Research Statement - Gabriel Grill

Page created by Wanda Reynolds
June 3, 2022
Gabriel Grill                                                                  
School of Information, University of Michigan

Research Statement
My research interests center around the critical study of algorithms/data, platforms/infrastructure, and
supply chains, and their co-production with culture and discourse. I mainly use qualitative methods informed
by sensibilities from feminist science and technology studies, infrastructure studies and my prior education in
computer science. I am affiliated with the Center for Ethics, Society, and Computing (ESC), the
Infrastructure Lab and the Tech.Culture.Matters. research collective. I have memberships in 4s, EASST, SSN,
AoIR, SASE and ACM SIGCHI. I strive to also have social impact beyond academia: My work has been cited
in governmental policy documents of the European Parliament and in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. It
has been referenced by NGOs such as Human Rights Watch and, and received media attention
in Austria, Australia, Germany, and the UK.

  University of Michigan                                                                      Ann Arbor, US
  Ph.D. Candidate in Information and Science, Technology & Society (STS)                            Since 2018
  Advisors: Silvia Lindtner and Christian Sandvig
  Technical University of Vienna (TU Wien)                                                        Vienna, AT
  M.Sc. in Computational Intelligence                                                          2022 (expected)
  Student Exchange: University of Waterloo (CA),Télécom ParisTech (FR), EPFL (CH)
  Technical University of Vienna (TU Wien)                                                        Vienna, AT
  B.Sc. in Software & Information Engineering, with high distinction                                      2015
  Additional Courses in Gender Studies, STS, Sociology and Cognitive Science

  University of Michigan                                                                      Ann Arbor, US
  Research Assistant at School of Information                                                 Summer 2020/21
  Austrian Academy of Sciences                                                                    Vienna, AT
  Researcher at Institute of Technology Assessment                                               Summer 2020
  Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria                                          Vienna, AT
  Student reviewer at Management Center Innsbruck (MCI)                                       April - June 2018
  National Institute of Informatics                                                                 Tokyo, JP
  Research Intern at Knowledge Sharing Group                                              February - May 2017
  Austrian Academy of Sciences                                                                    Vienna, AT
  Researcher at Austrian Center for Digital Humanities                                             2016 - 2018
  Research Studios Austria                                                                        Vienna, AT
  Junior Researcher at Smart Agent Technologies                                September 2012 - Jannuary 2014
  Technical University of Vienna (TU Wien)                                                        Vienna, AT
  Research Intern at Institute of Computer Aided Automation                                 Summer 2009/2010

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Publications & Presentations
Peer-Reviewed Journal and Conference Articles
 Im, J., Schoenebeck, S., Iriarte, M., Grill, G., Wilkinson, D., Batool, A., Alharbi, R., Funwie, A., Gankhuu, T.,
 Gilbert, E., Naseem, M., “Women’s Perspectives on Harm and Justice after Online Harassment”, Proceedings of ACM
 in Human Computer Interaction (PACM), 2022
 Grill, G., Andalibi, N., “Attitudes and Folk Theories of Data Subjects on Transparency and Accuracy in Emotion
 Recognition”, Proceedings of ACM in Human Computer Interaction (PACM), 2022
 Grill, G., “Future protests made risky: Examining social media based civil unrest prediction research and
 technology”, Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), 2021
 (equal co-authorship), Allhutter, D., Cech, F., Fischer, F., Grill, G., Mager, A., “Algorithmic profiling of job
 seekers in Austria: how to make austerity politics effective”, Frontiers in Big Data: Critical Data and Algorithm
 Studies, January 2020
 Wagner, B., Lopez, P., Cech, F., Grill, G., Sekwenz, M., “Der AMS-Algorithmus. Transparenz, Verantwortung und
 Diskriminierung im Kontext von digitalem staatlichem Handeln”, JURIDIKUM 2020 (Austrian law journal), Issue 2,
 June 2020
 Kleedorfer, F., Busch, C.M., Grill, G., Khosravipour, S., Salcher, F., Tus, A., Gstrein, E., “Web of Needs – A New
 Paradigm for E–Commerce”, 15th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics, July 2013

Workshops and Extended Abstracts
 Grill, G., “Researching online labor strike and protest prediction technologies”, AoIR Selected Papers of Internet
 Research, October 2020
 Grill, G., “Intervening in Computer Science education and research”, CHI 2020 Activism Workshop - Moving
 Forward Together: Effective Activism for Change, Canceled due to COVID-19
 Grill, G., “Towards a critical review of protest and strike prediction research”, 17th European Conference on
 Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Workshop: Materializing Activism, June 2019
 Grill, G., Neidhardt, J., Werthner, H., “Network Analysis on the Austrian Media Corpus”, 3rd Vienna young
 Scientists Symposium, June 2017

 Grill, G., “Making algorithms work: On the production of ignorance in the construction of accuracy measures in
 machine learning”, 4s/ESOCITE Joint Meeting 2022, December 2022
 Grill, G., “Unpacking risk in unrest risk assessment across global supply chains”, SASE 2022 - Panel “Digital
 Technologies and Working Conditions in Global Value Chains”, July 2022
 Grill, G., “’Constructing Certainty: The performativity of benchmarking and its hold on the future”, EASST 2022,
 July 2022
 Grill, G., “The politics of data in labor unrest risk assessment across global supply chains”, The 9th biennial
 Surveillance & Society conference of the Surveillance Studies Network, June 2022
 Grill, G., “Unpacking the construction of labor risk in supply chain management”, RAI 2022 (Anthropology, AI and
 the Future of Human Society) - Panel “AI and the new politics of supply chains”, June 2022
 Grill, G., “Disruptions as democratic participation: Problematizing technologies for predicting civil unrest”, Data
 Justice Conference 2021, May 2021
 Schoenebeck, S., Alharbi, R., Im, J., Iriarte, M., Batool, A., Grill, G., Wilkinson, D., Gilbert, E., Funwie, A.,
 Naseem, M., “Repairing Online Harms: Assessing Punitive and Reparative Justice Approaches”, First Annual
 Conference of The Platform Governance Research Network, March 2021
 Allhutter, D., Mager, A., Cech, F., Fischer, F., Grill, G., “Algorithmic Welfare: BürgerInnen-Profiling im
 Wohlfahrtsstaat”, Momentum Kongress: Republik, October 2020

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Grill, G., Fischer, F., Allhutter, D., Mager, A., Cech, F., “Algorithmic profiling of job seekers in Austria: how to
 make austerity politics effective”, Society for social studies of science - Annual Meeting 2020, August 2020
 Allhutter, D., Mager, A., Cech, F., Fischer, F., Grill, G., “Algorithmic profiling of job seekers in Austria: how to
 make austerity politics effective”, 4th European Technology Assessment Conference, November 2019
 Grill, G., Sandvig, C., “The science of ”civil unrest prediction“ meets social media”, Society for social studies of
 science - Annual Meeting 2019, September 2019

 (equal authorship) Allhutter, D., Mager, A., Cech, F., Fischer, F., Grill, G., “Der AMS-Algorithmus: Eine
 soziotechnische Analyse des Arbeitsmarkt-Assistenz-Systems (AMAS) (The AMS algorithm: A socio-technical
 analysis of the labor market chances decision-support system)”, Institute of Technology Assessment, Austrian
 Academy of Sciences (AT), November 2020

Invited Talks
 Grill, G., “TBA”, CADE speaker series of the Center for Applied Data Ethics at the University of San Francisco,
 Grill, G., “Guest Lecture on Big Data”, Course: Critical Theory of Media and Informatics at TU Wien, Spring 2020

Summer/Winter Schools
 Oxford Media Policy Summer Institute, Technology and Policy During Times of Crisis, Presented: “Algorithmic
 Ignorance: On the construction of accuracy measures and their hold on the future”, University of Oxford (UK),
 August 2022
 DigiGov Virtual Winter School, Taming the iMonster: Regulating digital platforms, Presented: “Contested
 Inferences on Social Media: The case of Emotion AI”, University of Vienna (AT), February 2022
 Surveillance Studies Summer Seminar, Presented: “The science of ’civil unrest prediction’ meets social media”,
 Queen’s University (CA), June 2019

 Seminar in Critical Algorithm Studies at TU Wien (AT)                                               Spring 2016/17/18
 Developed course and syllabus: https://
 Welcome.TU.Code at TU Wien (AT)                                                                           Summer 2015
 Lecture series for unaccompanied, minor refugees.

Graduate Student Instructor
 SI 310 Information Environments and Work at University of Michigan (US)                                      Fall   2022
 SI 339 Web Design, Development, and Accessibility at University of Michigan (US)                           Winter   2022
 SI 504 Servers, The Shell, and Git at University of Michigan (US)                                            Fall   2021
 SI 564 SQL & Databases at University of Michigan (US)                                                        Fall   2021
 SIADS 503: Data Science Ethics at University of Michigan (US)                                                Fall   2020
 SIADS 501: Being a Data Scientist at University of Michigan (US)                                             Fall   2020
 SI 507: Programming II at University of Michigan (US)                                                      Winter   2020
 SI 506: Programming I at University of Michigan (US)                                                         Fall   2019

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Teaching Assistant
 Interactions of Society and Technology at TU Wien (AT)                                              Spring 2015/2016
 Basics of Human Computer Interaction at TU Wien (AT)                                                Spring 2015/2016
 Algorithmics and Datastructures II at TU Wien (AT)                                                       Spring 2013
 Algorithmics and Datastructures I at TU Wien (AT)                                                        Spring 2013

Scholarships and Awards
 Open-Access Article of the week, The Syllabus                                                         September 2021
 UMSI Travel Grant ($ 700 + $ 300)                                                              2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
 Rackham Conference Travel Grant ($ 1050)                                                                   2019, 2021
 IG Wien Pioneer Scholarship, European Forum Alpbach                                                              2016
 Volunteer of Fall 2015, Federation of Students, University of Waterloo                                      Fall 2015
 Scholarship for Technology Symposium, European Forum Alpbach                                                     2014
 Windhag Scholarship (e 450)                                                                                      2014
 Siegfried Ludwig-Fonds Scholarship (e 200)                                                                       2014
 Foundation Stipend (e 1800), TU Wien                                                                       2013, 2014
 Excellence Scholarship of Informatics Faculty (e 1000), TU Wien                                            2012, 2013
 4th, 9th place at Catalysts Coding Contest, Hagenberg (e 700) & Vienna (e 500)                                   2012
 Newcomer Award, Finals at RoboCup Junior, Category: OnStage, Graz & Singapore                              2009, 2010

 Languages: English (fluent), German (fluent)
 Social Science: Qualitative Methods, Interviews, Ethnography, Situational Analysis
 Computer Science: ML, NLP, Parallel Computing, Compilers, Security, Databases, Functional Programming
 Technologies: Python, Spark, Haskell, Scala, Java, C#, F#, C, C++

Mentions in Media and Policy Publications
Self-Authored Articles
 Grill, G., Steiner, A., Dobusch, L., “Arbeitskämpfe auf Social Media: Zwischen Streikorganisation und
 Streikvorhersage (Labor struggles on social media: Between strike organization and strike prediction)”,
 Netzpolitik.ORG (DE), 2018,
 (equal authorship) Burtscher, S., Fassl, M., Grill, G., “Wenn der Algortihmus zum Unterdrücker wird (When
 algorithms discriminate)”, Progress (AT), 2018,

Cited in Media
 “Targeted Safety Net Programs Fall Short on Rights Protection: IMF/World Bank”, Human Rights Watch (US),
 “Targeted Safety Net Programs Fall Short on Rights Protection: IMF/World Bank”, Mirage News (AU), 2022,
 Skelton, S. K., “EU artificial intelligence regulation risks undermining social safety net”, ComputerWeekly (UK),
 “Artificial Intelligence Regulation Threatens Social Safety Net: EU”, Mirage News (AU), 2021,
 Jones, A., “The EU’s bid to regulate AI could endanger the social safety net”, IndustryEurope.COM (EU), 2021,

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Allhutter, D., Mager, A., “AMS-Algorithmus könnte zu struktureller und sozialer Ungleichheit beitragen (AMS
 algorithm could contribute to structural and social inequalities)”, AK Oberösterreich/A&W Blog (Austrian chamber
 of labour) (AT), 2020,
 “AMS-Algorithmus fördert laut Studie soziale Ungleichheit (AMS algorithm strengthens social inequality according to
 study)”, ORF (Austrian national public service broadcaster) (AT), 2020,
 “AMS-Algorithmus verstärkt Ungleichheit (AMS algorithm strengthens inequality)”, Ö1 (Austrian public radio)
 (AT), 2020,
 Szigetvari, A., “AMS-Algorithmus: Forscher warnen vor Diskriminierung und bemängeln fehlende Transparenz (AMS
 algorithm: Researchers warn about discrimination and critique missing transparency)”, Der Standard (Austrian
 newspaper) (AT), 2020,
 Wimmer, B., “AMS-Algorithmus: ”Seit Corona ist Datenbasis wertlos“ (AMS algorithm: The database is worthless
 since Corona)”, Futurezone (Austrian tech newspaper) (AT), 2020,
 Wimmer, B., “Der AMS-Algorithmus ist ein Paradebeispiel für Diskriminierung (The AMS algorithm is a prime
 example for discrimination)”, Futurezone (Austrian tech newspaper) (AT), 2018,

Mentions in Policy Documents
 European Parliament, Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services, Dumbrava, C., “Key social media
 risks to democracy : risks from surveillance, personalisation, disinformation, moderation and microtargeting”,
 European Parliament (EU), 2022,
 Negrón, W., “Little tech is coming for workers: A Framework for Reclaiming and Building Worker Power”,
 CoWorker.ORG (US), 2021,
 “Q&A: How the EU’s Flawed Artificial Intelligence Regulation Endangers the Social Safety Net”, Human Rights
 Watch (US), 2021,
 Binder, N. B., Spielkamp, M., et al., “Einsatz Künstlicher Intelligenz in der Verwaltung: rechtliche und ethische
 Fragen (Using AI in administration: regulatory and ethical questions)”, Algorithm Watch and the University of Basel
 for Chancellery - Kanton Zürich (CH), 2021,
 “Transparente Algorithmen - Wie lässt sich algorithmische Diskriminierung verhindern? (Transparent algorithms:
 How to stop algorithmic discrimination)”, Technology monitoring report of the Austrian parliament (AT), 2021,
 Kolleck, A., Orwat, C., “Mögliche Diskriminierung durch algorithmische Entscheidungssysteme und maschinelles
 Lernen - ein Überblick (Potential discrimination through algorithmic decision making systems and machine learning -
 an overview)”, Office of Technology Assessment at the German federal parliament (DE), 2020,
 Schafer, et al., “AI4People’s 7 AI Global Frameworks: Legal Services Industry”, AI4People (EU), 2020,

Service and Extracurricular Activities
 Conference on Human Factors in Computing (CHI)
 Conference on Computer-supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)
 Computer Supported Cooperative Work Journal (JCSCW)

Memberships and Professional Affiliations
 ACM Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI)
 Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S)
 Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR)
 Surveillance Studies Network (SSN)
 European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST)
 Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE)

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Academic Service Activities
 Moderator on Panel on Education at Surveillance & Society conference of the SSN                          June 2022
 Student Volunteer at International Conference on Agile Software Development                              June 2013

University Service Activities
 Elected member at Doctoral Executive Committee, University of Michigan                                      2022/23
 PhD Peer Mentor at University of Michigan                                                                   2019/20
 Co-organizer at Seminar on Gender and Technology, TU Wien                                                      2013
 Elected member at Student Council of Faculty of Informatics, TU Wien                          July 2013 - June 2015
 Elected member at Various Committees of Faculty of Informatics, TU Wien                            July 2011 - 2017
 Faculty council, curricula board, faculty road map 2016-18, and appointment committees for professors

Mentoring and Supervision
 Matthew Bilik - Research Assistant, University of Michigan                                                       2022

Public Speaking
 Network Analysis on the Austrian Media Corpus at Vienna Long Night of Science (AT)                       April   2018
 Algorithmic Fairness at Privacy Week 2017 (AT)                                                        October    2017
 The politics of Algorithms at The Big Data Game, Steyr (AT)                                          November    2016
 Governing Algorithms made in Austria at Privacy Week 2016 (AT)                                        October    2016

Additional Service Activities
 Organizer at Model European Union Vienna 2018                                                                    2018
 Co-organized simulation of EU parliament and council with about 116 international participants.
 Member at Standing Committee at European Forum Alpbach Network                                                   2017
 Curation of program for more than 700 international scholarship holders at European Forum Alpbach.
 Co-organizer at Vienna Code Poetry Slam                                                           2015, 2016, 2017
 Literature meets programming: http://
 Co-organizer at Devfest Vienna                                                                           2013, 2014
 DevFests are large-scale developer community events: http://
 Organizer/Speaker of/at “HTL, what’s next?”                                                               May 2013
 Talk series by alumni of HTL Wiener Neustadt about careers after graduation.

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