MessengerIssue 237 July 2021 - St. Christopher's | Burlington
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From the Rector’s Study C onversations in response to the s e r m o n s e rie s M aking Glo bal J us tice Local have been excellent. there. Listening intently to the ways indigenous people talk about the struggle to heal and to recover their identity. Members of St. Christopher’s Listening is a critical are talking about issues action! Number 59 of the 94 that require us to be self- calls to action included in critical and open to multiple the report of the Truth and viewpoints. I am pleased Reconciliation Commission and impressed with how calls upon churches to deeply we have engaged engage in learning about with the complexities of our role in colonization and pressing issues through these the history and legacy of conversations in our post- residential schools. We have service Zoom gatherings. posted links to a number of I am particularly resources on our website, about things the kids are for the ways our parish mornings. This change will grateful to members of Please scroll down hearing about the Indian has responded to our allow you to watch our t h e c o n g r e ga t i o n w h o on the main page and click Residential Schools. Kids stewardship campaign: The services live on YouTube. participated in the Zoom on the orange box to access have lots of questions! It Corporation is delighted I don’t have a start date for after church on June 20. a number of starting places is so good to have a safe that Carrie Ford-Jones has live-streaming at present - I That ’s when we t alke d for our work of listening place to process thoughts accepted our appointment will share information about about reconciliation with and learning. We will be and feelings about upsetting to be Chair of the search dates and times with you Indigenous Peoples. No updating this section of our events in our world. committee that will recruit as soon as we have details! d o u b t w e ’v e a ll b e e n website from time to time Elsewhere in this edition our new Children, Youth I will be away on vacation doing some soul searching this summer. In the fall, of the Messenger, you will an d, Family Minis t r y for three weeks in July and in response to the shock members of Parish Council find an update from the Coordinator. The search one week in August, and and pain expresse d by will b e h os ting eve nt s Stewardship Commit tee committee will begin their other staff members will members of the indigenous where our congregation about our current work by consulting members be taking vacation in the community after evidence can gather for experiential campaign. I want to add my of St. Christopher’s whose summer months as well. emerged of unrecorded learning. When it comes gratitude to the Stewardship children are high school We are all covering for graves on the grounds of to o ur co m mit m e n t to Committee’s words. Thank age d and younger. We one another, as our staff the residential schools in reconciliation, it’s time to you, St. Christopher’s. Your hope that many of the same have done in years past. Kamloops and Brandon. do church differently. generous support makes it families will be involved in So St. Christopher’s will be Now we are hearing about Yo u m ay k n o w t h a t possible for us to hire a new the interview process, so here when you need us! unrecorded graves on the family ser vices have Children, Youth, and Family we can see our candidates I wish you a safe and gro un d s of t h e fo r m e r been happening online Ministry Coordinator. Your at work with the children restful summer. Marieval Indian Residential f o r S t . C h r i s t o p h e r ’s gif ts are allowing us to and youth of our parish. School located on the the people who travel with devote new energy to the Our hope is to undertake a Cowessess First Nation in preschoolers and school- missional listening that will rigorous interview process Saskatchewan. aged children. The talented connect us to God’s work in this summer, and to make Listening is our starting folks who worked on GIFT the neighbourhoods where a hire in late summer or point. Listening, because p rio r to t h e pan d e mic we live. Your pledges allow early fall. rushing out to take action are planning kid-focused us to invest in our Parish You probably noticed we in the ways that seem good lessons and activities for Centre so it will continue are now recording worship to us in this moment may the services that take place to be the headquarters for live in the church. How well lead to further harm. on the first Saturday of each all the ways we respond good it is to see musicians Listening to how survivors month. Elsewhere in this to Jesus’ call to follow, and readers and intercessors of the Indian Residential edition of the Messenger, to be transformed, and in 3- dimensions! Soon, Schools tell their stories. you will find comments to transform the world we will be live-streaming Listening to how the from some of our service around us. Thank you, from the church on Sunday children and grandchildren participants, and pictures St. Christopher’s, for all of sur vivors talk about of some of the creations the ways you support our the lasting effects of the made by children of the shared ministry. Rev. Canon Dr. abuse and the destruction parish. Our July gathering This announcement Penny Anderson of culture that happened will include conversation follows from my gratitude Rector page 2 July 2021
Truth & Reconciliation Resources W e need the truth to come out more than we need to protect ourselves from legal cause harm for Indigenous people. It is difficult to look into such a mirror. It takes energy and determination. As a faith community, we to time. These are starting points for us because we want the truth to come out, and we want the truth to work on us. Our undefended liability. Listening is our draw strength from God engagement with the starting point. Listening, and from one another as we stories and experiences of because rushing out to undertake this action. Indigenous Peoples is part take action in the ways that What follows on page of the healing that is needed seem good to us in this 16 is a list of resources. for reconciliation to happen. moment, may well lead to This list is not meant to be You will find the list, with further harm. Call to Action exhaustive. We will update active links, on the home #59 from the Truth and and edit this list from time page of our website, Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action states: “We call upon church parties to the Settlement A gr e e m e n t to d eve l o p ongoing education strategies to ensure that their respective congregations learn about t h e i r c h u r c h ’s r o l e i n colonization, the history and legacy of residential schools, and why apologies to former residential school students, their families, and co mmunitie s we re necessary.” This listening is, in part, like looking in a mirror that reflects for us the way our colonial culture benefits us while continuing to July 2021 page 3
Wardens’ Report I can hardly believe that summer is here! As I write to you, the kids in the region are finishing up virtual school and people our Church as a Gift to the Community; Engaging in Missional Listening; and Taking Care of our Physical Buildings. Our thanks go of the T-Loop in the Great Hall began the week of June 21st, and should be completed before the end of the summer. The encouraging! The bonds of friendship for our children and caregivers are also growing even during these virtual times. If your children an opportunity to connect more closely with other parishioners. Thank you to Parish Council for planning and hosting this event! are starting to make some out to the Stewardship government grant (for the would like to get involved, Wishing you and plans for the summer – Committee, to those who T-Loop) and the rebates (for please let Canon Penny everyone in our community anticipation is in the air! have already made pledges, the LED’s) have helped to know! a ver y safe, and happy Perhaps some of you will to the parishioners who make these things possible. At time of writing summer. I hope we can all be taking a well-deserved made possible the matching A beautiful “living” fence St. Christopher’s is just take some time to relax, break this summer whether of funds, and to those who has also been constructed about to launch the first rejuvenate and connect here at home or maybe are still considering a pledge around the Communit y “Virtual Summer Fiesta” for with loved ones. We hope you are venturing a little at this time. Garden, small repairs have the parish. This has been to see you over Zoom, further from home. Things In light of the success been taken care of inside shaping up to be a very fun during our chats before and still feel tentative for me, of our Stewardship the church, painting of the event with time to learn after the Sunday service, but nonetheless I am really Campaign thus far, we posts outdoors will happen more ab out our Rec tor and we look forward to excited that the warmer are pleased to announce soon, and the basement Penny and our Pastoral seeing everyone this Fall- weather is here, the pace that we are proceeding is even getting a clean up! Associate Michael, as well as maybe even in person! is slowing down a little and with the recruitment of Thank you to all who have that there is more hope in a Children, Youth, and been helping to care for our the air, than there has been Family Coordinator! We are building both indoors and for some time. grateful to Carrie Ford-Jones out while the rest of us have To w a r d s t h e e n d o f who will chair this search been faithfully keeping our May we kicked of f our committee and we expect to physical distance. S teward ship Cam paign have a job posting out this The GIFT ser vice has Carolyn Henderson is one with an exciting vision summer. If you are a parent/ b e e n c o n t i n ui n g e a c h of the four wardens f o r o u r f u t u r e . Pe n ny caregiver of school-aged month for families with (Erick Nettel, outlined the importance children and youth we’d children. In June we Amy Collard, Al Nicolls, of: Hiring a Family Ministry love to hear from you so celebrated Pride, and read & Carolyn Henderson) Coordinator; Creating we can bring someone on the book “A Church for who, along with our New Programs to Help Us board who shares your All” by Gayle E. Pitman. Rector, Rev. Canon Dr. Learn, Grow, and Connect; hopes and dreams for this We spent some time talking Penny Anderson, make up Supporting Worship that important ministry. in age appropriate ways St. Christopher’s Corp. Connects Us to God and In June the installation about relationships and our Neighbours; Investing o f t h e LED ligh t s wa s gender and the discussions Carolyn Henderson in Programs that Position completed. The installation that ensued were rich and Warden page 4 July 2021
St. Vincent Relief L esline Bess and her husband retired to live in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. When he died, Lesline came to reside in Burlington. Lesline has sent barrels to St. Vincent for many years. She has often travelled back to St. Vincent to visit friends and seen/learned how their economy has deteriorated. When the La Soufrière Volcano hit St. Vincent on April 9, 2021 and word of the thousands of people displaced from their homes on the island came to Lesline, she knew she had to act! (She had previously decided to “retire” from shopping, packing and shipping barrels.) She put the word out that she was collecting clothing, bedding, personal hygiene items ie. toothpaste, brushes, soap and shampoo. The response she received was overwhelming - everyone wanted to help! Now she had nowhere to store these items, in preparation for the packing of shipment barrels. She mentioned this to her neighbours, Carlos and Gizelle. They quickly cleaned up their garage and offered it to Lesline. Carlos and Gizelle had travelled to third world countries and knew first-hand the pleasure and appreciation that is shown by local villagers when they are given much needed supplies. Lesline invited just a few friends to help with the barrel packing. Cip Bibby, Wendy Clifton, and Marg Kittson were the only ones allowed to work at the garage, due to Covid-19 restrictions. To date, 21 barrels have been sent. 17 of them contained clothing and the miscellaneous items. At the current time, Lesline, Wendy Clifton and Marg Kittson slipped off their masks for a quick photo. these 17 barrels have arrived on the island but have not yet been released from customs. The last 4 barrels contained food. Each barrel costs $160 to send. Our community and places beyond answered Lesline’s request to help and gave Stewa r d s h i p generously, either by donating clothing or giving a monetary gift to offset the huge expense of shipping. C a m p a i g n 2021 Lesline wants to thank the people of St. Christopher’s and the community for the consideration and kindness given to Members of the Stewardship Committee are her to help with this project. Thank you Lesline for having delighted to thank the congregation for supporting a heart for ministry and acting when you became aware the stewardship campaign we launched back on of the need. May 30th. To date, we have received 66 pledges totalling $180,515. Gifts from generous donors who offered to match up to $20,000 in pledges to the campaign bring our current total to $200,515. Thank you, St. Christopher’s! Your gifts make our shared ministry possible. July 2021 page 5
JAZZ VESPERS Kevin Mak - piano Dan Cunningham - bass Tommy-Lee Metcalfe - drums Sunday, July 18TH | 4.00pm Watch for the link in the Email Blast to join this Zoom service page 6 July 2021
Music & the Performing Arts R egardless of when a new calendar gets pinned up, I consider June to be the end of one year and September edition of the Messenger for your entertainment and enrichment. Of course, it’s St. Christopher’s/music themed. would be very difficult for one person to handle. If you’re interested in being a sound system volunteer, that is, playing a critical role the beginning of the next. Yet, as we all know, in our mission and getting Perhaps this is the result life doesn’t stop over the to use some shiny new of many years spent in the summer. We are still busy equipment, please let me school system. Perhaps a tr ying to sor t out some know. Training is already slower pace is a natural technical issues and gain taking place. re quirement of the hot better facility at running a We can assume that there summer season. No matter livestream from the church. are some big new beginnings the reason, this is a rhythm Shaza Najeeb (our summer in store for this September. to which many of us dance. s t u d e n t ), Erick N e t te l, After 18 months of no choir, More to the point, it is Souren Dermentjian and band, youth choir, dancers, the way we schedule the I have been consistently guitars or even church as program year in music engaged in this work. we remember it, there are and the performing arts You can help! We’re a lot of unknown variables at St. Christopher’s. The going to need more sound that will effect our music choir, as they are wont system volunteers in the programs. If I were a betting to d o, ha d a par t y o n fall or, alternatively, some man, I’d wager that we’re Thursday night to mark the people who are willing to allowed unrestricted singing end of the year. It was a operate the system more in the fall but the variants fun evening that included frequently. Since we’re now might call my bluff. What chatting, trivia and bingo; handling two sets of audio – a thought that is! Of all the all over Zoom, of course. one for the church and one new beginnings that happen Since the trivia questions for the stream – there’s twice in the fall, this might be the were already done up, as much work to do and one possibility I am most Andy Elmhirst they are included in this these two responsibilities excited about. Director of Music July 2021 page 7
Property Update W e are happy to note that since our last update, one of the two main projects targeted conditioning unit, (replacing one that had gone out of ser vice), installation of a new grease trap in the kitchen, replacement of low volume of traffic we have had in the building these past several months. Once Covid restrictions are further eased, however, for Spring was completed, a defective toilet tank in and activities ramp up on while the other is currently t h e la die s’ wa s hro o m, site, we’ll likely need more well underway. LED lights repairs to damaged walls, hands on d e ck. Plea se have now been installed clearing bush overgrowth consider volunteering to be throughout the building, around disability parking a member of the Property producing improved lighting signs, “spring cleaning” Committee, especially if at much reduced energy and reorganizing of the you’re handy with a tool or cost. Enhancements in the basement storage area. two. If you are able to help, Great Hall are especially Plans have been made to please contact Winston notewor thy. Crews are re-paint the bollards located Tinglin directly, or leave T-Loop installation in the currently working on in various spots around the a message for him at the Great Hall installing an audio loop in building. It’s anticipated office with your contact the Great Hall to improve that parking areas will need information. the sound for persons with re-painting in the fall, so that A big “thank you” a hearing impairment. We will be one of our priorities to ever yone who has are all looking forward to then. so generously given of the results. While our present team their time and talents to O t h e r r e c e n t of volunteers has been able assist with one project or improvement s around to keep up with the various another. Our community the building include projec t s, this has been is indeed blessed by your Winston Tinglin Property Committee Chair installation of a new air helped by the relatively contributions. page 8 July 2021
Compassion & Care Opportunity Traditionally, St. Christopher’s has had a wonderful record of ministry and outreach in long-term care and retirement homes in the area. The pandemic, of course, has made much of that impossible, beyond phone calls. With the likelihood of the reopening of these centres to visitors, we want to restart - and expand - what we do. If you’d like to be part of this team, visiting parishioners and being part of this ministry, please let Michael know at We’ll have a Zoom meeting in June to chat and prepare. Tuesday Contemplative Prayer This group meets ever y Tuesday morning at 8 am. Contemplative prayer is centered on silence. Leadership is exchanged each week. Rev. Michael is the host. The format includes a reading or prayer at the beginning 10 minutes of silence, a concluding prayer or comment, discussion and sharing. Everyone welcome. Thursday Morning Prayer with Michael Please join Michael for Thursday Morning Prayer at 9 am. The session lasts around 20 minutes, includes prayers and Bible readings, and is a wonderful way to start the day! We stay afterward to chat for a short time. If you would like assistance with entering or calling in to the Zoom room, please call the church office at 905.634.1809. July 2021 page 9
Older children have taken on some leadership roles for the service: G.I.F.T. RECAP • Raquel N (age 11) Presentation on Earth Day theme Beginning with Easter, there has been a group planning a I did a presentation about Earth Day and how you can save the planet. Here is a summary GIFT service for families with children, the first Saturday of of what the presentation was about. The first bit was a few reasons why to help Mother the month at 4 pm via Zoom. Only families with children Earth along with the ways we are affecting Mother Earth. The second, third & fourth bit are sent a link as this format has children going into were about how you can help inside and outside your home and how you can help the breakout groups to do activities. So, since the majority of nature around you. Then the fifth part was a little activity related to Earth Day. Then the people do not get to see what is happening for GIFT, we last part was bonding with nature and being thankful for what you have. present a sample! What participants have to say: • Will A. — I liked the conversation in the small groups with kids my own age. It was fun using play dough at the Easter service. • Tim A. — I enjoyed the Earth Day service. It was a reality check for me. • Aidan (age 7) says he likes doing the crafts and listening to the stories. • Madeline (age 4.5) says she likes listening to the stories and talking to the other children. An example of one of the activities: • Finn R (age 11) June program on Pride theme: “Hi my name is Finn Rickert. I joined the pride month festival for children at St. Christopher’s. St. Christopher’s is a church where all people – gay, lesbian, straight, and all genders are respected and equal. My picture is a proud rainbow that is dripping down like paint to cover over the darkness. The darkness in my picture comes from times and places that aren’t proud of people being gay.” page 10 July 2021
1. How many Christmases has Andy worked at St. Christopher’s? 9. What is the church’s street address? a. 5 a. 622 Guelph Line b. 6 b. 662 Guelph Line c. 8 c. 666 Guelph Line 2. How many rectors has St. Christopher’s had? 10. How many members are there in the 11:30 band? a. 10 a. 5 b. 12 b. 6 c. 15 c. 8 3. How many parish administrators has St. Christopher’s had? 11. How many colours are there in a rainbow? a. 5 a. 5 b. 6 b. 6 c. 8 c. Infinite 4. How many arches are there along the length of the church? a. 5 b. 6 c. 8 5. When was the church built? 11. c a. 1952 10. b b. 1954 9. b c. 1955 8. b 6. When was the majority of the St. Christopher’s organ built? 7. a (organ is a Casavant) a. 1960 b. 1970 was installed in 2009) c. 2009 6. a (old organ was installed in 1970 and current organ 7. What brand of piano is in the church and the choir room? 5. b (founded in 1952, built in 1954, opened in 1955) a. Kawai 4. b (7 if you include the one around the bumpout) b. Casavant 3. a c. Pianos-R-Us 2. a (not including interims) 8. What year was the Common Praise Hymnal published? a. 1995 1. c b. 1998 Answers c. 2003 July 2021 page 11
I have just come from the Community Garden, where the sun was shining, birds chirping, a cool morning breeze passed I was standing in the life giving, life affirming and life changing bounty of work started well before my time. Open Doors ministry, and have served a steady line of neighbours seeking seasonally appropriate wear and some much needed connections. In the weeks A final blessing to share with you here, is Open Doors was yet again successful in an O nt ario Trillium through, and all things green while continually serving to come, we will start our Resiliency grant, given to have taken root. This space our community, is busy Farm Fresh Pop-Up Market organizations who have has flourished due to the b uilding dignif ie d an d that will offer produce free been operating during the dedicated efforts of our inclusive spaces for all of from our garden and that pandemic and are looking at community partners Halton us to share and celebrate. donated by our agency innovative ways to recover Environmental Network, Soon, you will notice some partners. It is also designed and rebuild. We applied and their Halton Fo o d construction surrounding to offer equitable access for a par t-time contract Coordinator, Alyson. There the foodbank (Community to local produce, meaning p osition of a Resource have also been loyal and Marketplace), that will allow we will be sourcing local and Communications knowledgeable volunteers, for a sheltered and safe farmers and purchasing Manager. This new team Daire Kavanagh excited and keen summer waiting area and a front p ro d u ce at w h ole s ale, member will work closely students and some very deck to access service from and sharing the savings with me, and alongside generous donors along the outside of the portable. with everyone. All of these our Steering Committee, to the way. All of them are Inside we have designed a programs are executed with assist in events and develop working towards a safe and Marketplace so beautifully the utmost care and safety a sustainable fundraising sustainable Communit y constructed and thought protocols in place. Staff, strategy and help Garden with many out, that we will be using volunteers and neighbours communicate beyond our opportunities to learn and it for more that just food are all screened before current scope. I am thrilled share together. Today I access. We envision a new serving, contact tracing is to announce, and ask you all received a most touching place for meetings and completed, while masks to welcome, our successful and meaningful compliment literacy programming that and distancing is enforced. candidate, Heather Bonser. from a long time parishioner. will support our community We have been successful You may recognize Heather They were by the garden, in new and vibrant ways. in hiring one of t wo as a member of the liturgical admiring it along with me, The funds for this project vegetable gardeners, part dance troupe, as a dancer, and said, “Steve would are from the successful of the Canada Stud ent choreographer and leader Heather Bonser be proud.” The Venerable Ontario Trillium Capital Summer Jobs program. We for many years. She is Steve Hopkins was one Fund granted to us in the receive direct funding from an ac tive O p e n D o or s of the founding leaders to latter part of 2019. We hope the federal government volunte e r, le n ding h e r bring Open Doors ministry our doors will be open and to welcome and mentor time and talents to many to life at St. Christopher’s ready to serve in a new but s t u d e n t s i n o u r m a ny fundraising events. Heather over a decade ago. Having familiar way, by the end different spaces. I ask you all has an HR background for only met Steve a handful of July! to welcome Daire Kavanagh non-profit organizations, of times, but hearing years While our Community to our Team! (“Darah” like a creative arts flare, a love of wonderful stories of his Curbside Meal programming Sarah). She is a horticulture of large dogs, and sincere time here and his vision has continued to grow, student and a social worker, passion to share O p en when starting Open Doors, reaching over 200 plates talents we treasure in her Doors ministry’s story with I couldn’t help but feel a per week, we re-opened the role with us. She lives the greater public. Be sure sigh of relief and recognize Clothing Store on June 15th with her fiancée, Jyssika, to welcome and encourage an d h e r s e nio r gold e n her in her new role the next doodle, Wallace. Dáire’s time you see her! favourite veggies to grow As I edit this Messenger are tomatoes and she enjoys article, it is not lost on me Save the Date meeting new volunteers that the bounty is plentiful, to work alongside her. We and widespread all around October 1st, 2021 think she is pretty swell! us at Open Doors at Come and say hello to her St. Christopher’s. Open Doors Virtual Fundraiser in the garden from Monday (watch for details this summer) to Thursday this summer. And if you care to join Christina Mulder Open Doors her please email Sandi at Director of Programs & Partnerships page 12 July 2021
Did you Know? T • • his seemingly never-ending pandemic has challenged us all in many ways. Take words, for example - new meanings for ordinary words, are now being used. Zoom............................ Not that coveted lens that photographers use Chat................................ Not a conversation with a friend Choir Worship Team taping This zooming Andy is doing has required the learning of new skills, and we have reaped the benefits! Christina Mulder is zooming… • Link................................. Not the Lincoln Alexander Expressway Parent Talk • Click on...................... Not the “aha” moment Gala planning • Virtual.......................... Not what it used to mean Open Doors Steering Committee • Masks........................... Not only at Hallowe’en Open Doors Staff Meetings • Pivoting....................... Not a dancer on tip toes Plus many more! (I would need another page) • Host................................ Not someone serving drinks at a party Joy Thomson is zooming… • Bubble......................... Not a soap-filled diaphanous floating thing • Mute.............................. Not just for a brass instrument Men’s Wednesday Breakfast Group (David Ernst) • Livestream................ Not a river teeming with fish Prayer Shawl Ministry (Donna Mawhinney) Parents & Grandparents of Children with Mental Health (Sylvia) You can probably think of other words which we now use in a different way! Book Club (Jillian Stewart) Perhaps the one word, which is the champion, is zoom! And, when did Office Volunteer tea parties! we zoom before this pandemic? And now, almost everyone zooms! Church & Chat – a link is inserted into the Friday eblast, giving us all a When I investigated this phenomenon, I was amazed at just how much chance to do exactly as described. zooming was going on! One thinks, because the church building is quiet, We can chat, attend church and then chat again. This has proven to be a that all is quiet on the home front. Not so! happy and informative time. Full marks to Penny, Michael, Erick, Andy and Penny Anderson is zooming… Joy who have made this possible. Liturgy planning Please note that I have only scratched the surface with the above. Worship planning Strategic planning What is notable is that we, through this medium, are keeping in touch! Fit Covid Transition Team planning for Service are also Zooming (in their own account) three times per week! Faith Lift There is absolutely no doubt that many zooms are left out of this synopsis. Stewardship Please do forgive the omissions! The purpose of this exercise is for us to realize just what is happening in this social medium. And, often, we are Michael Coren is zooming… impatient with the hoops we go through to keep this alive. It has, however, Telephone Tree been there to keep us in touch, and to do You Are Not Alone the vital business of the parish. Tuesday Contemplative Prayer Until we “meet again”, and are “free” Thursday Morning Prayer (sounds like we are in a war), we can Erick Nettel is zooming… rejoice in this zoom thing!! Worship (helping with technology) Stay safe this summer … and … Zoom Corporation away!! Parish Council And, any time his techy skills are needed (which is ALL the time) Andy Elmhirst is zooming… Staff Meetings Band Judy Jupp
You Are Not Alone Join us once each month for a virtual evening of prayer, scripture and conversation, as we remember those we have lost. The next opportunity to gather will be Tuesday, July 6 at 7 pm, hosted by Rev. Michael Coren. Details to connect will be found in the eblast. All are welcome. Joy Lioyd May 29, 2021 Val Danio June 8, 2021 Wendy Ernst June 24, 2021 Ward Minielly June 24, 2021 Andy Frame June 25, 2021 Loved Ones Lost Previously in this space we were sharing news of funeral services held at St. Christopher’s. As we are not able to conduct funerals at this time, we are seeing a need to let people know of those who have died, beyond listing the names in our weekly eblast and making verbal announcements on Sunday mornings. Above are the names of those who have died since the last Messenger. page 14 July 2021
Pastoral Care W e’ve just linked to homosexuality his slave, whom he loves love, justice, tolerance and some of them with political celebrated Pride until the medieval period. dearly, is dying. Would change. That’s the euphoric influence even in Canada month, and as If you doubt me, read the Jesus heal him? He does quintessence of that Jesus - who believe that people usual it delighted many Bible. Ezekiel: “This was the so, and praises the man’s song, the melody of the can be “converted” from Christians, but angered guilt of your sister Sodom: devotion. Based on the Gospels. who and what they are, as others. We all know about she and her daughters had specific Greek words used, The time will come when if there is something wrong the debate around LGBTQ2 pride, excess of food, and and the mocking attitude organized Christianity will and bad about them. God issues that still rages in prosperous ease, but did 1s t - c e n t u r y J e w s h a d look back to its homophobia forgive such malice! ch urch e s, eve n wit hin not aid the poor and needy. toward their oppressors with shame, just as it looks WWJD - What Would Anglican churches. Perhaps They were haughty, and did regarding their sexuality, to racism as a filthy stain Jesus Do? He’d remind us it’s simply worth asking, as abominable things before it’s highly likely that those and sometimes an open that we’re supposed to work the evangelicals used to do, me; therefore I removed who witnessed this, and wound. Many churches to become more like him, WWJD? What would Jesus them when I saw it.” those who read about it have already moved on, not try to make him more do? Simple. He’d wave the Those few prohibitions in the early church, would apologized, and now work like us. He’d say it’s not rainbow flag and march in that do exist in the Hebrew have assumed that the two to repair the damage they who we love but that we the parade. Scriptures are part of an men were in a same-sex caused. But, tragically, not love that matters, and that If we study it, the ancient guide for an ancient relationship. enough of them. authentic faith is about theology is entirely clear, people, and also restrict Isn’t it inte re s ting It matters because so acceptance, not exclusion. which may surprise some certain combinations of what happens when we many people have suffered Pride reminds Christians of people. Jesus doesn’t refer cloth and the eating understand the context and for too long, and still face that, if we’re willing to look, to what we now define o f va r i o u s f o o d s - all history of scripture, and read horrendous persecution listen and learn. as homosexuality (a word considered irrelevant in it without preconceptions a n d vi o l e n c e in la r ge not coined until the 19th modern Christianity. They and prejudice? parts of the world. This century), and lesbianism also, by the way, justify But there’s more to it, outrageous obsession is never mentioned in the selling one’s children into more to why Jesus would be shames Christianity. We Old Testament. When St. bondage. If we’re to take with those celebrating Pride, as Christians can’t speak Paul writes on the subject, the Bible seriously, which I and not those opposing and of revolutionary love if he condemns straight men most certainly do, we can’t protesting. He stood with we embrace reactionary using boys for sex - usually always take it literally. God the oppressed, the rejected bigotry, and even now there in pagan initiation rituals is too clever for that. and the marginalized. He are many in the church - - and not people of the There is one stor y in criticized the legalists, the same gender having loving the Gospels, however, that judgmental and the pedants relationships. might be relevant. Jesus is who twisted holiness into As for the story of Sodom approached by a centurion; hatre d. He preache d a and Gomorrah, it wasn’t the Roman explains that shining new message of Rev. Michael Coren Pastoral Associate July 2021 page 15
The Messenger is published monthly for the parishioners of St. Christopher’s Anglican Church. All questions or concerns should be directed to the Messenger Editor, c/o St. Christopher’s Parish Office, 662 Guelph Line, Burlington, ON, L7R 3M8. Call: 905.634.1809. Email: Website: Thanks to this month’s contributors: Penny Anderson, Ken Beeby, Lesline Bess, Cip Bibby, Michael Coren, Andy Elmhirst, Carolyn Henderson, Carol Henley, Judy Jupp, Christina Mulder, Raquel Nettel, Finn Rickert, Joy Thomson, and Winston Tinglin. Truth & Reconciliation Resources For active links see Indigenous History and Storytelling Resouces for Children The Survivors Speak (TRC Report, 2015) Indigenous Picture Books Assembly of First Nations Elders Council Indigenous Children’s Books Podcast: Telling Our Twisted Histories Podcast: The Secret Life of Canada Other Resources for Adults Podcast: Unreserved Book: 21 Things You May Not Know about the Indian Act Interview: Sen. Murray Sinclair The TRC of Canada Free Online Course: Indegenous Canada Executive Summary Education Resources for Teachers and Parents Calls to Action Complete Reports Local Residential School (Brantford) The Mohawk Institute Indian Residential School The Anglican Church of Canada Virtual School Tour Anglican Residential Schools Indigenous Peoples and the Anglican Church of Canada 1993 Apology to Victims and Survivors of Indian Residential Schools Doctrine of Discovery: Stolen Lands, Strong Hearts 2019 Apology for Spititual Harm Anglican Diocese of Niagara - Kamloops Other Government Resources Indigenous Health Drinking Water Advisories Education for First Nations Children
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