The Steward - St. Benedict Parish

Page created by Sam Mitchell
The Steward - St. Benedict Parish
The Steward
                  S T. B E N E D I C T P A R I S H A N D P R E P A R A T O R Y S C H O O L


                                            Faith, hope, and love remain, these three;
                                      but the greatest of these is love. -- 1 Corinthians 13:13
          Fr. Steve Kanonik, Pastor

                                                                                                                THE FEAST OF ST. BLAISE 2019
           Each year on February 3rd the Church
           celebrates the Feast of St. Blaise. Blaise
was the Bishop of Sebastea and he was a doctor.
It is chronicled that he helped heal people who
had things caught in their throat.
   Two miraculous events that are said to have
happened are especially connected to his legend.
One says a woman set her son, who was choking
to death on a fishbone, before the bishop and he
miraculously healed him. Another says that a
poor older woman whose pig had been stolen by a
wolf came to St. Blaise for help. He commanded
the wolf to return the pig, which it did, alive and
unharmed. After Blaise was thrown in prison,
that same woman brought him two candles that
he might have some light in his dark, dingy cell.
   But in 316 Blaise was arrested for the terrible
crime of being a Christian. Agricola, who was
the governor of Cappadocia and Lesser Armenia,
is said to have been impressed by the miracles
of St. Blaise. However, when he could not get
Blaise to repent of his crime of being Christian,
when he would not deny Christ and convert
from Christianity, he had Blaise beaten with a
stick, his flesh torn by iron combs, and for good
measure, his head cut off.
  To this day, we celebrate the Feast of St. Blaise
with a special blessing. The priest takes two
candles, like the ones given to Blaise in the jail
by the woman whose pig he rescued, and making
them into a cross places them around the neck of
the person to be blessed. He prays that through
                    the intercession of St. Blaise
                    that person will be protected

                     2215 W. IRVING PARK ROAD CHICAGO, IL 60618                            |   WWW.STBENEDICT.COM
  MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 5 PM        Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9 AM, 10:30 AM, 12 Noon & 6:30 PM       RECONCILIATION Saturdays: 11 AM
The Steward - St. Benedict Parish
from all diseases of the throat, and from all                          that our family is Holy and Sacred. It reminds us
illness. This blessing, and things like Holy Water,                    to respect and care for each other.
Candles, Crosses we might place in our homes, the                        This blessing of St. Blaise is not “magical” and
special Epiphany blessing, rosaries, and others we                     this is not superstition. We do not believe that
call sacramentals.                                                     if we do not get the blessing, God will send us a
   These things are blessed. We use them to                            throat disease or some other illness but if we get
remember God’s place in our lives, and to                              the blessing God will keep us from getting sick.
remember that we belong to God. For example,                           Rather we ask St. Blaise to pray for our health.
we will place a Holy Water Font by the doors in                        When we are healthy, it is easier to be a living
our house and fill them with Holy Water from                           sign of God’s presence and love. When we are ill,
the Church. We will bless ourselves when we                            we need to be advanced enough in our faith to
walk into or out of the house. We do this to                           transform those moments into Holy ones.
remind ourselves that we are the Body of Christ                        Sacramentals remind us that God is a part of all
and carry His blessing into the world around us                        moments in our lives because all creation reflects
when we step out into the world. We want to be                         the beauty of the creator, and human life is
a reflection of Christ to all those we meet. By                        special because we are made in God’s image
blessing ourselves on the way in we remember                           and likeness.

                                                 Most Rev. Mark A. Bartosic
                                                 Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago
                                                 Episcopal Vicar Vicariate II
                                                 1641 W. Diversey Parkway
                                                 Chicago, Illinois 60614     U.S.A.
                                                 tel 773.388.8670        fax 773.388.8676

                                                 Dear Parishioners,
                                                        Your associate pastor, Fr. Robert Pajor, will soon be participating in the Catholic
                                                 Leadership 360 Review process. This review process is part of the ordinary structure required
Wanted: Your Expertise and Service.              by Archdiocesan Policy of every diocesan priest approximately every five years. It is an
We need seven new board members                  opportunity for Fr. Pajor to recognize his talents and to grow to become a better priest and
(3-year term) and five associate                 pastoral minister. Selected members of the parish staff and parish leadership, your Dean, and
                                                 myself will be asked to be reviewers using this instrument.
members (1-year term) for the
                                                         According to Archdiocesan policies lay leadership and parishioners are to be given the
upcoming school year.                            opportunity to recognize Fr. Pajor’s gifts and to share their sentiments about his ministry. So, we
                                                 are providing a parish-wide survey as part of his review process. The survey can be easily
We have specific needs in the                    accessed by going to the Archdiocese’s web page ( and clicking
following areas:                                 on Offices and Ministries on the top panel. This will bring you to an alphabetical listing of offices.
                                                 Under ‘M’, select Ministerial Evaluation. You will then be directed to the Ministerial Evaluation
                                                 webpage. In the middle of the page, you will find “360 Catholic Leadership review for priests”.
• Technology experience                          The survey is available in English, Spanish, and Polish. Please click on the word ‘Link’ next to
• Facilities experience                          your appropriate language to access the survey.
• Marketing experience (creative                        If you have any concerns or comments pertaining to Father’s review, feel free to contact
  marketing, web design)                         me directly. If you have any further questions or suggestions about the review process you may
                                                 contact Fr. Bob Heidenreich, Coordinator of Ministerial Review and Priests Programs, by email
• Finance experience (accounting,                ( or by phone at the Priests Placement Office (312-534-5237).
  finance, budgeting)                                   When the Catholic Leadership 360 Review process has been completed Fr. Pajor will be
• Strategic Planning experience                  asked to share the insights he has received and his further developmental plans with you in the
                                                 parish bulletin and on the parish web site.
• Middle School family representation
                                                        Thank you in advance for your willingness to participate and provide constructive
Please see the Advisory Board section            information.

under About Us on the school website              Sincerely yours in Christ,
for details.
                                                 Most Reverend Mark Bartosic
Thank you for your consideration and             Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago
service to St. Benedict.                         Episcopal Vicar of Vicariate II

4TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME             |   F E B R MAB:jk
                                                    UARY 3, 2019                    |       PARISH.STBENEDICT.COM                    |   PAGE 2
The Steward - St. Benedict Parish
Music for February 3, 2019 | 4TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
                                      COMMUNION REFRAIN - TAKE AND EAST THIS BREAD
 539   God Has Spoken
       Through the Prophets
 781   God Has Chosen Me
       (Sunday 10:30am)

 Mass of Redemption


 Mass of Redemption

 Ubi Caritas – Ola Gjielo
 (Sunday 9am)                         RECESSIONAL - GO MAKE A DIFFERENCE

 721   Blest Are They
 Right Take and Eat This Bread
       (Sunday 10:30am)
 I Give to You a New
 Commandment – Peter

 642   Love Divine, All Loves
 Right Go, Make a Difference
       (Sunday 10:30am)


The Steward - St. Benedict Parish

                                                                                 Questions about
                    Youth                                                        Youth and Young
                   Ministry                                                      Adult Ministry?
                                                           Friends               Contact Ms. Kim McMillan
                                                           of Ben's              at 773-509-3841
                                                                                 or email to
                                         Formerly the Second Act and Over
                                         50 Club, please note our new name,
                                         "Friends of Ben's." Please stay
                                                                                 for more information.
                                         tuned to this column for future

                                         Wednesday, February 27
                                         Breakfast at Dappers
 Friday, February 8                      The Breakfast at Dappers will
 Feed My Starving Children               take place on Wednesday,
 leaving at 4:45 pm (packing from        February 27th at Dappers on
 6-7:30pm) return at 8:30pm              Addison. Join your fellow
                                         parishioners at 9:30 am at the
 Sunday, February 10                     restaurant. All are welcome!
 Bingo at St Paul House
 meet at Parish to
 walk over 1:30-3:40                     KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS
                                         FREE THROW CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS
 Sunday, March 10                        The Knights of Columbus held their Free Throw Championship on Sunday,
 Bingo at St Paul House                  January 27th in the Ackerman Center. Thanks goes out to all the kids (and
 meet at Parish to                       parents) who braved the frigid temps and came out to participate and support
 walk over 1:30-3:40                     the event. Contestants were allowed 15 consecutive free throws and those who
                                         scored the highest in their division advanced to District. Congratulations to
 Friday, March 29                        our winners Ethan Finger (9 yo), Ava Stein/Clayton Shylicz (10 yo),
 Living Stations of the                  Reagan Stecz/Michael Trout (11 yo), Dorothy Zach (12 yo), and Cooper Ahlfors
                                         (13 yo). Among all the competitors, Ahlfors made the most free throws by
 Cross/ Simple Soup Supper               sinking thirteen out of fifteen shots! Special thanks to Knights members,
 Young Adult Ministry hosting Soup
                                         Richard Nuccio, who lead the event and to Grand Knight Jeff Zach,
 Supper 6-7pm Beaven Hall
                                         Chuck Rizzio, Tom Kaiser,
 Living Station of the Cross 7:00pm in
                                         Eamon Nash, Sean Murray,
                                         and Frank Flesch who
                                         helped run the event. Also,
                                         a special thanks to Fr. Steve
                                         for allowing us to hold the
                                         event in the Ackerman
                Young Adult              Center. Be sure to cheer
                 Ministry                on our winners at the
                                         District Competition
                                         on Saturday, February
                                         23rd at Our Lady of
                                         Victory Parish, 5212
 Conscientious Consumers                 W Agatite Avenue in
 We’d like to thank Beth Knobbe for      Chicago.
 helping to lead the discussion on              GRAND KNIGHT, JEFF ZACH
 how we can be more conscientious              AND KNIGHT, CHUCK RIZZIO,
 consumers                                   POSE WITH FIRST ROUND FREE
                                                   THROW CONTESTANTS

4TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME              |    FEBRUARY 3, 2019         |   PARISH.STBENEDICT.COM         |   PAGE 4
The Steward - St. Benedict Parish
                                    INVITATION FROM SPRED
                                    SPRED welcome persons of all ages with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
                                    Here at St. Ben’s we invite friends between the ages of 6-10 into the SPRED community
                                    of faith. Other parishes offer SPRED to age groups 11-16, 17-21 and 22+. Our catechists
                                    work one on one with our friends with disabilities who live at home or in a residential
                                    setting. Children with an Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit
                                    Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) also benefit from SPRED. If you or someone you
                                    know have any of these conditions and could benefit from SPRED, please contact
                                    Pat ( or Stephanie ( for
                                    more information, or to have us answer any questions or concerns you may have. We
                                    look forward to hearing from you as we have a full team of catechists and right now
                                    have openings for three friends.

Did You Know?
Candlemas commemorates the ritual purification of Mary, 40 days after the birth of her son Jesus. This day also marks the
ritual presentation of the baby Jesus to God in the Temple at Jerusalem. The Gospel of Luke says that Jesus was met by Anna
and Simeon. Simeon held the baby Jesus and called him a Light to the World.

Ritual purification stems back to a Jewish tradition that women were considered unclean after the birth of a child. For 40 days
for a boy, and 60 days for a girl, women weren't allowed to worship in the temple. At the end of this time, women were brought
to the Temple or Synagogue to be purified. After the ceremony women were allowed to take part in religious services again.

The festival is called Candlemas because this was the day that all the Church's candles for the year were blessed. On
Candlemas night, many people place lighted candles in their windows at home. People believed that Candlemas predicted the
weather for the rest of the winter.

If Candlemas Day be fair and bright, Winter will have another fight.
If Candlemas Day brings cloud and rain, Winter won't come again.

For some people, different superstitions surround this festival. For instance, if a candle drips on one side when carried in
church on Candlemas, this denotes a death of a family member during the year. If someone brings snowdrops into the house
on Candlemas day it symbolises a parting or death. Any Christmas decorations not taken down by Twelfth Night (January 5th)
should be left up until Candlemas Day and then taken down.

4TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                 |   FEBRUARY 3, 2019          |   PARISH.STBENEDICT.COM             |   PAGE 5
The Steward - St. Benedict Parish

                                                                                    DREAM GROUP
                                                                                    NEXT MEETING -
                                                                                    FEBRUARY 18@7PM
                                                                                    In this group we learn to become
                                                                                    like a container of sacred space
                                                                                    as a group to provide a secure
                                                                                    connection between the individual’s
                                                                                    inner world and the outer world.
PLEASE NOTE: Because of the severe weather on January 30th,                         Spiritual dream work affirms that
this event has been moved to Wednesday, February 6th at 7pm in                      our (nocturnal) dreams offer us
church.                                                                             support in our spiritual journey.
                                                                                    This work helps us towards living
WINE & MUSIC, A MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN?                                               a guided life from within with the
Join us for a no-pressure, no-obligation rehearsal. Spend the evening               support of others and it helps us to
rehearsing choral music with our wonderful St. Benedict Adult Choir, and enjoy      recognize the symbolic language
some adult refreshments afterward! Learn about becoming a choir member in a         of the soul. All dreamers are
fun and relaxed atmosphere and get to know our talented and diverse group of        welcome and there is no experience
singers. Rehearsal takes place in church at 7pm, adult beverages to follow.         necessary. I encourage anyone who
                                                                                    has been interested in their dreams,
Musical selections will include Gregorian Chant and polyphony. No previous          but has not had the opportunity
experience is required. The ability to read music is helpful, but we welcome all    to share and explore them further
levels of vocalist so long as they have a good ear and a passion for music.         to attend. This ongoing group will
                                                                                    meet on the third Monday of each
No need to RSVP, just show up ready to sing. For questions, contact Jeremy
                                                                                    month at 7 pm until 9 pm in the
Kiolbassa, director of music, at
                                                                                    basement of the rectory. Please
                                                                                    contact Rachel at rachelwinborn@
                                                                           if you plan to attend.

               FEBRUARY 5TH
      EM training for anyone interested will
      be on Tuesday, February 5th in Church
             at 7 p.m. To register please call
                   Fr. Steve in the Rectory at

4TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                |     FEBRUARY 3, 2019        |   PARISH.STBENEDICT.COM        |   PAGE 6
The Steward - St. Benedict Parish

      4TH GRADE
      St. Benedict Prep 4th grade students completed
      their study of the United States with a Parade
      of States last week. Students researched their
      chosen state to include the state symbols,
      nicknames, and famous people born in the
      state. With the research completed, the final
      project was to create a “float” that represented
      the important facts. This project is just one
      of many included in the Social Studies Alive
      curriculum. Social Studies Alive allows
      students to study our country through the
      lens of the four social sciences – economics,
      geography, political science, and history. From
      Alabama through Wyoming, our 4th graders
      did a great job.

The Steward - St. Benedict Parish



   Pack 3865 Pancake
 Includes eggs, bacon sausage, juice, coffee, and tea
 $8 for Adults | Children under 12 and seniors are FREE
 Thank you for supporting Scouts!


Includes eggs, bacon, sausage,
                        “A MUST SEE FOR ANYONE
juice, coffee, and tea     WITH KIDS IN THEIR LIVES.”
                                                                   – Martha Adams Chief Creative Officer for Girl Rising

Sunday February 3rd 8:30am RESERVE
                            to 12pmYOUR SPOT TODAY:

                            VULNERABLE CORNERS OF FAMILY LIFE AND
                                                            DEPICTS MESSY STRUGGLES OVER SOCIAL MEDIA,
$8 for adults                                                      VIDEO GAMES AND ACADEMICS.
                                                          THE FILM OFFERS SOLUTIONS ON HOW WE CAN HELP
                                                               OUR KIDS NAVIGATE THE DIGITAL WORLD.
children under 12 & seniorsTUESDAY
                                   are                                                                   WEDNESDAY

FREE                  FEBRUARY 5TH
                         7:00 - 9:00 PM
                                                                                                FEBRUARY 6TH
                                                                                                        8:30 - 10:30 AM
                                                               IN KITTLER HALL                            IN KITTLER HALL
                                                                                                        ENTER AT 3911 N. BELL

Thank you for supportingA guided
                                                             ENTER AT 3911 N. BELL

                                 conversation about the information will follow both events

                                                               Hosted by St Benedict Parish Youth Ministry
                                                                    and St Benedict Preparatory HSA
                                                                Our Passion is the Best Possible You
The Steward - St. Benedict Parish

                                                                New Location!
       MARCH 23, 2019                                           Rockwell on the River
                                                                check it out at

                                                               Look for your invitation in the mail. You
                                                               can also support by donating items for the
                                                               silent auction, sponsorship and advertising
                                                               in the program booklet.
                                                               Please see our website for details.

 ST. BEN'S LADIES SOCIETY                                                        Faith in Action
Please join us for our 2019 Kickoff on Wednesday                        Kay McBrearty – Career Coach
February 6, 2019 at 9:30AM                                                        Waterville Partners, LLC
Kay McBrearty, founder of Waterville Partners, a premier career
coaching and consulting group, will lead us through an informative
and fun session on "Faith in Action.” Kay has worked closely with
the Archdiocese of Chicago, the University of Notre Dame and her
own parish, St. Francis Xavier in Wilmette, Start your year on the
right track with the SBLS and Kay!
Explore how your unique personal values influence your faith. Enjoy
a lively, interactive discussion of the challenges and best practices
for integrating faith into our daily lives and serving others.

                                                                                                                   ©© 2015
                                                                                                                    2018   Waterville
                                                                                                                         Waterville   Partners
                          Speaking of which, our service activity this meeting is preparing ready-to-make dry soups
                          to guests at Our Lady of the Angel’s food pantry. We will fill mason jars with a wonderful
                          blend of dried beans and spices, attach recipe cards in English and Spanish and deliver to
                          the Mission on the West Side. SBLS members will receive an email with details and a request
                          for ingredients. Not a member and would like to contribute or join us? Simply email SBLS
                          president Caroline Padmanabhan at
                          We look forward to seeing the ladies of St. Ben’s on February 6th!


4TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                |   FEBRUARY 3, 2019         |   PARISH.STBENEDICT.COM            |   PAGE 9
The Steward - St. Benedict Parish

                              AN IGNATIAN APPROACH TO DECISION MAKING


Do you believe that God is active in your life and cares about your decisions? If you want to learn more about decision
making and discerning the will of God for your life, I invite you to participate in one of two workshop offerings here at
St Ben’s. One option will take place from 10 am to 12 noon on Sunday, February 3 and Sunday February 10th. The other
option will take place from 6:30 to 8:30 pm on Tuesday February 19th and Tuesday February 26th. If you are interested
in either of these options, contact Elaine Lindia, Pastoral Associate, at (773) 509-3806 or at
When we invite God who cares deeply about what we do into the decision making process, we find the freedom to make
the best choice…

                    MYTH: Most of the time, domestic violence is not really that serious.
                    FACT: Domestic violence is an illegal act in the U.S. and is considered a crime with serious
                    repercussions. Although there are aspects of domestic violence (e.g. emotional, psychological,
                      spiritual, financial abuse) that may not be considered criminal in a legal sense, serious and
                        long-lasting physical, emotional and spiritual harms can, and often do, occur. Each and
                           every act of domestic violence needs to be taken seriously. You are not alone! In an
                            emergency, dial 911 or call the National Domestic Violence 24-Hour Hotline
                           at 800-799-7233.

Please consider donating beverages to our lunch program.
We have enough chips and sandwiches but are in need of more
beverages. Questions? Please contact Elaine Lindia at:
(773) 509-3806. Thank you for serving our neighbors in need!

                                                                             NEXT COMMON FOOD
                                                                             PANTRY COLLECTION
                                                                             FEBRUARY 16/17
                                                                             We are grateful for all those who have
                                                                             shared their generosity towards the
                                                                             Common Food Pantry. Food drop-off
                                                                             weekends are always the 3rd weekend of
                                                                             the month. The next drop off weekend
                                                                             is February 16/17. Please note: Non-
                                                                             perishable food and personal care items are
                                                                             always welcome but please do not include
                                                                             any recyclables with your donation such as
                                                                             paper and plastic bags. Thank you!

4TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME               |   FEBRUARY 3, 2019          |   PARISH.STBENEDICT.COM            |   P A G E 10
Please Pray for Healing.
Please call Elaine Lindia at 773 588-6484, ext. 5101 to add   Masses for the Week
your name or the name of an immediate family member           First Saturday, February 2 - The Presentation of the Lord
for whom you would like the parish to pray for healing.       8:30 am Ira Blackwood - Friend
                                                              5:00 pm Marnie Adamski - Fran Cotter
Jane Abrahamson Elise Herald           Jerry Ottesen
                                                                         Don Gonzolez - The McGovern Family
Carmen Alicea       Nolan Hey          Vikki Pagan                       James Burke, Jr. and Patrick Sullivan - The Burke Family
Russell Altizer     Dan Hickey         Frederick Robert
Genevieve           Helen Hoban          Park                 Sunday, February 3 - Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
 Ambatali           Anne Hoellich      Teopista Pellerin      7:30 am Theresa Kattner - Rita Kattner
Thomas Arra         Frank Horvath      Dolores Penkala        9:00 am Betty Mio - Maggie and Chuck Rizzio
Chad Ballog         Art Hundreiser     Mary Phillips                    Violeta S. Magnabijon - The St. Benedict Parish
Fred Ballog         Karen Iacovelli    Christine                        Community
Raven Barron        Emma Irizarry        Pietschmann          10:30 am Mary Halliday - Maggie Rizzio
Judy Bartley        Irving Irons       Kathleen                         Armando Solano - The Vallejo Family
Dawn Bedel          Dorothy Jacob        Pietschmann                    Joseph F. Rizzio - Maggie and Chuck Rizzio
Danilo Belicena     Chuck Jerger       Cora Pizarro           12:00 pm Romeo Revilla - Detia Dino and Family
                                                                        Carl Kriho - Tom Stockwell and Family
Barbara Harrison    Marilyn Jerger     Elisa Pleasant
                                                              6:30 pm Ray Romero - The Rembles Family and Bob Bennett
 Bess               Mike Kain          Catherine Polster
Audrey Bickel       Lynne Kattner      Jaime D. Queroz        Monday, February 4 - Weekday
Maureen Black       Mary Ann Kattner Rowan Quinain, Sr.       8:30 am Denis Gemo - The St. Benedict Parish and School
Aileen Blake        Andreas Kavouras Theresa Raatz                     Community
Debora Boyce        Venus Kavouras     Gloria C. Recede                Special Intention for Juan Solano - The Vallejo Family
Raymond Brefeld     Marcia Kelleher    William Riehle, Jr
Teresita Bugasto    Nancy Kilbride     Daanish Rizwan         Tuesday, February 5 - St. Agatha, Virgin and Martyr
Glenn Cajandig      Mary C. Kineavy    Jason Rowe             8:30 am Mary Jane Denihan - Nellie
Carl Caneva         Patricia Ann King Mary Ann (Kattner)                Sister Dorothy (Climacus) Bock, SSSF - The St.
Yvonne Carter       Kenny Kopulos        Rupp                           Benedict Alumni Office
Ricardo Cataylo     Barbara Kucera     Martha Ruscheinski     Wednesday, February 6 - St. Paul Miki and Companions,
Eugene Caulfield    Tom Kucinski       Denise Schilz                  Martyrs
Sue Coston          Leslie Kufner      Barbara Schneider      8:30 am Dolores McGuire - Friend
Chris Coulon        Maryanne Kufner Angela Schuman
Susan Cronin        Ethan Li           Joseph Sepeczi         Thursday, February 7 - Weekday
Elizabeth Crowley Corazon Litorja      Alison Serafini        8:30am    Sister Clare Immaculate McDonnell - Rosemary
Paul Davis          Paula Gumler Lopat Jusara Sevro                     McDonnell
Richard Davis       Don Lopat          Lisa Sherbondy                   Sister Jeanette Clare McDonnell - Rosemary McDonnell
Frances DeVine      Andrew Charles     John Sherman                     Anthony Rebello - The Mendes Family
Susan Duffy           Louis            Mary Ann Sinisgalli
                                                              Friday, February 8 - Weekday; St. Jerome Emiliani;
Louise Efrosinis    Encarnacion Lucio Frank Somogyi
                                                                         St. Josephine Bakhita, Virgin
Marie Aluise        Juliette Lyng      Melvin Soult           8:30 am Mark Anthony M. Baylon - Jorge and Aurora Cortes
 Ekstam             Aurea Macaspac     Nancy Sternik
Dradyne R. 		       Janet MacDonald Jim Stockwell             Saturday, February 9 - Weekday; Blessed Virgin Mary
 Eudeikis           Benecio Martinez Jim Strzalka             8:30 am Samantha Ranftl - Friend
Sue Fahey           Amy Mateo          Christine Sylvano      5:00 pm Lisa Serrato - Linda Peek
Pamela Fasel        Benjamin Mazzone Katherine Thompson                  John Vincent Meehan - Kathleen Lydon
Agnes Firek         Gerardo Mazzone Luka Tomasicyk                       John and Ann McDonagh - Family
John Fishburn       Kevin Miller       Helen Tubog
Mary Flatley                                                  Sunday, February 10 - Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
                    Lois Monson        Rose Ann Vargas        7:30 am Nicolas G. and Consolacion D. Dabu - Jesus and
Richard Frank       Mattie Morales     Sofia Vitale                     Lucita Barin
Emilio Garcera      Lily Moran         Laura Van Zandt        9:00 am Ira Blackwood - Friend
Sally Gilger        Joann Moretti      Melinda Voitus         10:30 am Special Intention for Marlene Hayes - Nick, Ma, Destiny,
Gloria Goerner      Patrick Morris     Helene Wieland                   and Christian Taylor
Sandra Gould        Rea Musolf         Leda Wildner           12:00 pm Steve Moelter - Rita and Bob Zeitner
Joyce Guccione      Elaine Nelson      Ken Woodhouse                    Ramon Antonio Tosado - The St. Benedict Parish
Rita Gumler         Judi Newbold       Hubert Yamane                    Community
Robert Hallis       Joseph Olson       Irene Zuponeck                   Maryann Siwek - LuAnn K.
Kelley Halper       Lori Ott           Mary Kate              6:30 pm Raymond Ranftl - Friend
Sharon Hayes        Robert Ott           Zweidinger

Colette Christine, daughter of Gary and Shauna Johnson
John Scott, son of John and Brittany Nanry                                     Sahara Thompson | Ruth Waldren
4TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME               |   FEBRUARY 3, 2019         |   PARISH.STBENEDICT.COM                  |   P A G E 11
STEWARDSHIP: Belong , Pray, Learn, Give, Serve
 SUNDAY GIVING                                                                                                     DONATE NOW
 Sunday Collection                                                         Sign-up today for secure automated       WITH
 Collection for January 27		                            $       6,104.60   giving to St. Benedict Parish and
 GiveCentral through January 27		                       $       6,051.00   Preparatory School. Simply go to
                                                                  to start giving by selecting St. Benedict
 Total Collection		                                     $ 12,155.60        Church - Chicago, or you may also donate by visiting the link on our
 Total weekly goal		                                    $ 13,750.00        parish and school website. If you need assistance signing up or have
 Fiscal year collection (through January 27)            $ 381,909.57       questions about the program, contact our Director of Finance, Geoff
                                                                           Pautsch, at (773) 588-6484 x5109. Thank you for your remarkable
 Fiscal year goal (through January 27)		                $ 426,250.00
                                                                           generosity to the parish.
 Surplus (Under)		                                      $ (44,340.43)
 The Annual Catholic Appeal 2018 Campaign Results (as of January 20)
                                                                                      Thank you for your generosity to the 2018 Annual Catholic
 Goal:		$ 47,841.35                                                                   Appeal. There is still time to make gifts or fulfill pledges.
 Pledged (to-date):                        $ 98,001.75                                The 2019 Annual Catholic Appeal is quickly approaching
 Paid:		$ 92,138.75                                                                   at the end of February. For more information, please
 Parish rebate:		$ 44,297.40                                                          visit Watch for more
                                                                                      information in the next few weeks.
 Donor base:		273 generous donors

                                                                                 • Initial campaign expenses: consulting firm, mailing,
                                                                                   events, processing fees, ($238,347.82), archdiocesan
                                                                                   To Teach Who Christ Is assessment paid over 5 years
                                                                                   ($396,000), sharing parish Our Lady of the Snows
                                                                                   educational endowment gift ($20,000); Total: $654,347.82
                             INCOME (THRU JAN. 27)
                                $3,576,207.86                                    • Phase 1: Church roof and tuck pointing project
Campaign                                                                         • Phase 2: New windows and tuck pointing for elementary
                                                                                   miscellaneous convent and east courtyard tuck pointing,
                                                 $6.2 MILLION
                                                                                   convent chimney removal, boiler room upgrades and
                                                                                   necessary asbestos abatement ($500,000). Work to start
                                                                                   this spring and continue through the summer of 2018.

                                                                                 • Phase 3: Initial renovation of school building on Bell
                                                                                   Avenue and parking lot resurfacing ($2.75 million)


 The new condensation pump stations have arrived on
 campus. Installation has already begun and will last for
 about a month. In the last few days, two of our pumps
 completely failed and were bypassed. The delivery of
 these new stations came at the perfect time.

 The purpose of the pumps is to collect and return
 condensate from remote areas of the campus back to the
 boilers. However, since many are not functioning and
 leaking a significant amount of water, warm water is not
 returning to our boilers for reheating. Rather, cold city
 water is constantly refilling the boilers. New condensation
 pump stations will help our parish be more energy efficient
 and preserve the boilers for additional borrowed time.

4TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                             |       FEBRUARY 3, 2019          |   PARISH.STBENEDICT.COM                 |   P A G E 12
    SUNDAY                        MONDAY                 TUESDAY              WEDNESDAY             THURSDAY               FRIDAY               SATURDAY
    3                             4                      5                    6                     7                      8                    9
   Mass at 7:30AM,                Daily Morning Mass     Daily Morning Mass   Daily Morning Mass   Daily Morning Mass      Daily Morning Mass   Bitty Basketball
   9AM, 10:30AM, 12PM             8:30AM Church          8:30AM Church        8:30AM Church        8:30AM Church           8:30AM Church        8AM
   and 6:30PM, Church                                                                                                                           Ackerman Center
                                  Cub Scout Bear/Tiger   SBEAA Meeting        Ladies Society       4th Grade Girl Scouts
   Parish Library Open            Meeting                7PM                  Meetings             2:30PM                                       Daily Morning Mass
   after all morning and          6PM                    Room 335-337         9:30AM Beaven Hall   Beaven Hall                                  8:30AM
   noon Masses                    Church Bsmnt           Middle School                                                                          Church
   Parish Library                                        Flex Space           Baptismal Preparation Pack 3865 Lions Den
                                  Zumba                                       7PM Pine Room         Meeting                                     Minister of Care
                                  7PM                                                               6PM                                         Meeting
                                  Cafeteria                                   Zumba                 Beaven Hall                                 9AM
                                                                              7PM Cafeteria                                                     Pine Room-Rectory
                                  Boy Scout Meeting                                                 SPRED Meeting
                                  7PM                                         Young Adult Ministry  6PM                                         Zumba
                                  Beaven Hall                                 Meeting               SPRED Room                                  10AM
                                                                              7PM Meeting Room                                                  Beaven Hall
                                   RCIA                                                             HS Admissions
                                   7PM SPRED Room                             Adult Choir Rehearsal Presentation                                Senior Zumba
    Scout    Pancake                                                          7PM                   6:30PM                                      11AM
  Pack      3865
                      Pancake      Ravenswood                                 Choir Area, Church    SS Library, Library                         Beaven Hall
    8:30AM-12PM                    Community Orchestra                                              Classroom South
    Beaven Hall                    Rehearsal                                  Gala 2019 Meeting                                                 Reconciliation
                                   7:30PM                                     7PM                   Chicago Catholic                            11AM Church
Includes  eggs, Discernment
    Ignatian    bacon, sausage,    SS Library                                 SS Library, Library   Scripture School
juice, coffee, and tea                                                        Classroom South
    Workshop                                                                                        6:30-8:30PM                                 Mass at 5PM
Sunday  February 3rd 8:30am to 12pmKnights of Columbus                                              Room 331                                    Church
Beaven Hall                        Officer Meeting                            KOC - 47th Ward
    Room 331
$8 for adults                      8PM                                        Alderman Candidate    Weight Watchers
children under 12 & seniors areSewing Room                                    Forum                 7PM
FREE                                                                          7PM Beaven Hall       Church Basement
Thank you for supporting scouts                                               AA Meeting
                                                                              8PM Church Bsmnt

   10                             11                     12                   13                   14                      15                   16
    Mass at 7:30AM,               Daily Morning Mass     Daily Morning Mass   Daily Morning Mass   Daily Morning Mass      Daily Morning Mass   Bitty Basketball 8AM
    9AM, 10:30AM, 12PM            8:30AM Church          8:30AM Church        8:30AM Church        8:30AM Church           8:30AM Church        Ackerman Center
    and 6:30PM, Church
                                  HSA Board Meetings     Parish Commission    3rd Grade Brownies   1st Grade Daisy                              Daily Morning Mass
    Ignatian Discernment          6:30Pm                 Meeting              2:30PM               Scouts                                       8:30AM Church
    Workshop                      Room 335-337 Middle    7PM                  Beaven Hall          3PM
    10AM                          School Flex Space      Beaven Hall                               Beaven Hall                                  Zumba
    Room 331                                                                  Cub Scout Wolves                                                  10AM Cafeteria
                          Zumba                                               Meeting              Cub Scouts Webelos I
    Baptismal Preparation 7PM                                                 6PM Beaven Hall      Den Meeting                                  Senior Zumba
    11:30AM               Heidenreich Hall                                                         6PM Beaven Hall                              11AM Cafeteria
    Church Basement                                                           Zumba
                          Communion Meeting                                   7PM Cafeteria         SPRED Meeting                               Reconciliation
    Ravenswood            7PM                                                                       6PM                                         11AM Church
    Orchestra Concert     Cafeteria                                           Adult Choir Rehearsal SPRED Room
    3PM                                                                       7PM                                                               Welcoming Weekend
    Ackerman Center       Boy Scout Meeting                                   Choir Area, Church    Chicago Catholic                            Mass at 5PM
                          7PM                                                                       Scripture School                            Church
    HSA Father Daughter Church Basement                                       Cub Scouts - Webelos 6:30-8:30PM
    Dance                                                                     II Den Meeting (5th   Room 331
    2PM & 4:30PM          RCIA                                                Grade)
    Heidenreich Hall      7PM SPRED Room                                      7:30PM                Weight Watchers
                                                                              Beaven Hall           7PM
                                  Ravenswood                                                        Church Basement
                                  Community Orchestra                         AA Meeting
                                  Rehearsal                                   8PM
                                  7:30PM                                      Church Basement
                                  SS Library

        St. Blaise and the Blessing of the Throats | February 3, 2019

  4TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                    |   FEBRUARY 3, 2019                |   PARISH.STBENEDICT.COM                       |   P A G E 13
   If you are visiting, we hope you enjoy your stay. We’re glad you decided to join us in this celebration.
If you are new to the St. Ben’s community, welcome home! To become a registered parishioner, complete a
Registration Form online at One of our Ministers
of Hospitality will be glad to assist you. If you are a former parishioner or a graduate of our schools, we are
glad to see you back home. We hope you will return often. Contact Joe Accardi, Director of Alumni Relations
   Our weekly bulletin, The Steward, tells you about parish life. Submissions for the bulletin are generally due
by Friday at 9 am of the week previous to publication. Electronic submissions are preferred via e-mail
to Flyers should be submitted in camera-ready format and will be used if space permits.
   If you would like to receive our online weekly newsletter‑"The Block", please contact the rectory to be placed on our emailing list.
   If you have any questions, please call the rectory at (773) 588-6484. We look forward to hearing from you.

                       St. Benedict Parish and Preparatory School
 ST. BENEDICT PARISH                           ST. BENEDICT PREPARATORY                   MASSES AND SERVICES
 Rectory: 2215 W. Irving Park Road,            SCHOOL                                     Sunday Eucharist: 5PM Saturday
 Chicago, IL 60618                             Early Childhood (PK-K)                     7:30AM, 9AM, 10:30AM, 12 NOON, and
 Phone: (773) 588-6484                         Phone: (773) 588-7851                      6:30PM Sunday
 Fax: (773) 588-4927                           3901 N. Bell Ave, Chicago, IL 60618        Weekday Eucharist: 8:30AM
 Email:                                                                Monday – Saturday
 Rectory hours: 8:30 AM – 8:00 PM             Elementary School (1-5)                     Holy Day Eucharist: 8:30AM & 7PM
 (Monday-Thursday),                           Phone: (773) 463-6797                       Family Mass: Monthly
 9:30 AM – 6:00 PM (Friday),                  3920 N. Leavitt, Chicago, IL 60618          Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help:
 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM (Saturday),                Middle School (6-8)                         Tuesdays 9AM
 9:00 AM – 1:30 PM (Sunday)                   Phone: (773) 539-0066                       Exposition and Benediction of the
                                              3900 N. Leavitt, Chicago, IL 60618          Blessed Sacrament: First Friday of each
 PASTORAL STAFF                                                                           month, 9AM – 12PM, in church.
 Rev. Stephen Kanonik, Pastor, ext. 5106, High School (12)                                Baptisms: Scheduled on all Sundays at                      Phone: (773) 539-0066                       1:30PM; on the fourth Sunday at one of the
 Rev. Robert Beaven, Pastor Emeritus          3900 N. Leavitt, Chicago, IL 60618          Masses. Baptism preparation class is required,
 Rev. Robert Pajor, Assoc. Pastor,                                                        usually before the birth of the child.
 ext. 5103,             Rachel Gemo, Head of Parish School          Reconciliation: Saturdays, 11AM -
 Rev. Thomas Refermat, Assoc. Pastor,         (PK-12), ext. 1220,    12 NOON; seasonal celebrations, as posted;
 ext 5205,                                                       by appointment in the rectory.
 Elaine Lindia, Pastoral Associate, ext. 5101 Rachel Waldron, Head of Lower School,       Weddings: Arrange with a priest at least                       ext. 1380,          four months in advance. Participation in
 David Reyes, Deacon, ext. 5110,              Mary Deletioglu, Head of Upper School,      marriage preparation is essential. Please call                        ext. 1250,       the rectory.
 Jeremy Kiolbassa, Director of Music                                                      Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
 and Liturgy, ext. 5107,                                                                  (RCIA): For unbaptized persons or baptized
                                              THE COMMISSIONS OF                                                                persons interested in learning more about the
                                              ST. BENEDICT PARISH
 Daniel Hughes, Director of Catechesis, ext. If you are interested in learning more about Catholic faith and the process of becoming a
 1271,                                                             Catholic. Call the rectory.
                                              or joining one of the many ministries at
 Kim McMillan, Director of Youth Ministry, St. Benedict Parish or would like to volunteer Religious Education: Arrangements
 ext. 5108,                                                      should be made for the religious education
                                              time or talent, please call the rectory or
 Co-Coordinators of the Kateri Center,                                                    of children attending public schools with the
                                              contact the following person(s):
 Jody Roy and Lisa Franqui, ext. 7000                                                     Director of Catechesis.
                                              Parish Council Chair: Karen Cholipski,                                                                     Handicapped Accessibility: An elevator
                                              Finance Council Chair: Chris Graff                                                                  is available for all Sunday Masses. Enter the
                                              School Board Chair: Tim Urquhart
                                                                                          church through the East door. Please call
                                              Catechetical Commission:
 PARISH SUPPORT STAFF                                                                     the rectory for weekday availability.
                                              Daniel Hughes and Kim McMillan
 Geoff Pautsch, Director of Finance,                                                      Homebound: Call the rectory to arrange
                                              Education Commission: Rachel Gemo,
 ext. 5109,                                                       communion in home for those unable to
                                              Rachel Waldron, or Mary Deletioglu
 Ellen Roberts, Parish Manager, ext. 5104,                                                attend Mass.
                                              Human Concerns Commission:                                                                  Mass Intentions: Mass intentions may
                                              Elaine Lindia
 Barbara Schneider, Accounting Manager, Parish Life Commission:                           be requested for someone who is living or
 ext. 5114,                                                     deceased, or to commemorate a birthday,
                                              Fr. Robert Pajor
 Maria Tubay, Director of Communications Spiritual Life Commission:                       special anniversary, or the anniversary of a
 ext. 2351,                                                         loved one’s death. Please call the rectory.
                                              Fr. Stephen Kanonik and Jeremy Kiolbassa
 Christine Clardy, Parish Office Assistant,
 ext. 5113,

4TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                     |   FEBRUARY 3, 2019              |   PARISH.STBENEDICT.COM                 |   P A G E 14
HAVING DIFFICULTY DEALING                                      VIOLENCE IN YOUR
WITH OUR STRESSFUL WORLD?                                      HOME? GET HELP.
The Holbrook Counseling Center of Catholic Charities
provides counseling services at St. Matthias Parish.           DOMESTIC VIOLENCE
Cheryl Joseph-Lukz, MA, LCPC is the therapist at               HOTLINE 24/7
St. Matthias. Cheryl is a Licensed Clinical Counselor, and
she has worked with individuals, couples and families
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personal relationships, work situations or are just feeling    1-800-799-7233
unhappy, “stuck”, or unfulfilled, we’re here for you. We are
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