Saint Philip Catholic Parish
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Saint Philip Catholic Parish The People of God in Pittsburgh, Thornburg, Ingram, and Crafton WEEK OF JANUARY 9, 2022 Download the bulletin at OFFICE HOURS: Monday – Friday: 10:00am to 2:00pm PASTORAL STAFF Rev. James R. Torquato, Pastor Ms. MaryAnn Garfold, Faith Formation Director Ms. Mary Beth Barsh, Music Director Ms. Dorothy Mancini, Assistant Organist Ms. Dorothy Kraemer, Office Manager Ms. Ursula Eberle, Business Coordinator & Safe Environment Coordinator Ms. Maureen Takach, Administrative Assistant Ms. Linda Bey, Faith Formation Secretary Mr. Richard Hufnagel, Maintenance Mr. Brian Cox, Maintenance Ms. Chris Archacki, Maintenance PRIESTS IN RESIDENCE Rev. Joseph Scheib, Saint Philip Rectory Rev. Lawrence Adams, Ascension Rectory PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Robert Bertocchi, Frank Bey, Patricia Cygrymus, Barbara Hendrick, Joseph Hoover, Dolores Leone, Martin Matko, Patricia McDermott (Co-Chair), Katie Phillips, David Pilarski (Co-Chair), Mary Schubert and Richard Schubert. PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL Benjamin Bannon, Thomas Hipkiss, Joseph Hoover, Joseph Rynn, Gary Urbatis ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES Saint Philip Church Ascension Church Guardian Angel Academy 114 Berry Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15205 50 West Crafton Ave. 114 Berry Street 915 Alice Street Saint Philip Office (412) 922-6300 Pittsburgh, PA 15205 Pittsburgh, PA 15205 Pittsburgh, PA 15220 Mr. Robert Munz, Principal Faith Formation Office (412) 922-6388 Society of SVdeP (412) 444-8140 BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS: Should be submitted to Guardian Angel Academy (412) 922-4765 no later than 12:00pm on Friday to be included in the following week’s bulletin.
MASS SCHEDULE Our Liturgies are celebrated at both Saint Philip Church, 50 West Crafton Avenue, Crafton, and Ascension Church, 114 Berry Street, Pittsburgh LOCATION TIME MASS INTENTION REQUESTED BY SATURDAY, JANUARY 8 — CHRISTMAS WEEKDAY Ascension 8:00am James O’Connor, Sr. O’Connor Family Saint Philip 4:00pm (V) James M. O’Connor, Sr. Cathy O’Connor Ascension 5:30pm (V) Rev. Walter Sobon Diana Miller CONFESSION SUNDAY, JANUARY 9 — THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD Offered Saturdays from 12:00pm to Saint Philip 7:00am Pat Daly Carol Bayer 1:00pm at Ascension Church. Ascension 9:30am Cynthia Laughlin Ray, Dianne, Julia & Jeff DeFrancisis SACRAMENTS Saint Philip 11:00am Geoff Seacrist St. Philip Choir Baptism: A seminar is required for first-time parents. Baptisms are MONDAY, JANUARY 10 — WEEKDAY (FIRST WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME) celebrated on the first and third Sundays of the month at 12:15pm at Saint Philip 8:00am Sally Sabol Holy Innocents Money Saint Philip Church or at Ascension Counters Church. Call the Faith Formation Office at 412-922-6388 for more information. TUESDAY, JANUARY 11 — WEEKDAY Matrimony: The Pastor is to be Ascension 8:00am Douglas Shoup Hooks & Needles contacted 6-18 months in advance of Craft Group the requested wedding date. Participation in a Pre-Marriage WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12 — WEEKDAY Program is required. Please contact the Parish Office for more information. Saint Philip 8:00am Len Murin Friend Anointing of the Sick: Following a THURSDAY, JANUARY 13 — WEEKDAY weekend Mass and on the last Saturday of the month at 8:30am at Ascension 8:00am Super Family Family Ascension Church. FRIDAY, JANUARY 14 — WEEKDAY Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Saint Philip 8:00am Dorothy Fogle Jan & Jay Roach (RCIA): Call the Faith Formation Office at 412-922-6388 for more information. SATURDAY, JANUARY 15 — WEEKDAY Priesthood/Religious Life: Contact the Ascension 8:00am Living & Deceased Members of St. Philip Parish Pastor for more information. Saint Philip 4:00pm (V) Joe Quaquarucci Legion of Mary Victim’s Assistance Hot-Line: If you are a Ascension 5:30pm (V) Antoin Rodgers Rodgers Family person who has been hurt by abuse from clergy or others associated with the Church, SUNDAY, JANUARY 16 — SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME the Diocese of Pittsburgh offers assistance with counseling, spiritual direction and Staint Philip 7:00am Maureen McDonough Jeff & Marian Flaus referrals to other supportive services. Ascension 9:30am Paul Korol Wife, Claudia For information, contact our Diocesan Victim Saint Philip 11:00am Joseph Stotlemyer Anita Stotlemyer Assistance Coordinator at 412-456-3093. Protecting God’s Children — VICTIM HOTLINE: 1-888-808-1235 Saint Philip Parish is on Facebook! Follow us today CHILDLINE: 1-888-932-0313 to report child abuse to learn about upcoming events and happenings. Call 911 if a child is in imminent danger. 2 | Saint Philip Catholic Parish
Notes remains a sacred religious ceremony today as well. As we see in the ministry of Saint John the Baptist, Baptism was practiced among the people of Israel, and from the as we see in the Gospels and the early Church, Baptism Pastor is the first Ritual of Initiation for all those called to be disciples of Jesus and members of his holy Church. As you know, Baptism (and the divine grace that it shares with us) lasts a lifetime. In fact, we believe that Greetings once again, and best wishes for a very good Baptism marks us as God’s people for all eternity, and week and a blessed New Year 2022! in our prayer, we ask the Lord to renew and revitalize our Baptismal Grace throughout our lifetime. The Baptism of the Lord Sunday There are also three most important gifts which we This Sunday, we conclude the Christmas Season with receive in our Baptism. These gifts are: 1.) our being our celebration of the Baptism of the Lord Jesus at cleansed from the sin of this world (“Original Sin”); 2.) the Jordan River. As Jesus began His public ministry, our receiving divine life (grace) in our souls and in our He was recognized by the prophet John the Baptizer as lives for the first time; and 3.) our membership among the Holy One sent by God into the world, Jesus was the People of God in the Catholic Church. All these of proclaimed by John to be the Lamb of God, the these gifts are very important to our Christian faith, Messiah, and Christ – the Anointed One. This witness life, and discipleship – and to our sharing in the by John is an important and magnificent testimony to eternal life and goodness of God. us, to the Church, and to the world. It is a sacred testimony that Jesus is the Lord and Savior who was May we always appreciate and give thanks for the promised to Israel – the first People of God – and to all gift of our Baptism, may we live in the life of the Lord of humanity. every day, and may the divine grace within us be renewed in the Eucharist, in our prayer, and in all the Of course, we believe that Jesus and His mother Mary Sacraments that we receive throughout our lives! never sinned, and so, Jesus’ Baptism was NOT for the forgiveness of any sins. Instead, Jesus’ Baptism was Why we Baptize our Children the clear indication that Jesus shares fully in the life of all human persons. Jesus’ Baptism shows that He is Most Catholic Christians accept the nearly 2000 year indeed fully human as He shared in our human living old practice of baptizing children, but sometimes and journey. As we believe that Jesus is fully Divine, we people ask “Why baptize children? Why not let them also believe that Jesus is fully human. He is the Divine grow up without any formal connection to Jesus and Incarnation of the Son of God who unites humanity the Church, and then let them decide for themselves?” with the Divinity. He is the Lord who came to redeem all people and to offer us salvation in the life and Here are my regular responses to such questions. Kingdom of Almighty God. First, since we consider our life in God the Father, the May we always cherish the Lord Jesus. May we know Son, and the Holy Spirit – and in the Church and in our that He fully shares our human life with us, and may parish – to be a most wonderful gift and treasure, we share in the glory and love of God that Jesus came there’s NO good reason to withhold this treasure from to share with all those who accept Him – and who live our children. Let them share in God’s life as soon as in Him and with Him. God bless! possible! Second, since parents make every decision for their The Blessings of our own Baptism children until age 18 (especially important decisions such as schools, friends, home instruction, and activities), Baptism has been a sacred religious ceremony for parents have the right and the obligation to make very thousands of years, and for all Catholic Christians it important faith decisions for their children too. The Baptism of the Lord | 3
Third, planting the seeds of faith is most important in the lives of children. If NO seeds of faith are planted, then the next FINANCIAL OUR SAINT PHILIP generation will grow up without any faith REPORT PARISH FINANCES or life in God. Fourth, the practice of Infant Baptism is Christmas collection total -- $16,870.00 recorded in the earliest generations of the Special Christmas collection total -- $3,368.00 Regular Christmas collection envelopes used -- 248 Church (when entire families were Church attendance on Christmas -- 1,063 baptized together), and this has continued throughout our 2000 year history. Sunday collection total, December 26, 2021 -- $4,332.00 Fifth, in the Gospels, Jesus healed Church attendance on December 26 -- 495 individuals because of the faith of the Sunday envelopes used -- 145 family and friends. This is why parents, grandparents, and godparents speak on Sunday collection total, January 1-2, 2022 -- $6,112.55 Online donations (Dec. 26, 2021 & Jan. 1-2, 2022) -- $3,445.53 behalf of their children in accepting the Church attendance on January 1-2, 2022 -- 616 faith for them. At Confirmation, children Sunday envelopes used -- 173 then accept and profess our faith – and Online contributions (12/26/2021 & 01/1-2/2022) -- 38 become young adult disciples by their own acceptance of all that we believe and live. Parish income needed for this Fiscal Year -- $724,000.00 Parish income received since July 1, 2021 -- $290,525.11 As new generations of God’s people are Parish fundraising since July 1, 2021 -- $14,921.52 born into our families, the Church, and Estate gifts received since July 1, 2021 -- $0.00 the world, may we share our Catholic -- $7,208.00 Average weekly staff salary and benefits expenses Christian faith and life with them as soon Average weekly maintenance/operation expenses -- $ 973.00 and as completely as possible! May future Average weekly utility expenses -- $1,539.00 generations of your family and of the Average weekly insurance expenses -- $1,251.00 People of God be joined to the Lord in Weekly contributions to Guardian Angel Academy -- $1,400.00 Baptism and continue to share the salvation of God with all people—now and Parish members -- 3,463 Parish families -- 1,719 until the Lord Jesus makes his return to us! Total households receiving envelopes -- 1,151 Best wishes for a blessed New Year 2022! THE GLOBAL SYNOD: Best wishes for a very good Sunday and REFLECT ON YOUR for a very good 2022! Again, thank you very much for your continued faith, CATHOLIC EXPERIENCE discipleship, dedication, goodness, and To prepare for participation in the generosity – to our parish community, to worldwide Synod, ponder how one another, and to those in need. you have experienced “journeying together” in your parish or Until next weekend, may you and all in Catholic community. our community receive goodness, health, What joys, obstacles, or insights did you receive from this and divine grace from God the Father, the journey? As you reflect, consider where you are hearing the voice Son, and the Holy Spirit. May the Lord of the Holy Spirit. What is the Spirit asking of us as a Church? Jesus bless you, your family, and our What paths are opening? Synodal sessions will be held parish community now and always! throughout the Diocese of Pittsburgh in early 2022. Yours, For more information text “Synod2021” to 84576 and go to Father Jim Torquato to download your Participant Guide. 4 | Week of January 9, 2022
The celebration of the Holy mass, where we gather to worship God and receive Holy Communion, is the heart of our Catholic faith. Given the recent record-breaking surge in positive COVID-19 cases in Allegheny County and surrounding counties, Bishop David Zubik is reminding everyone of the current diocesan safety protocols. He is doing so in order to safely continue in-person Masses throughout the Diocese of Pittsburgh. This is also being done as an urgent request for everyone to do their part to remain vigilant and mitigate the spread of the virus. The current diocesan COVID safety protocols are: • As already widely communicated, the obligation to attend Sunday and Holy Day Mass in person was restored effective Sunday, August 15, 2021. That obligation remains in effect. Those who are sick, have a health risk, or are a primary caregiver, are excused from this obligation. • The practice of extending the Sign of Peace at Mass is suspended until further notice. • The distribution of the Precious Blood continues to be suspended until further notice. • Given the high transmissibility rates, mask-wearing is urgently encouraged for all attending Mass regardless of vaccination status. • Priests, deacons, and all Eucharistic Ministers must continue to wear masks during the distribution of Holy Communion, and at all times except when speaking. • All greeters and ushers must wear masks while welcoming parishioners, should maintain social-distancing, and should refrain from hand-shaking with fellow parishioners. “As we mark the end of 2021 and look with hope to a new year filled with God’s continued blessings, please join with me in praying for an end to the spread of COVID019, and for health and happiness for all,” Bishop Zubik said. Saint Philip Catholic Parish | 5
Parish News HOLY MATRIMONY We offer our congratulations and best wishes to Jack C. Shorthouse and Jacqueline M. Zimmer who were united in the Sacrament of Marriage at St. Philip Parish on December 31. May God bless them as they begin their lives together. CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS To receive a copy of your contributions to Saint Philip Parish for 2021, please fill in the form below. If you wish your statement to be sent MINISTRY SCHEDULE via email, please provide your email on the LECTORS – January 15 & 16 form. If you would like your statement to be 4:00pm at St. Philip – Gregory Healy sent through the U.S. Postal Service, please include a self addressed stamped envelope with 5:30pm at Ascension – Robert Okraszewski the form. Thank you for your cooperation. 7:00am at St. Philip – Patrick Kelly 9:30am at Ascension – Francis Sullen 2021 IRS Contribution Statement 11:00am at St. Philip – Katelyn Hoff Yes, I would like a copy of my 2021 Contributions to St. Philip Parish. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS – January 15 & 16 4:00pm at St. Philip – Ursula Eberle Envelope # _________ Phone #: _______________________ 5:30pm at Ascension – Nancy Salinski 7:00am at St. Philip – Karen Rozeck 9:30am at Ascension – Debby Sullen ________________________________________________________ 11:00am at St. Philip – Susan Kelly Name ________________________________________________________ Email Address Christmas Flower Memorials The following are our most recent Christmas Send by Postal Service to: ________________________________________________________ Flower Memorial intentions: Address In Memory of Ed Webb by Wife In Memory of Webb & Koltula Families by Family 6 | The Baptism of the Lord
THE PARISH OFFICES ARE OPEN The Parish Offices are once again open for in-person parish business, Monday through Friday from 10:00am to 2:00pm. If you have not been fully vaccinated, please wear a face covering to enter the offices. Thank you very much for your cooperation. Rest in Peace We offer our sympathy to the families PARISH SUPPORT of Hazel M. Knight and James M. We are grateful for your continued support! Wilhere who entered into eternal life. If you are unable to attend Mass, you may mail your weekly offering to Please keep them in your prayers. the Parish Office at 114 Berry Street, Pittsburgh 15205 or drop it off in the mail box located outside the main office door. St. Philip Parish also Connect with offers the option for ONLINE GIVING. FLOCKNOTE! To register, contact our parish office, SAFE ENVIRONMENT OR text stphilippa to 84576, OR visit As Christian adults, we have a moral and legal responsibility to protect the spiritual, emotional and physical well-being of children as they participate in activities sponsored by our diocese, our parish and our school. We must ensure that these children, in the care of the Church, be provided with an environment which is safe and nurturing and that they not be place in any danger. To this end, it is the Diocese of Pittsburgh’s policy that no one may volunteer or minister at a parish until a volunteer application is submitted and all background checks are completed and results received. We must continue to keep current the information of those ministering Please Support and volunteering in the parish in the diocesan database. (For instance, SAINT PHILIP PARISH! the PA Child Abuse History Clearance and waivers or fingerprints must by including the parish in be renewed every 5 years.) your will and estate planning. If you receive a renewal application or any other documents, please complete and return the paperwork to Ursula Eberle, Safe Environment Thank you! Coordinator, as soon as possible. We know that these requirements are an inconvenience but we must remain compliant with diocesan and state policy. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Sanctuary Lamp FUNERAL MASS SERVERS As you are probably aware, St. Philip Parish has a high number of This week’s Sanctuary Lamp at St. Philip burns funerals each month. At this time, we could use additional Adult In Loving Memory of Jenny & Bill McNally Funeral Mass Servers to assist us at both churches, St. Philip and Offered by McNally Children Ascension. Most funerals are celebrated Monday through Saturday at 10:00am. We will train you and work around your schedule. This week’s Sanctuary Lamp at Ascension burns Please consider helping us in this very important ministry. If you would In Loving Memory of Marie Rogers Offered by Daughter, Pat like to become a Funeral Altar Server or if you have any questions, please contact the parish office. ADVERTISER of the Week Thank you for your generous financial contributions to SAINT PHILIP PARISH! VINCENT’S OF GREEN TREE ITALIAN RESTAURANT Your goodness and participation help to keep our parish alive! Thank you for helping to underwrite the production of our weekly Parish Bulletin. Week of January 9, 2022 | 77 Page
Religious Education Ms. MaryAnn Garfold, Director of Religious Education 412-922-6388 A NOTE FROM MARYANN: As we conclude the Christmas Season this week with the Baptism of the Lord, I share a prayer as a reminder of this time of year by Robert Louis Stevenson. Loving Father, help us remember the birth of Jesus, that we may share in the song of the angels, the gladness of the shepherds, and the worship of the wise men. Close the door of hate and open the door of love all over the world. Let kindness come with every gift and good desires with every greeting. Born a pagan, St. Hilary (c. 315 – c. Deliver us from evil by the blessing which Christ brings, and teach us to 367) studied philosophy and the be merry with clear hearts. meaning of life, eventually making his way through the bible. He became May the Christmas Season make us happy to be thy children, and a convert and was appointed bishop Christmas evening bring us to our beds with grateful thoughts, of Poitiers in 353. Sometimes referred forgiving and forgiven, for Jesus’ sake. Amen. to as the Hammer of the Arians, St. Hilary defended the Nicene Creed FAITH FORMATION NEWS against a popular heresy, Arianism. He was exiled to Phrygia for opposing CONFIRMATION: There will be a gathering on Monday, January 10 at Roman emperor Constantius II, who 6:30pm in Kelty Hall for all St. Philip Parish 8th grade students who will preferred the heresy which denies be participating in the Sacrament of Confirmation this year. The purpose Christ’s divinity. From Phyrgia St. of the gathering will be to create blankets for the homeless. This is a Hilary fought with his pen, zealously required service project. 8th grade students from Faith Formation and writing against the heresy. Guardian Angel School should attend. Eventually he was allowed to return to Poitiers, but did so by a circuitous COFFEE, TEA, AND COMMUNITY BREAKFAST: Join us on Thursday, route, preaching against Arianism all January 13 in Ascension Conner Hall for our Coffee, Tea, and Community the way. St. Hilary was likely the first Breakfast. It begins at 8:30am with a hot breakfast of quiche, muffins, writer of hymns in the West, his bagels, yogurt, fruit, juice, coffee and tea. This will be followed by a writings on the Trinity, Psalms and reflection with MaryAnn Garfold on Laughter, Our Path to the Joy of the Gospel of Matthew survive today. St. Gospel. Dr. Carol Baric-Tarrow will then speak to us on Care of our Bones Hilary was created Doctor of the and How to Avoid Falls and Accidents this Winter. Join us. Call the Office of Church, a title given to those who Faith Formation at 412-922-6388 for reservations. All are welcome! provided important contributions to Come and bring a friend. theology and doctrine, in 1851 by Pope Pius IX. 8 | Saint Philip Catholic Parish
Family Faith Formation Ideas and information for the family to share. MISSION: Find out what makes God happy. As a family, read John 15:9-12. HIGH SCHOOL LEADERSHIP CORE: We are interested in having high school students as part of our Leadership Core. These students would receive credit toward a college application, service hours, the opportunity to help others in need and a chance to plan and take a leadership role in High School Faith Formation. Time commitment would be 4 hours per month. If your son or daughter would like to volunteer, please contact MaryAnn at 412-922-6388. GOSPEL WORD SEARCH: Find and circle these words RCIA: If you are interested in learning more about the from today’s Gospel. Catholic Faith, are an adult who now would like to JOHN WATER HOLY SPIRIT receive the Sacrament of Confirmation or are a MESSIAH POWERFUL FIRE Baptized Christian who would like to consider Full BAPTIZING SANDALS JESUS Communion with the Catholic Church, St. Philip Parish is beginning new sessions this winter. Please call MaryAnn at 412-922-6388 for more information. BAPTISM: We are accepting Baptism requests for 2022. If you would like to have your child baptized at St. Philip Parish, please call 412-922-6388 to begin the process. MARDI GRAS IS COMING TO ST. PHILIP: On Monday, February 29 St. Philip Parish will sponsor a Free Pancake Supper from 6:00pm to 8:00pm in Ascension Conner Hall. There will be food, music, desserts, fun and King’s Cake. This will be for all ages and for the entire Parish. Registrations are requested. Come let us celebrate the beginning of Lent as a Parish. More information coming. Call the Office of Faith Formation at 412-922-6388 to register. The Baptism of the Lord | 9
EVERYDAY STEWARDSHIP - RECOGNIZE GOD IN YOUR ORDINARY MOMENTS I Hope I Am Like Him “Who is this Christ? Is he like you?” Perhaps you’ve heard this story, often attributed to the life of St. Teresa of Calcutta. A sick man asked her this question, as he marveled at her tireless service to himself and others in the name of someone named Jesus Christ. “He is nothing like me,” the saint is said to have answered. “But I hope I am like him.” Though the authenticity of this exchange cannot be verified, its CATHOLIC WEBSITES message rings perfectly true: all the value of our stewardship lies in Would you like to find good Catholic its relativity to the one in whose name we perform it. information, news, and inspiration on the Internet? Then explore these Consider the figure of John the Baptist — a magnificent, towering very good sites and sign up for their character even purely from a literary or historical perspective. A communications. martyr who fed on wild locusts and boldly spoke truth to power — a man so great some mistook him for the Messiah. But why is he great? Because he prepared the way. All his accomplishments and escapades mean nothing if they are taken out of the context of salvation history. He only makes sense relative to Christ — and this is exactly as he wanted it. “One worthier than I is coming,” he insists. And because of that humility and that total embrace of God’s will, he is given one of the greatest honors in the New Testament — he baptizes the Son of God. Let’s examine our lives in the light of their relativity to Christ. How do we prepare the way? When Christ comes to us, what do we do? How do we leave ourselves open to be actors in God’s plan? — Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS ©LPi 10 | Week of January 9, 2022
— AROUND THE COMMUNITY — BIRTHRIGHT OF PITTSBURGH — 160 N. Craig Street, Suite 209, Pittsburgh, PA 15213; Phone: 412-621-1988; 24/7 Sunday, January 9 Help Line: 1-800-550-4900. Isaiah 42:1-7; Acts 10:34-38; Birthright needs your prayers, involvement and financial Luke 3:15-22 support. We are interdenominational, nonprofit and nonpolitical. Free services. Dedicated volunteers confi- Weekdays dentially provide alternatives to abortion. 1 Samuel 1-8; Mark 1-2 Our greatest need: Join our Volunteer Team! We would Sunday, January 16 like to staff our office from 9:00am until 7:00pm, five to Isaiah 62:1-5; six days a week so that we can be available to meet the 1 Corinthians 12:4-11; needs of clients at convenient times for them; although John 2:1-11 our hotline takes calls 24/7. We hope to have our walk-in services available more frequently. CATHOLIC ALUMNI CLUB — The Catholic Alumni Club is a non-profit organization providing a framework for single Catholics to meet and socialize with other singles. In addition to social activities, the CAC also provides programs of spiritual development and com- munity service for its members. Softball & tennis players wanted, co-ed: SINGLES, 21 AND OVER. Softball is played in Blawnox and Tennis at Moore Park in Brookline. The Catholic Singles Club of Pittsburgh is looking for players of all abilities. The group also offers dinners, spirituality events, trips, mini golf, hiking, volleyball, cultural and many other great events. For more information or an application, go to: www.-, or contact or Our newly merged regional Gary at or 412-427-8772. school has begun its first year! Saint Philip Parish families are welcome to learn more about Guardian Angel Academy and to enroll in this school year. Please contact Guardian Angel Academy this week at 412-922-4765. Saint Philip Catholic Parish | 11
vouchers for herself and her two children, and we Ministries donated $1,000 to the Saint Vincent de Paul USA Disaster Services Corporation ( to aid the victims of devastating tornadoes in the & Societies Midwest. If you would like to make a monetary donation or a donation of $10 Giant Eagle gift cards, place your donation in one of the poor boxes, mail them to the ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY UPDATE parish office at 114 Berry Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15205, or A new, temporary program designed to assist people donate at with delinquent water and sewage bills has recently ws/opportunities/StVincentdePaul. Monetary donations begun accepting applications. Funded with $42.3 made to our conference are used only to assist friends million from the American Rescue Plan, the in need and to pay our operational expenses. No Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program money is given to any other organizations. (LIHWAP) provides qualifying households with one grant for delinquent water charges and one for If you would like to make a donation of furniture or delinquent sewage charges, up to $2,500 each. The household goods, call or text our hotline at 412-444-8140 grants are available to both renters and homeowners. or email us at If you The household income limits are as follows: would like to donate clothing, shoes or accessories, $19,320/year for one person, $26,130/year for two please place your donation in the blue bins in front of people, $32,930/year for three people and $39,750/year the Hope House at St. Philip or in the rear parking lot for four people. For more information, or to apply, at Ascension, or you can call, text or email us to visit or call 877-395-8930. arrange a pickup if you are unable to transport them Please pass this information along to your friends and yourself. Please do not place any other items in those neighbors who might be in need of assistance with bins or leave anything outside of them because they their water and/or sewage arrears. will be thrown away. If you are looking to purchase new or gently-used clothing, housewares or furniture, A federal government regulation restricting the ability please shop at the St. Vincent de Paul thrift stores and of mortgage companies to foreclose on borrowers with visit our online store at Also, we federally-guaranteed or federally-insured mortgages are always looking for volunteers! Any donation of who became delinquent during the Covid pandemic your time is extremely valuable to us. If you’d like to expired at the end of 2021. If you have fallen behind in join us in helping our friends in need or just want to mortgage payments, even if you were on a learn more, call, text or email us for more information. lender-approved Covid forbearance, you must contact your mortgage company immediately and inquire As always, if you, or someone you know, are in need of about your loan modification options in order to avoid assistance, call or text our hotline at 412-444-8140 or foreclosure. Many people who took advantage of Covid email us at forbearance plans mistakenly believe that the mortgage company can automatically “move” missed mortgage payments to the end of the loan term, but this is not correct. You must apply for and be approved for a loan modification in order to bring your mortgage current if you do not have the ability to do so in a lump sum or over a very short period of time. This week, your generous donations enabled us to provide a single mother with a bus pass and clothing 12 | The Baptism of the Lord
SAINT PHILIP PARISH We don’t know who will play in this year’s Super Bowl yet, but we do know the game is scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 13, 2022 between the AFC and the NFC. We are having a Super Bowl Pool. The cost is $50 per block. There are 100 blocks in the pool. We will have 4 payouts: 1st Quarter score — $375 2nd Quarter score — $750 3rd Quarter score — $375 Final score — $1,000 The names and numbers will be randomly drawn in advance. You will receive a copy of the complet- ed pool prior to the Super Bowl. Don’t be left out. LIVE THE LITURGY We already have blocks sold!! INSPIRATION FOR THE WEEK Purchase a block for yourself or partner with a Jesus stood in line with everyone else and was friend. Please fill out the form below and return to baptized. There is something incredibly humbling the parish office. Thank you. about how this must have played out. Then, God did something truly awesome and inspiring. SAINT PHILIP SUPER BOWL POOL Through a very gentle and simple action he let the _____ Square(s) @ $50 each world know about the special relationship He shares with Jesus. That’s exactly what is so incredi- Total enclosed ________________ ble about our baptisms as well! Through those holy waters God announces to the world the special I would like to name my block(s): place we also occupy in His heart. We no longer have to wonder about the purpose of our lives or struggle to find our way. We do not need to fumble ____________________________________________________ around, tripping over ourselves and wondering why we are even here. The answer has been given. Name ____________________________________________ All we have to do is live out the vocation we have received, to live the Gospel in fidelity to our Phone number __________________________________ Creator. There is nothing to fear and worry has no place. Standing in line with other sinners, we have Email ____________________________________________ our anchor and God is very pleased. Week of January 9, 2022 | 13
GOSPEL MEDITATION: ENCOURAGE DEEPER UNDERSTANDING OF SCRIPTURE This Sunday’s Bible Readings FIRST READING: Then the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all people shall see it together; for the mouth of the LORD has spoken. (40:5) “We are called to live our baptism every day, as new creatures, clothed in Christ.” • — Pope Francis What reference point do you use when making decisions? Many times, PSALM: O bless the Lord, my soul. (Ps 104) impulse takes control and decisions are made based solely on emotion and desire. We all know that these types of decisions can often get us into • trouble. When a person has a confident sense of who they are and a real understanding of what is important and of value, the likelihood of SECOND READING: kneejerk impulsive choices diminishes. Baptism gives us what we need to He saved us through the bath of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit. (Ti 3:5) make well informed and purposeful decisions. By this simple gesture, God claims us as His own and provides us with the identity and purpose • we need to properly live life. GOSPEL: It is tremendously reassuring, when we truly embrace this revelation and After all the people had been baptized realize that we no longer have to wonder about the purpose of our lives and Jesus also had been baptized and was or struggle to find our way. The answer of who we are in God has been praying,heaven was opened and the Holy given to us. We no longer have to fumble around, trip over ourselves or Spirit descended upon himin bodily form like a dove. (Lk 3:22) walk aimlessly about. Issues surrounding the sacredness of life, the meaning of death, the protection of those most vulnerable, care for the weak and the poor, offering hospitality to those in search of a home, the Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD. The English translation of Psalm purpose and proper place of work, how to create a just social order, Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, caring for creation, and understanding our roles as heralds and stewards 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. are just a few of the wonderful gifts baptism brings. When we make decisions based on things such as these core Gospel truths we really act as Christ himself, revealing to others the new creations that we are. This is how we live our baptism. It is difficult to walk against the tide. Yet, that is precisely what baptism calls us to do. Although we are sinners, in need of mercy and far from perfection we are called to order our life and make decisions based upon the wisdom and guidance of Almighty God. He alone is the one who can claim us as His sons and daughters. Standing up for our principles will not make us popular. But who ever said Christianity is a popularity contest? Baptism calls us to stand up for that which goes against the grain of secularism. Standing in line with other sinners, we have our anchor to steady us in the tempests of life and God is very pleased. Forge ahead. There is nothing to fear. 14 | Saint Philip Catholic Parish
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