STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020-2021 - Northwest Career And ...
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CODE OF HONOR (ACADEMIC DISHONESTY) 28 DISCIPLINARY ACTION 29 DRESS CODE 29 ELECTRONIC DEVICES 31 PUBLIC DISPLAY OF AFFECTION (PDA) 31 TRESPASSING 31 VII. STUDENT DROP-OFF/PICK-UP PROCEDURES 32 NWCTA STUDENT DROP-OFF PROCEDURES (MORNING) 32 NWCTA STUDENT PICK-UP PROCEDURES (AFTER SCHOOL) 33 This handbook is intended for informa onal purposes only. The district’s regula ons, policies, procedures, as well as school rules, policies, and procedures are con nually evolving; therefore, this handbook does not contain all of the informa on you may need or be required to know during the course of your enrollment at NWCTA. 2020-2021 4
I. INTRODUCTION MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Northwest Career and Technical Academy is to boldly educate today’s learners for tomorrow’s challenges by developing advanced skills through unique hands-on experiences in a professional se ng, u lizing community partnerships, innova ve ideas, and contemporary technologies. NORTHWEST CAREER AND TECHNICAL ACADEMY is a comprehensive magnet high school that offers 10 dis nct program areas of study. Students select their program of choice when applying for admission. Students will follow a four-year sequence of courses as specified for their program area. Students can choose coursework in: 1. Construc on Technology 2. Culinary Arts 3. Early Childhood Educa on (Ends with the Class of 2021) 4. Engineering and Design 5. Hospitality & Marke ng 6. Mechanical Technology 7. Media Communica ons (Ends with the Class of 2022) 8. Medical Professions 9. Teacher Educa on 10. Veterinary Science Honors (H), Advanced Placement (AP), and JumpStart Dual Credit classes will be offered at NWCTA to prepare students to transi on to post-secondary ins tu ons. Rigorous coursework, hands-on projects, job shadowing, and internships will give students first-hand experience in their selected program areas. In addi on, students will have the opportunity to earn college credits through the CTE College Credit program, concurrent/dual credit courses, and through Advanced Placement (AP) Courses. “Soaring to New Heights with a Clear Vision of the Future” 2020-2021 5
II. BELL SCHEDULES/CALENDAR 2020-2021 BELL SCHEDULE FIRST LUNCH SECOND LUNCH PERIOD TIME PERIOD TIME Period 1/5 7:00 – 8:25 Period 1/5 7:00 – 8:25 Period 2/6 8:29 – 9:57 Period 2/6 8:29 – 9:57 First Lunch 9:57 – 10:27 Period 3/7 10:01 – 11:26 Period 3/7 10:31 – 11:56 Second Lunch 11:26 – 11:56 Period 4/8 12:00 – 1:25 Period 4/8 12:00 – 1:25 Note: Lunch is based on period 3 or 7. Bells will sound to dismiss class and to begin class. Lunch bells will signal the end of lunch only. Morning announcements: 8:29 AM - 8:32 AM. First floor rooms have first lunch (300’s, 400’s, 500’s, EXCEPT 600’s); second-floor rooms have second lunch (700’s, 800’s, 900’s, AND 600’s) 2020-2021 MENTORSHIP SCHEDULE FIRST LUNCH SECOND LUNCH PERIOD TIME PERIOD TIME Period 1/5 7:00 – 8:16 Period 1/5 7:00 – 8:16 Period 2/6 8:20 – 9:36 Period 2/6 8:20 – 9:36 Mentorship Period 9:40 – 10:15 Mentorship Period 9:40 – 10:15 First Lunch 10:15 – 10:45 Period 3/7 10:19 – 11:35 Period 3/7 10:49 – 12:05 2nd Lunch 11:35 – 12:05 Period 4/8 12:09 – 1:25 Period 4/8 12:09 – 1:25 Note: Lunch is based on period 3 or 7. Bells will sound to dismiss class and to begin class. Lunch bells will signal the end of lunch only. Morning announcements: 9:40-9:42 AM. First floor rooms have first lunch (300’s, 400’s, 500’s, EXCEPT 600’s); second-floor rooms have second lunch (700’s, 800’s, 900’s, AND 600’s) 2020-2021 ASSEMBLY SCHEDULE FIRST LUNCH SECOND LUNCH PERIOD TIME PERIOD TIME Period 1/5 7:00 – 8:16 Period 1/5 7:00 – 8:16 Period 2/6 8:20 – 9:41 Period 2/6 8:20 – 9:41 Period 3/7 9:45 – 11:01 Period 3/7 9:45 – 11:01 First Lunch 11:01 – 11:31 Period 4/8 11:05 – 12:21 Period 4/8 11:35 – 12:51 2nd Lunch 12:25 – 12:55 Assembly 12:55 – 1:25 Assembly 12:55 – 1:25 Note: Lunch is based on period 4 or 8 for the assembly schedule. Bells will sound to dismiss class and to begin class. Lunch bells will signal the end of lunch only. Morning announcements: 8:20 AM - 8:25 AM. First floor rooms have first lunch (300’s, 400’s, 500’s, EXCEPT 600’s); second-floor rooms have second lunch (700’s, 800’s, 900’s, AND 600’s) 2020-2021 6
2020-2021 SEMESTER EXAM BELL SCHEDULES 1st Semester Exams: December 16-18, 2020 2nd Semester Exams: May 24 – May 26, 2021 SEMESTER I EXAM BELL SCHEDULE 2020-2021 December 16, 2020 December 17, 2020 December 18, 2020 PERIOD TIME PERIOD TIME PERIOD TIME Period 1 7:00 - 8:10 Period 5 7:00 - 8:10 Period 4* 7:00 – 8:10 Period 2 8:15 - 9:25 Period 6 8:15 - 9:25 Period 8* 8:15 - 9:25 Period 3 9:30 - 10:40 Period 7 9:30 - 10:40 Mentorship** 9:30 - 10:40 BUSES LEAVE AT 10:47 AM MAKE UP EXAMS FROM 12:00 – 1:45 PM SEMESTER I EXAM BELL SCHEDULE 2020-2021 May 24, 2021 May 25, 2021 May 26, 2021 PERIOD TIME PERIOD TIME PERIOD TIME Period 1 7:00 - 8:10 Period 5 7:00 - 8:10 Period 4* 7:00 – 8:10 Period 2 8:15 - 9:25 Period 6 8:15 - 9:25 Period 8* 8:15 - 9:25 Period 3 9:30 - 10:40 Period 7 9:30 - 10:40 Mentorship** 9:30 - 10:40 BUSES LEAVE AT 10:47 AM MAKE UP EXAMS FROM 12:00 – 1:45 PM NOTE FOR SENIORS: Senior exams for period 4 on Thursday, May 20, 2021, and period 8 on Friday, May 21, 2021. Mandatory gradua on rehearsal is scheduled on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, at 7:00 AM (periods 4 and 8). 2020-2021 7
2020-2021 8
III. GENERAL INFORMATION NWCTA OFFICE PHONE NUMBERS Main Number: 702-799-4640 Fax: 702-799-4644 Recep on: extension 4000 Principal’s Office: extension 4100 Curriculum Office: extension 4200 Counseling Office: extension 4300 CTE/Magnet Office: extension 4202 Student Ac vi es Office (Ac vi es/Discipline): extension 4204 Student Services Office (A endance/Athle cs/Facili es): extension 4206 Banker: extension 4044 College and Career Center: 4038 Registrar’s Office: extension 4065 Resource Center: extension 4025 Health Office: extension 4022 ACCESSIBILITY NOTICE AND PROCESS CCSD is commi ed to nondiscrimina on in its programs, ac vi es, services, and in providing facility accessibility. Parents, students, staff, or other members of the public who are seeking informa on or have ques ons about the existence and loca on of accessible services, ac vi es, and facili es in the district, should contact the building principal with their inquiry, and the building principal will respond to the inquiry within a reasonable period of me. The building principal may, if necessary, refer the person to one or more of the following individuals who will respond to the inquiry within a reasonable period of me: Facility Accessibility: Facili es Division Administra ve Manager – 702-799-8710 Employee or Public Access/Services Issues: Diversity/Affirma ve Ac on Compliance Title IX Coordinator - 702-799-5087 Student Programs/Services Access: Office of Compliance and Monitoring, Student Support Services Division Compliance Officer – 702-799-1020 Student Athle cs/Ac vi es Access: Instruc onal Support/Student Ac vi es Execu ve Director – 702-799-8493 If parents or members of the public have addi onal concerns or complaints regarding their inquiry, they may ini ate a formal review by comple ng a Public Concern Form and trigger the public concern process as outlined in CCSD Regula on 1213.1. 2020-2021 9
ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY Before NWCTA students are permi ed to use the computers or devices at school and/or the internet, parents, and students must sign an Annual Release and Network Access Form. This agreement means the student promises to adhere to the educa onal and academic restric ons placed upon school computer and school network use and Google accounts. ANNOUNCEMENTS/HAWK BROADCAST NEWS Distribu on of adver sements, posters, and party announcements is prohibited on campus. If a student has an announcement appropriate for an approved school event, it can be placed in the announcements by submi ng it for approval to the Ac vi es administrator, in the Ac vi es Office, before 7:00 AM on the day preceding publica on. Hawk Media Group (HMG) will broadcast announcements and other news daily from the NWCTA studio during the second block each day and post them to the school website. BANK The school bank is operated for the convenience of students and to ensure the security of school-generated funds. All money collected from student ac vi es must be receipted and deposited immediately in the school bank. School bank hours are 6:30 AM - 12:30 PM and 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM. NWCTA does not accept personal checks for payment of fees. Some banking ac vi es (the payment of course fees, the purchase of PE clothes or a school yearbook, etc.) can be conducted online (addi onal fee to the vendor for processing). BUS TRANSPORTATION Daily bus service is provided to NWCTA students who live within the NWCTA transporta on boundary. Schedule and bus stop informa on may be obtained by calling the Transporta on Department at 702-799-8110 or 702-799-8111. If buses fail to show up at a stop, or a student's welfare is threatened, parents are asked to call the Transporta on Department. Riding school buses is a privilege. Students are expected to cooperate with driver's requests, to refrain from distrac ng the driver with inappropriate behavior, and to treat student companions with respect. Students can only ride the bus route they are registered for. Students riding the late bus must have an NWCTA ID. All school rules apply at the bus stop, on the bus, as well as to and from the bus stop. CAMPUS ENVIRONMENT Students are expected to help keep the school and grounds a rac ve by pu ng garbage in the trash cans or picking up li er when found. Students should take pride in the school's appearance. The ac vi es administrator must approve and stamp adver sing signs before being posted. Signs are only to be posted in the appropriate designated areas, as determined by the ac vi es administrator, and posted using only blue painter's tape on the walls (no staples). CLOSED CAMPUS NWCTA students are required to remain on campus from their arrival me un l dismissed. Students may NOT leave campus for lunch. In addi on, students returning for a er- school ac vi es MUST sign-in through the front office. Teachers may not give a student permission to leave campus. Students who need to go home during the school day due to illness must check out through the Health Office. Violators will be considered truant. Students who are absent during the school day may not come to school for a er-school ac vi es. COMMUNICATION It is the parent/guardian/student’s responsibility to ensure that the correct home address, email address and phone numbers are on file at school. Please contact the registrar to report any change of address, email address, phone numbers, or incorrect informa on. 2020-2021 10
SCHOOL DANCES (ON CAMPUS AND OFF CAMPUS) Students may invite one, and only one, non-NWCTA student under the age of 21 to Homecoming, Sadies, and/or Prom. Invited guests must complete a guest pass form and have it submi ed to the Ac vi es Office at least three (3) days prior to the dance. The guest must be able to present iden fica on when entering a dance and must enter the dance accompanied by the NWCTA student. NWCTA students are responsible for the behavior of their guests. Once students exit the dance, they will not be allowed to return. Students may not a end school events if they have been issued a Required Parent Conference (RPC) no ce or Suspension for disciplinary reasons, have been assigned disciplinary ac on such an in-house suspension during the day(s) of the scheduled ac vity or event, or were absent from school on the day of the event. NWCTA dress code applies to and will be enforced at all school-related events. DELIVERY OF MESSAGES AND ITEMS Instruc onal me will not be interrupted for the delivery of messages to students unless there is an emergency. A message to a student involves class disrup on, use of clerical me, and is a possible viola on of FERPA. There is no way to verify the legal parent/guardian from a telephone call. If an emergency situa on arises, parents/guardians must come to the school to deliver the message in person in order to provide iden fica on. Only the parent/guardian listed on the permanent school record (CCF703) will be permi ed to have contact with a student. Items such as lunch, flowers, gi s, balloons, money, etc. will not be delivered to students. Items cannot be le at the front desk for students to pick up. EARLY SIGN-OUT A parent/guardian who needs to sign out a student before a dismissal me must report to the Recep on Desk with a valid ID. Any student driver who needs to leave campus early must have wri en permission from a parent/guardian to leave campus in his/her private vehicle. EATING AREAS The cafeteria, the courtyard area near the cafeteria, and the cafe are the only designated ea ng areas. No food or drink is to be taken into the halls, glass rooms, classrooms, or laboratories. Students are not to eat in cars or the outside perimeter of the school. All trash must be disposed of in cans provided in the cafeteria and courtyard area. NWCTA strives to be a nut/nut oil-free environment. ELECTRONIC DEVICES Personal electronic and communica on devices can be disrup ve to the educa onal environment and at all mes must be used in accordance with district policy and/or school rules. Cellular telephones may be used before school, at lunch, and a er school in the cafeteria and courtyard area and during the set mes (check individual teacher classroom procedures) of the instruc onal day when compliant with the current CCSD Personal Communica on Device Policy (P5136). At all other mes, they are to remain turned off and headphones and/or earbuds should be put away in backpacks, binders, or pockets. School personnel are not responsible for lost or stolen devices. It is the student’s responsibility to keep devices secure. Personal devices may not interfere with the school’s network and/or its ability to func on effec vely. All of these items/devices will be confiscated if in viola on of district policy and/or school rules. A registered parent/guardian must pick up the confiscated item/device from the Ac vi es Office no earlier than the end of the school day. Confiscated items that are not picked up by the end of the semester will be donated to charity. 2020-2021 11
EQUAL OPPORTUNITY In compliance with execu ve order 11246, Title II of the Educa onal Amendments of 1976, Title VI Civil Rights Act 1964, as amended by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972, Title IX Regula on Implemen ng Educa on Amendments of 1972, Sec on 504 Rehabilita on Act of 1973, and all other federal, state, school rules, laws regula ons, and policies, the Clark County School District shall not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, na onal origin, religion or handicap in the educa onal programs or ac vi es which it operates. FAMILY EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT 93-380 The Family Educa onal Rights and Privacy Act requires that NWCTA can only release informa on to the parents or guardians of a student. NWCTA will only release informa on to the parents or guardians listed on the student enrollment form. If parents have any special circumstances with the guardianship of their son or daughter, they should contact the administra on. FIELD TRIPS AND ON-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES A variety of on-campus and off-campus ac vi es will be scheduled. Students wishing to par cipate must be in good standing in ci zenship (no current N's or U's) and academics (D or be er at final grade check) in all classes. Grade eligibility checks will be completed at the fi een (15) school day mark and again at five (5) school days prior to the event/field trip by the ac vi es office, and the final list of eligible students will be provided to the advisor and a endance clerk. Any student with extensive documented behavioral problems (referrals, parent contacts, N’s or U’s) may not a end. Students par cipa ng in field trips must complete and return a Field Trip Permit and Student Medical Form and have them signed by parent/guardian. Field trips are an extension of the classroom; therefore, all CCSD and NWCTA policies and regula ons will be enforced. The administra on reserves the right to deny students the privilege of a ending field trips or other school ac vi es. Students may not a end school events if they are on Required Parent Conference (RPC) or suspension of any kind at the me of the scheduled ac vity or event or if they have unpaid school fees or fines. Please note that CCSD and school dress code applies to and will be enforced at all school-related events. FINES All student fines should be paid prior to registra on for the following year or gradua on (if a senior). Seniors will not be issued caps and gowns or be permi ed on the senior trip if they have outstanding fines. Students failing to take care of their obliga ons will experience delays in registra on. FIRE/SHELTER-IN-PLACE/EARTHQUAKE/EVACUATION DRILLS Fire drills are held at unannounced intervals during the school year under the direc on of the Clark County Fire Department. If students are in doubt of the fire exit route, exit informa on is posted in each classroom or laboratory. Students are to take all personal valuables when exi ng classrooms, leaving all books. Students are not to use restrooms or leave campus during a fire drill. Students who happen to be in a school area that is not under the supervision of a teacher at the start of a fire drill must move immediately to the nearest exit and join a supervised group of students. If a shelter-in-place or lockdown drill is conducted during the school day, students are to remain in their classroom and follow the instruc ons from the teachers. Students out of the classroom during these drills are to move immediately into the nearest supervised classroom. Evacua on and earthquake drills are mandated periodically by CCSD. Students are to follow all instruc ons and procedures without excep on. Cell phones must be turned off during evacua on procedures – no excep ons. Cell phone use is strictly prohibited for safety reasons. 2020-2021 12
GRADING GUIDELINES Academic 1. The Clark County School District reports student achievement in terms of: A = Excellent 90 - 100% D = Below Average 60 - 69% B = Above Average 80 - 89% F = Failure 0 - 59% C = Average 70 - 79% 2. A student's academic grade cannot be penalized because of poor ci zenship. Academic grade points cannot be deducted for specific or con nued acts of misbehavior. A student's behavior may, however, naturally cause his/her academic grade to suffer. 3. In cases of academic dishonesty, students will receive an “N” or “U” in ci zenship and a zero on the assignment/test, but students will be provided the opportunity to re-take/re-do the assignment/test to demonstrate mastery of content; however, the assignment/test may be different from the original, it must be completed within the guidelines and meframe set by the teacher, and it may not be scored the same as the original (maximum score on a retake for academic dishonesty is 60%, students who engage in academic honesty on a re-take will receive a zero). 4. Extra credit will only be permi ed in the form of retaking a test or redoing an assignment to improve the original score. How the new score is calculated, the deadline, and the limit for how many mes a student may retake a test or re-do an assignment will be determined by the teacher. The maximum score on a re-take is 70%. 5. CCSD Policy requires that the semester grade have equally weighted quarters and a semester final test valued at no more than 20%. 6. Progress reports are distributed four mes a year – mid-quarter. All students with a D or F must sign for their progress reports. A grade of F, for the quarter or for the semester, may not be given unless an unsa sfactory progress report was sent. Should a student’s grade change between a progress report and the end of the quarter, the student will be given a hand-generated progress report. 7. NWCTA has a school-wide rounding policy. Quarter and semester grades will be rounded up to the nearest whole number (89.5 = 90, 89.4 ≠ 90). Ci zenship Students must exhibit behavior that does not interfere with the teaching/learning process, and they are expected to demonstrate employability skills necessary for the 21st Century. To establish as much uniformity as possible in the awarding of ci zenship grades, the following criteria should be applied: O – Outstanding: A ends class without unexcused absences or tardies; is always respec ul, coopera ve, and non-disrup ve of the teaching/learning process; and follows all class/school rules. This student is a posi ve classroom par cipant. S – Sa sfactory: A ends class with two (or less) unexcused absences or tardies; is respec ul, coopera ve, and non-disrup ve of the teaching/learning process; and follows all class/school rules. N – Needs Improvement: Has 3-5 unexcused absences or three tardies; needs occasional reminders to be respec ul, coopera ve, and/or non-disrup ve of the teaching/learning process; and/or and needs occasional reminders of class/school rules. The student may have engaged in academic dishonesty. U – Unsa sfactory: Has 5 or more unexcused absences or four or more tardies; needs frequent reminders to be respec ul, coopera ve, and/or non-disrup ve of the teaching/learning process; and/or needs frequent reminders of class/school rules. The student engaged in academic dishonesty. HALL PASSES Students wishing to leave the classroom must have an authorized corridor pass from their teacher. 2020-2021 13
HEALTH OFFICE A full- me health aide is on duty each day in the Health Office, located in the main office. A health aide is assigned to help students with their health concerns. The aide does not dispense items, such as aspirin, eye drops, or other forms of medica on without wri en instruc on from a doctor. If a medica on (prescrip on or nonprescrip on) is needed during school hours, the student is to obtain a Medica on Legal Release from the Health Office. This form is to be completed by the parent and returned along with the medica on. Medica on supplied by a parent must be in the original container and held in the Health Office. A licensed school nurse is on duty periodically in the Health Office. Should you need to see the school nurse, check with the health aide for the nurse’s schedule. If students become ill or injured while in school, they are not to leave campus. Students must obtain passes from their teachers and report directly to the Health Office. If necessary, parent contact will be made once the student has arrived in the Health Office. To ensure student safety, ill students are not to text messages or contact their parents from an unsupervised area such as a restroom. Students who are ill must be supervised by NWCTA staff at all mes. INFINITE CAMPUS To help students more effec vely monitor academic progress, the Clark County School District provides a web-based system. This system will provide detailed, real- me informa on, including Demographics, Schedules, Assignments, Assessment Scores, Calendar, Grades, A endance, Gradua on Progress, Academic Planner, To-Do List, Reports, District and School No ces. For technical assistance, contact the Registrar during school hours. Students may also call the Portal Help Desk at 702-799-PORT (702-799-7678), Monday-Friday, between the hours of 6:00 AM - 8:00 PM PST. The Campus Portal mobile app provides a fast and convenient way for parents and students to check grades, assignments, schedules, a endance and daily planner informa on on their iOS or Android device. The app is available to parents and students at no cost and can be downloaded directly from the iTunes App store, Google Play store, or the Amazon App store. LOCKERS The Clark County School District has been given direc on by the State A orney General that student lockers remain the property of NWCTA, and school authori es have a responsibility and right to examine the lockers for reasons of health, safety, and security. When students accept lockers, they acknowledge that school personnel may examine locker contents whenever deemed appropriate. Students are responsible for the condi on of their assigned lockers. If a personal padlock is placed on a hall locker, school authori es will remove it. Locker assignments are obtained from the Student Services Office. No unauthorized sharing or switching of lockers is permi ed. LOST AND FOUND When personal items are found on campus, they are taken to the Front Office to be secured. Students are asked to contact the Front Office for assistance. Unclaimed items will be donated to charity a er 30 days. MEDIA RELEASE NWCTA is a high profile school and is o en featured in various publica ons; therefore, each student must have on file his/her media release form (Annual Release and Network Access Form). Students without the signed release form cannot have their pictures displayed in any publica on, including the school yearbook. 2020-2021 14
PARENT LINK ParentLink is a web and telephone-based technology used by the school to communicate with parents/ guardians. It was designed to give parents and students access to school informa on. Schools may u lize ParentLink to send custom messages to parents or post informa on regarding school ac vi es. PARKING AND VEHICLES Student parking will be provided on campus. Students are permi ed to park in the east lots only. To assist faculty and guests, students are asked not to park in posted reserved parking lots and spaces. Students are not to loiter in parking areas or by their cars. This request is necessary to prevent vandalism and the . Students who drive their personal vehicles to school are to remain parked in the same area un l dismissal from school for the day. Students are not allowed to move their cars during the day and are not allowed to go to their cars during classes, between classes or during lunch. Students' vehicles are subject to search while on school property for reasons of health, safety, and security. A student must show proof of a driver's license in order to obtain a parking permit allowing him/her to park on campus. These may be obtained in the Student Services Office and must be done every year. Parking permits are the property of NWCTA and must be turned in at the end of every year. Students are responsible for the replacement of any lost or damaged permits - $5 fee. Driving personal vehicles is a privilege, and students are expected to follow school guidelines and regula ons. Limita ons of the Nevada restricted driver license will be enforced. Violators will be subject to disciplinary ac on and/or suspension of parking privileges. All accidents that occur on school property involving motor vehicles must be reported to the Student Services Office and CCSD Police immediately PE LOCKERS PE lockers are available to students to secure their personal belongings for the dura on of the class period. Students must supply their own locks. Locks are to be used during the assigned PE class only. Students are responsible for their belongings le unsecured in the PE locker area. The Clark County School District has been given direc on by the State A orney General that student lockers remain the property of NWCTA, and school authori es have a responsibility and right to examine the lockers for reasons of health, safety, and security. POSTERS AND FLIERS All posters and flyers must be approved through the Ac vi es Office prior to being posted on bulle n boards or in the hallways. PROGRAM FEES Students enrolled in career and technical classes are charged a fee to pay for their personal educa onal items such as uniforms, specialized tools, reference books or workbooks, and Career and Technical Student Organiza on (CTSO) dues. If economic circumstances are such that families find it difficult to pay the necessary fees, payment alterna ves will be considered, and arrangements can be made through students' counselors and teachers. This condi on does not preclude students from enrolling in the career and technical classes. PROJECT-BASED LEARNING Project-Based Learning methodology will be employed in all classes. This methodology will not replace me-honored teaching methods, but instead, will be added to an instructor’s teaching strategies to make the curriculum more meaningful, rigorous, and relevant to 21st Century learning outcomes. Addi onal informa on be accessed at the following websites: h p://, h p:// 2020-2021 15
RESOURCE CENTER The Resource Center is available to students who wish to study, do research, borrow books, or read. To assist students with their literary needs, a staff member is on duty to help with book selec ons or informa on searches. Students are expected to show respect for Resource Center books and equipment and courtesy towards other students using the facility. All library books are the property of the school. Students are fined for lost/damaged books. The Resource Center is open before school each day and a er school Monday - Thursday un l 3:30 PM. Students must sign-in and sign-out of the Resource Center. During the school day, students must have a pass to enter the Resource Center unless accompanied by a teacher or staff member. SEARCH POLICY For students' safety, NWCTA premises, including the parking lots, may be scanned by metal detectors and patrolled by trained dogs. Student lockers may be searched at any me. Students are on no ce that they have no expecta on of privacy when using this type of district assigned property and that rou ne searches of district property may be expected. Students are hereby informed that they will be subject to search when they enter campus a er the beginning of the school day. This includes, but is not limited to, unauthorized returns. This no ce does not exclude personnel, however, from searching a student at any me should there be reasonable suspicion of wrongdoing. SKATEBOARDS/SCOOTERS Skateboards and scooters may be used by students for transporta on to and from school, but they can not be ridden on campus. Skateboards/scooters must be carried and stored in student lockers during the school day. SMOKING POLICY This policy establishes the district’s concern of protec ng the air quality in order to protect the health, peace, safety and general welfare of individuals on school district property, and, at any school ac vity that is sponsored by the District. It is the policy of the District that using smoking, or carrying lit tobacco products, “vapor” or “e-cigare es,” tobacco devices, or smokeless tobacco products is prohibited at any me on school district property and at any school ac vity sponsored by the District. For the purposes of this policy, “smoking” means inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any lighted or heated cigar, cigare e, or any other lighted or heated tobacco or plant product intended for inhala on in any manner or in any form. “Smoking” also includes the use of any “e-cigare e” which creates a vapor, in any manner or in any form, or the use of any oral smoking device for the purpose of circumven ng the prohibi on of smoking in this policy. This policy applies to all students, teachers, staff, and visitors. SPORTS PARTICIPATION AND NCAA ELIGIBILITY Students who par cipate on a sports team for their zoned high school campus must provide their own transporta on to that school. Students must complete a Sports Packet and an NWCTA Sports Par cipa on Form for each season (fall, winter, spring) that they will be playing sports. Only athletes, not cheerleaders, are allowed to be released early for extensive travel me games during the sports season in which they are playing if the specific coach no fies the NWCTA Ac vi es Office prior to the day of the event. Students are not released early during intramurals, for prac ce sessions, or for pep assemblies. Prospec ve student athletes who wish to play college sports as freshmen in Division I and II schools must consult their zoned school coach for eligibility requirements. NWCTA does not offer academic courses for high school credit that will qualify students for NCAA considera on. Athletes in CCSD must maintain passing grades in all subjects for week-to-week eligibility. A student athlete’s eligibility is checked by the Athle cs/Ac vi es Office every three (3) weeks during the season and provided to the zoned school’s athle c office. Students receiving a failing grade will be placed on proba on for one (1) week and checked on Friday of that proba onary week. If a student s ll has a failing grade, the student will be declared ineligible for the following week. 2020-2021 16
STUDENT CODE OF ETHICS As a secondary student in the Clark County School District, I will strive to demonstrate at all mes the five (5) quali es of moral character fundamentals to human conduct: Integrity, Respect, Responsibility, Courage, and Jus ce. Integrity – I will stand up for what is right instead of just trying to go along with the group. Respect – I will treat others and myself with honor and obey the school rules and laws of my country. Responsibility – I am responsible for my own ac ons and the effects they have on myself and on others. Courage – I have the strength to refrain from par cipa on in moral and physical dangers to protect others and myself. Jus ce – I will be fair to others as well as to myself, balancing praise and blame in accordance with my ac ons. Teachers will insist that students follow the fundamental principles of good manners. Students will be taught to be conscious of and respec ul to adults and to each other at all mes. STUDENT IDENTIFICATION CARDS To ensure the safety and well-being of all staff and students, NWCTA students are expected to wear their current NWCTA student iden fica on cards at all mes when on campus. If a student loses his/her student ID card, he/she will be required to pay for a replacement ($5) from the Resource Center. Students also need their ID cards to be admi ed to school events. Failure to wear an ID may result in disciplinary consequences. TELEPHONES Office telephones are designated for school business and should not be used by students except in emergencies and then only with permission. TEXTBOOKS Textbooks are provided to students by the school district free of charge but s ll remain the property of the school. Students will be charged a fine for lost or damaged books. A lost book must be paid for before another is issued. Bar codes placed on the textbook are used to iden fy the student to whom the textbook is issued, and if this bar code is defaced, changed, or removed, the book will be returned to the school repository without credit given to the student (CCSD regula on 6161). Students withdrawing or transferring from school must return their textbooks. If not, students will be fined for the missing books and the transfer form will not be issued un l book fines are paid. UNIFORMS NWCTA students may be required to wear dis nc ve dress appropriate to their career and technical program. The uniform requirement is specified by the career and technical teacher and will differ according to the program. Students working in lab environments involving power tools or chemicals must wear eye protec on. These will be issued to each student enrolled in a career and technical program with poten al safety hazards. VALUABLES Student valuables, jewelry, or large amounts of money are not to be brought to school. The school assumes no responsibility for the loss or the of such items. 2020-2021 17
VISITOR POLICY Students are not allowed to bring guests with them to school; however, parents or guardians are always welcome at NWCTA. Parents reques ng a classroom visita on should contact the Counseling Office with at least 24-hour no ce. All other guests must be approved in advance by the Ac vi es Office. All visitors must check-in at the front desk for a visitor's pass. WEBSITE/SOCIAL MEDIA The NWCTA website can be accessed at h p:// NWCTA can be found on Facebook @northwestcta and Twi er @NwctaHawks. 2020-2021 18
IV. GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING SERVICES The Counseling Office provides a full range of services to students in the academic, personal, social, and career domains. Students are assigned a counselor based upon their grade and/or programs. Students/parents may make appointments to see their counselor by contac ng the counselors’ clerk in the Counseling Office. ACADEMIC PROBATION Students must maintain an unweighted cumula ve GPA of 2.0 or be er and pass their program area classes to con nue their enrollment at NWCTA. Students with a cumula ve GPA of less than 2.0 will be placed on academic proba on at the end of the semester. Each counselor will schedule a mee ng with the student to develop a wri en improvement plan. The NWCTA Academic Proba on Policy is intended to encourage student par cipa on and success in academics at a challenging level. CAREER AND TECHNICAL POLICIES 1. Students a ending NWCTA will be enrolled in program area classes according to the course sequence provided in the Course Registra on Catalog. 2. Students will be enrolled in the career and technical program area of study as stated in their le er of intent and/or lo ery selec on. 3. A student's career and technical placement is con ngent upon his/her ability to meet the necessary criteria for that career. Freshmen who accept a seat in a program area must remain in that program area for at least one school year. Students may request a program change at the end of their freshman year; however, program area changes are only considered based on the availability of seats in the requested program area and are not o en granted. Due to CTE requirements, students receiving a program area change may be required to take the first-year program class in the new program during their sophomore year. This would replace an elec ve class for the sophomore year. Students may not request program area changes a er their sophomore year. CHALLENGE COURSES It is the CCSD policy to permit students to enroll in classes above their ability level or grade if they wish to do so, with parental permission. Once a contract is signed, the student is required to remain in the contracted class for the en re school year. Prior to signing, please note the following informa on regarding honor/AP/dual credit classes: ● The curriculum is more intense, in-depth, and fast-paced. ● Study me and homework will be increased substan ally. ● Projects and assignments will be assessed at a higher level. ● Colleges and universi es may not recognize weighted grade point averages. CLASS REQUIREMENTS All NWCTA students must have eight (8) classes. Seniors who par cipate in the NWCTA internship program, community service, or are enrolled in a college course may take fewer than eight (8) classes, but they must take at least six (6) classes. Students accepted into NWCTA are required to a end all four years in order to receive the Northwest Career and Technical Academy diploma. 2020-2021 19
CREDIT CHECKS Credit checks are conducted with students to guarantee proper placement in courses required for gradua on and program comple on. For addi onal informa on, review the NWCTA Course Registra on Guide. ● Senior credit checks take place during the first three weeks of the new school year to ensure that all seniors are placed in the classes required for gradua on. ● Junior credit checks take place during the first quarter of the new school year and a second credit check during pre-registra on for the new school year. ● Sophomore and freshmen credit checks take place during pre-registra on for the new school year. FINAL EXAMS No request for early final exams will be considered. If a student misses an exam at a scheduled me, he/she can make an appointment to take the exam during exam week. Students who do not take a final exam will receive an “F” for the exam grade. Exams taken over the summer will be graded and recorded in the fall. GRADE POINT AVERAGES In order to determine a student's rank in class, a grade point average (GPA) is used. Under this system, grades are evaluated as follows: each A = 4 points; each B = 3 points; each C = 2 points; each D = 1 point; each F = 0 points. The points are totaled and then divided by the number of one-half credit classes taken. The GPA is a cumula ve total beginning with the student's ninth (9th) grade. A weighted GPA factor of .025 for each semester of a successfully completed honors/dual credit class, and .050 for each AP class if the AP exam is taken will be added. See the Course Catalog, located on the NWCTA website, for more informa on. GRADUATION CAPS AND GOWNS Beginning with the gradua ng class of 2020, all students will wear a black cap and gown at gradua on. DIPLOMAS In addi on to earning a Standard Diploma, students may earn an: ● Advanced Diploma: un-weighted GPA of 3.25 and 24 credits, including 4 units of English and math, 3 units of science, and 12 units of Honors/AP courses. ● Advanced Honors Diploma: un-weighted GPA of 3.25 and weighted of 3.85, including 4 units of English and math, 3 units of science, and 12 units of Honors/AP courses. ● College and Career Ready Diploma: Advanced diploma requirements (Excep on in GPA - 3.25 weighted, pass Algebra II, and meet one of the 2 readiness requirements: o College: ACT (ELA 18 & Math 22) OR SAT (Reading 480 & Math 530) o Career: ACT NCRC (silver) OR ASVAB ≥ 50 OR obtain CTE Skills A ainment Cer ficate OR obtain NV Industry-Recognized Creden al (OWINN) For addi onal criteria and informa on on diploma op ons, please refer to the Course Catalog that is located on the NWCTA website. CORDS AND STOLES Senior students may qualify for honor cords to be worn at gradua on based on the criteria established by the school. Senior students who earn the College and Career Diploma will also qualify for a College and Career Ready stole to be worn at gradua on. 2020-2021 20
NEVADA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CTE ENDORSEMENT To earn the CTE endorsements through the Department of Educa on, students must take and pass their end-of-program assessment, the Employability Skills and Workplace Readiness Assessment, and maintain a 3.0 grade point average in their program area classes. SPEECHES AND CLASS REPRESENTATIVES To earn the privilege to deliver a speech during gradua on, a senior class representa ve must provide dra s of his/her speech and present it to a speech selec on commi ee to be considered. A selec on panel will also conduct try-outs for the singing of the Na onal Anthem at gradua on. VALEDICTORIAN/SALUTATORIAN Valedictorian status is awarded to the student(s) earning the highest grade point average in the gradua ng class. Salutatorian status is awarded to the student(s) earning the second-highest grade point average in the class. Candidates for the valedictorian/salutatorian designa ons will be iden fied at the end of the fall semester of their senior year. The final ranking will be based on any and all completed high school credit-gran ng courses, including those courses that receive the weighted grade point factor (GPA). Beginning with the gradua ng class of 2021, only those students who have completed their programs of study and who have not repeated courses will be eligible for valedictorian or salutatorian status. INTERNSHIP PROGRAM NWCTA provides an opportunity for job shadowing and internship experience as a program area of study. This important instruc onal ac vity allows qualified seniors the opportunity to visit businesses and develop an understanding of the demands and expecta ons of the industry in which they are studying. For more informa on, contact the College and Career Office. Students who wish to par cipate in the senior internship program must meet the following condi ons: ● On-track to graduate (credit sufficient) ● Have no in-house or out-of-school suspensions ● Have four (4) or fewer tardies and/or absences ● Have no outstanding fees/fines ● Must provide their own transporta on to the internship loca on. PARENT CONFERENCES At the request of students, parents, counselors, teachers and/or administrators, parent conferences are held to discuss student progress or concerns about a par cular class or situa on. The counselors’ secretary schedules parent conferences. Teachers must be no fied 24 hours in advance. Parents should no fy the school of specific concerns or addi onal informa on desired, beyond a review of grades, when reques ng a conference. When possible, conferences will be held at the end of the instruc onal day. PROGRESS REPORTS Progress reports o en prove useful to parents, guardians, and students in improving academic performance. To obtain reports, parents may access their online account on Infinite Campus that will provide the current grades for their students in each class. Online grades are updated weekly. Midway through each nine-week grading period, progress report no ces are provided for all students for their parents/guardians. Teachers will record a comment that most accurately fits the student’s current progress. If the student has received a nega ve progress mark, the parent/guardian is encouraged to confer with the teacher(s) regarding areas needed for student improvement. A parent conference is o en desirable. 2020-2021 21
RECOGNITION Students at NWCTA are recognized for their accomplishments through awards such as Soaring Hawks, Straight A’s (Principal’s Honor Roll), and Perfect A endance. REPORT CARDS Quarter report cards are distributed to the students during the school day. The end of the year report card is mailed in June to the student’s address on file. Distribu on dates will be provided by the CCSD. SCHEDULE CHANGES Schedule changes are based on: ● misplacement due to ability level ● sports par cipa on ● gradua on requirements ● duplicate coursework Changes will not be made for: ● elec ve classes ● lunch requests ● teacher requests Students who withdraw from a class a er the 15th day of the semester will receive a grade of "F" on the transcript. SCHOLARSHIPS There are many scholarships available to students each year. Students are encouraged to review informa on on eligibility requirements, applica on processes, and deadlines with their counselors. Scholarship informa on and updates will be shared with seniors via their GAFE accounts on a weekly basis. TESTING Tes ng throughout the school year includes: ● PSAT (Preliminary Scholas c Ap tude Test) ● ASVAB (Armed Services Voca onal Ap tude Ba ery) ● AP (Advanced Placement) exams ● Pre-ACT ● ACT- plus wri ng exam (American College Test) ● End-of-Course Exams (freshman and sophomores) ● CTE Exams (End-of-Program, Workplace Readiness Skills) ● WIDA ● MAPs ● Science Exam Students wishing to take the SAT (Scholas c Ap tude Test) exam must register with the College Board and test at their mes and loca ons. The counseling office will adver se dates to students and parents on the website. WITHDRAWAL POLICY The administra on must approve all voluntary withdrawals. Students cannot withdraw in the middle of the school year to a end another CCSD school (per the Magnet School contract), but may withdraw from NWCTA at the end of the school year. If a parent/guardian wishes to withdraw their student from NWCTA prior to the end of the school year to a end a non-CCSD school, he/she must first contact the Counseling Department. 2020-2021 22
V. ATTENDANCE ENFORCEMENT ABSENCES EXCUSED ABSENCES Students will be granted excused absences for the following reasons: ● Medical reasons/par al or full-day(s) ● Family emergency/bereavement ● Religious Observances ● Court Appearances PREARRANGED ABSENCES Pre-arranged absences are accepted; however, these must be requested three (3) days in advance and are limited to seven (7) days per semester. Excessive absences may adversely affect a student's grade. Make-up work for excused and prearranged absences must be completed within the me allo ed or the absence(s) will revert to an unexcused absence. ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVED ABSENCES The following absences are approved by school administra on and they do not count against student’s total absences: ● Approved School Ac vity (ASA) (school-sanc oned ac vi es) ● Required Parent Conference (RPC) ● In-house suspensions (IHS) ● Suspensions (SUS) NOTES FOR ABSENCES Upon return from an absence, parents are required to furnish a wri en note to the a endance clerk no later than three days following the absence. Notes must have the student's name, student number, date(s) of absence, parent or guardian signature, a phone number, as well as an acceptable reason for the absence. Students who accumulate excessive excused absences may be required to provide addi onal documenta on. The A endance Office will keep the excuse notes on file for the school year. The limita on of absences in a block schedule is seven (7) unapproved absences during a semester. Students who exceed seven (7) unapproved absences during the semester, in any class, will not receive credit for that semester and will receive a failing grade. LEARNER’S PERMIT OR DRIVER’S LICENSE APPLICATIONS Senate Bill 269 took effect on January 1, 2015, establishing new school a endance requirements for the applica on of a learner’s permit or driver’s license. Any student under the age of 18 who wants to apply for a learner’s permit or driver’s license must submit a completed DMV-301 form verifying he/she has a ended at least 90% of the school days in the current semester. DMV-301 forms are available online at h p:// or h p:// Students who have three or more unapproved absences may be deemed a habitual truant, issued a truancy cita on, and have their driver’s license suspended for thirty days for the first offense and sixty days for the second offense. Students will not be eligible to apply for a learner’s permit or a driver’s license un l they become eligible to apply which will be thirty days a er the first offense and sixty days a er the second offense. 2020-2021 23
COMMUNICATION TO PARENTS REGARDING STUDENT ATTENDANCE RECORD When a student has accumulated eight (8) or more unapproved absences during a semester, the student may lose credit for his/her classes and may be referred to an alterna ve educa onal program. No fica on of student absences will be made to the parent or legal guardian as recorded in the student informa on system upon each unverified absence. In the event of an unapproved absence, the school will deliver a wri en no ce of truancy to the parent or legal guardian. The school will send a no ce to any secondary student who has been absent more than the allowable number of days. Schools are encouraged to conduct parent conferences whenever excessive absenteeism is iden fied. At the me of the conference, extenua ng circumstances will be discussed. The principal or designee may elect to override some or all of the absences at this me. If the parent, legal guardian, or student has reason to believe that there is an error in the a endance record, or extenua ng circumstances exist, a hearing may be requested. The parent or legal guardian with two school days must ini ate such a request a er receipt of no fica on. An a endance administrator or designee will conduct the hearing, and the student, parent, or legal guardian may a end. During the hearing process, the instructor's record book shall serve as the legal document of reference and will be used exclusively for determining absences. The a endance administrator or designee shall have the authority to determine that the a endance record of the student should be corrected or that the student not be referred to an alterna ve educa onal program. The final determina on in all hearing proceedings rests with the school principal. HOMEWORK/MAKEUP WORK POLICY Supervision of daily home study is the responsibility of parents; daily study is an obliga on of the student. To request homework for a student who has been or is absent three (3) or more days, the parent should contact the Counseling Office 24 hours before the homework will be picked up. Teachers shall provide an opportunity for a student to make-up missed work due to an excused absence, and students shall be held accountable for the work. When a student is absent, however, the educa onal experiences lost during that absence might be irretrievable because the instruc on and interac on in the instruc onal se ng cannot be duplicated through make-up work. A er an excused absence, a secondary student is required to ini ate contact with the teacher(s) to obtain make-up work within three (3) school days immediately following the absence. Once contact has been made with the teacher(s), specific make-up work must be completed and returned to the teacher(s) within a reasonable length of me, to be determined by the teacher and communicated to the student/parent or legal guardian. The make-up work must be returned to the teacher(s) by the specified due date if it is acknowledged. Students shall be allowed a minimum of three (3) calendar days to complete make-up work, unless other arrangements are made with a teacher. Work will be accepted early. Par al credit may be given for incomplete work that is turned in on the due date. When doing group work, be sure all members of the group have copies of all parts of the project. For students with an IEP, the accommoda ons will be followed. 2020-2021 24
TARDY POLICY There are no approved tardies. In the “real world,” employees must be on me to work. Coming late to work or taking a longer break (during passing me) than is allowed is unacceptable. Tardiness to class at NWCTA is also unacceptable. One student arriving late to a class is disrup ve to all within the classroom. A student that is more than 30 minutes late to class is considered absent. The student ci zenship mark of the teacher should reflect a lack of responsibility and disregard of school rules due to tardiness. Each teacher must provide students with a copy of the tardy procedure via yearly student expecta ons. Teachers are responsible for maintaining and tracking student tardies. Tardy referrals are to be completed on the fourth tardy and for all subsequent tardies per semester and submi ed to the administra on. ● Tardy 1 – Oral Warning ● Tardy 2 – Wri en Warning ● Tardy 3 – Parent Contact (N for ci zenship) ● Tardy 4 – Behavior Referral (U in ci zenship, IHS/School Beau fica on) ● Tardy 5+ – Behavior Referral (U in ci zenship, addi onal IHS/School Beau fica on, Suspension of Privileges, SWI - Unacceptable Behavior) TRUANCY Student a endance is vital to the educa onal experience of students. When a student is absent, the school must determine the reason for the absence. When a student is absent from school without a valid excuse or did not secure prior permission for the absence, the absence is deemed not approved or unexcused. When a student acquires three or more unapproved or unexcused absences within one school year, the student is declared to be a habitual truant. ● As a result of new legisla ve changes, the following are major changes made to the law: The principal or the school is required to report the pupils who are habitually truant to law enforcement. ● A habitual truant is defined as, "A student who has three unapproved or unexcused absences within one school year." ● A truant is a pupil who is absent from school without the wri en approval of the teacher or principal of the school, unless the pupil is physically or mentally unable to a end school. ● If a pupil is absent due to physical or mental reasons, the parent must no fy the school within three days of the absence. ● The law provides the court with the authority to order the student or the parent to pay a fine of $100.00 for habitual truants. The court can order the suspension of driver's license privileges for students 14 years of age or older if they are habitual truants. ● The law provides the court with the authority to order the student or parent to pay a fine of $200.00 for the second/subsequent mes the child is found to be habitually truant. This can include 10 hours of community service and the suspension of driver's license privileges for 60 days for students 14 years and older. 2020-2021 25
You can also read