Page created by Vivian Kim

WEES VEILIG      Was jou
                                     Dra jou masker!   hande

Cough/sneeze                                                        Moenie kos,          Clean and
                  Avoid contact                                  skryfbehoeftes en   disinfect surfaces
into your bent   with other people
    elbow                                                         benodigdhede            regularly
                                                                      deel nie

02    Headmaster's Message
02    Governing Body
03    Personeel
05    Head Prefects
06    Prefects
07    Farewells
09    2019 Matric Results
10    Cultural Achievements
11    Sporting Achievements
12    Academic Achievements
14    Grade 12’s
19    Reports and Clubs
22    Gr12 Design
24    Grade 8
25    Lockdown Motivation
26    Matrics in Colour
28    Sport
32    Drama
34    Music
37    Matric Dance
39    Parel Valleiers at School

                                                           Hanna van Zyl

                                               2020 has challenged Par
                                                                       el Vallei,
                                            but we handled the pan
                                                                   demic in style.
                                         Though, none of it would
                                                                  have been possible
                                             without Winston's com
                                                                   forting smile.
                                             In 2018 he started walkin
                                                                       g the passages
                                          and he ran his way straigh
                                                                      t into our hearts.
                                            His Blue Thread spirit alw
                                                                       ays reminds us
                                       that the whole is greate
                                                               r than the sum of its par
                                                  Happy Birthday Winston,
                                            we love you and your slo
                                                                     bbery kisses.
                                               Thank you for your dogg
                                                                        y hugs,
                                           we send you all the bes
                                                                  t holiday wishes!

Die blad is moontlik gemaak deur
die volgende medewerkers:
Samestellers: Parel Vallei-personeel
olv W Steenkamp
Redigering: M Steenkamp
Voorbladontwerp: F Visser
Bladuitleg en DTP: C Mullineux TA
Holy Cow Design
Foto's verskaf deur: Parel Vallei
Fotografieklub, SA Schools
Photography, R Blomerus, G Botha
en personeel van onderskeie

Headmaster’s Message

    Dear Parel Valleiers/Beste Parel Valleiers

    2020 will forever be remembered as a year that changed lives on
    a national and international scale. The limited contents of this
    yearbook bears testimony to that! The year started off as normal
    and term 1 was completed (almost) without a hitch … but then
    came Corona. None of us saw this coming and we are still a little
    bit confused as to how it caught all of us unawares.

    Die res van die jaar se reëlings en aktiwiteite is gekanselleer en
    prioriteit is gegee aan die akademie. Daar is talle stories van
    families wat swaar kry, mense wat gehelp het, nuwe vaardighede
    wat geleer moes word, frustrasie, verlies en nog baie meer wat
    nie hier sal verskyn nie, maar ons het deur gekom. Die 2020-jaarboek
    sal vir ewig dien as 'n bron van wat wel gebeur het in 2020, asook
    dit wat nie gebeur het nie.

    Treasure this copy. Make notes in it. Get friends to sign it. And ….
    let’s hope we never go through this again. Remember to TUNGU
    in all that you do then nothing will get you down.

    Parel Vallei sal altyd staan as 'n baken van uitnemendheid - ongeag
    die omstandighede. Mag die “Blue Thread” altyd met jou wees.

    D M Schenck 2020                                                                     Principal: Mr David Schenck

Message from the Governing Body
                                                  As this SGB term comes to an end, we too
                                                  were hoping for a very different year for Parel
                                                  Vallei but there is still much to be thankful for.           “I am thankful for the
                                                  I want to take this opportunity to express                  adversities, which have
                                                  gratitude to all - teachers, learners,
                                                  management teams and parents for the                     crossed my pathway, for they
                                                  wonderful response of discipline and resilience              taught me tolerance,
                                                  to a year in which the 'rules of the game' had
                                                  radically changed. If adversity reveals character           sympathy, self-control,
                                                  then much encouragement can be taken from                  perseverance and some
                                                  the PV community's response to 2020.
                                                                                                                other virtues I might
                                                  I would also like to thank my current SGB                     never have known.”
                                                  colleagues who have given freely of their time,
                                                  energy and expertise in nurturing and building

Governing Body: Bruce van Rensburg
                                                  an environment of excellence - always doing                      Napoleon Hill
                                                  so with the best interests of PV and all her
2020 - What can we say! This global               learners in mind. For me, it has been a
pandemic has not only reminded us of how          privilege to work with such a professional and
fragile life and our plans can be but this year   dedicated team and to be afforded the
of adversity has also given us an opportunity     opportunity to serve one of the best schools
to renew our appreciation for those things        in South Africa in this way.
that really matter.
                                                  Once again, your support has been highly
“I am thankful for the adversities, which have    valued and the SGB wishes our Parel Vallei
crossed my pathway, for they taught me            family a safe and wonderful festive season.
tolerance, sympathy, self-control,
perseverance and some other virtues I might       Parel Vallei regards,
never have known.” - Napoleon Hill                Bruce van Rensburg


    Staff: FRONT: A Prinsloo, P Ellis, F du Toit, M Steenkamp, H Traut, N Duvenage, D Schenck, A Muller, E Kets, J de Kock, S Manthey, W Steenkamp
    2nd ROW: D Matshayana, M du Preez, A Möller, M Madsen-Leibold, L Kriel, R Marais, N Fourie, M de Villiers, H van der Merwe, R Blomerus, E van Wyk, M Bredell, E Kruger, G Jacobs, D Mockey
    3rd ROW: J Buchan, A Pretorius, M Wessels, E Mackenzie, W Grundlingh, S Morgenrood, M Botha, A Adams, M Stander, A van Wyk, M Spangenberg, K van Rooyen, J de Villiers, M du Toit, E de Klerk, G Botha
    4th ROW: L Uys, R Swanepoel, M Steyn, D le Roux, L van der Merwe, J Yoko, C Isaacs, F Piek, Y Pienaar, R Viljoen, K Rohwer, D Burger, H Barnardo, T Falconer, D Karlsen
    5th ROW: N Murray, L Burger, S Allers, M Kuhn, A Duvenhage, T Koekemoer, J du Plooy, L Opperman, J Dednam, L van der Merwe, J Franken, J van Niekerk, M Boshoff, S de Clercq
    BACK: D Spijkers, D Combe, W van Rooyen, W Adams, F Visser, J Schenck, W Burger, A Fritz, J Labuschagne, H Cloete, J Pitout, C Fourie, T Brown

Uitvoerende bestuurspan
A Muller; S Manthey; J de Kock; N Duvenage; E Kets; D Schenck

Graadhoofde                                                                             Senior personeel
AGTER: W Steenkamp; H Cloete; F du Toit; J Labuschagne; F Visser                        AGTER: M Steenkamp; J de Kock; H Traut
VOOR: L van der Merwe; A Prinsloo; D Schenck; P Ellis; R Blomerus; E van Wyk            VOOR: E Kets; N Duvenage; D Schenck; A Muller; S Manthey

Ground Staff                                                                            Administratiewe personeel
BACK: C Nocephe; J Kisimisi; C Dlove; A Manusse; M Nncam; M Sinolelo                    AGTER: A Adams; S Morgenrood; G Botha; K van Rooyen; J Buchan
MIDDLE: P Jamba; P Nkosikho; R Major; J Martin; W Maqengu; J Mofolo; P Johannes         VOOR: J de Villiers; T Brown; D Schenck; M Boshoff; L Burger
FRONT: M Keneouoe; M Phogolo; A Steenkamp; L Schenck; R McNally; R Jacobs; P Phillips


Head Boy and Girl: Ryan Beavon and Patricia Potgieter

Ryan’s Message                                              We have all received such an amazing foundation           Maya Angelou said: “I've learned that people will
                                                            to grow from, so you can look forward to your next        forget what you said, people will forget what you
“You can't go back and change the beginning, but            chapter knowing that you will not only survive but        did, but people will never forget how you made
you can start where you are now and change the              thrive! Everyone always says that after high school       them feel.”
ending.” - C.S. Lewis                                       you all go your separate ways and you seldom keep
                                                            in touch with everyone from school. We might all          Life isn't about success or personal gain. It's not
2020. What a strange, roller coaster of a year. Let         go our separate ways, but after this year, after          even about making the most memories and chasing
us be sure that we never forget it, but for all the         everything we have been through and conquered,            a 'fulfilling life'. It's about love. It's about selflessness.
right reasons. Let us remember this year as the year        I know that in 10 years we will be hearing about all      It's about constant competition with those around
we won both the athletics trophy and the spirit             the successes of the Bulldogs of 2020. We will be         you to leave people happier than you found them.
trophy for interschools, the year with Mr Schenck's         singing along to hit songs that one of our 2020           If someone makes you happy, make them happier!
weekly vlogs, the year we got to sleep in every             Bulldogs released, we will be enticed by our 2020
morning, and the year when we finally got our wish          Bulldogs in movies and series, we will be blown           If there is one thing I take pride in at having attended
of wearing civvies to school every day. We must             away by amazing new inventions one of our 2020            PV for 5 years, it is to have been associated with a
remember it for all the positives. As C.S. Lewis said:      Bulldogs made, which changes our lives forever,           school that produces learners that make the world
we can't go back and change what happened, our              and I am sure we will be utterly confused by the          a better place. I have heard many a compliment
options are to either do nothing and hope that we           work some of our 2020 Bulldogs do which earns             about the children at PV being welcoming and
someday can do the impossible and change the                them a Nobel Prize. So, we might all be in different      generous and kind and helpful and selfless. If that
past, or we can face these challenges and make              places in the future, but we will always be one, as       doesn't define a successful school, I don't know
sure something good comes out of it.                        the Bulldogs of 2020, connected by the Blue Thread.       what does.
Looking back at this year, I think this was the year        It has been an honour to lead the school. I wish you      Endings are never fun. We all wish it could have
we all, as the PV bulldogs, each truly showed what          all the best for what lies ahead for you.                 lasted a little longer. But how lucky are we that we
TUNGU means, because although we all had to                                                                           got to experience something so great that we wish
face so many challenges, we turned up and we                                                                          it didn't have to end? And the best part about one
never gave up.                                              Ryan Beavon - Head Boy 2020
                                                                                                                      phase of our life ending is that we still have so much
                                                                                                                      to look forward to! How great is it knowing that
I would also love to thank the staff of PV for your
                                                                                                                      some of the best moments of our lives haven't even
outstanding work and dedication to us. Wherever             Patricia’s Message
you were, if it was in the classroom, on the sports                                                                   happened yet?!
field, in the music block or in the offices, you played
an integral part in helping us over the past 5 years        What a year we've had! 2020 was one for the books,        To quote our grade 8 song: “At first I was afraid, I
to become who we are today. In 2020 more than               whether it's a hopeful comedy novel or a tragic tear-     was petrified.” And as little grade 8s all those years
ever, we saw your hard work and dedication to               jerker. It's definitely more than disappointing that      ago, I'm sure we really were. But we've made it this
ensure we achieved excellence and faced our                 this year went nothing like we all planned. But all I     far with each other. Thank you, Matrics of 2020, for
challenges, even while you were facing difficulties         can say is that a crazy journey in high school deserves   unforgettable memories and invaluable friendships.
of your own.                                                a crazy ending.
                                                                                                                      Now go out, spread your wings, find your passion,
To my fellow Matrics.                                       Ek het eindelose wonderlike herinneringe van die          make memories, love everyone and do what makes
                                                            afgelope 5 jaar. Parel Vallei het my werklik geseën       you happy. And don't forget to change the world
Thank you for giving me so many amazing memories            met die geleentheid om my lewe te verryk. Ek hoop         while you're at it.
which I will cherish forever. I know it is scary to think   dat my medematrieks met my sal saamstem as ek
about the next chapter in our lives.                        sê: die afgelope 5 jaar was iets spesiaals.               Patricia Potgieter - Head Girl 2020


                                                                                                                     Die prefekte het onder die
                                                                                                                     Covid-omstandighede van
                                                                                                                     'n gebroke en afwesige
                                                                                                                     jaar hul uitstekend van hul
                                                                                                                     taak gekwyt.
                                                                                                                     Met al die aktiwiteite van 2019 en
                                                                                                                     die eerste kwartaal van 2020 het
                                                                                                                     hulle hulself reeds bewys. Met die
                                                                                                                     grendeltyd wat baie van hul
                                                                                                                     aktiwiteite in die wiele gery het,
                                                                                                                     het hul nie hul geesdrif verloor nie.

                                                                                                                     Die grendeltyd het hul gees en
                                                                                                                     verbintenis tot hul taak bewys. Op
               4de RY: M de Villiers; M Forrester; L Maritz; J v Rensburg; A vd Westhuizen; L Frylinck; J Petersen

               VOOR: S Swanepoel; W Steenkamp; P Potgieter; D Schenck; R Beavon; A Prinsloo; A Scholtz
                                                                                                                     die kleurblaaie in die uitgawe is
                                                                                                                     enkele van hul inisiatiewe om die
                                                                                                                     res van die skool gemotiveerd te
                                                                                                                     hou. Hulle het die Blue Thread-
               2de RY: A Filter; D Kleyn; M Mhalangu; K Slater; B Te Water; I Booyens; K Holmes

                                                                                                                     gees uitgedra en die leerders
               3de RY: R Ferreira; R Mitchell; M Jolly; A Tough; N Schmidt; A Stoffels; G Barrie

                                                                                                                     betrokke gehou by aktiwiteite via
                                                                                                                     die sosiale media.Grendeltyd was
                                                                                                                     kreatiwiteittyd. Ons kan net ons
                                                                                                                     opregte dank teenoor die raad
               AGTER: J Holmes; N Bothma; E Slabbert; J Burger; K v Drimmelin

                                                                                                                     uitspreek vir hul teenwoordigheid
                                                                                                                     van gees om die grendeltyd in 'n
                                                                                                                     kreatiwiteittyd te omskep.

                                                                                                                     Een van die positiewe uitvloeisels
                                                                                                                     van die grendeltyd is dat dit
                                                                                                                     ons gedwing het om ons
                                                                                                                     prefekteverkiesing aanlyn te doen.
                                                                                                                     Vir 'n eerste keer was dit baie
                                                                                                                     geslaagd en ons sien daarna uit
                                                                                                                     om op die manier voort te gaan.

                                                                                                                     Ons opregte dank ook aan mevrou
                                                                                                                     Prinsloo wat die prefekte verlaat
                                                                                                                     as een van die skakelonderwysers
                                                                                                                     sedert 2006. Sy het baie vir ons
               Prefekte 2020

                                                                                                                     leierskorps beteken met haar
                                                                                                                     insette en pastorale meelewing.

                                                                                                                     Sterkte aan die prefekte van 2021 -
                                                                                                                     julle bou voort op 'n goeie grondslag.

PV sê tot siens...

                                                                   As jarelange adjunkhoof was die vernaamste eienskap van
                                                                   André wat uitgestaan het sy rotsvaste konsekwentheid -
                                                                   sy konsekwentheid van geloof, leierskap, mentorskap,
                                                                   finansiële bestuur en dissipline. Ek het André se kantoor
                                                                   oor die jare baie besoek met kinders wat die spoor 'n
                                                                   bietjie byster geraak het. Sonder uitsondering het ek my
                                                                   elke keer verwonder oor André se vermoë om met die
                                                                   kinders op 'n kalm, vaderlike manier te gesels. Hy het
                                                                   nooit sy humeur met die kinders verloor nie.

                                                                   André se kinderlike geloof was vir my 'n voorbeeld in tye
                                                                   van swaarkry en voorspoed. Hy was die een wat in die
                                                                   personeelkamer sou opstaan en 'n geesvervulde gebed
                                                                   doen waar mens kon aanvoel dat hy met die Hemelse
                                                                   Vader praat en vir ons almal ingetree het: vir personeel,
                                                                   ouers en ons kinders.
                                                                   André was op die boukomitee van alle kapitale projekte
                                                                   wat sedert sy aanstelling by die skool plaasgevind het en
                                                                   die 'ingenieur in hom' het gesorg dat die skool waarde
                                                                   vir geld gekry het. Inteendeel, sy fyn waarneming van
                                                                   iemand se vakmanskap het gelei tot die aanstelling van
                                                                   bouers wat mettertyd groot verbeterings by die skool
                                                                   aangebring het. Die betonpawiljoen by die hoofrugbyveld
                                                                   is die produk van 'n monumentale onderneming deur
                                                                   André, 'n bouer en 'n paar werkers.
                                                                   André se wyse insette oor al die jare by strategiese
                                                                   beplannings, bestuursraadvergaderings, asook
                                                                   vergaderings van strukture onder die personeel was sy
                                                                   aandeel in die skool se visie van “strewe na
Tot siens André Muller: 01/01/1986 - 31/12/2020                    uitmuntendheid”. Hy was 'n goeie debatteerder en geen
                                                                   idee of reël is deurgevoer sonder goeie debat nie.
André Muller                                                       Die stem wat die daaglikse toesig, eksamenrooster of
                                                                   pryswenners by die jaarlikse prysuitdeling aangekondig
Ek is onlangs deur 'n argitek genooi om na finale                  het, gaan nie meer in 2021 in die skool se personeelkamer
afrondingswerk aan sy 18-verdieping gebou in die Strand            en skoolsaal gehoor word nie. Nes die Comrades en Twee
te gaan kyk. Die steiers was nog gestapel aan die seekant          Oseane ultramarathons wat André met welslae gehardloop
van die gebou. Die argitek is reguit dak toe en toe ek my          en voltooi het, is die marathon van Parel Vallei-leier, mentor
                                                                   en onderwyser ook suksesvol voltooi.
kom kry, staan ek handeviervoet op die dak, want ek was
te bang om regop te staan. Ek het angsbevange na                   Die akademiese personeel het in André se tyd by Parel
bedrywighede op die dak gekyk en gesien hoe werkers in             Vallei gegroei van 'n dosyn tot iets in die sewentig, die
alle rigtings stap om hul finale afrondingswerk te doen.           leerlingtal van 400 tot 1300. André Muller was Parel Vallei
Die wolke, wat redelik na aan my verbybeweeg het en die            se “blue thread” gewees. Wanneer hy gaan aftree, gaan
wind het my verder gedisoriënteer. Ek vra toe benoud vir           gelukkig net hy aftree, die “blue thread” bly.
een van die werkers hoe hulle dit regkry om so gemaklik
op die dak, ver van moeder aarde rond te beweeg. Sy                Mag ons Hemelse Vader vir André in sy aftreejare ryklik seen!
antwoord was : “Meneer, ons het mos saam met die gebou
gegroei”.                                                          Francois du Toit (Kollega 1988 - 2020)

André Muller het “saam met” Parel Vallei gegroei!                  Die skool se bestuur het besluit om André te vereer vir
                                                                   sy jarelange diens aan PV deur die paviljoen na hom te
Hy is die enigste huidige Parel Vallei-personeellid wat op         vernoem, nl. die MULLER PAVILJOEN!
die kaal terrein was nog voordat enige bouwerk plaasgevind
het. Toé reeds het hy gedroom dat hy deel wou wees van
die skool wat daar gebou gaan word. En watter
sprokiesdroom was dit nie!

Hoërskool Parel Vallei is in Januarie 1986 ingewy. As leier,
sportman, akademikus, ingenieur en onderhandelaar was
Januarie 1986 ook die begin van André se loopbaan van
35 jaar by Parel Vallei. Van die huidige personeel kan net
hy en Nolene Duvenage ons vertel van die eerste paar jaar
by die skool, met 'n dosyn personeel en minder as
vyfhonderd leerlinge.

André het Geskiedenis en Aardrykskunde onderrig. Beide
vakke leen hulle daartoe om baie vormwerk aan 'n kind te           mnr. David Schenck (skoolhoof), mnr. André Muller (adjunkhoof),
doen, en dít het André soos 'n handskoen gepas.                    me. Nolene Duvenage (adjunkhoof).

PV sê tot siens...

                                               After 18 years of service at Parel Vallei High,
                                               Mr Du Preez is well known for always having
                                               time to lend a hand and does so with
                                               pleasure. Always answering: “kla nie om te
                                               help nie” as opposed to “help nie om te
                                               kla nie” when asked how he is doing,
                                               summed up his personality. Mr Du Preez
                                               has always been punctual and well prepared.

                                               He did his work with efficiency and great
                                               craftsmanship; he has always been proud
                                               of a job well done. He led a group of co-
                                               workers with passion and supported them
                                               in times of need. Leading by example was
                                               also part of who he is.

                                               He wore his heart on his sleeve and you           Tot siens Leonard Mommen                            Tot siens Inez Eilers
                                               knew exactly what you got when you                01/01/2005 - 31/12/2020                             01/03/2007 - 31/12/2020
                                               spoke to him. He knew the school and
                                               did his job to the best of his ability.           Na 16 jaar van toegewyde diens neem                 Mrs Inez Eilers is retiring. After fourteen
                                                                                                 Hoërskool Parel Vallei ongelukkig afskeid van       years of service to Parel Vallei, mrs Inez
                                               He has gained the respect of many                 die skool se eerste Inligtingstegnologie-           Eilers has decided to retire to enable her
  Tot siens Etienne du Preez                   through the years at PV. He will surely be        onderwyser.                                         to travel and to visit her children and
  01/04/2001 - 31/01/2020                      missed at Parel Vallei….                                                                              grandchildren living abroad.
                                                                                                 Leonard Mommen het in Januarie 2005 by
                                                                                                 PV begin skoolhou as 'n Rekenaarstudie              Sy het in die Lewenswetenskappe-
                                                                                                 onderwyser. As 'n groot aanwins tot sy              departement gedien as laboratorium-
                                                                                                 vakgebied is hy ook later as IT-vakhoof             organiseerder en het alle praktikums vir
                                                                                                 aangestel. Deur hóm het die vak tot sy reg          alle grade bestuur. Mev Eilers was
                                                                                                 gekom. Hy was betrokke op provinsiale vlak          besonder geliefd onder personeel sowel
                                                                                                 met die opstel & moderering van gr. 12-             as die leerders.
                                                                                                 vraestelle en het ook gedien op die paneel
                                                                                                 van matrieknasieners, waar hy onderskeidelik        Sy het 'n wesentlike deel uitgemaak van
                                                                                                 aangestel is as hoofnasiener en hoofmoderator.      die Lewenswetenskappedepartement.
                                                                                                 Hy is passievol oor sy vak en het oor die jare      Geen taak was ooit vir haar te groot of
                                                                                                 uitstekende matriekuitslae behaal. Hy laat 'n       te klein nie en alles is altyd met
                                                                                                 groot gaping in sy veld en pos.                     deeglikheid en vriendelikheid gedoen.
                                                                                                                                                     Haar bemoediging en glimlag was vir
                                                                                                 Mnr. Mommen het ook 'n groot impak gehad            ons kosbaar. Ons gaan haar vir seker
                                                                                                 in die skep van die skool se interne                baie mis.
                                                                                                 rekenaarinfrastuktuur. Ons waardeer sy
                                                                                                 jarelange geduld en hulp aan al die personeel.      We wish her a blessed retirement and
Farewell Yanou Pienaar                                    Tot siens Thinus Pienaar                                                                   quality time with her family.
01/01/2012 - 31/12/2020                                   01/01/2015 - 31/08/2020                Hy is 'n gewaardeerde kollega en ons gaan
Ms Yanou Pienaar joined the English Department                                                   sy kundigheid en vriendelike meelewing met
                                                          Thinus Pienaar het na byna ses         die personeel baie mis. Parel Vallei bedank
in January 2012 and soon established herself as a         jaar die besluit geneem om terug
young, passionate and dynamic teacher who                                                        hom vir die belangrike rol wat hy in almal se
                                                          te keer na Kanada. PV bedank           lewens gespeel het. Ons beste wense vergesel
pursued excellence in all her endeavours.                 hom vir die groei en vernuwing         hom vir die toekoms.
                                                          wat hy gebring het in PV-rugby.
She was an invaluable asset as an English teacher,
subject head and AP English educator. Her strong          Deur die implementering van
work ethic and high standards, coupled with her           gesonde spelergesentreerde
sincere, steadfast and supportive nature, made her        afrigtingstrukture, kondisionering,
a loved and valued colleague and teacher. Her passion     streng dissipline en effektiewe
for the subject and expertise were enthusiastically,      oordrag van 'n afrigtingsfilosofie,
and often humorously, conveyed to her pupils as she       is die grondslag vir verandering
guided them to reach their full potential.                gelê. Jaar na jaar het PV-rugby
                                                          gegroei en sterker geword tot
Ms Pienaar also played an instrumental role in            toelating in die Premier B-liga
promoting and developing English Drama at Parel           in 2019.                                                                                   Farewell Albie Steenkamp
Vallei. Her talent and skill as playwright and director
ensured that Parel Vallei now competes at the highest                                                                                                01/06/2016 - 31/12/2020
                                                          Sy motto was altyd: “Rugby is
level. Under her creative leadership, our English         not just a game, it's a way of life”                                                       Seen for the first time this bearded rugged
Drama productions have become synonymous with             en dis presies hoe Thinus rugby                                                            man looked like a typical farmer. Soon we
excellence. She was an inspiration and mentor to
many of our young actors and crew members.                by PV ook benader het - hy het                                                             noticed he has a soft caring heart with a “lekker”
                                                          PV-skoolrugby geleef!                  Farewell Jessica Yoko                               sense of humour. Albie came to PV and fitted
Ms Pienaar's loyalty and dedication to her learners,                                             01/07/2017 - 31/12/2020                             right in. He is friendly and kind to all.
department and school have been truly                     Ons wens Thinus net die beste
commendable. We wish her happiness and success            toe vir sy nuwe lewensreis en          Joining our school in July of 2017, Mrs Jessica     He set aside time to help wherever he could.
for the future and thank her for the positive impact      weet dat sy PV-rugbyjare hom           Yoko dove straight into each heart that she met     Albie drove many km per day just to do his
she has had on the lives of her colleagues and pupils.    altyd na aan die hart sal lê.          with her affection and generosity. She grabbed      job, always smiling and never complaining
                                                                                                 every opportunity to contribute immensely to        when asked to do something.
                                                                                                 the growth of the school, from heading the
Tot siens Elonie de Klerk                                                                        Film Club and Media Society, co-managing
18/08/2018 - 31/12/2020                                                                                                                              He is diligent and hardworking; he is fair and
                                                                                                 the Debating Club, to being extensively involved    respected by all. He showed great character
Elonie de Klerk het in die tydperk as deeltydse                                                  in the Drama Department, effortlessly               when working with his colleagues and they
personeellid in die Sielkundedepartement 'n                                                      transferring her creative ideas onto the stage.
                                                                                                 In the classroom, no learner was ever left behind   most certainly appreciated his input, help and
waardevolle bydrae gelewer.                                                                                                                          understanding. Albie made sure that the grass
                                                                                                 as her patience, extensive knowledge and
As kollega was haar professionele insette van                                                    passion for her subject, English Home               was always greener at Parel Vallei and we all
groot waarde en het sy gemaklik by die PV-                                                       Language, made her a distinctive teacher. As        appreciate it. He prides himself in his work
familie ingeskakel. Elonie se empatie en opregte                                                 she leaves to reach new heights and touch           and the results speak for themselves.
besorgdheid vir die leerders was altyd sigbaar.                                                  more hearts with that infectious laugh, we at
                                                                                                 PV feel blessed to have been graced with her        Parel Vallei will most certainly say goodbye
Baie sterkte met die nuwe hoofstuk in haar                                                       presence. We wish her all the best.                 to Albie with a heavy heart.
professionele kapasiteit, mag dit net
voorspoedig gaan.

Matric Results - Class of 2019
Die matriekklas van 2019 het PV se konstante strewe na Blue Thread-uitnemendheid gehandhaaf en die onderstaande uitslae behaal.
Die Beheerliggaam, bestuur, onderwysers, Parel Vallei Unie en ouers is trots op julle! Geluk met julle prestasies!

         Ma tric Re s u l t s - C l a s s of 2 0 1 9                      TOP 10 - kandidate in die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaateksamen 2019
  • 100% NSS-slaagsyfer.                                                 1.        VAN RENSBURG Kayla Andrea                       94.83
  • 252 kandidate skryf en slaag die eksamen met 'n                      2.        ROOKE Anna Rose                                 91.5
    klasgemiddeld van 67.5%.                                             3.        WADEMAN Ronan Thomas                            91.33
  • Die top 110 kandidate behaal 'n 77.5% gemiddeld.                     4.        TITUS Matt                                      91
  • Merietetoekennings: 48 kandidate slaag in minstens
    4 vakke met 80% of behaal 'n gemiddeld van 80% of                    5.        COUSINS Michelle Barbara                        90.83
    meer. Hierdie leerders behaal 'n gemiddeld van 83.6%.                6.        KILIAN Carli                                    89.66
  • 427 vakonderskeidings is deur die matriekgroep behaal.               7.        JOAO Dean Bailey                                89.16
  • 91.7% Baccalareus-slaagsyfer.                                        8.        BUCHANAN Kayla                                  89.16
  • Gemiddelde onderskeiding per kandidaat: 2.0                          9.        JOOSTE Christof                                 87.83
  • Getal kandidate met 5 of meer onderskeidings: 33.                    10.       MOOLMAN Kai Evian                               87.83
  • 33 A's in Lewenswetenskap
  • 29 A's in Fisiesewetenskap
  • 26 A's in Wiskunde
                                                                                                Top achievers of 2019
  Western Cape achievements:

  The school received a merit certificate for Academic               DU PLESSIS Michael                           NILAND Lucia Siobhan
  Excellence, as one of the Top Twenty Schools (number 19).          BOTHA Caro                                   GORDON Caitlin Paige
                                                                     HAUPT Daniel Jason                           DU PREEZ Cécile Monique
                                                                     IMPSON Olivia Rose                           DEVINE Keegan
  Kayla van Rensburg (PV Dux 2019), a merit certificate for          TRUTER Christiaan Francois                   STEYN Gary Jared
  Academic Excellence, as one of the Top Twenty learners.            HENDRICKSE Sinéad Natalie                    THOM Gido
                                                                     PERFETT Tristan Ryan                         CHALMERS Kelly Anne
  Additional NSC achievements, nationally include:                   ROETS Tamryn                                 RIEDER Lauren
                                                                     DAWSON Olivia Lynne                          VAN DER MERWE Mia
  • 15th place, based on these 4 core subjects:                      SUPRA Armand                                 VAN JAARSVELD Duan Xavier
    Mathematics, Accounting, Life Sciences and                       NIETO LAWRENCE Julian Alexander              GOVENDER Parvani
    Physical Sciences;                                               BAUMGARTEN Carolyn                           VAN DER MERWE Erika
  • 15th place in Afrikaans Huistaal (distinctions per candidate);   MADSEN-LEIBOLD Gerard                        FERNANDEZ Kayla
  • 17th place in Accounting;                                        SALIE Malikah                                ROSSOUW Bianke
  • 19th in Mathematics (joined award);                              SOLOMON Clayton                              MARLEY Joshua
  • 19th in Life Sciences.                                           VAN DEN BERG Andreas Daniël                  LOTZ Jessica
                                                                     GARVS Caitlin                                LOURENS Michelle
  (Resource: Solidariteit - SOS 2019-Matriekverslag)                 HURLOW Jenna May                             ROUX Kayleigh
                                                                     KILGOUR Kyle Tristan                         HARRISON Alyssa Renee

Meneer Schenck met die merietesertikaat en Kayla van                 9 van die 12 Toppresteerders met hul uitslae
Rensburg met haar sertifikaat as een van Weskaap se                  AGTER: Dean Joao, Kayla van Rensburg, Michelle Cousins, Ronan Wademan, Kayla
toppresteerders.                                                     Buchanan en Anna Brooke
                                                                     VOOR: Carli Killian, Kai Moolman, Matt Titus

Cultural Achievements
  PV se produksie Wentelkind behaal ‘n nasionale 2de plek by die Aardklop Pronk Podium-kompetisie!

    Anya Marx         Carala Erasmus        Christian Kotzé      Juné Kruger     Tatjana Frauenknecht

                                                                                                           Miquette Eloff is die NASIONALE wenner
                                                                                                           van die tweetalige afdeling en was ook die
                                                      To achieve these levels, Megan's activities          naaswenner van die Afrikaans- afdeling vir
                                                      included 73 hours of service at Helderberg           14-jariges van die Radikale
                                                      Rangers, Strand Beach, Somerset West
                                                      Baptist Church, AZI, and Shalom Pre-
                                                      primary School. She chose hockey as
                                                      physical recreation over a period of 12
                                                      months and debating as a skill over 12
                                                      months. For the adventurous journey, she
                                                      did 7 days of hiking in the Northern
                                                      Mountains in Geres-Lisbon, Portugal and
                                                      a residential project with Edge of Africa in
  Megan Lane successfully completed the Bronze,
  Silver &GOLD level of The President's Award         Cape Town during December 2019
                                                                                                           Emma Dafel het deurgedring na die nasionale
                                                                                                           finale rondtes van al drie kompetisies waaraan
                                                                                                           sy deelgeneem het, nl. die Radikale, Interskole
                                                                                                           en PodiumPret- redenaarskompetisies. Sy het
                                                                                                           ook deelgeneem aan die ATKV-digitale
                                                                                                           redenaarskompetisie waar sy 'n A-simbool
                                                                                                           verwerf het.

                                                                                               PV se produksie, Wentelkind, ontvang ook die
                                                                                               volgende toekennings in die 2020-dramaseisoen
                                                                                               by ander dramafeeste:

                                                                                               1ste plek - Montagu Youth Arts Festival
                                                                                               1ste plek - Playhouse Drama Festival
                                                                                               Beste aktrise - Montagu Youth Arts Festival
                                                                                               Beste aktrise - Playhouse Drama Festival
                                                                                               Beste Tegnies - Montagu Youth Arts Festival
                                                                                               Beste Tegnies - Playhouse Drama Festival

                                                                                               PV is trots daarop om vir twee jaar agtereenvolgens
                                                                                               die wenner te kon wees van die Montagu Youth
                                                                                               Arts Festival en nou wéér - ongeag die grendeltyd
                                                                                               -'n topplek in die Aardklop-finaal te behaal.
Juné Kruger: ATKV Top 20

Angelique Filter: GOUD vir spel in     Juné Kruger: GOUD vir spel en CUM Lienke Frylinck GOUD vir spel en      Zané Habig: Tweede plek in die
Galmloos in die ATKV-Digitoneel        LAUDE vir stel in Wentelkind in die CUM LAUDE vir stel en rekwisiete in nasionale Dramaweb SA
                                       ATKV-Digitoneel                     Soetwater in die ATKV-Digitoneel    monoloogafdeling in graad 10


                               Daniel Knott played in the TSA
                               Cavaliers Sportsmans Warehouse
                               Mini 1 series and won the
                               platinum section for Boys Singles
                               U/14. He also played in the TSA
                               Western Cape ProKennix Mini 2
                               tournament and won the platinum
                               Boys Singles in the U/14 category.

                               In addition to these achievements,
                               he was also one of only 28 ranked
                               players in his age group that
                               competed in the Junior National      TOP SWIMMERS: Junior Victrix: Kiara Mahoney, Senior Victor Ludorum: Jarryd
  Daniel Knott                 tournament in Bloemfontein.          Konkol, Senior Victrix Ludorum: Isabella Booyens, Junior Victor Ludorum: Wesley
                                                                    van Wyk,Team leaders: House Aberdeen: Reike Ferreira and Jason Holmes

Bolandkampioenskappe: Deelnemers                                          Bolandkampioenskappe: Medaljewenners

                                                                           Marietjie Cilliers: SAAS Melissa Hoffman: SAAS Michaela Horn: SAAS
Junior Victrix Ludorum: Courtney Jenniker, Senior Victrix Ludorum:         Top 10 list 2000m        Top 10 list Hammer    Top 10 list High Jump
Marietjie Cilliers, Senior Victor Ludorum: Kyle Slater, Junior Victor      Steeplechase (7 23,8) & Throw (42,56m)         (1,65m)
Ludorum: Christopher Gouws en Joshua Smit                                  3000m (10 24,9)

WP Tennis: Christo Cilliers        WP Tennis: Ian Thom                  WP Tennis: Leana Solomon         WP Tennis: Lerize de Villiers

Akademiese prestasies
                                             The musical story of PV's Zoë Torres a member of The Cape Philharmonic
                                             Youth Orchestra -her 2020 experience…
                                             This year had an impact on everybody, including those in the musical field. However, this did not prevent the growth
                                             of music in the Cape.

                                             I am Zoë, a Parel Valleier in grade 11 and a cellist in the Cape Philharmonic Youth Orchestra, that I joined in 2017. I
                                             have been lucky enough to perform in many different places and to play such beautiful music because of this
                                             opportunity. I have formed friendships for life!

                                             In the beginning of lockdown members of both the Cape Philharmonic Orchestra and the Cape Philharmonic Youth
                                             Orchestra made individual recordings of themselves performing the Intermezzo by P. Mascagni. All the recordings
                                             were put together and it formed a beautiful recording: CPO COVID-19 video CPYO Intermezzo. Here is the link to
                                             that video, https://youtu.be/PCzkRnHKQHU (check me out at around 1:50 seconds into the clip).

  Zoe Torres: Cape Philharmonic Youth        The Cape Philharmonic Youth Orchestra organised for each musician in the orchestra (me included!) to have video-
  Orchestra cellist                          call lessons during the lockdown. I was given lessons with an appointed professional musician from The Cape
                                                                                       Philharmonic Orchestra. These lessons went on for nearly 2 months, one
                                                                                       lesson each week. I was extremely lucky to have this experience and I
                                                                                       learnt a lot from my mentor. During these lessons we prepared for our
                                                                                       upcoming concert, the recorded lunch hour concert (Virtually lunch) with
                                                                                       the Cape Philharmonic Orchestra. The programme included the following
                                                                                       pieces Capriccio Espagnol by Rimsky-Korsakov and the Slavonic Dance
                                                                                       No.1 by Antonín Dvo_ák. Here is the link for this hour concert,
                                                                                       https://youtu.be/EQ312KETV5A (look for me (cellist) on the right side of
                                                                                       the orchestra).

                                                                                           The Cape Philharmonic Orchestra recorded their annual Community Gala
                                                                                           Concert and some CPYO members were included in these recordings.
                                                                                           Bachianas Brasiliera No. 5 was recorded. It is a piece originally written
                                                                                           for 8 cellos but we performed it with 10 cellos: Four cellists from the Cape
                                                                                           Philharmonic Orchestra and six cellists from the Cape Philharmonic Youth
                                                                                           Orchestra. The concert is still to be streamed.

                                                                                           Recently we recorded the Cape Philharmonic Youth Orchestra's annual
                                                                                           Gala Concert. I was fortunate to be able to participate in this tradition
                                                                                           again this year, even with all the COVID regulations. If you would like to
                                                                                           know more about this and keep track of all the different events that the
                                                                                           youth orchestra is involved in, follow this link to our facebook page:

Afrikaans Olimpiade: AGTER: Kobus Erasmus, Danielle Kleyn, me. Marietjie                   Even though this year has proved to be tough for all us, it just goes to
Madsen-Leibold 4de RY: Anna van der Westhuizen, Dané de Villiers 3de                       show that there will always be a place for music, and it will never die.
RY: Hanna van Zyl, Laura Maritz 2de RY: Me M Steenkamp, A van der Spuy                     “Music is life itself.” - Louis Armstrong
VOOR: Patricia Potgieter
Laura Maritz behaal 'n nasionale 10de plek en in die Wes-Kaap span sy PV                   Zoë Torres (December 2020).
se kroon (met 'n gedeelde) posisie in die 4de plek!

                                                    South African Institution of Civil
                                                    SAICE hosted its 17th annual AQUALIBRIUM Schools
                                                    Water Competition challenge, (but this time online)
                                                    PV took part during the lockdown period and we are
                                                    proud to share the news that OUR team, consisting
                                                    of Yesol Jeong, Tian Groenewald, and Adriana van
                                                    der Spuy (all in grade 11) WON this competition!

                                                    In this competition, three litres of water had to be
                                                    distributed equally between three reservoirs
                                                    (containers) placed randomly on a grid of 16 points.
                                                    The learners then had to build a pipe network between
                                                    a water source and the three reservoirs using pipes
                                                    of different diameters. These three small reservoirs
Danielle Kleyn: Eerste in SA in Die Burger          can then be placed in more than 3 000 combinations,
Beeld Volksblad-aanlynolimpiade                     and potentially there are 280 billion possible pipe
                                                    networks for each one of these combinations, thus         The South African Institution of Civil Engineering:
                                                    making this system quite complex!                         Yesol Jeong, Adriana van der Spuy, Tian Groenewald (SAICE)
  Danielle Kleyn, also known as the
                                                   This Aqualibrium competition proved to be a fun way to learn about water supply, what civil engineers do and
  Queen of Mathematics, EERSTE in SA               the importance of protecting our water resources. It practically illustrates what a career in this field will entail and
  in Die BurgerBeeldVolksblad                      that is the main reason why we motivate our learners to participate in external competitions/olympiads like this.
                                                   Secondly, we can also compare our standards in Parel Vallei with those of other top Maths and Science schools.
  Wiskunde-aanlynolimpiade, sowel as
  TWEEDE in WesKaap in die 2020                    Even though Adriana would like to become a nurse, Yesol a medical doctor and Tian an engineer, they will always
                                                   remember this water challenge when working in their individual fields one day, treasuring and managing this mutual
  Rekenaarprogrammeringsolimpiade                  resource, WATER!

Akademiese prestasies
  Wiskunde Olimpiade-talente
  Een van Parel Vallei se talle Wiskunde Olimpiade-hoogtepunte, naamlik die Universiteit van Kaapstad se Olimpiade,
  kon vanjaar weens die virus nie plaasvind nie.

  Verskeie leerders het wel aan die aanlyn landswye 2020 Die Burger Beeld Volksblad Olimpiade deelgeneem.
  Hier het ons eie Danielle Kleyn weereens haar besondere talent gewys en eerste in Suid Afrika geëindig. Sy
  ontvang R20 000 prysgeld vir beide haarself en Parel Vallei met haar praguitslae van volpunte vir die kompetisie.

  Louis Cronje is gekies is vir die 2020 Cape Town International Senior Mathematics (IMC) span. Die senior span
  bestaan uit die top vier leerders in graad 8 tot 10 wat deelgeneem het aan die tweede uitdunrondte van dié
  kompetisie. Dié span sou hierdie jaar in Jakarta, Indonesië gaan deelneem het aan die IMC-finaal, maar as gevolg
  van die Covid-19 pandemie is dit afgestel.

  Talle Parel Vallei-leerders is ook gekies vir die Wes-Kaap/ Boland SAMTC Olimpiade spanne wat aanlyn nasionaal           Louis Cronje: gekies vir die
  deelgeneem het. Beide die senior en junior Wes-Kaap-spanne het die kompetisie gewen. Baie geluk aan die                  Cape Town International Senior
  Parel Valleiers wat deelgeneem het: Danielle Kleyn, Reuben van Wyk, Yesol Jeong, Tian Groenewald, Benjamin               Mathematics-span.
  Kleyn. Louis Cronje en Chaewon Lee

  SAMF is een van die grootste landswye Wiskunde Olimpiades waaraan 80 000 leerders deelneem. Vanjaar het Danielle Kleyn 10de gekom, Jared
  Slater onder die top 50 en Yesol Jeong en Reuben van Wyk onder top 100 landswyd.

  In die landswye Universiteit van Pretoria-aanlynkompetisie behaal Rheshon Brown ‘n tweede plek en Chaewon Lee 'n derde plek in hul onderskeie afdelings.

                                                           Parel Vallei Advanced Education Trust
                                                           In hul finale graad 11 gevorderde program (AP) eksamen, deur die Parel Vallei Advanced
                                                           Education Trust het Yesol 'n volle 100% vir Wiskunde en Claire het 88% vir Engels behaal.

                                                           Die Parel Vallei Advanced Education Trust is in 2006 formeel gestig om gevorderde opvoedkundige
                                                           geleenthede te skep om leerders soos Yesol en Claire in staat te stel om akademies buite die
                                                           grense van 'n nasionale kurrikulum te ontwikkel. Die Parel Vallei Advanced Education Sentrum
                                                           gebruik Hoërskool Parel Vallei as sy basis om IEB AP-Wiskunde en IEB AP-Engels as kursusse
                                                           aan te bied. Sedert die ontstaan van die Trust het dit stadig, maar bestendig gegroei en Parel
                                                           Vallei besonder goed gedien. Sedert 2013 is die Trust ook geregistreer as 'n Public Benefit
                                                           Organisation (PBO).
AP: Y Jeong, C Chase, L van der Merwe

Expo: P Pitamber, S Savides, M Stander, W Badenhorst, T Kleynhans                SAS0 (South African Science Olympiads): Parel Vallei se Lewenswetenskappe
                                                                                 skitter in 2020 in die SASO-olimpiade! Ons leerders het die volgende
                                                                                 topposisies in Suid-Afrika verwerf:
• In 1st place: Teon Kleynhans and Werner Badenhorst with their project
  titled: “Kragopwekking uit borrels”.                                           •   Adriana van der Spuy en Nicolaas Majewski verwerf 'n vyfde plek.
• Runner up: Marietjie Cilliers with her project “Investigating the difference   •   Sebastian Badenorst verwerf 'n vierde plek.
  in the health state of domestic dogs on a plant-based diet versus those        •   Elizabeth Spires verwerf 'n derde plek.
  on a meat-based diet”.                                                         •   Yesol Jeong kom EERSTE in Suid-Afrika!
• Shared 3rd place: Priyanka Pitamber with her project title: “Water
  works” and Stella Savides with “Deionization” as her project.                  Parel Vallei het die tweede plek in SA behaal met hierdie uitstekende uitslae.

  World Knowledge Olympiad
  This year, the World Knowledge Olympiad followed
  the trend of turning virtual and so the learners who
  had entered at the start of the year were afforded
  the opportunity to complete the quiz online. The quiz
  tests the general knowledge of participants and so
  they needed to be ready for anything and everything.

                                                                 Jerushan Rathanum             Christopher Pienaar           Tishal Prag
  There were a number of achievements to take note
  of. Tishal Prag (Grade 8) achieved fifth place in his
  grade. Jerushan Rathanum (Grade 11) achieved seventh place in his grade. Christopher Pienaar (Grade 11) achieved first place in his grade
  and received a cash prize for his success. We congratulate all those who participated.

Graad / Grade 12 CLASS OF 2020

     GRAAD 12 A1
     AGTER: L Botha; D Beukes; D Visser; J Bruce; J van Rensburg; DJ Rainier
     3de RY: C Slabbert; A van Aarde; R Nieuwoudt; L van Zyl; P Ellis; L Erasmus; R van Wyk
     2de RY: CL Rust; A de Klerk; M Dempsey; H Briedenhann; L du Toit; A van Heerden; J van Eyk

     VOOR: M Jacobs; F Lötter; M Coetzee; E Mackenzie; J Odendaal; C Buitendag; S van der Westhuizen

     GRAAD 12 A2
     AGTER: M Oosthuizen; N Bothma 4de RY: M Roos; D Roux; J Labuschagne; W du Plessis; R Vermeulen; J Burger; D Sandenbergh
     3de RY: D Janse van Rensburg; G Eckley; K Murdoch; P Rose; J Cornelius; K Rossouw; J Ludik
     2de RY: M Raubenheimer; A Meij; J van Rensburg; E du Plessis; K Pistorius; M Rossouw; F Rossouw
     VOOR: D Marx; N Matthee; A de Vries; M Madsen-Leibold; T Weideman; K Slabbert; P Jacobs
Graad / Grade 12 CLASS OF 2020

     GRAAD 12 A3
     AGTER: R Loedolff; K Erasmus; RJ Thompson; D Labuschagne; E Burger
     3de RY: K van der Riet; R Kruger; D Wykerd; C Knight; N Olivier; J de Beer; D Kleyn
     2de RY: D de Villiers; C Kennis; L Maritz; A van der Westhuizen; L Frylinck; K van Drimmelen; M Laubser

     VOOR: M Jolly; C de Guisti; R Ferreira; A Pretorius; T Halford; A Tough; N Schmidt

     GRADE 12 E1
     BACK: M Ridgway; R Beavon; L Neethling
     3rd ROW: N Constable; N Butler; D Christian; J Hendricks; D Chiole; Y Ismail; W Abrahams
     2nd ROW: B Watson; K Pontes; J Mitchley; M Lane; S Kobo; E Theunissen; L Gradwell
     FRONT: C Matthews; P Potgieter; J Forbes; J Yoko; M de Villiers; A Stoffels; J Felton
Graad / Grade 12 CLASS OF 2020

     GRADE 12 E2
     BACK: J Seegers; B Graham; W Christmas; M Henry
     3rd ROW: A Todaro; J May; M Caiero-Ribas; J Meeter; R Crawford; D Daramola; M Borcherds
     2nd ROW: D Jacobs; N Kheswa; M Forrester; C Adams; M Bester; L Botha; K Rosenkrantz

     FRONT: H Morilly; N le Roux; G Henderson; Y Pienaar; C Pregnolato; Y Magogotya; M Parkin

     GRADE 12 E3
     BACK: D de Klerk; J Barnes; L du Plessis; R Beukes; V Kalidindi
     3rd ROW: S Klein; J da Costa; C Morris; M Netshivhongweni; S Toussaint; D Meaker; A Petersen
     2nd ROW: S Swanepoel; J Fester; M van Schoor; M Schenck; T Meiring; A Carelse; B Swart
     FRONT: I Prinsloo; S May; A Cloete; D Matshayana; S Lindemann; T Wyss; G Barrie
Graad / Grade 12 CLASS OF 2020

     GRADE 12 E4
     BACK: I Nhlebeya; N Doyle; N Hamilton; J Holmes
     3rd ROW: G Barry; N Tshilumbu; L Phillips; P Kotze; M de Freitas; C Quattrocecere; H Baard
     2nd ROW: J Louw; A Spagnuolo; S Oteng; L Nyumbeka; M Mhalangu; L Bradshaw; H McCreath

     FRONT: L Mbotshelwa; M van Wyk; C Fikkies; D le Roux; B Samuels; S Bingham; M Petterson

     GRADE 12 E5
     BACK: E Slabbert; K Zeederberg; B Brett; B Te Water
     3rd ROW: J Basson; S April; M Fisher; D Chambers; L Murphy; K Michaels; S Hattingh
     2nd ROW: C Stewart; J Mbolo; M Hoffman; C Smit; M Goldbach; J Retief; C Maasdorp
     FRONT: C Marston; M Valentine; J Petersen; M Botha; K Holmes; T Wertheim; D Kallis
Graad / Grade 12 CLASS OF 2020

     GRADE 12 E6
     BACK: E van den Oever; K Slater; K Goncalves; S Wessels
     3rd ROW: R Mitchell; L Evans; T Schenck; C Brown; J Theron; C Prinsloo; O Engelbrecht
     2nd ROW: I Booyens; A Scholtz; N Osman; J Maré; L Shaefer; M van Wyk; J Coetzee
     FRONT: C McMaster; S Makeleni; C Owen; C Isaacs; A de Villiers, S Bavuma, A Filter

     Louis Botha - Gr12 Design
                                                                        Danielle Kleyn - Gr12 Design
                                                                                                         Chanel de Guisti - Gr12 Design
Verslae en Klubs

 Music         The music department saw its usual bustling activities in Term 1 with activities like the V&A Waterfront Bandslam event (Big Band) and an invitation
 to the Stellenbosch Woordfees, with the PV Drumline featuring in Lieflike Lawaai (with Janine Neethling, Amanda Strydom and Elvis Blue). Open Day presented
 opportunities for the Choir and Big Band to perform to our new 2021 learners and at Interschools the individual musicians had a chance to strut their stuff in
 the entertainment tent!

 Individually, the lockdown gave our musicians time to work on some new skills and finding ways to develop their many talents. Some external exams were possible,
 with Covid regulations in place, and Laura Maritz was awarded a distinction for her UNISA Grade 7 piano exam. Laura will continue her music studies next year
 at Stellenbosch University (BA Mus) following in the footsteps of some of our past music learners.

 Zoë Torres, a member of the Cape Philharmonic Youth Orchestra, took part in numerous events throughout this year and she features in a number of YouTube
 videos and online concerts this year.

 The Choir was preparing for Eisteddfods and the annual Koorfees (with Arno Carstens) only to be interrupted by this unprecedented event. We are looking
 forward though to performances of this developing choir in number and sound and with
 the new choir period established in the time table it has had and will have positive results.
 Looking forward!

 The Vocal Ensemble has had a chance to record and the matrics participated in Founders’
 Day celebrations via video. They have also produced their own video with the help of an
 ex-PV student and past vocal ensemble member Emma van Heyningen. Please check our
 website for more on this.

 The orchestra participated in the Parklands Orchestral Festival in March this year providing
 an opportunity to be involved in a day of music-making with an orchestra, facilitated by The
 Cape Philharmonic Orchestra and with everyone having lots of fun! And so life goes on…No
 music, no life… Know music, know life!
                                Laura Maritz (pictured) is to be especially congratulated on her
                                distinction for her UNISA Grade 7 piano exam! She follows in
                                some of PV's former music learners footsteps as she has also
                                auditioned and been accepted at Stellenbosch University to
                                study BA (with music) for 2021.
                                UNISA results - practical exams
                                Laura Maritz:         UNISA Piano Grade 7 - 83% (Distinction)
                                Julia Badenhorst: UNISA Piano Grade 5 - 85% (Distinction)            The Library
                                Elaine Human:         UNISA Violin Grade 3 - 77% (Merit)
                                UNISA results:        theory exams                                   The Parel Vallei Library, like everywhere else, was influenced
                                Julia Badenhorst: UNISA grade 4 theory - 72%                         by Covid 19 pandemic. We were just about to have an exciting
                                Trinity College Exams - practical exams                              culture week when schools closed. We planned a book
  Laura Maritz: UNISA Roll of   Heidi Bahlmann: Trinity violin grade 1 - 81%                         exchange table, a raffle with great prizes and a book orientated
  Honour Theory and Practical   Joani Frehse:         Trinity violin grade 5 - 83%                   Amazing Race. Luckily, with all the planning done, we can
                                                                                                     look forward to 2021!
Drama Festival Lienke Frylinck                                                                       Wat wel in die biblioteek se guns getel het, is dat leerders
                                                                                                     gedurende die grendeltyd kans gekry het om te lees, lees,
Lights, camera, and ACTION!                                                                          lees. Die dag voordat die skool gesluit het, het ons 'n
This is the phrase that haunted the performers of 2020. It has been a different and difficult year   rekordgetal boeke uitgegee, die meeste in die geskiedenis
for everyone. Thankfully Mr Spjikers has always been a little different, and that is why he gave     van die biblioteek! Ongelukkig kon ons nie die ATKV-
the students of Parel Vallei an opportunity to perform in an extraordinary way. He knew this year
                                                                                                     Storieleesfees, wat goed afgeskop het, voltooi nie.
brought a new set of challenges: social distancing, masks, curfews, and limits for people in an
audience. At the time no gathering were permitted! How can a play be a play without the
energy of an audience? With the guidelines and ideas in place, Mr Spijkers shoved each               We had to adjust our duty table, because of limited school
performer into the spotlight to perform their one man show in an empty theatre with the cold         attendance, but it worked out well. We also had to limit the
hard stare of a camera reflecting. With 2020's competition being a stark contrast from the usual     learners in the library during breaks and after school. This
cluster of actor and actresses on one stage, Mr Spjikers wanted the scripts of this year to meet     gave the prefects a good opportunity to plan and revamp
its match. He allowed each performer free range in brewing the shell of their play and so, eight     the library décor and system and to give the library a good
successful one-person scripts were born, four Afrikaans and four English.                            sorting out

Wentelkind met June Kruger, deur Rozaan Vos; Soetwater met Lienke Frylinck, deur Lily van Zyl;
Nog 'n Dag Op Nuweland met Reike Ferreira, deur Darryl Spijkers; Meisie in die Sequins Rok
met Anke Tough, deur Anita Moller and Darryl Spijker; Industry with Angelique Filter, by Yanou
Pienaar; Three Girls in the Chair with Memory Mahlangu, by Darryl Spijkers and Bryoni Currin;
Photograph with Dylan Janse van Ransburg, by Bryoni Currin and Darryl Spijkers; The Withered
with Nerise Malan, by Nerise Malan

With minimal rehearsal time and high expectations to reach, we were strapped into the roller-
coaster of emotions and started to film. After the final cuts and edits of each play were made
by past PV learner Rory Currin, footage was sent off and brought back stunning results, as usual.

With no surprise Parel Vallei climbed its way back in the ATKV festival ranks with, Wentelkind,
securing a position in the top 12 and 2nd position nationally at the Aardklop Pronk Podium
competition! The Montagu and Playhouse festivals carried their own set of stunning results
with Parel Vallei bringing back best tech, best new script, best actor and actress, and best            Night Shelter: Jenna Pietersen, Natasha Schmidt,
overall production.                                                                                     Shannon Swanepoel.
With the results in the bag we concluded our 2020 Drama festival journey (Covid-19 compliant)           For two weeks clothing items and non-perishable food
with four nights of live performances, and it was a blessing. 2020 seemed sure to leave a bleak         products were collected for the Night Shelter in Somerset
future for the theatre, but ending the shows with laughs, tears and energy from the audience            West. A huge box of donations was delivered this year.
was the cherry on the cake all of Parel Vallei's performers wanted.

Reports and Clubs
                                                                                                      Ons het die jaar afgeskop deur diens te doen by die interhuis-
                                                                                                      en interskoleatletiek.

                                                                                                      In Februarie het het 10 nuwe noodhelpers vlak 1 gedoen en
                                                                                                      12 leerders het vlak 2-kwalifikasie verwerf om reg te wees vir
                                                                                                      die 2020 winterseisoen wat sou voorlê. Juf Daphne Matshayana
                                                                                                      het ook by ons aangesluit en het die vlak 2-kwalifikasie verwerf;
                                                                                                      gereed vir aksie in die winterseisoen.

                                                                                                      Ons het ook ywerig diens gedoen by die hokkie, netbal en
                                                                                                      rugbyproewe. Natuurlik, soos baie ander dinge in 2020 het
                                                                                                      die wintersportseisoen nooit gebeur nie.

                                                                                                      We had a committed committee who helped running Parel
                                                                                                      Vallei's First Aid club.

                                                                                                      Thank you to our 2020 committee:
                                                                                                      Amber de Villiers - First aid room; marketing; duties and
                             Eco club                                                                 mentoring. Anja Buys - Kommunikasie (noodhulpbord); mentor;
                                                                                                      kursusse en dienste. Sarah Collier - Chair person
                             The Eco club of 2020 got off to a good start at the beginning of
                             the year before everything was put on hold when the school went          Baie dankie aan elke
                             into lockdown because of the Corona virus.                               noodhelper vir julle
In the first three months of the year, the Eco club sold beautiful hand painted reusable shopping     kundige en vriendelike
bags and stainless steel straws at the Market Day.                                                    diens op ons
The club organised a very successful Eco week where the Eco committee tried to illustrate
to the PV learners, how people and social media can be obsessed with film stars, models, pop          We would like to thank
stars etc. but people involved in environmental issues often get very little recognition. During      the First Aid team for
the week, the committee also raised funds for the club by selling ice coffee and pancakes and         their able and selfless
organised fun activities like paper plane competitions using recycled paper.                          service to the school.

Just before lockdown, the Eco club visited the Stellenbosch Botanical Garden where Dr                 Me Elsabe Kruger saam
Donovan Kirkwood, the curator, gave a very informative guided tour to various parts of the            met me Rika Marais het
garden.                                                                                               hierdie jaar weereens
                                                                                                      die noodhulp by Parel
The Eco club was still able to recycle paper and had an e-waste collection. When we heard             Vallei gelei.
about the huge nurdle (small plastic pellets) spill all along our coastline, a beach clean-up was
organised at Strand beach.                                                                            We cannot wait for
The enthusiasm of the Eco committee is much appreciated.

    Othello: Tragedy or Murder Mystery? - Nerise Malan                                   After arriving at the Fugard and carrying all the set and prop pieces
                                                                                         for what felt like forever, the cast was ready to do their first rehearsal
    It happened on the Fugard Stage. The murder weapon was the                           on the legendary stage. They then noticed something very strange,
    candle stick. The murderer? Well, everyone.                                          one or two of the swords were missing. After running around like
                                                                                         headless chickens they came to the conclusion that it would be fine
    Parel Vallei's own grade 11 drama class performed the Shakespeare                    because there were more than enough for all the death scenes to
    classic on the Fugard Stage on the 3rd of March 2020. They                           happen as planned. The dress rehearsal came and more props had
    participated in “The Shakespeare School's Festival South Africa”                     suddenly gone missing and after a coffee shop photoshoot and some
                                                                                         bonding time it was finally time to perform. Unfortunately by the time
    which entailed a 30 minute rendition of a Shakespeare play performed
                                                                                         the performance came all the swords had gone missing and the only
    in front of a live audience. This was Parel Vallei's first time participating
                                                                                         prop left that could remotely work as a murder weapon was a candlestick.
    in the festival which celebrated its 10th birthday this year.
                                                                                         By making use of some clever hand offs and careful random placements
     Every element of the performance was done by the learners                           on the floor the candlestick went through the hands of every cast
    themselves including directing, design, stage managing, lights and                   member that needed to kill or threaten someone and knowing
    sound, under the leadership of our drama teacher, Darryl Spijkers.                   Shakespeare… it was a lot. Luckily this happened before lockdown
    Othello starred Griffin Poole, as Othello, Jana Rademan, as                          or not sanitising the candlestick would have been a big problem.
    Desdemona and Nerise Malan as Iago.
                                                                                         So Shakespeare's great tragedy mirrored an Elizabethan game of
    Othello is the story of a general whose trust in his best friend, who                “Clue” with every murder happening by candlestick. But death has
    has a taste for vengeance, allows him to spiral into a jealous rage                  become so cliché, especially at a Shakespeare festival, why not change
    and kill his wife. Between the fictional deception, manipulation,                    it up a bit by using an unconventional weapon? The class still doesn't
    rage and jealousy, was a real case of strange events that let the cast               know what happened to the props. But the presumption is, it happened
    feel like they were playing a game of “Clue” despite the play being                  on the Fugard Stage, the weapon was a candlestick, the thief? Lady
    set on a chessboard.                                                                 Macbeth's ghost who needed props to get that damn spot out.

    Strava - Parel Vallei vs Pearson Strava challenge, final stats:                      Congratulations to PAREL VALLEI AND the whole of our community
                                                                                         that made this possible! The whole is truly greater than the sum of its
    Parel Vallei: 594 athletes, 900 activities and a total of 4 941km.                   parts! With this challenge Parel Vallei and its community showed that
    Pearson:      396 athletes, 733 activities and a total of 4 918km.                   they can TUNGU (Turn Up and Never Give Up) TOGETHER!

Verslae en Klubs

Eco's beach cleanup project: The Eco Club gets pro-active and cleans up litter on Strand beach

GIG’s Women’s World day of Prayer              Eco's beach cleanup project: The Eco Club             ATKV-uitreik
                                               gets pro-active and cleans up litter on

ATKV-lede se uitreik                           ATKV-leesprojek                                       ATKV se storieleesprojek by Uyavula

                                                   Tennis by Parel Vallei was weereens baie geslaagd in die 2019/2020-seisoen. Ons is nie uitermate
                                                   geraak deur die Covid-19 pandemie nie, aangesien ons ligas reeds afgehandel was voor die
                                                   pandemie uitgebreek het.

                                                   Ligawedstryde is in die eerste kwartaal op Maandae gespeel en elke Maandagmiddag het die
                                                   bussies met tennisspelers van die skool af vertrek om by ag of nege verskillende skole te gaan
                                                   kragte meet! Wedstryde is gespeel in die Helderbergkom, Stellenbosch, Paarl en Wellington.

                                                   Ons het deelgeneem aan vier toernooie gedurende die seisoen, en het by al hierdie toernooie
                                                   goed gevaar. Ons dogters het by Moorreesburg (Agnes Pauw-toernooi) besonder goed gevaar
Matrix's donation for His Ark                      en tweede geëindig. Ons O/15-span was weereens die wenners by die Bredasdorp-juniortoernooi.
                                                   Van ons leerders het as individue goed presteer en is verkies tot provinsiale spanne.

                                                   Parel Vallei-leerders is bevoorreg om afrigting te ontvang by EDGE-Tennisakademie - iets wat
                                                   beslis bydra tot die sukses van ons tennisprogram.

                                                   Die oordoen van die tennisbane is steeds nie gefinaliseer nie en bly baie problematies en frustrerend.
                                                   Ons is egter besig om te werk aan 'n oplossing vir die probleem.
                                                   Ten slotte wil ons die onderwysers bedank vir hul waardevolle bydraes met tyd en entoesiasme!
                                                   Dit word opreg waardeer.

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