Empowering Our Future for Pathologists and Patients
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2021 FALL MEMBER NEWSLETTER Empowering Our Future for Pathologists and Patients FROM THE PRESIDENT The past year and a half has taught us We’ll be looking back at all we’ve a lot about ourselves and our medical accomplished during a special event at specialty. We’ve hit some roadblocks CAP21 on September 27 in Chicago, and along the way and had to adjust our I urge you to join us and help celebrate. If expectations, but I know that we continue you’re not able to make it, don’t fret, we’ll to learn and have a clearer sense of be sharing more news concerning the purpose and drive to deliver the best 10th anniversary including a remarkable Carey Z. August, MD, FCAP care possible to our patients. short film you won’t want to miss. For all of us at the CAP Foundation, it’s While reflection is important, the not only a time to reflect on the pandemic CAP Foundation is also looking bright. And by looking over this year’s and what tomorrow may bring, but to also ahead to secure another 10 years of CAP Foundation award and grant look at our organization and what we’ve groundbreaking programs. To accomplish recipients, I know the future of the accomplished with the help of dedicated this mission, we’ve undertaken the specialty is already shining. supporters, volunteers, and pathologists. Empowering Our Future fundraising campaign, which has already raised The specialty of tomorrow rests in the This year, we celebrate 10 years of the over $1.7 million of our initial $2 million hands of committed medical students CAP Foundation’s See, Test & Treat® minimum goal. and early-career pathologists. Be program. Ten years of pathologist-led free sure to check out all the honorees cervical and breast cancer screening. Ten With these funds, the CAP Foundation in this newsletter and congratulate years and hundreds of pathologist and can continue to focus on its core them when you have a chance! Who clinician volunteers. Ten years and 107 mission elements to ensure that knows, you could meet them in your See, Test & Treat events. Ten years and quality diagnostic testing is available to laboratory down the road. nearly 7,000 women who received free everyone, and to create a pipeline of well- community health care. trained pathologist leaders for the future. My sincere congratulations to all the recipients of this year’s CAP It took a lot to get here, as we all know: Please visit foundation.cap.org/2021- Foundation awards and my thanks from the first See, Test & Treat event 20 campaign to watch a quick video from to the supporters of the Empowering years ago led by the late Gene Herbek, our leaders, learn more about our future Our Future campaign. Stay well; MD, FCAP, to the CAP Foundation taking vision and goals, spread the word, and I hope to see all of you soon. the helm in 2011, to providing essential support our mission. With your help, preventative care during the worst health I know we can surpass our goal! Sincerely, crisis in a century with eight See, Test & Judging by the success of our campaign, Carey Z. August, MD, FCAP Treat events in 2020 and up to 14 in 2021. the future of the CAP Foundation is President, CAP Foundation 1
2021 Global Pathology Education Award Winners In an effort to improve global health by increasing the exchange of information and the science of pathology, the CAP Foundation developed the Global Pathology Education Award to support attendance at CAP21 for international pathologists practicing in medically under-resourced areas around the globe. Ruth Abera Alemayehu, Sahar Ali Mohamed Mesfin Asefa Tola, MD Teresa Cherop Lotodo, Juan Pablo de Leon Fajardo, MD Rozza, MD St Paul’s Hospital MBCHB MD St. Peter’s Specialized Al Galaa Teaching Millennium Medical Moi University, Moi Roosevelt Hospital Hospital Hospital College Teaching and Referral Guatemala Ethiopia Egypt Ethiopia Hospital and AMPATH Kenya Helen Mary Robert, Caroline Ngimba, MD Truong Nguyen Phan Nisha Sharma, MD Manisha Shrestha, MD MBBS Muhimbili National Xuan, MD Maharajgunj Medical Patan Academy of Health College of Physicians & Hospital Cho Ray Hospital Campus, Institute of Sciences Surgeons Pakistan Tanzania Viet Nam Medicine, Tribhuwan Nepal Pakistan University Teaching Hospital Nepal Empowering Our Future The Empowering Our Future campaign is the most significant fundraising effort in the Foundation’s history and will position the CAP Foundation to better support people’s health and guide the pathology profession into the future. To achieve this vision, the campaign focuses on: • Pursuing opportunities within three areas of focus – Humanitarian Programs, Leadership Development, and Global Outreach • Highlighting the important role of pathologists in health care • Enabling the CAP Foundation to support people’s health and guide the pathology profession into the future Learn more and show your support: foundation.cap.org/2021-campaign Bharati S. Jhaveri, MD, FCAP, chair of the Empowering Our Future campaign, explains objectives and impact in a special video, which can be found on the campaign web page. 2
Global Pathology Award Expands Impact in 2021, Winner Shares His Experience free of charge to do his part in helping up-to-date education, professional those without immediate access to resources, and more from the care as hospitals filled and health specialty’s foremost experts. Dr. care resources ran low—a practice he Alam said he especially appreciates continues now. the many CME opportunities, When he’s not volunteering to frequent webinars, and the latest advise patients on COVID-19, he still news and cases from his CAP TODAY maintains his duties as a pathologist subscription. and professor, helping to pass on his knowledge of diagnostic and laboratory medicine to the next “Thanks to the generation of doctors in Nepal. Foundation’s donors, Doctors who, he hopes, will help prevent the next pandemic or health and especially Gerald care crisis. R. Hanson, MD, FCAP, Fahad Alam, MD, IFCAP, winner of the 2020 As one of three winners of the CAP who founded the Global Global Pathology Education Award. Foundation’s Global Pathology Education Award in 2020, Dr. Alam Pathology Fund, we’re As the US experienced a time of short- said he has a new cache of resources able to expand our lived reprieve from the pandemic from which to draw for his teaching in the spring of 2021, patients and and practice. Last year’s inaugural reach and support to doctors in many countries faced award provided free attendance to pathologists all over devastating waves of COVID-19 cases. CAP20 Virtual and the opportunity to Fahad Alam, MD, IFCAP, stepped apply for a complimentary one-year the world.” outside of his role as a lecturer in the CAP International Fellow membership, pathology department at the National which Dr. Alam opted to do. Medical College in Nepal to conduct “The knowledge that I gained from Gail Vance, MD, FCAP, chair of the telemedicine consultations for CAP20 made me a better pathologist,” Global Pathology Committee, weighed patients in quarantine or isolation. Dr. Alam said. “I use that knowledge in. “Thanks to the Foundation’s “This wave of COVID-19 resulted and implement it in day-to-day donors, and especially Gerald R. in tremendous loss of lives and reporting and academic activities.” Hanson, MD, FCAP, who founded the destroyed many families,” Dr. Alam Being an International Fellow provides Global Pathology Fund, we’re able said. He began offering his services year-round access to the most to expand our reach and support to 3
pathologists all over the world,” Foundation recruited the help of “In 2020, we were able to quickly Dr. Vance said. various organizations like Pathologists create a new program and provide She continued, “We’re just beginning Overseas and Partners In Health, three awards,” Dr. Vance said. “ But our efforts outside the US, but as well as the CAP’s international to be able to so quickly spread the providing these resources to marketing representatives and word and provide these one-of-a- pathologists everywhere helps pathology influencers with kind educational opportunities to patients everywhere. That’s something a global reach. 10 pathologists in eight different to get excited about.” While the CAP Foundation can countries is another big win for currently bestow 10 Global pathology and the Foundation.” Dr. Vance and the CAP Foundation aren’t the only ones excited. The Global Pathology awards, the enthusiasm For a full list of the Global Pathology Pathology Education Award continues from applicants, other physician Education Award winners, please see for 2021 and received nearly 30 organizations, and past awardees is page 2 of this newsletter. applications representing pathologists a sure sign the award is making an from 11 countries. impact and fuels hopes to expand the award in the future, according To promote the new award to to Dr. Vance. its intended audience, the CAP 2021 Foundation Award Winners The CAP Foundation is proud to acknowledge the contributions of an outstanding group of award recipients for their work in advancing pathology and promoting our shared values. Gene and Jean Herbek Maria Cristina Magallanes Hoyos, MD Huihua Li, MD, PhD Humanitarian Award Oregon Health and Science University University of Wisconsin Hospital Laura P. Jimenez-Quintero, MD, FCAP Portland, OR and Clinics Precise Pathology Associates, PLLC Andrii Puzyrenko, MD, PhD Madison, WI The Woodlands, TX Medical College of Wisconsin Matthew Luo, MD See, Test & Treat Outstanding Milwaukee, WI University of Utah Department Partner Award Aayushma Regmi, MBBS of Pathology Judy Huie-Kennedy Loyola University Medical Center Salt Lake City, UT Montefiore Medical Center Maywood, IL Translational Diagnostics Advanced Bronx, NY Training Grant Jayalakshmi Venkateswaran, MD Leadership Development Award Danbury Hospital Rebecca Rojansky, MD Evi Abada, MD Danbury, CT Stanford University Hospital Wayne State University/Detroit Stanford, CA Medical Center Informatics Award Kelly Olson, MD Detroit, MI Alaaeddin Alrohaibani, MD University of Wisconsin Hospitals Oregon Health and Science University Adesola Akinyemi, MD, MPH and Clinics Portland, OR University of Chicago/NorthShore Madison, WI University HealthSystem Lin He, MD, PhD Evanston, IL University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Kanika Arora, MD Dallas, TX Henry Ford Health System Detroit, MI Ashley Hein, MD University of Nebraska Medical Center Amanda Herrmann, MD, PhD Omaha, NE McGovern Medical School at the For more information and photos University of Texas Clarissa Jordan, MD of all 2021 awardees, visit: Houston, TX Mayo Clinic https://foundation.cap.org/our- Rochester, MN impact/2021-award-winners/ 4
2021 Foundation Award Winners Medical Student Travel Award The Medical Student Travel Award is intended to encourage and support medical students showing a strong interest in the specialty of pathology as a career choice by providing funding to attend the CAP annual meeting where awardees will gain valuable insight and critical knowledge from experts regarding the field of pathology and its career pathways. Andrew Biesemier Anna Bouck Christopher Dilli Shivam Kaushik Margarita Loxas University of Mississippi Geisel School of Saint Louis University Rowan University Creighton University Medical Center Medicine at Dartmouth St. Louis, MO School of School of Medicine Jackson, MS Hanover, NH Osteopathic Medicine Omaha, NE Stratford, NJ Joseph Maniaci Lauren Miller Damien Roland Cooper Schwartz Brandon Taylor University of Virginia Medical College of University of Mississippi Alpert Medical Baylor College of Medicine School of Medicine Wisconsin Medical Center School at Brown Houston, TX Charlottesville, VA Milwaukee, WI Jackson, MS University Providence, RI Rippey Grant The CAP Foundation repositioned the John H. Rippey Grant for Expedited Research to help investigate and support laboratory issues related to COVID-19. Harsimar Kaur, MBBS Di Tian, MD, PhD, FCAP Johns Hopkins Tulane University University School School of Medicine of Medicine New Orleans, LA Baltimore, MD Three Ways to Help the CAP Foundation Help Pathologists • Serve as a grant reviewer • Mentor a pathology resident • Apply for a CAP Foundation grant or award Learn more at foundation.cap.org or contact Julia Rankenburg, at jranken@cap.org or 1-847-832-7931. 5
NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Gurnee, IL PERMIT NO. 208 325 Waukegan Road Northfield, IL 60093-2750 In This Issue Spread the Word Follow the Foundation, keep track of our updated See, Test & Treat program schedule, and help share • Empowering Our Future for Pathologists our stories with the hashtag #CAPFoundation or and Patients #SeeTestTreat. • 2021 Global Pathology Education Award Winners facebook.com/capfndn •G lobal Pathology Award Expands Impact twitter.com/capfndn in 2021,Winner Shares His Experience foundation.cap.org • 2021 Foundation Award Winners Donations: foundation.cap.org/ways-to-donate © 2021 College of American Pathologists Foundation. All rights reserved. 29559.0921
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