Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 19, 2020

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 19, 2020
January 19, 2020
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 19, 2020
         Rev. Chad Wahl,
      Rev. Gilbert Arango,
           Parochial Vicar
 Rev. Christhudasan Varghese,
           Parochial Vicar
       Rev. Mr. Jeff Vierra,
       Deacon Pastoral Care
         & Senior Ministry
   Rev. Mr. Ha Ngoc Nguyen,
               Deacon                 MESSAGE FROM BISHOP COTTA
      Rev. Mr. Fidel Carillo,
               Deacon                 A Blessed and Happy New Year to all!

       Mrs. Susie Dickert,                As we welcome 2020 and anticipate the joys and challenges of the
          School Principal            New Year, let us be open to the graces God has in store for us as the
                                      clergy, religious and laity of the Diocese of Stockton.
          Mary Ferreira,                  As we begin this New Year, the month of January can help to set the tone for the
           Office Manager             whole year. The Christmas Solemnities and celebrations of January give us several spir-
                                      itual steppingstones on our journey into 2020.
           Dave Corder,                   On the very first day of January, we are reminded of the role of the Blessed Virgin
      Faith Formation Director        Mary. With the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, the Church directs our attention to
                                      the protection and prayerful intercession of Our Lady in this New Year.
           Laura Perez,                   Next, with the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, we are to make an extra effort
 Coordinator of Religious Formation   in the New Year to imitate the Magi so as to “adore” Jesus as Lord of our lives. We must
                                      be willing to grow in our relationship with Jesus if we are to proclaim his gospel as his
       Athena Rodriguez,              disciples. We are called to lay down our gifts and talents before him in this New Year.
     Director of Youth Ministry           As the Magi were warned in a dream to go home by another route, we too must begin
      Guillermo Garcia Jr.,           this year on a different road. We are to avoid the detours that distract us from “the way.”
     Director of Liturgical Music     This year, 2020, will ask us to direct our lives to journey together on the road of repent-
                                      ance, ongoing conversion and evangelization. This is a challenging route, but at the same
      Angelique Gutierrez,            time, it is one filled with graced opportunities. These opportunities will assist us to grow in
         Director of Liturgy          holiness.
                                          Throughout the year we must persevere on the right path in order to avoid the spir-
         Robin Haworth                itual obstacles and stumbling blocks along the way. In so doing, we, as were the Ma-
       Environment Director           gi, will be delivered and escape the traps of the “spirit of Herod” which attempts to
                                      deceive and destroy us.
       Richard Sepulveda,                 Following Epiphany, we will celebrate the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Even
         Facilities Manager           though the Christmas season will come to a close with this Feast of the Lord, it will di-
                                      rect us to the very beginning of where it all started - our baptism!
                                          To begin this year on the right spiritual footing, we must go back to the beginning
     PARISH PASTORAL                  when we were presented to the Church by our parents for Baptism. As we were baptized
         COUNCIL                      in the name of the Most Blessed Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, each of us became
   Celso Doria, Martin Espinoza,      a child of God, a light to the world, one clothed with the Risen Christ. Throughout this
Allan Rodriguez, Lois Wiedenhoeft,    New Year we need to remind ourselves of our identity in Christ Jesus.
   Jose Martinez , Erica Campos,          In this New Year, 2020, we must remember that we are renewed and empowered by
    Jessica Campos, Jory Kusy,        the death and resurrection of Christ by way of the Sacrament of Baptism. We must be
Monica Poncini, and Barbara Graham    reminded of the high dignity to which we have been called. As Pope Francis has stated in
                                      regard to “living” the Sacrament of Baptism: “What a great gift and what a great respon-
   MISSION STATEMENT                      With a renewed sense of hope, let us take these early steps of our journey into the New
 We covenant to give ourselves        Year with a greater love and commitment to Christ. May we realize our role and our
                                      “great responsibility” of being sent to be proclaimers of the Good News. Let us go in
  to Christ as He gives Himself       peace, entrusting this New Year to Mary, Mother of God and Mother of the Church, as
 to us in the Eucharist, so every     we glorify the Lord by our lives!
 person might be a full, active,
 & conscious participant in His       Happy New Year!
 Church, empowered to share &         Bishop Cotta
         live the Gospel.

2 | St. Anthony’s Catholic Church
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 19, 2020
MASS INTENTION                                                READINGS FOR THE WEEK
M       ,J         20                                         Sunday: Is 49:3, 5-6/Ps 40:2, 4, 7-8, 8-9, 10 [8a, 9a]/1 Cor 1:1-3/
7:00 am – Fr. Chad                                            Jn 1:29-34
         † Mary & Bill McCleary (Cheryl Winter)               Monday: 1 Sm 15:16-23/Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21 and 23 [23b]/
         † Joe O'Meara (Eileen & Mike Hill)                   Mk 2:18-22
9:00 am – Fr. Gilbert                                         Tuesday: 1 Sm 16:1-13/Ps 89:20, 21-22, 27-28 [21a]/Mk 2:23-28
         † Alfred Rapa (Rapa-Smith Family)                    Wednesday: 1 Sm 17:32-33, 37, 40-51/Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10 [1]/
         † Demetria Ison Manzano (Andy Aguirre)               Mk 3:1-6
         † Arnoldo Padilla (Virginia Nunez)                   Thursday: 1 Sm 18:6-9; 19:1-7/Ps 56:2-3, 9-10a, 10b-11, 12-13
                                                              [5b]/Mk 3:7-12
T        ,J         21                                        Friday: 1 Sm 24:3-21/Ps 57:2, 3-4, 6 and 11 [2a]/Mk 3:13-19
7:00 am – Fr. Gilbert
        † Eloy Baca (James Baca)
                                                              Saturday: Acts 22:3-16 or Acts 9:1-22/Ps 117:1bc, 2 [Mk
        † Crisoforo Sanchez (Ana Luis Sanchez-Mendoza)        16:15]/Mk 16:15-18
9:00 am – Fr. Chris
        † Andres J. Soledad Villasana (Luz Elena Rosales)
        † Diana Maria Solis (Maria Vera)                      OBSERVANCE FOR THE WEEK
        † Nick De Groot (Trudy De Groot)                      Sunday: 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                              Monday: St. Fabian, Pope and Mar tyr ; St. Sebastian, Mar tyr ;
W           ,J         22                                     Martin Luther King Jr. Day
7:00 am – Fr. Gilbert                                         Tuesday: St. Agnes, Vir gin and Mar tyr
         † Dorothy Picanco (Picanco Family)                   Wednesday: Day of Pr ayer for the Legal Pr otection of Un-
         † Lorraine Ficken (Walt & Carol Frey)                born Children
         † Marianne Frey (Walt & Carol Frey)
9:00 am – Fr. Chris                                           Thursday: St. Vincent, Deacon and Mar tyr ; St. Mar ianne
         (Special Intention) Terry Dickman (Manuel Umbalin)   Cope, Virgin
                                                              Friday: St. Francis de Sales, Bishop & Doctor of the Church
T         , J         23                                      Saturday: The Conver sion of St. Paul the Apostle
7:00 am – Fr. Chad
         † Pablo Cabias (Nasereta Sumang)
9:00 am – Fr. Chris                                           SUNDAY'S READINGS
         † Francisco (Rene & Tessie Cabaluna)                 First Reading:
         † Eloisa Farias (Emma Cedano)                        I will make you a light to the nations,
                                                              that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth. (Is 49:6b)
F      , J        24
7:00 am – Fr. Chris
         † Sylvia A. Meyer                                    Here I am, Lord; I come to do your will. (Ps 40)
9:00 am – Fr. Chad                                            Second Reading:
         † Robert Davidson (Denis Davidson)                   Grace to you and peace from God our Father
                                                              and the Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Cor 1:3)
S         ,J        25                                        Gospel:
8:00 am – Fr. Chris                                           John the Baptist saw Jesus coming toward him and said,
         † Gustavo Jimenez                                    “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.
5:00 pm – Fr. Chad                                            (Jn 1:29)
         † Deceased Members of M.R.P.S. (M.R.P.S.)
         † Frances & Manuel Cardenas (Rebecca Cardenas)       Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD.
                                                              The English translation of Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International
         † George Bettencourt (John & Maria Bettencourt)      Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
7:00 pm – Fr. Gilbert
         † Alfredo Duarte (Victor Verdin)
         † Irving Verden (Victor Verdin)
         † Manolo Guardado (Consuelo Flores)

S      ,J          26
7:00 am – Fr. Chris
         † Andrew Martinez
8:45 am – Fr. Chris
         † Dorothy Kroll ( John & Sue Nussbaumer)
         † Eric Dedios (John Marrisette)
         † Tony Conti II (Joe & Kathleen Gomes)
10:45am– Fr. Chad
        For the People of the Parish
12:30 pm— Fr. Gilbert
         † Marcelino Gonzalez (Maria Esther Gonzalez)                                      January 5, 2020
         † Juana Rueda Camacho (Maria Rivera)                                               Total: $ 30,015
         † Eligio Esqueda (Laura Esqueda)                                             Compared to last year: $ 26,773
6:00 pm – Fr. Chad
         † Andrew Martinez (Faith Formation)                                               January 12, 2020
         † Felisa Orias & Pura Sy (Dave & Tyra Sandher)                                     Total: $ 25,026
         † Pedro Nunez (Mary Pantoja)                                                 Compared to last year: $ 24,491

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Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 19, 2020
Lifting up to God for healing those in need of our prayers:
Nicholas Bush                Gabriela Silva               Gabby Nuño                       Karen lee Alejandre
Barbara Pinto-Choate         Joe Rowen                    Brian Donnelly                   Palette Perreria
Mario Acain                  Richard F. Limas             Sarah Davis                      Mary Campbell
Margaret Waters              Danny Andrada                Chris Chaparro                   Delia Aveles
Ricky Madrigal               Joe Campos                   Mariana Campos                   Carl Joaquin
Veronica Miller              Theresa Pacheco              Jared Costa                      Debra Jones Nava
Jakub Kawakami               Dolores Hickey               Maria Smith                      Alisha Mello
Dana Vanderlipe              Salvador Torres              Jorge Guevara                    Julie Ferreira
Glenn McKimmie               Elizabeth Cantu              Evelyn                           Sammy Galvan
Janet DeLisle                Jorge Martinez               Patricia Manzanares              Galvan Family
Eufemia Jacob                James Hills                  David Maciejewski                Jackie Lewis
Ellen Williams               Martha Jackson               Gavin Luke                       Roxanna Douthit
Nereida M. Ruiz              Clara Jackson                Garret Luke                      Tammy Rogers
Jerry Gini                   Pat Guvman                   Josephine Ochoa
Monica Hernandez             Pablo Tempra III             Susie Martinez
Esmeralda Salas Ramos        Amanda Rosa                  Richard Hobbs
Alex Espinoza                Carmelita Galvan Gonzalez    Michelle Rossow
David Scroggins              Lorraine Montano             Steve Ojeda & Family
Alberta Early                Richard Gallardo             Janet Cameron
Christopher Rowen            Michael Kautzar              Donnavelle Madayag
Eileen Bournaziah            Austin Rosenstine            Evan Ballard
Kathy Johnson                Helen Holmes                 Yvonne Phillips
Jess Duran                   Alfred Spina Jr.             Dixie Carillo
Lisa Martinez                Clarene Ciccarelli           Michael Rios
Lupe Razo                    Ida Teicheira                Reynaldo Carillo
Dora Garcia                  Irene Golliher               Charlie Hall
Mary Donges                  Duane Golliher               Galina Maksimenaoba
Robert Zeno                  Eileen Brooke                Cyndie Muluain
Robert Orantes               Sam Parnham                  Mary Edith Scott

   If you are ill or in the hospital, please call 823-7197 to let us know, we can arrange a visit from a Priest or
                                                       a Deacon

                                                           FLU SEASON PRECAUTIONS
                                                           Flu season is upon us and we would like you to remember
                                                           some important guidelines to help keep others in our commu-
                                                           nity healthy:

                                                           Anyone who is ill, or needs to care for someone who is ill, is
                                                           excused from the obligation to attend mass. Please do not
    THE PARISH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED ON                    come, or bring your child to mass sick.
             JANUARY 20TH IN
              OBSERVANCE OF
     MARTIN LUTHER KING‘S BIRTHDAY.                        If you are ill, or not feeling well, please refrain from receiv-
            WE WILL REOPEN ON                              ing the Precious Blood from the cup. Cover your mouth and
     TUESDAY, JANUARY 21ST AT 8:30AM                       nose when you sneeze or cough .

4 | St. Anthony’s Catholic Church
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 19, 2020

9 Days for Life – January 21– January 29. Pray to Protect
Human Life! Sign up for daily prayers sent January 21-29
by email or text message, or get notified when the app is
updated! Visit our website and click on the banner on the
homepage for more information.
Save the date: January 22. Day of Prayer for Legal
Protection of Unborn Children (designated by the Gen-
eral Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM), no. 373, as a
particular day of prayer and penance) liturgical resources
including options for readings.

                                                               RECOGNIZE GOD IN YOUR ORDINARY
                                                               Play That One Again

                                                               How many times have you sung the church song, “Here I Am,
                                                               Lord”? If you grew up Catholic and are around my age (still 50!),
                                                               the answer is more than you can count. The song that quotes vari-
                                                               ous verses of Scripture is sung using guitar, piano, or organ, by
                                                               cantors and choirs, in traditional and modern churches. It is truly
                                                               a Catholic greatest hit of the modern Church. The question is
16th ANNUAL                                                    how many times when singing the refrain have you really taken
                                                               to heart what you were singing.

                                                               “Here I am, Lord; is it I, Lord? I have heard you calling in the
                                                               night.” Like the biblical figure Samuel, we are responding to the
                                                               call of God by asking for clarification that we are indeed the one
 Saturday, January 25 ● CIVIC CENTER ● San Francisco           being called. We then follow up the question with a profound
                                                               statement: “I will go if You lead me.” It is profound because we
                                                               are pledging to our God that we are willing to go wherever He
                                    Rally Starts at Civic      wants. We are accepting the challenge put forth in the U.S. Bish-
 Rally: 12:30pm @                   Center Plaza, walking      ops’ pastoral letter, “Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response,” to
 CIVIC CENTER                       down Market Street         become mature disciples who respond to the call of Jesus Christ
 PLAZA                              (2miles),                  regardless of the cost. We have sung this pledge repeatedly for
 Info Faire: 11:00am                Ends Embarcadero Plaza/    many years.
 Saturday,                          Ferry Building.
 January 25, 2020                                              We never have any idea what God will call us to do and where to
                                    BART stations at both      go. Sometimes the request can ask us for quite a lot. Hopefully,
                                                               we respond like a mature disciple. If not, maybe we should re-
                                    locations. Ample parking
                                                               flect more the next time this song is played. The melody will not
                                                               allow for the words, “I will see if I am busy and then decide to go
                                                               if you lead me.” Then again, I don’t want to sing that to God, the
                       Register and Info:                      source of all life anyway. Do you?
        (415) 658-1798 │email:
                                    — Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS

       Are you new to the parish? To request a registration form, please complete and drop in the
             offertory basket. Have you moved? Had an information change? Let us know by
  completing and returning. We respect your privacy! This information is for St. Anthony’s Parish use only.

         Name:                                                              Phone #

         Address:                                                City:                        Zip:

    Send Me A Registration Form □ Change of Address □ Moving out of Parish □ Update Family □

                                                                                            | 5
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 19, 2020
St. Anthony's
                    Perpetual                  adoration chapel is
                    Adoration                 open daily, Monday
                                              through Friday from
                                               9:30AM to 5 PM.
                                              After hours adoration
                                                 is available to
                                              committed adorers.

   If you are interested in committing to one hour of adoration,
                           please contact:
         in English, Ludwika Slawska (408) 992-1843 or
      A Group Leader for the Hours 12pm to 5pm is needed
                                                                                                                 February 7

         "Could you not watch one hour with me?"
                       -MT. 26:40

             Ministries and Activities                                   We're pleased to announce the availability of FORMED, an
                                                                         online service for accessing thousands of Catholic videos,
                                                                         audios and ebooks On Demand anytime, anywhere! As a
                                 Special                                 member, you will have access to entertaining movies, in-
                                                                         spiring audio talks, informative bible studies, and much
                                                                         more. We are providing this resource free of charge to help
                                                                         our members learn and grow in their faith. You will also be
                                                                         able to easily access any featured content that we are pro-
                                                                         moting within our community from time to time. So please
The Giving Tree Coordinator, Carol Jimenez, would like to give           join us.
special thanks to all the families that donated gifts to those in need   Also once you have signed up, don’t forget to download the
this Christmas. Because of your generosity we were able to               free iOS or Android app to put FORMED at your fingertips.
provide gifts for close to 2,000 children. We would like to thank        We hope you will enjoy this incredible gift and please
La Rosita Carniceria, Cardoza Enterprises, Starbucks, and Frances        spread the word to others. To sign up for FREE, just visit
Sia for their generous donations. In addition, we would like to
show our appreciation to the Giving Tree Committee that worked           us here:       Pass-
countless hours behind the scenes to make this a very Merry              word:YDFJB7
Christmas for the families in our community. The Committee
members are: Greg DeLoa Jr, Claudette Alves, Stephanie
Ibarra, Cindy Bouthillier, Madelein Gonzales, Diane Rosenstein
Addie Vahlensieck, James Martinez , and Henry Jimenez.

If someone would like to request a shawl (for ladies) or lap
robe (for men), please send an e-mail to Shawls and lap robes are not                    Legion of Mary would like to bring Blessed Mother to
just for those who are ill; they are also given out to celebrate
a special occasion such as an anniversary. A message of
                                                                         visit your home and say the Rosary. Blessed Mother
love and caring comes with each shawl or lap robe and the                will stay at your home for two weeks. You will get
giving of the shawl or lap robe enriches the giver as well as            many blessings and graces. Contact: Esmeralda at
the recipient.                                                           (209) 629-8995.

6 || St.
     St. Anthony
                    Padua Catholic
                             Church Church
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 19, 2020
St. Anthony’s Weekly Events
Monday, January 20
9:30 am     Legion of Mary, Mary’s Room
6:30 pm     Youth Ministry, Rec. Hall                               PREVENTION, PROTECTION, ACCOUNT-
7:00 pm     Santo Nino Ministry, Cry Room
7:00 pm     Spanish Choir, Cafeteria                                ABILITY SAFE ENVIRONMENT
7:00 pm     Adult Formation, Conference Room
                                                                    OFFICE OF CATHOLIC SCHOOLS

Tuesday, January 21                                                 On behalf of the Catholic schools, I am proud to work in the Diocese of
                                                                    Stockton. The safety and well-being of our students are of the utmost
4:30 pm          Faith Formation, Church, Cafeteria, Mary’s         importance and many measures are taken to help protect our youth.
                 Rm., Room 1,2,3,4,5,7 & 8
6:00 pm          Hora Santa, Church                                 Beyond establishing process and procedures for safe-guarding the school
7:00 pm          Bible Study, Mary’s Room                           facilities and addressing health related issues, the diocese has put in place
7:00 pm          Bible Study, Conference Room                       measures which address student and adult relationships, including but not
                                                                    limited to the following:
                                                                    Anyone wishing to volunteer or work around children/young adults must
Wednesday, January 22                                               follow the diocesan Safe Environment Protocol before beginning. This
10:00 am         Bible Study, Conference Room                       protocol includes anyone over the age of 18 and applies to parents,
10:00 am         Legion of Mary, Mary’s Room                        guardians, relatives, friends, coaches, aides, etc
4:30 pm          Faith Formation, Church, Cafeteria, Mary’s
                 Rm., Room 1,2,3,4,5,7 & 8                          The Safe Environment Protocol requires volunteers and school
                                                                    employees to:
6:30 pm          Music Ministry, Church                                 - Have fingerprinting/background check completed via Live Scan.
7:30 pm          Music Ministry, Church                                 - Complete the Safe Environment Virtus online course, "Protecting
                                                                          God's Children", and present the completion certificate to the
Thursday, January 23                                                      school office. The Virtus Protecting God's Children online course
                                                                          must be taken every three years.
9:00 am          Legion of Mary, Mary’s Room                            - Receive clearance from the Diocesan Safe Environment office
10:00 am         Bible Study, Conference Room                             before work/volunteering may begin.
6:00 pm          Confirmation II Workshop, Church
6:00 pm          Faith Formation, Cafeteria                              - Fingerprinting clearance is monitored regularly and ineligibility
6:00 pm          Legion of Mary, Mary’s Room                               reports are sent to our human resource department.
7:00 pm          Alabare, Classroom 7
                                                                    The Catholic Schools Office receives bi-weekly bulletins from the
7:00 pm          Diocese School of Ministry, Rec. Hall              California State Licensing Match System (SLMS). These bulletins
7:00 pm          Bible Study, Conf. Room & Mary’s Room              provide principals with a list of teachers whose credential has been
                                                                    suspended for any violation of the credentialing requirements.
Friday, January 24                                                  Annually, families and employees receive the diocesan Standards of Con-
6:30 pm          Youth Minstry, Rec. Hall                           duct for Those Working with Children and Young People and are
6:00 pm          Faith Formation, Cafeteria                         required to adhere to this code of conduct. This code was developed to
6:00 pm          Cursillo, Classroom 7                              help create a safe, appropriate and Christian environment for minors and
6:00 pm          Choir Rehearsal, Classroom 4                       their relationship with adults involved in Church ministry.

                                                                    As part of the Religion curriculum, students in our Catholic schools
                                                                    participate in the Circle of Grace program. The Circle of Grace program
Saturday, January 25                                                teaches children and youth how to identify and maintain appropriate
                                                                    physical, emotional, spiritual, and sexual boundaries; recognize when
9:00 am          Faith Formation, Cafeteria
                                                                    boundary violations are about to occur; and demonstrate how to take
                                                                    action when boundaries are threatened or violated.
Sunday, January 26                                                  All teachers and administrators are mandated reporters. “A mandated
7:00 pm          Youth Ministry, Rec. Hall                          reporter is a person who, because of his or her profession, is legally
                                                                    required to report any suspicion of child abuse or neglect to the relevant
                                                                    authorities. These laws are in place to prevent children from being abused
                                                                    and to end any possible abuse or neglect at the earliest possible stage.”
EVANGELIZATION AND FAITH                                            Should you have any question or wish to learn more about our Catholic
FORMATION                                                           schools in the Diocese of Stockton, please contact Marian DeGroot
                                                                    Graham, Director for Catholic Schools, at:
Catechist Specialization – We will be offering the Catechist
Specialization sessions in Church of the Presentation January 22,   DIOCESE OF STOCKTON WEBSITE SAFE ENVIRONMENT
2020 in English from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. For more information
contact Leticia Rodriguez at 209-466-0636 ext. 621 or via email

                                                                                                      | 7
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 19, 2020

Infant Baptism:
Minimum of three months notice
& pre-baptismal instruction
Dave Corder, ext.230

First Holy Communion
For school age children (2nd
grade or higher) this is a two
year preparation.
Faith Formation: 239-4302

For students 7th grade or above
who desire to become a fully ini-
tiated Catholic: this is a two year
Faith Formation: 239-4302

Following an appointment a min-
imum of six months preparation
is required .
Dave Corder, ext.230

Christian Initiation
This process provides Adults and
children over the age of 7 the
opportunity to explore their call-
ing to Baptism, Confirmation and
Communion to become a fully                                         St. Anthony’s Church
initiated Catholic Christian.         AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way to support our parish. The AmazonSmile
Dave Corder, ext.230                  Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of your eligible purchases.

Anointing of the Sick                 Step 1: Go to and search for “St. Anthony Church of Manteca”
The Holy Spirit's gift of peace       or start shopping with our unique link at
and courage to deal with the dif-
ficulties that accompany serious      Step 2: If you already have an Amazon account, simply go to
illness or the frailty of old age., If you do not have an existing Amazon ac-
To schedule a priest please call      count follow the steps to set one up.
823-7197 or if an emergency call
688-0888                              Step 3: Notice that you are now on AmazonSmile and supporting St. Anthony
                                      Church of Manteca.
For any other question you can        AmazonSmile will remember your selection, and then every eligible purchase you
contact the parish office at          make at will result in a donation.
(209) 823-7197 or email:          Don’t forget to tell your family and friends too! Thank you for your support!

8 | St. Anthony’s Catholic Church
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 19, 2020
   Al dar la bienvenida al Año 2020, y partici-
par en el gozo y desafíos del Año Nuevo, este-
mos abiertos a las gracias que Dios tiene reser-
vadas para todos nosotros; clero, religiosas y laicos de la Dió-
cesis de Stockton.
    Al comenzar el Año Nuevo, el mes de enero puede ayudar-
nos a poner el acento a todo el año. La solemnidad de Navidad
y las celebraciones de enero guían nuestros pasos espirituales
en nuestra jornada hacia el 2020.
    En el primer día de enero, recordamos el papel de la Santí-
sima Virgen María. Con la solemnidad de María, Madre de
Dios, la Iglesia dirige nuestra atención a la protección e interce-
sión de Nuestra Señora al comenzar Año Nuevo.
    Después, con la solemnidad de la Epifanía del Señor, esta-
mos llamados a hacer un esfuerzo más en el Año Nuevo e
                                                                      LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA
                                                                      Domingo: Is 49, 3. 5-6/Sal 40, 2. 4. 7-8. 8-9. 10 [8. 9]/1 Cor 1, 1
imitar a los Magos y “adorar” a Jesús nuestro Señor en nues-          -3/Jn 1, 29-34
tras vidas. Si vamos a proclamar el Evangelio a sus discípulos,       Lunes: 1 Sm 15, 16-23/Sal 50, 8-9. 16-17. 21 y 23 [23]/Mc 2,
debemos estar dispuestos a crecer en nuestra relación con Je-         18-22
sús. En este Nuevo Año Estamos llamados a entregar nuestros           Martes: 1 Sm 16, 1-13/Sal 89, 20. 21-22. 27-28 [21]/Mc 2, 23-
dones y talentos al Señor.                                            28
    Al igual que los Magos fueron advertidos en un sueño de           Miércoles: 1 Sm 17, 32-33. 37. 40-51/Sal 144, 1. 2. 9-10 [1]/Mc
regresar a casa por otro camino, nosotros también debemos             3, 1-6
comenzar este año por un camino diferente. Debemos evitar los         Jueves: 1 Sm 18, 6-9; 19, 1-7/Sal 56, 2-3. 9-10. 10-11. 12-13
desvíos que nos distraen del “Camino.” Este año 2020, nos             [5]/Mc 3, 7-12
pedirá dirigir nuestras vidas juntos tomando una jornada que          Viernes: 1 Sm 24, 3-21/Sal 57, 2. 3-4. 6 y 11 [2]/Mc 3, 13-19
nos llevara hacia un camino de arrepentimiento, conversión            Sábado: Hch 22, 3-16 o Hch 9, 1-22/Sal 117, 1. 2 [Mc 16, 15]/
continua y evangelización. Esta es una ruta con desafíos, pero        Mc 16, 15-18
al mismo tiempo, llena de oportunidades, llena de bendiciones.
Estas oportunidades nos ayudaran a crecer en santidad.                LAS CONMEMORACIONES DE LA SE-
    A través del año debemos perseverar en el camino recto
para poder evitar los obstáculos espirituales y tropiezos a lo        MANA
largo del camino. Al hacer esto, nosotros, como Magos, estare-        Domingo: 2º Domingo del Tiempo Or dinar io
mos liberados y escaparemos de las trampas del “espíritu de           Lunes: San Fabián, papa y már tir ; San Sebastián, már tir ;
Herodes” que intenta engañarnos y destruirnos.                        Día de Martin Luther King
    Al seguir la Epifanía, celebraremos la Fiesta del Bautismo        Martes: Santa Inés, virgen y mártir
del Señor. ¡Aunque el tiempo de Navidad llegara a su fin con          Miércoles: Día de Or ación por la Pr otección Legal de los
la Fiesta del Bautismo de Nuestro Señor, nos dirigirá al princi-      Niños por Nacer
pio donde todo comenzó – nuestro bautismo!                            Jueves: San Vicente, diácono y már tir ; Santa Mar iana Cope,
    Para iniciar este año con una base espiritual apropiada,          virgen
debemos regresar al principio cuando fuimos presentados a la          Viernes: San Fr ancisco de Sales, obispo y doctor de la Iglesia
                                                                      Sábado: La conversión de San Pablo, el apóstol
Iglesia por nuestros padres en el Bautismo. Al ser bautizados
en el nombre de la Santísima Trinidad, Padre, Hijo, y Espíritu
Santo, cada uno de nosotros se convirtió en hijo de Dios, luz
para el mundo, revestido con Cristo Resucitado. A lo largo de
este Año Nuevo debemos recodar nuestra identidad en Cristo                    ANUNCIOS DE MINISTERIOS
    En este Año Nuevo, 2020, debemos recordar que somos
renovados y fortalecidos por la Muerte y Resurrección de
Cristo por medio del Sacramento del Bautismo. Debemos re-
                                                                                                DIVINO NIÑO
cordar la gran dignidad a la cual hemos sido llamados. El Papa
Francisco ha declarado con respecto a “vivir” el Sacramento                                     El Divino Niño esta visitando los
del Bautismo: “Que gran don y que gran responsabilidad”.                                        hogares. Si quieres que visite tu
    Con un sentido renovado de Esperanza, tomemos estos pri-                                    hogar por favor de llamar a Alma
meros pasos en nuestro camino hacia el Año Nuevo con un                                         Soto para el Divino Niño del
mayor amor y compromiso con Cristo. Que nos demos cuenta                                        Domingo
de nuestro papel y nuestra “gran responsabilidad” de ser envia-                                 (209) 450-0095 o Consuelo Flores
dos a proclamar la Buena Nueva. Vayamos en paz, entregando
                                                                                                para Divino Niño del Sábado
este Año Nuevo a María, Madre de Dios y Madre de la Iglesia,
¡mientras glorificamos al Señor con nuestras vidas!
                                                                                                (510) 919-2586.
Feliz Año Nuevo, Obispo Cotta

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Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 19, 2020
For family, for friends, for trust.

               JAMES PEREZ, Realtor
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                Contact Jon Becker to place an ad today!
      or (800) 950-9952 x2536

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                                                          Contact Jon Becker to place an ad today!                                                              1145 W. Yosemite Ave, Manteca
                                                or (800) 950-9952 x2536                                                     | (209) 823-1148

                               For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •                                                             St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church, Manteca, CA                       C 4C 05-1143
Carolyn Cardoza
                                                                                Broker Associate
                                                                                       Cal BRE 00708846
                                                                                   (209) 607 4865
                                                 Buy or Sell a Home with me & we will donate to your favorite charity

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                                            Kitchen & Bath Design     Design Consultation
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     CA DRE 02074864
                                                                                                                                  Contact Jon Becker to place an ad today!
            E X E C U T I V E
                                                                                                                        or (800) 950-9952 x2536
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                                For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •                             St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church, Manteca, CA                 B 4C 05-1143
Serving the Valley Since 1956
        1030 West Yosemite Ave
             Manteca, CA

       Mon – Sat 10-7 | Sun 11-5
                                                                                                              Contact Jon Becker to place an ad today!
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  or (800) 950-9952 x2536

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 David Colli • Parishioner                                                                                Jean Teicheira, Director                                                                                 529-6860

                           For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •        St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church, Manteca, CA                     A 4C 05-1143
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