FABIAN            Our Mission is to be

 CATHOLIC    a Reflective and Active Presence
            of Jesus Christ in the Community.

COMMUNITY         We are called by God
             as the Baptized Community of
                 Saint Fabian to Embody
            the Risen Christ we Experience as

                 Compassionate Lover
            Embracer of all Cultures and Ages,
                       and Guide

                   United in faith as
                  Daughters and Sons,
                  we live and celebrate
                    God’s Presence
PAGE 2                    FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                JANUARY 28, 2018

         Since I have to speak about the Annual Catholic Appeal at all Masses this weekend, here are a
  few thoughts – you might call it the “Second Homily – on today’s readings at Mass.

         Today’s second reading, from Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians, might be a little difficult
  for many to understand. Here is some background information that might be helpful.

         This passage comes from a section of the letter where Paul replies to several questions he
  received in a letter from the Corinthians. In this reading he deals with a question about marriage and
  celibacy. Paul begins (and we do not get to read this part) by affirming the value of marriage and then
  he moves on to affirm the value of celibacy.

          Paul is not making a rule, but rather a suggestion to those who were not yet married or who were
  widowed and he points out the advantages of living in such a state, that is, not being married. Behind
  this suggestion was the expectation of the early Church, including Paul, that Jesus was going to return
  very soon and with his coming the world would come to an end. Do you remember last week’s reading,
  when Paul said “time is running out” and “the world as we know it is passing away?”

         If it sounds as if Paul is overemphasizing the spiritual advantages of celibacy, consider how you
  might view things with regard to getting married and starting a family if you seriously thought that
  probably in a year or two or three the world would end and Jesus would return. So his words that we
  hear today are not against marriage and they probably made a lot of sense to the people of his day.

         In regards to today’s second reading, a little background might also be helpful.

          The setting is on the East side of the Jordan River across from the Promised Land. After many
  years in the desert, God’s people were ready to cross the Jordan and enter a land “flowing with milk and

          Moses knew that God was calling him to leave this world and God’s People would cross the
  Jordan and enter the Promised Land without him. Basically Moses is saying “goodbye” to his people.
  He is assuring them that God would not leave them without direction or leadership. God would send
  them another prophet like himself who would speak God’s Word to them.

          Many people still think of a prophet as a person who foretells the future. Sometimes the prophets
  did this, but the best definition of a prophet is at the end of today’s reading: one who speaks God’s
  Word. The first and the third reading on Sundays are usually connected somehow. This reading is
  meant to prepare us for the Gospel when Jesus speaks God’s Word with power and authority.
                  And speaking of the Annual Catholic Appeal: The ACA, in addition to meeting the
  financial needs of our Church, calls one another to actively practice our faith. Here is a prayer you
  might add to your regular prayers: That we may see the work of the Annual Catholic Appeal as an
  opportunity to extend our love and service beyond the boundaries of our parish and local community,
  we pray to the Lord.
PAGE 3                            FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                       JANUARY 28, 2018

                                         READINGS FOR THIS WEEKEND
 FIRST READING: DEUTERONOMY 18:15-20                             how she may please her husband.
                                                                 I am telling you this for your own benefit,
 Moses spoke to all the people, saying:                          not to impose a restraint upon you,
 "A prophet like me will the LORD, your God, raise up for you    but for the sake of propriety
 from among your own kin;                                        and adherence to the Lord without distraction.
 to him you shall listen.
 This is exactly what you requested of the LORD, your God, at
 Horeb                                                           GOSPEL: MARK 1:21-28
 on the day of the assembly, when you said,
 'Let us not again hear the voice of the LORD, our God,          Then they came to Capernaum,

 nor see this great fire any more, lest we die.'                 and on the sabbath Jesus entered the synagogue and taught.

 And the LORD said to me, 'This was well said.                   The people were astonished at his teaching,

 I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their    for he taught them as one having authority and not as the

 kin,                                                            scribes.

 and will put my words into his mouth;                           In their synagogue was a man with an unclean spirit;

 he shall tell them all that I command him.                      he cried out, "What have you to do with us, Jesus of

 Whoever will not listen to my words which he speaks in my       Nazareth?

 name,                                                           Have you come to destroy us?

 I myself will make him answer for it.                           I know who you are—the Holy One of God!"

 But if a prophet presumes to speak in my name                   Jesus rebuked him and said,

 an oracle that I have not commanded him to speak,               "Quiet! Come out of him!"

 or speaks in the name of other gods, he shall die.'"            The unclean spirit convulsed him and with a loud cry came
                                                                 out of him.
                                                                 All were amazed and asked one another,
 SECOND READING: 1 CORINTHIANS 7:32-                             "What is this?
 35                                                              A new teaching with authority.
                                                                 He commands even the unclean spirits and they obey him."
 Brothers and sisters:                                           His fame
 I should like you to be free of anxieties.                      spread
 An unmarried man is anxious about the things of the Lord,       everywhere
 how he may please the Lord.                                     throughout the
 But a married man is anxious about the things of the world,     whole region
 how he may please his wife, and he is divided.                  of Galilee.
 An unmarried woman or a virgin is anxious about the things of
 the Lord,
 so that she may be holy in both body and spirit.
 A married woman, on the other hand,
 is anxious about the things of the world,
PAGE 4                      FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                   JANUARY 28, 2018

                                                                                 TREASURES FROM
                           ADORATION                                              OUR TRADITION
                             of the                             This is the year of St. Paul, and so one of the
                            BLESSED                        most visited churches of Rome is also one of the
                                                           most beautiful: the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the
                          SACRAMENT                        Walls. Like so many other churches, it was founded
                                                           by the master-builder (or financier) Emperor
                   Come visit Jesus in the Chapel          Constantine about the year 315. Paul was martyred
                    anytime this Monday from:              outside the walls of the City of Rome at a place
                      12:00 Noon to 6:30 p.m.              called Tre Fontaine, probably on June 29, in the
                   Benediction will be at 6:15 p.m.        year 65, perhaps the first anniversary of St. Peter’s
                                                           crucifixion. Christians buried him in a quiet place
 Let Him have all your                                     about two miles away, and visited to pray. Constan-
      worries and                                          tine was running low on bricks, apparently, because
     cares, for He is                                      the first church was tiny. In 386 it was demolished
                                                           and today’s basilica begun. This vast and towering
 always thinking about
                                                           space looks much the same today as it did in the
   you and watching                                        fourth century.
     everything that
                                                                The centuries have not been kind to ancient
     concerns you.
                                                           Rome, but until the early 1800s St. Paul Outside the
    (1Peter 5:7 TLB)
                             We all gather together in     Walls survived beautifully, perhaps because it has
                            the Chapel and He is there.    been assigned for nearly a thousand years to
                                                           Benedictine monks. It was therefore a vibrant place of
                                                           daily prayer even through the centuries when Rome
              BLESSING OF EXPECTANT                        was a poor and nearly abandoned city. In 1823 a
                                                           great fire resulted from a botched repair job to lead
                     MOTHERS                               on the roof, and St. Paul’s was destroyed. It is said
                                                           that the whole world contributed to its restoration.
                                                           Even the Russian czar and the viceroy of Egypt gave
                        NEXT SUNDAY
                                                           alabaster, malachite, and lapis lazuli for the pillars
                      FEBRUARY 4, 2018                     and the tabernacle. Several of the precious mosaics
 On the first Sunday of each month, St. Fabian Parish      were able to be restored, bringing the ancient basilica
 offers a blessing for expectant mothers, fathers and      back to life. One of the great treasures of the basilica
 their unborn children, immediately following the 9:30     is a set of prison chains, said to have been worn by
 a.m. Mass and we’ll meet in the Chapel. The bless-        the Apostle in the last days before his martyrdom.
 ing is given to strengthen mothers & fathers during the   Unlike other Roman churches, St. Paul’s stands in a
 time of waiting and to pray for the health and safe       garden-like suburban neighborhood, surrounded by
 delivery of their child. This blessing may be received    stately palm trees, gardens, and parks.
 monthly throughout the pregnancy.
                                                           —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
                                     ~ Deacon Charlie

                                          READINGS FOR THE WEEK
Monday:         2 Sm 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13; Ps 3:2-7;
                Mk 5:1-20                                          Come, let us bow down in worship;
Tuesday:        2 Sm 18:9-10, 14b, 24-25a, 30 —                   let us kneel before the LORD who made us.
                19:3; Ps 86:1-6; Mk 5:21-43                                    — Psalm 95:6
Wednesday:      2 Sm 24:2, 9-17; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7;
                Mk 6:1-6
Thursday:       1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12; 1 Chr 29:10-12;
                Mk 6:7-13
Friday:         Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18;
                Lk 2:22-40 [22-32]
Saturday:       1 Kgs 3:4-13; Ps 119:9-14; Mk 6:30-
Sunday:         Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; Ps 147:1-6; 1 Cor 9:16-
                19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39
PAGE 5                                      FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                JANUARY 28, 2018

        Jesus summoned the Twelve and began to send them out two by two and gave
                             them authority over unclean spirits.
        He instructed them to take nothing for the journey but a walking stick –no food,
                               no sack, no money in their belts.
                                                                                Mark 6

Fourth Week of Ordinary Time                                                         Daily Prayer This Week

On the Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time Mark's Gospel                                 This is a wonderful week to use the brief background times of
brings us the story of Jesus driving out unclean spirits from a                     our lives to talk with the Lord about our need for healing. We
man in the synagogue. The people are impressed because he                           can begin each day by naming some desire we have for heal-
taught with authority in ways the scribes did not and they                          ing and deeper wholeness and peace. Putting these desires
marveled that even the unclean spirits obey him.                                    into words, early each day, as soon as we get up or while in
                                                                                    the shower or while dressing, helps us give focus to our rela-
Wednesday is the Memorial of Saint John Bosco, Priest.                              tionship with the Lord that day. “Lord, thank you for this
Friday is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord.                                day. Be with me as I face the challenges before me today. I
                                                                                    especially need patience and more compassion, Lord. Heal
The story of David we have been following for the past two                          the anger I feel, and give me peace, so that I can love the way
weeks will end with his death as we conclude the readings                           I know you want me to.” Each of us can make this 30 second
from the Book of Samuel. As the narrative moves to the                              prayer specific to what we need to do each day, and what
Book of Kings, David's son Solomon, has succeeded him on                            graces we need to do it. Getting in the habit of naming what I
the throne and for the next week, the tale of notable leaders of                    need and asking for it will shape how we spend the day,
Israel's history continues to unfold.                                               confidently aware of our God ’s presence with us.

In Mark’s Gospel this week, Jesus continues to heal and                             Throughout the day, we can continue our simple conversation
teach. A man in the Gerasenes is healed of unclean spirits and                      with our Lord, speaking friend to friend. We may encounter
wants to stay with Jesus, but Jesus tells the man, “Go home to                      some spirits within ourselves that aren’t very clean. Anger or
your family and announce to them all that the Lord in his pity                      resentment, fear or paralysis, jealousy or pride, lust or greed,
has done for you.” The young daughter of a synagogue                                self-pity or judging of others are all spirits that distort our
official is sick and on the way to heal her, as Jesus stood in a                    ability to love others the way we are loved by our God. When
crowd, he felt the power go out of him as a woman with a                            we encounter them, we can ask the Lord to heal us, to drive
hemorrhage touched his cloak. “Your faith has saved you,” he                        these spirits from our hearts. Each experience of our need for
reassures her. To the father he says, “Do not be afraid; just                       a Savior can deepen our desire, and our ability to name them
have faith” and heals the daughter. He teaches in the syna-                         each morning.
gogue in his hometown “and they took offense at him.” He
was not able to perform miracles there, because of their lack                       The healing stories in the gospels make it clear that faith is
of faith. Jesus sends his disciples out to preach and heal, tell-                   key to the healing. When the people in Jesus’ home town say,
ing them to take nothing for the journey but a walking stick.                       “Isn’t this just the carpenter’s son?” their lack of faith is say-
Though the demons know who Jesus is, Herod thinks he is                             ing, “He can’t heal us.” In our own struggle with letting Jesus
John the Baptist, whom Herod had beheaded. Jesus encour-                            be our Savior, two things can get in the way. First of all, we
ages his busy disciples, “Come away by yourselves to a                              need to know we need healing. Secondly, we need to want to
deserted place and rest a while.” But as they tried to get away                     be healed. If I cling to being angry or have become comfort-
“and saw the vast crowd, his heart was moved with pity for                          able being afraid, I will first need to acknowledge what a
them, for they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he                           difference freedom would mean in my life and come to desire
began to teach them many things.”                                                   healing. Then, I need to believe our Lord can heal me. The
                                                                                    rest is easy. This honest dialogue with our Lord, throughout
The Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time has readings that deal                            our days, no matter what we are doing, can help us grow in
with suffering and weakness. In Mark's Gospel, we see Jesus                         faith in the One who wants nothing more than to keep freeing
go to Simon Peter's house to heal Peter's mother-in-law.                            us to know his love for us and to share it generously with
Crowds of people gather for healing outside the house. In the                       others.
morning, Jesus slips away to pray, only to be searched out by
Peter. Jesus says, “Let us go on to the nearby villages that I                      The integrating element of this daily prayer is the gratitude
may preach there also. For this purpose have I come.”                               we express each evening before we sleep, giving thanks for
                                                                                    the grace to be able to connect with our Savior throughout
              Taken from the "Weekly Guide for Daily Prayer" on the Creighton       this busy day.
                          University's Online Ministries web site:
                                   Used with permission.
PAGE 6                   FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                JANUARY 28, 2018

                              2018 Annual Catholic Appeal
                                        “Come, Follow Me”
                                                                             Please spend some time this
                                                                             week reflecting on the
                                                                             Annual Catholic Appeal
                                                                             brochure that you
                                                                             received. Please
                                                                             remember that the
                                                                             Annual Catholic Appeal is
                                                                             much different than
                                                                             a one-time special
                                                                             collection. It is a pledge
                                                                             campaign where you can
                                                                             make a gift payable in

                                                                             The ACA theme for 2018 is
                                                                             “Come, Follow Me.”

                                                                             Each pledge makes a
                                                                             difference because all
                                                                             parishes participate in the
                                                                             campaign and the gifts of
                                                                             many enable our
                                                                             Archdiocese to deliver
                                                                             needed ministries and
                                                                             services to answer
                                                                             Jesus’ call to “Come,
                                                                             Follow Me.”

                                                                             After our parish goal of
                                                                             $33,416 is reached in cash,
                                                                             100% of any additional funds
                                                                             come back to our parish to
                                                                             help to fund our needs.

 If you received your pledge form in the mail, please complete it and mail it back or bring it to Mass next
 weekend. For those of you that did not receive a mailing or have not had time to
 respond to it, we will conduct our in-pew pledge process at all Masses next weekend.

 Thank you for your prayerful consideration and generous response.

             SUPER SUNDAY
               BAKE SALE
    Sponsored by the 8th Grade Confirmation Class
             From Religious Education
                 and Polish School

                        February 3rd and
                          February 4th
                            AFTER ALL THE MASSES

                       Bakery Donations Needed
                       Please drop off in the kitchen on
                           Saturday, February 3rd
                       Between 8:30 a.m.—2:00 p.m. or
                        Sunday, February 4th between
                              7:30 – 10:00 a.m.

         All money collected from this sale will
               be used to help fund our
                  Summer Vacation
                    Bible School,
                   July 16th - 20th
PAGE 9                    FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                         JANUARY 28, 2018

              Weekly Collection                            ~ Quips from Deacon Charlie ~

                                                       Prayer for the Week:
       July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018                    Father, if we were to record all of Your
                                                       blessings, we could not complete the task
        Weekly Goal: $10,000.00                        in a lifetime. But we can pause this
  January 21, 2018              $ 10,683.33            moment to say a simple “Thank You” for
                                                       Your faithfulness and goodness.
  Year-to-date Deficit:         $ 20,175.79            Thought for
                                                       the Week:
                                                       Remember to
         INVITATION TO PRAYER                          thank God for
                                                       the ordinary
 Would you be interested in becoming a Minister        as well as the
 of Praise? It’s the perfect ministry for seniors,     extraordinary.
 the homebound, the chronically ill, and anyone
 who feels the power of prayer. A Minister of
 Praise prays for the people on our sick list and
 the special intentions we send you.

 If you’re interested, please contact Paula Daley,
 Ministry of Care Director, at 708-458-2562 to be
 added to our address list. You’ll receive a
 prayer book, a small rosary and a newsletter
 published four times a year with the names of
 the sick people in our parish and a list of special
 intentions to pray for. Think about it —
 PRAYER is a quiet — yet powerful force.

            IN THE MILITARY
      Jonathon Aguirre, Kenneth W. Annel,
       Junior Browren, Anthony Gonzalez,
     Maria Gross, Troy Gryga, Joseph Klaus,
        Thomas Hummel, Michelle Klaus,
       Christopher Koutsis, David Leyden,
      Patrick Leyden, Wayne G. Lewen, Jr.,
       David Malinowski, Kevin McEnaney,
  Ryan McHeffy, Michael Michalek, Steve Otten,
   Heather Quinlan, Mike Snee, Anthony Spear,
 Richard Stone, Luke Tatar, Christopher Thomas,
  Melanie Thomas, Steve Williams, Joel Winter,
                  Robert Wnek

PAGE 10                                              FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                                                    JANUARY 28, 2018
                                                                                                                RECONCILIATION: Saturday: 4:00 – 4:45 PM
  SUNDAY EUCHARIST:                                                                                             MARRIAGE: Call the Parish Office 6 months in advance.
  [English] 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM (Saturday 5:00 PM)                                                             BAPTISM: English - 1st Sunday at 3p.m.;
  [Polish] 6:30 AM, 12:45 & 7:00 PM                                                                             Polish - 2nd & 4th Sunday at 12:45 Mass. No Exceptions.
  DAILY EUCHARIST: 9:00 AM (Monday - Friday)                                                                    Call the Parish Office to schedule. Parents must attend preparation session.
  HOLY DAY EUCHARIST: Scheduled prior to the holy day.                                                          ANOINTING: Call the Parish Office when serious illness occurs.

                2-03-18                     2-04-18                         2-04-18                        2-04-18                   2-04-18                  2-04-18                2-04-18
                5:00 PM                     6:30 AM                         8:00 AM                        9:30 AM                   11:00 AM                 12:45 PM               7:00 PM
Lector 1        M. Kelly                    I. Slota                        J. Vojtanek                    J. Tipperreiter           C. Golesz                A. Swietoslawski       J. Stafiera

Lector 2        J. Jenkins                  E. Jedynasty                    J. Macias                      J. Pawlicki               D. Pospishil             J. Mateja              A. Cison
Lector 3                                    T. Wroblewska                                                                                                     M. Klukoszowski
Host 1          M. Carpenter                I. Slota                        K. Koukola                     D. Moriarty               A. Cortes                K. Tylka               J. Stafiera
Host 1A         A. DuPraw                   E. Jedynasty                                                   J. Ormins                 D. Meldazis              A. Swietoslawski       A. Cison
Host 3          M. Beliveau                                                 M. Guerrero                    P. Swiatkowski            V. Vogel                 M. Klukoszowski        Z. Komperda
Host 4          D. Fierke                                                   M. Obrochta                    C. Shubert                S. Huskey                M. Bobek
Wine 1          S. Dedic                                                    R. Kavales                     T. Bosworth               J. McGuire
Wine 1A         M.A. Moisan                                                                                F. Polansky               Y. Dugic
Wine 2          Deacon Tom                                                  A. Montoya                     J. Latona                 Deacon Ron
Wine 3          J. Schultz                                                  L. Guerrero                    L. Barnes                 J. Frydrychowski

Wine 4          A. Hallman                                                  B. Obrochta                    M. Fonseca                P. Kroll
                A. Jenkins                                                  T. Loesche                     A. Milewski               G. Cichore
                                                                                                                                     A. Cichore

                      MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK                                                                       REMEMBER THE SICK OF OUR PARISH IN YOUR PRAYERS

Sunday, January 28, 2018                                                                                           Luz Acevado                    Rachel & Thomas Hernandez   Mary Olszewski
                                                                                                                   Marcus Aguilar                 Rosemarie Hidalgo           Joan Ormins
6:30    AM   Edward Dlugopolski, Jozef Obrochta, Stanislaw Styrczula, Zofia Kenig, Maria Suwada, Wladyslaw i       Joseph Aniol                   Bob Horstmann               Steve Otten
             Agnieszka Szwab (i syn Stanislaw), Zdzislaw Jakubczak                                                 Betty Armstrong                Natalie Horvath             Mary D. Owens
8:00 AM      People of The Parish, John & Stanley Lach                                                             Elizabeth “Lee” Ascensio       Edward & Janina Hosaniak    Linda Panos
9:30 AM      Ewa Radziszwski, Andrzej Maka, Michael Maka (3rd Birthday Blessings)                                  Katie Aston                    Wilma Hudson                Gene Patton
11:00 AM     [1st Communion Rite of Welcoming] Walter Wnek, Art Cortes (Birthday Blessings), John CUdzich,         Jerolyn Auton                  Stephanie Huskey            Andrzej Pawlica
             Maria & Jan Kocanda, Jozef & John Kocanda                                                             Bud, Theresa & Christina       Marilyn Jaborski-Borowy     Barbara Pazin
12:45 PM     Pawel Lojek, Jozef Ligas, Agnieszka i Jaroslaw Faryniarz (10th Wedding Anniversary), Lilia i          Baldwin                        Walter Jachec               Chester Perczynski
             Katarzyna (Birthday Blessings), Eugeniusz, Stefania i Stanislaw Kobos, Jozef Mrowca, Stanislaw
                                                                                                                   Joan Bedalow                   Arlene Jaguszewski          Virginia Petri
             Staszel, Barbara Hajduk
7:00    PM   Jozef Komperda, Janina Zawada, Jas Lojek (Health & Blessings, Asia Lojek (Birthday Blessings),        David Bender                   Denise & Richard Jandura    Dolores Polkow
             Irena Fiodorczuk, Tadeusz i Jozef Lipski, Wladyslawa IiJadwiga Lipska, Hendryka Niewiarowska          David Bergquist                Eugene F. Janus             Marie & Richard Pollak
                                                                                                                   Cathy Bice                     Elmer Javier                Ken Porter
                                                                                                                   Joe Bizub                      Rev. Robert J. Kash         Pam Purcel
Monday, January 29, 2018                                                                                           Fr. Ted Bojczuk                Denis Kazelas               Geno & Millie Purpura
9:00    AM   Michael Meade                                                                                         Connie Braun                   Nora Kazmierczak            Iracema Galvani Quinete
                                                                                                                   Lynn Callahan                  Dana Kladis                 Meg A. Radcliff
Tuesday, January 30, 2018                                                                                          John Ciciora                   Roman Klepczarek            Cyn Rajewski
                                                                                                                   Sam Clanton                    Bernadine & Joeph Kolod-    Adam Raj
9:00    AM   Dorothy Dell                                                                                          Rita Conetzkey                 ziejczak                    Mary Margaret Riccio
                                                                                                                   Matthew Coughlin               Daniel Kobylarczyk          Irena Rolak
Wednesday, January 31, 2018                                                                                        Mary Jane Crowhurst            Velta Kopacek               Bonnie Scepkowski
                                                                                                                   Marlene Curran                 June Krzyston               Justin Sewers
9:00    AM   John Meade                                                                                            D’Agostino Family              Theresa Kulpa               Michael Patrick Shilney
                                                                                                                   Mary Daniels                   Evelyn Lopezalles           Alfred Skrobot
Thursday, February 1, 2018                                                                                         Avery DiBow                    Joseph Lubas                Vivian Spanczak
9:00    AM   Albert Flakus, Stacy Nagar                                                                            Carmen Di Miele                Joyce Lubas                 David Sterling
                                                                                                                   Cathy Duska                    Bill & Whitney Luke         Lillian Stricker
Friday, February 2, 2018 - First Friday                                                                            Mary Anne Dyer                 Eileen & Michael McMillan   Joseph Studnicki
                                                                                                                   David & Robert Dziedzic        Christine Madera            Baby George Sylvester
9:00 AM      Nancy Gerdevich, Connie Tomazin (Healing)                                                             Joyce Dziedzic                 Thomas Mahon                Mary Tadda
10:30 AM     Janina Sadelska, Maria i Jan Sadelski                                                                 Raymond Figura                 Debra Major                 Julie Teninty
7:00 PM      Maria Suwada, Gud Family, Franciszek Krol, Stanislaw Szandol, Jan Sokolowski, Maria i Casey           Nicholas Fillion               Graeniel Lance Manuel       Barbara Thomas
             Dobrowski, Anna Janczy, Jan i Anna Janczy                                                             Carol Fiore                    Maria C. Martinez           Thomas Tortorella
                                                                                                                   Michael Fox                    Selva Martinez              Judy Venard
Saturday, February 3, 2018                                                                                         Karen Fulton                   John McNally                Maci Villareal
5:00    PM   Albert & Rose Zygadlo, Irena Fiodorczuk, The Lipski Family, Hendryka Niewiarowska, Thomas Albano      Rosalio Garcia, Sr.            Kate Meade                  Alice Wagner
                                                                                                                   Patricia Gardner               Grace Medina                Denise Warda
Sunday, February 4, 2018                                                                                           Gilbert Garza                  Mary Meldazis               Jack Wasielewski
                                                                                                                   Agnes Geary                    John Methven                George Wasinski
6:30    AM   Edward Dlugopolski, Jozef Obrochta, Stanislaw Styrczula, Zofia Kenig, Ewa i Wlodzimierz               Eric Gefvert                   David Michaels              David Weaver
             Swiatkowski, Eugenia i Andrzej Kaszewski, Rodzina Maczynskich, Drozdowskich i Miodonskich,            Eric Ginther                   Stacey Misicka              Iza Weisenritter
             Aleksandra i Maria Klejka, Zdzislaw Jakubczak                                                         Karen Gleasner                 Ido Moisan                  Melanie Williams
8:00    AM   John & Stanley Lach                                                                                   Joanna Glow                    Susan Morris                Eileen & Robert Wilson
9:30    AM   John Meade, People of The Parish                                                                      Jose Gomez                     Ron Mystek                  Pamela Wojdyla
11:00   AM   Walter Wnek, Mary Meany                                                                               Irene Graff                    Paola Navarrete             Patrick J. Woods
12:45   PM   Pawel Lojek, Jozef Ligas, Jacenty i Maria Parzatka, Maria Suwada, Aniela Lukaszewicz (Birthday        Nancy Granato                  Joyce Netecke               Benedict Yerkes
             Blessings), Jozef Szczepaniak, Helena Bachleda, Helena, Jan i Stanley Maka
7:00    PM   Jozef Komperda, Robert Janik, Maria Liatr, Janina Zawada, Maria Mazurek, Andrzej Mazurek, Irena       Pat Guglielmo                  Zofia Niemyjski             Jerome Zaccaro
             Fiodorczuk, Zofia Janzura                                                                             Beverly Hadley                 Linda Norcutt               Helena Zeglin
                                                                                                                   Randall Harding                Carmella Smiley - Norvell   Tom Zielinski
                                                                                                                   Rusty Harding                  Danuta Nowak                Lillian Zielnik
                                                                                                                   Michael Herbert                Margareta Odehmal           Rachel Zimmer
                                                                                                                   Jay Higginson                  Erik Oller                  Tommy Zimmer
PAGE 11                    FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                   JANUARY 28, 2018

                                        CZYTANIA NA NIEDZIELÊ
PIERWSZE CZYTANIE                      a my ludem Jego pastwiska i             i mieszkañcom cienistej krainy
Pwt 18,15-20 Bóg obiecuje              owcami w Jego rêku. Obyœcie dzisiaj     œmierci wzesz³o œwiat³o.
                                       us³yszeli g³os Jego:
zes³aæ proroka                         „Niech nie twardniej¹ wasze serca
Czytanie z Ksiêgi Powtórzonego         jak w Meriba,                           Alleluja, Alleluja, Alleluja
Prawa                                  jak na pustyni w dniu Massa,
                                       gdzie Mnie kusili wasi ojcowie,         EWANGELIA
                                       doœwiadczali Mnie, choæ widzieli        Mk 1,21-28 Jezus naucza
Moj¿esz tak przemówi³ do ludu:
                                       moje dzie³a”.                           jako maj¹cy w³adzê
„Pan Bóg twój wzbudzi ci proroka
spoœród braci twoich, podobnego do                                             S³owa Ewangelii wed³ug œwiêtego
mnie. Jego bêdziesz s³ucha³. W³aœnie   Naucz mnie chodziæ Twoimi               Marka
o to prosi³eœ Pana Boga swego na       œcie¿kami.
Horebie, w dniu zgromadzenia:
                                                                               W mieœcie Kafarnaum Jezus w
«Niech wiêcej nie s³ucham g³osu        DRUGIE CZYTANIE
Pana Boga mojego i niech ju¿ nie                                               szabat wszed³ do synagogi i naucza³.
                                       1 Kor 7,32-35 Ma³¿eñstwo i
widzê tego wielkiego ognia, abym nie                                           Zdumiewali siê Jego nauk¹; uczy³
                                       celibat                                 ich bowiem jak ten, który ma
I odrzek³ mi Pan: „Dobrze              Czytanie z Pierwszego Listu             w³adzê, a nie jak uczeni w Piœmie.
powiedzieli. Wzbudzê im proroka        œwiêtego Paw³a Aposto³a do
                                                                               By³ w³aœnie w synagodze cz³owiek
spoœród ich braci, takiego jak ty, i   Koryntian
                                                                               opêtany przez ducha nieczystego.
w³o¿ê w jego usta moje s³owa, bêdzie
                                                                               Zacz¹³ on wo³aæ: „Czego chcesz od
im mówi³ wszystko, co rozka¿ê.
                                       Bracia:                                 nas, Jezusie Nazarejczyku?
Jeœli ktoœ nie bêdzie chcia³ s³uchaæ
                                       Chcia³bym, ¿ebyœcie byli wolni od       Przyszed³eœ nas zgubiæ. Wiem, kto
moich s³ów wypowiedzianych w
moim imieniu, Ja od niego za¿¹dam                                              jesteœ: Œwiêty Bo¿y”.
                                       Cz³owiek bez¿enny troszczy siê o
zdania sprawy. Lecz jeœli który                                                Lecz Jezus rozkaza³ mu surowo:
                                       sprawy Pana, o to, jak by siê
prorok odwa¿y siê mówiæ w moim                                                 „Milcz i wyjdŸ z niego”. Wtedy duch
                                       przypodobaæ Panu. Ten zaœ, kto
imieniu to, czego mu nie rozkaza³em,
                                       wst¹pi³ w zwi¹zek ma³¿eñski,            nieczysty zacz¹³ go targaæ i z
albo wyst¹pi w imieniu bogów
                                       zabiega o sprawy œwiata, o to, jak by   g³oœnym krzykiem wyszed³ z niego.
obcych, taki prorok musi ponieϾ
                                       siê przypodobaæ ¿onie. I doznaje        A wszyscy siê zdumieli, tak ¿e jeden
                                       rozterki. Podobnie i kobieta:
Oto S³owo Bo¿e.                                                                drugiego pyta³: „Co to jest? Nowa
                                       niezamê¿na i dziewica troszczy siê o
                                                                               jakaœ nauka z moc¹. Nawet duchom
                                       sprawy Pana, o to, by by³a œwiêta i
PSALM RESPONSORYJNY:                                                           nieczystym rozkazuje i s¹ mu
                                       cia³em, i duchem. Ta zaœ, która
Ps 95,1-2.6-7ab.7c-9                   wysz³a za m¹¿, zabiega o sprawy         pos³uszne”. I wnet rozesz³a siê wieœæ
                                       œwiata, o to, jak by siê przypodobaæ    o Nim wszêdzie po ca³ej okolicznej
Naucz mnie chodzić Twoimi
                                       mê¿owi.                                 krainie galilejskiej.
                                       Mówiê to dla waszego po¿ytku, nie       Oto s³owo Pañskie.
                                       zaœ, by zastawiaæ na was pu³apkê; po
PrzyjdŸcie, radoœnie œpiewajmy         to, byœcie godnie i z upodobaniem
Panu,                                  trwali przy Panu.
wznoœmy okrzyki ku chwale Opoki        Oto S³owo Bo¿e.
naszego zbawienia.
Stañmy przed obliczem Jego z           ŒPIEW PRZED
uwielbieniem,                          EWANGELI¥:
radoœnie œpiewajmy Mu pieœni.          Mt 4, 16
PrzyjdŸcie, uwielbiajmy Go padaj¹c
na twarze,                             Alleluja, Alleluja, Alleluja
zegnijmy kolana przed Panem, który
nas stworzy³.
Albowiem On jest naszym Bogiem,        Lud, który siedzia³ w ciemnoœci,
                                       ujrza³ œwiat³o wielkie,
PAGE 12               FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                       JANUARY 28, 2018

                      Doroczna Kwesta Katolicka 2018 r.
                                   „Pójdź za mną”

                                                               Prosimy, aby w tym tygodniu
                                                               zastanowić się przez chwilę
                                                               nad broszurą otrzymaną wraz
                                                               z dzisiejszym biuletynem.
                                                               Prosimy pamiętać, że
                                                               Doroczna Kwesta Katolicka
                                                               jest czymś więcej niż
                                                               jednorazową specjalną
                                                               kolektą. Jest ona kampanią,
                                                               podczas której możesz złożyć
                                                               zobowiązanie spłacane w

                                                               Hasło tegorocznej Kwesty
                                                               2018 to „Pójdź za mną”.

                                                               Każde zobowiązanie
                                                               przyczyni się do
                                                               wprowadzania realnych,
                                                               dobrych zmian, gdyż
                                                               wszystkie parafie uczestniczą
                                                               w Kweście, a ofiary wielu
                                                               osób umożliwiają naszej
                                                               archidiecezji realizację
                                                               koniecznych dzieł
                                                               duszpasterskich, aby
                                                               odpowiedzieć na wezwanie
                                                               Jezusa „Pójdź za mną”.

                                                               Kiedy nasza parafia osiągnie
                                                               swoją kwotę docelową, czyli
                                                               $ 33,416 w gotówce, to 100%
                                                               dodatkowo zebranych
                                                               funduszy zostanie zwrócona
                                                               do parafii na zaspokojenie jej
 własnych potrzeb.

 Jeśli otrzymałeś pocztą formularz zobowiązania finansowego, prosimy wypełnić go i odesłać
 pod wskazany adres lub przynieść do kościoła na Mszę św. Dla tych, którzy nie otrzymali
 formularzy pocztą lub nie mieli czasu, aby odpowiedzieć na korespondencję, zostanie
 przeprowadzona specjalna akcja składania zobowiązań. Będzie ona miała miejsce w
 przyszłym tygodniu, podczas wszystkich Mszy św.

 Dziękujemy za poparte modlitwą rozważenie złożenia hojnego daru.
PAGE 13                FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                   JANUARY 28, 2018

                             POLSKIM ORAZ GODZINY

 W ci¹gu ca³ego roku porz¹dek Mszy œw. w niedziele w jêzyku polskim jest nastêpuj¹cy:
 6:30 AM, 12:45 PM i 7:00 PM

 ♦    Biuro Parafialne Czynne
         Poniedzia³ek - Pi¹tek
         9:00 rano - 9:00 wieczorem
         (przerwa na lunch)
         Sobota - Niedziela
         9:00 rano - 2:00 po po³udniu

 ♦ W Pierwszy Pi¹tek miesi¹ca:
 Msza œwiêta z nabo¿eñstwem
 I-pi¹tkowym o godz. 7:00 PM

 ♦ Chrzty œw. w jêzyku polskim odbywaj¹ siê w II i IV niedzielê miesi¹ca w czasie Mszy
 œw. o godz. 12:45PM. Przygotowania rodziców i chrzestnych do tego sakramentu
 odbywaj¹ siê w I i III niedzielê ka¿dego miesiêca o godz. 2:00 P.M., w sali nr 5 w
 budynku „Kash Hall”. W sprawie chrztu nale¿y zg³aszaæ siê na plebanie osobiœcie lub
 dzwoni¹c na numer (708) 599-1110.

 ♦   Œlub w jêzyku polskim prosimy zg³aszaæ szeœæ miesiêcy wczeœniej.

 ♦   SpowiedŸ œw. w ka¿d¹ sobotê od godz. 4:00 PM do 4:45 PM.

 ♦ Polska szko³a (czwartek & pi¹tek) 5 pm-9 pm; sobota 11:30 pm-3:30 pm. Tel. (708) 458


                  PrzyjdŸ odwiedziæ Jezusa w kaplicy w ka¿dy poniedzia³ek od godz:
                     12:00 p.m. do 6:30 p.m. B³ogos³awieñstwo o godz. 6:15 p.m.
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                                                St. Fabian Catholic Community
                                                   Pastor: Rev. Peter J. Cyscon
                                             Associate Pastor: Rev. Jan Bukowski, COr.
                                               Pastor Emeritus– Rev. Robert J. Kash
                                                8300 S. Thomas Avenue - Bridgeview, IL 60455
                                  Parish Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. (Closed for Lunch)
                                                       Saturday & Sunday 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Parish Office      708-599-1110                                        Religious Education             708-458-6150
Parish FAX         708-599-0673                                        Religious Education FAX         708-458-2698
Music Director     708-594-7540                                        Polish School                   708-458-9120

                                                                         Compassion Ministries - 708-599-1110
Pastor - Rev. Peter J. Cyscon                                            Religious Education :

Associate Pastor: Rev. Jan Bukowski, COr.                                English Program - Coordinator - Cindy Schlesser
                                                                         Assistant Coordinator - Bozena Kupiec
Weekend Associate - Rev. Michael Bowler                                  (M-W-F 9:00 am - 3:30 pm)

Diaconal Ministry - Deacon Ron & Pam Zielinski                           Polish Program - Director - Rev. Peter J. Cyscon
                    Deacon Tom & Rhonda Hyde                             Administrator: Maria Pocica
                    Senior Deacon Charles & Janet Tipperreiter           Assistant Administrator: Bozena Kupiec
                                                                         Maintenance & Security - Andrzej Brzoska
Administrative                                                           (Czwartek & Piatek 5:00 - 9:00 pm; Sobota 11:30–3:30 pm)
Secretary - Mary Harvey                                                  Music Ministry – English
Business Manager - William Brennan                                       Director - Deacon Raul Duque
Administrative Assistant - Mary Ann Mularski
Night Crew - Sebastian Dziubek, Samantha Oberszkalski,                   Music Ministry – Polish
Ewelina Soltys                                                           Director - Ryszard Swiedrych

RCIA - (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)                          Maintenance
                                                                                 Ramon Plascencia
Ministry of Care - Director - Paula Daley 708-458-2562
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