American Legion Department of Vermont Monthly Bulletin
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American Legion Department of Vermont Monthly Bulletin August 2019 “For God and Country” Department of Vermont Commander Ronald LaRose My Fellow Legionnaires, We are beginning month two in my tour as your Department Commander and no word yet on impeachment! Hopefully, that stays at the White House level!! Starting this month, we will have a team visiting various sites around the state to share some knowledge with our District/County Commanders and Post Officers to make these people more efficient in performing their duties. If you cannot make the training scheduled for your District, look at the calendar and try to attend another training session. These opportunities will only benefit the incumbents in these positions and strengthen the Department. This training is one of my goals for this year. Another goal of mine is to stabilize the drop-in membership. This puts individual Posts on the spot to work hard in your communities to not only renew memberships but also to reach out to non-Legion members living in your area about joining our great organization. Revitalization: I witness this firsthand in one Post this spring with three Posts in attendance. Each one of these Posts walked away with at least two new members. It can be done! Ask for a listing of veterans living in your county and start making the calls. There are veterans in all of our local communities that at some time in their lives they are in need of something. Whether they are a Legion member or not, we have a duty to check on these veterans to insure they taken care of. Don’t be shy! Like most of you, the month of July is a good month to get away with the family for some down time. I am in Maine with my family and am enjoying the down time. For those of you wanting to take a meaningful personal trip, travel to Bennington and visit the Veterans Home. It will do you good and it will be good for the residents. See you at one of the training sites. For God and Country, Ron LaRose Department Commander 802-453-3818 (w) 802-453-7663 (h) 802-989-8573(c)
Preamble Of the Constitution of The American Legion For God and Country we associate ourselves together for the following purposes: To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America; To maintain law and order; To foster and perpetuate a one hundred percent Americanism; To preserve the memories and incidents of our associations in the Great Wars; To inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the community, state and nation; To combat the autocracy of both the classes and the masses; To make right the master of might; To promote peace and goodwill on earth; To safeguard and transmit to posterity the principles of justice, freedom and democracy; To consecrate and sanctify our comradeship by our devotion to mutual helpfulness. The Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all 2
Department of Vermont Monthly Bulletin Table of Contents Department Commander 1 Department Historian 21 Legion Act 4 Children and Youth 22 Senior Vice Commander 5 Legion VT Baseball Tournament 23 Northern Area Commander 6 Committee Assignments 24 District Two Commander 7 Upcoming VT Conventions 25 District Three Commander 7 Post Service Officers 26 Addison County Commander 8 Legion Family Newsletters 26 Boys State 8 Pownal Clam Bake 26 Essex County Commander 9 VT Vets Home Picnic 27 Washington County Commander 10 Rip Off Tickets Reporting 28 District Four Commander 11 VA Veterans Outreach 30 Bennington County Commander 11 Post Everlasting 31 Your American Legion 12-13 Northern Vermont Veterans Expo 32 Upcoming Events 14 Attention Posts 33 Jeffrey Holmes Post 84 15 Hardwick Post Bingo 33 Membership Renewal 16 100th Vermont T-Shirts and Coins 33 Convention Committee 16 Caladinia County Commander 17 District Five Commander 17 Commanders Project 18 Calling All Posts 18 Salute to Veterans 19 Training on the Road 20 3
LEGION Act signed into law The American Legion Website story Jul 30, 2019 .6K In a significant legislative victory for The American Legion, President Trump signed a bill July 30 that declares the United States has been in a state of war since Dec. 7, 1941. The American Legion sought the declaration as a way to honor approximately 1,600 U.S. servicemem- bers who were killed or wounded during previously undeclared periods of war. The LEGION Act (Let Everyone Get Involved in Opportunities for National Service Act) also opens the door for approximately 6 million veterans to access American Legion programs and benefits for which they previously had not been eligible. “Recognizing the service of these wartime veterans is the right thing do and it is long overdue,” National Commander Brett Reistad said. “The families of those who were killed or wounded during these wartime acts should take pride in knowing that we recognize their sacrifice and service. Moreover, we are proud to welcome any of the six million living veterans from the previously unrecognized periods into our organization and call them ‘Legionnaires.’” Now that the legislation has been signed, The American Legion’s eligibility criteria immediately changes from seven war eras to two: April 6, 1917, to Nov. 11, 1918, and Dec. 7, 1941 to a time later determined by the federal government. No other restrictions to American Legion membership are changed. The law’s journey began on Feb. 14 when Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., introduced S. 504, along with Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C. A companion measure, H.R. 1641, was introduced in the House by Reps. Lou Correa, D-Calif., and Ben Cline, R-Va. Reistad expressed gratitude to the bipartisan members of Congress for passing the legislation. “We are grateful that President Trump fully acknowledges the importance of The American Legion by signing the LEGION Act in the White House today – just one week after it passed the House of Representa- tives,” Reistad said. “In an era of partisan gridlock, Republicans and Democrats in Congress overwhelmingly recognized the importance of allowing thousands of honorable but previously ineligible veterans the right to join the largest and most influential veteran’s organization in the country.” Reistad pointed out that existing American Legion membership applications are in the process of being updated but can still be used. “In the meantime, I recommend that prospective Legionnaires and recruiters write ‘LEGION Act’ in the eligibility date section of American Legion membership applications if they fall outside the previous war eras,” Reistad said. “The larger pool of veterans now eligible for The American Legion will also open their family members to eligibility in the Sons of the American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary as well.” 4
Senior Vice Commander Catherine M. Tester Hello Legionnaires, Hard to believe August is already here. This month I will be attending the Membership Training at National where I will be presenting our membership plan. I look forward to sharing my plan with you once it is approved by National. The department will soon have quotas for the upcoming year. I look forward to working with the County, District and Post Commanders to set realistic, attainable quotas. Thank you to Jefferey Holmes Post 84 for their hospitality and camaraderie shown to my husband and I when we attended their 100th Centennial BBQ celebration in July. Great food, great conversation and best of all, presentation of many membership awards. I was new to the American Legion when this post was char- tered in 2011 and I did not know the history of the chartering of this post. Look for an article on the history of this post in this month’s bulletin. The Vermont American Legion Baseball Program was alive and well in Colchester this past week and hats off to Director Scott Steeves and the host team, Cannons Baseball, for a well-run tournament. Mother Nature made it interesting and challenging, but in the end it all worked out. Congratulations to the Brattle- boro Post 5, Department of Vermont Baseball Champions and good luck at Regionals. Many of us are off to National Convention August 23 – 29 and will bring back many fond memories and new ideas. Looking forward to seeing you around the state in my travels. For God and Country, Catherine M. Tester Sr. Vice Commander 802-989-3755 Arlington Post 69 celebrating Lt. Colonel Robert Sausville 100th birthday. Picture are Post 69 Legionnaires with Robert. HAPPY 100th BIRTHDAY! 5
Northern Area commander Tom Scanlon As a Post Adjutant, this is the time of the membership year that is the most demanding of time due to the large receipt of membership renewals. We all know that membership is important and dwindling significantly. We must work hard at recruiting new members and “Re-Connecting” with old ones who have not been around for a number of years. The membership “green sheets”, Form 13-077, that come with the new membership cards are a valuable re- source. I keep a binder with the old ones and go back each year trying to locate data on members who have not renewed over the years. Each year I am able to get a few back. This happens with a phone call or a knock on their door, and sometimes even with a letter telling them they are missed and that they are an important asset and we need them to come back. However, personnel contact always works best. The LEGION ACT has been approved by both houses of Congress and has been signed by the Presi- dent. This opens the door for many new eligible members. The act expands membership eligibility to honora- bly discharged veterans that have served on federal orders since the onset of World War II without any gaps of time, up to the present. It is imperative that we maintain our viability as our veteran’s advocates, by virtue of a strong membership and the political influence this brings. We all need to be out there talking about how im- portant the work that we do is. We have to aggressively search and recruit this new membership base. Go to and learn about the legion and what it does so you can become an informed member. This will assist you in “selling” this great organization…. All Legion members are recruiters…. Do your part…. Here is the link to the District/County Commander’s Guide, which is a great resource and has very use- ful recruiting information for new members: The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you choose, what you think and what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny; it is the light that guides your way. - Heraclitus For God, Country, and Community Tom Scanlon 6
District two Commander Mark Cloutier Welcome fellow Legionnaires. It’s hard to believe that it is August already. By now all posts should be starting to process memberships. Please remember that all posts can pro- cess their own memberships through If you don’t know how it works, please feel free to reach out to me and I can walk you through it. It’s simple, doesn’t take long and it saves Melodie a ton of work, and she has mentioned that she really appreciates it as she has tons of other things to work on. All post should be getting a visit from myself, their County Commander, or both of us so we can com- plete post evaluations. I look forward to start visiting the posts in the 2nd District. I was only able to visit a few posts last years and plan to stop by all this year. There are Five dates set for “Training on the Road” sessions. The date for the 2nd district is 28 September 2019 at Lyndon Post 30 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Topic that will be discussed are Adjutant, Finance,, Membership, Service Officer, and District Commanders. These training dates are open to all Legionnaires, and all are strongly urged to attend. Hope to see you all there. My contact information is 802-279-9102 Mark Cloutier 2nd District Commander For God and Country district Three commander Lew Graham Jr. Greetings to all, American Legion Baseball had a great season this year. The leadership, cooperation and partici- pation were phenomenal. These youngsters are a wonderful example to all. Congratulations to the winners and sincere appreciation to all who supported the program. I have been installing our legion officers in several posts and enjoying meeting old friends and new. Please let me know if you need an installation. My schedule is open. County Commanders, please let me know when you are doing evaluations. I would like to attend if we can coordinate schedules. It is always a pleasure to visit a Post and this is a good time to catch up with them. My phone is 802-279-0441. Email is I hope to see you at fall conference in October at Barre Post 10. For God and Country, Lew Graham, Jr. Check out our veteran support agency 802-279-0441 Respite/training for veterans 7
Addison County Commander Alan Smith The first wave of membership is flooding in, now is a good time to contact those that have not renewed their membership in a few years. With the passage of the “Legion Act” I expect Posts will gain a few members. Even though the eligi- bility dates have been changed it is still a requirement that applicants have to have served at least one day on Title 10 federal orders. Ask for a DD-214. Installed Vergennes officers on July 11, all Addison County Posts have been installed. I’m fortunate to have three well run Posts to oversee. I will be making appointments to visit Addison County Posts for evaluations in the next month or two. If you have any questions or need assistance with Legion business, don’t hesitate to call me, I don’t have all the answers but usually know where to look for them. For God and Country, Alan Smith Boys State Director Dave Cobb Greetings from Boys’ State! Here’s the results of our scholarship awards from 2019. Many thanks to these Vermont colleges and universi- ties for supporting our delegates! American Legion Department of Vermont Scholarships Richard C. Curtiss – Henry Wu, Essex High School Harry Loyzelle – Dylan Roussel, Rutland High School Norman Messier – Colby Switser, St. Johnsbury Academy Castleton University Liam Rocheleau, BFA St. Albans Norwich University Luke MacKintosh, Mill River Union High School Jacob McMahon, Poultney High School 8
Middlebury College Nathan Wu, Essex High School Daniel Graves, Mill River Union High School SAMSUNG Scholarship Caleb Benz, Middlebury Union High School Dates for 2020 The dates for Boys’ State 2020 are Sunday, June 21 through Friday, June 26. The location is Northern Vermont University – Lyndon. Boys’ Nation 2019 Our two delegates successfully completed their time in Washington DC from July 19 – 26. Vermont was rep- resented by Trevor Mackay of Rutland (Rutland High School) and Patrick Kwass of South Burlington (Rice Memorial High School). We’re looking for a few good people… The Boys’ State Committee is looking for a representative from the 4th District. Please contact Dave for more information. Questions and comments can be sent to me at With Respect and Gratitude, And for God and Country, Dave Cobb Director, GMBS Essex County Commander Richard Baribeau Hello Essex County, It has been a very busy month here in Canaan with the remodeling of the post. Thanks to Home Depot with the grant that has been a very big help. They have asked if I knew of any other post they may need some help, You do not have to be in Essex County, if your post needs some help feel free to contact me and we can get you in touch with the right people. Richard Baribeau Essex County Commmander 603-538-7474 9
Washington County Commander Chris Wood Greetings from Washington County- I hope everyone is getting a chance to get out and enjoy summer in Vermont. This month I would like to focus on project that Squadron 59 in Waterbury is working on. Our post lost two World War II Veterans last year, and we are now down to just four left on our post roll. Our Squadron Commander is working to get certificates signed by the U.S. President honoring the service of all W.W.II Veterans in the State of Vermont, and he is asking for your help. We would like to col- lect a list of every W.W.II Veteran in the State of Vermont and the post they belong to, so please consider helping out in this endeavor by sending your list me at or to our mailing address at PO Box 417 in Waterbury. In other news, I would like to take a minute to recognize some of the great events that have taken place around Washington County recently. Sorrell Maynard Post #63 in Northfield has done an outstanding job of hosting a community breakfast on the first Sunday of each month, so well done. The Legion Riders from Post #3 in Montpelier took part in The Epic ride for Dignity and remembrance 2019 with several Veteran ceremo- nies and donations. Doing great things to represent the Legion Family. This is also the season for post pic- nics, steak and lobster feeds, and other summer celebrations. I hope to see some of you out at these events! Chris Wood Washington County Commander Communication Breakdown... The reason the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines squabble among themselves is that they don't speak the same language. For example, take a simple phrase like, "Secure the building." • The Army will put guards around the place. • The Navy will turn out the lights and lock the doors. • The Air Force will take out a 5-year lease with an option to buy. • The Marines will kill everybody inside and make it a command post. 10
District Four Commander Christina Moore Hi fellow legionnaire's. I hope by now everyone has heard about the American Legion Act that was signed by the President. Now everyone who has served at least one day since Dec 7, 1941, has an honorable discharge can belong to the Legion. The National Commander said membership forms are being redone but until they're available you can write per The Legion Act in the space for war era. Now is the time to go out and get all the eligible veter- ans we can to join our great organization. Tell them why you joined the American Legion. I joined to make sure that no veterans were buried without a color card. It's my honor to serve on the color guard for West Rut- land Post 87. Share your good experiences with these veterans and invite them to join. To all the posts in the 4th District if you were not able to attend the training at West Rutland Post 87, I will be contacting you for the training that will be held at the Chester Post on September 18 from 5:30 to 8:30. All officers are invited to attend. If anybody needs anything, please contact me. Christina Moore 4th District Commander Cell: 802-236-9091 Bennington County Commander Joe Bump Greetings from the southern tip, The days are flying by. Seems like yesterday we were getting ready for graduations and already we are into the 2nd half of summer. Hope you have all enjoyed this summer so far. I have been out and about, so if I haven't made it to your post, I will get there. I would like to stop by and just say hi, before we get to the business of evaluations and such. We were well represented at the DEC meeting and discussed training, fall conference and mid- winter. Hope you are all making plans to attend. I am looking forward to seeing you at the training in Rut- land in a couple of weeks. If you can't make this one, please make an effort to get to one of them. If you have any functions going on at your post, let me know and we will publish it in the bulletin. Mean- while, keep the pillars in mind. Membership is always going to be a challenge, but I am sure that we will put our best foot forward and meet the objectives. There are some fundraisers out there and I will talk about them when I come around. Until we meet again, have peace and harmony in your life and enjoy the summer. Joe Bump 802-733-4101 11
Your American Legion Department of Veterans Affairs 800-827-1000 American Legion Headquarters 317-630-1200 Vermont Office of Veterans Affairs 802-828-3379 Veterans Hospital - White River Junction 802-295-9363 Department of Vermont Headquarters 802-223-7131 Department Officers Department of Vermont Commander Ron LaRose Post 19 NEC Man Fred Latour Post 33 Senior Vice Commander Catherine Tester Post 50 Department Adjutant Keith Arlund Post 36 Department Finance Officer Dennis Minoli Post 10 Department Chaplain Kenneth Conradt Post 13 Department Service Officer Milt Willis Post 67 Department Judge Advocate Rebecca Otey Post 19 Alt. NEC Man David Woodward Post 13 Historian Raymond St. John Post 03 Sgt. At Arms Frederick Stebbins Post 33 Northern Area Commander Thomas Scanlon Post 27 Southern Area Commander VACANT Department of Vermont Headquarters 126 State Street / P.O. Box 396 Montpelier, Vermont 05601-0396 800-501-7131 / 802-223-7131 Melodie Ashford, Executive Administrator - 12
District Commanders District 1 Commander Edwyn Flynn Post 19 District 2 Commander Mark Cloutier Post 7 District 3 Commander Lewis Graham, Jr Post 10 District 4 Commander Christina Moore Post 87 District 5 Commander Richard Farmer Post 67 County Commanders Addison County (D1) Alan Smith Post 19 Bennington County (D4) Joe Bump Post 90 Caledonia County (D2) David Perron Post 30 Chittenden County (D1) Jessica Blanchard-Patenaud Post 91 Essex County (D2) Richard Baribeau Post 47 Franklin County (D1) Brian Markwell Post 60 Lamoille County (D3) Roland Cleveland Post 33 Orange County (D3) Larry Hart Post 78 Orleans County (D2) John Hurlburt Post 21 Rutland County (D4) William Ferman Post 49 Washington County (D3) Christopher Wood Post 59 Windham County (D5) VACANT Windsor County (D5) Ronald Farr Sons of the American Legion American Legion Auxiliary Detachment of Vermont Department of Vermont Dave Hendee - Detachment Commander Karen Degreenia - Unit President - Sr. Vice Commander Marc Colety - Adjutant Norman Scolaro - Finance Officer 13
Important Upcoming Dates – Mark you calendar 2019 Dates Event/meeting Location August 4 Training on the Road - District 4 Post 87 - W. Rutland 8-10 Membership Workshop and DSO School Indianapolis 15-20 Legion Baseball World Series Shelby, N.C. 18 Training on the Road - District 3 Post 10 - Barre 23-29 101st National Convention Indianapolis September 15 Training on the Road - District 1 Post 91 - Colchester 18 Training on the Road - District 5 Post 67 - Chester 22-25 National Commander Visit (Tentative) TBD 28 Training on the Road - District 2 Post 30 - Lyndon October 26 Fall Conference Post 10 - Barre 26 DEC Meeting (After Fall Conference) Post 10 - Barre January 23-25 Mid-Winter Conference Burlington June 18-20 Department of Vermont Convention Burlington 20-26 Law Cadets 14
Jeffrey S. Holmes Post 84 Jeffrey S. Holmes Post 84 in white river junction, Vermont has the distinction of being the only American Legion Post in Vermont to be named in honor of a fallen service member of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Jef- frey S. Holmes, a native son and fallen Marine from White River Junction born July 28, 1984 lost his life serving his county on Thanksgiving Day in 2004. They currently have 59 members and are very active in the community supporting the Four Pillars of the American Legion. The post meets monthly at the Veterans Administration in White River Junction. Through the VA’s generosity of providing a substance and alcohol-free meeting space at no cost, it further allows Post No. 84 to apply a large percentage of any monies they generate to go directly towards the programs they will be supporting. The post held a 100 centennial birthday BBQ in the VA Pavilion on July 28. Many members, friends and fellow veter- ans shared a wonderful meal followed by presentation of membership awards. 15
Membership Renewal Schedule During each membership year, National Headquarters sends renewal notices in July, October, January, March and May. Sometimes, at a department’s request, a special notice may be mailed in February to boost a department’s renewals. The accompanying list is the 2020 membership year renewal schedule for transmitting dues to arrive at National Headquarters by the established dates. This schedule will be followed to remove the names of paid members prior to a specific mailing. Using the renewal schedule, National Headquarters extracts unpaid member records, then prints and mails the renewal notices. 2020 RENEWAL NOTICE SCHEDULE CUTOFF DATES RENEWAL DATES MAY 8, 2019 JULY 1, 2019 SEPTEMBER 11, 2019 OCTOBER 7, 2019 OCTOBER 9, 2019 NOVEVBER 15, 2019 DECEMBER 11, 2019 JANUARY 3, 2020 FEBRUARY 12, 2020 FEBRUARY 26, 2020 APRIL 8, 2020 APRIL 24, 2020 To ensure members do not receive additional renewal notices, mail transmittals to your department two to three weeks prior to the cutoff date or pay your members’ dues directly to National Headquarters through your post portal. Convention Committee I would like to thank Department Commander Ron LaRose, for his appointment of me to the Conven- tion/Mid-Winter conference committee, as the Chair for one year. I will make sure to have the information in the newsletter every month to keep you all informed on what we are doing. I also ask if you have any thoughts or ideas please feel free to contact me. Richard Baribeau Home 603-538-7474 Cell 603-722-4234 16
District five Commander Richard Farmer PDC Legion members of 5th District, With August upon us it will soon be time for the Legion to get back to normal. It is good for our worker bees to have some time off; they do need a break. Soon we will be back to working our programs and post functions. Membership of course will be important, and we will have more on this after we get our quotas. One of the landmark laws passed by the congress has been the Legion Act that opens up membership dates. This will affect the Sons of the Legion and the Auxiliary. There will be much more on this later. Looking for- ward to seeing you soon. For God and Country, Dick Farmer 802-885-2641 Caledonia County Commander David W. Perron Hello all, August has arrived, and Country fairs are in full swing, please get out there and spread the word about the passing of the Legion act by the house and headed to President Trump’s desk for his signature. Very good news for the Legion and Family. This month I will be starting my visits to Posts for Post evaluations. I will be contacting all Com- manders shortly. Please feel free to call or text me at any time and will find the answer for you or ask until I get the answer Please start thinking membership, would like Caledonia to do better this year, if you need ideas please contact me. Please keep up the wonderful work throughout are Community’s. Thank you all for serving David W Perron Home-525-3895 Cell 272-2793 17
Commander’s project 2019-2020 My commander’s project involves two targets: Green Mountain Council Mount Norris Boy Scout camp and the Vermont Veterans Home in Bennington. As most of you know, I have been very involved in scouting for many years and I wanted to give back to Green Mountain Council what it has given the youth of Vermont. I hope to raise $5,000 for new tents for one camp site at Mount Norris. For the Vermont Veterans Home, they are in the early stages of designing and constructing a veterans mobility trail around their campus to be used by the residents and their families. Initial estimates are around $100,000. I am asking for donations to- ward this project with no specific goal in mind. Whatever amount we raise will be used as seed money for this project. I thank all legionnaires and posts for their consideration towards my commander’s project. Ron LaRose Department Commander CALLING ALL POSTS! The Squadron 59 Commander in Waterbury is working to get certificates honoring the service of all WW II veterans in the state signed by the President of the United States. If your post is interested in honoring your World War II veterans, please send their name and post number to or send to the Post 59 address P.O. Box 417, Waterbury, VT. 05676. Thank you for your help! 18
TRAINING ON THE ROAD Mark your calendar to attend one of the following training sessions. These are training sessions hosted by the American Legion Department of Vermont Within the different districts at various locations. These are not district meetings so you can attend a session that works with your schedule. 1st District 2nd District 3rd District Colchester Post 91 Lyndon Post 30 Barre Post 10 3650 Roosevelt Hwy 4854 Memorial Drive 320 No. Main Street Colchester, VT 05446 Lyndonville, VT 05851 Barre, VT 05641 Sunday, September 15 Saturday, September 28 Sunday, August 18 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 4th District 5th District West Rutland Post 87 Chester Post 67 871 Pleasant Street Route 103 South West Rutland, VT 05777 Chester, VT 05143 Sunday, August 4 Thursday, September 18 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. TOPICS Adjutant Finance Membership Service Officers Post Commanders County Commanders District Commanders These training sessions are open to ALL Legionnaires. For more information contact: Cathy Tester at or 802-989-3755 20
Department Historian Ray St. John First off, I want to thank Commander Ronald LaRose for asking me to be the Historian again for him this year. I will try to live up to his expectations. On July 29th Montpelier Post 3 Legion Riders joined Legion Riders from across the country that made a stop at Montpelier Post 3 to present a KIA Flag to Gold Star Family - Steve Gray. They also made a stop at Randolph, NH to pay respects to the Motorcycle Riders that died their last month Showing the KIA Flag Presenting the flag to Steve Gray Another impartment date is July 30, 2019. when President Donald Trump signed S 504 (Legion Act) that declares the United States has been in a state of war since Dec. 7, 1941. This is a way to honor approxi- mately 1,600 U.S. service members who were killed or wounded during previously undeclared periods of war. This also opens the door for around 6 million veterans to access American legion programs and bene- fits they had not been eligible. New dates: April 6, 1917 to Nov. 11, 1918 Any time after Dec. 7, 1941 Congratulations go out to Brattleboro Post #5 Baseball team for winning the Tournament & good luck in the Regional’s in Shrewsbury, MA. I would like to also stress why Histories are important for your Post. Why Is a History Important? • Because it’s a story worth telling History helps us learn how we got here and where we are going It helps us understand and appreciate our successes and failures It can help develop a sense of accomplishment and pride in your Post It will become a permanent record of the legacy of your Post for future Legionnaires It can help recruit new members 21
Where to Start? • See what records the Post has retained: minutes, documents, photographs, artifacts, rosters, etc. Talk with senior members Use outside resources: local media, libraries, and historic societies. Appeal to the community for information Use online resources: archived newspapers, obituaries, library collections, etc. What to Include in the History? • Who founded the Post and when? Who are the charter members and early leaders? Who was the Post named for and why? Who are notable members of the Post or notable alumni from youth programs? What are significant events, projects, and unique/interesting activities? What makes your Post special or unique? Dates to remember: August 2 – Invasion of Kuwait (Operation Desert Shield) 1990 August 4 – Coast Guard Birthday August 5 – Gulf of Tonkin 1964 August 7 – Purple Heart Day August 8 – VJ Day (1945) August 29 – Marine Forces Reserve Birthday August 23/29 – National Convention - Indianapolis Ray St. John Department Historian Children & Youth Chairman PDC Barbara Bushaw Hi Fellow Legionaries, Congratulations to Brattleboro Post 5 on winning American Legion State Baseball Champions and good luck with Regionals. I also want to congratulate all the teams on the great season of Baseball. You all battled the heat, rain and thunderstorms as well. Let’s not forget the gatherings for all our new Department Officers to learn about your duties and what the Department can help you with. Look for the training schedule in the bulletin. 22
There is Children and Youth Conference in September and am hoping to attend and bring back more good ideas. We be having a meeting with the Committee when I return to work on some projects, we wanted to upgrade on. Have a fun summer with what is left of it. Keep cool. PDC Barbara Bushaw Children and Youth Chairman Vermont American Legion Baseball Tournament Brattleboro Post 5 Wins State Tournament American’s favorite pastime, hot dogs, apple pie and BASEBALL. And the Vermont American Le- gion Baseball tournament did not disappoint. Four teams from the North and four teams from the south met in Colchester to compete for the Championship Title July 27-31. Brattleboro Post 5 fought hard to claim the Championship title, being victorious for two games on Wednesday beating S.D. Ireland in the morning game 9-6 and 5-2 in the final game. The tournament format is double elimination and S.D. Ireland was undefeated coming into the last day of the tournament. Congratulations to Brattleboro Post 5 who moves on to the Northeast Regional in Shrewsbury, Mass. 23
PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE Catherine Tester, CH RE-CONNECT COMMITTEE Tom Scanlon, CH REHABILITATION & GIFT FOR YANKS Kenneth Coonradt, CH SGT-AT-ARMS Fred Stebbins, CH SAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE David Woodward, CH TROPHIES & AWARDS Department HQ’s, CH VAVS COMMITTEE John Heald, CH VERMONT VETERANS HOME COMMITTEE Kenneth Coonradt, CH VETERANS PREFERENCE COMMITTEE Barb Bushaw, CH Department of Vermont Convention and Mid-Winter 2020 The 2020 Mid-Winter Conference and Convention were both voted on and both will be held at the DoubleTree in Burlington, Vermont. The Mid-Winter Conference - January 23 - 25, 2020 Annual Convention - June 18 - 20, 2020. 25
Post Service Officers The American Legion Department Service Officers are specially trained to provide information and assistance relating to the VA and other veter- an’s issues. You can as of March 14, 2019 call our Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation Division in our DC office at (202) 861-2700 or email them at You can also find a listing of American Legion certified Service Officers on our web site at Department of Vermont Legion Family Newsletters In an effort to spread the amazing events and things our Legion Family does, we are sharing the Detachment of Vermont, Sons of the American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary Department of Vermont newsletters. We hope you enjoy reading about our Legion Family. Sons of the American Legion http:/ Auxiliary Department of Vermont Pownal Post 90 Clam Bake August 10, 2019 Noon to 6pm FOOD ALL DAY Tickets $35.00 purchase at the Post home. (No one under 21 please) Route 7 Pownal, Vermont - at the Pavilion 802-823-4626 26
Non-profit Reporting Requirements for Rip Off Tickets 15 July 2019 CONTACT INFO: Chief Skyler Genest, Office of Compliance and Enforcement 802-828-4942 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: VT Liquor Division Defines Non-profit Reporting Requirements MONTPELIER, VT – July 15, 2019 In 2015 the Vermont legislature directed the Department of Liquor Control (DLC) to develop and implement a reporting mechanism to track the manufacture and distribution of break open tickets in the State. This requested reporting feature addressed the fact that there had been no pre-existing system to quantify the number of break open tickets that were being sold in Vermont. The DLC, with the assistance of the Vermont Information Consortium, created and implemented a reporting system at that time. During the 2018 legislative session the Department of Liquor and Lottery was tasked with creating a reporting format for non-profits to provide the State with documentation attesting to the funding levels to non- profits generated through the sale of break open tickets. This request was compelled by the perception that this essentially unregulated gambling activity was resulting in a significant amount of mis-appropriated funding resulting from these sales. In other words, the perception was that in many cases the non-profits were only receiving a fraction of the proceeds being generated by this break open ticket sales. From the viewpoint of the legislature the break open ticket activity required greater levels of oversight to minimize the amount of fraudulent misappropriation of funds. The build out of the reporting mechanism for non-profit reporting has been concluded and the feature is now operational. The DLC now has a reporting form on its website to provide the necessary tool for the reporting. The following is a link to the form; Effective immediately, non-profit organizations that are involved in generating funding through the sales of break open tickets are required to submit quarterly reports to the DLC to document how many tickets the non-profit purchased from a licensed distributor, the serial numbers of those tickets, and the net proceeds received by the organization through the sale of these tickets. The goal of this quarterly reporting process is to ensure that qualified non-profits receiving the proceeds of these sales. Detailed video instructions can be found here Failure to file quarterly reports will result in immediate suspension of the non-profits privilege to purchase break open tickets from a license distributor. The DLC will notify all licensed distributors of non- complying non-profits and they will be forbidden to sell additional break open tickets to the non-profit until the reporting has been brought up to date. Selling break open tickets by a non-qualifying non-profit or purchasing them from anyone other than a licensed distributor is illegal under statute and will fully be prosecuted. Use the link of the statutes included in Title 7 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated for your review and familiari- zation, 20Enacted.pdf (Continued on page 29) 28
About the Vermont Department of Liquor and Lottery, Division of Liquor Control The mission of the Vermont Department of Liquor and Lottery, Division of Liquor Control is to serve the public by encouraging responsible consumption and preventing the misuse of beverage alcohol and tobac- co through the controlled distribution, education and licensing of sellers, as well as the wise use of enforce- ment. The Department works to provide excellent customer service in conjunction with our Agency Partners to operate efficient, convenient, and profitable liquor stores. All profits from the Department’s operations are contributed to the State of Vermont’s General Fund with over $300,000,000 being contributed since 2000. Editor's NOTE: I am sharing this piece, however, according to Chief Skyler Genest, we are exempt from reporting. See note below: Clubs are defined by Title 7 V.S.A. § 2 as the following: Club means an unincorporated association or a corporation authorized to do business in this State that has been in existence for at least two consecutive years prior to the date of application for a license under this title and owns, hires, or leases a building or space in a building that is suitable and adequate for the reasonable and comfortable use and accommodation of its members and their guests and contains suitable and adequate kitchen and dining room space and equipment implements and facilities. A bona fide unincorporated association or corporation whose officers and members consist solely of veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces, or a subordinate lodge or local chapter of any national fraternal order, that fulfills all requirements of section 229 of this title except that it has not been in existence for at least two years shall come within the terms of this definition six months after the completion of its organization. I do believe your organization would be exempt. We will update the weblink you refereneced to be more clear on the exemption for clubs! VA Outreach to West Central Vermont Veterans Eligiblity, Enrollment, and Benefits. Learn how your VA enrollment now extends to community health services. August 25 5:00pm West Rutland Post 87 29
Four Legion Baseball Alums Inducted in the Baseball Hall of Fame The American Legion JUL 22, 2019 There are now 81 former American Legion Baseball players enshrined in the Baseball Hall of Fame. In July, the Baseball Hall of Fame Class of 2019 was inducted in Cooperstown, N.Y., with former American Legion players Harold Baines, Roy Halladay, Mike Mussina and Lee Smith enshrined alongside Edgar Mar- tinez and Mariano Rivera. Natchitoches, LA., Post 10 alum Lee Smith joined The American Legion for a podcast this week reflecting on his time playing American Legion Baseball. During his induction, Smith recalled his time in rural Louisiana saying, "It was community that gave me the chance to play baseball." Harold Baines, who played American Legion Baseball for Talbot Co. (Md.) Post 70, was emotional talking about his hometown of St. Michaels. "My journey started in a small town on Maryland's Eastern Shore called St. Michaels,” Baines said. “I owe a debt of gratitude to this entire close-knit community for helping raise me as a child and teenager. I would not be where I would be where I am today in baseball or in life without so many people from St. Michaels." Roy Halladay played American Legion Baseball for Lakewood (Co.) Post 178. The late pitcher’s wife, Brandy, started the emotional speech by saying, “I’m going to do the best I can to say the things I believe Roy might have said or would have wanted to say if he was here today. The thank you’s could and should go on for days when you consider the impact so many people had on Roy’s career.” Montoursville (Pa.) Post 104 alum Mike Mussina was inducted on the first ballot and reflected on all of the help he received along the way. “I need to thank everyone who was on the journey with me,” Mussina said. “You’re all piece of a giant puzzle, and whether your contribu- tion was large or small, the final product would not be complete without you.” 30
Post Everlasting VILLA, GARY 10 BENT, WAYNE 55 LEWSI, SR. CARLYLE 10 BIRD, EDWARD 55 JORGENSEN, HERBERT 10 PAYNE, RUSSELL 58 HOUGHTON, WALTER 11 TREMBLAY, WILLIAM 58 ENECAL, EARL 13 RACINE, RICHARD 91 BOURN, LEON 13 KENT, CHARLES 100 KRIZAN, SR., MICHAEL 13 LAFORCE, ALVIN 100 CAMP, JR., ARCHIE 13 COOK, JOHN 13 “Whereas, we humbly bow to GORMAN, JOHN 13 HARRINGTON, LAWRENCE 13 the will of Devine Providence, REED, JESSE 13 while ever cherishing in our BRIGGS, GARY 13 hearts the memory of BULL, CARL 14 distinguished service to our STEADY, THOMAS A 14 country and outstanding BROUILLETTE, ROGER 14 contributions to American HANNON, FREDERIC 19 Legion comradeship. The DITCHEOS, JOHN 24 American Legion does mourn LESSARD, RALPH 24 the passing of these comrades. “ HILL, DELBERT 33 BURNOR, LLOYD 33 MAGOON, DELMAR 33 31
Attention Posts We would like to have a section of the bulletin for posts to include their events. We will break the events down into three categories: Events that happen weekly, monthly or yearly, i.e. breakfasts, Friday night dinners, bingo, etc. One off fundraising events, comedy shows, impersonators, etc. Legion Family functions, i.e. Past Commanders event, Legion birthday celebration, etc. Please send the following information: Post name and Post number, district, name of event, when (monthly, first Sunday or specific date), cost, location, and contact information. Please send this information by the first of the month to be included in the monthly bulletin. If your events occur monthly, there is no need to submit each month. Information should be sent to Catherine Tester at Post 7, Hardwick, VT Weekly bingo every Monday night Doors open at 6:00pm Games start at 7:00pm. Auxiliary kitchen open selling hot dogs, hamburg- ers, chicken fingers, French fries, onion rings, soda, water, etc. Available at Department Headquarters Purchase Department of Vermont 100th shirts $20.00 and/or a Vermont centennial coins $10.00 The Department of Vermont takes cash, check or credit cards. YES CREDIT CARDS! Call today to get your items. 33
Like us on the Department of Vermont Facebook page at Check out the American Legion Department of Vermont website at American Legion Department of Vermont P.O. Box 396 Montpelier, VT 05601-0396 For God and Country 34
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