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Newyddiadur Swyddogol Esgobaeth Caerdydd Issue 292 April 2021 Official Newspaper of the Archdiocese of Cardiff Catholic People Pick up your FREE copy today Father Laurence The devotion reveals his faith of Palm during Covid Sunday Page 4 Page 8 The The altar at St David's Metropolitan Cathedral is dressed for Palm Sunday devotion of Palm Sunday By Pope Francis Every year this liturgy leaves us amazed: we pass from the joy of welcoming Jesus as he enters Jerusalem to the sorrow of watching him condemned to death and then crucified. That sense of interior amazement will remain with us throughout Holy Week. Let us reflect more deeply on it. From the start, Jesus leaves us amazed. His people give him a solemn welcome, yet he enters Jerusalem on a lowly colt. His people expect a powerful liberator at Passover, yet he comes to bring the Passover to fulfilment by sacrificing himself. His people are hoping to triumph over the Romans by the sword, but Jesus comes to celebrate God’s triumph through the cross. What happened to those people who in a few days’ time went from shouting “Hosanna” to crying out “Crucify him”? Admiration can be worldly What happened? They were following an idea of the Messiah rather than the Messiah. They admired Jesus, but they did not let themselves be amazed by him. Amazement is not the same as admiration. Admiration can be worldly, since it follows its own tastes and expectations. Amazement, on the other hand, remains open to others and to the newness they bring. Even today, there are many people who admire Jesus: he said beautiful things; he was filled with love and • Continued on Page 8
2 CATHOLIC PEOPLE Reflections on Palm Sunday By Father Sebastian A great crowd who had come to the feast heard that Jesus was coming…” (cf. Jn. 12:12) Thus begins St. John’s account of the first Palm Sunday. But it could easily apply to us, today. Palm Sunday begins the Week of Weeks for Christians. This is the holiest, most important part of our liturgical calendar. If we have “high holy days,” these are them. Only Christmas and Pentecost come close, but even those great feasts only matter because of what happens this week. Normally, in our liturgical calendar, we walk through Jesus’ life in a general way. These are moments - like the Annunciation this past week, which is nine months before Christmas and celebrates the incarnation of God the Son within the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary - when our journey through the Lord’s life gets more specific. But nothing compares with Holy Week, when we experience a mystical connection to our This leads us to the Sacred Paschal His spirit. harrows Hell, despoiling that strong man, Lord’s last week before his death on an Triduum - a Latin word meaning, “The In the darkness and shadow of the the Devil, of the souls of all the just. almost hour-by-hour basis. It is as though Three Days.” These are three most Cross, Our Lord’s crucified Body is taken And then comes Easter morning… “A the bounds of space and time blur a bit important days of all time. down, and He keeps the Sabbath of Holy great crowd who had come to the feast this week, and we are drawn deeper and These are three days when our Lord Saturday in the silence of the Holy Tomb. heard that Jesus was coming.” He is deeper into the Paschal Mystery. ransoms Creation and defeats death; But Our Lord is not still. His final battle with coming this Holy Week. And so should We begin, today, with our Lord when the empire of Satan is our ancient Enemy is joined, and He you. fulfilling many Old Testament overthrown; and the millennia- prophecies. he makes His way, as didi the kings of old, into the ancient capital of “ He is betrayed in the garden, long battle is won. On Maundy Thursday, our Lord institutes two Sacraments - Let Biblical Inspiration Fire Your Imagination! God’s holy people riding on suffers three the Eucharist and Holy WHO IMPRESSES YOU? IS IT a donkey. different Orders - and He gives His CHRIST? 3 minute reading and meditation with The people acclaim and kangaroo courts disciples the Greatest In January, strolling up a street close to Teresa O’Driscoll receive him with the Commandments: to love one Email: home, I was intrigued to see a van painted wellknown title of the Jewish royal house: “Hosanna” - a sort of Hebrew “Huzzah” or “Hail,” they shout ” another as He loved us. He is betrayed in the garden, suffers three different kangaroo courts, with the word “stonemason” which I associate with cathedrals. I saw that the “Follow God’s - “to the Son of David.” house the men were working on had example, and starts down the path of His terrible, But the palms they wave and throw window and door surrounds of carved therefore, as dolourous Passion. He is beaten, spat stone. Continuing my walk I realized that down to carpet our Lord’s arrival into the upon, kicked, slapped, and shackled. He dearly loved most of the houses in the area had similar children and Holy City turn to bitter ashes - just as they is stripped, flogged, and undergoes the stone features but disguised by white walk in the did for us on Ash Wednesday - with the Roman cat-o’-nine tails, with its awful paint. Over the months I’ve seen a variety way of love… events of the rest of the week. claws ripping His sacred flesh. of stonemasons cleaning and repairing the ” Ephesians No sooner has our Lord arrived for His And finally, betrayed by Gentiles and revealed stone on other houses in that one final Passover before His death, than He 5:1 Jews alike, He walks the Sorrowful Way street; and nowhere else. Clearly, the is betrayed, on Spy Wednesday, by one through Jerusalem, carrying the Cross owners are copying their neighbours. It was of His twelve chosen men. Judas Iscariot, upon which He will die, He falls three a reminder that we are impressionable. Eastertide is a great time to ask ourselves: “Do I strive to whom our Lord had entrusted the times. He meets various people along the to copy Christ’s example of love, and does my life reflect that?” Try this short meditation to greatest responsibility after St. Peter way. He utters His seven last words. And think it over. himself, hands Jesus over for a bounty of finally, having loved us to the end, He thirty pieces of silver - the equivalent of consummates His mission and gives up 1. Read Ephesians 5:1-2 about five weeks’ pay for a working man. 2. Sit up straight and close your eyes. Breathe in deeply through the nose. Hold a few seconds. Breathe out through the mouth and as you do so feel the whole of your body relax. 3. Now meditate for a few moments on the ways that the love of Christ impresses you. Your Catholic People… 4. Now say this prayer – or one of your own – ‘Dear Lord, Please help me to follow Your loving example in the way I live my life. And please, let others see You in me. I ask this in Jesus’ Editorial Dr James Campbell-Editor. Archbishop’s House, 43 Cathedral Road, Cardiff, CF11 9HD name. Amen.’ Tel: (029) 2022 0411 Fax: (029) 2037 9036 Email: and Articles to be received by the 20th of the month for inclusion in the following month. 5. When you are ready breathe in and out deeply as before. Then open your eyes and have a During the present pandemic the Editor is self isolating but can be contacted through his mobile 07872 580260 big stretch. and personal email address I hope that the love of God is a daily help and comfort which you share Advertising Tel: 0151 709 7567 with others. Designed & Produced Mersey Mirror, Suite 4, Pacific Chambers, 11-13 Victoria Street, Liverpool L2 5QQ. Tel: 0151 God bless 709 7567 Email: Teresa Submission of photographs Please note photographs submitted for publication must be in jpeg or pdf format. For more on the above topic please see Teresa’s blog: Those in Word format cannot be accepted Email: Please send your copy and pictures for publication to both email addresses and Teresa O’Driscoll is the author of 9 Days to Heaven, How to make Articles to be received by the 20th of the month for inclusion in the following month. everlasting meaning of your life
CATHOLIC PEOPLE 3 Volunteer Recognition 2021 Editorial The immense value – Nominations Open of our priests You can see on page 4 and 5 of this edition of Catholic People an appeal for all of us to contribute to the Priest Training Fund Appeal. It has been an extraordinary year for volunteering, To Nominate: especially with volunteers’ response to the Covid-19 Nomination Form available via Covid 19 has seen how our priests have pandemic and we want to celebrate the effort recognition-2021-nominations/ responded to our needs during this time of crisis. They give wise advice, comfort an volunteers have made across the Archdiocese of Alternatively request a copy by using email below. This reassurance to all of us caught up in these Cardiff. will also be circulated to all parishes. horrible times. You now have the chance to say a big thank you to It takes seven years to train a priest who then those special people who go above and beyond in their Please submit the nomination form to: has a lifelong commitment study and pray efforts to help church and community. Give them the and serve all of us. recognition they deserve by making your nomination and Support & Enquiries: Gareth Simpson, Volunteer & encouraging others to get involved. Project Manager But think of the cost! The Archdiocese invests £189,000 for the training of each 02920 379483 seminarian, a heavy burden on the Categories for Recognition Reach: Open to all voluntary work associated with the archdiocese. • Young People (up to 25 years) – recognising the Archdiocese of Cardiff. contribution of young people from school, college, Recognition: All nominees are winners and will be But that burden is miraculously lifted when these young priests join us, working with university, employment and beyond. recognised for their valuable volunteer contribution. Each older colleagues, learning from their • Volunteer of the Year – recognising the contribution of category may also have an ‘outstanding volunteer’ experience and administering to their flocks. individuals. recognised. • Volunteer Team – recognising teams with a particular Contact: All nominees will be contacted in advance of We are so lucky to have our priests, both young and old. We are so lucky to have their focus. National Volunteering Week (June 1-7). advice, comfort and support, especially in • Specialist Volunteers – Health & Safety; Safeguarding; Celebration Evening – an opportunity for messages of these Covid 19 times. Fundraising, Digital Support. Celebrating those who take thanks to all involved, an informal online gathering in the on roles with distinct responsibilities. Open to other presence of Archbishop George Stack. As editor of Catholic People I have seen our young priests grow up and blossom into their areas of specialism. A meeting link will be provided to all nominees and maturity and be our pastors, leading us not • Emergency Voluntary Response: Covid-19 – responses nominators with relevant details. only in worship but in life. to the pandemic in their many forms. Also recognising I urge all of our readers to support the Priest responses to flooding and other emergencies. An activity from the ‘Building Resilience – Safeguarding Training Fund Appeal. The coupon to donate • Lifetime Volunteer - recognising those that have always our Ecclesiastical Heritage’ project funded by National is on page 5. been at the forefront of church and community life. Lottery Heritage Fund. Follow @HeritageFundUK on Twitter, Facebook and Please, please support this initiative. We need our priests! Nominations - closing date Monday 3rd May Instagram and use #NationalLotteryHeritageFund Volunteers prepare lunch at Usk
4 CATHOLIC PEOPLE Father Laurence reveals his faith during Covid With the annual Priest in a car park! Jesus’ words “You did not gap year where I worked and for a year as part of my degree, Training Fund Appeal taking In these strange times, choose me, no, I chose you.” travelled a little. I then went to although very enjoyable, gave place over the weekend of however, when Priestly ministry These words certainly ring true university in Cardiff. One of the me a hunger for helping people 24th & 25 April we decided to has in certain aspects had to for me, and I’m sure for any strange things is that, when I in a different way: helping them catch up with newly ordained adapt, I've still found it priest. My vocational was first applying to university, grow closer to God. Trying to parish priest, Fr Laurence tremendously fulfilling. As a discernment has seemed to be Cardiff was not one of my top discern whether the Lord was Bryce, to reflect on a parish we have been busy more of a ‘responding’ than an choices; I was more attracted to calling me to Cardiff or to my tumultuous year. We asked Fr providing practical as well as active choosing: being gently others. Over the next few home diocese of Portsmouth Laurence to explain his path spiritual support, for example, drawn and guided by God months, however, I felt a draw was difficult, but praying over that led from university to the raising funds for the along the path He had in mind to Cardiff. When I look back, I this I felt a draw to Wales. Archdiocese of Cardiff. ‘Archbishop’s Food Voucher for me. realise that this was the gentle Although seminary formation The past year has been Scheme’ which is helping hard I can’t say what put the idea guidance of the Lord, since, was tough at times, I found it extremely strange and pressed families across the of Priesthood into my head in had I gone with my initial fulfilling and I had a sense that challenging for everyone. It Archdiocese. Tackling the my mid-teens, but it made its feelings, I would never have the Lord was working and occurred to me the other day effects of COVID-19 this past way there somehow. As I got come to Wales. continuing to lead me. The that I've now spent more time year certainly was not what I older, this sense of a calling, prayers and support of people in Priestly ministry under envisaged during my which I tried to resist at first, A hunger for helping people back in Cardiff, including the lockdown than out of it. In the discernment of a vocation to persisted and furthermore grew Priest Training Fund, was both parish of All Saints, Newport, the Priesthood. stronger. I can’t describe it any At university my discernment encouraging and much needed where I'm an assistant priest more than that: a sense inside accelerated somewhat. I was and at times kept me going, we have tried to reach out to I chose you - Jesus me of some kind of calling, fortunate to be helped and ensuring that I could get to the parishioners in various ways which was accompanied by a encouraged by the Catholic point of now serving the people such as live-streamed Mass, One of the gospel quotes that desire to delve deeper into my Chaplaincy and by family, of God in the ministry that I virtual coffee mornings on is frequently used to describe faith. friends and priests. The believe the Lord had “chosen” Zoom, even taking Confessions vocational discernment is I finished school and took a experience of working full-time for me.
CATHOLIC PEOPLE 5 Priest Training Fund Appeal If the last year has taught us anything it is how important parish priests are in providing spiritual and practical support in times of crisis. Those who decide to train for the priesthood have also made a commitment to our faith. Without their sacrifice our community would be all the poorer. The calibre of those who have answered God’s call to serve gives us hope for the future. We must prepare these men as best we can for all the challenges that the world can throw at them. As a church we are committed to ensuring that they receive robust preparation under the guidance of expert mentors. Through seven years of formation, and a lifelong commitment to study and prayer, each priest is taught to serve others helping them on their journey. During their education, seminarians also acquire expertise in philosophy and theology as well as gaining new spiritual maturity. Worthy Investment In a world that seems increasingly reluctant to take risks, the challenge of a lifelong commitment to serve God and God’s people is daunting. But those who enter seminary know that they are supported by family and friends in their home diocese. Priests are called to live simple lives but high-quality training comes at a price. On average the Archdiocese of Cardiff invests £189,000 in the formation of each seminarian over seven years. Yet following ordination a priest may give back more than 40 or 50-years’ service, so the investment brings a considerable return. Can you help? Investing in the education of priests ensures that future generations will enjoy the support and guidance of a parish priest. We ask our friends, and those who share our vision for a world transformed by Jesus Christ, to consider how they might be able to help. Given the current uncertainties being caused by COVID-19 the easiest way to donate to the Priest Training Fund is online at Alternatively, you can also donate by printing the Gift Aid declaration on this page and sending it to Archbishop’s House, 41/43 Cathedral Road, Cardiff, CF11 9HD. Please make cheques payable to the ARCHDIOCESE OF CARDIFF. As usual donations can be made in your parish where Gift Aid envelopes will also be available. We are so very grateful for your support, thank you.
6 CATHOLIC PEOPLE Caritas Calling...Caritas Calling...Caritas Calling... April / May 2021 reiterated his gratitude for the important A Monthly Bulletin for our local parishes, work being undertaken to relieve food charities and Catholic Agencies poverty exacerbated by the pandemic. Archbishop George continued: ‘thanks 1. The third round of the Archbishop’s to the generosity of individuals and Food Voucher Scheme has opened funders, the Diocese of Cardiff will be able to distribute in excess of £127,000 2. Walking through Holy Week with worth of supermarket vouchers. I am Jesus also pleased to report that Lenten Alms 3. Conference on ‘A politics rooted in collected throughout the diocese will be the people’ allocated to this important project’. The Archdiocese is pleased to 4. The Year Of The God Who Speaks announce a third round of funding for Grassroots leaders, community Christian, some not. 2021 the Archbishop’s Food Voucher Scheme. organisers and academics will gather to I would like the Church to open its doors Scripture Study sessions Applications will be welcomed from take forward the Pope’s remarkable call more widely to these movements; I Monday 22nd March 2021 until Friday for the Church to embrace “a politics hope every diocese in the world has an 5. The Pope’s Prayer intentions: 2nd April 2021. Further details will be rooted in the people,” with a focus on ongoing collaboration with them, as April - Universal intention distributed to schools and parishes by broad-based organising and “popular some already do. Fundamental rights the Food Programme Team shortly. movements”. But my role and that of the Church is to May - Universal intention Donations to support this work are The conference will be convened by accompany, not paternalize them. That The world of finance welcomed. CTC in partnership with Catholic means offering teaching and guidance, 6. The Cycle of Prayer To contribute visit institutions in the United States, but never imposing doctrine or trying to European Union and United Kingdom. It control them. 7. Herefordshire Elections on 6 May will form part of the 50th anniversary The Church illuminates with the light of 2021 item/archbishops-food-voucher-appeal/ This initiative has been made possible celebrations of the Catholic Campaign the Gospel, awakening the peoples to 8. Senedd and Police and Crime owing to the generosity of the Albert for Human Development (CCHD), the their own dignity, but it is the people Commissioner Elections on 6 May Gubay Charitable Foundation, the domestic anti-poverty program of the who have the instinct to organize 2021 National Lottery Community Fund and United States Conference of Catholic themselves. Barclays Bank Bishops, which empowers low-income Pope Francis, Let Us Dream [pg.121] 9. Calls for participants in the people to participate in decisions that Citizens Cymru Wales Elections affect their lives, families and 4. The Year Of The God Who Speaks Accountability Assembly 2. Walking through Holy Week with Jesus communities and nurtures solidarity 2021 10. Caritas development in the Walking through Holy Week with Jesus: between people living in poverty and Scripture Study sessions have once Archdiocese of Cardiff The Political, economic and religious their neighbours. again been scheduled for this year. elements of Holy Week as seen in Austen Ivereigh, who helped Francis They will be delivered via Zoom and 1. The third round of the Archbishop’s Mark compile the book, has said that YouTube on the dates set out below. Food Voucher Scheme has opened David McLoughlin, Emeritus Let Us Dream contains the They will run on certain Saturdays from Link: Archbishop’s Food Voucher Scheme reopens after distributing £93,000 - Archdiocese of Cardiff Fellow of Christian Theology, Newman University, This “ narrative re-awakens and clearest endorsement ever by a Pope of broad-based community organising, 11am to 12.30pm. April 24th, 2021: Encountering Jesus as the Messiah in Matthew's Gospel - Fr. Birmingham, talks us through Holy Week, a day- inspires us not and the “inclusive Tim McGrath The ‘Archbishop’s Food Voucher by-day account describes just to remember populism” it embodies. Dr May 29th, 2021: Celebrating, Living and Scheme’ was launched in December in Mark’s Gospel. He gives but to participate Ivereigh will give a keynote Sharing ‘The God Who Speaks’ - 2020. By distributing digital supermarket a fresh insight into the anew address at the conference, Deacon Rob Coyne vouchers, the scheme provides short- term relief to those suffering food poverty as a result of COVID-19. events as they unfold by contextualising the social, political, and economic landscape of ” after which there will be presentations involving grassroots leaders, community For more information and to register for the talks so that you will receive the Zoom link, please email Madeleine Link: Download EFV Scheme Poster the time. organisers and Catholic academics. Walters at To date, a total of £93,360 has been The journey is very familiar to many of The aim of the conference is to help the The God Who Speaks initiative will run distributed across 29 parishes and 47 us but perhaps because of that has Church respond at all levels to Pope to the Sunday of the Word in January schools throughout the diocese. The first become ‘stale’ in our understanding of Francis’ call for engagement with 2022. In the Archdiocese of Cardiff, Kate round provided vital assistance in the what is taking place each day and its popular movements, and to ensure that Duffin and Madeleine Walters, promote run-up to Christmas, supporting over significance as a whole. David describes such engagement flows from the heart The God Who Speaks initiative and, for 5,000 individuals across South Wales Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on Palm of the Church’s life and prayer. Newsletters, contact Madeleine at and Herefordshire. The second round of Sunday to His crucifixion on Good Alongside CTC and CCHD, conference funding was distributed to schools and Friday. This narrative re-awakens and partners include Caritas Social Action Fr. Jerome Ituah OCD is the contact in parishes in February 2021 to continue inspires us not just to remember but to Network (an agency of the Catholic the Diocese of Menevia: this support. participate anew in this Holy Week and Bishops Conference for England and The scheme is making a positive our every week experience. See his Wales), Boston College Law School, the difference to people’s lives. Reports presentation on our YouTube channel by Centre for Catholic Social Thought and 5. The Pope’s Prayer intentions: show how these vouchers have helped clicking this link: Practice, the Institute of Pastoral Studies (Visit: each asylum seekers, families relying on free at Loyola University in Chicago, the month for the latest video) school meals or waiting for universal Discover the MCW - Movement of Katholische Hochschule für Sozialwesen April – Universal intention - credit payments. This support has Christian Workers Link: Home in Berlin and the Oblates of Mary Fundamental rights helped those who have lost jobs or ( The MCW is a member Immaculate (Anglo-Irish Province). “We pray for those who risk their lives faced reduced hours in hard hit sectors of the World Movement of Christian The conference will run from 1600 to while fighting for fundamental rights of the economy. Families struggling with Workers 2000 UK time on 15th April 2021. It will under dictatorships, authoritarian parent or child illness, victims of be possible to watch and to participate regimes and even in democracies in domestic abuse and those struggling 3. Conference on ‘A politics rooted in via webchat without any need to crisis.” with bereavement have all benefited. the people’ register. The conference programme will May - Universal intention - The world of This level of support has been made Link: The Centre for Theology & be available from 26th March on a finance possible through the extraordinary efforts Community dedicated conference website – “Let us pray that those in charge of of parish priests and volunteers helping Pope Francis’s new book Let Us Dream finance will work with governments to their communities. In writing to schools will be the basis for an international To be clear: this is not the Church regulate financial markets and protect and parishes, Archbishop George conference on April 15th 2021. “organizing” the people. These are citizens from its dangers.” organizations that already exist—some
CATHOLIC PEOPLE 7 .Caritas Calling...Caritas Calling...Caritas Calling 6. The Cycle of Prayer: - Cycle of offer them. Prayer | Easter ( • What jobs and skills can be found in During Easter: - we are asked to pray the parish? How might they be of for these intentions: service to both the parish plant and to New Members of the Church – Link: the community? New Members of the Church Links This is a time for the community and the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of neophytes together to grow in the Church - Chapter Six - Human Work deepening their grasp of the paschal ( mystery and in making it part of their St Antony’s Centre for Church and lives through meditation on the Gospel, Industry sharing in the eucharist, and in doing Link: St Antony's Centre for Church and works of charity. RCIA 234 Industry - CSAN Vocations - especially on the World Day St Antony’s Centre for Church and of Prayer for Vocations (4th Sunday of Industry seeks to promote better Easter) understanding and knowledge of Link: Message for the 58th World Day Christian social thinking in relation to of Prayer for Vocations 2021 | Francis industrial and economic issues. The ( Centre works with a wide range of “Saint Joseph suggests to us three key community groups, organisations, words for each individual’s vocation. The churches and individuals to develop first is dream. Everyone dreams of common objectives and to benefit the finding fulfilment in life. We rightly wider community through specific nurture great hopes, lofty aspirations that projects. [More through the link] ephemeral goals – like success, money Young Christian Workers (YCW) and entertainment – cannot satisfy. If we Link: Young Christian Workers (YCW) - were to ask people to express in one CSAN word their life’s dream, it would not be The Young Christian Workers (YCW) is a difficult to imagine the answer: “to be Movement run for, by and amongst loved”… young people. It is a Movement that “…A second word marks the journey of works for a world where young people Saint Joseph and that of vocation: can make a difference, where they can service. The Gospels show how Joseph “Be the Difference”. It seeks to bring lived entirely for others and never for about the transformation needed in himself… order for all young people to live a life of “…a third characteristic of Saint dignity, worthy of the Creator. and Crime Commissioner Elections and Political Parties in the Senedd to seek Joseph’s daily life and our Christian The Right Use of the Media - details on how to vote visit: Link: their commitment to work with us on vocation, namely fidelity. Joseph is the especially on World Communications The these priorities. The date and time of “righteous man” (Mt 1:19) who daily Day (7th Sunday of Easter) deadline to register to vote for these this Assembly is still tbc but is planned perseveres in quietly serving God and Link: LV World Communications Day, elections is midnight on Monday 19 April for a week day evening in the week of his plans. At a particularly difficult 2021 - “Come and See” (Jn 1:46). 2021. If you are not registered or have 25 April. We are looking for parish and moment in his life, he thoughtfully Communicating by Encountering People recently moved house you can register school delegates to attend the considered what to do (cf. v. 20). He did Where and as They Are | Francis to vote online at Accountability Assembly, as an not let himself be hastily pressured. He ( You will need opportunity to learn how community did not yield to the temptation to act The Church - especially on your national insurance number, but it organising works for social justice and rashly, simply following his Pentecost Sunday – Link: The only takes 5 minutes to register. the common good. The Archdiocese of instincts or living for the Church moment. Instead, he pondered things patiently. “ We rightly nurture great When the work which the Father gave the Son to do 8. Senedd and Police and Crime Commissioner Elections on 6 May Cardiff, the Diocese of Llandaff and Cardiff University, are Founder Members and Strategic Partners of Citizens Cymru He knew that success in on earth was 2021 - Register to vote Wales. To register for the Accountability life is built on constant hopes, lofty accomplished, the Holy aspirations that The Senedd Cymru/Welsh Parliament Assembly, please email Jim Barnaville at fidelity to important Spirit was sent on the day Elections will take place on Thursday 6th decisions. This was reflected ephemeral goals of Pentecost in order that May. The Police and Crime (See also item 3. Conference on ‘A in his perseverance in plying he might continually sanctify Commissioners Elections, postponed politics rooted in the people’ above) the trade of a humble carpenter (cf. Mt 13:55), a quiet perseverance that made no news in his ” the Church." Then "the Church was openly displayed to the crowds and the spread of the from last year because of the pandemic, will also take place. These will be for In his encyclical, Fratelli tutti, Pope Francis calls us to rediscover our England and Wales. Senedd Election vocation as citizens by building strong own time, yet has inspired the daily lives Gospel among the nations, through 2021 Vote on 6 May 2021 - If you’re 16 relationships with our neighbours and of countless fathers, labourers and preaching, was begun." As the or 17 years old in May 2021, you can taking bold action for the common good. Christians ever since. For a vocation – "convocation" of all men for salvation, vote for the first time in the Senedd Citizens UK, and its Chapter in Wales, like life itself – matures only through the Church in her very nature is Election. Not registered yet? You’ll need Citizens Cymru, provide individuals, daily fidelity…”(Message of Pope missionary, sent by Christ to all the to register to vote before 19 April 2021. parishes, schools and charities with an Francis) nations to make disciples of them. Vote 16 - Your voice matters. effective and invigorating way to answer Human Work - especially on St Joseph Catechism 767 this call, through the practice of the Worker (1 May) 9. Calls for participants in the community organising. The commemoration of St Joseph the 7. Herefordshire Elections on 6 May Citizens Cymru Wales Elections Worker on 1 May was instituted by Pius 2021 Accountability Assembly 10. Caritas development in the XII in 1955. It proposes the example and Herefordshire Council has announced Members of parishes and schools in Archdiocese of Cardiff intercession of Joseph as worker and that various Local by-elections and Archdiocese are planning to participate For details on how to participate in the provider. Neighbourhood Planning Referendums in the Citizens Cymru Wales development of the Caritas service in Opportunities and Challenges: will take place alongside the Police and Accountability Assembly. In a Delegates your parish or school, please contact: • Many areas have had an influx of Crime Commissioner elections on Assembly meeting, held on 23 March, Jim Barnaville, Coordinator, Caritas migrant workers how might they made Thursday 6 May 2021. For more priorities were agreed by civil society Archdiocese of Cardiff. Email: be welcome in the parish, what information on forthcoming elections members from across Wales. These will support might the parish be able to and referendums, including the Police be presented to the Leaders of the
8 CATHOLIC PEOPLE The devotion of Palm Sunday • Continued from Page 1 forgiveness; his example changed history, … and so on. They admire him, but their lives are not changed. To admire Jesus is not enough. We have to follow in his footsteps, to let ourselves be challenged by him; to pass from admiration to amazement. What is most amazing about the Lord and his Passover? It is the fact that he achieves glory through humiliation. He triumphs by accepting suffering and death, things that we, in our quest for admiration and success, would rather avoid. Jesus – as Saint Paul tells us – “emptied himself… he humbled himself” (Phil 2:7.8). This is the amazing thing: to see the Almighty reduced to nothing. To see the Word who knows all things teach us in silence from the height of the cross. To see the king of kings enthroned on a gibbet. Seeing the God of the universe stripped of everything and crowned with thorns instead of glory. To see the One who is goodness personified, insulted and beaten. Why all this humiliation? Why, Lord, did you wish to endure all this? He experienced our deepest sorrows Jesus did it for us, to plumb the depths of our human experience, our entire existence, all our evil. To draw near to us and not abandon us in our suffering and our death. To redeem us, to save us. Jesus was lifted high on the cross in order to descend to the abyss of our other course than to take refuge in me! How precious I am to you!” Let us Son of God!” (Mk 15:39). He was suffering. He experienced our deepest legalisms, in clericalisms and in all these be amazed by Jesus so that we can amazed by love. How did he see Jesus sorrows: failure, loss of everything, things that Jesus condemns in chapter start living again, for the grandeur of life die? He saw him die in love, and this betrayal by a friend, even abandonment 23 of the Gospel of Matthew. lies not in possessions and amazed him. Jesus suffered immensely, by God. During Holy Week, our eyes promotions, but in realizing that but he never stopped loving. This is By experiencing in the flesh our deepest struggles and conflicts, he redeemed and transformed them. His were lifted to the cross, in order to receive the grace of amazement. As Saint Jesus was lifted high on the cross “ we are loved. This is the grandeur of life: discovering that we are loved. And the what it is to be amazed before God, who can fill even death with love. In that gratuitous and unprecedented love, the love draws close to our frailty; it touches Francis of Assisi in order to descend grandeur of life lies pagan centurion found God. His words – the very things of which we are most contemplated the to the abyss of our precisely in the beauty of Truly this man was the Son of God! – ashamed. Yet now we know that we are crucified Lord, he was suffering love. “seal” the Passion narrative. not alone: God is at our side in every amazed that his friars did In the crucified Jesus, we The Gospels tell us that many others affliction, in every fear; no evil, no sin will ever have the final word. God triumphs, not weep. What about us? Can we still be moved by God’s ” see God humiliated, the Almighty dismissed and discarded. before him had admired Jesus for his miracles and prodigious works, and had but the palm of victory passes through love? Have we lost the ability to be And with the grace of amazement we acknowledged that he was the Son of the wood of the cross. For the palm and amazed by him? Why? Maybe our faith come to realize that in welcoming the God. Yet Christ silenced them, because the cross are inseparable. has grown dull from habit. Maybe we dismissed and discarded, in drawing they risked remaining purely on the level Let us ask for the grace to be amazed. remain trapped in our regrets and allow close to those ill-treated by life, we are of worldly admiration at the idea of a A Christian life without amazement ourselves to be crippled by our loving Jesus. For that is where he is: in God to be adored and feared for his becomes drab and dreary. How can we disappointments. Maybe we have lost all the least of our brothers and sisters, in power and might. Now it can no longer talk about the joy of meeting Jesus, our trust or even feel worthless. But the rejected and discarded, in those be so, for at the foot of the cross there unless we are daily astonished and perhaps, behind all these “maybes”, lies whom our self-righteous culture can be no mistake: God has revealed amazed by his love, which brings us the fact that we are not open to the gift condemns. himself and reigns only with the forgiveness and the possibility of a new of the Spirit who gives us the grace of disarmed and disarming power of love. beginning? When faith no longer amazement. He never stopped loving Brothers and sisters, today God experiences amazement, it grows dull: it continues to fill our minds and hearts becomes blind to the wonders of grace; We are loved by Him Today’s Gospel shows us, immediately with amazement. Let us be filled with it can no longer taste the Bread of life after the death of Jesus, a splendid icon that amazement as we gaze upon the and hear the Word; it can no longer Let us start over from amazement. Let of amazement. It is the scene of the crucified Lord. May we too say: “You are perceive the beauty of our brothers and us gaze upon Jesus on the cross and centurion who, upon seeing that Jesus truly the Son of God. You are my God”. sisters and the gift of creation. It has no say to him: “Lord, how much you love had died, said: “Truly this man was the Designed and produced by CPMM Media Group, Suite 4, Pacific Chambers, 11-13 Victoria Street L2 5QQ. Tel: 0151 709 7567
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