new pupils requiring uniform at the following times. Term Time School Shop Opening Times Weekdays Monday to Friday, 13:00 – 17:00 Weekends (term time only) First Saturday of each month, 10:00 – 12:00 Half-terms Closed You can also purchase uniform online at Pupils in Year 10 and above may also visit the School Shop during their lunch break. 17
Senior School Uniform Items marked * are either branded or school specific and must be purchased from the School Shop Sixth Form Years 7 to 11 Boys and Girls Senior Boys Senior Girls Optional Any navy, grey, black trouser Navy blue suit* Navy blue suit – jacket and Netball dress (girls, team players) or skirt suit. skirt/trousers* Navy blue jumper* Weather layer jacket* Smart business-style top Navy blue jumper* (recommended for team players) Blue shirt, long sleeved Plain v-neck jumpers Blue and white striped blouse* Bobble hat* Tie* School tie* (boys) Plain black flat smart shoes Navy long sleeved base layer Plain black or navy outer coat Plain and small belt buckles or School coat* Plain dark coloured socks or Cookery basket tights Footwear must be plain Plain black smart shoes School scarf* black, smart and sensible: Plain dark coloured socks Senior Girls Physical Education Astro trainers there should be no trainers, plimsolls, flip-flops, very Senior Boys Physical Education Navy blue skort* Other Essentials high heels or backless shoes. White sports socks Reversible Games shirt* Suitable bag Plain dark coloured socks Games shirt* or tights Red PE top* Red PE top* Plain navy or black school Blue shorts* bag Games socks* White sports socks Eco mid-layer* Physical Education Games socks* Eco training pants* or Eco Mid layer* Eco mid-layer* leggings* Eco trackpants* (boys) Eco training pants* Sports trainers with Shorts* (boys) Sports trainers with non-marking soles** non-marking soles** Eco trackpants* or Football boots Eco leggings* (girls) Navy or black games kit bag Shin pads Skort* (girls) Dependent on Games Choice: Navy or black games kit bag Games socks* Rugby shorts* Games shirt* Rugby or football boots White ankle socks Mouthguard Sports trainers** Shin pads **not fashion trainers, must be of a neutral colour, black, grey, navy or white. 18 LOUGHBOROUGH AMHERST SCHOOL
Prep School Uniform Items marked * are either branded or school specific and must be purchased from the School Shop Years 3 to 6 Physical Education Reception to Year 2 Girls - Summer Eco mid-layer* Blazer* Boys - All Year Boys - Winter Eco training pants* Boater* Navy blue jacket* Navy blue jacket* Navy PE top* Summer dress* Cap* Cap* Navy blue shorts* (boys) Navy blue jumper* Blazer* Blazer* Skort* (girls) White ankle or knee length Grey shorts/trousers Grey shorts/trousers socks Reversible games shirt* (boys) Navy blue jumper* Navy blue jumper* Plain black smart flat shoes Games shirt* (girls) White shirt Long sleeve white shirt Rugby shorts (boys, optional)* Physical Education Tie* Tie* White sports socks Navy blue top* Grey socks Grey knee length socks Games socks* Navy blue shorts* Plain black smart shoes Plain black smart shoes Mouthguard Navy blue hoodie* Girls - Winter Shin pads Boys - Summer Navy blue jogging bottoms* Navy blue jacket* Sports trainers** Cap* White sports socks Navy blue hat with hatband* Football or Rugby boots (boys) Blazer* Velcro fastening sports Blazer* Football boots (girls) Grey shorts trainers** Grey tunic* Navy blue jumper* Swimming Swimming Navy blue jumper* Short sleeve white shirt Navy blue swimming shorts* Navy blue swimming shorts* Blue and white striped blouse* Tie* (boys) (boys) Navy socks or tights Grey knee length socks Navy blue swimming costume* Navy blue swimming costume* Plain black smart shoes (girls) Plain black smart flat shoes (girls) Navy blue swimming bag* Navy blue swimming bag* Girls - Summer Girls - Winter House swimming cap* House swimming cap* Blazer* Navy blue jacket* Other Essentials Boater* Other Essentials Navy blue hat with hatband* Back pack* Summer dress* Back pack* Blazer* Beanie hat* Navy blue jumper* Beanie hat* Grey tunic* Navy blue baseball cap* White ankle or knee length Navy blue gloves Navy blue jumper* socks Navy blue gloves Sports bag Blue and white striped blouse* Plain black smart flat shoes Sports bag Navy hair accessories (girls) Navy socks or navy tights Navy hair accessories (girls) Name tapes for all uniform Plain black smart flat shoes Name tapes for all uniform Optional **with non-marking soles, not fashion Optional trainers, must be of a neutral colour, School scarf* black, grey, navy or white. School scarf* 19
Equipment Lost Property All pupils should come to School fully equipped Items are left with main Reception and if valuable will be locked including pens, pencils, rubbers and rulers. away. Other property left around the School is forwarded to main Reception where it is held until claimed or until the end of In the Senior School, they also are expected to have a scientific term when it is disposed of. All property is returned where it is calculator for Maths and Science lessons and a pair of compasses clearly named. and a protractor for all Maths lessons. For Creative Arts, they should have an HB pencil, 2B pencil, 2H pencil, 30 cm ruler, During a term, the PE department collect and record all items colouring pencils, rubber and pencil sharpener. A basket/heavy of property/PE kit left in the Hall and changing rooms – named duty bag for cooking and an apron are advisable. items are returned. Items are stored in the PE office and at the end of a term all unclaimed and unnamed items are used as loan kit or donated. Personal Belongings Including Mobile Phones Damage Damage of any kind to School or other people’s property Property or equipment, and injuries or accidents, must be reported immediately to a member of staff. Pupils are required to Keeping property secure is everybody’s responsibility. contribute towards any repairs to property caused by careless or silly behaviour. Bags Pupils should use their allocated locker. Should they need to leave Mobile Phones a bag overnight, they should ensure it is secured inside their If mobile phones and smart watches are brought into School locker or a locked building. they must be switched off and handed into Reception during School hours (between 08:30 and 16:00), or to Class Teachers in the Preparatory School. Phones are not allowed to be used during Musical Instruments after-school Prep in the Justham Library either. If mobile phones ring, or are used, or are found anywhere in School during these These may be stored in your child’s secured locker or in the Music times, they will be confiscated and sanctions will apply. department during the daytime. Instruments should never be left overnight in or around the main School buildings. Parents can telephone School to relay a message in case of an emergency. Any pupil wishing to ring a parent may do so from For Preparatory pupils, instruments should never be left in main Reception. Pupils must not contact parents directly during School overnight. School hours please. Sixth Form students may use their phones during break times Valuable Possessions and lunchtime within the Sixth Form Common Room. If they are The School does not accept any responsibility for items brought found in use anywhere else in School, they will be confiscated onto School premises. Pupils are asked to be sensible about and sanctions will apply. items they bring into School. If they need to be looked after for a significant part of the day, they can be left at main Reception, remembering to collect them at the end of the session. 20 LOUGHBOROUGH AMHERST SCHOOL
Transport Route & Location A Leicester West School Buses B Glenfield Loughborough Schools Foundation are pleased to offer C Leicester families an extensive range of bus routes that cover D Oadby Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire. These E Borrowash routes are managed through our partnership with F Syston Roberts Travel Group (Passenger Travel Solutions) and G Nottingham/West Bridgford pupils from Year 3 can access the service. H Cotgrave At the time of printing, the list of routes below provides the area from which each route originates from however for full details I Kinoulton of all the stops and times please visit our interactive map on the J Ellistown website at Please note that our K Bingham bus service adapts and grows with demand wherever possible and so please do get in touch with Roberts Travel Group to discuss your L Hugglescote family’s requirements. N Wartnaby/Melton Mowbray In order to book a bus place for your child, please visit https:// O Repton P Heatherton A range of payment options are available. Q Diseworth Contact details for all bus related matters; Tel: 01530 816424 or NCTB Nottingham Service Bus email: Parking Parking is restricted around the School, but during the day, there are a number of local roads with spaces for parking of up to one hour. Please do not park in Park Court, (opposite the School on Park Road) as this is for residents only. When parking on neighbouring streets we ask that you do so with consideration for the local residents. During School hours, the car park is solely for the use of staff and visitors to the School. For the safety of all children and pedestrians, we request that parents do not drive on site either to drop off, or collect, children. We also ask that parents observe the marked areas in front of both the Gray Street and Garton Road entrances and do not park, even temporarily, in the hazard zones. Please note that when leaving the Gray Street car park, you must turn left, Gray Street is one-way. 21
Catering Refectory Hours of Opening Our catering facilities allow us to offer hot, healthy food 08:00 – 08:35 Breakfast to all our pupils throughout the School day. 10:45 – 11:05 Morning break This includes breakfast, snacks, and a very varied lunchtime menu which is presented on a cyclical basis, rotating every three weeks, 12:00 – 12:30 Preparatory Lunch and can be viewed on the Food page in the Parent and Guardians section of the Firefly parent portal. We also present a number 13:00 – 14:00 Senior Lunch of ‘theme days’ throughout the year when speciality dishes are served and the Refectory is decorated accordingly. We are a nut free site and would like to thank parents for helping us by not permitting their children to bring any products or food Dietary Requirements items that contain nuts into School. Our team are able to cater for many dietary requirements, if you have not already done so, please make the School aware of any Pupils in the Preparatory School are encouraged to bring in a food allergies, intolerances or religious requirements your child healthy snack for their mid-morning break. may have to help the catering team assess their needs.. Please Senior School pupils may use bank cards, pre-paid pocket money contact John Orrill, our Catering Manager, on 01509 638289, he will cards or their access cards can be used to purchase items in the be delighted to hear from you. We welcome your feedback so that Refectory at breakfast and at morning break, which saves them we can continually improve the service to you and your child. from having to bring cash into School. The amount spent in this The Catering team are always available to assist pupils with way is then added to your account and billed at the end of each everyday choices, and to help with any queries they may have. term. We do not accept cash. The Catering team are always happy to help, so please encourage Should you wish your child not to make purchases with their your child to speak to one of them with any questions, concerns or access card, then please let us know and we can issue a card issues as they arise as they can often resolve them immediately without a magnetic stripe on the back, thus preventing our till from accepting them. If having previously opted in to school lunches, you wish to opt out then you must provide half a term’s notice by email to School lunches are provided 5 days per week, it is not possible to elect to only pay for lunches on selected days. 22 LOUGHBOROUGH AMHERST SCHOOL
Security A reported incident/civil disturbance in the local community (with the potential to pose a risk to staff and pupils in the The main entrance on Gray Street is controlled by School) security cameras and intercom. Between the hours of A report of an ongoing incident from one of the other Schools 08:00 and 17:30, all visitors should use this entrance, and in the Foundation visit Reception to sign in. An intruder on the School site (with the potential to pose a Parents may access the Preparatory School via the Garton Road risk to staff and pupils) – on witnessing a potential risk staff gate between 08:00 – 09:00 and 15:15 – 16:10. The gate is locked should report this directly to Reception staff via the most during the School day and visitors or pupils who are late should efficient and safest means possible use the main entrance on Gray Street. A warning being received regarding a risk locally, of air At peak traffic times, the main entrance is also supervised by an pollution (smoke plume, gas cloud etc.) Estates Officer. The routes between the Senior, Preparatory and A major fire in the vicinity of the School Science departments are controlled by automatic locks requiring visitors to be accompanied or use a temporary access card available from main Reception. Communication with Parents: Senior School pupils at Loughborough Amherst School will be a. In the event of a lockdown, the nature of the incident or issued with an access card, which will enable them to enter the development will be communicated to parents as soon as is buildings on campus. These are initially issued free of charge – practicable. It is obvious that parents will be concerned and the cost of a replacement card due to loss or damage is £5. regular communication of accurate information will help. For security purposes, pupils and students are expected to carry b. The nature of this communication can vary depending on their access card with them at all times. the nature of the incident but the following forms may be considered but would be dependent on advice and approval of the emergency services; Lockdown Procedure Phone calls This lockdown procedure aims to be a sensible and proportionate Group text messaging through SchoolComms response to any external or internal incident which has the potential to pose a threat to the safety of staff and pupils in the Messages displayed on School website and/or Parent Portal School. The procedure should minimise disruption to the learning Messages via social media environment whilst ensuring the safety of all pupils and staff. Any member of staff with due cause can initiate the lockdown Please note that parents should: process and the Headteacher is the person with the authority Not contact the School. Calling the School could tie up to manage and conclude any lockdown situation or, in his/her telephone lines that are needed for contacting emergency absence, the Senior Deputy Head. providers This lockdown procedure may be activated in response to any Not come to the School. They could interfere with emergency number of situations, but some of the more typical might be: provider’s access to the School and may even put themselves and others in danger. Pupils will not be released to parents during a lockdown Wait for the School/Local Authority or Police to contact them about when it is safe for them to come and collect their children, and where this will be from. Be aware that during the period of time that the School is in a full lockdown situation the switchboard and entrances will be un-manned, external doors locked and nobody allowed in or out 23
Fire Procedure Extra-curricular The evacuation system that we use in School is a combined We believe that young people reap valuable life skills Warden Sweep (non-designated, but local) and Roll Call. The and benefit from the opportunity to experience a wide alarm system is monitored by an external organisation for notification of the emergency services. range of extra-curricular activities. Through our rich and varied extra-curricular timetable, there Should an evacuation alarm sound (continuous ringing) the staff are paths each pupil can explore, enhancing their learning, member teaching will be responsible for class evacuation and broadening their horizons and future employability. Our timetable orderly assembly at the designated Assembly Point (Secondary – encompasses all pupils from Pre-Prep up to Sixth Form and each the lawn, by the trees; Preparatory playground) within 2 minutes activity will help reinforce useful life skills such as punctuality, of the initial sounding of the alarm. teamwork, problem solving and carrying responsibility. The Premises Officers monitor fire alarm testing, practise Our timetable changes termly and can be found on Firefly. evacuations and ensure that the firefighting equipment is inspected and recharged as appropriate. The fire alarms are tested weekly and evacuation drills are practised termly. Physical Education and Sport There is a General Fire Notice displayed in every room onsite, Physical activity is essential for everyone’s mental, social and along with a plan of the shortest evacuation route. physical wellbeing. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum and extra-curricular programme. Young people should access and Emergency Closure participate in 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day. We encourage all pupils to access at least one activity If for any reason the School needs to close due to unforeseen offered in addition to their Curriculum lessons. circumstances (particularly bad weather, fire, flood etc.) parents We enter a variety of levels of competition and compete within will be notified at the soonest opportunity via Weduc email and the local Team Charnwood and Team Leicestershire leagues, notifications on the School website. On the rare occasions when alongside selecting players for the Midlands and National School may need to be closed, we will endeavour to minimise Independent Schools Association tournaments. We also play a impact on the pupils’ education by ensuring that suitable work is number of fixtures and tournaments on Saturdays. The School’s set for individuals by their teaching staff via the Firefly learning expectations at the start of the season is that all players commit to platform. their chosen sports training sessions and ensure they are available for all fixtures. Up to date information regarding fixtures can be accessed on the School’s sports website, To access the team sheets, you will need to use the password Amherst2020. The benefit of the website is that you can link your child’s team(s) to a phone’s calendar, which will immediately be updated with information. Cancellations due to weather or the opposition withdrawing will also be posted on this website. We like to encourage family members to spectate at after School and Saturday games. At the weekends, hot drinks can be purchased from the Stables yard coffee shop found on Burton walks. The School has a broad extra-curricular programme for physical activity and sport. To assist with planning other commitments, the timetable for sports clubs is published in the Resources section on the School sports website. @LboroAMSport 24 LOUGHBOROUGH AMHERST SCHOOL
For Senior School pupils, the majority of PE and Games lessons are timetabled on the main Foundation site and pupils change at Loughborough Schools Music the Sports Hall. If your child has PE timetabled before morning With over 2000 pupils sharing the magnificent, award-winning break they are able to wear their PE kit to School and change into building, Loughborough Schools Music department is an uniform before returning to lessons. If they have PE Periods 4 and extremely exciting place to be. Being part of Loughborough 5 they will be expected to change in their break time. There will Amherst School will give you and your child full access to this not be time to purchase food from the Refectory and will need to vibrant musical arena. bring a snack from home. After Games lessons in the afternoon, the pupils are able to leave School in their Games kit and will be Providing an outstanding musical education to all of the pupils dismissed from the Sports Hall site. Before and after School extra- in the Foundation means that we offer a huge range of musical curricular clubs, all pupils will make their own way to and from activities, all of which enable our pupils to take part and achieve the Sports Hall. of their best. As a cross-Foundation department our facilities are unrivalled in both music and music technology, and we are proud If your child is able to be in School, they are able to participate to have ‘All-Steinway’ status, giving pupils access to the finest in all lessons. If your child is unable to participate in PE lessons, pianos available. PE and Games staff require a letter detailing the injury or illness. Dependant on the injury/illness, we will expect your child to still Our academic music curriculum is focused on creativity and change for the lesson and will be given adapted practices or a understanding, and is underpinned by the huge number coaching role. of instrumental ensembles and choirs on offer. There are opportunities for every pupil, from our open-access choirs and All PE and Games kit is purchased from the School Shop. Please ensembles to our very top, nationally-recognised groups. There clearly name all items of kit, as this makes it easier to locate lost are plenty of opportunities for all of our performers to showcase items and return these to your child. In addition to the sportswear their musical prowess on stage, both in the Music department your child will need to purchase a gum shield and shin pads and beyond. Instrumental tuition is incredibly strong, with a large for Hockey. We do have standard size hockey sticks for lessons, team of specialists supporting and encouraging those who choose however your child may wish to bring their own sticks for clubs to take individual lessons. and lessons. If you wish to find out more please have a look at our web pages and extra-curricular/music/ or email 25
You can also read