Courier - Moosehaven resident Rena Croft places wreath on Veteran's grave-more on page 21 - Florida Moose Association

Page created by Jim Mclaughlin
Courier - Moosehaven resident Rena Croft places wreath on Veteran's grave-more on page 21 - Florida Moose Association
Florida Moose Association


                                                                 JAN/FEB NO. 1
                                                                    VOL. 2020

              Moosehaven resident Rena Croft places wreath on Veteran’s grave—more
              on page 21.
Courier - Moosehaven resident Rena Croft places wreath on Veteran's grave-more on page 21 - Florida Moose Association
The Courier

FMA 2019 - 2020 Officers
 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE                  Assist Inner Guard                 District 8                             District 18
 FMA Liaison                          Scott Kern                         Roy Dannelly                           James Cisneros
 Larry Cundiff                        113 Hays Drive                     176 Ruskia St                          4306 S Grady Ave
 818 West River Road                  Sanford, FL 32771                  Lake Mary Fl                           Tampa Fl
 Palatka, FL 32177                    407-314-6287                       407-765-4458                           813-504-6138
                                      Outer Guard
 President                            Mark Boree                         District 9                             District 19
 Charles Geary                        861487 N Hampton Club Way          Daniel Gulledge                        Robert Grose
 2633 Billingham Drive                Fernandina Beach, FL 32034         110 Orange St                          2425 Live Oak Trl
 Land O Lakes                               Crescent City Fl                       Lake Wales Fl 33898
 813-929-8039                                                            386-853-4054                           863-512-4277                  Assist Outer Guard          
                                      Walter Wommack
 Vice President                       13107 Firefly Lane                 District 10                            District 20
 Buddy Dugger                         Hudson, FL 34669                   Mike Arthur                            George Hills Jr
 118 E Macclenny Ave.                 727-919-4225                       PO Box 2145                            5611 Bayshore Rd #98
 Macclenny, FL 32063                     Lake City Fl                           Palmetto Fl
 904-635-0083                                                            386-758-6778                           941-237-8639                                           
                                      DISTRICT PRESIDENTS
 Treasurer                                                               District 11                            District 21
 Chuck Plourde                        District 1                         Mark Wylde                             Ron Falzarano
 33906 Mandrake Road                  James Stockton                     31 W Adams St Apt 1206                 4302 Sea Pines Run
 Zephyrhills, FL 33543                31142 Ave I                        Jacksonville Fl                        Winter Haven Fl
 813-431-8312                         Big Pine Key Fl 33043              904-570-0231                           863-557-3807                 305-879-1345                       
 Prelate                                                                 District 12                            District 22
 Wally Machemer                       District 2                         Wade Bennett                           Brent Sheldon
 7357 Tisa Ave                        Jose Landrian                      5547 Mossy Top Way                     9517 Galaxie Cir
 Port Charlotte, FL 33981-2604        30299 SW 163 Ct                    Tallahassee Fl 32303                   Port Charlotte Fl 33981
 941-416-7035                         Homestead Fl 33033                 850-570-5547                           941-676-2324             786-255-0116                      
 Jr. Past President                                                      District 13                            District 23
 Bobby Baker                          District 3                         Roy Marler                             Duffy Friss
 PO Box 390091                        Alex Ferrer-Wurst                  10936 N Airway Loop                    12571 Pine Dr
 Deltona, FL 32739-0091               242 Neptune Ave                    Dunnellon Fl 34434                     Fort Myers Fl 33908                 Lauderdale By the Sea              407-579-2958        s                  518-929-2842
 Dan O’Neal                                                              District 14                            District 24
 PO Box 2863                          District 4                         Michael Argenziano                     Brad Galloway
 Sanford, Fl 32772                    Christopher Nichols                1785 Westmoreland Ave                  1104 Navaso Ave
 407-547-7216                         10559 154th Rd W                   Eustis Fl 32726                        Lehigh Acres Fl 33936    Jupiter Fl 33478                   352-409-6494                           567-202-5842
 Assistant Secretary        
 Scott A. Cushing                                                        District 15                            District 25
 2231 SW 126th Ave                    District 5                         Paul Chmura                            Marvin Duran
 Miramar, FL 33027-2642               Robert Stoll                       8134 Winding Oak Ln                    11565 N Carolina Dr
 954-499-3242                         5000 SE Federal Hwy Lot 38         Spring Hill Fl 34606                   Bonita Springs Fl 34135           Stuart Fl                          716-913-2157                           239-216-0117
                                                                         District 16
 Sergeant at Arms                     District 6                         Willis Pearce
 James Esposito                       Floyd Hannaford                    13505 Whitby Rd
 7000 Palmetto Circle South Apt 708   6825 Las Pamos Dr                  Hudson Fl
 Boca Raton, FL 33433                 Grant Fl                           727-277-2167
 954-907-0311                         321-427-8011                   
                                                                         District 17
 Assistant Sgt at Arms                District 7                         Robbie Baratta
 Todd Anderson                        James Thornton                     40323 Bluff Oak Ct
 1004 Virginia Ave.                   968 5th                            Palm Harbor Fl 34684
 Lynn Haven, FL 32444                 Clermont Fl 34711                  931-217-1604
 850-866-8679                         352-536-5926             
 Inner Guard
 Rob Hanrahan
 5391 Laurel Oak Drive
 Winter Haven, FL 33880
 863-899-9243                                                                                                              IMPORTANT LINKS
                                                                                                        Moose International:
                                                                                                       Moose Charities:

Vol. 2020 No. 1                                                      2                                                                  Jan/Feb 2019
Courier - Moosehaven resident Rena Croft places wreath on Veteran's grave-more on page 21 - Florida Moose Association
The Courier

                                                                                                          What’s Inside
 Note from the Editor:                                         Cover Supreme Governor, Rodney Hammond, advises WOTM we are
 Welcome to a new year—2020. I hope everyone en-                     now one!
 joyed the holidays and has made a resolution to work
                                                               2     Florida Bermuda Moose Association Board of Officers
 hard again this year for the Moose. If you haven’t
                                                               3     Note from the Editor
 gone online to the Moose website, you might not
 know that the Milwaukee convention information is             3     Table of Contents
 available. Don’t wait to secure a room—they always            4     Message from Territory Manager/FMA Liaison
 go fast. I’ve included some of the information in this        4     President’s Message
 issue for you.                                                5     Deputy Grand Regent’s Message
 It has all the makings of an exciting and historic con-       6     Moose International Convention
 vention. If you attended the Town Hall in Orlando in          8     Moosehaven Holidays
 November, you know what I am talking about. Direc-
                                                               10    Big turnout for Regional Membership Workshop session
 tor General Scott Hart and Grand Chancellor Barb
 McPherson spent the day reviewing the possible                11    Moosehaven resident to curate FMA Archives
 changes in the structure of the LOOM and WOTM and             12    Top 25 Producing Lodges Oct—Nov 2019
 spent time answering the many and varied questions            13    Top 25 Producing Lodges Attaining % of Quota
 put forward by the attendees. Change is never easy            14    New Lodge 5 Club Qualifiers Oct—Nov 2019
 and it is important to keep an open mind. Creating            14    Lodge Change in 25 Club Qualifier Level Oct & Nov 2019
 “One Moose” is complicated and it is evident that our         15    LODGE SPONSOR of DISTINCTION 12/1/2019
 leadership spent many, many hours trying to resolve
                                                               16    NEW CHAPTER 5 CLUB QUALIFIERS OCT—NOV
 the issues in order to make it work.
 Mid-year is just around the corner at the end of April              2019
 and there will be some changes in registration and            16    CHAPTER SPONSOR Of DISTINCTION
 our meeting schedules. I hope to be able to include                 12/1/2019
 this information in the next issue, but be sure to            17    Chapter Change in 25 Club Qualifier Level Oct & Nov 2019
 make your reservations early and check out the FMA            17    25 TOP PRODUCING CHAPTERS as of 12/1/2019
 website for more information. It will be a good one           18    CHAPTERS ATTAINING 100% of QUOTA
 this time!
                                                               19    Membership Meeting draws good crowd and generates renewed en-
 Joan Fedora, Editor                                                 thusiasm
                                                               18    Inverness Woman of the Moose wins Association logo design
                                                               19    Making a difference and making memories
                                                               20    Moosehaven Chili Cook-off
                                                               21    More Moosehaven—Wreaths Across America
                  EDITOR’S NOTE                                22    Newest Florida Chapter raises $6,000 for regional cancer center
                                                               22    Hernando Fire Station presented with Tommy Moose
       Deadline for March/April issue is                       23    Veterans benefit from donation by Port Charlotte Moose
      February 15, 2020. Submit articles                       24    Winter Haven donates Tommy Moose to Police Department
                 and photos to:                                24    Polar Plunges
                                   26    FMA Calendar
                                                               27    FMA 2019– 2020 Moose International Appointments
                   Or mail to:                                 27    FMA 2019 - 2020 Officers and Committeemen
              Joan Fedora, Editor
           8160 Willie Wilkerson Road,
              Macclenny, FL 32063
              Phone: 954-536-3160

Jan/Feb                                                    3                                                           Vol. 2020 No. 1
Courier - Moosehaven resident Rena Croft places wreath on Veteran's grave-more on page 21 - Florida Moose Association
The Courier

Message from Territory Manager/FMA Liaison
                               Create Our Future                   We received the first figures on the “One Moose” online
                               One Moose                           poll. At this time 87% of the WOTM Members and 80%
                                                                   of the LOOM Members have voted for the One Moose
                              We are entering into a very          Concept.
                              important part of the year           We need to keep focused on what we do and remember
                              that will set the tone for           why we do it. We need to make sure we make every
                              our future. Selection of Of-         Lodge and Chapter the best they can be. We need to do
                              ficers and elections this            only things that support Mooseheart, Moosehaven and
                              year is more important than          our Communities. If we do that, our Fraternity will grow.
                              they have ever been. It is           Thanks for all you do in support of the Lodges, Chap-
                              imperative that we elect             ters, Moose Legions, Council of Higher Degrees and our
                              strong leaders to guide our          Fraternity. Never lose sight that our efforts are for the
 Lodges and Chapter into this new era.                             support of Mooseheart and Moosehaven. God bless
 The excitement continues to build with the WOTM                   Mooseheart, Moosehaven, the Moose Fraternity and
 Members getting involved with several Districts. Several          most of all you.
 Lodges and Chapters are working toward implementing
 Joint House Committees. This is our new direction and it          Larry R. Cundiff
 is exciting. We are all part of making history into the fu-       Territory Manager/FBMA Liaison
 ture of the Moose Fraternity. Florida continues to lead
 the way and we will be successful in our endeavors.

Message from the FMA President
                               Greetings my Brothers &             ing a little harder on retention, create more activities in
                               Co-Workers                          our Lodges and communicate with our members on what
                                                                   they like and dislike about the Lodge so we can improve
                               Happy and healthy New
                                                                   on their visits
                               Year to you all, I hope
                               you and your families en-           2020 is going to be an exciting year and a year of change
                               joyed the holidays.                 let us all think positive, enjoy the ride and know that by
                                                                   working together our Association is improving the lives
                              As we are start the new
                                                                   of the children at Mooseheart and seniors at Moose-
                              year and a new era for
                              our Association there will
                              be some challenges and               Fraternally,
                              commitments that we will             Charlie Geary, FMA President
 face and working together I know they will be easily
 The Executive Committee met in December and
 among the many topics of discussion were the MAC
 Project and the Mid Year Conference. There will be
 more information given on both of these issues at the
 Full Board meeting after we have had a chance to meet
 with the WOTM and coordinate the meeting agenda.
 As the end of our Moose calendar year is nearing it is
 time to give a little more thought to our membership
 numbers. It seems that each year around February and
 March we think about being “plus one” and scurry to
 try to sign up new members. Let’s this year start work-

Vol. 2020 No. 1                                                4                                                     Jan/Feb 2019
Courier - Moosehaven resident Rena Croft places wreath on Veteran's grave-more on page 21 - Florida Moose Association
The Courier

                                                        Message from the Deputy Grand Regent
 Hello Coworkers, Happy New Year!                                  can get all the information
 As we move into the future with new and exciting chang-           so you are properly in-
 es within our Fraternity, I am filled with anticipation to        formed. The power points
 learn and inspire others. In January our FMA officers             and speeches that were pre-
 will be meeting to plan our 1st Joint Conference.                 sented to us at the Town
 Coworkers and Brothers working together, within State             Hall are all there. This is im-
 and Districts, to ensure a future for our Twin Cities.            portant information that
 Please be sure to watch your emails so you stay informed          should be shared with your
 of all the information that will be coming your way.              coworkers. Maybe you can
 Don’t forgetour first Joint Mid-Year Conference in Or-            plan a presentation at your
 lando May 1-3 with our joint meetings with women vot-             lodge (have food, they’ll
 ing and our Academy of Friendship conferral. I sent all           come). This will give your
 Chapters a list to contact those who are holding past call        members a better under-
 cards: please contact them and encourage them to attend.          standing of how we are
 These cards never expire. We will be welcoming Past Di-           moving forward into a bright future for our Fraternity. A
 rector of Operations, Judy Sisson, as our official visitor.       team of International Officers has been planning and
 I’m looking forward to what she has to share. Congratu-           preparing for years to make this transition work as
 lations to our new collegians and advancing red tassel and        smoothly as possible. If the vote passes in Milwaukie at
 red stole collegians for a job well done and thank you for        our 2020 International Convention, May 22-25 2020, we
 your commitment to your oath. I am pleased to see that            will all be working together to make exciting changes
 we do have many women already on district boards and              within your Lodges and Chapters. Please try to stay posi-
 leading higher degree committees. Make sure your Re-              tive and correctly informed as this is the key to a success-
 corder and Senior Regent attend the district officers             ful transition and a bright future for our great organiza-
 meeting and have a vote for proposals. This is an honor           tion.
 long awaited, so show up at you district meetings and
 make a difference.                                                Laurie Nelson, Deputy Grand Regent
 So, lets talk about the 1ONE MOOSE Town Hall meet-
 ing you attended—what, you didn’t make the meeting?
 OK, so this is what you do, go to and you

                                         Courier Subscription Form
     Please send __________ year(s) (six issues/year) subscription of The Courier at $5.00/year or 5 years for $20.00.

     Lodge/Chapter Name _________________________________________ No. _________ Degree ___________

     Name _____________________________________________________ ID# ____________________________

     Address ____________________________________________________________________________________

     City _______________________________________________________ State ________________ Zip ________

                             Make checks/money orders payable to “Florida Moose Association”

     Return order form and funds to:                           New       Renewal        Address Change
     Courier Subscription—c/o Dan O’Neal                  Please Check one of the boxes above
     PO Box 2863
     Sanford, Fl 32772

Jan/Feb                                                        5                                                   Vol. 2020 No. 1
Courier - Moosehaven resident Rena Croft places wreath on Veteran's grave-more on page 21 - Florida Moose Association
The Courier


Join us in one of America’s fastest-growing cities from Thursday, May 21st – Tuesday, May 26th, 2020 for
the 2020 International Moose Convention, taking place at the Wisconsin Convention Center.

Please note that this year’s convention takes place earlier in the year to line up with the Pilgrim Con-
ferral and the Mooseheart Commencement Ceremony.

The Brew City. The City of Festivals. Whether you know it as America’s Third Coast or the Bloody Mary Me-
tropolis, Milwaukee is a friendly, vibrant city filled with things to explore. Visit the flying art museum, discover
the birthplace of Harley-Davidson, sip a locally-brewed cup of coffee – it’s totally random, totally wonderful,
and totally Milwaukee.

Two opportunities in one! If you have always wanted to go to an International Convention, but also have
dreamed of visiting Mooseheart, this is the perfect opportunity to do both. Milwaukee convention attendees
will take a break on Saturday, May 23rd to travel by bus or car to the Mooseheart campus, and participate in
commencement and Pilgrim conferral ceremonies.

See you in Milwaukee!

Vol. 2020 No. 1                                         6                                                Jan/Feb 2019
Courier - Moosehaven resident Rena Croft places wreath on Veteran's grave-more on page 21 - Florida Moose Association
The Courier

                      A NEW PROJECT:
                         (THE MAC)

                               Make your next donation to
                         The Mooseheart Activity Center (The MAC)
          This new project is considered to be a valuable asset to the Mooseheart Community and
          we need your help! We envision a thriving hub of activity for our youth. This will offer
          many options that help benefit both the body and mind through both physical activity and
          social opportunities. Did you know that scientific research proves that encouraging chil-
          dren to engage in activities after school supports their development? The Mooseheart
          Activity Center will create a sense of belonging, improve social skills, provide academ-
          ic support and a safe environment that builds confidence. Your donation will help create
          our future!

          Check out the Moose Charities website for the donation options at https://

                                       Moose Association Recognition
                                          Individual Recognition
                                         In Honor of Recognition
                                          Memorial Recognition

Jan/Feb                                               7                                        Vol. 2020 No. 1
Courier - Moosehaven resident Rena Croft places wreath on Veteran's grave-more on page 21 - Florida Moose Association
The Courier


Vol. 2020 No. 1       8   Jan/Feb 2019
Courier - Moosehaven resident Rena Croft places wreath on Veteran's grave-more on page 21 - Florida Moose Association
The Courier

                                              More Moosehaven
              Santa visited each area on our special night. From the health
              care center to Assisted Living to the clubhouse and finally to all
              who were gathered in the Michigan building for our dessert and
              partying hardy!

              News courtesy of Marge Walter’s Facebook page

Jan/Feb   9                                                         Vol. 2020 No. 1
Courier - Moosehaven resident Rena Croft places wreath on Veteran's grave-more on page 21 - Florida Moose Association
The Courier

Big turnout for Regional Membership Workshop session
                                                                  some of the changes being made. One coworker made us
                                                                  chuckle by sharing an example that she had referenced when
                                                                  conversing with a fellow coworker who was upset. It was
                                                                  regarding how things have changed over the years and will
                                                                  continue for years to come. So, we should all work together
                                                                  on progression.
                                                                  The example shared was that years ago women didn’t come
                                                                  out in public or attend meetings without having a girdle, gar-
                                                                  ter and hose on, but nowadays that’s not the case. And on
                                                                  that specific day the upset coworker had no hose on and has
                                                                  made changes herself without realizing it.
                                                                  It was shared that - NO REASON TO STAY, IS A REA-
                                                                  SON TO GO — This meaning that members do not come
                                                                  into the social quarters to be ignored or sit alone. They
                                                                  come in to enjoy a cold beverage, a good
                                                                  conversation, a nice meal, fun events. What happens in the
                                                                  social quarters is a huge part of why we are members. Be

 The regional membership workshop in Florida was held
 at Winterhaven Lodge on November 3, 2019. The
 speakers were Director of Membership Mike Rios and
 Territory Manager Bob Saindon. There were 97 mem-
 bers in attendance. We were joined by a few members
 from: Windsor, Canada; Erie, Pennsylvania; and Warren-
 ton, Virginia; all of whom stayed locally after the Town-
 hall Meeting.
 Some of the goals of the workshop were to help us:
   with understanding our members
   how to recruit and retain
   examine issues that prevent us from reaching our
   with ideas to achieve our membership goals
   re-energize everyone in attendance                           friendly and treat members as family - a hello, handshake or
 Some say we are lost in the 50’s and we need to adapt to         hug and simple conversation goes along way.
                                                                  If you see the decline in participation at your events, maybe,
                                                                  it’s time to consider making some changes. Maybe try some
                                                                  interactive game nights, some different entertainers, ask for
                                                                  the members suggestions and give them a try.
                                                                  Communication is key. Share info in lodge newsletters,
                                                                  weekly group texting programs, bulletin boards and even
                                                                  door to door direct mailing in local zip code of lodge. There
                                                                  is a difference between soliciting and promoting. We can
                                                                  promote all day long.
                                                                  Thanks for a great workshop.

                                                                  Submitted by Rhonda Shockley, West Boca 2273
                                                                  WOTM Membership Communications Liaison of FLA.
                                                                  Gold Coast Council of HD Pres.

Vol. 2020 No. 1                                              10                                                    Jan/Feb 2019
The Courier

  Moosehaven resident to curate FMA Archives
      At the FBMA full Board meeting in January last year, I           spective boards
      informed the Executive Board that I no longer wished             in the last 8 years
      to be considered for reappointment as Chairman of                who have had
      the Historical Committee. I have held this chair since           the confidence
      I was initially appointed by then President David                and given their
      Smith in 2011. During this time, I have met and en-              support to enable
      joyed numerous members who like me have an avid                  me to perform
      interest in the history of this great Fraternity. I have         my duties for this
      received many, many donations of memorabilia and                 Association;
      there is rarely a convention or board meeting that I do          thanks to all
      not have something “new” for the Archives from lapel             members that
      pins to a ceremonial sword, various photographs,                 have thought of
      books—really, too much to mention.                               the Archives and
                                                                       made donations
      I was once asked if I had “prepared” anything for my
                                                                       of history; and
      reports. I had no reason to. Something always
                                                                       also to the many
      showed up and was always more interesting than I
                                                                       “hands” that           Whitey Burdick, new Chairman of
      could have come up with. My fear is that we throw                                             Historical Committee
                                                                       have helped over
      away something that we deem useless or old, and I
                                                                       the years with suggestions (some possible and many
      discourage this sentiment even more now. There is
                                                                       impossible!). Thank you all!
      going to be an enormous amount of such FBMA
      items now that we are the FMA. Don’t let us lose                 Lastly, for my wife Joan Fedora who made the journey
      these artifacts, they are our history.                           with me, “Thanks, Babe.”
      I would like to wish Whitey Burdick (Moosehaven res-             Finally, please remember, “What happens today is to-
      ident), the new Chairman, all the best and I am look-            morrow’s history.”
      ing forward to seeing his look for this most important           Fraternally,
      part of our Fraternity.
      I also wish to thank all past presidents and their re-           Charlie Titheridge

                                 Florida Lodges, Chapters & Moose Legions
   Hurricane Irma all but depleted the Florida Moose Association’s Emergency Re-
   lief Funds. Many lodges in Florida were given donations from this fund for their
   lodges. As Moose we look out after each other and now is the time to give to
   help our fellow brothers and sisters affected by Hurricane Michael or who might
   be affected by another disaster yet to come. A donation of any amount will help
   us to help others.
                                           Please make donations to:
                                          FBMA Emergency Relief Fund
                                                     Mail to:
                                              Dan O’Neal, Secretary
                                            Florida Moose Association
                                         PO Box 2863, Sanford, Fl 32772
   Buddy Dugger, FMA Vice President / Emergency Relief Chairman

Jan/Feb                                                           11                                               Vol. 2020 No. 1
The Courier

                                             Top 25 Producing Lodges
                                                  Oct—Nov 2019
         State              Lodge #               Lodge Name                       Total Apps               National
           1                  2188                Anna Maria Island                    801                      1
           2                  1933                Englewood                            509                      2
           3                  1308                Venice                               357                      4
           4                  1263                Daytona Beach                        188                      8
           5                  2276                Zephyrhills                          180                      9
           6                  1822                Vero Beach                           168                      12
           7                  2073                Merritt Island                       132                      18
           8                  1454                Bonita Springs                       131                      19
           9                  964                 Fort Myers Beach                     117                      24
           10                 2121                Port Charlotte                       117                      24
           11                 1223                Bradenton                            109                      28
           12                 2199                Cape Coral                           99                       34
           13                 2237                Jupiter-Tequesta                     89                       42
           14                 2554                Gulf Cove                            89                       42
           15                 42                  Mandarin                             86                       44
           16                 764                 North Port                           85                       45
           17                 1615                South Lake County                    83                       47
           18                 1782                Naples                               81                       49
           19                 813                 Ruskin                               80                       50
           20                 1899                Fort Myers                           79                       51
           21                 1297                Tice And The Shores                  78                       52
           22                 2117                Palmetto                             75                       54
           23                 2020                Lake Shore                           72                       57
           24                 2267                Lauderdale Lakes                     70                       59
           25                 1023                Winter Haven                         67                       62
           25                 2308                Dunnellon                            67                       62

                                 Your Degree Jackets that are just hanging in your closets,
                                                both Men’s and Women’s.

                  We will also take ties, buttons, anything that is a degree item; they will be passed on
                                               to someone that needs them.
                                     You can also exchange your items for another size.

                              This is all done at No Cost to you. These items are 100% FREE.

                               If you want to donate or need one of these items, contact
                    Nancy Lanigan by mail at 3263 DeSoto Drive, Punta Gorda, FL, 33983 or by Phone
                                    at Home: 942-743-0879 or Cell: 941-661-6717.

Vol. 2020 No. 1                                           12                                                   Jan/Feb 2019
The Courier

                                                                   More Membership
                          Top 25 Producing Lodges Attaining % of Quota

   Rank   Lodge #   Lodge Name                   Quota        Achieved     Percent
   1      1461      West Palm Beach               26             50        192.31%
   2      1822      Vero Beach                    95             168       176.84%
   3      1798      Davie                         26             44        169.23%
   4      2188      Anna Maria Island             500            801       160.20%
   5      1760      Key West                      35             53        151.43%
   6      248       Fort Pierce                   46             62        134.78%
   7      2308      Dunnellon                     50             67        134.00%
   8      2258      Leisure City                  45             54        120.00%
   9      1058      Marathon                      34             37        108.82%
   10     1615      South Lake County             77             83        107.79%
   11     2237      Jupiter-Tequesta              86             89        103.49%
   12     1933      Englewood                     500            509       101.80%
   13     380       Perrine                       16             16        100.00%
   14     1903      Land O'Lakes                  48             48        100.00%
   15     2554      Gulf Cove                     90             89        98.89%
   16     2538      West Volusia                  46             45        97.83%
   17     2345      Pine Castle                   53             51        96.23%
   18     1014      Ocala                         51             49        96.08%
   19     1558      Jacksonville Beach            46             44        95.65%
   20     1263      Daytona Beach                 198            188       94.95%
   21     1962      Titusville                    50             46        92.00%
   22     2510      Wakulla County                44             40        90.91%
   23     1717      Cocoa                         65             58        89.23%
   24     2352      Nassau                        61             53        86.89%
   25     204       West Boca Raton               68             59        86.76%

Jan/Feb                                     13                              Vol. 2020 No. 1
The Courier

                                               New Lodge 5 Club Qualifiers
                                                     Oct—Nov 2019
    Lodge # Lodge Name                  Member                 Lodge #   Lodge Name           Member
    1075          Tallahassee           Tony Albaugh           1271      Villages Leesburg    David Lee Maitsberger
    2073          Merritt Island        George Alden           1615      South Lake County    Robert N. Malotte
    2352          Nassau                Russell Scott Alvey    1753      Okeechobee           Warren Martin
    1297          Tice And The Shores   Clinton Anderson       2267      Lauderdale Lakes     Edward F. McGurn
    1880          Brandon               Michael C. Andrews     764       North Port           Edward J. Mell
    2395          Caloosahatchee        Gregg Bailey           668       Hallandale           Edward H. Miller
    1835          New Smyrna Beach      Don Barber Jr.         1962      Titusville           Thomas Kelly Mullins
    2374          Lake Placid           Charles Becker         874       Golden Triangle      Johnny Neblett
    2427          County Line           Dayrl Bracht           964       Fort Myers Beach     Peter C. Neelon
    2367          Satellite Beach       Bob Brizendine         1014      Ocala                Jayme Nichols
    766           Orlando               Steve Boogie Brown     2276      Zephyrhills          Theodore Nichols
    1693          Punta Gorda           Matt Butcosk           1741      North Hillsboro      Eric Paeplow
    2010          Palm Beach Gardens    John W. Carr           1782      Naples               Edward Patak
    2259          Sebring               Mike Conley            2276      Zephyrhills          Dan Peterson
    397           Dade City             Joel Cooner            2083      Haines City          Dennis Reeves
    2672          Quincy                Matt Crawford          2112      Inverness            John R. Reiter
    2373          North Bay             Ed Croak               1933      Englewood            Bill Riley
    1851          Sanford               Mike Davis             1933      Englewood            Ramon Rios
    1760          Key West              George Esbensen        2276      Zephyrhills          Larry M. Robertson
    2199          Cape Coral            Robert C. Fenimore     1454      Bonita Springs       Bob Robinson
    1327          Arcadia               Sgt. Carl B. Gause     2577      Palm Coast           Al Sanflippo
    1903          Land O'Lakes          Charles B. Geary       2237      Jupiter-Tequesta     Edward Douglas Sasso
    1319          Sarasota              David R. Graus         1308      Venice               Leroy Savill
    2188          Anna Maria Island     Gordon Green           1023      Winter Haven         Ronald K. Scfield
    2391          Lake Wales            Robert L. Grose        2259      Sebring              Michael Schwacke
    1641          Crescent City         Daniel Gulledge        1150      Miramar              John W. Shannon
    1690          Jensen Beach          Robert Hackney         2311      Palm Bay             Lee Singleton
    1822          Vero Beach            Darvin Harrelson       1074      Hialeah              Lee Spear
    248           Fort Pierce           John N. Hoffman        2199      Cape Coral           Jerry G. Stover
    1308          Venice                Kurt Hofmann           2267      Lauderdale Lakes     Joseph        Surrusco
    1760          Key West              Joseph Jarchow         1693      Punta Gorda          Fred Van Nostrand
    2158          Riverview             Richard C. Jarvis      2193      Fort Walton Beach    Michael C. Walker
    1717          Cocoa                 David Johnson          1717      Cocoa                James D. Walsh
    184           Palatka               John M. Johnson II     1558      Jacksonville Beach   David Walters
    1825          West Dade             Josepd D.Jones III     2538      West Volusia         William D. Ward
    766           Orlando               Danny Keel             1933      Englewood            Leonard R. Weber
    1327          Arcadia               Paul Kirsch            1023      Winter Haven         David E. Willis
    1933          Englewood             Glenn Kolberg          1899      Fort Myers           Rick Yurko
    1903          Land O'Lakes          Lawrence Lynch         2151      Islamorada           Larry Zettwoch

                            Lodge Change in 25 Club Qualifier Level Oct & Nov 2019
     Lodge #        Lodge Name              Member                            App. #      Award Level      PreviousAward
     1263           Daytona Beach           Jack R. Rafool                    2353             2350            2300
     2188           Anna Maria Island       Byron G. Dalton Sr.               260              250             200
     2276           Zephyrhills             William Cline                     206              200             175
     184            Palatka                 John M. Johnson II                201              200             175
     1693           Punta Gorda             Frederick Carl Van Nostrand Jr.   177              175             150
     Lodge #        Lodge Name              Member                            App. #      Award Level      PreviousAward

Vol. 2020 No. 1                                               14                                                Jan/Feb 2019
The Courier

                                                                               More Membership
                    Lodge Change in 25 Club Qualifier Level Oct & Nov 2019 continued
   Lodge #    Lodge Name            Member                        App. #      Award Level     PreviousAward
   2188       Anna Maria Island     Steve Boniberger              150           150                  125
   1822       Vero Beach            Joseph Eriksen                152           150                  125
   1023       Winter Haven          Robert Hanrahan               162           150                  125
   2188       Anna Maria Island     Patrick Kane                  151           150                  125
   42         Mandarin              Richard Edward Wood Sr.       150           150                  125
   1954       Pine Island           Claude Thomas Akers           127           125                  100
   2259       Sebring               Mike Conley                   125           125                  100
   1782       Naples                Robert Hill                   102           100                  75
   1026       Marianna              Robert W. Patnode             100           100                  75
   1297       Tice And The Shores   Clinton Anderson              75            75                   50
   2117       Palmetto              Jeff Johnston                 75            75                   50
   2121       Port Charlotte        Richard A. Teague             77            75                   50
   2391       Lake Wales            Duane Anderson                51            50                   25
   380        Perrine               Timothy Davis                 50            50                   25
   184        Palatka               Joseph O. Miller Jr.          50            50                   25
   2237       Jupiter-Tequesta      Mark Sartory                  50            50                   25
   2193       Fort Walton Beach     Michael C. Walker             51            50                   25
   1903       Land O'Lakes          Bill Arthur                   25            25                   0
   964        Fort Myers Beach      Kevin J. Cornell              25            25                   0
   2308       Dunnellon             Arthur Klepp                  25            25                   0
   2258       Leisure City          Jose Landrian                 26            25                   0
   1263       Daytona Beach         Joe Mickol                    25            25                   0
   2516       Halifax River         Matthew Paul St Pierre        25            25                   0
   1851       Sanford               David Steely                  25            25                   0
   1760       Key West              Damon Uhl                     35            25                   0

                            LODGE SPONSOR of DISTINCTION                12/1/2019
             Name                   Unit #          Unit Name                         Applications
             Jack Rafool            1263            Daytona Beach                           97
             Kenneth Brennick       1308            Venice                                  89
             Byron Dalton           2188            Anna Marie Island                       73
             Jeff Johnston          2117            Palmetto                                71
             Joseph Eriksen         1822            Vero Beach                              53
             William Cline          2276            Zephyrhills                             43
             Steve Boniberger       2188            Anna Marie Island                       41
             Ronald Drumherrer      2188            Anna Marie Island                       38
             Ken Downing            1899            Fort Myers                              36
             George Okada Esq.      2188            Anna Marie Island                       32
             Ed Ice                 2188            Anna Marie Island                       31
             Rick Bennett           2188            Anna Marie Island                       30
             Robert Hanrahan        1023            Winter Haven                            30
             Patrick Kane           2188            Anna Marie Island                       29
             Robert Anderson        1308            Venice                                  28
             Ralph Wyon             1406            Melbourne                               28
             Brent Sheldon          1933            Englewood                               25
             Marvin Gardner         2073            Merritt Island                          25

Jan/Feb                                              15                                              Vol. 2020 No. 1
The Courier

More Membership
                                 NEW CHAPTER 5 CLUB QUALIFIERS OCT—NOV 2019
Chapter#          Chapter Name         Member
1582              Englewood            Kim Alberto                     Chapter#     Chapter Name       Member
1582              Englewood            Kym A. Anspach                  873          Sebring            Erin LaForce
1121              Fort Pierce          Carolyn Armstrong               1619         Port Charlotte     Nancy Lanigan
1821              Jensen Beach         Debra Askeland                  1003         Deland             Jean M. Latham
551               Fort Myers Beach     Julianna Beal                   1404         Sanford            Jacqueline Lauterbach
1770              Gulf Gate            Pauline Blouin                  1495         Lake Shore         Vivian Marable
1582              Englewood            Debbie Boudreaux                1225         Palmetto           Carita Marquez
1383              Cocoa                Laura Boyd                      1434         Crystal River      Joan McCaskey
1027              Marathon             Sharon R. Boyer                 1383         Cocoa              Kelli L. McGhee
1662              Dunnellon            Debra Broadhurst                1892         North Port         Kristin Meissner
1142              Ocala                Ruth Caplinger                  1597         Arcadia            Arlene Mercer
600               Pompano Beach        Claudia Carpenter               1046         Melbourne          Josephine Micciche
1471              Palm Beach Gardens   Mary Ann Carrera-Pietras        1765         Spring Hill        Val Moehle
873               Sebring              Deborah Cleyman                 1960         Lake Placid        Doreen Kay Morgan
2224              Wakulla County       Carla Marie Clifton             1764         Sebastian River    Lynn Mrkich
1764              Sebastian River      Catlyn B. Cole                  758          Venice             Susan Nash
1686              Davie                Charlene Comeau                 1019         Daytona Beach      Dawn O'Neil
873               Sebring              Kim Conley                      777          Punta Gorda        Marlene Orrell-Roy
1544              Merritt Island       Pat Conway                      1582         Englewood          Linda Parker
1544              Merritt Island       Katherine Courtmanche           1765         Spring Hill        Diana Peregoy
1103              Tallahassee          Tina M. Crayton                 2193         Palm Bay           Paula Queen
2355              Nassau               Dyann Degaetano                 1019         Daytona Beach      Diane Rains
1414              Key West             Tonna Denny                     1541         Vero Beach         Barbara M. Resha
2202              West Volusia         Anne Dorton                     1611         Bonita Springs     Jacqueline S. Robinson
2273              West Boca Raton      Molly Dougherty                 1121         Fort Pierce        Rosanne Rutnik
2256              Highlands County     Barbara Bobbyjo Dunford         777          Punta Gorda        Mary Schlager
1582              Englewood            Candice Ellinwood               1121         Fort Pierce        Robin Seissiger
1682              Zephyrhills          Wanda L. Faith                  1915         Palatka            Barbara Shaffer
1810              Big Pine Key         Samantha Farist                 2273         West Boca Raton    Rhonda Shockley
815               Cape Coral           Charlene Fenimore               1718         Ruskin             Cheryl Stokes
1773              Inverness            Virginia Golec                  1019         Daytona Beach      Palma Swinehart
494               Suwannee River       Cheryl Grantham                 459          Silver Springs     Cathy Taylor
1597              Arcadia              Sheila Groover                  1541         Vero Beach         Karen Taylor
1515              New Smyrna Beach     Sgt. Lisa Hallett               1718         Ruskin             Judy Vail
1821              Jensen Beach         Zetta Holley                    1915         Palatka            Rebecca Varnadoe
2182              Ocala Forest         Julie Holmes                    30           Palm Harbor        Gail Wait
1718              Ruskin               Dianne A. Hosford               1915         Palatka            Susan Lynn Watkins
1582              Englewood            Aimee J. Howe                   1970         South Lakeland     Catherine Watters
1019              Daytona Beach         Judy Hupp                      1541         Vero Beach         Tamsyn Weaver
1983              Satellite Beach       Karen Tucker Jenkins           1915         Palatka            Tabitha Whitehurst
1765              Spring Hill           Genevieve Joerger              1034         Leesburg           Tammy Wilcox
1960              Lake Placid           Jordan Helen Kelley            1414         Key West           Terri L. Wilkin
1027              Marathon             Holly Kepcha                    2461         Fort Myers         Susan Wiolbert
758               Venice               Kathryn LaDu                    1619         Port Charlotte     Susie Zimmerman

                                 CHAPTER SPONSOR Of DISTINCTION                       12/1/2019
              Name                          Chapter #                    Chapter Name                 Applications
              Suzanne Brady                   1601                       Anna Maria Island                 105
              Sherry Fragapane                1601                       Anna Maria Island                 103
              Cheryl Humphry                  1601                       Anna Maria Island                 41
              Terri L. Dalton                 1601                       Anna Maria Island                 41
              Carrie Martin                   1582                       Englewood                         39
              Char Conner                     551                        Ft. Myers Beach                   38
              Kim Alberto                     1582                       Englewood                         35
              Desiree Schultz                 1582                       Englewood                         34
              Crystal Kirtley                 1999                       La Belle                         32

Vol. 2020 No. 1                                                   16                                                 Jan/Feb 2019
The Courier

                                                                                More Membership
                Chapter Change in 25 Club Qualifier Level Oct & Nov 2019
Chapter #      Chapter                Member                     Applications    AwardLevel           Previous
1225           Palmetto               Ellen M. Childers              175             175                   150
1601           Anna Maria Island      Cheryl J. Humphry              179             175                   150
1152           Winter Haven           Ruth Atwood                    125             125                   100
1544           Merritt Island         Arlene Owens                   128             125                   100
1582           Englewood              Desiree Schultz                129             125                   100
1601           Anna Maria Island      Sherry Fragapane               101             100                   75
1027           Marathon               Sharon R. Boyer                75              75                    50
1324           Lehigh Acres           Holly Fischer                  50              50                    25
1821           Jensen Beach           Zetta Holley                   50              50                    25
1718           Ruskin                 Dianne A. Hosford              53              50                    25
1611           Bonita Springs         Theresa Kresser                50              50                    25
2193           Palm Bay               Sharon Murray                  51              50                    25
938            West Palm Beach        Tracy Potter                   50              50                    25
1485           Titusville             Samantha Williams              51              50                    25
1304           Naples                 Tammy L. Wilson                51              50                    25
1582           Englewood              Kim Alberto                    37              25                    0
1686           Davie                  Charlene Comeau                25              25                    0
2256           Highlands County       Barbara Bobbyjo Dunford        26              25                    0
2320           Fort Walton Beach      Karen Fisher                   25              25                    0
1541           Vero Beach             Josephine M. Hager             25              25                    0
1770           Gulf Gate              Laura Moyer                    25              25                    0
1471           Palm Beach Gardens     Valerie K. O'Brien             25              25                    0
600            Pompano Beach          Brenda Parker                  25              25                    0
1960           Lake Placid            Connie Jo Pouncey              25              25                    0
1915           Palatka                Barbara Shaffer                26              25                    0

                          25 TOP PRODUCING CHAPTERS as of 12/1/2019
       State             Chapter #           Chapter Name          TotalApps                  National
          1              1601                Anna Maria Island          713                      2
          2              1582                Englewood                  423                      3
          3              758                 Venice                     321                      4
          4              1019                Daytona Beach              176                      9
          5              1682                Zephyrhills                143                      14
          6              1915                Palatka                    140                      15
          7              1541                Vero Beach                 132                      16
          8              1072                Bradenton                  112                      19
          9              1544                Merritt Island             109                      20
          10             1611                Bonita Springs             105                      21
          11             815                 Cape Coral                 103                      22
          12             1619                Port Charlotte             96                       24
          13             1718                Ruskin                     96                       24
          14             551                 Fort Myers Beach           95                       25
          15             1304                Naples                     90                       28
          16             2252                Gulf Cove                  86                       31
          17             1699                Lauderdale Lakes           83                       33
          18             1765                Spring Hill                83                       33
          19             2461                Fort Myers                 82                       34
          20             1225                Palmetto                   76                       40
          21             1218                Mandarin                   73                       42
          22             1046                Melbourne                  72                       43
          23             1770                Gulf Gate                  72                       43
          24             1495                Lake Shore                 67                       47
Jan/Feb                                          17                                               Vol. 2020 No. 1
The Courier

More Membership
                                  CHAPTERS ATTAINING 100% of QUOTA
   Rank           Chapter #   Chapter                  Quota   Achieved   Percent
       1          938         West Palm Beach           10        24      240.00%
       2          1541        Vero Beach                63        132     209.52%
       3          1121        Fort Pierce               33        55      166.67%
       4          1686        Davie                     18        29      161.11%
       5          1610        Perrine                   10        15      150.00%
       6          1601        Anna Maria Island         500       713     142.60%
       7          2252        Gulf Cove                 61        86      140.98%
       8          1485        Titusville                31        41      132.26%
       9          1286        Marianna                  14        18      128.57%
       10         1770        Gulf Gate                 60        72      120.00%
       11         2202        West Volusia              37        44      118.92%
       12         2273        West Boca Raton           51        59      115.69%
       13         2322        Land O'Lakes              30        34      113.33%
       14         1572        Leisure City              33        37      112.12%
       15         1662        Dunnellon                 51        57      111.76%
       16         1170        South Lake County         43        47      109.30%
       17         652         Hallandale                11        12      109.09%
       18         1254        Interbay Tampa            50        53      106.00%
       19         1765        Spring Hill               79        83      105.06%
       20         1383        Cocoa                     46        48      104.35%
       21         1821        Jensen Beach              24        25      104.17%
       22         2224        Wakulla County            31        32      103.23%
       23         30          Palm Harbor               32        33      103.13%
       24         1582        Englewood                 411       423     102.92%
       25         1019        Daytona Beach             174       176     101.15%
       26         1974        Lake Wales                43        43      100.00%
       27         2182        Ocala Forest              26        26      100.00%
       28         2170        Halifax River             33        33      100.00%

Vol. 2020 No. 1                                   18                         Jan/Feb 2019
The Courier

                                                                                                  More Membership
Membership Meeting draws good crowd and generates renewed enthusiasm

The regional membership workshop in Florida was held at             ers, ask for the members suggestions and give them a try.
Winter Haven Lodge on November 3, 2019. The speakers                Communication is key. Share info in Lodge newsletters,
were Director of Membership Mike Rios and Territory                 weekly group texting programs, bulletin boards and even
Manager Bob Saindon. There were 97 members in attend-               door to door direct mailing in local zip code of the Lodge.
ance. We were joined by a few members from Windsor                  There is a difference between soliciting and promoting. We
Canada, Erie Pennsylvania, Warrenton Virginia who                   can promote all day long, but must take care to now solicit.
stayed locally after the Townhall Meeting.                          Thanks for a great workshop.
Some of the goals of the workshop were to help us:                  Submitted by Rhonda Shockley, West Boca 2273
understand our members; recruit and retain; examine is-             .
sues that prevent us from reaching our goals and develop
ideas to achieve our membership goals; and re-energize
everyone in attendance
Some say we are lost in the 50s and we need to adapt to
some of the changes being made. One coworker made us
chuckle by sharing an example that she had conversing
with a fellow coworker who was upset how things have
changed over the years and will continue for years to
come. The example shared was that years ago women did-
n’t come out in public or attend meetings without having a
girdle, garter and hose on but nowadays that’s not the
case. And on that specific day the upset coworker had no
hose on and has made changes herself without realizing it.
It was shared that - NO REASON TO STAY, IS A REA-
SON TO GO, meaning that members do not come into
the social quarters to be ignored or sit alone. They come
in to enjoy a cold beverage, a good conversation, a nice
meal, or enjoy fun events. What happens in the social
quarters is a huge part of why we are members. Be friend-
ly and treat members as family - a hello, handshake or hug
and simple conversation goes along way.
If you see the decline in participation at your events, may-
be, it’s time to consider making some changes. Maybe try
some interactive game nights, some different entertain-

Jan/Feb                                                        19                                                  Vol. 2020 No. 1
The Courier

Moosehaven Chili Cook-off

                                 Photos courtesy of Facebook photogs Tommy Holland and Jim Reynolds

Vol. 2020 No. 1             20                                                       Jan/Feb 2019
The Courier

                                             More Moosehaven—Wreaths Across America
Moosehaven residents went to the Jacksonville
Memorial Cemetery for “Wreaths Across Amer-
ica” in December. There was a large turnout
from the City. Things started with a ‘fly over”
and a program and then it was time to place the
wreaths.. Moosehaven residents were glad to
help. Moosehaven’s “Gold Star Mother” Rena
Croft was with us to help place a wreath.
Courtesy of Jim Reynolds’ Facebook page

Jan/Feb                                            21                       Vol. 2020 No. 1
The Courier

Community Service
 Newest Florida Chapter raises $6,000 for regional cancer center
 Ft. Myers Chapter 2461 Community Service Chairman
 Lori Summers partnered with Lee Health Regional Can-
 cer Center and held a Designer Purse Bingo fundraiser.
 Their efforts raised $6,600.00 for Lee Health to help de-
 fer expenses for cancer patients. Other proceeds raised
 helped assist our children at Mooseheart. Ft. Myers is
 our newest Chapter instituted April, 2019, and this was
 their first big fundraiser and they did a fantastic job.
 Submitted by Babs Moffitt

Hernando Fire Station presented with Tommy Moose
 LOOM Lodge 521 and Chapter 1765 presented Tommy                  tain Haas, FF Genussa, FF Brooks, FF Falcon and FF
 Moose dolls to our local First Responders to give to chil-       Young, Junior Past Governor - Mike Joerger.
 dren in traumatic situations in the community.                   Submitted by David Brezin.
 Pictured left to right are: Governor - Manny Pereira, Senior
 Regent - Mirian Rivera Soldineer, Hernando County Sheriff
 - Colonel Michael Maurer, Hernando Fire Station #4 - Cap-

Vol. 2020 No. 1                                              22                                              Jan/Feb 2019
The Courier

                                                   More Community Service
Veterans benefit from donation by Port Charlotte Moose
Lindsay Mallard and Pam Fisher of
Veterans Home of Port Charlotte
were presented a check for $500.00
by Moose Governor John Bienkow-
ski, President of Valued Veterans
Kent Lyons, and Vice President
Newt Webb of Moose Lodge 1933.
Submitted by Newt Webb

Jan/Feb                               23                          Vol. 2020 No. 1
The Courier

More Community Service
Winter Haven donates Tommy Moose to Police Department
                                                             In December, Winter Haven Lodge 1023
                                                             administrator Rob Hanrahan presented
                                                             Tommy Moose dolls to the Winter Ha-
                                                             ven Police Department on behalf of the
                                                             Lodge as part of the Heart of the Com-
                                                             munity program.
                                                             Submitted by Rob Hanrahan

                                      Polar Plunges
 Brothers and Sisters, A new year has started and we have two chances to increase our com-
                                                mitment to Special Olympics and have fun.
                                                We have the Polar Plunge at Tampa’s Ad-
                                                venture Island on Saturday March 21, and
                                                at the Mid-year Conference Lunar Plunge at
                                                Orlando’s Rosen. If you’ve been planning for
                                                one or the other, now is the time to start
                                                hustling up some bucks. Of course the Tam-
                                                pa venue will be a greater challenge with
                                                cooled down water, but with incentives. The
                                                Orlando venue the evening of March 30 will
                                                be in a more pleasant temp with our Broth-
                                                ers and Sisters rooting us on. Don’t forget
                                                the theme this year is Hippies—wear your
                                                bell bottoms, tie-dyed shirts and a flower in
                                                your hair.
                                                 You can register for the Tampa Plunge on-
                                                line now at team name,
                                                “FMA Heard of Moose,” raise your bucks
                                                send them in or bring them with you. Time
                                                will be forth coming on gate opening and
                                                time of the Plunge.

 May the Moose be with you,
 Carl S. Toth, FMA Special Olympics Chairman,

Vol. 2020 No. 1                              24                                            Jan/Feb 2019
The Courier

Jan/Feb   25   Vol. 2020 No. 1
The Courier

FMA Calendar of Events
         Date                Time                        Event                                           Place
11/02/2019           9:00 A.M.      Youth Awareness Class                            Panama City 1389 (Arc Center)
11/03/2019           1:00 P.M.      Youth Awareness Class                            Ft. Walton Beach2193
11/10/2019           TBA            Youth Awareness Class                            TBA (Jax Area)
11/10/2019           1:00 pm        District 5 Meeting                               Port St Lucie 513
11/16/2019           9:00 A.M.      Youth Awareness Class                            Ocala 1014
11/17/2019           1:00 P.M.      Youth Awareness Class                            Sheriffs Youth Ranch Villas-Bartow, FL
12/01/2019           10AM           Thunderbolt 201 Celebration                      Sarasota
12/03 - 12/06/2019   9:00am         Administrator Class 12/3-12/5/2019               Orlando Lodge 766
12/06 - 12/09/2019   10:00 AM       Seminole Moose Legion 81 Celebration             Macclenny 2412
12/07/2019           1:00pm         Indian River 178 Celebration                     Pine Castle 2345
12/07/2019           11:00am        Moose Legion 125 Winter Celebration              North Hillsborough 1741
12/07 - 12/10/2019   8:00am         Moose Legion 46 Celebration Weekend              Lauderdale Lakes 2267
12/08 - 12/10/2019   1:00 PM        Gulfstream Moose Legion 189 Winter Celebration West Dade Lodge 1825
12/08/2019           1:00pm         District 5 Meeting                               Fort Pierce 248
12/21/2019           10am           Manatee 58 Celebration                           Venice #1308
01/11/2020           10:00 AM       Seminole Moose Legion 81 Preplanning             Lake Shore 2020
01/12/2020           1:00pm         District 5 Meeting                               Vero Beach 1822
01/25/2020           8:00 A.M.      FMA Full Board Meeting                           Moosehaven
02/08/2020           8:00 AM        MLEC Class                                       Palatka 184
02/09/2020           1:00pm         District 5 Meeting                               Okeechobee 1753
03/01/2020           10AM           Thunderbolt 201 Celebration                      Sebring
03/02/2020           11:00          Moose Legion 125 Annual Celebration              Interlay 0912
03/06 - 03/09/2020   10:00 AM       Seminole Moose Legion 81 Celebration             Lake Shore 2020
03/07 - 03/10/2020   8:00am         Moose Legion 46 Weekend Celebration              Hallandale 668
03/07 - 03/09/2020   1:00 PM        Gulfstream Moose Legion 189 Spring Celebration   Key Largo Lodge 2287
03/08/2020           1:00pm         District 5 Meeting                               Buckhead Ridge 2417
03/22/2020           9:00 A.M.      Florida Day                                      Moosehaven
04/05/2020           1:00 pm        District 5 Meeting                               Jensen Beach
04/30 - 05/03/2020   8:00 A.M.      Midyear Conference                               Rosen Hotel Orlando
05/03/2020           1:00pm         District 5 Meeting                               Port St Lucie 513
06/14/2020           1:00pm         District Meeting                                 Fort Pierce 248
07/12/2020           1:00pm         District Meeting                                 Vero Beach 1822
08/09/2020           1:00pm         District 5 Meeting                               Okeechobee 1753
09/10 - 09/13/2020   8:00 A.M.      FMA Convention                                   Rosen Hotel Orlando
09/13/2020           1:00pm         District 5 Meeting                               Buckhead Ridge 2417

       The Calendar of Events is constantly being updated. Visit the F.B.M.A. website at for
                                             calendar changes and updates.

Vol. 2020 No. 1                                              26                                                      Jan/Feb 2019
The Courier

 FMA 2019—2020 Moose International Appointments
   Rodney Hammond            MEMBER                           GOVERNORS                      Lynn Ridder
                             Bobby Baker                      William Bissonette
   SUPREME COUNCILMAN                                         Gerald DuBois          TERRITORY MANAGERS
   John Reiter               INTL SUPREME FORUM                                      Larry Cundiff (Liaison)
                             Scott Cushing                    PAST SUPREME GOVERNORS Bolton Bunting
   SUPREME OUTER GUARD                                        Liguori Saladin        Bob Saindon
   Wally Machemer            INTL LOSS PREVENTION             Robert Stillwell       Roy Rawlings
                             COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN               Ross Fleet
   PILGRIM GOVERNOR          Fred Scott                                              CHAPTER ANALYST
   Ross Fleet                                                 PAST INTL MOOSE LEGION COORDINATOR
                             INTL COMMUNICATIONS              PRESIDENTS             Gloria Petrea
   WOTM GRAND COUNCIL        COMMITTEE                        Scott A. Cushing
   Dawn Mackland             Joan Fedora                      Levis Hughes
   WOTM DEPUTY GRAND RE-     INTL MOOSE LEGION                Don Bell
   GENT                      AMBASSADORS                      MOOSEHAVEN EXECUTIVE
   Laurie Nelson             Mark Worlow                      DIRECTOR
                             Ed McGurn                        John Capes
   INTL MOOSE LEGION         Monty Hack
   COUNCIL                   Ray Bennett
   Dan O’Neal

  FMA 2019—2020 Officers and Committeemen
  ACTIVITIES                 CREDENTIALS                      HOSPITALITY                   SAFE SURFING
  Butch Robillard            Jay Andrade                      John Holbach Jr.              Charles (Buddy) Franklin
  10343 Lansfield St.         401‐465‐3885                     727‐410‐1092                  352‐523‐0259
  Spring Hill, FL 34608         Cell 813‐713‐3476
  352‐232‐6212                                                                       ENDOWMENT FUND                   HOTT CLASS COORDINATOR
                             James Persing                    Dawn Mackland                 SPECIAL OLYMPICS
  ASSOCIATION TRAINING       2804 Blush Drive                 850‐294‐9317                  Carl Toth
  COORDINATOR                Lakeland, FL 33913                352‐583‐4412
  Ken Bygler                 863‐398‐1187                                         
  29178 Camellia Drive               MEMBERSHIP / RETENTION
  Big Pine Key, FL 33043                                      W. Sco Duncan                 SPORTS
  (305) 731‐6978             FINANCE COMMITTEE                (321) 501‐7180                Tony Albaugh
                             Sco Cushing                             57 Cloer Lane
  AUDIO-VISUAL               954‐499‐3242                                                   Crawfordville, FL 32327
  Jim Kelly                  cushingsco        MEMORIAL CHAIRMAN              C 850-274-6663
  239‐287‐5976                                                Chuck Plourde              FLORIDA SHERIFF’S YOUTH          33906 Mandrake Rd
                                                                                            TIPS COORDINATOR
                             FUND                             Zephyrhills, FL 33543
  AUDIT COMMITTEE                                                                           Lee Singleton
                             Frank Kenny                      813‐431‐8312
  CHAIRMAN                                                                                  561‐707‐1645
                             Cell 352‐316‐2890      
  Fred Van Nostrand                                                               
  29430 Pine Villa Circle                                     MOOSE RIDERS                  VETERANS AFFAIRS
  Punta Gorda, FL 33982      FRATERNAL FUNDRAISER             Josh Haywood
                                                                                            Larry D'Angelo
  Cell 941‐457‐1107          Tom Burnam                       3400 Sacramento Way, Unit B
                                                                                            239‐368‐7485   352‐600‐9887                     Naples, FL 34105
                                                                                            Cell 239‐822‐3617
                             Cell: 813‐924‐2560               239‐821‐8259
  CAPS/LOSS PREVENTION                                                                      Fax 239‐491‐5772
  Bill Brumfield                                                                   
  321‐759‐7915               FRIENDLIEST LODGE IN             PILGRIM CHAIRMAN              WEBMASTER       TOWN                             Al Caime
                                                                                            Marvin Gardner
                             Ed Lessard                       407‐869‐7474
  COUNCIL OF HIGHER                                                                         515‐720‐6804
                             813‐831‐9070                     Cell 407‐435‐6000
  Fred Csaszar
                                                                                            YOUTH AWARENESS
  2615 E Mercury St          GOVERNMENT RELATIONS             RECORDING SECRETARY &         CHAIRMAN NORTH
  Inverness, FL 34453        Stephen J. Vella                 BYLAWS RESOLUTIONS            Todd Anderson
  352‐560‐0352               Cell 954‐856‐3478                Jerry Thompson                850‐866‐8679                  Cell 352‐362‐9014.
                                                                  YOUTH AWARENESS
  COURIER EDITOR /           HEART OF THE COMMUNITY                                         CHAIRMAN SOUTH
  PUBLICATIONS               Robert (Bob) Anderson            RITUAL                        Ed McGurn
  Joan Fedora                Cell941‐441‐5620                 James R. Malsbury             754‐366‐6521
  954‐536‐3160                                                Cell 305‐318‐1943         HISTORICAL             
                             Whitey Burdick

Jan/Feb                                                  27                                                        Vol. 2020 No. 1
      PO Box 2863
      Sanford, Fl 32772-2863
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