Sakeman baklei teen siekte - Letabaherald Epaper

Page created by Barry Cole
Sakeman baklei teen siekte - Letabaherald Epaper
Tel: 015 307 5050 • Web:
                                                      Friday May 15, 2020

                                                                                                                                                        to more
Muis Joubert in die hoësorgeenheid van Little Company of Mary-hospitaal. Hy ontvang fisio- en arbeidsterapie en is op die herstelpad.
Sakeman baklei teen siekte
 Karen Engelbrecht -           prikkelgevoel.” Op dié dag het hy uit sy           waaronder ‘n MRI. “Teen dié tyd moes
                                                                                                                                                        THE Herald group of news publications
                                                                                                                                                        has decided to make its newspapers free
                                                                                                                                                        for all! Here is why.
                                                                                                                                                          For the past year we have been working
                                                                                                                                                        hard on putting together a plan to
                                                                                                                                                        improve our offering to the communities
                                                   voertuig by sy sakeonderneming in Tzaneen          hulle my optel om my op die tonnelbed             we serve. Although the coronavirus
“EK wil weer gesond word, maar dit gaan ‘n         se nywerheidsgebied geklim. “Dit het gevoel        te sit.” Sy toestand was so ernstig dat die       has brought many new challenges, we
paar maande neem.”                                 asof die aarde se swaartekrag my na onder          dokter Maandagaand laat onmiddellik met           have realised that now more than ever
  So sê Muis Joubert (60), ‘n bekende              trek. Ek het letterlik net op die trappe gaan      behandeling begin het nadat die diagnose          communities rely on local relevant news.
sakeman van Tzaneen en eienaar van PPS             sit.”                                              gemaak is.                                          We have therefore decided to roll out
Petroleum nadat hy Maandag na ses dae in              Tog het hy met sy werk voortgegaan, maar           Hy is Maandag 11 Mei na ‘n gewone              some changes that we are convinced will
die hoësorgeenheid in ‘n hospitaal in Pretoria     het algaande baie sleg begin voel. Hy is na sy     saal oorgeplaas. “Die personeel is baie           make a positive impact.
na ‘n gewone saal oorgeplaas is. Hy is met         huisdokter wat bloedtoetse gedoen het. Hy          gedissiplineerd weens die koronapandemie.           As part of a series of improvements,
die immuunsiekte, Guillain-Barre-sindroom,         het bloeddrukpille gekry om te drink maar          In die hoësorgeenheid word geen besoekers         we are happy to announce that all
gediagnoseer. Mense met die siekte word            net al hoe slegter gevoel. Hy is daarna deur       toegelaat nie en streng reëls word toegepas.”     Herald newspapers (Letaba Herald,
deur hul eie immuunstelsel aangeval deurdat        twee ander dokters ondersoek wat ook toetse           Joubert sê dit is nog onseker oor wat die      Mopani Herald, Phalaborwa Herald
skadelike teenliggaampies geproduseer word         gedoen het. “Teen die tyd wat ek Woensdag          sneller van die siekte was. “Ek moet nog ‘n       and Hoedspruit Herald), will from this
wat die senuwees aanval.                           29 April by ‘n internis uitgekom het, was ek       behoorlike gesprek met die neuroloog hê wat       week be offered free of charge. Verniet!
  Joubert het so vinnig agteruit gegaan            al so swak dat ek met krukke moes loop.”           hopelik meer lig sal werp,” sê hy.                Mahala!
dat hy nie meer kon loop voordat hy op                Die internis het hom na ‘n neuroloog               Sy herstel gaan waarskynlik maande neem.         This might raise some questions,
Maandag 1 Mei in die Little Company of             in Pretoria verwys, maar voordat hy kon            Hy kry tans fisio- en arbeidsterapie, kan al op   especially in times when income is a big
Mary-hospitaal opgeneem is nie. Hy het             gaan, moes hy ‘n Covid-19-toets ondergaan.         sy eie sit en op sy sy draai.                     concern. So please read on page 2 and I
vanuit sy hospitaalbed aan Herald vertel           Hy moes drie dae wag voordat die uitslae              “Wanneer ek hier ontslaan word, gaan ek        will explain why we are thrilled to be free!
dat hy rondom Dinsdag 17 April gevoel in           beskikbaar was. Hy het uiteindelik op              na ‘n herstelfasiliteit waar behandeling sal        Benno Stander, business
sy voetsole en vingerpunte begin verloor           Maandag 1 Mei by die neuroloog uitgekom.           voortduur. Daar is al ‘n groot verbetering, ek    manager, Herald.
het. “Dit was soos ‘n naalde- en spelde-           Weer eens het hy ‘n reeks toetse ondergaan         is vasbeslote om weer gesond te word.”
Sakeman baklei teen siekte - Letabaherald Epaper
2 							                                                                                         NEWS                                                 LETABA HERALD Friday May 15, 2020

                                                                           Four arrested in
                                                                           possession of    MORE
                                                                                            NEWS TO
                                                                           game meat                                                                 MORE PEOPLE

                                                                                                                                                      We are free and this is why!

                                                                                                                                                       Why we made the newspapers
                                                                                                                                                       Sold newspapers are restricted to
                                                                           The vehicle that was caught with the game meat in the boot
                                                                                                                                                    being distributed at places where
                                                                                                                                                    they can be sold. This becomes very
                                                                           AN alleged illicit buffalo hunter and three other people were arrested   limiting as there are many places where
                                                                           by the police after being found in the possession of game meat.          people would prefer to receive their
                                                                              Lulekani police outside Phalaborwa were acting on a tip-off when      newspaper, which is simply not suited
                                                                           they arrested the suspects on Friday evening, 8 May, during a routine    to trade. By making a newspaper free,
                                                                           operation.                                                               you are quite literally freeing it up to
                                                                              Sgt Reoh Mabunda, spokesperson of Lulekani police, said that a        distribute it where it is really wanted,
                                                                           vehicle suspected of being used for illegal hunting approached the       and convenient to receive.
                                                                           police from Giyani heading towards Phalaborwa when it was stopped.          Is a free newspaper worth less
                                                                              The police requested to search the vehicle when they discovered a     than one that is sold?
                                                                           plastic bag containing meat hidden in the boot.                             Absolutely not! Some of the biggest
                                                                              The driver was questioned about where he had found the meat. His      and best community newspapers in SA
                                                                           explanation was not sufficient.                                          are free. It costs the same to produce
                                                                              “He, together with his accomplice, was arrested for being found       a free newspaper as what it does to
                                                                           in possession of a game meat without an official permit,” stated         produce a sold paper. If we factor in
                                                                           Mabunda .                                                                every cost incurred to produce a Letaba
                                                                              Preliminary investigations led police to a house at Mbaula village    Herald for example, it costs close to R20
                                                                           where another man, suspected to be the master brain, was arrested.       to produce a single copy. So even when
                                                                           The man confessed to the police that he had slaughtered a buffalo        paying R5 for it, it was still a good buy.
                                                                           at Letaba Ranch game reserve. Police immediately informed Letaba         From now on it will arguably be the best
                                                                           Ranch and PMC’s’ security office.                                        deal in town.
                                                                              “The suspects then took the police to the place where the buffalo        Where will you find your copy?
  Boere in Tzaneen, Letsitele en Modjadjiskloof en omgewing gee            was allegedly slaughtered and a blood stain belonging to the                We will still be distributing your
  mildelik aan plaaslike instansies tydens die inperkingstyd. Rachel de    slaughtered buffalo was discovered,” continued Mabunda.                  favourite Herald newspaper to
  Jager (17) gesels hier met tannie Johanna Hattingh, ‘n inwoner van          The three suspects whose names are withheld by the police,            most grocery stores, supermarkets,
  God’s Haven Sorgsentrum toe boere van George’s Valley groente by         will appear before the Lulekani magistrate court pending further         convenience stores and the usual
  die sentrum afgelewer het. Die sentrum het tans 16 inwoners na           investigation.                                                           places. But we are also hard at work
  wie hulle omsien, hulle kan egter 23 inneem. Hulle is selfversorgend        Station commander, Lt Col Prince Mkansi, commended the police         putting plans in place to make it super
  en ontvang geen subsidies nie.                                           and their stakeholders for applying zero tolerance ensuring that         convenient for you. But more about that
                                                                           illegal hunting is curbed.                                               later.
                                                                                                                                                       Will this change influence
                                                                                                                                                    advertising prices?

SASSA unemployed social relief grant
                                                                                                                                                       Not at all. We will not be adjusting
                                                                                                                                                    our advertising prices to make up
                                                                                                                                                    for the fact that we are giving the
                                                                                                                                                    newspaper to readers for free. Apart
APPLICATIONS for the R350 SASSA social             resident within the borders of South Africa;       The verification of applications will be      from making sure that we get more
relief grants are now open and can only be         above the age of 18; unemployed; not             consented by applicants when they lodge         news, to more people, for free, we would
applied for electronically.                        receiving any income (social grants, UIF,        their application.                              also very much like our advertisers to
  The grant forms part of the economic             NSFAS) or any other government Covid-19            This allows SASSA to validate the financial   benefit from the great exposure without
and social relief measures announced by            response support and residents in any            and other information against data sources      having to dig deeper into their pockets.
President Cyril Ramaphosa to support the           government funded or subsided institution        held by government and financial institutions      What about quality and content?
economy during the Covid-19 pandemic.              do not qualify.                                  including SARS and banks.                          We will not be sacrificing the size or
  Qualifying applicants are expected to               No paper based applications will be             Anyone who provides false information         quality of the newspaper to make it free.
receive R350 for the next six months (May to       allowed, SASSA staff and volunteers have         in effort to qualify for the grant will face    If anything, you can expect more news,
October).                                          been appointed to assist those who find it       prosecution.                                    bigger papers and better-quality content
  The application can be received through          difficult to apply electronically.                 Applicants are cautioned not to provide       going forward.
one of the following channels; Whatsapp               Payments will be made through bank            their banking details to anyone, SASSA will        What is the catch?
number 082 046 8553, USSD number                   accounts and for those who do not have           only request for banking information once          Getting something for free, without
*134*7737#, Email and             bank accounts other channels will be             the application has been approved.              any compromise, sounds too good to
Call centre IVR 0800 60 10 11.                     made available such as money transfers.            All beneficiaries and applicants are warned   be true. I’m not one for big talk and
  To qualify for the grant you must be: A          Once applications are approved, SASSA            not to give their PIN number or the CVV         promises. In the end, the proof is in the
South African citizen, permanent resident          will request confirmation of bank account        number on the back of their card to anyone      paper. So, pick up your copy this week,
or refugees registered with Home Affairs;          through a secured site electronically.           including SASSA.                                it won’t cost you a cent.
Sakeman baklei teen siekte - Letabaherald Epaper
LETABA HERALD Friday May 15, 2020 					                                                              NEWS                                                                                                  3

Terug skool
toe datums
nou bekend
DIE terugkeerdatums vir
skole is Maandag weer
eens aangepas.
  Volgens ‘n
kennisgewing deur die
SAOU (Suid-Afrikaanse
Onderwysersunie) het
dit verlede week duidelik
geword dat nie een van
die provisies ingevolge
die Covid-regulasies
gereed was om Maandag                  Trophy Motors se vertoonlokaal in Modjadjiskloof. Trophy is ‘n familie-onderneming en almal het ingespring om die regulasies van die korona-epidemie te implementeer.
(11 Mei) te begin nie.

                                       Motorhandelaars hou kop bo water
  Regulasies sluit in om
werkplekke te ontsmet
en ontsmettingsmiddels
te voorsien, skandering
van personeel en
leerders se temperatuur                                                          en ondersteuner van die plaaslike         oop wie se voertuie herstel of gediens    werkswinkel is afgeskaal na net
en die voorsiening van                 Karen Engelbrecht
                                                                                 motorbedryf, het navraag gedoen           mag word. “’n Persoon wie se motor        40% van die kapasiteit. Hulle doen
twee lapmaskers aan                    SO ver hou hulle nog uit!                 oor hoe die streng Covid-19-              ‘n geskeduleerde diens moet ontvang,      werk vir mense in die landbou- en
elke leerder en lid van                  Dis hoe die meeste plaaslike            rampregulasies die motorbedryf tans       kan slegs gehelp word indien daar         ondersteunende bedrywe asook die
die personeel.                         motorhandelaars tans voel rondom          belemmer. Statistieke oor nuwe            ‘n fout is wat ‘n gevaar vir die          taxibedryf.” Tot nou toe kon hulle
  Die SAOU sê                          die streng inperkings wat vir hulle       voertuigverkope vir April weerspieël      bestuurder of padgebruikers inhou.”       nog die wa deur die drif trek. “Ek
dat ongeveer 27                        geld. Hoewel die bedryf reeds twee        hoe hard die bedryf deur die                 John Hyde, eienaar van                 voel tans nog positief en gaan my bes
miljoen maskers,                       weke gelede vanaf ‘n vlak 3 na ‘n         inperkingsregulasies getref is. Sowat     onder andere Trohpy Motors in             doen om almal in diens te hou.”
50 000 elektroniese                    vlak 4 geskuif is, het die meeste         98,4 % minder voertuie is landwyd as      Modjadjiskloof, sê hulle hou tans           Verder is hulle ook nie seker oor
skandeerders en 24 500                 handelaars nog geen regulasies            verlede jaar verkoop, wat die totale      kop bo water. “Ek het ongeveer            wanneer motorverkope weer ‘n
ontsmettingspakkette                   vanaf die regering ontvang oor wat        binnelandse verkope vir April op 574      130 mense in diens as ek al my            aanvang kan neem nie. “Ons kry
aan 24 500 inrigtings                  toelaatbaar is nie.                       eenhede, teenoor die 36 787 wat in        ondernemings bymekaar tel,                heeltyd teenstrydige boodskappe.
versprei moet word.                      Handelaars gaan verder gebuk            April verlede jaar verkoop is, te staan   waaronder die Caltex-vulstasie            In teorie kan jy voertuie verkoop,
  “In die lig hiervan                  onder streng administratiewe              bring.                                    op Modjadjiskloof, motorbande-            maar dit is in praktyk nie moontlik
kan die volgende as die                bedryfsmaatreëls indien hul wel             Mostert sê gelukkig is BB               ondernemings op Tzaneen en                nie omdat die registrasiekantore nog
skedule vir die terugkeer              dienste aan essensiële vlak vier-         Motors ‘n groot en gevestigde             Letsitele, ‘n trekkeronderneming          gesluit is en padwaardigheidstoetse
na skole geag word,” sê                werkers of enige noodpersoneel            motorgroep en is daar nie sprake          op Letsitele asook ‘n                     nie kan plaasvind nie.”
hulle.                                 verskaf, sê Phillip Mostert van BB        van afleggings nie. “Vir ons gaan dit     makelaarsonderneming wat dienste            Madelein Venter, handelaarshoof
   Op 18 Mei moet                      Motors se Nissan, UD Trucks en            oor die veiligheid van ons klante en      vir die taxibedryf lewer.”                by Hyundai en Kia sê hulle is
skoolbesture by skole                  gebruikte afdelings in Tzaneen.           personeel voor inkomstes,” sê hy. Die        Hy sê omdat hulle ‘n familie-          ook reeds vanaf 27 Maart gesluit.
aanmeld, op 25 Mei                     Boetes van tussen R50 000 tot R250        motorgroep kon van die beskikbare         onderneming is, het almal ingespring      “Omdat ons kliëntebasis tradisioneel
moet onderwysers en                    000 kan opgelê word indien hulle          noodmaatreëls gebruik deur van die        en doen hulle baie van die werk           nie in die essensiële dienste en
opvoeders rapporteer en                die regulasies oortree of dit nie reg     werkloosheidsversekeringsfonds            self. “In die werkswinkel by Trophy       landbousektore val nie, is die
op 1 Junie heropen skole               administreer nie.                         gebruik te maak. Hy sê hul                Motors op Modjadjiskloof, werk            werkswinkel gesluit totdat ons weer
vir grade 7 en 12.                       Herald, as gemeenskapskoerant           werkswinkel is net vir vlak 4-bedrywe     drie van die ses tegnici.” Die            voluit kan funksioneer,” sê sy.

Sakeman baklei teen siekte - Letabaherald Epaper
4 							                                                                                           GENERAL                                                     LETABA HERALD Friday May 15, 2020

                                                                                                                                                    T   H E  I R OPINION
                                                                                                                                           GIV  E
                                                                                                                                   READERS                      UL MENING
                                                                                                                                            L E S E R S G E E H

                                                                                                                                   ‘Fransies never
                                                                                                                                   walk alone’
                                                                                                                                     Estie Stander, acting principal of Frans du Toit High
                                                                                                                                   School in Palaborwa writes:

                                                                                                                                   THE initial planning of the department of education was that
                                                                                                                                   school management must report at schools on 11 May.
                                                                                                                                     At this stage the department of basic education (DBE) has
                                                                                                                                   given an amended schedule for the return to school: 18 May for
                                                                                                                                   school management, 25 May for educators and 1 June for Grade
Ques outside Phalaborwa Centre.                                                                                                    12 learners.
                                                                                                                                     The how has not been clearly stipulated yet. We are waiting for

Social distancing affects shoppers
                                                                                                                                   further instructions.
                                                                                                                                     All the schools in the province need to receive personal
                                                                                                                                   protection equipment (PPE’s) from the government, with which
                                                                                                                                   training will take place. The training will include regulations,
                                                                                                                                   procedures, precautions and guidelines on how to deal with
                                                                                                                                   Covid-19 in the school setup.
Billy Sibuyi -
                                                                                                                                     Specific challenges that we face are that we haven’t received
IN a time of social distancing, buying groceries have                                                                              any PPE’S or instruction from the DBE thus far. Once and
become a dangerous endeavour.                                                                                                      when school does open for the Grade 12’s, we will be able to
   Long queues at shopping centres to enter supermarkets                                                                           accommodate 20 or less learners in a classroom. As a school
and banks are leaving shoppers in Phalaborwa and                                                                                   management team we are busy setting a time table and classroom
Acornhoek near Hoedspruit frustrated.                                                                                              space to accommodate learners during this time period.
   On Thursday 7 May, Kaylee Swart posted a message                                                                                  As far as the feeling of teachers are concern, there are mixed
on Hoedspruit Town Facebook page warning residents                                                                                 responses.
against venturing out for shopping in Phalaborwa.                                                                                    Some teachers are eager to return to school, others are
   “The line to get into the mall at Game and Checkers is                                                                          concerned about their health, due to age and underlying health
about 800 metres long, and the one at Pick n Pay is about                                                                          conditions.
a 100 metres long and the one for Checkers is about 2km                                                                              Frans du Toit High School will follow procedures set out by
long,” stated Swart.                                                                                                               department depending on the situation e.g. learner with fever:
   She also said that the best time to go to these centres                                                                         screen, isolate, phone parent, send home, advise to see a health
would ‘maybe’ be around the 20th and 25th.                                                                                         practitioner and quarantine him or herself.
   Swart said that even if you were to use the                                                                                       Challenges will be to get learners to understand and implement
underground parking, it would make little difference.                                                                              physical distancing. Getting learners to understand the
“Unless you have a couple of hours to spare!”                                                                                      importance of wearing a face mask and the consequences for
   Another user, Mariska Nowak, responded to her post                                                                              everybody of not doing so. The overall challenge will be to get the
and said that it was only really busy on Thursday, given                                                                           learners to grasp how dangerous this virus is and the importance
the fact people where getting their social grants.                                                                                 of their ooperation.
   “It’s not like this all the time, promise,” elaborated                                                                            My message to all Fransies is that these are uncertain times but
Nowak.                                                                                                                             we believe and pray that we will overcome them.
   Another user, Sarel van Zyl, said that he had travelled                                                                           I am relying on all our learners to work hard while they are
to Phalaborwa on the same morning to go to Absa as the                                                                             at home. All grades are getting work communicated through
branch in Hoedspruit was closed until further notice.                                                                              Whatsapp groups as well as D6 Communicator.
When he saw the long queue, he turned around and left                                                                                The teachers are working extremely hard to make sure their
immediately.                                                                                                                       learners get the work. Matrics, we know that you are worried, so
   Kaylee Swart told the Herald that she had no other                                                                              are we, but the best thing to do now is to try your best to keep up
choice to join the queue and decided to brave the shortest               He said that he had been standing in the queue to enter   with your academics.
line, the one going into Pick n Pay, even though it was                Shoprite for more than two hours.                             You must stay positive, we as educators miss you and cannot
about 100 metres long.                                                   “Its worse now because the sun is right above us,”        wait for the school to reopen so that we can work hard to make
   “We waited for about 35 minutes in the line. They                   stated Mathebula.                                           sure you will be ready for your trial exam as well as the end-year
didn’t allow big trolleys, only small baskets. People                    Edmond Mbetse a community leader in Phalaborwa            exam.
couldn’t shop too much, so that made things quick. Pick                stated that he was shocked to see so many people going to     As Martin Luther King always said: “The ultimate measure
n Pay security checked the line constantly and insured                 shopping centres with their children.                       of man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and
disabled and elderly people could jump the queue.                         “The police were there but did not send these people     convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and
   “While my husband was in the line, I went to other                  home.                                                       controversy.”
shops that didn’t have long lines, like Pep Home, Mr                     “Old people cannot join the long lines and end up           I have all the confidence in the Fransie learners and the
Price Home and CNA,” Swart told Herald.                                buying nothing. People are fainting in those queues.        teachers to make 2020 a successful academic year, with many
   In Acornhoek the shopping centre parking was closed                 Something needs to be done by government or the             memories to last a lifetime.
off for vehicles as it was demarcated for people in queues.            shopping centres,” stated Mbetse.                             Fransies never walk alone.
   Herald spoke to a Vincent Mathebula, a shopper.

  SKDODERUZD#WUDLQLQJIRUFHFR]D        $:25.)25&(+2/',1*6&203$1<
Sakeman baklei teen siekte - Letabaherald Epaper
LETABA HERALD Friday May 15, 2020 						                                                  GENERAL                                                                                                  5

Tzaneen motorists relieved as fuel prices drops
   Although most motorists are not fully
enjoying the benefits of the recent fuel drop,
residents are pleased with the low prices.
   As of Wednesday 6 May, the price of petrol
dropped by R1.74 from R13.76 to R12.02.
   Amukelani Mathebula a taxi driver from
Burgersdorp says the current price is a big
boost especially during the shaky economy.
   "I can see a huge difference as I'm now
paying less for full tank, I used to pay a lot
more," he said.
   Petrol attendant, Piet Mangena at Sasol
filling station in Claude Wheatley Street in
Tzaneen said that more and more motorists
were coming to fill in their tanks with smiles.
   "Most of our customers are very happy
with the reduced prices," he explained.
   2020 did not only bring with it the
coronavirus, but for drivers it also came with
low fuel prices.
   In January the price of petrol unleaded 93
went down to R15.84, on 5 February it was
reduced by 13 cents to R15.71.
   As if it was not enough a month later in
March it dropped to R15.52 and on 1 April it
went down again to R13.76 until the current
price.                                              Piet Mangena, Petrol Attendant.

Firefighters are ready for fire season that will start early June
MORE than 540 Working on Fire               protecting the environment.
(WoF) firefighters in Limpopo are on           The COVID-19 protocols of social
standby at their respective homes for       distancing, sanitizing and the number
the 2020 winter fire season that will       of firefighters per vehilce will be
officially start on 1 June.                 adhered to.
   " Due to the lockdown the WoF               The personal safety of our firefighters
firefighters are complying with the         take priority, Gwangwa said.
national rules of lockdown by being            WoF has also brought back the 13
on standby to enable them render            firefighters that were deployed for
essential services of suppressing           the fire suppresion in the Western
fires when required," said Matema           Cape and they are ready to serve the
Gwangwa, provincial communications          province.
officer of WOF.                                "Our firefighters from 25 bases
   In preparations for the 2020 winter      across the province will be able to
fire season in Limpopo, the provincial      respond promptly to the request for fire
yellow card training camp is scheduled      suppression should there be a need to
to take place from 14 May and it will       do so.
run for three weeks.                           “We also continue to raise awareness
   WoF Limpopo firefighters are             to our teams and ensure they are aware
deemed as essential services and            of the preventative measures to be
are ready to assist the community           able to protect themselves from being
and landowners in saving lives and          infected," Gwangwa said.                     Fire fighters train for the fire season that lies ahead.

                                                                                                                                                    Help for field workers
                                                                                                                                                    Left: MEC for health in Limpopo, Dr
                                                                                                                                                    Phophi Ramathuba with Greater Tzaneen
                                                                                                                                                    Municipality mayor, Maripe Mangena.
                                                                                                                                                    Ramathuba received cellphones on behalf
                                                                                                                                                    of the premier, Stanley Mathabatha at Van
                                                                                                                                                    Velden Hospital recently. Cell C donated
                                                                                                                                                    500 cellphones with data and airtime and
                                                                                                                                                    MTN donated 5000 mobiles with data and
                                                                                                                                                    airtime. They also donated masks and hand
                                                                                                                                                    sanitisers. All the donations are aimed to
                                                                                                                                                    assist field workers and tracers during home
                                                                                                                                                    screenings for Covid-19.
Sakeman baklei teen siekte - Letabaherald Epaper
6 							                                                                                      GENERAL                                                        LETABA HERALD Friday May 15, 2020

                                                                                                                                                                                 Op pad
                                                                                                                                                                                 huis toe
                                                                                                                                                                                 Aan die bo-punt
                                                                                                                                                                                 van die Agatha-
                                                                                                                                                                                 pad in Tzaneen,
                                                                                                                                                                                 het inwoners ‘n
                                                                                                                                                                                 klipbankie gebou
                                                                                                                                                                                 waar mense wat vir
                                                                                                                                                                                 taxivervoer wag,
                                                                                                                                                                                 gemaklik kan sit.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Die bankie het ‘n
                                                                                                                                                                                 pragtige uitsig oor
                                                                                                                                                                                 die Wolkberge.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Die foto van die
                                                                                                                                                                                 ma en haar dogter,
                                                                                                                                                                                 pragtig aangetrek
                                                                                                                                                                                 na ‘n besoek aan
                                                                                                                                                                                 die dorp, is deur
                                                                                                                                                                                 Marinus Gubitz,
                                                                                                                                                                                 ‘n boer van die
                                                                                                                                                                                 omgewing geneem.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Die Gubitz-familie
                                                                                                                                                                                 boer al dekades met
                                                                                                                                                                                 avokado’s in die
                                                                                                                                                                                 Hulle het ook
                                                                                                                                                                                 sitrusboerderye in
                                                                                                                                                                                 die Letsitele-vallei.

Large banks have implemented
payment breaks amid Covid-19
FNB and WesBank have approved payment             granted moratorium and a contract extension
breaks on more than 500 000 credit                or if they bank with FNB, a payment break
agreements for nearly 150 000 individual          through the bank’s COVID-19 application
and business customers since 1 April.             process, both options are available to a
   The relief includes payment breaks and/or      maximum period of three months.
credit insurance assistance in excess of R4.3       “WesBank customers can apply online at
billion to help customers whose finances and we will continue
have been affected by COVID-19, said the          to assist them as far as possible within the        Shane Mkansi, Wisdom Vukeya and Nsuku Mayimele selling face masks in Tzaneen CBD.
company in a statement.                           respective guidelines stipulated by key
   FNB chief executive, Jacques Celliers
   “Our approach is to offer qualifying
                                                  industry stakeholders like BASA and SARB.”
                                                    While FNB’s payment breaks are provided
                                                  to individual customers across the bank’s full
                                                                                                      Face masks a booming business
customers a payment break by paying               credit product range, the Bank has revealed
                                                                                                       Tintswalo Shipalana -        from the public is amazing,” she explained.
installments on their behalf for a period of      that nearly 127 000 individual customers
                                                                                                                                                           She says this experience has given her a
three months.                                     have been offered contracts on overdraft and
                                                                                                      FEW months ago it would have been                 lot of confidence and she is contemplating to
   “As a result, we have structured our           credit card facilities, with contracts for relief
                                                                                                      impossible to predict that face masks would       become an entrepreneur and employer. She
assistance at prime interest rates to alleviate   on personal loan repayments at 83 000 and
                                                                                                      become a booming business overnight.              is motivated to continue in business even
the financial burden and give customers the       home loans in excess of 33 000.
                                                                                                        The announcement by President Cyril             beyond the pandemic.
flexibility to repay the facility over flexible     In line with industry guidelines, FNB
                                                                                                      Ramaphosa that every citizen need to wear a          Nkowankowa enterpreneur, Sam
terms.                                            and WesBank continue to assist customers
                                                                                                      face mask when leaving the house gave birth       Ntsanwisi, and his wife Bella, also responded
   “Similarly, we continue to scale our           in good standing as at the end of February
                                                                                                      to the rise of a fabric masks trade.              to Ramaphosa’s call by starting their own
support for businesses to help them manage        2020, in particular those who cannot meet
                                                                                                        The streets of Tzaneen and surrounding          brand called Xonga Masks.
the immediate impact of the lockdown.             their credit agreement payments as a result
                                                                                                      towns are filled with mask sellers, with prices      The business is thriving as more and
   “We will also support businesses beyond        of COVID-19.
                                                                                                      ranging from as little as R20 to R60 each.        more orders are coming in. He recently
the lockdown through the COVID-19 Loan              The entities continue to work with industry
                                                                                                      One of the locals who took full advantage         made masks for a popular radio station in
Scheme that was recently announced by the         and Government to explore solutions for
                                                                                                      of this emerging market, is 23-year-old           Polokwane. “Our brand is different, because
Government.”                                      customers who may not qualify for relief
                                                                                                      Lebogang Mayimele from Madlhakazi village         our focus is on quality. We don’t buy cheap
   Chief executive of WesBank, Chris De           under the current criteria.
                                                                                                      in the N’wamitwa area.                            fabric with the hope to make more money,
Kock, “We have received a significant uptake        Customers are encouraged to use digital
                                                                                                        Mayimele, a part-time public management         We put our clients first,” he said.
from our customers on our COVID-19                channels to access most services, including
                                                                                                      student, borrowed a friend’s sewing machine          As it is still difficult to tell when things
payment relief options to dull the impact of      assistance with COVID-19 relief.
                                                                                                      to make her own masks. While she is busy          will get back to ‘normal’, this business
the crisis.                                         Furthermore, FNB customers can also
                                                                                                      producing the masks, her younger brother          seems to be the way to go. For more on the
   “We have provided relief to customers          use the Bank’s in-app messaging to request
                                                                                                      Nsuku Mayimele and two of his friends sell        merchandise follow the two businesses on
impacting installments to the value of R951       assistance with their day-to-day banking
                                                                                                      the merchandise in the streets.                   Facebook Lebogang Kgomotso Mayimele or
million.                                          enquiries and WesBank customers can
                                                                                                        “It is a viable business and the support        Samrec Productions.
   “Qualifying customers have either been         enquire via


Sakeman baklei teen siekte - Letabaherald Epaper
LETABA HERALD Friday May 15, 2020 							 NEWS                                                                                                                                        7

Police foil ATM bombing                                                                          CLASSIFIEDS
                                                                                                                                                                  Tel: 015-307-5050
                                                                                                                                                                 Fax: 015-307-5054
                                                                                                                                                    E-mail: recep

                                                                                                                0000                                              VERVOER

                                                                                                               0008                                          STEYNBERG
                                                                                                                                                             T R O K             &
                                                                                                            EMPLOYMENT                                       TREKKER
                                                                                                                                                             8 TON TROKKE
                                                                                                          EMPLOYMENT                                         TE HUUR. R23.50
                                                                                                            NEEDED                                           /KM + BTW,

Some of the undisclosed amount of money         A firearm and explosives confiscated from               In desparate need of                                 8 TON KOELER
found in the suspect’s car.                     suspected ATM bombers in Lephepane Village.             work. Any work that                                  TROK R26/KM +
                                                                                                        hand on available. I                                 BTW,
                                                                                                        have        Matric,
                                                                                                        National Technical                                   12 TON TROK
                                                                                                        certificate (Electrical                              R25.50/KM + BTW
                                                                                                        semi-skilled)    code
                                                                                                                                                             & 20 TON @
                                                                                                        10 driver`s licence. I
                                                                                                        can speak Englsih            JHWZKDW                R32.50/KM + BTW
                                                                                                        fluently.                             \RX·UH
                                                                                                                                            ORRNLQJ          LOWBED
                                                                                                        0796596264                              IRU         TRAILER      @
                                                                                                                       AM004198                              R32.50/KM +BTW,

                                                                                                                                    2nd HAND SHOP            6 CUBE TIPPER
                                                                                                                                                             @ R25/KM + BTW

                                                                                                                                   Bargains Galore. We       EENRIGTING
                                                                                                               0015                buy,    sell    and       SKAKEL      VIR
                                                                                                          ACCOMMODATION            pawn.Best Value for       KWOTASIE:
                                                                                                                                   your money . Visit us     0764109503
                                                                                                           Wegbreekplek            at 11 Plantationroad      /0828517139 OF
                                                                                                                                   Tzaneen     .    Call     015-    3451192
                                                                                                                                   0153071171          /     /0846270956
                                                                                                        Op     soek      na        0824728483                SKAKEL      VIR
                                                                                                        wegbreekplek    reg                                  KWOTASIE:
                                                                                                        langs Tzaneen dam?                                   0764109503    of
A getaway vehicle confiscated by the police.                                                            Skoon,     netjiese                                  0828517139
                                                                                                        akkommodasie               CLASSIFIEDS
SWIFT action by the police led to the foiling      He said during the arrest, police                    beskikbaar. Skakel
of an ATM bombing and the arrests of seven      confiscated a firearm and ammunition,                   083- 304-0172.                     0019                     0024
suspects at Bokgaga Village last week.          explosives, aan undisclosed amount of cash,                                            PETS CORNER            PROPERTIES TO LET
IT is allegedly that the suspects driving in    balaclavas and hand cloves.                                    0016
a silver Audi were planning to bomb an             The suspects' getaway vehicle was also                                            PETS CORNER
ATM at Lephepane village when they were         confiscated.
arrested.                                          The suspects identified as John Khethiwe                  SERVICES              House wanted for
  Police spokesperson, Brig Motlafela           Mahlangu (33), Maria Danny Mahlangu                                                Bree. She is an 18
Mojapelo said that they conducted an            (43), Lepheni Patrick Mashego (40), Tebogo                PALA PAVE !!!!           month old spayed
intelligence driven joint operation after       Lukas Molewa (34), Elias Dumisani Nkosi                                            pedigree        Duch
information was received about the planned      (41), Wonderboy Nsibane (40) and Randy                                             Shepherd        (with
                                                                                                        FOR      :   paving,       papers)          and
crime.                                          Phisang Patsi (24) were denied bail when
                                                                                                        precast walls (new &       preferably a single
  When the police approached the vehicle        they appeared the Lenyenye magistrate's                 repairs)                   dog      family   dog.
which was parked next to the targeted ATM,      court last Wednesday.                                                              Highly trained (by
the suspects drove off and managed to              Their case of possession of unlicensed               Free     Quotations.       Brave       Heart    `
escape.                                         firearm and ammunition and conspiracy to                Established 1976           certificate available)
  The police followed and arrested them at      commit ATM bombing was postponed to                     Contact 082 902            as an attack on
their hideout in Bokgaga Village.               May 13, pending further investigation.                  8867/015 781 0413          command guard dog
                                                                                                        free quotes                although NOT a

Minister warns municipalities
                                                                                                                                   fighter.    Extremely
                                                                                                                                   alert, loving animal.
                                                                                                                                   Based in Tzaneen.
                                                                                                        CLASSIFIEDS                Contact       Howard
MINISTER of water and sanitation, Lindiwe       people for failing to pay their water bills.                                                     AM004199
Sisulu, has appealed to municipalities              We must all rally around the government’s                   0017
to refrain from cutting water supply to         call to wash our hands frequently in order for                SERVICES
residents.                                      us to defeat the coronavirus pandemic,” said                                       CLASSIFIEDS
  This, she said, deprives residents of their   Sisulu.                                                         DASS
basic human right of access to clean water.        She further said that the cutting of water           Refrigeration,     air            0020
  Sisulu’s appeal comes after the department    supply hampers the government’s efforts to              conditioning.
                                                                                                        Repairs, spares and         TRANSPORT / TAXIS /
received thousands of frantic callers           fight the spread of the virus.
complaining about municipalities who have          “The maintenance of hygiene standards by
                                                                                                        services to all makes           COURIERS
                                                                                                        of      domestic                                             0030
cut off water supply to residents who are in    everyone is key to containing and eventually            appliances. Speed
arrears.                                        defeating the pandemic,” Sisulu said in a               Queen,     Whirlpool,
                                                                                                                                     DUVENHAGE                    LIVESTOCK
  “This is not the time to be punishing         statement.                                                                         MEUBELVERVOER
                                                                                                        Defy, Bosch, etc. We
                                                                                                        collect and deliver.                                 SHEEP FOR SALE
                                                                                                                                   Where`s the fairy

Car seller robbed of his vehicle
                                                                                                        11 Plantation Rd,                                      AT WOODII
                                                                                                                                   Godmother       when
                                                                                                        Tzaneen.                   you     need     help
                                                                                                        015-307-1798 / 082         packing          and
                                                                                                        -898-0468.                                          13 km from Tzaneen
                                                                                                                       AM004165    moving? Bel Marlien      via Letsitele (R71).
A 36-year-old man who was privately selling     the victim and took his car keys,” said police                                     vir enige trekke,groot   Please contact
                                                                                                                                   of klein, naby of ver.
his VW City Golf was robbed of his car at       spokesperson, Brig Motlafela Mojapelo.                                             Ons      doen     ook
Nkowankowa last week.                              Mojapelo said the suspects drove away and               SECURITY                                         Phillip
                                                                                                          STEELWORKS               verpakking.
   It is alleged that the victim received       disappeared with the victim's vehicle which                                        0832528928
                                                                                                         CONSTRUCTION                                       082 450 0348.
a phone call from a potential buyer and         is blue in colour with registation numbers                                                       AM004170
immediately drove to the area to meet him.      BHJ 594L and valued at R40 000.                         We specialize in burglar
   “When he arrived, he allegedly found two
men and they started with the negotiations.
                                                   Anyone with information that can lead to
                                                the arrest of the suspects involved in this
                                                                                                         proofing, security and
                                                                                                        access gates, palisade       NU\ZDW                         0035
                                                                                                                                                                   FOR SALE
While they were busy, three other men           matter and recovery of the vehicle, may                 fencing, electric gate &
                                                                                                        garage motors, paving            M\
emerged from nowhere, one armed with            contact Capt Freddie Lubbe on 082 565 8265                                                                      FOR SALE!!!!
a firearm. One of the suspects then fired       or the crime stop number 0860010111 or the                and light to medium
several shots randomly while others grabbed     nearest police station.                                    steel and general                                Supermarket       and
                                                                                                         construction. We also                              Hardware           on
                                                                                                         service and repair all                             80mx120m       stand
52 people arrested in Tzaneen over the past week
                                                                                                                                   VERVOER & VERPAK
                                                                                                         makes of electric gate       VAN MEUBELS           situated in Leretjeni
                                                                                                          and garage motors.         SKAKEL MELODY          Village,   Bolobedu
TZANEEN police have arrested 52 people for      common, two were arrested for theft, and an                                           VIR KWOTASIE          South. Busy Area.
                                                                                                                                       015-345-1192/        Price Negotiable.
various crimes over the past week.              additional two people were arrested for rape.               Contact Mike on            084-627-0956/
  Thirty-five (35) people were arrested for       Two for possession of housebreaking                       071 302 8909 or            076-410-9503/
                                                                                                                                    082-851- 7139 epos:     Contact             Mr
contravening the disaster management act,       implements, one for house breaking                           082 298 5352
four were arrested for assault GBH (grievious   and theft, another one was arrested for                                  
                                                                                                           dedamsteelworks         web: www.steynbergm      Nakana@0760833765
bodily harm), three were arrested for assault   shoplifting and another for crimen injuria.                      eubel      for viewing.
                                                                                                                                                 AM004168                   AM004197
Sakeman baklei teen siekte - Letabaherald Epaper
8 							                                                                                     GENERAL                                                        LETABA HERALD Friday May 15, 2020

Landbouers op die voorpunt van innovasie

Piet Smit, hoofuitvoerende beampte van Komati Groep. Onder is Simon Tattersall van Afrupro.        Pieter Vorster van Mahela. Onder is Zander Ernst van Allesbeste.

Karen Engelbrecht                                                        tekorte aan vragmotors       “Die uitdaging gaan wees of                                          watter produkte mense
                                                                         om die vrugte hawens      die koopkrag wêreldwyd sterk                                            spesifiek het.
DIE plaaslike vrugtebedryf                                               toe te neem.              gaan bly. Wanneer volumes                                                  “Ons besef dus dat
het innoverende                                                             “Vraghouers waarin     markte versadig en verbruik                                             ongeag die voordelige
planne gemaak om                                                         die vrugte uitgevoer      weens swak koopkrag                                                     situasie waarin ons
die uitdagings van die                                                   word, was aanvanklik      onstaan, gaan die pryse onder                                           tans is, ons wel
koronaviruspandemie te                                                   ook moeilik verkygbaar,   druk kom. Ons is prysnemers                                             ’n konserwatiewe
oorkom.                                                                  maar al die probleme      en dinge kan vinnig verander,”                                          benadering moet
  Pieter Vorster, direkteur                                              is redelik vinning        sê Vorster.                                                             volg. Terwyl ons nou
van korporatiewe sake en                                                 opgelos deur goeie           Smit sê ook dat die invloed                                          goed presteer met die
ontwikkeling by Mahela                                                   samewerking tussen die    van Covid-19 is tans positief,                                          wisselkoers, gaan dit
en voorsitter van Letaba                                                 regeringsdepartemente,    omdat verbruikers wêreldwyd                                             ’n enorme effek op ons
Agri, sê streng protokolle                                               Agbiz, Agri-SA            op soek is na vitamine C.                                               insetkoste hê vir die
en regulasies is in plek                                                 en die Sitrus                “Die persepsie dat daar                                              volgende oes.”
gestel sodat hul mense                                                   Kwekersvereniging         nie genoeg vrugte in die                                                   Ernst is passievol dat
in die veiligste moontlike                                               (CGA).”                   wêreld beskikbaar is nie, kan produsente en        plaaslike ondernemings ondersteun moet
omstandighede kan oes en                                                    Vorster sê dit is      bemarkers ietwat om die bos lei en moontlik        word.
vrugte pak.                                      moontlik dat daar later weer ‘n tekort            verkeerde besluite laat neem. Daar is tans            “Die belangrikste boodskap is om sakelui
  “In ons pakhuise is baie mense nodig           in vraghouers kan ontstaan. “Wanneer              voldoende vrugte in die wêreld (Argentinië,        in Tzaneen en omgewing die sekerheid te
om die werk te doen en dit is hier waar ons      daar min beweging in handel is, kan die           Peru, Turkye, Egipte en selfs China) wat nog       gee dat ons plaaslike besighede ondersteun.
innoverend en effektiewe maatreëls in plek       situasie maklik verander. Op die oomblik          nie uitgevoer kan word nie, maar binnekort         Dis vir my ’n riem onder die hart om reeds
moes stel.”                                      gaan dit nog goed, maar dit kan vinnig            op die mark kan opeindig,” sê hy.                  te sien watter vindingryke planne plaaslike
  Mahela is tans besig om hul sitrus te          verander soos wat die volumes toeneem.               “Ons is baie bewus daarvan dat die              entrepeneurs mee voor en dag kom om selfs
pluk. Die seisoen strek vanaf April tot einde    Ons is dankbaar vir die owerhede wat in           markstruktuur en verbruikspatrone in die           nuwe markte te betree.”
September.                                       moeilike omstandighede, op die oomblik tog        buiteland baie verander het. Die fokus het na         Teen die agtergrond van die droogte wat
  Hy sê wetgewing vereis sekere afstande         behulpsaam is.”                                   kleinhandel en supermarkte geskuif omdat           nou in die vyfde seisoen is, kan Covid-19
tussen werknemers wat                                                        Afrupro sê            varsproduktemarkte, hotelle en restaurante         verdere uitdagings bied, sê Vorster.
in pakhuise in relatiewe                                                  avokadoprodusente        in meeste lande gesluit is.                           “Met die Tzaneendam op 20% en die
beperkte ruimtes moet                                                     vaar ook goed.              “Verder laat Covid 19-reisbeperkings die        Ebenezerdam op 18%, en ons aan die einde
plaasvind. “Ons werk soos                                                 Simon Tattersall,        meeste Europeërs                                                        van die reënseisoen
wat dit in ’n duikboot                                                    hoofuitvoerende          nie toe om op                                                           staan, is die prentjie
werk, opgedeel in                                                         beampte, sê hulle        hul gebruiklike                                                         vanaf Oktober glad
“kompartemente” waar                                                      is so 40% deur die       somervakansies                                                          nie gunstig nie. Indien
sekere afdelings in die                                                   avokadoseisoen. Hy sê    te gaan nie, wat ‘n                                                     die Tzaneen- en
pakhuise nie met mekaar                                                   dit was vir hulle ook    verdere omwenteling                                                     Ebenezerdamvlakke nie
“meng” nie. So kan ons                                                    ‘n uitdaging om aan      in verbruikspatrone                                                     gaan styg voor die winter
sekere gedeeltes isoleer van                                              al die veiligheids- en   kan veroorsaak,” sê                                                     nie, gaan Dag Zero
mekaar,” sê Vorster.                                                      reinigingsregulasies     Smit.                                                                   arriveer voordat ’n oes
  Piet Smit,                                                              in veral pakhuise te        “Die Komati Groep                                                    vir 2021 kan set. Dit sal
hoofuitvoerende beampte                                                   voldoen, maar kon dit    is baie bekommerd                                                       katastrofiese gevolge vir
van Komati Groep, sê                                                      suksesvol oorbrug.       oor die langer termyn                                                   ons hele omgewing tot
ook hulle het reeds in                                                    “Twee skofte is          effek van Covid                                                         gevolg hê,” sê Vorster.
Februarie begin met                                                       ingestel wat heeltemal   19-beperkinge op                                                           “Met die onbekende
bewusmakingsprogramme aan hul 3500               afsonderlik werk.”                                die besteebare inkomste en koopkrag van            terrein van Covid-19, maak dit hierdie
werknemers. Komati verbou ‘n wye reeks              Hy sê die uitvoer van advokado’s verloop       gebruikers.”                                       prentjie nog meer uitdagend. Dit, met
produkte, waaronder sitrus, avokado’s,           goed en dat goeie pryse behaal word. Tog             Volgens hom sal die Komati Groep se             die droogtevooruitsigte, sal daar nou
makadamias en bloubessies wat strek van          het advokadoverkope plaaslik afgeneem             sakemodel nie noodwendig drasties verander         baie innoverend beplan moet word
Letsitele tot in die Laeveld.                    weens die sluiting van restaurante en             nie.                                               om katastrofiese gevolge te voorkom.
  Komati het ‘n maatskappy-spesifieke plan       hotelle. “Die verlies aan verkope weens              “Daar word wel deeglik gekyk word               Indringende besparings op begrotings is
opgestel om verspreiding van die virus te        klein en beskadigde vrugte as gevolg van          na uitstel van kapitale vervangings- en            van kardinale belang. Beplan vir die slegste
voorkom. “Ons bestuursplan laat onder meer       die droogte en nou ook die Covid-19-              ontwikkelingsuitgawes.                             scenario,” sê hy.
mense toe om soveel moontlik van die huis af     pandemie, het kort- tot mediumtermyn                 “Die lesse wat ons uit die Covid 19-proses         Suid-Afrika het van die beste en mees
te werk. Die werksmag is verminder om net        kostebesparingsmaatreëls tot gevolg gehad.”       neem sal ons wel in die toekoms meer ernstig       verantwoordelike boere in die wêreld.
die mees kritiese areas aan te spreek, soos         Zander Ernst van die avokadoprodusent,         laat kyk na aanwending van menslike en             “Indien ons ongestoord toegelaat word
besproeiing.”                                    Allesbeste, bevestig dat uitvoeravokadopryse      ander hulpbronne en gebruik van tegnologie         om ons werk te doen sal voedselsekerheid
  Komati het ook plastiekskerms gebou            baie goed is. “Peru, ons grootste kompetisie,     sonder om die omgewing en gemeenskappe             en -veiligheid nooit ‘n risiko word nie. Dit
om kontak tussen mense in die pakhuise           kon nie volumes lewer nie aangesien die land      om ons te benadeel,” sê hy.                        is egter moeilik om met ‘n voortdurende
te verminder en kontrakteurs wat plukkers        se inperkings en infrastruktuur hul ingeperk         Ook Ernst is bekommerd oor                      vrees van regeringsinmenging positief en
en pakhuispersoneel vervoer, is bygestaan        het. Dit het vir ons ’n besonderse geleentheid    veranderende markte. “Niemand van ons kan          produktief te bly,” sê Smit
met die verhoogde kostes wat deur die            in die vroeë mark gegee met buitengewone          bepaal hoe mense se inkomste en finansiële            Wat Ernst veral opval is hoe
beperkings op getalle wat in voertuie mag ry,    pryse. Dit is goeie nuus dat avokado’s meer       situasie gaan wees na die pandemie nie.            arbeidsverhoudinge te midde die pandemie
teweeg gebring is.                               veerkragtig is as wat ons verwag het midde        Ons moet dus nie blind wees in landbou en          verbeter het. “Die interafhanklikheid
  Smit sê hulle het aanvanklik logistieke        die pandemie.”                                    dink ons is veilig nie. Die sweepslag mag          van arbeid en besigheid was nog nooit
probleme ondervind om hul uitvoervrugte             Sitruspryse is op die oomblik ook              ons maande later dalk eers tref in die vorm        so duidelik nie. Ons is wel verstom oor
by hawens te kry weens inspeksiedienste wat      gunstig as gevolg van die goeie aanvraag en       van verlaagde verbruik. Dit kan ’n masiewe         die volgehoue samewerking midde die
met net die nodigste personeel gewerk het en     wisselkoers.                                      effek hê op die verbruik van produkte en           pandemie.”
Sakeman baklei teen siekte - Letabaherald Epaper
LETABA HERALD Friday May 15, 2020 					             GENERAL   9

Elephants protect babies from wild dogs
MOTHERS in the wild will go to all ends to
protect their young and elephants are the
epitome of this phenomenon.
  Latest Sightings, an online platform where
animal behaviour in the wild is reported, showed
a herd of elephants forming a shield around the
babies of the herd to protect them from a pack of
wild dogs.
  This incredible sighting was streamed in real
time on SafariLive to thousands of people around
the world. SafariLive streams game drives from
Djuma, Sabi Sands, Greater Kruger Park in
South Africa.
  “This sighting allowed thousands to witness
just how protective elephants are when it comes
to their babies,” said Latest Sightings on their
  The video starts off with Brent Leo-Smith, a
wildlife enthusiast and safari guide, following a
pack of wild dogs. The video shows the wild dogs
moving along a road as they found themselves
head on with a herd of elephants. “The elephants
sounded the alarm, as they had several calves
in the herd. Rushing to surround the calves, the
elephants created a circle and faced the dogs,”
Latest Sightings reported.
  “Elephants are known to hate predators,
no matter if there is a threat or not, and were
not happy about these wild dogs being in their
  Leo-Smith said that he had never heard of wild
dogs attacking elephants, but the elephants were
not taking any chances.
  Fortunately, the situation resolved itself when
the wild dogs ran in the opposite direction,
clearly reluctant to take on the world’s largest
land mammals.
Sakeman baklei teen siekte - Letabaherald Epaper
10 							                                                                               GENERAL                                                   LETABA HERALD Friday May 15, 2020

                                                                   WoWee-Woensdag innie wolke
                                                                   COVID-19 kon Plasies se kultuurtiere nie keer om hul slag     Die kultuurprefekte het op ‘n paar kunstenaars se
                                                                   te wys en konsert te hou nie.                               knoppies gedruk, en opnames is aangestuur.
                                                                     Hoërskool Merensky se kunstenaars het op Woensdag 6         Die resultaat was ‘n eerste “Wowee innie wolke” wat met
                                                                   Mei hul buiging in die kuberruim met ‘n virtuele konsert    groot sukses afgeskop het.
                                                                   gemaak.                                                       Binne ‘n dag het die konsert op YouTube byna 700
                                                                     Tradisioneel is WoweeWoensdae ‘n pousekonsert in die      besoeke gehad.
                                                                   Byekorf, wat natuurlik nie tydens inperking moontlik was      Belangstellendes kan dit steeds by MHS Plasies op
                                                                   nie.                                                        YouTube kyk.

Capricorn FM hosts
Grade 12 lessons
KAGISO Trust partnered with the Limpopo's education
department to provide #KagisoRadioTeachers lessons on radio
stations in Limpopo.
   In an effort to support grade 12 learners from rural areas
who have no access to TV classes, computer or data, the              Anrietta van Wyk.                                            Hope Muvhango.
lessons will be hosted on Capricorn FM, Sekhukhune FM and
Tubatse FM.
    The premature closure of schools due to the outbreak of
COVID-19 in South Africa has resulted in challenges with
many learners missing out on large pieces of work especially in
term two.
   "Kagiso Trust has long believed that education is the key to
overcoming poverty. Over the past 16 years we have created
education programmes structured to have the highest impact
and greatest sustainability.
   Our work in the Free State is testament to that," CEO of the
organisation Mankodi Moitse said.
   The classes, which started on Monday 11 May will be
provided by expert appointed subjects teachers with an
excellent track record on the subjects they will teach.
   The Limpopo MEC for education, Polly Boshielo, said that
these are the teachers who recorded 80% and more pass rate
in the subjects that they have been teaching since 2017.
    "We believe that their expert content knowledge will benefit
more than 80% of the current grade 12 learners in Limpopo"
she said.
   Capricorn FM, the commercial radio station of Limpopo
which also covers areas in Tzaneen and Hoedspruit will focus
on MST subjects (Mathematics, Sciences and Technologies)
which covers Mathematics, Mathematics Literacy, Physical
Sciences, Life Sciences and Agricultural Sciences.
    "These are the subjects that are highly enrolled and
determine the standard and quality of education offered in
Limpopo province. Currently, the main subject of the five, that      Masechaba Sebata                                           Cayleigh Preecep
still poses a serious challenge in the province is Mathematics,
whose performance is still below the threshold," COO of
Kagiso Trust, Themba Mola said.
   Sekhukhune FM and Tubaste FM will focus on the other
seven non-MST subjects.
   They include English FAL, Sepedi HL, Accounting, Business
Studies, Economics, History and Geography.
   Each live broadcast lesson will last for an hour per day
during and after the lockdown period.
   The first 30 minutes is allocated to the teacher to mediate
learning and the other 30 minutes will be reserved to the
learners to interact with the teacher through questions or
   Content will largely cover term 1 and 2 scope and will be
supplemented by face to face contact sessions when learners
return to school.
   Capricorn FM will broadcast lessons on Monday to Friday at
17:00-18:00 on the 'Just Drive' show.
   Every Saturday and Sunday at 09:00-10:00 on 'The
Saturday Breakfast' and 'The Sunday Restoration' shows.
   Podcasts of the lessons will be available on the stations's
website for learners who are from other provinces.
    "In a province as large as Limpopo, radio is the perfect
platform to reach most learners.
   This is about exclusivity, it is about access to information.
    It is about gathering together around a radio like we once
all did.
    This is the new normal. We call upon everyone to support
the radio lessons and #KagisoRadioTeachers- local teachers,
broadcasting across Limpopo, straight into the homes of
learners" Moitse concluded.
                                                                     Hayleh Stephenson                                          Verliza Fox
LETABA HERALD Friday May 15, 2020 						 SPORT / COMMUNITY                                                                                                                                           11

Local golfers association
gives back to caddies

Some of the caddies that received food parcel hampers last Friday with vice-president, Pastor
Tebogo Ramoshaba and President, Ruffat Mokonyane of the Baobab Golf Association.

Busisiwe Maimela -            Tzaneen Cash & Carry and were packed and
                                                   transported for free from the store to the golf    Boxer stores introduces
                                                                                                      Hunger Relief programme
CADDIES at Tzaneen Country club were               course.
gifted food hampers by a golfers’ association         Upon addressing the caddies, Mokonyane
last week.                                         stated that the initiative was a joint effort by
  The Tzaneen-based Baobab Golfers’                the members of the club.
Association under the presidency of                   “This isn’t something that myself and
Ruffat Mokonyane, donated the hampers              pastor Tebogo Ramoshaba put together. We           BOXER supermarket stores will participate          including Best Cook, Shibobo, Golden Ray,
to permanently employed caddies at the             all decided that it is a good way to give back     in the company’s hunger relief programme           Fresh Wave, Teddy Soft, Baby Steps, Fruit
Tzaneen Country Club. Mokonyane told               to you for your service.”                          which aims to provide relief to struggling         Blast and Boxer products.
Herald that the members of the association            He further explained that a second set of       communities during this COVID-19 period.             Every time a customer buys any of these
raised money to provide food hampers for 21        donations was underway and that would                 As the community champion, Boxer is             brands, Boxer will donate 10c from every
permanently employed caddies.                      cover all the other caddies and employees          dedicated to serving and giving back to the        product purchased.
  “We managed to raise R8 100 in total and         alike.                                             communities they serve and shoppers who              The third phase is a cash donation
divided that amount among the 21 caddies              Vice-president of the golf club association,    have supported them everyday.                      which anyone can make through their
to which each hamper amounts to R385,72.           Ramoshaba, also addressed the caddies. “The           Their relief programme is divided into          website(
This is our way of giving back to them during      government is in talks about opening up golf       three phases.                                        After clicking on the ‘Hunger Relief’ link,
this time as they rely on the income they get      courses so until a final decision is made, we         The first phase involves shoppers donating      you will disclose the amount you want to
as caddies so they are very much affected by       cannot say whether this is a once-off or not.      any product they purchase from the store.          donate and will be contacted to facilitate the
this pandemic,” he stated.                         However, we are giving you these hampers              Shoppers can purchase any product which         donation.
  Mokonyane also handed out face masks to          so that you are able to continue being             they will place into the collection trolley that     All donations will be collected every
the caddies. The hampers were provided by          breadwinners.”                                     is placed at the front of every Boxer store.       week and identified NPOs per store will be
                                                                                                         The second phase of the programme is            assisted in the communities served by the
                                                                                                      a collaboration between various brands             supermarket.

Families challenged to
show off their skills at home

One of the KFC Mini Cricket coaches tarining
one of the young cricketers in Polokwane           Marcello Piedt coaching one of the KFC Mini
recently.                                          Cricket players in Polokwane recently.

TAKING a cue from thousands of KFC                   Hendricks alongside Rassie van der
Mini-Cricket kids who have found ways              Dussen and Temba Bavuma, are sharing
to continue to play their favourite game           their Mini’er Cricket moments with South
under lockdown, KFC is challenging them            Africa whilst under national lockdown.
to share how they’ve turned their passages           This initiative is KFC’s continued efforts
into pitches and stoeps into stadiums, with        to help promote children keeping active as
Mini’er Cricket.                                   means to help them develop as it forms part
  KFC Mini’er Cricket is all about                 of learning and skills development.
substituting household items for traditional         This will also help them navigate through
cricket gear like rolling pins instead of bats,    everyday life, keep their energies up and give
socks instead of balls and washing baskets         them an environment to improve other skills.
  instead of wickets to keep the passion for         Cricket enthusiasts are encouraged to
cricket alive under lockdown.                      show their creativity and share their Mini’er
   Josh Hendricks and his dad, Proteas             Cricket moments on social media and tag
player Beuran Hendricks have led the way           @KFCSA and using #minicricket to stand
when it comes to finding innovative ways to        a chance to win epic KFC Mini-Cricket
play their favourite game, while staying safe      hampers.
at home.
32 Boundary Street • Tzaneen • 0850

                                                  Tel: 015 307 5050         • Web:

ABO-boogskiet is ‘n baie gewilde item in die sport. Driedimensionele poppe van diere word op ‘n baan geplaas waarna die skuts dan skiet.

Boog in die hand, pyle in die kol
 Karen Engelbrecht -             In Limpopo is daar ook klubs in Polokwane          “Dit is geskik vir senior leerders en           en herhaal.”
                                                  en Phalaborwa.                                     volwassenes, dit is meer uitdagend omdat              Hoewel hulle boë vir beginners het, beveel
BOOGSKIET is soos terapie, dit verg uiterse          Oosthuizen sê die sport neem in                 niemand seker is wat die afstand van die dier      hulle aan dat elkeen sy eie boog koop.
konsenstrasie en na ‘n moeilike dag laat dit      gewildheid toe, veral in Gauteng waar              is nie.”                                              “’n Boog word vir ‘n indiwidu ingestel
jou van alles om jou vergeet!                     binnenshuise boogskiet groot aanhang                  Die laaste item waaraan deelgeneem word,        volgens sy of haar vemoëns of tekortkomings.
  Seph Oosthuizen, afrigter en voorsitter         geniet.                                            is die “veldklas” (field class) wat vir ervare        “Dit is moeilik om dit elke keer te doen
van die Merensky Boogskietklub, sê dit               “In Limpopo is tradisionele jagboë              skuts geskik is.                                   voordat jy nog begin oefen.”
neem dissipline om ‘n goeie skut te word.         (compact bow) gewild, maar is Gauteng is die          Dit is oor ‘n afstand van 80 treë en vir die       Merensky Hoërskool het ‘n baie goeie
“Dit is ‘n vaardigheid wat oorspoel na ander      gebruik van die sogenaamde Robin Hood-             jong kinders is dit baie ver om te stap en         toegeruste boogskietbaan.
lewensfere soos skoolwerk.                        boë gewilder,” sê Oosthuizen.                      hulle raak te moeg, sê Oosthuizen.                    Die seniors oefen op Maandae op hul
  “Dit leer jou om te fokus, jy sny jouself          Binnenshuise boogskiet word op ‘n afstand          “As jy onfiks is en jou hartklop is vinnig en   eie, op Dinsdae oefen die juniors en word
af van wat rondom jou aangaan en jy               van 20 treë (yards) geskiet en word as intree-     jy bewe, kan jy die boog nie beheer nie en sal     daar gewerk om hul konsentrasievermoëns
konsentreer net op jouself, die boog en die       item aanbeveel.                                    jy nie goed vaar nie.”                             te verbeter, op Woensdae word die ABO-
teiken.”                                             Meeste van die kompetisies vir die item            Om die sport te bemeester, verg                 item ingeoefen en op Donderdae word alle
  Hoewel die klub by die Hoërskool                word in Gauteng aangebied en die klub reis         uithouvermoë.                                      afstande geoefen.
Merensky gesetel is, kan enigiemand daaraan       dikwels naweke daarheen om deel te neem.              Dikwels raak kinders gefrustreerd omdat            Merensky Boogskietklub bied jaarliks ‘n
behoort.                                              Die sogenaamde ABO-item, waar                  dit lank neem totdat die perfekte balans,          groot binnenshuise kampioenskap by Die
  “Tans het die klub meer as 30 lede,             driedimensionele diere (poppe) tussen 10-          posisie en aksie gevind word.                      Eiland Spa aan. Mense wat belang stel om by
waarvan heelwat nie noodwendig leerders by        60 treë geplaas word, is ook ‘n baie gewilde          “Elkeen moet dit vir homself kan uitwerk        Merensky Boogskietklub aan te sluit, kan vir
Merensky is nie.”                                 item.                                              en wanneer jy dit regkry, moet jy dit onthou       Oosthuizen skakel by 071 199 3147.
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