2020 RCS STUDENT HANDBOOK - Melbourne Medical School

Page created by Billy Fox
2020 RCS STUDENT HANDBOOK - Melbourne Medical School
2020 RCS STUDENT HANDBOOK - Melbourne Medical School

    Welcome to the Rural Clinical School, which is a key program of the Department of Rural Health (DRH). The DRH is the
    University of Melbourne’s centre for teaching, research and community engagement in rural health.

    The DRH aims to enhance the rural health             residential accommodation, office and              (based in Bendigo) as Deputy Directors of
    workforce by providing excellent education           administration areas, conference rooms,            Medical Student Education. Professional staff
    and training. We have close relationships with       tutorial rooms, libraries, computer rooms,         at all sites provide student support services.
    local hospitals and other rural health services,     and clinical skills laboratories with simulation
    sharing resources and staff to enable an             centres and state-of-the-art audio-visual          On behalf of the entire RCS team, I extend a
    integrated approach to rural health education        technology. We have Extended Rural Cohort          warm welcome to you. We all look forward to
    and training in rural Victoria. The Rural Clinical   hubs at Echuca, Shepparton and Wangaratta.         working with you!
    School was established under an initiative of                                                           Jules
    the Commonwealth Department of Health                I am delighted to be leading a team who are
    and admitted its first medical students in           dedicated to providing you with a first class      Professor Julian Wright
    July 2002.                                           medical education and I am committed               Head, Department of Rural Health
                                                         to building on the School’s educational            Director of Medical Student Education and
    The Rural Clinical School has campuses               achievements. I am supported by Dr Penny           Professor of Medicine
    at Ballarat, Bendigo (in partnership with            Cotton (based in Ballarat), Dr David Chew
    Monash), Shepparton and Wangaratta – with            (based in Shepparton), Dr Steven Bismire
    multi-purpose facilities comprising student          (based in Wangaratta) and Dr Leslie Fisher

    We acknowledge and pay respect to the Traditional Owners of the lands upon which our campuses are situated.

2020 RCS STUDENT HANDBOOK - Melbourne Medical School

Department of Rural Health
806 Mair Street, Ballarat, VIC 3350
Fax: (03) 4301 6802

Department of Rural Health
806 Mair Street, Ballarat, VIC 3350

Department of Rural Health
49 Graham Street, Shepparton, VIC 3630
Fax: (03) 5823 4555

Department of Rural Health
PO Box 6500, Shepparton, VIC 3632

Monash University
Bendigo Regional Clinical School
26 Mercy Street, Bendigo, VIC 3550
Fax: (03) 5440 9001

Monash University
Bendigo Regional Clinical School
PO Box 666, Bendigo Central PO, VIC 3552

Department of Rural Health
“The Chalet”
Docker Street, Wangaratta, VIC 3676
Fax: (03) 5721 9184

Department of Rural Health
University of Melbourne
PO Box 386, Wangaratta, VIC 3676

2020 RCS STUDENT HANDBOOK - Melbourne Medical School

2020 RCS STUDENT HANDBOOK - Melbourne Medical School
  Office hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm
  General enquiries and SLOA’s: rcs-admin@unimelb.edu.au
  Assessment Submissions: rcs-assessments@unimelb.edu.au

RURAL CLINICAL SCHOOL                         CONTACT DETAILS                     CONTACT FOR

Professor Julian Wright                       Phone: (03) 5823 4582               Academic progress for the
Head, Department of Rural Health              lfoottit@unimelb.edu.au             Rural Clinical School
Director of Medical Student Education

Professor Bill Adam                           Phone: (03) 5823 4582               Medical student education and
Deputy Head, Department of Rural Health       lfoottit@unimelb.edu.au             curriculum delivery

Angela McLeod                                 Phone: (03) 5823 4508               Campus Relationship Manager - Rural
Department Manager                            angela.mcleod@unimelb.edu.au

Kate Sharp                                    Phone: TBC                          Coordination of student and teaching
Clinical School Manager                       sharp.k@unimelb.edu.au              support services across the RCS sites

Dr Hannah Sloan                               Phone: 0428 933 952                 Student health and wellbeing
Health & Wellbeing Practitioner               hannah.sloan@unimelb.edu.au

BALLARAT                                      CONTACT DETAILS                     CONTACT FOR


Sarah Brackenridge                            Phone: (03) 4301 6899               Ballarat timetabling and placements.
                                              sarah.brackenridge@unimelb.edu.au   Interim: MD3, MD4 and MDRP administration
                                                                                  and support for all sites



Dr Penny Cotton                               Phone: (03) 4301 6899               Medical student education and curriculum
Deputy Director of Medical Student            ballarat-subdean@unimelb.edu.au     delivery in Ballarat
Education (DDMSE), Ballarat

BENDIGO                                       CONTACT DETAILS                     CONTACT FOR


Bendigo Reception                             Phone: (03) 5440 9067               General enquiries

Clarissa Treble                               Phone: (03) 5440 9015               Bendigo MD2 timetabling
Programs Administration MD2                   clarissa.ayres@monash.edu

Michelle Moon                                 Phone: (03) 5440 9007               Bendigo MD4 timetabling
Programs Administration MD4                   michelle.moon@monash.edu

Lou Bush                                      Phone: (03) 5823 4574               Department of Rural Health support for MD2
UoM Student Administration contact            louise.bush@unimelb.edu.au          students placed at Monash Bendigo. Based in


Dr Leslie Fisher                              Phone: (03) 5440 9000               Medical student education and curriculum
Deputy Director of Medical Student            fisheral@unimelb.edu.au             delivery in Bendigo
Education (DDMSE), Bendigo

2020 RCS STUDENT HANDBOOK - Melbourne Medical School
SHEPPARTON                                     CONTACT DETAILS                  CONTACT FOR


    Lou Bush                                       Phone: (03) 5823 4574            MD2 administration and support for all sites,
                                                   louise.bush@unimelb.edu.au       Exam coordination, Electives

    Amanda Di Bella                                Phone: (03) 5823 4504            Shepparton timetabling, DGP placements

    Tracie Bartlett                                Phone: (03) 5823 8712            ERC administration and timetabling,
                                                   tracie.bartlett@unimelb.edu.au   Shepparton ERC Hub Administration




    Mr David Chew                                  Phone (03) 5823 8746             Medical student education and curriculum
    Deputy Director of Medical Student Education   dkchew@unimelb.edu.au            delivery for Shepparton

    Anne Thewlis                                   Phone: (03) 5823 4585            Coordination and delivery of Clinical Skills
    Manager Clinical Skills Laboratory             athewlis@unimelb.edu.au          activities for medical students

    WANGARATTA                                     CONTACT DETAILS                  CONTACT FOR


    Kim McInnes                                    Phone: (03) 5823 4583            Wangaratta timetabling, Wangaratta ERC
                                                   kim.mcinnes@unimelb.edu.au       Hub Administration


    Dr Steven Bismire                              Phone: (03) 5823 4556            Medical student education and curriculum
    Deputy Director of Medical Student Education   steven.bismire@unimelb.edu.au    delivery for Wangaratta

2020 RCS STUDENT HANDBOOK - Melbourne Medical School

•   to expect the best quality education the
    Department of Rural Health can provide;
•   to be provided with an innovative, equitable
    and supportive environment that challenges
    students to achieve their full potential;
•   to be provided with current and clear
    guidelines regarding course content, time
    demands and assessment details;
•   to expect impartial, constructive and
    prompt assessment of work. Information on
    assessment criteria and expected standards
    must be made available;
•   to have access to the required facilities
    and resources necessary for the student’s
    academic goals to be achieved;
•   to be treated with respect by both staff and
    fellow students;
•   to expect that scheduled classes will take
    place, or to be informed of alternative
    arrangements; and
•   to have access to staff to whom questions
    and difficulties can be referred.

•   to take an active role in planning and
    pursuing his/her studies;
•   to be well informed about the requirements
    of the course that is being undertaken;
•   to attend all set classes;
•   to discuss with staff any problems that may
    be encountered;
•   to make the best possible use of the
    opportunities and facilities that the
    Department of Rural Health provides;
•   to submit work, which is wholly his/her own,
    on time;
•   to respect the rights and welfare of
    Department of Rural Health staff and
•   to respect Department of Rural Health
•   to comply with the Department of Rural
    Health rules and regulations;
•   to dress in a professional manner and to
    maintain excellent personal hygiene; and
•   to behave in a manner which reflects
    positively on the Department of Rural Health.

2020 RCS STUDENT HANDBOOK - Melbourne Medical School

    THE RURAL ENVIRONMENT                              interactions with others, and be reliable           •   Before examining the patient, always
                                                       and respond appropriately to feedback.                  explain what you are going to do and ask
    AND YOU                                                                                                    permission. Respect the patient’s privacy
                                                       Unprofessional behaviour is treated as
    Rural environments are slightly different from     serious, as it may constitute a risk to patients,       by covering with a sheet as appropriate
    the city in that you will be very visible to the   staff, other students, the student involved or          and by use of screens.
    community. Anything you do, whether good           the relationship between the University and         •   If you are in any doubt about examining a
    or bad, will be remembered and anything            the placement provider.                                 patient of the opposite gender, ask a nurse
    you do will reflect on you as a person,                                                                    or fellow student (of the patient’s gender)
    student, student doctor for this or other local    Please refer to the Professional behaviour              to accompany you. Be careful to expose
    communities and on the Rural Clinical School.      guidelines on MD Connect - https://                     only the area being examined at any one
    The community has a long memory and news           mdconnect.medicine.unimelb.edu.                         time and for no longer than necessary.
    travels quickly – both good and bad. You may       au/portal/mdresources/forms/MD_                     •   Be sensitive to patient’s individual
    find yourself in the local newspaper for various   Professional_behaviour_guidelines.pdf                   needs eg. cultural differences. Internal
    events at the Department of Rural Health - in                                                              examinations, eg. rectal or vaginal, should
                                                                                                               NEVER be performed without a Doctor’s
    local sports and for various achievements,         SEEING PATIENTS                                         direct supervision and the patient’s
    whether great or small. We hope you can
                                                       Remember that patients are people, not                  informed consent.
    enjoy getting to know your new community,
                                                       cases. The primary objective of the hospital is     •   When you have finished any examination,
    finding your place and leaving your (hopefully
                                                       patient care. Here are a few hints and simple           or history taking, make sure the patient is
    positive) contribution at the hospital and in                                                              comfortable and adequately covered and
    the local community.                               rules:
                                                                                                               thank him / her for their co-operation.
                                                       •   Introduce yourself to the patient, explain      •   Leave the bedside as you found it –
    PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOUR                                 that you are a medical student and ask              curtains in place, chair replaced and table
                                                           if he / she agrees to see you. Always               in a convenient position.
    The professional behaviour of each student             remember the patient has the right of
    is assessed as a hurdle requirement in each            refusal to see medical students. It may be
    subject of the MD. There is an expectation             an inconvenient time, negotiating another
    that students will display appropriate                 time may be possible. Try to avoid seeing
    self-management, be respectful in their                patients during their mealtimes.

2020 RCS STUDENT HANDBOOK - Melbourne Medical School

UNIVERSITY STATUTES AND                              For safety reasons, long hair must be tied          on the student’s file. Any student taking
REGULATIONS                                          back and closed footwear must be worn in the        unapproved leave may have disciplinary
                                                     hospital setting. Please note, surgical scrubs      action taken against them by the Director
All students are bound by the University of          must remain at hospital sites.                      (Academic Programs). Please refer to the
Melbourne Statutes and Regulations, which                                                                link below for guidelines for granting leave
can be found on the University’s web page                                                                of absence requests -https://medicine.
at the following address: https://about.             ID CARDS / NAME BADGES
unimelb.edu.au/strategy/governance/                  You are required to have your University
compliance-obligations                               student card and name badge with you at all
                                                     times when on University property. Security
Detailed information about student                   personnel patrol the buildings after hours          All LOA forms can be obtained online at
placements, including pre-placement                  and you may be asked to present ID. While on        https://medicine.unimelb.edu.au/
requirements and what to do if there’s an            placement to a hospital or clinic, you must         study/current-student-resources/mms-
incident, is available our website: https://         wear the ID badge provided to you by the Rural      students-resources/policies,-procedures-
mdhs.unimelb.edu.au/study/current-                   Clinical School, or by the hospital/clinic in       and-forms
students/placements/students                         question, at all times.
                                                                                                         Policies and LOA forms can be obtained online
In relation to student discipline refer to:                                                              at: https://medicine.unimelb.edu.au/
https://medicine.unimelb.edu.au/                     STUDENT PERSONAL DETAILS                            study/current-student-resources/mms-
study/current-student-resources/mms-                 University of Melbourne students must update        students-resources/policies,-procedures-
students-resources/policies,-procedures-             their personal details on the Student Portal at     and-forms.
and-forms                                            www.portal.unimelb.edu.au. Department
                                                     of Rural Health students are required to
                                                                                                         REQUEST FOR APPROVAL
PROFESSIONALISM                                      update their personal details at with their local
                                                                                                         OF MEDICAL STUDENT
Patient Confidentiality: Patient details should
                                                                                                         CLINICAL ACTIVITY OUTSIDE
be discussed in private spaces or, if that is not
possible, with extreme care for confidentiality.     LEAVE OF ABSENCE                                    OF A HOSPITAL/CONSULTING
Lifts or other such small public spaces both in                                                          ROOM SETTING
                                                     SHORT LEAVE OF ABSENCE (SLOA)
and out of the hospital are never appropriate                                                            This form must be approved by the
                                                     The Melbourne Medical School grants two
places to discuss patient details. Please                                                                appropriate Deputy Director of Medical
                                                     forms of Short Leave of Absence:
respect your patients’ privacy at all times.                                                             Student Education BEFORE you commit to
                                                     •   Personal Leave                                  engaging in the event. Forms can be obtained
Respect and kindness to patients, peers and
                                                     •   Professional Development Leave                  from the RCS team at each site.
staff. The Rural Clinical School will not tolerate
bullying, harassment, sexual harassment,             SLOA requests must be submitted at least two        Each form covers only one event so please
exclusion, or racism. As you all go about            weeks prior to the proposed data of leave.          complete a form for every event. Please
learning how to become doctors please                                                                    contact the Rural Clinical School Manager for
remember to be courteous to each other,              Students submit a fully completed SLOA form         further information.
your patients and the staff at all times.            by email to rcs-admin@unimelb.edu.au
                                                     with supporting evidence attached. Email            Insurance for Rural Clinical School student
                                                     confirmation will be provided to students of        activities with the public (e.g. not in a
APPROPRIATE DRESS CODE                                                                                   traditional clinical setting), covers medical
                                                     the outcome of their applications. The student
When in the Rural Clinical School or hospital        must provide documentary evidence that              students if they:
spaces you should always be dressed                  exceptional circumstances exist that provide
professionally and appropriately for patient                                                             •   are enrolled in the University of Melbourne
                                                     compelling reasons for this request to be               medical degree;
contact. You may dress in neat casual attire         granted. Medical certificates completed by
if you are only attending tutorials, however,                                                            •   have appropriate supervision for clinical
                                                     any health professional related to the student          activities; and
keep in mind that patients may be present            will not be accepted.
at tutorials and opportunities may arise for                                                             •   have achieved the necessary procedural
spontaneous clinical learning.                                                                               competency by direct supervision and
                                                     LONG LEAVE OF ABSENCE (LLOA)
                                                                                                             sign-off as required by the Melbourne
Casual attire is unacceptable, including:            A LLOA for one academic year (two semesters)            Medical School (eg. intravenous
                                                     may normally be granted once during                     cannulation), if such procedures are to be
•   t-shirts or singlets                             the course. Requests for a LLOA must be                 included in the activity.
•   micro skirts                                     submitted at least two months prior to the
                                                     start of the first semester of the proposed         Medical students will be insured for their
•   halter neck/ mid riff tops
                                                     academic year of leave.                             involvement in public events by the University
•   jeans or casual shorts                                                                               of Melbourne where:
•   open footwear                                    A permanent record of the leave will be placed

2020 RCS STUDENT HANDBOOK - Melbourne Medical School
•   the appropriate request form has been         All invasive procedures performed by medical        STUDENT TRAVEL
         completed (see above);                        students on living human subjects, may only
                                                                                                           Rural Clinical School students are eligible to
     •   the event and activities have been            be undertaken under direct supervision
                                                                                                           submit claims for reimbursement for travel in
         approved in writing by the appropriate        in a clinical setting by an instructor, nurse,
                                                                                                           accordance with the following principles:
         Deputy Director of Medical Student            specialist, registrar or intern and only after
         Education prior to the event; and             obtaining the permission of the patient on          TRAVEL CLAIMS
     •   an appropriate degree of supervision          whom the procedure is to be performed.              • MD2 students on an Ambulatory Care
         is undertaken. This will depend on the        Students are not permitted to practice                  placement who are allocated to practices
         activity and the experience of the student    invasive procedures on another student.                 more than 15 kms from their RCS site are
         (see below).                                                                                          eligible to claim travel for one return trip.
     The degree of supervision would be at the         BULLYING                                            •   MD3 students on ERC placement will be
     discretion of the supervisor who knows the                                                                paid a bursary at the start of the year to
                                                       The University is committed to creating
     students but the following is a guide:                                                                    cover required travel; students placed at
                                                       and maintaining workplaces that uphold                  snowfield clinics will be informed how to
     “Health Fair” handing out health information –    the principles of fairness and the pursuit of           claim those travel costs.
     supervisor available by phone.                    excellence. There is no place for bullying at the   •   MD3 students and MD4 students
                                                       University, where safe and respectful work and          should refer to the MDRP guidelines for
     Health checks eg, BP, height, weight –            study environments are a priority.                      information about their eligibility to claim
     supervisor available by phone.                                                                            for travel.
                                                       Bullying is unwelcome and unreasonable
     Skin checks doctor on site or available within
                                                                                                           •   MD3 students required to attend specific
                                                       behaviour that is persistent. It creates
                                                                                                               sessions in Melbourne during rotation.
     half an hour (depending on expertise of           a hostile, uncomfortable or offensive
     students).                                        atmosphere for those who are targets of the         Rates are paid at 25c per kilometre, for
                                                       bullying. For more information visit: https://      example:
     Invasive procedures – blood sugar checks,         safercommunity.unimelb.edu.au/
     immunisations – doctor on site.                                                                       •   Ballarat / Bendigo return = total $60.00
                                                       If you are concerned about bullying, you            •   Ballarat / Melbourne return = total $56.00
     First aid (would depend on other nearby           should report the behaviour to your Academic
     services) – doctor promptly available if          Coordinator (refer to Incident Reporting            Students are encouraged to ‘car pool’ at all
     required.                                         in the Occupational Health Safety and               times. Only one reimbursement will be paid
                                                       Environment (OHSE) section) or through the          per vehicle.
     THE DEPARTMENT OF RURAL                           Safer Communities Program. As with sexual
                                                                                                           Please contact your RCS cohort administrator
     HEALTH POLICY ON STUDENTS                         harassment, all requests for assistance will be
                                                                                                           for details on how to claim. The Rural Clinical
     PRACTISING INVASIVE                               handled in the strictest confidence.
                                                                                                           School reserves the right to change this policy
     PROCEDURES                                                                                            from time to time.
     Students learn invasive procedures, as per
                                                       ALCOHOL AND DRUG POLICY
     their required course, in University Skills       Students found intoxicated or under the
     Laboratory sessions. Practice on models           influence of illegal drugs whilst in a learning
     should be performed prior to practising any       environment will not be tolerated at the
     of these skills on any live subjects. No Skills   Rural Clinical School and will be dealt with in
     Laboratory needles should be used on living       accordance with the University’s disciplinary
     subjects. Needles, syringes and catheters         policy.
     should never be removed from the Skills
     Laboratory or Hospital by students.


Studying medicine can be both a rewarding and stressful experience for students. Everyone manages stress in
different ways, and sometimes it is helpful to seek assistance in managing life stresses and challenges. There are
a range of support options for medical students in the Rural Clinical School that aim to allow students to thrive
and not just survive studying medicine. The following information provides a summary of services and supports
available. For more information, please do not hesitate to contact the rural Health and Wellbeing Practitioner.

HEALTH & WELLBEING                               ACADEMIC MENTOR                                  The university Counselling and Psychology
PRACTITIONER                                                                                      Service (CAPS) is highly confidential and
                                                 The Academic Mentor Program is a
                                                                                                  offers the opportunity to seek assistance and
The Health and Wellbeing Practitioners           confidential support service provided by the
                                                                                                  support on a wide range of issues including:
offer free support services to University of     Melbourne Medical School for MD students.
Melbourne students currently enrolled within     For further information on the service go to     •   Financial issues regarding student loans
the Melbourne Medical School.                    Academic Mentor page. The Academic Mentor            or Centrelink
                                                 is an experienced General Practitioner and       •   Health concerns
The service can be accessed for a range          educator who sees students in a private room     •   Personal and emotional concerns
of purposes, from discussing strategies          on Parkville Campus.
to stay well over stressful study periods,                                                        •   Domestic or family violence
referral to other support providers, to          Students can make appointments directly          •   Relationship issues
concerns regarding mental health, bullying or    with the Academic Mentor.                        •   Loneliness and depression
harassment in the medicine environment.                                                           •   Study or academic problems
                                                 Contact details as follows:
Students can arrange appointments                Dr Lindsay Moran                                 •   Grief or bereavement
directly through the following link https://     SMS the Academic Mentor’s                        •   Stress and anxiety
the-university-of-melbourne.cliniko.com/         Ph: 0403 568 874                                 •   Study skills development
bookings. Once on the booking site you           E: academic-mentor@unimelb.edu.au                •   Work related progress
will be able to find a health and wellbeing                                                       •   Assistance with special consideration
practitioner at your nearest clinical school     PARKVILLE BASED SUPPORT                          •   Parenting issues
location and look through a calendar to          SERVICES
determine a day and time that suits. To book                                                      •   Disability issues
                                                 The University provides a number of support
an appointment you will be asked to enter
                                                 services which are available to Medical School   The CAPS team may also arrange a referral
some of your personal details. For information
                                                 students. These include:                         onto specialist services, where required. For
regarding the privacy of your information,
                                                                                                  more information about the service options,
please see the service privacy statement.        •   Chaplaincy                                   please see: www.services.unimelb.edu.au/
Alternatively, sessions can be arranged          •   Children’s Services                          counsel
through direct communication with the Health
                                                 •   Counselling Service                          Students may also contact the service
and Wellbeing practitioners:
                                                                                                  directly on:
                                                 •   Student Financial Aid                        Level 5, 757 Swanston Street,
Danielle Clayman                                 •   Health Service                               Parkville VIC 3052
Ph: 0466 474 547                                                                                  Ph: 8344 6927
E: danielle.clayman@unimelb.edu.au
                                                 •   Student Housing Services
                                                                                                  Self-help resources and information regarding
                                                 More information can be found online:            mental health and wellbeing, including online
                                                 http://services.unimelb.edu.au/finder            workshops and articles are also available to
Dr Hannah Sloan
Ph: 0428 933 952                                                                                  students at: http://services.unimelb.edu.
                                                 COUNSELLING SERVICES                             au/counsel/resources
E: hannah.sloan@unimelb.edu.au
                                                 Should you wish to talk to a professional
                                                 counsellor, the Health and Wellbeing
                                                 Practitioner can direct you to an appropriate
                                                 support service. Alternatively, students may
                                                 wish to contact university support services
                                                 directly. The following services are readily
                                                 available to students at the Parkville campus.
                                                 Arrangements can be made for telephone or
                                                 videoconference access to such services as

STOP 1                                           Contact the Victorian Doctors Health
     Stop 1 is a directory where students can find    Program on:
     information and student services whether         P: (03) 9495 6011 (24 hour)
     online, on the phone or in person. Stop 1 can    W: http://www.vdhp.org.au/ourserv.htm
     help you with admissions, enrolment, course          http://dhas.org.au/
     planning, administration, support services
     and skills and development.                      RURAL MEDICAL FAMILY NETWORK
                                                      The Rural Medical Family Network is a
     Further information can be found at:             volunteer group of doctors’ spouses who
     http://students.unimelb.edu.au/stop1             understand and have experienced living in the
                                                      country and aim to support rural doctors and
                                                      their families.
     757 Swanston Street, Parkville
     234 St Kilda Road, Southbank                     If a GP spouse or partner feels the need to talk
                                                      to someone about life as a Rural GP spouse or
     Ph: 13 MELB (13 6352)
                                                      partner call the RMFN on (03) 8610 6318.
     +61 3 9035 5511 Outside Australia

     The University of Melbourne Safer
     Communities Program gives everyone
     the opportunity to report on behaviour of
     concern. The program offers a safe place
     to talk about your concerns, personal and
     tailored safety advice, support and strategies
     to manage behaviours of concern and easy
     access to other support services.

     Contact the Safer Communities Program on:
     E: safer-community@unimelb.edu.au
     P: (03) 9035 8675
     W: https://safercommunity.unimelb.edu.au/

     The University has launched its Unisafe app
     that has useful safety information, resources
     and tools to enhance your safety. This FREE
     app can be downloaded via App Store and
     Google Play.

     The AMA offers a telephone service for
     crisis which is available to medical students
     providing confidential support from 8am -
     11pm, 365 days a year call 1300 853 338.

     The Victorian Doctors Health Program has
     been established to ensure that a full-time,
     dedicated service is available to meet the
     needs of sick and impaired doctors and
     medical students. It provides prompt advice
     to doctors and medical students who feel at
     risk, or think that they may have a problem.
     Advice is also available to family members,
     colleagues, hospital or clinic staff.

     This is a confidential and compassionate
     service for doctors and medical students with
     health concerns including alcohol, other drug
     and mental health problems.

     If you have any personal concerns, or a doctor
     or medical student you care about is at risk,
     help is available.


     COMMUNICATION WITH                                 TIMETABLES                                        Supplementary exams will be held at one
     STUDENTS                                                                                             venue decided by the Melbourne Medical
                                                        Student timetables for the Rural Clinical
                                                                                                          School. This could be at a metro Clinical
     You are required to check your University of       School can be accessed through MD Connect.
     Melbourne student email account regularly as       Students can also access forms, course and
     this is a key method of communication with         subject information via MD Connect.
     the University and the Rural Clinical School.                                                        SPECIAL CONSIDERATION
                                                        Students are expected to check MD Connect
     When contacting Rural Clinical School staff via                                                      AND ALTERNATIVE EXAM
     email, always use your University of Melbourne                                                       ARRANGEMENT (AEAS)
     email account. It is University of Melbourne       MD Connect can be accessed at                     The Rural Clinical School endorses the
     policy that emails sent from non-unimelb           mdconnect.medicine.unimelb.edu.au                 University of Melbourne policy on Special
     email addresses will not be responded to.                                                            Consideration and AEAs. Policy details can
     Emails sent using other accounts (hotmail,         Bendigo:
                                                                                                          be found at: medicine.unimelb.edu.au/
     yahoo, etc) are often automatically directed       Timetables will be provided by email from
     to the ‘junk’ directories of staff email inboxes                                                     students-resources/policies,-procedures-
                                                        MD2 - Ms Clarissa Treble, Programs
     and therefore are likely to be missed. For                                                           and-forms
     assistance with personal email accounts,
     please contact ITS helpdesk at                     MD4 - Ms Michelle Moon, Programs                  Students must apply for Special Consideration
     https://studentit.unimelb.edu.au/                  Administrator                                     by accessing the University Student Portal at:
                                                                                                          www.portal.unimelb.edu.au and under the
     COURSE DATES                                                                                         Admin section.
     Course dates for the medical degree can be         Rural Clinical School students will undertake     It is the student’s responsibility to advise
     found at: medicine.unimelb.edu.au/study/           the same assessments as students allocated        their local school of any approved special
     current-student-resources/md-students-             to a Metro Clinical School. Details of ongoing    arrangements for exams. This should be done
     resources/academic-dates/md-2020                   assessment tasks can be found in the subject      at the start of the year for current AEAs or as
                                                        guide available on MDConnect.                     soon as a new AEA is arranged.
     ROTATIONS                                          It is the student’s responsibility to note when
     MD2 complete an 8-week foundation term,            and how these tasks are to be submitted           RESULTS
     followed by three 8-week Rotations in              and adhere strictly to the deadlines. All         Rural Clinical School students’ results will be
     Ambulatory, Medicine and Surgery. Each group       written assessments are to be emailed to:         released by the Melbourne Medical School on
     will rotate between these three throughout         rcs-assessments@unimelb.edu.au or                 the Student Portal: www.portal.unimelb.
     the year.                                          late penalties will apply in accordance with      edu.au
                                                        University policy.
     Bendigo students complete the joint                                                                  Students located at the Rural Clinical School
     program with Monash students which is                                                                may arrange to discuss their exam results
     run on a different set of dates as advised by      EXAMS                                             with their Deputy Director of Medical Student
     Monash. Students still complete the required       Exam dates for the Rural Clinical School are      Education.
     Ambulatory, Medicine and Surgery rotations.        decided and released to students by the
                                                        University of Melbourne, Melbourne Medical        Ballarat:
     MD3 in Ballarat complete 5 rotations in line                                                         Dr Penny Cotton
                                                        School. Students are notified of these dates
     with what is delivered at the Metro clinical                                                         (03) 4301 6899
                                                        on MD Connect and Student Portal. Closer to
     schools. Two 8-week rotations in Women’s
                                                        the exam date, the Melbourne Medical School       Bendigo:
     Health and Child and Adolescent Health,
                                                        will also post schedules for each Clinical        Dr Leslie Fisher
     followed by three 6-week rotation in GP, Aged
                                                        School on MD Connect. It is the student’s         (03) 5440 9000
     Care and Mental Health. Each group will rotate
                                                        responsibility to check MD Connect regularly
     between these throughout the year.                                                                   Shepparton:
                                                        for this information.
     MD3 in ERC – please refer to the ERC Student                                                         Mr David Chew
                                                        RCS students sit exams at rural sites, however,   (03) 5823 8746
                                                        please note you are likely to move between
                                                        RCS sites to undertake exams.                     Wangaratta:
     ALLOCATIONS                                                                                          Dr Steven Bismire
     Students staying on for subsequent years
                                                        SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMS                               (03) 5823 4556
     of study at the RCS will be requested to           Rural Clinical School students will be notified
     preference around mid-year. We aim to advise       by the Melbourne Medical School if they
     allocation for the following year by early         are required to sit a supplementary exam.
     August.                                            Students are notified on their University of
                                                        Melbourne email account or via telephone.

ACADEMIC TRANSCRIPTS AND                           YEAR 3 MD RESEARCH                               This accommodation is only at the Austin
STATEMENTS                                         PROJECT RURAL (MDRP)                             Clinical School and is booked and paid for
                                                                                                    by the RCS. If you are wanting to purchase
The Department of Rural Health and Rural           GUIDELINES                                       accommodation elsewhere you may at your
Clinical School cannot provide students with       This policy details how the Department of        own expense.
Academic Transcripts or Statements. Students       Rural Health will assist year 3 RCS students
must refer to the Student Centre at Parkville to   who are required to meet with their research     To apply for Austin accommodation please
obtain these confidential documents.               project supervisor.                              contact the RCS Team at
STUDENT CARD AND NAME                              RCS GRADUATION
BADGES                                             Graduating Rural Clinical School students
                                                                                                    FINANCIAL AID
Melbourne Medical School students can apply        nominate a Student Graduation Committee          Students experiencing financial hardship
for a replacement student card if it is lost or    each year. Graduation venue is rotated through   may be eligible for grants (bursaries) which
stolen. Please go to the https://students.         the Rural Clinical School sites each year.       are provided by the University. Information
unimelb.edu.au/admin/student-card/                                                                  and applications can be found at: https://
replacement-cards for further information. If                                                       services.unimelb.edu.au/finaid/grants-
                                                   STUDENT ACCOMMODATION                            and-bursaries
you lose your name badge please contact Lou
                                                   All students attending the Rural Clinical
Bush to organise a replacement.
                                                   School will be contacted in relation to
                                                   accommodation – for information please
MAIL MESSAGES                                      contact drh-accom@unimelb.edu.au
Student mail is to be collected from the
designated student mail collection point at        ACCOMMODATION IN MELBOURNE
each Campus (from ‘Dunvegan’ at Ballarat,          We have made provision to assist with
outside the student hub at Shepparton, from        accommodation during compulsory
‘The Chalet’ at Wangaratta and from the            Melbourne curriculum dates and DGP tutorials
Regional Clinical School in Bendigo). Students     for rural students who don’t have friends/
are expected to check for personal mail            family to stay with.
regularly. Please collect all larger items, i.e.
online shopping as soon as practical.

For IT support contact University Student
IT Services at: https://studentit.unimelb.


     Ballarat is Victoria’s third largest city and one   there is numerous sports clubs and outdoor       CAMPUS FACILITIES
     of the largest inland cities in Australia, with a   activities. From the 6km track around Lake
     population of around 104,000.                       Wendouree, fitness and aquatic centres to
                                                                                                          TEACHING FACILITIES
                                                         football, netball and soccer clubs.              Located at “Dunvegan”. Dunvegan is the
     It is renowned for its gold and architectural                                                        oldest building owned by the University of
     heritage from the Gold Rush which began in          Please visit www.visitballarat.com.au/ for       Melbourne. It is a historical house built in 1858.
     1851. By 1855, Ballarat had grown to a city with    more information.                                It is located at 806 Mair Street (the corner of
     a population of 100,000 people. Impressive                                                           Mair & Drummond Sts, diagonally opposite
     public and private buildings sprung up which        GETTING TO BALLARAT                              Ballarat Health Services – the Ballarat Base
     were financed from the wealth generated by                                                           Hospital).
                                                         Strategically located in the Central Highlands
     the diggings. These days, long after the gold
                                                         Region of Victoria, Ballarat is approximately    The campus building is open between
     has run out, the city retains much of its rich
                                                         110 kms north-west of Melbourne. Travel time     8.30am – 5.00pm Monday to Friday. There are
     gold heritage in the form of opulent buildings,
                                                         between Ballarat and Melbourne is around         professional staff offices, academic offices and
     fountains, and tourist attractions which
                                                         90 minutes.                                      the Going Rural team located on site along
     celebrate the city’s history. Notable buildings
     include Ballarat’s Town Hall (built between                                                          with 4 tutorial rooms.
                                                         Public transport to Ballarat is by train
     1870 and 1872), Her Majesty’s Theatre (1875)        (or v/line coach). It takes around 75 minutes.   Students can book the tutorial rooms by
     and Craig’s Hotel which was built in several        See the VLine website for timetables:            contacting the RCS office. Facilities can be
     stages between 1853 and 1891.                       http://www.vline.com.au/                         booked Monday to Friday between 9am – 5pm.
     Today, it offers contemporary restaurants,                                                           After hours by special arrangement.
     cafes, bars and boutique hotels. It also            ACCOMMODATION
                                                                                                          STUDENT RETREAT
     hosts a number of activities and events             The Department of Rural Health manages
     including farmers markets, Museum of                                                                 There is a Student Retreat available for
                                                         accommodation facilities for students in
     Australia Democracy at Eureka, Sovereign                                                             students at the Ballarat campus. It is a secure
     Hill, Art Gallery of Ballarat, the Begonia                                                           building with swipe card access that has
     festival, Ballarat Beer festival, Springfest, the   Please contact drh-accom@unimelb.edu.au          lounge and dining area, kitchen, lockers,
     Australian Open Road Cycling Championships          for all inquiries.                               bathroom with shower and study space.
     along with gigs and concerts. Additionally,

Student Accommodation
   Balanada Close


                                                                                          Hospital, BHS

                                                                             Student Accommodation
                                                                             12 Drummond St South

The study space in the student retreat is             CLINICAL SKILLS LABORATORIES                        Students are required to comply with the
also an after-hours teaching room (known as           Students have access to a clinical skills room      Road Safety Road Rules 2009 (Vic.) p. 299,
Tutorial 5).                                          with simulated patient and clinical equipment.      http://www.legislation.vic.gov.au as well
                                                      This Clinical Skills facility is at the Ballarat    as University of Melbourne OHSE policies and
Security swipe cards will be provided at site                                                             guidelines http://policy.unimelb.edu.au/
                                                      Clinical School (operated by Deakin) within the
orientation. It is accessible 24/7 by swipe card.                                                         when riding the bicycles.
                                                      Ballarat Health Service.
COMPUTERS, INTERNET AND IT                            Please note: Students are not permitted to          STUDENT PARKING
There is a study space to bring your own              use these facilities unsupervised. Students         Street parking is available on streets around
computer and use the wifi network,                    should ensure they report any damage to             the Hospital and “Dunvegan” but please be
alternatively there is 1 computer available.          equipment immediately to the Clinical Skills        aware of time restrictions. Paid parking is
                                                      Laboratory Manager, Campus Coordinator or           available within the hospital grounds. There is
Printing and Scanning: available in the
                                                      an Administration Officer.                          no parking available on campus.
Student Retreat.

Fax: please speak to the RCS staff.                   LOCKERS
                                                      Lockers are available to students. They are
                                                                                                          PARTICIPATION IN
LIBRARY                                               located in the Student Retreat. You are to          HOSPITAL ACTIVITIES
The Ballarat Health Services Library provides a       supply your own lock. Allocations will be           Your clinical education will be enhanced by
fully integrated, high quality, multi-site clinical   organised during site orientation.                  participation in the many regular meetings
information service to all staff and students.                                                            and activities held at the participating
It is located at the BHS Base Hospital, Second        BICYCLES                                            hospitals. Meetings and seminars that
floor, Cafeteria Building.                            Bicycle racks are available on campus. All          students can attend are posted on campus
                                                      bicycles must be chained/locked whilst in           and student retreat noticeboards and will be
More information is available here:                   storage. Bicycles are stored at owner’s own risk.   added to timetables in MD Connect.
                                                      For safety and cleanliness reasons bicycles         Grand Rounds/Medical Lectures
Opening Hours:                                        are not permitted to be taken into or stored
8.30am - 6.00pm Monday to Thursday                    around the student residences. Students who         Ward Meetings
8.30am - 5.00pm Fridays                               do not store their bicycles as specified will       Other Meetings: There are a number of other
                                                      receive a maximum of three warnings before          educational meetings and functions held
To borrow books from the University of
                                                      the bicycle is confiscated (for return at the end   from time to time which will be of benefit, eg.
Melbourne library, please click on the library
                                                      of the student’s residency period).                 Victorian Medical Postgraduate Foundation
link below: http://library.unimelb.edu.au/
                                                      The Department of Rural Health has bicycles         (VMPF) Meetings.
Borrowed materials are normally delivered
                                                      available to be borrowed. This includes a lock
to the local library within three working days
                                                      and helmet. Please contact the Facilities and
of making the request. The hospital library
                                                      Services Officer.
will notify you when the materials may be
collected. Materials should be returned to the        Please report lost, stolen or broken bikes to
Librarian at the hospital library.                    the Facilities and Services team immediately.
                                                      Lost/Broken bicycle cost of replacement of
                                                      University bicycles will be charged to the hirer.

OTHER RESOURCES                                     Medic Aid Medical Clinic                          EMERGENCY CONTACTS
                                                         A: 25 Raglan Street, North Ballarat
     EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES                                                                              In a life threatening emergency dial 000 first,
                                                         P: (03) 5332 3355
     The Department of Rural Health encourages                                                             otherwise contact:
                                                           (03) 5332 3355 after hours
     students to look for casual employment. Local                                                         Primary Emergency Contact:
     employment opportunities can be found in            NOTE: bulk billing is available for students.
                                                                                                           0418 242 180
     local papers and online.
                                                         Ballarat Health Services (Base Hospital)
                                                                                                           Secondary Emergency Contact:
     The Courier (newspaper)                             has a 24-hour Accident and Emergency centre.
                                                                                                           8344 6666
     http://www.thecourier.com.au/                       There is a fee-paying Accident and Emergency
                                                         centre at St. John of God Private Hospital,       OTHER CONTACTS:
     OMBUDSMAN                                           Drummond Street Ballarat.
                                                                                                           Poison Information Centre:
     The Ombudsman provides an independent                                                                 13 11 26
     point of support to students to raise any           SPORTS & FITNESS
     issues that they may have relating to academic      There is an outdoor table tennis available for    Police Station:
     teaching and learning, accommodation or             students to use on campus. It is located in the   (03) 5336 6000
     student wellbeing and assists in improving the      Student Retreat and can be wheeled outside
     Rural Clinical School experience.                   to be used. Please ensure it is put away when     Ballarat Health Services:
                                                         finished using.                                   (03) 5320 4000
     Ombudsman meetings are held once a
     Semester at each of the Department of               There is a number of fitness classes on           Centre Against Sexual Assault:
     Rural Health sites (Ballarat, Shepparton and        campus through the year for students,             (03) 5320 3933
     Wangaratta) during the academic teaching year.      for example - yoga, boxing, pilates.              Psychiatric Help Line:
     The Ombudsman for Ballarat is:                      Additionally, the Health Cup will be a mixed      1300 661 323
     Dr Royce Baxter                                     sports event against other University in          BSH Adult Mental Health Services:
     E: roycebaxter2@bigpond.com.au                      Ballarat.                                         (03) 5320 4100

     RURAL GP SERVICES                                   There is also gym discounts for University of
                                                         Melbourne students. Prices and application
     The following list details medical services
                                                         forms can be requested at each site.
     available at various rural sites. The list is not
     exhaustive, and students may seek further
     options through contact with their Sub Dean
     or the Health and Wellbeing Practitioner.

     Eureka Medical and Dental Centre
     A: 14 Albert Street, Ballarat
     P: (03) 5309 1111

     NOTE: bulk billing is available for students.


Bendigo is Victoria’s fourth largest city with      Bendigo is home to a vibrant arts hub and           GETTING TO BENDIGO
natural bushland entirely surrounding the           flourishing food and wine scene set against
                                                                                                        Strategically located in the Central Highlands
town. It has been referred to as “a city within     its rich history, grand architecture and
                                                                                                        Region of Victoria, Bendigo is approximately
a forest”. A number of lakes and reservoirs         magnificent gardens. The Bendigo Art Gallery
                                                                                                        150 kms north-west of Melbourne. Travel time
are located within the city, including the          is one of Australia’s largest and oldest regional
                                                                                                        between Bendigo and Melbourne is around
most central, Lake Weeroona, which features         art galleries with collections dating from 1850s
                                                                                                        2 hours.
gardens and parkland. Its population is             to the present day.
around 100,000.                                                                                         Public transport to Bendigo is by train
                                                    Dozens of smaller studios and galleries can
                                                                                                        (or v/line coach). It takes around 2 hours. See
Bendigo has a rich and prosperous heritage          be found in the region along with the famous
                                                                                                        the VLine website for timetables:
dating back to the days when gold was               Bendigo Pottery. Bendigo also boasts a range
discovered in the area in the 1850s. Since          of major events throughout the year which
then, Bendigo has been the second highest           include the Bendigo International Madison
producing goldfield in Australia and remains        (biggest cycling & athletic event in Australia),    ACCOMMODATION
the seventh largest in the world.                   Bendigo Olive & Food Fiesta, Bendigo Easter         The Department of Rural Health manages
                                                    Festival which includes the Dragon Parade,          accommodation bookings for students in
It was the place of one of the world’s most         Bendigo Fashion Week and various wine and           Bendigo.
exciting gold rushes, with more gold found          produce events such as the Bendigo Heritage
here between 1850 and 1900 than anywhere            Uncorked Festival.                                  Please contact drh-accom@unimelb.edu.au
else in the world. The city is literally built on                                                       for all inquiries.
gold, gathered from the rich gold-bearing           Please visit www.bendigo.vic.gov.au for
quartz reefs. People came from across the           more information.
world to seek their fortune in Bendigo in the
mid to late 1800’s and has always been a true
multicultural city.

Hospital & Campus

                   Student Accommodation
                   Wattle Street

     CAMPUS FACILITIES                                 To borrow books from the University of              http://www.legislation.vic.gov.au/ as well as
                                                       Melbourne library, please click on the library      University of Melbourne OHSE policies and
     TEACHING FACILITIES                               link below                                          guidelines http://policy.unimelb.edu.au/
     Bendigo facilities include the lecture                                                                when riding the bicycles.
     theatre, five large Tutorial Rooms, and five      http://library.unimelb.edu.au/
     small meeting rooms. Students can make                                                                STUDENT PARKING
                                                       Borrowed materials are normally delivered
     applications for room bookings via Reception.                                                         Street parking is available within a two block
                                                       to the local library within three working days
                                                       of making the request. The hospital library         radius of both Mercy Street and Lister House
     COMPUTERS, INTERNET AND IT                                                                            but please be aware of time restrictions
                                                       will notify you when the materials may be
     Students may have access to computers
                                                       collected. Materials should be returned to the
     for University email and internet for study
                                                       Librarian at the hospital library.
     purposes. Printing and photocopying services
     are available. Wireless access is available at
                                                       CLINICAL SKILLS LABORATORIES
     most campuses.
                                                       Rural Clinical School students located at
     Students who live in Monash University            Bendigo will be provided with procedural skills
     student accommodation at Lister House,            tutorials by Monash University’s Clinical Skills
     Bendigo will also have access to a computer       Manager. Enquiries for access to this service
     and wireless internet. Access to the University   must be made to your allocated subject
     of Melbourne’s network is configured through      coordinator.
     Word-processing, Photocopying and                 Lockers are available to students if requested
     Scanning: available at Bendigo Health             before arrival. Please contact reception.
     Library for 10c per page. See Library staff for
     payments.                                         BICYCLES
                                                       Bicycle storage is available at Student
     LIBRARY                                           accommodation only, no storage available at
     The Bendigo Health (BH) Library, located at       campus or the hospital. All bicycles must be
     the Bendigo Regional Clinical School enables      chained/locked whilst in storage. Bicycles are
     University of Melbourne students allocated        stored at owner’s own risk.
     to Bendigo to access and borrow books
     from their collection. The library has a loan     For safety and cleanliness reasons bicycles
     collection of approximately 1,000 books &         are not permitted to be taken into or stored
     200 hard copy journal titles. The standard        around the student residences. Students who
     loan period is three weeks. Please contact the    do not store their bicycles as specified will
     Bendigo Health Library for further information.   receive a maximum of three warnings before
                                                       the bicycle is confiscated (for return at the end
     Opening Hours:                                    of the student’s residency period).
     Monday – Friday 8.30am – 5.00pm (after-hours
     access with Bendigo Health ID swipe card)         Students are required to comply with the
                                                       Road Safety Road Rules 2009 (Vic.) p. 299,

PARTICIPATION IN HOSPITAL                         OTHER RESOURCES                                     EMERGENCY CONTACTS
ACTIVITIES                                        EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES                            In a life threatening emergency dial 000 first,
Your clinical education will be enhanced by       The Department of Rural Health encourages           otherwise contact:
participation in the many regular meetings        students to look for casual employment. Local       Primary Emergency Contact:
and activities held at the participating          employment opportunities can be found in            0418 242 180
hospitals. Meetings and seminars that             local papers and online.
students can attend will be notified via                                                              Secondary Emergency Contact:
Moodle.                                           The Advertiser (newspaper) -                        8344 6666
Grand Rounds/Medical Lectures                                                                         OTHER CONTACTS:
                                                  RURAL GP SERVICES
Ward Meetings                                                                                         Poison Information Centre:
                                                  The following list details medical services         13 11 26
Other Meetings: There are a number of other       available at various rural sites. The list is not
educational meetings and functions held           exhaustive and students may seek further            Police Station:
from time to time which will be of benefit, eg.   options through contact with their Sub Dean         (03) 5448 1300
Victorian Medical Postgraduate Foundation         or the Health and Wellbeing Practitioner.
                                                                                                      Bendigo Health:
(VMPF) Meetings.
                                                  Contact reception for assist in finding a local     (03) 5454 6000
                                                  GP. Bendigo Hospital has a 24 hour Emergency
                                                  department.                                         Centre Against Sexual Assault:
                                                                                                      1800 806 292
                                                                                                      (03) 5441 0430

                                                                                                      Bendigo Health Adult Mental Health Service:
                                                                                                      1300 363 788
                                                                                                      (03) 5454 7604


     Shepparton is a major commercial centre,           A network of parks, reserves and forests            ACCOMMODATION
     situated within the rich dairying, fruit growing   follow the paths of the Goulburn and Broken
                                                                                                            The Department of Rural Health manages
     and agricultural region of the Goulburn Valley,    Rivers through Shepparton, offering good
                                                                                                            accommodation facilities for students in
     with the area responsible for producing            bushwalking tracks and picnic spots. Victoria
     around 25 percent of Victoria’s rural output.      Park Lake, constructed in 1920 from a
     Major food companies in the area include           swamp, is located just south of the heart of        Please contact drh-accom@unimelb.edu.au
     SPC Ardmona and Campbells Soups. It began          Shepparton, fronting the main highway and           for all inquiries.
     as a sheep station and river crossing in the       featuring walking tracks, bike paths, a skate
     mid-19th century, before undergoing a major        park and boating facilities. Adjacent to the lake
                                                                                                            CAMPUS FACILITIES
     transformation as a railway town. Today it is      is the Aquamoves health and fitness centre
     an agricultural and manufacturing centre with      which has both indoor and outdoor pools.            TEACHING FACILITIES
     a population of approximately 50,000.                                                                  Located at Department of Rural Health,
                                                        Please visit www.greatershepparton.com.au           49 Graham Street, Shepparton.
     Shepparton offers a range of activities            for more information.
     including the SAM Art Museum, regular live                                                             There is: Lecture theatre seating 80,
     theatre and music performances, cinema,            GETTING TO SHEPPARTON                               boardroom seating approximately 12,
     library, multi-cultural and Farmer’s Markets                                                           Conference Room 1 seating approximately 12,
                                                        Shepparton is located between Nagambie and
     and community-based cultural organisations.                                                            Conference Room 2 seating approximately 24,
                                                        Numurkah on the Goulburn Valley Highway
     There is Moooving Art, an ever changing public                                                         Tutorial Room 1 seating approximately 8, and
                                                        in northern Victoria approximately 181 kms
     art exhibition of life sized 3D cows. Fibreglass                                                       Tutorial Room 2 seating approximately 12.
                                                        north-northeast of Melbourne. Travel time
     bovines are scattered throughout Shepparton
                                                        between Shepparton and Melbourne is                 Computers, data projectors, smart boards,
     and surrounding towns in public gardens,
                                                        around 2 hours.                                     whiteboards, portable x-ray box, video, DVD,
     playgrounds and businesses and are full of
     colour, spunk and personality.                                                                         TV and ZOOM facilities.
                                                        Public transport to Shepparton is by train
                                                        (or v/line coach). See the VLine website for        Students can make applications for room
                                                        timetables: http://www.vline.com.au/                bookings via the Room Booking Officer by
                                                                                                            emailing drh-queries@unimelb.edu.au

Student Accommodation
                                   Hospital & Campus                      Graham Street

                                                                       Student Accommodation
                                                                       Kilpatrick Avenue

Facilities can be booked between 9.00am -         Opening Hours:                                   LOCKERS
5.00pm, Monday to Friday, or after hours by       Monday – Friday - 8.30am – 5.00 pm               Lockers are available to students. They are
special arrangement.                              Sunday - 2.00pm – 5.00 pm (during semester)      located outside the student lounge. Contact
                                                                                                   the Facilities and Services Officer for more
STUDENT HUB                                       NOTE: Extended hours offered during the
Located at the Department of Rural Health,        examination periods.
49 Graham Street, Shepparton.                     To borrow books from the University of           BICYCLES
                                                  Melbourne library, please click on the library   Bicycle racks are available on campus. All
Facilities include two fully networked
                                                  link below. https://library.unimelb.edu.au/      bicycles must be chained/locked whilst in
computers (one of which has GVH access),
                                                                                                   storage. Bicycles are stored at owner’s own risk.
internet access and printing facilities.          Borrowed materials are normally delivered
Students can access the student hub 24 hours      to the local library within three working days   For safety and cleanliness reasons bicycles
a day, 7 days a week with a swipe card. Swipe     of making the request. The hospital library      are not permitted to be taken into or stored
card access is provided by the Facilities and     will notify you when the materials may be        around the student residences. Students who
Services Officer.                                 collected. Materials should be returned to the   do not store their bicycles as specified will
                                                  Librarian at the hospital library.               receive a maximum of three warnings before
COMPUTERS, INTERNET AND IT                                                                         the bicycle is confiscated (for return at the end
Students may have access to computers             CLINICAL SKILLS LABORATORIES                     of the student’s residency period).
for University email and internet for study       Located on the grounds of GV Health,
purposes. Printing and photocopying services                                                       The Department of Rural Health has bicycles
                                                  the high fidelity clinical skills laboratory
are available. Wireless access is available at                                                     available to be borrowed. This includes a lock
                                                  comprises a meeting and tutorial room, 2
most campuses.                                                                                     and helmet. Please contact the Facilities and
                                                  clinical skills rooms and a simulated patient
                                                                                                   Services Officer.
Word processing, photocopying,                    with video camera and computer controlled
transparencies and scanning: available at GV      environment. Computers, data projectors,         Please report lost, stolen or broken bikes to
Health Library. Charges may apply.                whiteboards, smart boards, video, DVD, TV,       the Facilities and Services team immediately.
                                                  video ZOOM facilities are also available.        Lost/Broken bicycle cost of replacement of
Printing: available at the Department of Rural                                                     University bicycles will be charged to the hirer.
Health student lounge                             For access, students can make arrangements
                                                  with the Clinical Skills Laboratory Manager.     Students are required to comply with the
LIBRARY                                           The clinical skills laboratory is manned         Road Safety Road Rules 2009 (Vic.) p. 299,
Goulburn Valley Health’s Library borders the      between 8.30 am – 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday,     http://www.legislation.vic.gov.au as well
Clinical Skills Laboratory and offers a loan      or after hours by special arrangement.           as University of Melbourne OHSE policies and
collection of approximately 5,000 books and                                                        guidelines http://policy.unimelb.edu.au/
                                                  Please note: Students are not permitted to use
200 journal titles. The standard loan period is                                                    when riding the bicycles.
                                                  these facilities unsupervised. Students should
two weeks, with reference collection material
                                                  ensure they report any damage to equipment
available for overnight loan. GV Health’s
                                                  immediately to the Clinical Skills Laboratory
Library has 12 computers with internet access,
photocopy facilities and study areas.

You can also read